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"wizardly winklepickers": "feet_waxwell_wizard", "science machine": "emoji_sciencemachine", "hoarfrost trousers": "legs_wilson_ice", "pigman": "emoji_pig", "lightbulb": "emoji_lightbulb", "wurt guest of honor chest": "pack_wurt_formal", "aristocrat wickerbottom": "loading_wickerbottom_victorian", "torn wolfman trousers": "legs_wolfgang_wolfman", "sulphur pimpernel's blouse": "body_wes_magma", "woodie team player chest": "pack_woodie_hockey", "fissure's gloves": "hand_waxwell_magma", "brawler's leggings": "legs_woodie_gladiator", "cawnival shrub hat": "灌木丛帽", "tiger boomerang": "回旋镖", "adventuring trousers": "legs_walter_nature", "the end is nigh: gilded edition": "末日将至!", "battlemaster's sandals": "feet_wathgrithr_gladiator", "experimental chassis": "body_wx78_retro", "the lover": "韦斯", "swamp rose frock": "body_wurt_rose", "deep sea chest": "body_wurt_cave", "wickerbottom deluxe wardrobe": "pack_wickerbottom_deluxe", "riko": "riko_none", "wanda snowfallen chest": "pack_ice_wanda", "hunter green coat": "body_woodie_masquerade", "springtime lederhosen": "body_wolfgang_nature", "coldfire dress": "body_willow_ice", "fighter's tunic": "body_willow_gladiator", "forest witch dress": "body_wickerbottom_nature", "alchemist's robe top": "body_waxwell_gladiator", "home sweet home": "蜂箱", "shredded skirt": "body_wendy_survivor", "supernatural frock": "body_wendy_creepy", "woolen jumper": "body_webber_boy", "old habit": "body_waxwell_lunar", "mutated spider torso": "body_webber_lunar", "waterlogged": "loading_waterlogged_trailer", "maxwell moonbound chest": "pack_lunar_waxwell", "sleeveless blouse": "body_tanktop_tiecollar_yellow_goldenrod", "toggle jacket": "body_jacket_toggle_navy_phthalo", "letterman jacket": "body_expo_letterman_yellow_beige"};window.skinnames={"winona magmatic chest": "薇诺娜的岩浆箱子", "gold-trimmed tricorn": "金边三角帽", "stitched coat": "手缝外套", "snowy glomglom": "洁白无瑕的小格罗姆", "dragonfly stagehand": "龙蝇舞台", "poinsettia legs": "一品红腿", "sub-zero containment unit": "零下防护装置", "evening attire": "晚礼服", "starter pack 2023": "新手包2023", "berserker's boots": "狂战士的靴子", "shadow manipulator": "暗影操控器", "ash picket fence": "灰白尖篱笆", "trap": "陷阱", "forlorn doll frock": "悲凉玩偶", "heartwarming frock": "暖心连衣裙", "cardigan": "羊毛衫", "sleepy headstone": "沉睡墓碑", "frosted": "已结霜", "macabre birdcage": "恐怖鸟笼", "the roseate": "玫瑰", "moonglass heels": "月光玻璃高跟鞋", "festive caparison": "喜庆牛衣", "moonbot chassis": "月亮机器人底盘", "fairy ring": "精灵之环", "buzzy boy head": "嗡嗡男孩头饰", "harvest bracelets": "丰收手链", "ankle boots": "脚踝短靴", "ironclad horns": "铁甲牛角", "shorts": "短裤", "fissure's armor": "裂隙盔甲", "puppy cap": "小狗帽子", "wurt deluxe chest": "沃特豪华箱子", "minotaur hooves": "牛头人牛蹄", "the magmatic": "岩浆", "incombustible's abdomen": "不会燃烧的腹部", "mossrose drapery": "苔藓玫瑰服", "splumonkey sack": "穴居猴背包", "corrupted cloak": "腐败斗篷", "fixer's gloves": "修理工手套", "strongman tunic": "强人外衣", "glommy head guise": "格罗姆的头部伪装", "spectacular stationary wayfinder": "壮观的固定寻路器", "gothic fence": "哥特栅栏", "inferno's 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"贪婪蛛网", "pinstripe pants": "条纹裤", "mary janes": "玛丽珍鞋", "ball gown": "舞会礼服", "tuxedo": "晚礼服", "plaid skirt": "格子裙", "webber roseate chest": "韦伯玫瑰箱子", "swoon emote": "着迷表情", "duelist's sandals": "决斗者的凉鞋", "shadow shirt": "暗影衬衫", "gloomy wrapping": "忧郁包装纸", "buttoned shirt": "纽扣衬衫", "wendy moonbound chest": "温蒂前往月亮箱子", "marble victory armor": "大理石胜利盔甲", "mini monument": "小小纪念碑", "woodie triumphant chest": "伍迪凯旋箱子", "prestiwitchatator": "魔法女巫帽", "stagerose wardrobe": "玫瑰装束", "flowery horns": "花朵牛角", "lune root legs": "月光根系腿", "wigfrid victorian chest": "薇格弗德维多利亚箱子", "hedgerose legs": "野玫瑰双腿", "hallowed nights belongings chest": "万圣夜财物箱子", "pot roastbat": "锅烤肉棒", "crystalline furnace": "水晶火炉", "shellbound deck illuminator": "贝壳甲板照明仪", "the forge portrait": "熔炉背景", "collared shirt": "开领衬衫", "pedigree vargling": "血统小座狼", "stowaway's slippers": "偷渡者的拖鞋", "winona swashbuckler chest": "薇诺娜江洋大盗箱子", "snowfallen survivors chest": "下雪冒险家箱子", "willow deluxe wardrobe": "薇洛豪华衣柜", "phoenix's dress": "凤凰连衣裙", "forging hammer": "锻锤", "forge portal portrait": "熔炉传送门背景", "festive shoes": "喜庆鞋子", "frondly tent": "叶片帐篷", "buckled gloves": "带扣手套", "hutch head disguise": "哈奇头部伪装", "wolfgang strongman chest": "沃尔夫冈强人箱子", "the moonbound": "前往月亮", "grass gekko costume top": "草壁虎造型上衣", "rosy posy parasol": "玫瑰阳伞", "bowler hat": "圆顶礼帽", "hungry stomach": "饥肠辘辘的胃", "buckled shoes": "系扣鞋", "connections": "联系", "sleepy emote": "昏昏欲睡表情", "wurt abyssal chest": "沃特深渊箱子", "oxford shoes": "牛津鞋", "willowfly head": "龙蝇薇洛之颅", "walnut bookstack": "胡桃木书架", "jingly tophat": "叮铃响的大礼帽", "workshop gloves": "作坊手套", "silky webilisk beard": "蛛丝蝙蝠胡须", "vampire batling": "吸血小蝙蝠", "maxwell gladiator chest": "麦斯威尔的角斗士箱子", "the oasis bound": "前往绿洲", "fissure's cloths": "裂隙衣服", "second-hand dentures": "二手假牙", "wortox chest": "沃拓克斯箱子", "wolfgang's gorge garb": "沃尔夫冈的暴食服装", "the nightmare": "梦魇", "buttoned skirt": "纽扣裙", "wickerbottom's gorge garb": "薇克巴顿的暴食服装", "alchemy engine": "炼金引擎", "romantic birdcage": "浪漫鸟笼", "star strider boots": "星行者短靴", "furnace boots": "火炉靴子", "mourning weeds": "哀悼丧服", "the magmatic automaton": "岩浆机器人", "wes roseate chest": "韦斯玫瑰箱子", "cawnival lamp": "鸦年华灯", "physician's gloves": "医生的手套", "staked heart": "木桩扎心", "the ancient explorer": "远古懒人魔杖", "grasping tendrils": "抓人卷须", "stone kiln": "石窑", "tattered togs": "破烂的衣服", "life crystal": "生命水晶", "a boy and his dog": "男孩与他的狗", "factory signpost": "工厂标识", "moth-eaten chest": "飞蛾箱子", "midsummer frest": "盛夏背心", "worn workwear": "磨损的工服", "haunted forest portrait": "阴森树林背景", "shadow feller's kit": "幽影人套装", "sanity brain": "理智大脑", "the masquerader": "假面舞会", "gingerbread gate": "姜饼门", "deerclops duffel": "独眼巨鹿背包", "ice warrior's coat": "冰原勇士战衣", "overalls": "工装裤", "polished trunk": "抛光树桩", "ugly gingerbread sweater": "丑陋的姜饼毛衣", "empty pig shrine portrait": "空猪神龛背景", "backpack": "背包", "deerclops costume": "独眼巨鹿的服饰", "candy-striped gloves": "糖果条纹的手套", "uniform pants": "制服裤", "fantasmical bat": "魔幻蝙蝠棒", "baleful lace parasol": "不祥蕾丝阳伞", "the merrymaker": "欢乐", "battered body case": "磨损的机壳", "rockland portrait": "岩石地背景", "guest of honor": "贵宾", "oil torch": "油脂火炬", "webber's gorge garb": "韦伯的暴食服装", "street peddler's tatters": "街头小贩的破烂衣服", "snowspider slacks": "雪蜘蛛宽松裤", "lovely chest": "可爱的箱子", "blacksmith's apron": "铁匠的围裙", "klaus cap portrait": "克劳斯帽背景", "batilisk costume top": "洞穴蝙蝠造型上衣", "jet black boots": "乌黑短靴", "horn": "牛角", "ashley": "艾希莉", "walter moonbound chest": "沃尔特前往月亮箱子", "paperboy cap": "报童帽", "jammie shirt": "碎花衬衫", "walnut garden gate": "胡桃花园门", "clockwork bishop costume": "发条主教服装", "toymaker's clogs": "玩具匠木屐", "wickerbottom triumphant chest": "薇克巴顿凯旋箱子", "captain's jacket": "船长夹克", "dragonfly body armor": "龙蝇护甲", "webber costume chest": "韦伯服饰箱子", "long gloves": "长手套", "the fixer": "修理工", "web-covered chest": "蛛网箱子", "clean-cut gloves": "干净利落手套", "the survivor": "冒险家", "what lies ahead": "前方之路", "shady fins": "暗影鱼鳍", "pierrot shoes": "小丑鞋", "lilycap light": "百合帽灯", "ancient ornamental wall": "远古装饰墙", "striking tuxedo": "引人注目的晚礼服", "paperboy shirt": "报童衫", "wendy": "温蒂", "pleated shirt": "百褶衬衫", "costume belongings chest": "服饰财物箱子", "mandrake costume top": "曼德拉草造型上衣", "cranberry red jacket": "蔓越莓红夹克", "tree spirit legs": "树灵双腿", "checkered trousers": "格子裤", "wilson survivor chest": "威尔逊冒险家箱子", "spooky striped suit": "恐怖条纹西装", "antique endtable": "古董茶几", "radiant star caller's staff": "光芒唤星者魔杖", "wolfgang survivor chest": "沃尔夫冈冒险家箱子", "pipe fencing": "管道篱笆", "crabpack": "螃蟹背包", "the nostalgic": "怀旧", "fire": "火", "golden belt portrait": "金腰带背景", "all survivors gladiator chest": "所有冒险家的角斗士箱子", "floppy straw hat": "松软稻草帽", "trench coat": "军用防水大衣", "shadow gown": "暗影礼服", "mutated spider legs": "变异蜘蛛腿", "deerclops eye": "独眼巨鹿眼球", "sneakers": "运动鞋", "ice floe sapphires": "浮冰蓝宝石", "wolfgang deluxe