Eza's Pixiv Fixiv

Loads all manga pages at once in a simplified vertical layout

目前为 2019-09-26 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Eza's Pixiv Fixiv
// @namespace   https://inkbunny.net/ezalias
// @description Loads all manga pages at once in a simplified vertical layout
// @license     MIT
// @license     Public domain / No rights reserved
// @include     *://www.pixiv.net/*/artworks/*
// @exclude    *&dnr*
// @version     2.9
// ==/UserScript==

// On manga pages, load all images without having to manually scroll to each one. 
// Pixiv is terribly designed. Maybe it's a cultural Japanese thing, where they expect single-page click-and-wait browsing like it's still 1998. The site is just openly hostile to users' time and enjoyment. 
// Eza's Image Glutton is no longer required for manga submissions, but it similarly redirects to single images on Pixiv and many other art sites. 

// Should Pixiv Fixiv load real thumbnails? Pixiv provides them. It's not like Tumblr Scrape where you want to save the small images; they only exist to provide an overview. 
	// Using full-size images indicates when they're done loading. 
// Finally wrapped my head around CSS classes being hierarchical in <style>, i.e. <div class=foo><img class=bar></div> goes ".foo img .bar{}" - but can't figure out "force fit."
	// Aha! width: 100vw; object-fit: contain; max-height: 100vh; basically gets it. Whitespace on sides of image is still treated as part of the image. 
	// Whitespace bug needs to be worked around because it's inconsistent with other scaling modes' behavior. Whitespace isn't generally clickable. 
	// Bless you, Shih-Min Lee on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3029422/image-auto-resize-to-fit-div-container - nobody else understands "best fit." 
// Also, file extension misses need to either keep rotating or stop producing onError events. A slow connection or a dodgy browser produces a page of .gifs that never load. 
// Ahhh, feels good to get that squared away. Now if only I could clean up the onError code, or guaranteeably have the correct file extension for max-res images. 
// "Fit if wider" would be nice for comics, and "Fit if taller" is probably useful to someone. This is distinct from "Fit width," which should really bit "Fill width." 
// Width is slightly off? E.g. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=74276621 - horizontal scrollbar, no margins. 
	// Changing 99vw to 98vw fixed it, but I'm interested in the underlying problem. Is it a lingering stylesheet from only replacing innerHTML? 
// Might want to use URL shenanigans to force different image sizes. It's not especially reliable as-is. You can't stop loading gigantic images and also load small images. 
// Against better judgement, I'm considering implementing Nijie support here. 
// Ooh, can I replace thumbnails with full-size images with an on-finished trigger? I.e., image finishes loading, fires off JS to replace thumbnail img href. 
// Once loaded, replace thumbnails with full images. Low cost, saved hassle. I miss saving from the thumbnails. 
// Fix the bg color back to light grey. 

// Pixiv just changed their layout from four thumbnails wide to six, with no overflow. Fuckin' widescreen-centric bullshit design. 
// Even pixiv fixiv'd pages scroll right now. Cut that shit out! 
// Zooming out (ctrl-minus) seems to fix it, so it's presumably a pixel value. Probably 1280px? (I use a 1680x1050 monitor in tallscreen.) 
// I don't just want to no-overflow because large images in non-fit zoom modes should require horizontal scrolling. 
// Why does it keep scrolling to the top now? That can't just be a browser thing. I don't update often enough. It's not a zoom thing, since it also happens at 100%. 
// This is distinct from the goofy way it used to act, when you clicked on images before loading finished. It's instant, it's always all the way to the top, even when fully loaded. 
// Is it the &manga thing? Try triggering the script unconditionally, so the basic ?mode=medium URL gets fixiv'd. 

// Goddammit Pixiv changed their URL structure... again... and both &dnr and &manga 404. 
// It's acceptable to lose the ability to go back. Test that the replacement layout still works. Yep. So we're just looking for another free URL structure. 
// https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76944621
// Does /jp/ work? (Might be /np/ or something.) If there are multiple valid addresses then I can #anchor without having to force a reload. Can't get it working.
// Adding /manga 404s. Adding a trailing slash gets chomped, but might allow a redirect? E.g. /#manga. 
	// Got it. 
	// Oh, of course it screws with anchor-based scrolling. Sometimes? Whatever, push this update. 

// https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2017/03/08/06/42/48/61802872_p0_master1200.jpg - problems in pixiv.context.images
// https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2017/03/08/06/42/48/61802872_p0.png - failed
// https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2017/03/08/06/42/48/61802872_p0.png - worked
// Might've just been load issues 
// Maybe display the default size (straight from pixiv.context.images) and link the huge version? Fuck, but then there's no way to test original file extension. 

