// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Super Fast Chat
// @version 0.5.9
// @license MIT
// @name:ja YouTube スーパーファーストチャット
// @name:zh-TW YouTube 超快聊天
// @name:zh-CN YouTube 超快聊天
// @namespace UserScript
// @match https://www.youtube.com/live_chat*
// @author CY Fung
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/465819-api-for-customelements-in-youtube/code/API%20for%20CustomElements%20in%20YouTube.js?version=1215280
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @unwrap
// @allFrames true
// @inject-into page
// @description To make your YouTube Live Chat scroll instantly without smoothing transform CSS
// @description:ja YouTubeライブチャットをスムーズな変形CSSなしで瞬時にスクロールさせるために。
// @description:zh-TW 讓您的 YouTube 直播聊天即時滾動,不經過平滑轉換 CSS。
// @description:zh-CN 让您的 YouTube 直播聊天即时滚动,不经过平滑转换 CSS。
// ==/UserScript==
((__CONTEXT__) => {
// const ACTIVE_DEFERRED_APPEND = false; // somehow buggy
// const ACTIVE_CONTAIN_SIZE = true;
const addCss = () => document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `
@supports (contain:layout paint style) and (content-visibility:auto) and (contain-intrinsic-size:auto var(--wsr94)) {
[wSr93="hidden"]:nth-last-child(n+4) {
--wsr93-content-visibility: auto;
contain-intrinsic-size: auto var(--wsr94);
@supports (contain:layout paint style) {
[wSr93] {
--wsr93-contain: layout style;
contain: var(--wsr93-contain, unset) !important;
box-sizing: border-box !important;
content-visibility: var(--wsr93-content-visibility, visible);
[wSr93*="i"] {
--wsr93-contain: size layout style;
height: var(--wsr94);
/* optional */
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
height: auto !important;
min-height: unset !important;
#items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
transform: translateY(0px) !important;
/* optional */
yt-icon[icon="down_arrow"] > *, yt-icon-button#show-more > * {
pointer-events: none !important;
.ytp-suggestion-image[class] {
will-change: unset !important;
yt-img-shadow[height][width] {
content-visibility: visible !important;
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer > #items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
position: static !important;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip, yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer, yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer #image, yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer #image img {
contain: layout style;
yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip,
yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer,
yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer #image,
yt-live-chat-author-chip #chat-badges.yt-live-chat-author-chip yt-live-chat-author-badge-renderer #image img {
contain: layout style;
display: inline-flex;
vertical-align: middle;
#items yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer {
contain: layout style;
yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer:not([allow-scroll]) #item-scroller.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
overflow-y: scroll;
padding-right: 0;
body yt-live-chat-app {
contain: size layout paint style;
overflow: hidden;
#items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: layout paint style;
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: style;
#item-scroller.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: size style;
#contents.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, #chat.style-scope.yt-live-chat-renderer, img.style-scope.yt-img-shadow[width][height] {
contain: size layout paint style;
.style-scope.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer[role="button"][aria-label], .style-scope.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer[role="button"][aria-label] > #container {
contain: layout paint style;
yt-live-chat-text-message-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, yt-live-chat-membership-item-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, yt-live-chat-paid-message-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer, yt-live-chat-banner-manager.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
contain: layout style;
tp-yt-paper-tooltip[style*="inset"][role="tooltip"] {
contain: layout paint style;
#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
position: relative !important;
height: auto !important;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
padding-top: var(--items-top-padding);
#continuations, #continuations * {
contain: strict;
position: fixed;
top: 2px;
height: 1px;
width: 2px;
height: 1px;
visibility: collapse;
yt-live-chat-renderer[has-action-panel-renderer] #show-more.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer{
top: 4px;
transition-property: top;
bottom: unset;
yt-live-chat-renderer[has-action-panel-renderer] #show-more.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer[disabled]{
top: -42px;
const { Promise, requestAnimationFrame, IntersectionObserver } = __CONTEXT__;
const isContainSupport = CSS.supports('contain', 'layout paint style');
if (!isContainSupport) {
YouTube Light Chat Scroll: Your browser does not support 'contain'.