wardrobe": "沃尔夫冈豪华衣柜", "shovel": "铲子", "wormwood deluxe chest": "沃姆伍德豪华箱子", "the giant": "巨人", "rusty anchor": "生锈船锚", "naval uniform shirt": "海军制服衬衣", "silken grand suit": "华丽丝带盔甲", "grimy goblin chest": "哥布林身体", "flouncy dress": "荷叶边连衣裙", "axolotl claws": "六角恐龙手爪", "maxwell verdant chest": "麦斯威尔绿色箱子", "the mad scientist": "疯狂科学家", "twisted rose attire": "扭曲玫瑰服装", "all fun and games": "全都是欢乐和游戏", "jammie pants": "碎花裤", "wurt roseate chest": "沃特的玫瑰箱子", "wolfgang swashbuckler chest": "沃尔夫冈江洋大盗箱子", "crooked cap": "歪帽子", "wortox costume chest": "沃拓克斯服饰箱子", "worm hole": "虫洞", "mourning weeds wendy": "丧服温蒂", "wx-78 costume chest": "WX-78服饰箱子", "homespun watering can": "家纺浇水壶", "wes fool chest": "韦斯愚人箱子", "wortox deluxe chest": "沃拓克斯豪华箱子", "pantomimed regal shovel": "拟真黄金铲子", "winter soiree jacket": "冬日晚礼服外套", "shellbound portrait": "贝壳背景", "white address plaque": "白色路牌", "fancy ruffed chest": "高贵荷叶领胸部", "heirloom rosegown": "祖传玫瑰长袍", "gold nugget": "金块", "carol emote": "颂歌表情", "hand covers": "手套", "scrap metal boat": "废铁船", "wormwood deluxe wardrobe": "沃姆伍德豪华衣柜", "black winter hat": "黑色冬帽", "cavernous spidernet": "巨穴蛛网", "polished walking shoes": "抛光户外鞋", "stained glass gate": "彩色玻璃门", "formal headgear": "正式头饰", "ornate nordic shovel": "华丽北欧铲子", "catty costume": "浣猫装束", "reap what you sow": "种瓜得瓜", "wendyflower head": "食人花温蒂之颅", "phoenix's shoes": "凤凰鞋", "festive headgear": "喜庆头饰", "bundled post": "包裹柱", "the head chef": "主厨", "bandaged body": "缠满绷带的躯体", "strongman handwraps": "强人腕带", "woodie swashbuckler chest": "伍迪江洋大盗箱子", "wormwood oasis bound chest": "沃姆伍德前往绿洲箱子", "holly beard": "冬青胡须", "unprotective gloves": "无保护作用的手套", "cast iron legs": "铸铁腿部部件", "lune tree trunk": "月光树干", "moonlight diadem": "月光之冠", "farmland portrait": "农场背景", "mourning gloves": "哀悼手套", "roman dragonfly armor": "罗马龙蝇护甲", "victorian ice box": "维多利亚冰箱", "silky rebel beard": "蛛丝叛逆胡须", "ice floe heels": "浮冰高跟鞋", "the boy detective": "少年侦探", "the fixer's chest": "修理工箱子", "big top umbrella": "马戏团伞顶", "ultimate spear": "终极长矛", "icy spiral staff": "冰冷螺旋魔杖", "swing pants": "甩裤", "spiky tree portrait": "针刺树背景", "gardenrose attire": "花园玫瑰服装", "straw-stuffed overalls": "稻草连身衣", "abigail": "阿比盖尔", "beaded bandana": "珠子头巾", "ancient stone wall": "远古石墙", "willow merrymaker chest": "薇洛欢乐箱子", "mad lab gloves": "疯狂实验室手套", "bee basket": "蜜蜂篮子", "trader's leggings": "商人的紧身裤", "wolfgang": "沃尔夫冈", "crime solving overcoat": "破案大衣", "impatient emote": "不耐烦表情", "hunting tracks portrait": "狩猎之路背景", "willow": "薇洛", "forest fawn chest": "森林幼崽身体", "wickerbottom roseate chest": "薇克巴顿玫瑰箱子", "lunar scout boots": "月亮侦察兵短靴", "maxwell deluxe wardrobe": "麦斯威尔豪华衣柜", "treeguard costume top": "树精守卫造型上衣", "shadowy armor": "暗影盔甲", "wendy's gorge garb": "温蒂的暴食服装", "warm mittens": "温暖手套", "mermhouse portrait": "鱼人屋背景", "ham bat": "火腿棒", "homebody housecoat": "家居服", "forging leggings": "熔炉护腿", "daggered heart": "利刃穿心", "pig guard costume top": "猪守卫造型上衣", "midori roboto's chest": "绿色机甲箱子", "the supernatural chest": "超自然箱子", "suspension shirt": "背带衬衫", "yuletide frock": "圣诞连衣裙", "stolen heart": "被偷去的心", "pufflet": "小海鹦", "frost giant tunic": "冰霜巨人外衣", "woodie magmatic chest": "伍迪的岩浆箱子", "bananarang": "香蕉回旋镖", "woodcarved legs": "木刻双腿", "breezy lunar armor": "微风月甲", "jagged dragonfly armor": "锯齿龙蝇护甲", "essential wortox": "基础沃拓克斯", "wildrose duds": "野玫瑰服饰", "warrat head": "沃萝卜鼠头饰", "driving gloves": "驾车手套", "silk loungewear": "丝绸装", "white picket fence": "白色尖篱笆", "egg": "鸟蛋", "snowfallen wilson": "下雪的威尔逊", "golden helm": "金色头盔", "snowspider torso": "雪蜘蛛躯干", "the swashbuckler": "江洋大盗", "high heels": "高跟鞋", "poop pouch": "便便袋", "wortox masquerader chest": "沃拓克斯假面舞会箱子", "arctic explorer's coat": "极地探险家外套", "sulphur pimpernel's gloves": "硫磺繁缕的手套", "shadow armor": "暗影盔甲", "traveler's trunk": "旅客的大衣箱", "complete snowfallen survivors chest": "全套下雪冒险家箱子", "snowchild frock": "雪孩子连衣裙", "circus rose attire": "马戏玫瑰服装", "fishy bat portrait": "海鱼棒背景", "lunar trek-o-tronics": "月亮跋涉机械腿", "wurt victorian chest": "沃特维多利亚箱子", "wave": "挥手", "fanciful axe": "华丽斧头", "feathered wreath": "羽毛头环", "hallowed light": "神圣灯光", "radiant star caller's staff portrait": "光芒唤星者魔杖背景", "webber": "韦伯", "axolotl 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"冰霜手套", "lucky beast horns": "幸运兽牛角", "pantomimed garden hoe": "拟真园艺锄", "metallurgist's sandals": "冶金师的凉鞋", "berserker's belt": "狂战士的腰带", "elite pigs": "精英猪", "ultimate performer's gloves": "终极表演家的手套", "accursed silviculture": "被诅咒的造林学", "victorian tail": "维多利亚牛尾", "wendy survivor chest": "温蒂冒险家箱子", "poinsettia trunk": "一品红树干", "trophy": "奖杯", "ghost of honor": "鬼宾", "winter fire portrait": "冬季火背景", "bohemian shirt": "波西米亚衬衣", "wx-78's gorge garb": "WX-78的暴食服装", "the tinkersmith": "修补匠", "pantomimed opulent pickaxe": "拟真黄金鹤嘴锄", "wanda moonbound chest": "旺达前往月亮箱子", "merrymaker survivors chest": "欢乐冒险家箱子", "snowkit": "雪猫", "narwalrus eye bone": "一角海象眼骨", "frostbitten shoes": "寒霜鞋子", "usurper's drapery": "篡位者的长袍", "corrupted cane": "腐败手杖", "wickerbottom costume chest": "薇克巴顿服饰箱子", "toadstool costume top": "毒菌蟾蜍服", "chester backpack": "切斯特背包", "magmatic beard": "岩浆胡须", "aristocrat's fine trousers": "贵族的上等长裤", "berserker's chest paint": "狂战士的胸部彩绘", "wx-78 merrymaker chest": "WX-78的欢乐箱子", "vampiric cloak": "吸血鬼斗篷", "ironclad shoes": "铁甲鞋子", "aristocrat's haughty attire": "贵族的傲慢装束", "tasselled post": "流苏柱", "canadiana chest": "加拿大箱子", "possessions": "占有", "hot rod's jacket": "飞车手夹克", "infernal fire staff": "地狱火杖", "puft": "喷浮飞鱼", "loafers": "乐福鞋", "cawnival stagehand": "鸦年华舞台", "complete merrymaker chest": "全套欢乐箱子", "bee costume top": "蜜蜂服", "cornucopia portrait": "丰饶背景", "gnarwail attack": "一角鲸攻击", "nightfall": "暗夜", "chestihatator": "切斯特礼帽", "the untriumphant": "溃败", "hoarfrost tunic": "冰霜短袍", "formal caparison": "正式牛衣", "warrior spider trappings": "蜘蛛战士陷阱", "dark pillar": "黑暗之柱", "the unfinished chest": "未完成箱子", "wigfrid deluxe wardrobe": "薇格弗德豪华衣柜", "fluttery dress": "飘逸的裙子", "the gladiator": "角斗士", "nightshade wormhole": "茄科虫洞", "complete hallowed nights chest": "全套万圣夜箱子", "ye olde water closet": "旧式冲水马桶", "webber guest of honor chest": "韦伯贵宾箱子", "buckled backpack": "带扣背包", "shadow dress": "幽影礼服裙", "crockpot": "烹饪锅", "cloven kid hooves": "童子蹄", "memories of home": "家的回忆", "the minotaur": "牛头人", "the tree hugger chest": "环保青年箱子", "willow victorian chest": "薇洛维多利亚箱子", "warrior horns": "战士牛角", "pantomimed axe": "拟真斧头", "winter rabbit legs": "冬兔双腿", "woodie verdant chest": "伍迪绿色箱子", "the eye that roams": "晃荡的眼睛", "amazing snowball juggler": "雪球杂耍器", "adventuring gloves": "冒险手套", "pirate pantaloons": "海盗长裤", "ugly treeguard sweater": "丑陋的树精守卫毛衣", "overture": "序章", "grove sentinel sandals": "小树林哨兵凉鞋", "brawler's knucklewraps": "好斗者的关节缠带", "victorian stone wall": "维多利亚石墙", "tuxedo gloves": "礼服手套", "red striped trousers": "红色条纹裤", "library placard": "图书馆标牌", "weathered tricorn": "风霜三角帽", "silk robe": "丝质长袍", "ethereal gown": "以太长袍", "pig king head portrait": "猪王背景", "flamedancer ballgown": "焰火舞裙", "moldy backpack": "破旧的背包", "magic skull": "魔法头骨", "hot rod's driving gloves": "飞车手的驾驶手套", "barber's apron": "理发师围裙", "winklepickers": "尖头皮靴", "squashed trunk": "南瓜身体", "foolish explorer": "愚人探索手杖", "hunters shovel": "猎人铲子", "sweater vest": "小巧背心", "furnace vent": "火炉护罩", "battlemaster's seat portrait": "战斗大师的座位背景", "skirt and blazer": "半身裙和西装外套", "slow clap emote": "缓慢鼓掌表情", "voidbag": "虚空袋", "cheeky chester cap": "无耻切斯特的帽子", "pleated skirt": "百褶裙", "the lover's chest": "情人箱子", "ancient cane": "远古手杖", "bewitching sleeves": "女巫袖子", "fool's tool chest": "愚人工具箱", "prestihutchatator": "哈奇礼帽", "warrior tail": "战士牛尾", "electrified lantern": "电气化灯笼", "mosaic mushlamp portrait": "马赛克蘑菇灯背景", "prestibowlerhatator": "圆顶礼帽", "cast iron chassis": "铸铁底盘", "silky moonbound beard": "蛛丝月亮胡须", "shadow overcoat": "暗影大衣", "wigfrid verdant chest": "薇格弗德绿色箱子", "clockwork bishop costume top": "发条主教服", "lover's wardrobe": "情人衣柜", "yachtsuit dress": "游艇西装裙", "wanda tinkersmith