Injects into an embedded Vimeo player and adds an external interface for adding custom buttons. It does this by adding a message listener listening for messages of this style:
method: "addPlayerButton",
name: "example-class",
callBack: "exampleMethod",
width: "2.4em",
icon: "<svg></svg>"],
beforeWhat: ".selector-of-controlbar > element"
Which will then return this message when the button gets pressed
method: "exampleMethod"
It is useful for adding a theater style button on sites so you can manually enlarge the player from a button within.
I personally use it for so I can have a fullscreen style experience without actually hiding the system clock. I have a suspicion that the match should change to be more general, but I'm not going to change what has worked well for me without someone actually encountering an issue with it.
I also know it's not very secure as it'll just set the innerHTML as whatever you give it, but security is not my forte and this is made for personal use.