On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Added ability to base the price off a market value instead of user bazaars.
Fixed missing "Update" buttons on "Manage items" page when scrolling
Newly loaded items on infinite scroll will now also show "Fill" button.
Showing preview of values when changing them.
Price delta is now customisable.Added 2 menu options to set price delta & api key.
Now should work on "Manage items" page too.
Added conditional "Clear" button.After "Fill" button is clicked, it swaps to "Clear" button which clears the quantity & price. When clicked, swaps back to "Fill" button.
Made Fill button to be higher priority for click than TornTools prices block.
Fix to work with Firefox's Tampermonkey URL matching rules.
Added warning bubbles if your price is too low (<50%) or low (<75%).
Minor fixes & flow improvements.
Script will ask for a key if the user cancelled last time.
Now "fill" buttons persist even through switching all menus.
Fixed quantity not updating.