Eza's Pixiv Fixiv

Loads all manga pages at once in a simplified vertical layout

目前为 2015-05-04 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Eza's Pixiv Fixiv
// @namespace   https://inkbunny.net/ezalias
// @description Loads all manga pages at once in a simplified vertical layout
// @license     Public domain / No rights reserved
// @include     http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=*
// @version     1.7
// ==/UserScript==

// On manga pages, load all images without having to manually scroll to each one. 
// Pixiv is terribly designed. Maybe it's a cultural Japanese thing, where they still expect single-page click-and-wait browsing like it's still 1998. The site is just openly hostile to users' time and enjoyment. 
// To wit, I recommend Eza's Image Glutton, which directs from the "medium" landing pages to either the full-size single image or the manga page. Tedium is for robots. 

// Ideally we'd trigger whatever mechanism tells the page to load each image. 
//		Three problems with that: I'm an HTML/JS amateur, the coders didn't speak much English, and - crucially - we'd still be loading medium-size images.
// So instead we're going to scrape the page for URLs, build our own no-bullshit HTML, and replace the entire Body of the page.
// Pixiv's super-paranoid anti-hotlinking mechanisms will not trigger because it only sees one of its own pages requesting these images. We don't have to worry about 403s.

// mmmaybe replace the custom click-to-advance page with a thumbnail page that instead links to the full-size images? less scrolling through meh, less looking at full-size squick, but more clicking and ctrl+w'ing. 

// can I just 'touch' all the pages and force them to load within pixiv's own source? I mean, I'm essentially recreating their page now. 
// I could also just regex document.body.innerHTML for big images. I think the 'small' mode scales them instead of loading some smaller file. 
// <script>pixiv.context.images[1] = 'http://i2.pixiv.net/img108/img/ukaban/29548141_p1.jpg';pixiv.context.thumbnailImages[1] = 'http://i2.pixiv.net/img108/img/ukaban/mobile/29548141_128x128_p1.jpg';</script></div><div class="item-container"><script>pixiv.context.pages[1] = [2];</script><a href="/member_illust.php?mode=manga_big&amp;illust_id=29548141&amp;page=1" target="_blank" class="full-size-container ui-tooltip" data-tooltip="オリジナルサイズを表示"><i class="_icon sprites-full-size"></i></a><img src="http://source.pixiv.net/www/images/common/transparent.gif" class="image ui-scroll-view" data-filter="manga-image" data-src="http://i2.pixiv.net/img108/img/ukaban/29548141_p1.jpg" data-index="1">

// Should Pixiv Fixiv load real thumbnails? Pixiv provides them. It's not like Tumblr Scrape where you want to save the small images; they only exist to provide an overview. 
// Using full-size images indicates when they're done loading. 

// Pixiv is now screwing with Image Toolbar. The toolbar appears with big icons and text labels (doubled text labels, in fact), and middle-clicking doesn't work. I hate this website. 

// Why is this script running on e.g. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47549579 ? The single @include here obviously doesn't match. Is the "?" a wildcard? 

// Once the img-original thing works, add an option (using GM API) to switch between 1200-size and original-size images. 
	// Arg. @grant fucked me. '@grant none' says 'gm_getsetting not found.' '@grant gm_getsetting' says 'pixiv (the array) not found.' fuck your scope bullshit, greasemonkey. be unsafe and useful. 

// onError should only have to suss out image extensions once per image. Break it out into a function (onError="myFunction()") and have it change the big-image src's as well as the image-link href's. 