chest": "旺达修补匠箱子", "grove sentinel tunic": "小树林哨兵短袍", "fighter's sandals": "斗士凉鞋", "woeful boots": "可悲的靴子", "spectre paintbrush": "幽灵漆刷", "hallowed nights survivors chest": "万圣夜冒险家箱子", "snowfallen survivors chest, part iii": "下雪冒险家箱子,第三章", "two-toned shoes": "双色鞋", "hockey jersey": "曲棍球球衣", "smelter's trousers": "冶炼工的裤子", "shadow jacket": "暗影夹克", "winona industrious chest": "薇诺娜工业风箱子", "broken carriage portrait": "破马车背景", "sooty sweep's mitts": "黑乎乎的露指手套", "warly triumphant chest": "沃利凯旋箱子", "winter trees portrait": "冬季树背景", "willow survivor chest": "薇洛冒险家箱子", "warly costume chest": "沃利服饰箱子", "warly victorian chest": "沃利维多利亚箱子", "twisted vines": "扭曲蔓藤", "smallbird satchel": "小鸟背包", "chest of goodies": "好东西箱子", "mactusk costume top": "海象造型上衣", "el tigre cub torso": "小老虎躯干", "volcanologist's boots": "火山学家的靴子", "low heels": "低跟鞋", "sugarplum slippers": "甜梅拖鞋", "spider web": "蜘蛛网", "frostbitten horns": "寒霜牛角", "snowroot boots": "雪根短靴", "jeans": "牛仔裤", "gumshoes": "平底鞋", "winona moonbound chest": "薇诺娜前往月亮箱子", "contenders promo chest": "竞技者活动箱子", "coral rose slacks": "珊瑚红宽松裤", "bottomless pit": "无底洞", "wolfgang snowfallen chest": "沃尔夫冈下雪箱子", "spiral spear": "螺旋矛", "frayed finery": "磨损的服饰", "antique bronze gate": "古董青铜门", "mosaic mushlamp": "马赛克蘑菇灯", "sugarwood tree portrait": "糖木树背景", "thumbs up": "竖起大拇指", "rose ice staff": "玫瑰冰魔杖", "willow swashbuckler chest": "薇洛江洋大盗箱子", "fine traveling gloves": "精美旅行手套", "stitched trousers": "手缝裤子", "diving suit bottom": "潜水服下装", "flowery headgear": "花朵头饰", "glass eyebrella": "玻璃眼球伞", "fiery spiral staff": "火焰螺旋魔杖", "gnarled leaves": "粗糙的叶子", "knitted puppy hat": "小狗针织帽", "warly deluxe wardrobe": "沃利豪华衣柜", "gardening trousers": "园艺裤", "touch stone": "试金石", "hockey mitts": "曲棍球手套", "buzzy boy cap": "嗡嗡男孩帽", "chest": "箱子", "wickerbottom snowfallen chest": "薇克巴顿下雪箱子", "rook costume top": "战车造型上衣", "survivalist campfire": "幸存者营火", "flowery caparison": "花朵牛衣", "wigfrid guest of honor chest": "薇格弗德贵宾箱子", "jagged legs": "锯齿腿", "wigfrid's gorge garb": "薇格弗德的暴食服装", "obsidian's armor": "黑曜石盔甲", "mini beefalo carryall": "迷你皮弗娄牛旅行包", "inferno's cuffs": "地狱手环", "pantomimed driftwood oar": "拟真浮木桨", "dark wizard's effects chest": "黑巫师装备箱子", "dragonfly haramaki": "龙蝇卷腹", "red gem": "红宝石", "woodie victorian chest": "伍迪维多利亚箱子", "wortox minotaur chest": "沃拓克斯牛头人箱子", "rusted scythe": "生锈镰刀", "webber gladiator chest": "韦伯的角斗士箱子", "torchlight": "火炬之光", "snowchild valenki": "雪孩子毛毡靴", "walter costume chest": "沃尔特服饰箱子", "ballonomancy": "气球戏法", "basket trap": "篮子陷阱", "koalefant can": "考拉象浇水壶", "stainless steel trap": "不锈钢陷阱", "wigfrid winged victory chest": "薇格弗德胜利之翼箱子", "quilted outerwear": "加棉外套", "blushrose capelet": "绯红玫瑰小披肩", "pugilist's overcoat": "拳击手的长外套", "deck swabster shell": "甲板清洁工贝壳", "frog prince hutch": "青蛙王子哈奇", "wood imp torso": "木制小恶魔躯干", "wonkey": "芜猴", "nouveau headpiece": "新头饰", "the persister": "垂死坚持", "hotline fishing rod": "熔线钓竿", "antique bronze fence": "古董青铜篱笆", "survival for geniuses": "天才的生存之道", "a fanciful feast": "华丽盛宴", "dancing shoes": "舞鞋", "pantomimed luxury axe": "拟真黄金斧头", "mourning veil": "哀悼面纱", "grumpy bearger": "暴躁的熊獾", "shadow suit": "暗影西装", "forest fawn paws": "森林幼崽爪子", "batilisk costume": "蝙蝠服饰", "salt portrait": "盐背景", "the bewitched": "女巫", "hockey stick": "曲棍球棒", "brambleberry wardrobe": "刺莓衣柜", "yuletide overcoat": "圣诞节大衣", "physician's topcoat": "医生的大衣", "the nom de plume": "笔名", "brute case": "残暴箱子", "floppy rain hat": "松软的雨帽", "ice fishing rod": "寒冰钓竿", "wrought iron gate": "铸铁大门", "rumpled outfit": "邹巴巴的衣服", "abandoned ship": "弃船", "moon-studded overshirt": "月亮镶嵌罩衫", "presticatator": "猫礼帽", "deep sea claws": "深海手爪", "ice floe gown": "浮冰礼服", "unfinished robot body": "半成品机器人身体", "piggsbury mask": "猪威尔逊面罩", "battlemaster's chestplate": "战斗大师的胸甲", "warly trawler chest": "沃利渔夫箱子", "fresh verdant chest": "新鲜绿色箱子", "physician's shoes": "医生的鞋子", "grubby gear": "肮脏的齿轮", "wrought iron fence": "铸铁篱笆", "train case": "小旅行箱", "feathered grass armor": "羽饰草甲", "warly swashbuckler chest": "沃利江洋大盗箱子", "reavershark": "掠夺鲨", "scrollwork hands": "雕花手", "botanist's waistcoat": "植物学家的小马甲", "obsidian's legs": "黑曜石腿", "warly snowfallen chest": "沃利下雪箱子", "ornate nordic pickaxe": "华丽北欧鹤嘴锄", "fluffy deermuffs": "毛茸鹿耳罩", "gingerbread fence": "姜饼篱笆", "charmed heatstone": "魔力暖石", "wortox swashbuckler chest": "沃拓克斯江洋大盗箱子", "steel-toed boots": "钢头靴", "maxwell magmatic chest": "麦斯威尔的岩浆箱子", "gatekeepers' club": "守门人之锤", "brooding den": "繁殖巢穴", "spider warrior claws": "蜘蛛战士利爪", "grotesque claws": "石像鬼之爪", "skittersquid helm portrait": "鱿鱼方向舵背景", "red-capped post": "红顶柱", "lumberjack shirt": "伐木工人格子衬衫", "minotaur chest": "牛头人身体", "ice warrior's treads": "冰原勇士履", "knee pants": "长至膝部的短裤", "shared armoire": "共享大衣橱", "extravagant vest": "奢华背心", "wendy magmatic chest": "温蒂的岩浆箱子", "tied trapper hat": "绑好的捕兽者的帽子", "hound haversack": "猎犬背包", "aristocrat's fine overcoat": "贵族的上等大衣", "willow's gorge garb": "薇洛的暴食服装", "grove sentinel wristbands": "小树林哨兵腕带", "fuzzy slippers": "毛绒拖鞋", "victorian shoes": "维多利亚鞋子", "wx-78 guest of honor chest": "WX-78贵宾箱子", "captain's buckled boots": "船长的带扣靴", "torn wolfman shirt": "撕裂的狼人上衣", "meat": "肉", "thingamabob": "无名氏", "parchment paper": "包装纸", "pyrestarter's socks": "放火者的袜子", "merchant hat": "商人帽", "patchwork quilt": "拼接床单", "wickerbottom magmatic chest": "薇克巴顿的岩浆箱子", "formal jacket": "正装", "clawfoot furnace": "利爪火炉", "welder's gloves": "焊工的手套", "laugh emote": "笑脸表情", "mighty wolfgang": "强大的沃尔夫冈", "cheer emote": "欢呼表情", "lureplant costume top": "食人花造型上衣", "shadow torso": "暗影躯干", "dolled-up horns": "娃娃牛角", "deerclops costume top": "独眼巨鹿造型上衣", "wx-78 magmatic chest": "WX-78的岩浆箱子", "goatshead cane": "山羊头手杖", "mess dress": "乱七八糟的礼服", "warhound helm": "战狼头盔", "plantera bulb": "世纪之花球茎", "flamelash": "烈焰火鞭", "the soul starved": "噬魂者", "crimson chest": "猩红箱", "cheeky chester costume": "无耻切斯特的服饰", "walnut picket fence": "胡桃尖篱笆", "lava firepit": "熔岩火坑", "lofty wrist ruffs": "高贵荷叶腕", "last prisms": "终极棱镜", "wilson costume chest": "威尔逊服饰箱子", "snowspider slippers": "雪蜘蛛拖鞋", "lureplant costume": "眼球草服饰", "aged frost robe": "陈年霜袍", "festive horns": "喜庆牛角", "power snowsuit": "力量雪衣", "jolly elf jingler": "欢乐精灵铃铛装", "wesdrake makeup": "曼德拉维斯妆", "flamboyant headpiece": "华丽头饰", "nouveau deconstructor": "新拆解器", "giant's singlet": "巨人汗衫", "trawler's boots": "渔夫靴", "reanimation stone": "复活石", "clockwork deconstruction staff": "发条拆解魔杖", "moggles 2.0": "鼹鼠帽2.0", "muddy gardening gloves": "沾着泥巴的园艺手套", "the snowfallen": "下雪", "shadow spider body": "暗影蜘蛛体", "creepy cauldron": "恐怖大锅", "mermio and pigliet": "鱼密欧与猪丽叶", "festive lights": "节日的灯", "shadow shorts": "暗影短裤", "lost adventurers chest": "迷路冒险家的箱子", "timber golem roots": "木头人的根", "outdoorsy belongings chest": "户外财物箱子", "skull": "骷髅", "orchardist's tunic": "果园主短袍", "cawnival endtable": "鸦年华茶几", "prestiwizhatator": "巫师站", "lightsbane": "魔光剑", "toga": "宽外袍", "moonlight spear": "月光长矛", "forest fire portrait": "森林大火背景", "big top umbrella portrait": "马戏团伞顶背景", "stowaway's frock": "偷渡者的连衣裙", "robot dance emote": "机械舞表情", "winter's feast foods": "冬季盛宴食物", "volcanologist's gloves": "火山学家的手套", "icy pith staff": "冰冷尖刺魔杖", "fantasmical plaque": "魔幻路牌", "victorian hearth": "维多利亚壁炉底", "wolfgang magmatic chest": "沃尔夫冈的岩浆箱子", "saladmander costume top": "沙拉蝾螈服", "mossy gateway portrait": "苔藓大门背景", "critters": "小动物", "pastoral chest": "田园箱子", "hammush": "蘑菇锤", "smite'ning rod": "惩戒避雷针", "shadow stalks": "暗影茎秆", "cable knit sweater": "粗糙毛衣", "toymaker's work apron": "玩具匠的工作围裙", "monstrous tome": "怪物巨著", "willow gladiator chest": "薇洛的角斗士箱子", "sterling cornucopia portrait": "纯银丰饶背景", "shadow trousers": "暗影长裤", "survivors costume chest, part ii": "冒险家服饰箱子,第二章", "ornamental birdcage": "装饰鸟笼", "tree's a crowd": "树人成群", "day at the cawnival": "鸦年华当天", "rustic torch": "乡村火炬", "cloven shadow hooves": "暗影蹄", "coldfire shoes": "冰火鞋", "webber farmspider chest": "韦伯农场蜘蛛箱子", "nox helmet": "司夜女神头盔", "midori roboto's feet": "绿色机甲足部", "parrotlet": "小鹦鹉", "fancy