// ==UserScript==
// @name BiliBili动态隐藏
// @author Yiero
// @description 根据Up主名称,在动态页进行筛选,隐藏屏蔽的Up主动态。
// @version 1.2.1
// @namespace https://github.com/AliubYiero/TamperMonkeyScripts
// @match https://t.bilibili.com/*
// @icon https://t.bilibili.com/favicon.ico
// @resource layuiCss https://cdn.staticfile.org/layui/2.8.11/css/layui.min.css
// @license GPL
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @run-at document-start
// @updateUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliubYiero/TamperMonkeyScripts/master/dist/HideDynamic.js
// @downloadUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliubYiero/TamperMonkeyScripts/master/dist/HideDynamic.js
// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle( GM_getResourceText( 'layuiCss' ) )
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defNormalProp = ( obj, key, value ) => key in obj ? __defProp( obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
} ) : obj[key] = value;
var __publicField = ( obj, key, value ) => {
__defNormalProp( obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value );
return value;
function getElement( parent, selector, timeout = 0 ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
let result = parent.querySelector( selector );
if ( result ) {
return resolve( result );
let timer;
const mutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
if ( mutationObserver ) {
const observer = new mutationObserver( ( mutations ) => {
for ( let mutation of mutations ) {
for ( let addedNode of mutation.addedNodes ) {
if ( addedNode instanceof Element ) {
result = addedNode.matches( selector ) ? addedNode : addedNode.querySelector( selector );
if ( result ) {
timer && clearTimeout( timer );
return resolve( result );
} );
observer.observe( parent, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
} );
if ( timeout > 0 ) {
timer = setTimeout( () => {
return resolve( null );
}, timeout );
else {
const listener = ( e ) => {
if ( e.target instanceof Element ) {
result = e.target.matches( selector ) ? e.target : e.target.querySelector( selector );
if ( result ) {
parent.removeEventListener( "DOMNodeInserted", listener, true );
timer && clearTimeout( timer );
return resolve( result );
parent.addEventListener( "DOMNodeInserted", listener, true );
if ( timeout > 0 ) {
timer = setTimeout( () => {
parent.removeEventListener( "DOMNodeInserted", listener, true );
return resolve( null );
}, timeout );
} );
const registerMenu = ( title, callback ) => {
GM_registerMenuCommand( title, function () {
} );
const createElement = ( elementConfig ) => {
const { tagName, className, id, innerHTML, innerText } = elementConfig;
const element = document.createElement( tagName );
if ( className && typeof className === "string" ) {
element.classList.add( className );
else if ( className && Array.isArray( className ) ) {
element.classList.add( ...className );
if ( id ) {
element.id = id;
if ( innerHTML ) {
element.innerHTML = innerHTML;
if ( innerText ) {
element.innerText = innerText;
for ( let elementConfigKey in elementConfig ) {
if ( [ "tagName", "className", "id", "innerHTML", "innerText" ].indexOf( elementConfigKey ) !== -1 ) {
element.setAttribute( elementConfigKey, elementConfig[elementConfigKey] );
return element;
const addElementToDocument = ( element, cssString, fatherElement = document.body ) => {
fatherElement.append( element );
GM_addStyle( cssString );
const addStyle = ( cssString ) => {
GM_addStyle( cssString );
class Info {
constructor( projectName ) {
// @ts-ignore
__publicField( this, "projectName" );
__publicField( this, "header" );
this.projectName = projectName;
this.header = `[${ projectName }]`;
log( ...msg ) {
/* @__PURE__ */
( () => {
} )( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
info( ...msg ) {
console.info( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
warn( ...msg ) {
console.warn( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
error( ...msg ) {
console.error( ...this.contentInfo( ...msg ) );
contentInfo( ...msg ) {
return [ this.header, ...msg ];
function importLayui() {
let script = document.createElement( "script" );
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "https://cdn.staticfile.org/layui/2.8.11/layui.min.js";
document.head.appendChild( script );