Chrome >= 52; Edge >= 79; Safari >= 15.4, Firefox >= 69; Opera >= 39
// const APPLY_delayAppendChild = false;
// let activeDeferredAppendChild = false; // deprecated
// let delayedAppendParentWS = new WeakSet();
// let delayedAppendOperations = [];
// let commonAppendParentStackSet = new Set();
// let firstVisibleItemDetected = false; // deprecated
const sp7 = Symbol();
let dt0 = Date.now() - 2000;
const dateNow = () => Date.now() - dt0;
// let lastScroll = 0;
// let lastLShow = 0;
let lastWheel = 0;
const proxyHelperFn = (dummy) => ({
get(target, prop) {
return (prop in dummy) ? dummy[prop] : prop === sp7 ? target : target[prop];
set(target, prop, value) {
if (!(prop in dummy)) {
target[prop] = value;
return true;
has(target, prop) {
return (prop in target)
deleteProperty(target, prop) {
return true;
ownKeys(target) {
return Object.keys(target);
defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) {
return Object.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
const tickerContainerSetAttribute = function (attrName, attrValue) { // ensure '14.30000001%'.toFixed(1)
let yd = (this.__dataHost || (this.inst || 0).__dataHost).__data;
if (arguments.length === 2 && attrName === 'style' && yd && attrValue) {
// let v = yd.containerStyle.privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeStyleWrappedValue_;
let v = `${attrValue}`;
// conside a ticker is 101px width
// 1% = 1.01px
// 0.2% = 0.202px
const ratio1 = (yd.ratio * 100);
if (ratio1 > -1) { // avoid NaN
const ratio2 = ratio1.toFixed(1)
v = v.replace(`${ratio1}%`, `${ratio2}%`).replace(`${ratio1}%`, `${ratio2}%`)
if (yd.__style_last__ === v) return;
yd.__style_last__ = v;
// do not consider any delay here.
// it shall be inside the looping for all properties changes. all the css background ops are in the same microtask.
HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute.call(this, attrName, v);
} else {
HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
const fxOperator = (proto, propertyName) => {
let propertyDescriptorGetter = null;
try {
propertyDescriptorGetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, propertyName).get;
} catch (e) { }
return typeof propertyDescriptorGetter === 'function' ? (e) => propertyDescriptorGetter.call(e) : (e) => e[propertyName];
const nodeParent = fxOperator(Node.prototype, 'parentNode');
// const nFirstElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'firstElementChild');
const nPrevElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'previousElementSibling');
const nNextElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'nextElementSibling');
const nLastElem = fxOperator(HTMLElement.prototype, 'lastElementChild');
/* globals WeakRef:false */
/** @type {(o: Object | null) => WeakRef | null} */
const mWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' ? (o => o ? new WeakRef(o) : null) : (o => o || null); // typeof InvalidVar == 'undefined'
/** @type {(wr: Object | null) => Object | null} */
const kRef = (wr => (wr && wr.deref) ? wr.deref() : wr);
const watchUserCSS = () => {
// if (!CSS.supports('contain-intrinsic-size', 'auto var(--wsr94)')) return;
const getElemFromWR = (nr) => {
const n = kRef(nr);
if (n && n.isConnected) return n;
return null;
const clearContentVisibilitySizing = () => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
let btnShowMoreWR = mWeakRef(document.querySelector('#show-more[disabled]'));
let lastVisibleItemWR = null;
for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll('[wSr93]')) {
if (elm.getAttribute('wSr93') === 'visible') lastVisibleItemWR = mWeakRef(elm);
elm.setAttribute('wSr93', '');
// custom CSS property --wsr94 not working when attribute wSr93 removed
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const btnShowMore = getElemFromWR(btnShowMoreWR); btnShowMoreWR = null;
if (btnShowMore) btnShowMore.click();
else {
// would not work if switch it frequently
const lastVisibleItem = getElemFromWR(lastVisibleItemWR); lastVisibleItemWR = null;
if (lastVisibleItem) {
.then(() => lastVisibleItem.scrollIntoView())
.then(() => lastVisibleItem.scrollIntoView(false))
.then(() => lastVisibleItem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "instant", block: "end", inline: "nearest" }))
.catch(e => { }) // break the chain when method not callable
const mutObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if ((mutation.addedNodes || 0).length >= 1) {
for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (addedNode.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
if ((mutation.removedNodes || 0).length >= 1) {
for (const removedNode of mutation.removedNodes) {
if (removedNode.nodeName === 'STYLE') {
mutObserver.observe(document.documentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
mutObserver.observe(document.head, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