pants": "花裤子", "roseate sail": "玫瑰风帆", "rusty anchor chain portrait": "生锈船锚锁链背景", "evergreen skirt": "常青短裙", "fling-o-tron 4000": "投掷电器4000", "formal tail": "正式牛尾", "paper lantern": "纸灯笼", "orchardist's bangles": "果园主的手镯", "warm winter booties": "温暖冬靴", "golden bracelets": "黄金手链", "wanda verdant chest": "旺达绿色箱子", "hockey skates": "曲棍球冰鞋", "refined spear": "精致长矛", "fantasmical path marker": "魔幻路标", "toymaker's gloves": "玩具匠手套", "constant reimaginings chest": "永恒重新想象箱子", "no-eyed deer costume top": "无眼鹿服", "star staff": "星星魔杖", "winter wardrobe portrait": "冬季衣柜背景", "the vampiric": "吸血鬼", "winter's feast lantern": "冬季盛宴提灯", "tophat": "礼帽", "ugly grey winter sweater": "丑陋的灰色冬季毛衣", "arctic vargling": "北极小座狼", "snowy winter coat": "冬雪大衣", "canadian boots": "加拿大靴子", "fiery witch's hat": "火爆女巫帽", "forest witch hands": "森林女巫双手", "ugly deerclops sweater": "丑陋的独眼巨鹿毛衣", "pumps": "浅口皮鞋", "dryad's handwraps": "树妖的手套", "narwalrus chester": "一角海象切斯特", "dainty coatdress": "美丽的外衣", "fishy bat": "海鱼棒", "punk shirt": "朋克衬衫", "diviner dress": "圣者之服", "marble plate armor": "大理石板甲", "monstrous lantern": "怪兽提灯", "wood imp haunches": "木质小恶魔双腿", "peliclet": "小鹈鹕", "tattered uniform": "旧制服", "grass gekko costume": "草壁虎服装", "incombustible's feet": "不会燃烧的脚", "homespun seed pouch": "家纺种子袋", "naval uniform shoes": "海军制服鞋", "swimming costume": "泳装", "the rebel": "叛逆", "exploding jar of bees": "爆炸蜜蜂罐", "snapthorn": "荆鞭", "woodie's gorge garb": "伍迪的暴食服装", "repairs": "修理", "carrot": "胡萝卜", "festive tail": "喜庆牛尾", "festive fungal lamp": "节庆真菌灯", "hanging bar": "吊环单杠", "jack o' portrait": "南瓜灯背景", "fauvist's loafers": "野兽派画家的乐福鞋", "carrat costume top": "胡萝卜鼠服", "wilson verdant chest": "威尔逊绿色箱子", "seabreeze tammie": "海风贝雷帽", "sinker swim trunk": "深海游泳身体", "tinkersmith's frock": "修补匠连衣裙", "homebody handrings": "家居戒指", "jolly elf gloves": "欢乐精灵手套", "spectator shoes": "观者鞋", "pantomimed hammer": "拟真锤子", "straw bonnet": "稻草软帽", "wx-78 survivor chest": "WX-78冒险家箱子", "poinsettia leaves": "一品红叶子", "tread carefully": "小心前进", "worm-riddled chest": "虫洞之谜箱子", "fantasmical fur hat": "魔幻皮毛", "wendy's nightstand": "温蒂的床头柜", "black kittykit": "黑色小浣猫", "moon booties": "月亮短靴", "woolly eye bone": "羊毛眼骨", "bee bonnet": "蜜蜂软帽", "roseate beard": "玫瑰胡须", "wanda costume chest": "旺达服饰箱子", "oasis bound hands": "前往绿洲双手", "glommy guise": "格罗姆的伪装", "mad science wilson": "疯狂科学威尔逊", "forging bracers": "熔炉护腕", "purebred vargling": "纯种小座狼", "midori roboto chassis": "绿色机甲", "trader's furs": "商人的皮草", "wickerbottom moonbound chest": "薇克巴顿前往月亮箱子", "sweet spats": "甜蜜的鞋罩", "starter pack 2019": "新手包2019", "wormwood snowfallen chest": "沃姆伍德下雪箱子", "wx-78 snowfallen chest": "WX-78下雪箱子", "flowery tail": "花朵牛尾", "nouveau mushlamp": "现代艺术蘑菇灯", "wickerbottom": "薇克巴顿", "experimental chest": "实验箱子", "ghastly attic chest": "恐怖阁楼箱子", "fist shake emote": "握拳表情", "maxwell roseate chest": "麦斯威尔玫瑰箱子", "shadow chassis": "暗影身躯", "the wormwood o'lantern": "沃姆伍德灯笼", "phoenix's arms": "凤凰护臂", "catcoon carryall": "浣猫旅行包", "wendy deluxe wardrobe": "温蒂豪华衣柜", "wes deluxe wardrobe": "韦斯豪华衣柜", "showman's shadow hat": "表演家的暗影帽", "timber golem trunk": "木头人的躯干", "valkyrie armor": "女武神瓦尔基里盔甲", "webber deluxe wardrobe": "韦伯豪华衣柜", "moon quay chest": "月亮码头箱子", "walter triumphant chest": "沃尔特凯旋箱子", "hedgerose trunk": "野玫瑰树干", "the straw-stuffed chest": "稻草箱子", "hollygreen shoes": "冬青鞋", "el tigre cub": "小老虎", "strongman leggings": "强人紧身裤", "pig king": "猪王", "ambulation apparatus": "行走装置", "cawnival crown": "鸦年华王冠", "winter sprite's suit": "冬日精灵装", "patched bodysuit": "打补丁的紧身衣", "forest portrait": "森林背景", "moon warrior gloves": "月亮战士手套", "cast iron boots": "铸铁靴子", "beehive": "蜂窝", "pirate raid": "海盗劫掠", "wrought iron portrait": "铸铁背景", "spring chest": "春季箱子", "merrymaker survivors chest, part ii": "欢乐冒险家箱子,第二章", "cowboy headlamp": "牛仔头灯", "lofty gown": "高贵长袍", "trick or treat chest": "糖果或捣蛋箱子", "arcane crystals portrait": "神秘水晶背景", "clement life amulet": "克莱门特生命护符", "reindeer chest": "驯鹿胸部", "cabriole legs": "躺椅腿", "wilson triumphant chest": "威尔逊凯旋箱子", "daisy bracelets": "雏菊腕带", "icy bumble staff": "冰蜂魔杖", "experimentation apparatus": "实验仪器", "golden harvest slippers": "金色丰收拖鞋", "wood armor": "木质铠甲", "flex emote": "肌肉表情", "wanda triumphant chest": "旺达凯旋箱子", "cemetery portrait": "墓地背景", "willow guest of honor chest": "薇洛贵宾箱子", "silky triumphant beard": "蛛丝凯旋胡须", "willow masquerader chest": "薇洛假面舞会箱子", "hallowed nights survivors chest, part ii": "万圣夜冒险家箱子,第二章", "regal post": "帝王柱", "derelict manor": "废弃庄园", "hutch disguise": "哈奇伪装", "mossy claws": "苔藓爪子", "nordic axe": "北欧斧头", "pyrestarter's dress": "放火者连衣裙", "the magnificent rainometer portrait": "华丽的雨量计背景", "winter's feastfly": "冬季盛宴龙蝇", "corrupted blade": "腐败刀锋", "conch torch portrait": "海螺火炬背景", "reg": "雷古", "brawler's harness": "好斗者的甲胄", "crystallized cabinet": "水晶衣柜", "disconnected": "已断开连接", "nanachi": "娜娜奇", "leviathan chest": "利维坦箱子", "winter soiree shoes": "冬季晚装鞋", "orchardist's pants": "果园主的裤子", "the midori roboto": "绿色机甲", "flex": "弯曲", "sweet beemuffs": "甜蜜蜜蜂耳罩", "leather hand wraps": "皮革手环", "scorching satchel": "烈焰背包", "alchemist's handwraps": "炼金术士的手套", "straight razor": "折叠式剃刀", "pickaxe axe": "镐斧", "maxwell untriumphant chest": "麦斯威尔溃败箱子", "head chef's coat": "主厨外套", "crab king sail": "帝王蟹风帆", "woodcarved feet": "木刻脚", "rookiebot headplate": "战车机器人顶板", "elephant pack": "大象背包", "moon-studded gloves": "月亮镶嵌手套", "lightweight leg coverings": "轻质腿套", "the experiment": "实验", "winter rabbit torso": "冬兔躯干", "rook costume": "战车服装", "library chest": "图书馆箱子", "the timekeeper": "计时人", "wx-78": "WX-78", "gothic pillar": "哥特柱", "winter warden coat": "寒冬护林人大衣", "warly roseate chest": "沃利玫瑰箱子", "hockey pants": "曲棍球裤子", "aged frost valenki": "陈年霜毛毡靴", "starter pack 2020": "新手包2020", "cardinal portrait": "凤头鸟背景", "cowboy rain hat": "牛仔雨帽", "toadstool costume": "毒菌蟾蜍服装", "willow costume chest": "薇洛服饰箱子", "wurtstool cap": "沃特菌蟾蜍帽", "the little sinker": "深海小朋友", "complete victorian chest": "全套维多利亚箱子", "winona gladiator chest": "薇诺娜的角斗士箱子", "fanciful pickaxe": "华丽鹤嘴锄", "the abyssal": "深渊", "pantomimed splendid garden hoe": "拟真黄金园艺锄", "koalefant knapsack": "考拉象方便小包", "gnaw cemetery portrait": "饕餮墓地背景", "fiend's exoskeleton": "恶魔的外骨骼", "battle": "战斗", "the candy coated chest": "糖衣箱子", "no-eyed deertox antlers": "无眼鹿拓克斯之角", "merm": "鱼人", "no-eyed deer costume": "无眼鹿服装", "pig king hat": "猪王帽", "ash address plaque": "灰白路牌", "the draconic": "龙", "jolly elf tights": "欢乐精灵紧身裤", "wormander head": "沃姆蝾螈头饰", "winged armor": "飞翼甲", "wigfrid": "薇格弗德", "walter victorian chest": "沃尔特维多利亚箱子", "saladmander costume": "沙拉蝾螈服装", "two-toned gloves": "双色手套", "essential wormwood": "基础沃姆伍德", "pengull portrait": "企鸥背景", " pirate's chest": "海盗胸膛", "flamboyant fan": "华丽扇子", "incombustible's claws": "不会燃烧的爪子", "the hollow": "空洞", "merrymaker belongings chest": "欢乐财物箱子", "glow berry bush": "发光浆果丛", "lovely bouquet": "可爱花束", "nona gekko head": "壁虎薇诺娜之颅", "lureplant wormhole": "食人花虫洞", "festive winter portrait": "节庆冬季背景", "snaggletooth wormhole": "利齿虫洞", "arcane crystalarium": "神秘水晶", "woodguard head": "树精伍迪之颅", "the fool": "愚人", "winona roseate chest": "薇诺娜玫瑰箱子", "forlorn doll sleeves": "悲凉玩偶袖子", "toasty mitts": "暖暖手套", "the woeful": "可悲的", "plumed pumps": "翎羽浅口皮鞋", "white garden gate": "白色花园门", "carrat cottage": "胡萝卜村舍", "treeguard costume": "树精守卫的服饰", "oasis bound trunk": "前往绿洲树干", "silken wood armor": "丝带木甲", "meepsack": "曼德拉草背包", "ultimate performer's body": "终极表演家的身体", "maxwell dark wizard chest": "麦斯威尔黑巫师箱子", "wx-78 victorian chest": "WX-78维多利亚箱子", "10th anniversary celebration": "十周年庆祝", "welder's apron": "焊工围裙", "survivors costume chest": "冒险家服饰箱子", "winona merrymaker chest": "薇诺娜的欢乐箱子", "topsy-turvy treehouse portrait": "倒挂树屋背景", "weatherbeaten torch": "饱经风霜的火炬", "woodie": "伍迪", "lucky beast caparison": "幸运兽牛衣", "smart sweater": "智能毛衣", "pirate birdcage": "海盗鸟笼", "sugar rose gloves": "糖制玫瑰手套", "the team player": "团队精神", "the tree