// Some test URLs: 
// Full-size GIF images: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=28640373
// Size issues: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=47191879
// Unremarkable: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=40231530

var html_dump = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;		// read full page HTML as string - admittedly overkill, but it's kilobytes, so who really cares? (Could be a reference if it matters.) 

var thumbnail_html = "";
var options_html = ""; 
var new_html = "";

	// Build a simplified version of the manga page, using high-res images. Clicking an image jumps to the next one. (Keyboard controls not implemented.) 
for( var page_number = 0; page_number < pixiv.context.images.length; page_number++ ) { 
	var page_url = pixiv.context.images[ page_number ]; 		// Pixiv now helpfully provides a <script>-generated array of URLs. 
	page_url = page_url.replace( 'c/1200x1200/img-master', 'img-original' ); 		// Change 1200-sized URL into original-sized URL
	page_url = page_url.replace( '_master1200', '' ); 
	page_url = page_url.replace( '.png', '.jpg' ); 		// Change PNG to JPG - so we only have to do JPG->PNG in our onError function. 
	page_url = page_url.replace( '.gif', '.jpg' ); 			// Same deal, change GIF to JPG. onError cycles from JPG -> PNG -> GIF. 

		// onError function rotates incorrect file extensions, since the right one can't be sussed out beforehand.
	var image_onerror = 'this.src=this.src.replace(\".png\",\".gif\"); this.src=this.src.replace(\".jpg\",\".png\");'

		// Display thumbnails for an overview of this manga's contents (and easy links to each page) 
	thumbnail_html = thumbnail_html + "<a href='#" + page_number + "'>";		// link thumbnail to the relevant page anchor 
	thumbnail_html = thumbnail_html + "<img src='" + page_url + "' height='100' width='auto' onerror='" + image_onerror + "'></a> ";

		// Display pages centered, each linked to the next, kind of like Pixiv does
	new_html = new_html + "<a id='" + page_number + "'>"; 		// Anchor, to be linked to by top thumbnails and the previous page 
	new_html = new_html + "<a href='#" + (1.0+page_number) + "'>"; 		// Link this image to the next image's anchor
		// This onError additionally changes the associated text link to match the image:
	new_html = new_html + "<img class='display' src='" + page_url + "' onerror='" + image_onerror + " getElementById(\""+page_number+"link\").href=this.src;'></a></br>";  
	new_html = new_html + "<a id='" + page_number + "link' href='" + page_url + "'>Image link</a><br><br>"; 		// Link to the image, so it's easy to open a particular page in tabs

	// Create controls for image size, since full-size images can be extremely large. 
var scale_html = "Scale images: "; 		// Fit-to-window options for full-size images. 

var onclick_height = 'var display_images = document.getElementsByClassName("display");'; 		// Grab all class=display images, change style to 100% view-height. 
onclick_height = onclick_height + 'for(x=display_images.length-1;x>=0;x--) { display_images[x].style.height="100vh"; display_images[x].style.width="auto"; }';
scale_html = scale_html + "<button onclick='" + onclick_height + "'>Fit height</button> ";

var onclick_width = 'var display_images = document.getElementsByClassName("display");';
onclick_width = onclick_width + 'for(x=display_images.length-1;x>=0;x--) { display_images[x].style.width="100vw"; display_images[x].style.height="auto"; }';
scale_html = scale_html + "<button onclick='" + onclick_width + "'>Fit width</button> ";

var onclick_original = 'var display_images = document.getElementsByClassName("display");';
onclick_original = onclick_original + 'for(x=display_images.length-1;x>=0;x--) { display_images[x].style.height="auto"; display_images[x].style.width="auto"; }';
scale_html = scale_html + "<button onclick='" + onclick_original + "'>Original sizes</button> ";

	// Replace page with our custom HTML. 
new_html = new_html + "<br><br><br><a id = '" + pixiv.context.images.length + "'></a>";		// add one last anchor tag, so clicking the last image brings you to the end of the page 
thumbnail_html = thumbnail_html + "<br>" + scale_html; 
new_html = thumbnail_html + "<center><br>"+options_html+"<br>" + new_html;		// thumbnails first, then main images
document.body.innerHTML = new_html;		// replace the HTML body with new_html, which should now contain a long list of <img>s that load in a sensible manner