mutObserver.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
const setupStyle = (m1, m2) => {
const dummy1v = {
transform: '',
height: '',
minHeight: '',
paddingBottom: '',
paddingTop: ''
for (const k of ['toString', 'getPropertyPriority', 'getPropertyValue', 'item', 'removeProperty', 'setProperty']) {
dummy1v[k] = ((k) => (function () { const style = this[sp7]; return style[k](...arguments); }))(k)
const dummy1p = proxyHelperFn(dummy1v);
const sp1v = new Proxy(m1.style, dummy1p);
const sp2v = new Proxy(m2.style, dummy1p);
Object.defineProperty(m1, 'style', { get() { return sp1v }, set() { }, enumerable: true, configurable: true });
Object.defineProperty(m2, 'style', { get() { return sp2v }, set() { }, enumerable: true, configurable: true });
class WillChangeController {
constructor(itemScroller, willChangeValue) {
this.element = itemScroller;
this.counter = 0;
this.active = false;
this.willChangeValue = willChangeValue;
beforeOper() {
if (!this.active) {
this.active = true;
this.element.style.willChange = this.willChangeValue;
afterOper() {
const c = this.counter;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (c === this.counter) {
this.active = false;
this.element.style.willChange = '';
release() {
const element = this.element;
this.element = null;
this.counter = 1e16;
this.active = false;
try {
element.style.willChange = '';
} catch (e) { }
customYtElements.onRegistryReady(() => {
let scrollWillChangeController = null;
let contensWillChangeController = null;
// as it links to event handling, it has to be injected using immediateCallback
customYtElements.whenRegistered('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer', (cProto) => {
const mclp = cProto;
console.assert(typeof mclp.scrollToBottom_ === 'function')
console.assert(typeof mclp.scrollToBottom66_ !== 'function')
console.assert(typeof mclp.flushActiveItems_ === 'function')
console.assert(typeof mclp.flushActiveItems66_ !== 'function')
mclp.__intermediate_delay__ = null;
mclp.scrollToBottom66_ = mclp.scrollToBottom_;
mclp.scrollToBottom_ = function () {
const cnt = this;
const itemScroller = cnt.itemScroller;
if (scrollWillChangeController && scrollWillChangeController.element !== itemScroller) {
scrollWillChangeController = null;
if (!scrollWillChangeController) scrollWillChangeController = new WillChangeController(itemScroller, 'scroll-position');
const wcController = scrollWillChangeController;
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = new Promise(resolve => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
}).then(() => {
mclp.flushActiveItems66_ = mclp.flushActiveItems_;
mclp.flushActiveItems_ = function () {
const cnt = this;
if (arguments.length !== 0) return cnt.flushActiveItems66_.apply(this, arguments);
if (cnt.activeItems_.length === 0) {
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = null;
const items = (cnt.$ || 0).items;
if (contensWillChangeController && contensWillChangeController.element !== items) {
contensWillChangeController = null;
if (!contensWillChangeController) contensWillChangeController = new WillChangeController(items, 'contents');
const wcController = contensWillChangeController;
// ignore previous __intermediate_delay__ and create a new one
cnt.__intermediate_delay__ = new Promise(resolve => {
if (cnt.activeItems_.length === 0) {
} else {
if (cnt.canScrollToBottom_()) {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
}).then(() => {
cnt.async(() => {
} else {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
mclp.async66 = mclp.async;
mclp.async = function () {
// ensure the previous operation is done
// .async is usually after the time consuming functions like flushActiveItems_ and scrollToBottom_
(this.__intermediate_delay__ || Promise.resolve()).then(() => {
this.async66.apply(this, arguments);
const getProto = (element) => {
let proto = null;
if (element) {
if (element.inst) proto = element.inst.constructor.prototype;
else proto = element.constructor.prototype;
return proto || null;
let done = 0;
let main = async (q) => {
if (done) return;
if (!q) return;
let m1 = nodeParent(q);
let m2 = q;
if (!(m1 && m1.id === 'item-offset' && m2 && m2.id === 'items')) return;
done = 1;
setupStyle(m1, m2);
let lcRendererWR = null;
const lcRendererElm = () => {
let lcRenderer = kRef(lcRendererWR);
if (!lcRenderer || !lcRenderer.isConnected) {
lcRenderer = document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer.yt-live-chat-renderer');
lcRendererWR = lcRenderer ? mWeakRef(lcRenderer) : null;
return lcRenderer
let hasFirstShowMore = false;
const visObserverFn = (entry) => {
const target = entry.target;
if (!target) return;
let isVisible = entry.isIntersecting === true && entry.intersectionRatio > 0.5;
const h = entry.boundingClientRect.height;
if (h < 16) { // wrong: 8 (padding/margin); standard: 32; test: 16 or 20
// e.g. under fullscreen. the element created but not rendered.