hugger": "环保青年", "gemstone bracelets": "宝石手链", "crystalline honeydome": "水晶穹顶蜂巢", "crescent guards": "新月护手", "abyssal flippers": "深渊脚蹼", "eclectic glowcap": "折衷蘑菇灯", "victorian horns": "维多利亚牛角", "macwolf bald cap": "海象沃尔夫冈秃帽", "snowchild gloves": "雪孩子手套", "topsy-turvy treehouse": "倒挂树屋", "woeful dress": "可悲的连衣裙", "ugly deer sweater": "丑陋的鹿毛衣", "winter warden boots": "寒冬护林人短靴", "hollygreen overcoat": "冬青大衣", "the incredible strongman": "难以置信的强人", "contenders promo chest, round 2": "竞技者活动箱子,第二回合", "experimental energy siphon": "实验能量虹吸管", "gothic gravestone": "哥特墓碑", "brawler's boots": "好斗者的靴子", "walter deluxe wardrobe": "沃尔特豪华衣柜", "whispering grand suit": "华丽低语盔甲", "the puppetmaster": "傀儡大师", "cozy mushroom farm": "舒适蘑菇农场", "twisted dagger": "扭曲匕首", "beefalo": "皮弗娄牛", "rucksack": "帆布背包", "webber triumphant chest": "韦伯凯旋箱子", "serpentine storm eater": "巨蛇风暴吞噬者", "woodie gladiator chest": "伍迪的角斗士箱子", "volt goat costume top": "伏特羊造型上衣", "festive stocking cap": "喜庆的绒线帽", "clucky winter hat": "咯咯响的冬帽", "golden cornucopia portrait": "黄金丰饶背景", "wigfrid roseate chest": "薇格弗德玫瑰箱子", "plum pudding cap": "李子布丁帽", "berry bush": "浆果丛", "pink winter hat": "粉色冬帽", "the supernatural": "超自然", "wx-78 experimental chest": "WX-78实验箱子", "fine huntsman boots": "精良猎人短靴", "mountaineer's coat": "登山者外套", "hotstepper heels": "火热舞靴", "pig house portrait": "猪人屋背景", "corrupted chest": "腐化箱", "nightgown": "睡衣", "pig fire columns portrait": "猪脸火柱背景", "winona": "薇诺娜", "silky magmatic beard": "蛛丝岩浆胡须", "winged victory chest": "胜利之翼箱子", "arachnoid wormhole": "巨蛛虫洞", "crystalline ice box": "水晶冰箱", "pyrestarter's bracelets": "放火者手镯", "antique stagehand": "古董舞台", "maw of gnaw portrait": "饕餮大嘴背景", "rain bonnet": "防雨女帽", "poop": "粪便", "rabbit rucksack": "兔子背包", "guard pig costume": "猪守卫的服饰", "wolfgang triumphant chest": "沃尔夫冈凯旋箱子", "webilisk head": "蝙蝠韦伯之颅", "dolled-up tail": "娃娃牛尾", "wendy victorian chest": "温蒂维多利亚箱子", "victorian beard": "维多利亚胡须", "survivor beard": "冒险家胡须", "knickerbockers": "灯笼裤", "piggy backpack": "小猪背包", "piggsbury beard": "猪威尔逊胡须", "swash-buckled shoes": "海盗带扣鞋", "suit": "连体泳衣", "snow pants and boots": "雪裤和短靴", "verdant beard": "绿色胡须", "mad science beard": "疯狂科学胡须", "wendy guest of honor chest": "温蒂贵宾箱子", "snowfallen beard": "下雪胡须", "threadbare clothing": "旧衣服", "beard of honor": "贵宾胡须", "the barber": "理发师", "holly wreath": "冬青花环", "potato nap sack": "土豆午睡袋", "naturalist tunic": "自然主义束腰外衣", "ugly klaus sweater": "丑陋的克劳斯毛衣", "cursed cloak": "诅咒斗篷", "the forlorn doll": "悲凉玩偶", "lamp post portrait": "灯柱背景", "snowflake ewelet": "雪花小钢羊", "dragonfly costume": "龙蝇服饰", "wes": "韦斯", "vampiric gloves": "吸血鬼手套", "schoolboy cuffs": "小男生护腕", "webber verdant chest": "韦伯绿色箱子", "pugna's ham bat": "普格纳的火腿棒", "arctic explorer's shoes": "极地探险家鞋子", "adventurer's garb": "冒险家服饰", "party frock": "晚礼服", "grassland portrait": "草地背景", "ms. voltbottom antlers": "伏特博顿女士的羊角", "wilson merrymaker chest": "威尔逊欢乐箱子", "birchnut forest portrait": "桦栗树林背景", "woven grass armor": "编织草甲", "volt goat costume": "伏特羊的服饰", "sugarplum dress": "甜梅裙", "wigfrid costume chest": "薇格弗德服饰箱子", "gardening apron": "园艺围裙", "mandrake costume": "曼德拉草的服饰", "candy-striped pants": "糖果条纹的裤子", "wolfgang costume chest": "沃尔夫冈服饰箱子", "rooslet": "公鸡", "warrior shoes": "战士鞋子", "traveling ensemble": "旅行套装", "resplendent curtain portrait": "炫丽幕布背景", "the pierrot": "小丑", "the lover's body tight": "情人紧身衣", "aged frost trousers": "陈年霜裤子", "winter portrait": "冬季背景", "sorcerous portrait": "巫师背景", "shady shark trunk": "暗影鲨鱼躯干", "wes gladiator chest": "韦斯的角斗士箱子", "moonglass pincers": "月光玻璃钳子", "wes' gorge garb": "韦斯的暴食服装", "deerfrid mask": "独眼巨鹿面罩", "the farmspider": "农场蜘蛛", "silky el tigre cub beard": "蛛丝小老虎胡须", "the forge saga": "熔炉传奇故事", "mountaineer's boots": "登山者短靴", "silky survivor beard": "蛛丝冒险家胡须", "silky roseate beard": "蛛丝玫瑰胡须", "silky snowfallen beard": "蛛丝下雪胡须", "deck swabster tail": "甲板清洁工尾巴", "silky gladiator beard": "蛛丝角斗士胡须", "silky formal beard": "蛛丝正式胡须", "silky farmspider beard": "农场蜘蛛蛛丝胡须", "terracotta cooking pot": "陶锅", "walter boy detective chest": "沃尔特少年侦探箱子", "complete verdant chest": "全套绿色箱子", "the dark wizard": "黑巫师", "beefalo carryall": "皮弗娄旅行包", "woodie costume chest": "伍迪服饰箱子", "whispering mace": "低语锤矛", "maxwell": "麦斯威尔", "shipwright's mantle": "船工披风", "wolfgang moonbound chest": "沃尔夫冈前往月亮箱子", "fantasmical fence posts": "魔幻篱笆", "silver tuna tin": "银金枪鱼罐", "alchemist's boots": "炼金术士的靴子", "krampus costume": "坎普斯的服饰", "grave": "坟墓", "dark magic portrait": "黑魔法背景", "the ultimate performer": "终极表演家", "fool's marotte": "愚人手杖", "buccaneer's blouse": "海盗衫", "maxwell survivor chest": "麦斯威尔冒险家箱子", "fieldrose vessel": "野玫瑰容器", "back bat": "蝙蝠背包", "jolly goose/moose": "欢快的麋鹿鹅", "the straw-stuffed": "稻草人", "hunters pickaxe": "猎人鹤嘴锄", "wrapping webber": "包礼物的韦伯", "wx-78 verdant chest": "WX-78绿色箱子", "nouveau crown portrait": "新皇冠背景", "aristocrat's haughty heels": "贵族的傲慢高跟鞋", "cozy cap": "舒适帽", "mightiest wolfgang": "最强大的沃尔夫冈", "draconic legs": "龙蛋", "a helping hand": "出手相助", "fairy glomflower": "童话格罗姆花", "ironclad caparison": "铁甲牛衣", "formal body shell": "正式躯体外壳", "nordic ice staff": "北欧冰杖", "cactus water can": "仙人浇水壶", "woodie deluxe wardrobe": "伍迪豪华衣柜", "burnished cornucopia portrait": "镀铜丰饶背景", "candy-striped shirt": "糖果条纹的衬衣", "world's greatest big top tent portrait": "世界之最大顶篷背景", "straw tufts": "干草束", "decorated tree": "装饰好的树", "cowboy straw hat": "牛仔草帽", "canadian jacket": "加拿大夹克", "wormwood verdant chest": "沃姆伍德绿色箱子", "the trawler": "渔夫", "seaworthy scale": "适航秤", "jolly elf bell boots": "欢乐精灵铃铛短靴", "diving suit": "潜水服", "ugly chester sweater": "丑陋的切斯特毛衣", "terraprisma": "泰拉棱镜", "naturalist trousers": "自然主义裤", "tragic torch": "悲剧火炬", "winter wardrobe": "冬季衣柜", "forest fawn haunches": "森林幼崽之腿", "gothic wardrobe": "哥特衣柜", "essential wanda": "基础旺达", "beach tent": "海滩帐篷", "festive saddle": "喜庆鞍具", "wandashop bulb": "旺达主教灯泡", "inflated imagination": "自我膨胀的想象", "surtr's armor": "苏尔特尔的盔甲", "mountaineer's cuffs": "登山者护腕", "scrap metal mast": "废铁桅杆", "chatty hatty": "话多的帽子", "lunar overseer's robe": "月亮督导长袍", "moonbot gloves": "月亮机器人手套", "wolfgang verdant chest": "沃尔夫冈绿色箱子", "adventurer's kerchief": "冒险家头巾", "ancient gateway portrait": "远古大门背景", "gold-tipped derbys": "金边德比鞋", "warrior headgear": "战士头饰", "lunar scout cap": "月之童子军帽", "narrow escape": "侥幸逃脱", "pine leader hat": "松树队长帽", "deerstalker": "猎鹿帽", "tinkersmith's boots": "修补匠短靴", "wes survivor chest": "韦斯冒险家箱子", "wilson's gorge garb": "威尔逊的暴食服装", "the chatterbox": "话匣子", "walter": "沃尔特", "wx-78 moonbound chest": "WX-78前往月亮箱子", "bee costume": "蜜蜂服装", "step dance emote": "踢踏舞表情", "bearger": "熊獾", "hampered basket": "锁链篮子", "adventurer's belongings chest": "探险家财物箱子", "a backward glance": "回顾过去", "victorian thulecite wall": "维多利亚铥墙", "next of kin": "近亲", "webrolly": "蜘蛛伞", "metamorphosed flame": "变形火焰", "crystalline furnace portrait": "水晶火炉背景", "lover's umbrella": "情人雨伞", "fieldflower farm scale": "农家花秤", "diving gauntlets": "潜水长手套", "steamer trunk": "海上的旅行箱", "clairvoyant life amulet": "洞悉生命护符", "farmspider knee pants": "农场蜘蛛中裤", "calico chester chest": "棉布切斯特箱子", "treasured chest": "珍贵箱子", "marble splint mail": "大理石板条甲", "gingerbread chest": "姜饼箱子", "carpet bag": "毛毡制袋子", "grotesque limbs": "石像鬼双腿", "celebratory cake chest": "欢庆蛋糕箱子", "dryad's leggings": "树妖的紧身裤", "wormwood triumphant chest": "沃姆伍德的凯旋箱子", "wilson deluxe wardrobe": "威尔逊豪华衣柜", "original survivors victorian chest": "原创维多利亚冒险家箱子", "worn hiking boots": "破旧登山靴", "the candy man": "糖果师", "carved stone torch": "雕刻石制火炬", "fiery pith staff": "火焰尖刺魔杖", "wx-78 roseate chest": "WX-78玫瑰箱子", "shadow gloves": "暗影手套", "oasis bound legs": "前往绿洲双腿", "cawnival siesta spot": "鸦年华遮阳棚", "carrat torch": "胡萝卜鼠火炬", "woodie masquerader chest": "伍迪假面舞会箱子", "swashbuckler survivors chest": "江洋大盗冒险家箱子", "cherub's heart": "天使之心", "cherubic toga": "天使外袍", "the rebel chest": "叛逆箱子", "wortox triumphant chest": "沃拓克斯凯旋箱子", "dark wizard's hat": "黑巫师帽", "fool's hat": "愚人帽", "winona's