class Sleep {
/** 延时睡眠等待 */
static time( delay = 1 ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
setTimeout( resolve, delay * 1e3 );
} );
/** 页面加载等待 */
static windowLoad( delay = 0 ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve ) => {
window.addEventListener( "load", () => {
setTimeout( resolve, delay * 1e3 );
} );
} );
class Data {
/** @param {array} newData */
constructor( newData ) {
/** @type {Map<string, {id: string, isBandLive: boolean, isBandDynamic: boolean, isBandVideo: boolean}>} */
__publicField( this, "data" );
__publicField( this, "originData" );
if ( newData ) {
this.setToLocalStorage( this.arrayToMap( newData ) );
/** 防止多余数据提交到data中,进行重新赋值 */
limitValue( obj ) {
const { id, isBandLive, isBandDynamic, isBandVideo } = obj;
return {
isBandLive: isBandLive || false,
isBandDynamic: isBandDynamic || false,
isBandVideo: isBandVideo || false
/** 添加一个对象 */
set( newObj ) {
if ( this.data.has( newObj.id ) ) {
const limitData = this.limitValue( newObj );
this.data.set( newObj.id, limitData );
return limitData;
/** 更新其中一个对象 */
update( newObj ) {
const limitData = this.limitValue( newObj );
this.data.set( newObj.id, limitData );
/** 删除其中一个对象 */
delete( newObjOrId ) {
if ( typeof newObjOrId === "string" ) {
this.data.delete( newObjOrId );
else {
this.data.delete( newObjOrId.id );
/** 改变其中一个对象的键(删除原对象,建立新对象) */
change( newObj, oldObjOrId ) {
this.delete( oldObjOrId );
this.set( this.limitValue( newObj ) );
/** 从localStorage中获取data */
getFromLocalStorage() {
this.originData = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( "bandList" ) || "[]" );
this.data = this.arrayToMap( this.originData );
/** 将data设置到localStorage中 */
setToLocalStorage( value = this.data ) {
localStorage.setItem( "bandList", JSON.stringify( this.mapToArray( value ) ) );
* 数组转Map
* @param {{id: string, [propName: string]: any}[]} array
* @return {Map}
* */
arrayToMap( array ) {
const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
array.forEach( ( value ) => {
map.set( value.id, value );
} );
return map;
* Map转数组
* @param {Map} map
* @return {any[]}
* */
mapToArray( map ) {
const array = [];
for ( let value of map.values() ) {
array.push( value );
return array;
class UiEvent {
constructor( data ) {
__publicField( this, "data" );
__publicField( this, "treeTable" );
__publicField( this, "domList" );
this.data = data;
this.treeTable = layui.treeTable;
this.domList = {
main: void 0
/** 添加数据 */
add() {
layer.prompt( { title: "输入要屏蔽Up主名" }, ( res, index ) => {
layer.close( index );
if ( !res.trim() ) {
const newData = this.data.set( { id: res } );
this.treeTable.addNodes( "table-bili-band-config", {
index: 0,
data: newData
} );
this.treeTable.reloadData( "table-bili-band-config" );
} );
* 删除当前行数据
* @param {Object} e layui数据对象
* */
delete( e ) {
this.data.delete( e.data );
this.treeTable.reloadData( "table-bili-band-config" );
/** 更新当前行的数据
* @param {Object} originData
* @param {'dynamic' | 'video' | 'live'} type
* @param {number} index
* */
update( originData, type, index ) {
let newData = { ...originData };
switch ( type ) {
case "dynamic":
newData.isBandDynamic = !originData.isBandDynamic;
case "video":
newData.isBandVideo = !originData.isBandVideo;
case "live":
newData.isBandLive = !originData.isBandLive;
this.treeTable.updateNode( "table-bili-band-config", index, newData );
this.data.update( newData );
/** 改变Up主名称(因为需要改变键值,所以不能直接更新) */
change( e ) {
this.data.change( e.data, e.oldValue );
this.treeTable.reloadData( "table-bili-band-config" );
/** 展示UI界面 */
show() {
if ( !this.domList.main ) {
const mainContainer = this.domList.main;
if ( mainContainer.style.display === "none" ) {
mainContainer.style.display = "block";
mainContainer.classList.remove( "layui-anim-fadeout", "hide" );
mainContainer.classList.add( "layui-anim-fadein" );
/** 隐藏UI界面 */
hide() {
if ( !this.domList.main ) {
const mainContainer = this.domList.main;
mainContainer.classList.remove( "layui-anim-fadein" );
mainContainer.classList.add( "layui-anim-fadeout", "hide" );
getMainDom() {
this.domList.main = document.querySelector( ".bili-band-config-container" );
class ConfigUI {
constructor() {
// @ts-ignore
__publicField( this, "data" );
// @ts-ignore
__publicField( this, "uiEvent" );
() => {
this.data = new Data();