target.setAttribute('wSr93', '');
if (isVisible) {
target.style.setProperty('--wsr94', h + 'px');
target.setAttribute('wSr93', 'visible');
if (nNextElem(target) === null) {
// firstVisibleItemDetected = true;
if (dateNow() - lastScroll < 80) {
lastLShow = 0;
lastScroll = 0;
} else {
lastLShow = dateNow();
// lastLShow = dateNow();
} else if (!hasFirstShowMore) { // should more than one item being visible
// implement inside visObserver to ensure there is sufficient delay
hasFirstShowMore = true;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// foreground page
// activeDeferredAppendChild = true;
// page visibly ready -> load the latest comments at initial loading
const lcRenderer = lcRendererElm();
if (lcRenderer) {
(lcRenderer.inst || lcRenderer).scrollToBottom_();
else if (target.getAttribute('wSr93') === 'visible') { // ignore target.getAttribute('wSr93') === '' to avoid wrong sizing
target.style.setProperty('--wsr94', h + 'px');
target.setAttribute('wSr93', 'hidden');
} // note: might consider 0 < entry.intersectionRatio < 0.5 and target.getAttribute('wSr93') === '' <new last item>
const visObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
}, {
root: items,
rootMargin: "0px",
threshold: 1.0,
// root: HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(m2, '#item-scroller.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer'), // nullable
rootMargin: "0px",
threshold: [0.05, 0.95],
const mutFn = (items) => {
for (let node = nLastElem(items); node !== null; node = nPrevElem(node)) {
if (node.hasAttribute('wSr93')) break;
node.setAttribute('wSr93', '');
const mutObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
const items = (mutations[0] || 0).target;
if (!items) return;
const setupMutObserver = (m2) => {
if (m2) {
mutObserver.observe(m2, {
childList: true,
subtree: false
const mclp = getProto(document.querySelector('yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer'));
if (mclp && mclp.attached) {
mclp.attached66 = mclp.attached;
mclp.attached = function () {
let m2 = document.querySelector('#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer > #items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer');
let m1 = nodeParent(m2);
setupStyle(m1, m2);
return this.attached66();
mclp.detached66 = mclp.detached;
mclp.detached = function () {
return this.detached66();
mclp.canScrollToBottom_ = function () {
return this.atBottom && this.allowScroll && !(dateNow() - lastWheel < 80)
mclp.isSmoothScrollEnabled_ = function () {
return false;
} else {
console.warn(`proto.attached for yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer is unavailable.`)
let scrollCount = 0;
document.addEventListener('scroll', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
// lastScroll = dateNow();
if (++scrollCount > 1e9) scrollCount = 9;
}, { passive: true, capture: true }) // support contain => support passive
// document.addEventListener('scroll', (evt) => {
// if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
// if (!firstVisibleItemDetected) return;
// const isUserAction = dateNow() - lastWheel < 80; // continuous wheel -> continuous scroll -> continuous wheel -> continuous scroll
// if (!isUserAction) return;
// // lastScroll = dateNow();
// }, { passive: true, capture: true }) // support contain => support passive
let lastScrollCount = -1;
document.addEventListener('wheel', (evt) => {
if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted) return;
if (lastScrollCount === scrollCount) return;
lastScrollCount = scrollCount;
lastWheel = dateNow();