gorge garb": "薇诺娜的暴食服装", "head chef's hat": "主厨帽", "grove sentinel leggings": "小树林哨兵紧身裤", "baroque birdcage": "巴洛克鸟笼", "wendy gladiator chest": "温蒂的角斗士箱子", "warrior caparison": "战士牛衣", "wigfrid triumphant chest": "薇格弗德凯旋箱子", "shadowbeam": "暗影束", "fuzzy kid claws": "毛绒崽崽爪", "lucky beast attire": "幸运兽的服装", "wendy verdant chest": "温蒂绿色箱子", "frostbitten headgear": "寒霜头饰", "icy fingers": "寒冰手指", "hallow pylon": "神圣晶塔", "sorcerer's circle": "巫师魔环", "thermal strength measurer": "热强度测量器", "eye plant": "眼球草", "victorian caparison": "维多利亚牛衣", "hydraulic steering system": "液压转向系统", "shady shoes": "暗影鞋子", "skittersquid helm": "鱿鱼方向舵", "the creature": "创造物", "austere stagehand": "朴实舞台", "wormwood costume chest": "沃姆伍德服饰箱子", "nordic battle spear": "北欧战矛", "rose pike": "玫瑰刺", "weathered spear": "风霜长矛", "magmatic bundle": "岩浆套装", "pith pike": "尖齿矛", "bumble spear": "蜂矛", "shadow trunk": "暗影树干", "shadow helmet": "暗影头盔", "rockjaw sail": "岩石大白鲨风帆", "fanciful shovel": "华丽铲子", "nordic shovel": "北欧铲子", "pantomimed shovel": "拟真铲子", "fiery sportsmanship staff": "火焰竞技魔杖", "lighthouse think tank": "灯塔智囊团", "gothic artificer's table": "哥特工匠桌", "wimpy wolfgang": "弱小的沃尔夫冈", "draconic chest": "龙胸部", "enchanted pillar": "附魔之柱", "wes victorian chest": "韦斯维多利亚箱子", "victorian salt box": "维多利亚盐罐", "moonglass talons": "月光玻璃爪", "prybar hammer": "铁撬锤", "briny salt box": "海水盐盒", "the little sinker chest": "深海小朋友箱子", "roman wood armor": "罗马木甲", "arcane headpiece": "神秘头饰", "nouveau club": "新大棒", "sleepless evening gloves": "夜未眠手套", "mushlamp post": "蘑菇灯柱", "wigfrid gladiator chest": "薇格弗德的角斗士箱子", "riding boots": "马靴", "philosopher's stone": "魔法石", "neat effigy": "慕块雕像", "celebratory science machine": "欢庆科学机器", "lucky beast headgear": "幸运兽头饰", "terrible ooze machine": "恐怖漏液机器", "sulphur pimpernel's boots": "硫磺繁缕的靴子", "fancy jacket": "花式夹克", "dainty fins": "优雅鱼鳍", "prestiringmastatator": "魔法驯兽师帽", "shellacked spectackler box": "贝壳超级钓具箱", "the wolfman": "狼人", "wormwood chest": "沃姆伍德箱子", "fiery bumble staff": "怒蜂魔杖", "victorian headgear": "维多利亚头饰", "flame portrait": "火焰背景", "fur trader woodie": "毛皮交易商伍迪", "chefihatator": "主厨研发台", "velvet rose frock": "丝绒玫瑰连衣裙", "reclaimed relic": "回收的遗物", "monstrous horror": "恐怖怪兽", "enchanted crystal": "附魔水晶", "ancient sigil": "远古印记", "nouveau panflute portrait": "新排箫背景", "alchemy pod": "炼金打印舱", "gothic alchemical kiln": "哥特炼金窖", "reindeer legs": "驯鹿腿", "el tigre cub's mitts": "小老虎拳击手套", "tesla coil lantern": "特斯拉线圈提灯", "bone-chilling firepit": "刺骨严寒火坑", "jingly prestihatator": "叮当响礼帽", "scissors": "剪刀", "barber's razor": "理发剃刀", "metallurgist's robe": "冶金师的长袍", "the magnificent rainometer": "华丽的雨量计", "mactusk costume": "海象的服饰", "fanciful explorer": "华丽懒人魔杖", "year of the catcoon": "浣猫之年", "unfinished robot hands": "半成品机器人手", "wilson": "威尔逊", "wickerbottom merrymaker chest": "薇克巴顿欢乐箱子", "frilly headlamp": "镶边照明灯", "homebody house slippers": "家居拖鞋", "wortox victorian chest": "沃拓克斯维多利亚箱子", "survivalist's belongings chest": "生存大师财物箱子", "welder's lowers": "焊工的下装", "victorian antiques chest": "维多利亚古董箱子", "shrug emote": "耸肩表情", "fairy glom": "童话格罗姆", "all survivors magmatic chest": "所有冒险家的岩浆箱子", "wendy roseate chest": "温蒂玫瑰箱子", "molten lava portrait": "融化的岩浆背景", "walter guest of honor chest": "沃尔特贵宾箱子", "lone carrot portrait": "一根胡萝卜背景", "shipwright's trousers": "船工裤", "homespun chest": "家纺箱子", "pieds de résistance": "防滑厨师鞋", "hedgerose fingers": "野玫瑰手指", "winter hibearnation vest": "冬季熊皮背心", "shadow scalemail": "暗影鳞甲", "helmswoman's coat": "女舵手外套", "altar of gnaw portrait": "饕餮祭坛背景", "moon vs. shadow chest": "月亮对暗影箱子", "merchant coat": "商人外套", "unshadow suit": "无影西装", "tree spirit trunk": "树灵树干", "barber beard": "理发师胡须", "nouveau club portrait": "新大棒背景", "rose fire staff": "玫瑰火魔杖", "never alone": "永远不孤单", "pugna's war chest": "普格纳战争箱子", "steadfast grand suit": "华丽稳固盔甲", "corrupted staff": "腐败魔杖", "willow triumphant chest": "薇洛凯旋箱子", "shadow frock": "暗影连衣裙", "walter survivor chest": "沃尔特冒险家箱子", "dragonfly endtable": "龙蝇茶几", "warm oven portrait": "热烤箱背景", "cast iron fists": "铸铁拳头", "cawnival tammie": "鸦年华贝雷帽", "figgy plaiding gloves": "无花果格纹手套", "amazing ringmaster hat": "神奇驯兽师帽", "sub-zero legs": "零下腿", "the creature's chest": "创造物箱子", "ultimate performer's chest": "终极表演家的箱子", "florid postern": "绚丽之门", "essential wurt": "基础沃特", "lucky beast tail": "幸运兽尾巴", "amazing ringmaster hat portrait": "神奇驯兽师帽背景", "golden harvest frock": "金色丰收裙子", "surtr's talons": "苏尔特尔的爪子", "glass eyebrella portrait": "玻璃眼球伞背景", "wurt swashbuckler chest": "沃特江洋大盗箱子", "thorned laurel": "带刺桂冠", "merchant pants": "商人裤", "candy cane": "拐杖糖", "kid frock": "童装连衣裙", "usurper's handwraps": "篡位者的手套", "magmatic assembly": "岩浆装配", "warmth": "温暖", "prestihataglommer": "格罗姆礼帽", "ornate nordic axe": "华丽北欧斧头", "ghost": "幽灵", "fashion pumpkin": "时髦南瓜", "beastly eyebrella": "猛兽眼球伞", "gothic scientific instrument": "哥特科学仪器", "wrapped gifts": "包好的礼物", "snowy winter portrait": "雪天冬季背景", "inventor's excursion chest": "发明家短途旅行箱子", "smelter's apron": "冶炼工的围裙", "fire pit": "火坑", "slimy wormhole": "黏滑虫洞", "jolly winter portrait": "欢快冬季背景", "eight treasure mud pie portrait": "八宝泥馅饼背景", "alpine walking shoes": "阿尔卑斯户外鞋", "thermal strength measurer portrait": "热强度测量器背景", "crystal portrait": "水晶背景", "torch": "火炬", "shadow claws": "暗影之爪", "the monster marsh": "怪兽沼泽", "spider nest portrait": "蜘蛛巢穴背景", "shoreline portrait": "海岸线背景", "beefalo portrait": "皮弗娄牛背景", "wickerbottom survivor chest": "薇克巴顿冒险家箱子", "sooty sweep's shoes": "黑乎乎的鞋子", "briny deep portrait": "深海背景", "latecomers' victorian chest": "后进者维多利亚箱子", "florid postern portrait": "绚丽之门背景", "green ooze portrait": "绿色漏液背景", "monstrous horror portrait": "恐怖怪兽背景", "enchanted crystal portrait": "附魔水晶背景", "moonstone shoes": "月石鞋", "warly": "沃利", "maxwell guest of honor chest": "麦斯威尔贵宾箱子", "glommer pack": "格罗姆背包", "pot hanger portrait": "挂锅装置背景", "pretty pots portrait": "漂亮锅子背景", "wortox snowfallen chest": "沃拓克斯下雪箱子", "the pierrot chest": "小丑箱子", "hollow legs": "空洞双腿", "smelter's boots": "冶炼工的靴子", "mad scientific portrait": "疯狂科学背景", "wolfgang gladiator chest": "沃尔夫冈的角斗士箱子", "mushroom portrait": "蘑菇背景", "hot rod's pants": "飞车手长裤", "salt lamp portrait": "盐灯背景", "banandana": "香蕉头巾", "crystalline ice box portrait": "水晶系列冰箱背景", "starter pack 2021": "新手包2021", "metamorphosed flame portrait": "变形火焰背景", "autumn birchnut portrait": "秋季桦栗树背景", "wyvernling": "小白龙", "hanging horrors portrait": "悬挂恐怖背景", "nouveau deconstructor portrait": "新拆解器背景", "gnaw worshiper portrait": "饕餮敬拜者背景", "muddy gardening boots": "沾着泥巴的园艺靴", "thatched cottage": "茅草村舍", "silver tuna tin portrait": "银金枪鱼罐背景", "amazing snowball juggler portrait": "神奇雪球杂耍机背景", "caroler's gloves": "圣歌者的手套", "pointed fence portrait": "尖头栅栏背景", "grotesque torso": "石像鬼躯干", "bearded dragon": "大胡子龙", "archway portrait": "拱廊背景", "webber magmatic chest": "韦伯的岩浆箱子", "fantasmical mermhouse": "魔幻鱼人屋", "leviathan portrait": "利维坦背景", "bone-chilling firepit portrait": "刺骨严寒火坑背景", "frostflower firepit": "霜花火坑", "wigfrid magmatic chest": "薇格弗德的岩浆箱子", "porcelain ice box": "陶瓷冰箱", "wigfrid swashbuckler chest": "薇格弗德江洋大盗箱子", "campsite portrait": "营地背景", "smashed clock portrait": "砸烂的时钟背景", "abandoned ship portrait": "弃船背景", "boarilla portrait": "野猪猩背景", "the amazing sideshow portrait": "神奇的杂耍背景", "the vampiric chest": "吸血鬼箱子", "shellacked tackle box": "贝壳钓具箱", "beast of hunger portrait": "饥饿之兽背景", "pantomimed pitchfork": "拟真干草叉", "rustic cabin": "乡村小屋", "maxwell's 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"heart": "心", "wurt deluxe wardrobe": "沃特豪华衣柜", "original verdant chest": "原创绿色箱子", "the giant's chest": "巨人的箱子", "lucky beast shoes": "幸运兽鞋子", "spider sack": "蜘蛛袋", "el tigre cub's chest": "小老虎箱子", "wortox uncorrupted chest": "沃拓克斯无邪箱子", "winter warden wraps": "寒冬护林护手", "wormwood roseate chest": "沃姆伍德玫瑰箱子", "wormwood hollow chest": "沃姆伍德空洞箱子", "snowdrop trunk": "落雪树桩", "beastly chest": "猛兽箱子", "belted bandana": "皮带头巾", "wolfgang roseate chest": "沃尔夫冈玫瑰箱子", "feasting