this.uiEvent = new UiEvent( this.data );
this.show = () => {
this.hide = () => {
/** 创建UI界面框架 */
createContainer() {
const container = createElement( {
tagName: "main",
className: [ "bili-band-config-container", "layui-anim" ],
style: "display:none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%);background: #ffffff; z-index: 10003;width: 710px",
innerHTML: `<table class="layui-anim-fadeout" id="ID-table-bili-band-config" lay-filter="show"></table>`
} );
addElementToDocument( container, ``, document.body );
* 创建UI内容,创建UI事件
* */
createElementEvent() {
layui.use( "table", () => {
const { treeTable, form } = layui;
treeTable.render( {
elem: "#ID-table-bili-band-config",
id: "table-bili-band-config",
cols: [ [
field: "index",
title: "编号",
type: "numbers",
width: 60
field: "id",
title: "UP主",
width: 200,
sort: true,
align: "center",
edit: true
field: "dynamic",
title: "动态卡片",
width: 110,
sort: true,
align: "center",
templet: ( d ) => `<input type="checkbox" lay-skin="switch" lay-filter="toggleDynamicStatus" ${ d.isBandDynamic ? "checked" : "" }/>`
field: "video",
title: "视频卡片",
width: 110,
sort: true,
align: "center",
templet: ( d ) => `<input type="checkbox" lay-skin="switch" lay-filter="toggleVideoStatus" ${ d.isBandVideo ? "checked" : "" }/>`
field: "live",
title: "直播卡片",
width: 110,
sort: true,
align: "center",
templet: ( d ) => `<input type="checkbox" lay-skin="switch" lay-filter="toggleLiveStatus" ${ d.isBandLive ? "checked" : "" }/>`
field: "delete",
title: "操作",
width: 110,
sort: false,
align: "center",
fixed: "right",
templet: () => `<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-danger layui-btn-radius" lay-event="delete">Delete</button>`
] ],
data: this.data.originData,
size: "lg",
skin: "line",
page: {
layout: [ "prev", "page", "next", "count", "skip" ]
pagebar: `
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm" lay-event="add">
<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-warm" lay-event="close">
width: 710,
defaultToolbar: ""
} );
treeTable.on( "tool(show)", ( e ) => {
this.uiEvent.delete( e );
} );
treeTable.on( "edit(show)", ( e ) => {
this.uiEvent.change( e );
} );
class Checkbox {
constructor( input ) {
__publicField( this, "input" );
__publicField( this, "domList" );
this.input = input;
this.domList = {
input: this.input,
tr: this.getTrDom()
getTrDom() {
var _a, _b, _c;
return ( _c = ( _b = ( _a = this.input ) == null ? void 0 : _a.parentElement ) == null ? void 0 : _b.parentElement ) == null ? void 0 : _c.parentElement;
getTableDataIndex() {
return parseInt( this.domList.tr.dataset.index );
getTableData( index ) {
index || ( index = this.getTableDataIndex() );
return treeTable.getNodeDataByIndex( "table-bili-band-config", index );
form.on( "switch(toggleDynamicStatus)", ( e ) => {
const input = new Checkbox( e.elem );
const index = input.getTableDataIndex();
const data = input.getTableData( index );
this.uiEvent.update( data, "dynamic", index );
} );
form.on( "switch(toggleVideoStatus)", ( e ) => {
const input = new Checkbox( e.elem );
const index = input.getTableDataIndex();
const data = input.getTableData( index );
this.uiEvent.update( data, "video", index );
} );
form.on( "switch(toggleLiveStatus)", ( e ) => {
const input = new Checkbox( e.elem );
const index = input.getTableDataIndex();
const data = input.getTableData( index );
this.uiEvent.update( data, "live", index );
} );
treeTable.on( "pagebar(show)", ( e ) => {
const { event } = e;
if ( [ "add", "close" ].indexOf( event ) === -1 ) {
if ( event === "add" ) {
if ( event === "close" ) {
} );
} );
// 向外暴露出show事件
// 初始化声明show函数,具体内容会在构造函数定义
show() {
// 向外暴露出hide事件
// 初始化声明hide函数,具体内容会在构造函数定义
hide() {
( async () => {
const print = new Info( "BiliBiliHideDynamic" );
addStyle( `.hide {display: none !important}` );
print.info( "引入UI" );
const configUI = new ConfigUI();
await Sleep.windowLoad();
/* @__PURE__ */
( () => {
} )( configUI.data );
class Observer {
constructor() {
async observe( observerSelectorList, callback ) {
await getElement( document.body, observerSelectorList.waitLoadElementSelector );
const observer2 = new MutationObserver( ( e ) => {
e.forEach( ( record ) => {
var _a;
const item = record.addedNodes[0];