}, { passive: true, capture: true }) // support contain => support passive
const fp = (renderer) => {
const cnt = renderer.inst || renderer;
const container = (cnt.$ || 0).container;
if (container) {
container.setAttribute = tickerContainerSetAttribute;
const tags = ["yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-message-item-renderer", "yt-live-chat-ticker-paid-sticker-item-renderer",
"yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer", "yt-live-chat-ticker-sponsor-item-renderer"];
for (const tag of tags) {
const dummy = document.createElement(tag);
const cProto = getProto(dummy);
if (!cProto || !cProto.attached) {
console.warn(`proto.attached for ${tag} is unavailable.`)
const __updateTimeout__ = cProto.updateTimeout;
const canDoUpdateTimeoutReplacement = (() => {
if (dummy.countdownMs < 1 && dummy.lastCountdownTimeMs < 1 && dummy.countdownMs < 1 && dummy.countdownDurationMs < 1) {
return typeof dummy.setContainerWidth === 'function' && typeof dummy.slideDown === 'function';
return false;
})(dummy.inst || dummy) && ((__updateTimeout__ + "").indexOf("window.requestAnimationFrame(this.updateTimeout.bind(this))") > 0);
if (canDoUpdateTimeoutReplacement) {
const killTicker = (cnt) => {
if ("auto" === cnt.hostElement.style.width) cnt.setContainerWidth();
cProto.__ratio__ = null;
cProto._updateTimeout21_ = function (a) {
let pRatio = this.countdownMs / this.countdownDurationMs;
this.countdownMs -= (a - (this.lastCountdownTimeMs || 0));
let noMoreCountDown = this.countdownMs < 1e-6;
let qRatio = this.countdownMs / this.countdownDurationMs;
this.countdownMs = 0;
this.ratio = 0;
} else if( pRatio - qRatio < 0.001 && qRatio < pRatio){
this.ratio = qRatio;
this.countdownMs -= (a - (this.lastCountdownTimeMs || 0));
let currentRatio = this.__ratio__;
let tdv = this.countdownMs / this.countdownDurationMs;
let nextRatio = Math.round(tdv * 500) / 500; // might generate 0.143000000001
const validCountDown = nextRatio > 0;
const isAttached = this.isAttached;
if (!validCountDown) {
this.lastCountdownTimeMs = null;
this.countdownMs = 0;
this.__ratio__ = null;
this.ratio = 0;
if (isAttached) Promise.resolve(this).then(killTicker);
} else if (!isAttached) {
this.lastCountdownTimeMs = null;
} else {
this.lastCountdownTimeMs = a;
const ratioDiff = currentRatio - nextRatio; // 0.144 - 0.142 = 0.002
if (ratioDiff < 0.001 && ratioDiff > -1e-6) {
// ratioDiff = 0
} else {
// ratioDiff = 0.002 / 0.004 ....
// OR ratioDiff < 0
this.__ratio__ = nextRatio;
this.ratio = nextRatio;
return true;
cProto.updateTimeout = async function (a) {
let ret = this._updateTimeout21_(a);
while (ret) {
let a = await new Promise(resolve => {
this.rafId = requestAnimationFrame(resolve)
}); // could be never resolve
ret = this._updateTimeout21_(a);
cProto.attached77 = cProto.attached
cProto.attached = function () {
fp(this.hostElement || this);
return this.attached77();
for (const elm of document.getElementsByTagName(tag)) {
function onReady() {
let tmObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
let p = document.getElementById('items'); // fast
if (!p) return;
let q = document.querySelector('#item-offset.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer > #items.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer'); // check
if (q) {
tmObserver = null;
Promise.resolve(q).then((q) => {
// confirm Promis.resolve() is resolveable
// execute main without direct blocking
tmObserver.observe(document.body || document.documentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onReady, false);
})({ Promise, requestAnimationFrame, IntersectionObserver });