wolfgang": "盛宴中的沃尔夫冈", "cap o' flage": "灌木迷彩帽", "wolfgang guest of honor chest": "沃尔夫冈贵宾箱子", "winona survivor chest": "薇诺娜幸存者箱子", "winona triumphant chest": "薇诺娜凯旋箱子", "webber snowfallen chest": "韦伯下雪箱子", "winona deluxe wardrobe": "薇诺娜豪华衣柜", "wilson roseate chest": "威尔逊玫瑰箱子", "feather trimmed hat": "羽毛修边帽", "raggedy rags": "褴褛衣衫", "victorian belongings chest": "维多利亚财物箱子", "salt": "盐", "shearling coat": "毛领外套", "willow roseate chest": "薇洛玫瑰箱子", "willow forlorn doll chest": "薇洛悲凉玩偶箱子", "wickerbottom nom de plume chest": "薇克巴顿笔名箱子", "wickerbottom guest of honor chest": "薇克巴顿贵宾箱子", "sea-frayed tunic": "海上破烂长袍", "wes triumphant chest": "韦斯凯旋箱子", "wes guest of honor chest": "韦斯贵宾箱子", "the amazing sideshow": "神奇的杂耍", "alchemist's robe bottom": "炼金术士的下摆", "wendy triumphant chest": "温蒂凯旋箱子", "factory portrait": "工厂背景", "moonbound beard": "月亮胡须", "lavaproof bugnet": "防熔岩虫网", "humongous bolt chest": "超级大布卷箱子", "musclebound chest": "肌肉箱子", "carrat costume": "胡萝卜鼠服装", "large bolt chest": "大布卷箱子", "hockey helmet": "曲棍球头盔", "tiny bolt chest": "迷你布卷箱子", "wrist ruffles": "腕部荷叶边", "aged frost gloves": "陈年霜手套", "woodcarved hands": "木刻双手", "world's greatest big top tent": "世界之最大顶篷", "warly head chef chest": "沃利的主厨箱子", "wanda guest of honor chest": "旺达贵宾箱子", "wes swashbuckler chest": "韦斯江洋大盗箱子", "fauvist's smock": "野兽派画家袍", "wanda deluxe chest": "旺达豪华箱子", "polar broodling": "极地小龙蝇", "dolled-up shoes": "娃娃鞋子", "wolfgang victorian chest": "沃尔夫冈维多利亚箱子", "cottage cache chest": "乡村收纳箱子", "wickerbottom victorian chest": "薇克巴顿维多利亚箱子", "webber victorian chest": "韦伯维多利亚箱子", "maxwell victorian chest": "麦斯威尔维多利亚箱子", "wilson guest of honor chest": "威尔逊贵宾箱子", "nouveau headpiece portrait": "新头饰背景", "don't starve: shipwrecked gift": "饥荒《海难》礼物", "gothic firepit": "哥特火坑", "spring cleaning bundle": "春季大扫除套装", "complete triumphant chest": "全套凯旋箱子", "seaside chest": "海滨箱子", "cool shadow clothes": "拉风暗影服装", "don't starve: reign of giants gift": "饥荒《巨人国》礼物", "plantera": "世纪之花", "toastmistress heels": "女司仪高跟鞋", "wanda deluxe wardrobe": "旺达豪华衣柜", "warrior spider feet": "战士蜘蛛脚", "crystalline honeydome portrait": "水晶穹顶蜂巢背景", "wortox verdant chest": "沃拓克斯绿色箱子", "winona verdant chest": "薇诺娜绿色箱子", "willow verdant chest": "薇洛绿色箱子", "naval uniform pants": "海军制服裤", "the chatterbox chest": "话匣子箱子", "wes verdant chest": "韦斯绿色箱子", "fantasmical chest": "魔幻箱子", "trawler's waders": "渔夫裤", "victorian eyebrella": "维多利亚眼球伞", "shipwright's cuffs": "船工袖套", "warly verdant chest": "沃利绿色箱子", "mariner's frock coat": "海员大衣", "walter verdant chest": "沃尔特绿色箱子", "blooming verdant chest": "绽放绿色箱子", "duelist's armor": "决斗者的护甲", "wes masquerader chest": "韦斯假面舞会箱子", "ash garden gate": "灰白花园门", "warly masquerader chest": "沃利假面舞会箱子", "masquerader survivors chest": "假面舞会冒险家箱子", "fancy finned feet": "优雅鱼鳍脚", "the wolfman chest": "狼人箱子", "wes magmatic chest": "韦斯的岩浆箱子", "woeful willow": "可悲的薇洛", "ultimate performer's boots": "终极表演家的靴子", "wendy hand-me-downs chest": "温蒂姐妹的旧衣服箱子", "volcanologist's robe": "火山学家的袍子", "yawn emote": "打哈欠的表情", "nordic spear": "北欧长矛", "wormwood moonbound chest": "沃姆伍德前往月亮箱子", "wilson moonbound chest": "威尔逊前往月亮箱子", "fantasmical chest, part ii": "魔幻箱子,第二章", "evening theater schedule": "晚间剧场时间表", "berserker's hand paint": "狂战士的手部彩绘", "moonbound survivors chest": "前往月亮冒险家箱子", "wurt snowfallen chest": "沃特下雪箱子", "woodie snowfallen chest": "伍迪下雪箱子", "austere endtable": "朴实茶几", "willow snowfallen chest": "薇洛下雪箱子", "wes snowfallen chest": "韦斯下雪箱子", "wendy snowfallen chest": "温蒂下雪箱子", "complete costume chest": "全套服饰箱子", "wigfrid snowfallen chest": "薇格弗德下雪箱子", "hollow trunk": "空洞树干", "walter snowfallen chest": "沃尔特下雪箱子", "lover's gloves": "情人手套", "snowfallen survivors chest, part ii": "下雪冒险家箱子,第二章", "bolted boots": "螺栓短靴", "klaus cap": "克劳斯帽", "hot lava gift": "《炽热熔岩》礼物", "c'est la vie": "这就是生活", "icy claws": "寒冰爪", "the draconic chest": "龙箱子", "willow magmatic chest": "薇洛的岩浆箱子", "the bewitched chest": "女巫箱子", "wurt verdant chest": "沃特绿色箱子", "the uncorrupted": "无邪", "wickerbottom verdant chest": "薇克巴顿绿色箱子", "torn costume": "破损戏服", "wes costume chest": "韦斯服饰箱子", "conch torch": "海螺火炬", "leafy seadragon torso": "叶子海龙躯干", "hallowed nights survivors chest, part iii": "万圣夜冒险家箱子,第三章", "gothic belongings chest, part ii": "哥特财物箱子,第二章", "gothic belongings chest": "哥特财物箱子", "wx-78 gladiator chest": "WX-78的角斗士箱子", "spectacular stationary wayfinder portrait": "壮观的固定寻路器背景", "bewitching gown": "女巫长袍", "marble portrait": "大理石背景", "wilson gladiator chest": "威尔逊的角斗士箱子", "wickerbottom gladiator chest": "薇克巴顿的角斗士箱子", "spooky striped pants": "恐怖条纹裤", "forge weapons chest": "熔炉武器箱子", "flippers": "脚蹼", "forge armor chest": "熔炉盔甲箱子", "voxola warehouse chest": "沃科拉仓库宝箱", "schoolboy claws": "小男生爪子", "wurt costume chest": "沃特服饰箱子", "winona costume chest": "薇诺娜服饰箱子", "wendy costume chest": "温蒂服饰箱子", "lofty heels": "高贵鞋", "costume clothing chest": "服饰衣物箱子", "maxwell snowfallen chest": "麦斯威尔下雪箱子", "winona victorian chest": "薇诺娜维多利亚箱子", "wurt chest": "沃特箱子", "midsummer cawnival chest": "盛夏鸦年华箱子", "rod of discord": "混沌传送杖", "candy explorer": "糖果懒人魔杖", "pantomimed oar": "拟真桨", "default": "默认", "cursed sabre": "诅咒之剑", "fool's ensemble": "愚人套装", "wanda merrymaker chest": "旺达欢乐箱子", "pirate booties": "海盗靴", "life blossom garland": "生命绽放花环", "sooty sweep's rags": "黑乎乎的破衣服", "winter's feast chest": "冬季盛宴箱子", "classic curio chest": "经典珍宝箱", "extra magnificent chest": "分外华丽箱子", "moon staff": "月亮魔杖", "lucky beast outfit": "幸运兽的装备", "figgy plaiding trousers": "无花果格子长裤", "prismatic moon caller's staff": "棱镜唤月者魔杖", "barber's kit": "理发师套装", "shadow coverall": "暗影罩衣", "duelist's hand covers": "决斗者的手套", "bonny headlamp": "美丽头灯", "magma golem portrait": "岩浆傀儡背景", "victorian meat rack": "维多利亚晾肉架", "trawler's rain slicker": "渔夫防水衣", "butcher's rack": "屠夫肉架", "wilson snowfallen chest": "威尔逊下雪箱子", "fiend's claws": "恶魔爪子", "a romp in the swamp": "沼泽姑娘", "lunar roots": "月之根须", "the seed": "种子", "arctic explorer's mitts": "极地探险家手套", "the unfinished": "半成品", "wilson victorian chest": "威尔逊维多利亚箱子", "street peddler willow": "街头小贩薇洛", "glory days": "辉煌的昨天", "merchantator": "旅商分解器", "chimney sweep wes": "扫烟囱韦斯", "formal shoes": "正式鞋子", "abigail's overalls": "阿比盖尔连身衣", "beating heart chest": "跳动心脏箱子", "wish you were here": "多希望你在", "supernatural wendy": "超自然温蒂", "woolly chester": "羊毛切斯特", "no way back": "已无后路", "winged victory": "胜利之翼", "long shadows": "长长的阴影", "caroler's coat": "圣歌者的外套", "a cold moonlit night": "寒冷月夜", "bohemian bellbottoms": "波西米亚喇叭裤", "new horizons": "新地平线", "silky victorian beard": "蛛丝维多利亚胡须", "gothic thundercaller": "哥特遣雷使", "will you bee mine?": "你要蜜蜂地雷吗?", "chunky moonrock bracelets": "块状月岩手链", "enlight the darkness": "照亮黑暗", "lunar grotto discovery": "月亮洞窟的发现", "billy and mumsy": "比利和妈咪", "growing pains": "成长的痛苦", "rumblings above": "天空轰隆", "10th anniversary (signed)": "十周年(签名款)", "voxola safety gloves": "沃科拉安全手套", "axiom visus": "真实视野", "electrobolt diffuser 300x": "避雷针300X", "timber golem hands": "木头人的手", "oxygen not included gift": "《缺氧》礼物", "clawed feet": "双足利爪", "tureen": "带盖汤碗", "lumpy tree portrait": "起伏的树木背景", "empty chest": "空箱子", "an eye for an eye": "以眼还眼", "unfinished robot feet": "半成品机器人脚", "carrat pack": "胡萝卜鼠背包", "trapper hat": "捕兽者的帽子", "farm": "农场", "luxurious stage portrait": "华丽舞台背景", "pugilist's trousers": "拳击手的裤子", "inferno's anklets": "地狱踝环", "caroler's boots": "圣歌者的短靴", "fixer's boots": "修理工短靴", "blacksmith's pants": "铁匠的裤子", "workout top": "健身上衣", "surtr's leggings": "苏尔特尔的裤子", "helmswoman's boots": "女舵手短靴", "formal horns": "正式牛角", "wilson barber chest": "威尔逊理发师箱子", "fighter's pteruges": "斗士裙甲", "bewitching boots": "女巫短靴", "mariner's boots": "海员短靴", "ancient king's chest": "远古国王的箱子", "minotaur mitts": "牛头人之手", "swim socks": "游泳袜", "krampwell head": "克朗普韦尔之颅", "tragedienne trousers": "悲剧女演员的长裤", "monkey paw post": "猴爪柱", "moon warrior boots": "月亮战士靴", "usurper's sandals": "篡位者的凉鞋", "winter soiree pants": "冬日礼服裤", "giant bolt chest": "巨大布卷箱子", "paperboy