if ( !item || !( ( _a = item == null ? void 0 : item.classList ) == null ? void 0 : _a.contains( observerSelectorList.filterToken || "" ) ) ) {
callback( item );
} );
} );
/* @__PURE__ */
( () => {
} )( observerSelectorList.observeElementSelector );
observer2.observe( document.querySelector( observerSelectorList.observeElementSelector ), {
childList: true
} );
class BandEvent {
constructor( bandList ) {
__publicField( this, "bandList" );
__publicField( this, "bandTypeList", [ "dynamic", "video" ] );
this.bandList = bandList;
/** 判断当前动态的Up主是否在屏蔽列表中,如果是则隐藏 */
band( item, upNameSelector, bandType ) {
var _a;
const upName = ( _a = item.querySelector( upNameSelector ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a.innerText.trim();
let bandTypeKey;
bandTypeKey = {
dynamic: "isBandDynamic",
video: "isBandVideo",
live: "isBandLive"
if ( this.bandList.has( upName ) && this.bandList.get( upName )[bandTypeKey[bandType]] ) {
item.classList.add( "hide" );
else {
item.classList.remove( "hide" );
* 获取当前所处的动态卡片编号,并根据动态卡片编号,返回不同的BandType
* */
judgeBandType( tabsItemListSelector ) {
let tabsItemIndex = 0;
const tabsItemList = document.querySelectorAll( tabsItemListSelector );
for ( let i = 0; i < tabsItemList.length; i++ ) {
const tabsItem = tabsItemList[i];
if ( tabsItem.classList.contains( "active" ) ) {
tabsItemIndex = i;
return this.bandTypeList[tabsItemIndex];
/** 刷新页面数据 */
fresh( observerSelectorList, bandType ) {
const { aimElementSelector, upNameSelector } = observerSelectorList;
const upNameNodeList = document.querySelectorAll( aimElementSelector );
upNameNodeList.forEach( ( aimElement ) => {
this.band( aimElement, upNameSelector, bandType );
} );
// 刷新动态卡片 / 视频卡片数据
freshDynamic( dynamicSelectorList ) {
const bandType = this.judgeBandType( dynamicSelectorList.tabsItemListSelector );
bandEvent.fresh( dynamicSelectorList, bandType );
// 刷新直播数据
freshLive( liveSelectorList ) {
bandEvent.fresh( liveSelectorList, "live" );
let domSelector = {
dynamic: {
waitLoadElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-list",
observeElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-list__items",
upNameSelector: ".bili-dyn-title__text",
tabsItemListSelector: ".bili-dyn-list-tabs__item",
filterToken: "bili-dyn-list__item",
aimElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-list__item"
// Bilibili-Evolved直播侧边栏
live: {
waitLoadElementSelector: ".be-live-list-content",
observeElementSelector: ".be-live-list-content",
upNameSelector: ".be-live-list-item-user",
filterToken: "be-live-list-item",
aimElementSelector: ".be-live-list-item"
// 旧版直播侧边栏
oldLive: {
waitLoadElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__body",
observeElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__body",
upNameSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__item__uname",
filterToken: "bili-dyn-live-users__item",
aimElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__item"
// 新版直播侧边栏
newLive: {
waitLoadElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__body",
observeElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__body",
upNameSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__item__uname",
filterToken: "bili-dyn-live-users__container",
aimElementSelector: ".bili-dyn-live-users__container"
( function judgeBiliUiVersion() {
if ( document.querySelector( "#bili-header-container" ) && document.querySelector( ".bili-header.fixed-header" ) ) {
domSelector.live = domSelector.newLive;
else if ( document.querySelector( "#bili-header-container" ) ) {
else {
domSelector.live = domSelector.oldLive;
} )();
const observer = new Observer();
const bandEvent = new BandEvent( configUI.data.data );
await observer.observe( domSelector.dynamic, ( item ) => {
const bandType = bandEvent.judgeBandType( domSelector.dynamic.tabsItemListSelector );
bandEvent.band( item, domSelector.dynamic.upNameSelector, bandType );
} );
bandEvent.freshDynamic( domSelector.dynamic );
await observer.observe( domSelector.live, ( item ) => {
bandEvent.band( item, domSelector.live.upNameSelector, "live" );
} );
bandEvent.freshLive( domSelector.live );
registerMenu( "添加屏蔽", () => {
} );
( () => {
document.querySelector( "[lay-event=close]" ).addEventListener( "click", () => {
bandEvent.freshDynamic( domSelector.dynamic );
bandEvent.freshLive( domSelector.live );
} );
} )();
} )();