// Maybe display default size, but have a button to switch to / load the big ones? Same on_error code. Still beats base Pixiv. 
	// Cons: breaks existing functionality (automatic highest resolution). 
// Having implemented real thumbnails, maybe add a text button to change them to resized large images. That's convenient for saving. 

// Accounted for pximg CDN, fixing a softlock.
// Changed onerror function to drive thumbnails from main images. 
// Added HTTPS. 
// Changed 100vw to 99vw, for the sake of an image toolbar driven by onMouseover instead of onHover. 
// Added the ability to swap maximum-resolution files for the default "1200" size.
// Changed thumbnails to use actual 128x128 thumbnail files. 
// Adapted to Pixiv's spring 2019 redesign. 
// Changed 99vw to 98vw because the redesign was somehow slightly wider. CSS is witchcraft. 
// Recreated original behavior by adding &manga to URL. Redirect happens here instead of in Image Glutton because the new URL is pointless without this script. 
// Adjusted &dnr exclusion for Tampermonkey. 
// Changed URL flags to account for new Pixiv URL structure. Again. 
// Adjusted flags so direct links to page anchors work - e.g. when re-opening a closed tab. 

var thumbnail_html = ""; 		// Clickable thumbnails that scroll down to each image
var options_html = "Scale images: "; 		// Fit-to-window buttons for oversized images  
var images_html = "<div id='gallery_div' class='fit_if_larger'><center>"; 		// Bare high-res images, absent any delayed loading, with links below each one
var style_html = "<style> "; 		// Style block for controlling image scale via the div's class names 

	// Extract page count from metadata.
pixiv_illust = globalInitData.preload.illust[ Object.keys( globalInitData.preload.illust )[0] ]; 		// Pixiv's own code parses this complex object for necessary metadata. 
page_count = parseInt( pixiv_illust.pageCount ); 
if( page_count == 1 ) { return; } 		// "return" used as the equivalent of Perl's "die". Script execution ends. Single-page submissions are not manga. 

if( window.location.href.indexOf( '&dnr' ) >= 0 ) { return; } 		// Tampermonkey has inconsistent @exclude behavior. 

	// Recreate separate URL behavior, so "back" button returns to default page. 
if( window.location.href.indexOf( '#manga' ) < 0 ) { 
	var redirect_url = window.location.href + "/#manga"; 		// Has to go before adding &dnr to current history state. Change to "/#manga0" to skip thumbnails. 
	history.replaceState( {foo:'bar'}, 'Do-not-redirect version', window.location.href + "#&dnr" );	// Modify URL without redirecting. {foo:'bar'} is a meaningless state object.  
	window.location.href = redirect_url; 
	return; 		// Just in case. 

//original_image = pixiv_illust.urls.original;		// https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2019/04/18/21/51/53/74262786_p0.jpg
//regular_image = pixiv_illust.urls.regular;			// https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2019/04/18/21/51/53/74262786_p0_master1200.jpg
//small_image = pixiv_illust.urls.small; 			// https://i.pximg.net/c/540x540_70/img-master/img/2019/04/18/21/51/53/74262786_p0_master1200.jpg
//thumb_image = pixiv_illust.urls.thumb; 			// https://i.pximg.net/c/250x250_80_a2/img-master/img/2019/04/18/21/51/53/74262786_p0_square1200.jpg
//mini_image = pixiv_illust.urls.mini; 				// https://i.pximg.net/c/48x48/img-master/img/2019/04/18/21/51/53/74262786_p0_square1200.jpg

	// Build a simplified version of the manga page, using high-res images. Clicking an image jumps to the next one. (Keyboard controls not implemented.) 
for( var page_number = 0; page_number < page_count; page_number++ ) { 
	var base_size = pixiv_illust.urls.regular.replace( '_p0', '_p' + page_number ); 		// https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2019/04/19/05/07/10/74268722_p0_master1200.jpg 

	var thumb_size = base_size.replace( 'c/1200x1200/', '' ); 		// Avoiding conditionals: remove c/1200 stuff if present, then proceed like it isn't. 
	thumb_size = thumb_size.replace( 'img-master', 'c/128x128/img-master' );   

	var max_size = base_size.replace( 'c/1200x1200/', '' ); 		// Avoiding conditionals: attempt replacement, and if nothing changes, that's fine. 
	max_size = max_size.replace( 'img-master', 'img-original' ); 
	max_size = max_size.replace( '_master1200', '' ); 
	max_size = max_size.replace( '.png', '.jpg' ); 		// Change PNG to JPG - so we only have to do JPG->PNG in our onError function. 
	max_size = max_size.replace( '.gif', '.jpg' ); 			// Same deal, change GIF to JPG. onError cycles from JPG -> PNG -> GIF. 

	var default_size = max_size; 		// Default display size - only here so large / small options still work when large is not the default. 