trousers": "报童裤", "sandals": "凉鞋", "webber moonbound chest": "韦伯前往月亮箱子", "wigfrid moonbound chest": "薇格弗德前往月亮箱子", "punk boots": "朋克靴子", "magnificent chest": "宏伟箱子", "blacksmith's gloves": "铁匠的手套", "the woeful chest": "可悲的箱子", "camping crock pot": "野营烹饪锅", "tragedienne costume": "悲剧女演员的戏服", "nordic pickaxe": "北欧鹤嘴锄", "salt lamp": "盐灯", "dark wizard's robe": "黑巫师长袍", "fauvist's gloves": "野兽派画家的手套", "icerod": "冰雪魔杖", "icy sportsmanship staff": "寒冰竞技魔杖", "icy grave": "冰冷坟墓", "mourning shoes": "哀悼鞋子", "tadpole prince star-sky": "蝌蚪王子星空", "sugar rose vest": "糖制玫瑰马甲", "antique brass gate": "古董黄铜门", "froggy bug net": "青蛙捕虫网", "wigfrid survivor chest": "薇格弗德冒险家箱子", "dolled-up headgear": "娃娃头饰", "experimental graspers": "实验抓取装置", "leafy seadragon tail": "叶子海龙尾巴", "furnace gloves": "火炉手套", "don't starve: wormwood": "《饥荒单机版》:沃姆伍德", "extravagant pants": "奢华长裤", "bat scythe": "蝙蝠镰刀", "sorcerer's staff": "巫师法杖", "sinking feelers": "深海触手", "deck swabster claws": "甲板清洁工爪子", "prestifoolinator": "愚人灵子分解器", "cocktail dress": "鸡尾酒装", "maxwell costume chest": "麦斯威尔服饰箱子", "refine": "精炼", "wood imp hands": "木质小恶魔双手", "tree spirit limbs": "树灵臂膀", "hollow hands": "空洞双手", "lune blossom hands": "月光花手", "greenrose ensemble": "绿蔷薇套装", "small bolt chest": "小布卷箱子", "trader's cuffs": "商人的护腕", "orchardist's moccasins": "果园主的莫卡辛鞋", "mad lab coat": "疯狂实验室大衣", "giant's gloves": "巨人的手套", "hairy hands": "毛手", "pugilist's gloves": "拳击手的手套", "smelter's gloves": "冶炼工的手套", "goodfeather's games": "良羽鸦的游戏", "street peddler's gloves": "街头小贩的手套", "wilson magmatic chest": "威尔逊的岩浆箱子", "fighter's bracers": "斗士护腕", "aristocrat's haughty sleeves": "贵族的傲慢袖子", "voxola work uniform": "沃科拉工服", "metallurgist's handwraps": "冶金师的手套", "alchemy table": "炼药桌", "spiked cuffs": "铆钉手镯", "antique brass fence": "古董黄铜篱笆", "wizened hands": "巫师之手", "aristocrat's fine gloves": "贵族的上等手套", "ice mogul gloves": "冰雪大亨手套", "ice warrior's bracers": "冰原勇士护腕", "tragedienne gloves": "悲剧女演员的手套", "ruffled cuffs": "荷叶边袖口", "battlemaster's gauntlets": "战斗大师的拳套", "cuffed glovelettes": "袖口手套", "chop to it": "砍砍砍", "pierrot suit": "小丑服", "frost-chilled vines": "霜冻藤蔓", "frostbitten tail": "寒霜牛尾", "clucky slippers": "咯咯响的拖鞋", "ironclad headgear": "铁甲头饰", "salt box shaker": "盐罐", "pantomimed snazzy pitchfork": "拟真黄金干草叉", "equestrienne headdress portrait": "女骑手头饰背景", "barbed helmet": "带刺头盔", "ribbon wreath": "缎带花环", "terrarized chest": "泰拉瑞亚箱子", "nordic fire staff": "北欧火杖", "ugly pink winter sweater": "丑陋的粉色冬季毛衣", "chicken dance emote": "小鸡舞表情", "winged brazier": "带翅膀的火盆", "dolled-up caparison": "娃娃牛衣", "fanged firepit": "尖牙火坑", "from the ashes": "灯火阑珊处", "chester": "切斯特", "obsidian's gloves": "黑曜石手套", "catty costume cap": "浣猫造型帽", "wurt triumphant chest": "沃特凯旋箱子", "jagged grand suit": "华丽锯齿盔甲", "builder's belongings chest": "建造者财物箱子", "bead bracelets": "手串", "free roaming feet": "自由漫步鞋", "voxola safety boots": "沃科拉安全靴", "mad lab shoes": "疯狂实验室鞋子", "forging boots": "熔炉靴子", "street peddler's slippers": "街头小贩的拖鞋", "grimy goblin grapplers": "哥布林爪子", "showy prestishadowtator": "炫技暗影站", "lady's slippers": "淑女拖鞋", "dress shirt and sash": "衬衣和缎带", "battlemaster's legguards": "战斗大师的护腿", "supernatural dress shoes": "超自然礼服鞋", "ice mogul overcoat": "冰雪大亨大衣", "fiend's talons": "恶魔爪子", "grimy goblin hoofsies": "哥布林之腿", "homespun garden hoe": "家纺园艺锄", "dryad's sandals": "树妖的凉鞋", "ice mogul trousers": "冰雪大亨长裤", "frost giant feet": "冰霜巨人双足", "straw-stuffed shoes": "稻草鞋子", "soft leather shoes": "软皮鞋", "forging chestcover": "锻制胸甲", "ugly winter sweater": "丑陋的冬季毛衣", "merchant boots": "商人短靴", "woodcarved torso": "木刻躯干", "gladiator beard": "角斗士胡须", "decorator's chest": "装饰家箱子", "the mad scientist chest": "疯狂科学家箱子", "bunny slippers": "兔子造型的拖鞋", "booties": "短靴", "wizardly winklepickers": "巫师尖头鞋", "science machine": "科学机器", "hoarfrost trousers": "冰霜裤子", "pigman": "猪人", "lightbulb": "灯泡", "wurt guest of honor chest": "沃特贵宾箱子", "aristocrat wickerbottom": "贵族薇克巴顿", "torn wolfman trousers": "撕裂的狼人裤", "sulphur pimpernel's blouse": "硫磺繁缕的衣衫", "woodie team player chest": "伍迪团队精神箱子", "fissure's gloves": "裂隙手套", "brawler's leggings": "好斗者的护腿", "cawnival shrub hat": "鸦年华灌木丛帽", "tiger boomerang": "老虎回旋镖", "adventuring trousers": "冒险裤子", "the end is nigh: gilded edition": "末日将至:镀金版", "battlemaster's sandals": "战斗大师的凉鞋", "experimental chassis": "实验底盘", "the lover": "情圣", "swamp rose frock": "沼泽玫瑰连衣裙", "deep sea chest": "深海胸部", "wickerbottom deluxe wardrobe": "薇克巴顿豪华衣柜", "riko": "莉可", "wanda snowfallen chest": "旺达下雪箱子", "hunter green coat": "猎人绿袍", "springtime lederhosen": "春装背带裤", "coldfire dress": "冰火礼服", "fighter's tunic": "斗士外衣", "forest witch dress": "森林女巫裙", "alchemist's robe top": "炼金术士的长袍", "home sweet home": "甜蜜的家", "shredded skirt": "破碎的裙子", "supernatural frock": "超自然连衣裙", "woolen jumper": "羊毛毛衣", "old habit": "旧习惯", "mutated spider torso": "变异蜘蛛躯干", "waterlogged": "水中木", "maxwell moonbound chest": "麦斯威尔前往月亮箱子", "sleeveless blouse": "无袖衬衫", "toggle jacket": "切换夹克", "letterman jacket": "特莱曼夹克"};let classnames = [".market_listing_item_name", ".hover_item_name", ".rewards-deck .card-title", ".text-box .name"]
let rarity_trans = {
    Common: "普通",
    Classy: "上等",
    "Heirloom Elegant": "传家宝优雅",
    Distinguished: "杰出",
    "Heirloom Distinguished": "传家宝杰出",
    Elegant: "优雅",
    Spiffy: "炫酷",
    "Heirloom Classy": "传家宝上等",
let special_text = {
    "big pile of 1500 spools to use in crafting other items": "1500线轴"

function GetTranslationParts(text) {
    text = text.toLowerCase();
    let bracketopen = text.indexOf("(");
    let bracketclose = text.indexOf(")");
    let ret = {
        name: "",
        bracket: "",
        rarity: "",
        prefab: "",
    //Swing Pants (Wibbly Wobbly Pinky Winky Pink)
    if (bracketopen >= 0) {
        //we found a bracket
        let bracket_text = text.substring(bracketopen + 1, bracketclose);
        ret.bracket = bracket_text;
        //assume that there is nothing after brackets
        text = text.substring(0, bracketopen);
    //now we have the name without bracket
    //find rarity tag at the head
    for (let i in rarity_trans) {
        let res = text.indexOf(i.toLowerCase());
        if (res >= 0) {
            //we found a rarity tag
            ret.rarity = i;
            let tag_close = text.indexOf(" ", res + i.length);
            text = text.substring(tag_close + 1);
    //now we have the name without rarity tag
    ret.name = text.trim();
    return ret;

function TranslateParts(pts) {
    if (pts.rarity != "") {
        pts.rarity = "[" + (rarity_trans[pts.rarity] || "???") + "]";
    //todo: add trans
    if (pts.bracket != "") {
        pts.bracket = pts.bracket;
    if (pts.name != "") {
        pts.prefab = skindict[pts.name] || "";
        pts.name = skinnames[pts.name] ? skinnames[pts.name] : pts.name;
        if (special_text[pts.name]) {
            pts.name = special_text[pts.name];
    return pts;

function JoinTranslatedParts(pts) {
    let ret = "#";
    if (pts.rarity != "") {
        ret += pts.rarity + " ";
    if (pts.bracket != "") {
        ret += pts.bracket + " ";
    if (pts.name != "") {
        ret += pts.name;
    if (pts.prefab != "") {
        ret += "(" + pts.prefab + ")";
    return ret;

function GetTranslation(text) {
    let pts = GetTranslationParts(text);
    let transed = TranslateParts(pts);
    return JoinTranslatedParts(transed);

function translateSingleSpan(element) {
    let oldtext = element.innerText;
    //translated by .
    if (oldtext && oldtext.length > 0 && oldtext[0] == "#") {
    if (!oldtext) {
    if (oldtext.length == 0) {
    let translation = GetTranslation(oldtext);
    element.innerText = translation;

function translateAllClass() {
    for (let cls of classnames) {
        let elements = document.querySelectorAll(cls);
        for (let element of elements) {
window.trans = translateAllClass
setTimeout(translateAllClass, 100);
setInterval(translateAllClass, 5000);