		// onError function rotates incorrect file extensions, since the right one can't be sussed out beforehand.
		// Each image's onError additionally changes the associated thumbnail and link.
	var image_onerror = 'this.src=this.src.replace(".png",".gif"); this.src=this.src.replace(".jpg",".png");'
	image_onerror += 'getElementById("' + page_number + 'link").href=this.src;'

	// Uncomment this line to use default resolution by default, instead of maximum resolution:
//	default_size = base_size; 		// At present, this breaks some "image links." 

	// Uncomment these lines to get the old thumbnail behavior (high resolution, small height): 
//	thumb_size = max_size; 		
//	image_onerror += 'getElementById("' + page_number + 'thumb").src=this.src;'

		// Display thumbnails for an overview of this manga's contents (and easy links to each page) 
	thumbnail_html += "<a href='#manga" + page_number + "'>";		// link thumbnail to the relevant page anchor 
	thumbnail_html += "<img alt='X' class='display' id='" + page_number + "thumb' src='" + thumb_size + "' height='100' width='auto'></a> ";

		// Display pages centered, each linked to the next, kind of like Pixiv does
	images_html += "<a id='manga" + page_number + "'>"; 		// Anchor, to be linked to by top thumbnails and the previous page 
	images_html += "<a href='#manga" + (1.0+page_number) + "'>"; 		// Link this image to the next image's anchor
	images_html += "<img alt='X' class='display large' data-src1='" + max_size + "' data-src2='" + base_size + "' src='" + default_size + "' onerror='" + image_onerror + "'>";  
	images_html += "</a></br><a id='" + page_number + "link' href='" + max_size + "'>Image link</a><br><br>"; 		// Link to the image, to easily open any page in tabs 


images_html += "<br><br><br><a id = 'manga" + page_count + "'></a></div></center>";		// One last anchor, so the last image goes to the end of the page  

	// Create controls for image size, since full-size images can be extremely large.
options_html += "<button class='auto' onclick=\"document.getElementById('gallery_div').className='fit_if_larger'\">Fit if larger</button> ";
options_html += "<button class='auto' onclick=\"document.getElementById('gallery_div').className='force_fit'\">Force fit</button> ";
options_html += "<button class='auto' onclick=\"document.getElementById('gallery_div').className='fit_height'\">Fit height</button> ";
options_html += "<button class='auto' onclick=\"document.getElementById('gallery_div').className='fit_width'\">Fit width</button> ";
options_html += "<button class='auto' onclick=\"document.getElementById('gallery_div').className=''\">Original sizes</button> ";
	// New feature: swap between base resolution and highest possible resolution... also since full-size images can be extremely large.
	// Each button gets an onclick function, because inline <script> didn't behave well. For each class=large image, src=src1 or src=src2. 
options_html += "Choose files: "; 
options_html += "<a onclick=\"Array.from( document.getElementsByClassName( 'large' ) ).forEach( img => { img.src = img.getAttribute('data-src1'); } )\">Large</a>, "; 
options_html += "<a onclick=\"Array.from( document.getElementsByClassName( 'large' ) ).forEach( img => { img.src = img.getAttribute('data-src2'); } )\">Small</a> ";

	// Define CSS to scale images in various ways.
style_html += "<style> "; 		// I accidentally open <style> twice in the style_html string... but the script fails without both. What the fuck. 
style_html += "img{ height:auto; width:auto; } "; 
style_html += "img.thumbnail { height: 100px; width: auto; } "; 
style_html += ".fit_if_larger img.display { max-height: 100vh; max-width: 98vw; } "; 
style_html += ".force_fit img.display { width: 98vw; object-fit: contain; max-height: 100vh; } ";
style_html += ".fit_height img.display { height: 100vh; } "; 
style_html += ".fit_width img.display { width: 98vw; } "; 
style_html += "</style>"; 

	// Replace HTML body with our custom HTML. 
document.body.innerHTML = thumbnail_html + "<br>" + options_html + "<br><br>" + images_html + style_html; 		// Thumbnails, then options, then centered images
