// ==UserScript==
// @name LibReddit Dark Theme & LibReddit Settings Changer
// @namespace https://violentmonkey.github.io/
// @version 1.9
// @description Change the default Libreddit theme to Black, and set other preferences more convenient than on Reddit
// @author Streampunk
// @icon 
// @match https://redlib.freedit.eu/*
// @match https://discuss.whatever.social/*
// @match https://l.opnxng.com/*
// @match https://libreddit.bus-hit.me/*
// @match https://libreddit.kylrth.com/*
// @match https://libreddit.lunar.icu/*
// @match https://libreddit.northboot.xyz/*
// @match https://libreddit.oxymagnesium.com/*
// @match https://libreddit.privacydev.net/*
// @match https://libreddit.projectsegfau.lt/*
// @match https://libreddit.pussthecat.org/*
// @match https://libreddit.strongthany.cc/*
// @match https://libreddit.tux.pizza/*
// @match https://libreddit.miaoute.net/*
// @match https://lr.artemislena.eu/*
// @match https://lr.n8pjl.ca/*
// @match https://lr.ggtyler.dev/*
// @match https://reddit.invak.id/*
// @match https://reddit.simo.sh/*
// @match https://reddit.owo.si/*
// @match https://reddit.nerdvpn.de/*
// @match https://reddit.idevicehacked.com/*
// @match https://safereddit.com/*
// @match https://snoo.habedieeh.re/*
// @match https://redlib.catsarch.com/*
// @match https://redlib.ducks.party/*
// @match https://redlib.seasi.dev/*
// @match https://redlib.tux.pizza/*
// @match https://redlib.vimmer.dev/*
// @match https://redlib.xn--hackerhhle-kcb.org/*
// @match https://redlib.privacyredirect.com/*
// @match https://redlib.kittywi.re/*
// @match https://redlib.baczek.me/*
// @match https://redlib.frontendfriendly.xyz/*
// @match https://redlib.incogniweb.net/*
// @match https://redlib.nirn.quest/*
// @match https://redlib.nohost.network/*
// @match https://redlib.privacy.com.de/*
// @match https://redlib.private.coffee/*
// @match https://red.artemislena.eu/*
// @match https://red.ngn.tf/*
// @match https://red.arancia.click/*
// @match https://rl.bloat.cat/*
// @match https://rl.rootdo.com/*
// @match https://r.darrennathanael.com/*
// @match https://redlib.nadeko.net/*
// @match https://redlib.pussthecat.org/*
// @match https://i.opnxng.com/*
// @match https://td.vern.cc/*
// @match https://teddit.laserdisc.tokyo/*
// @match https://teddit.projectsegfau.lt/*
// @match https://teddit.pussthecat.org/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
// Set a preference of your choice among the available options. Settings will be saved in browser cookies.
// Theme: black, dark, doomone, dracula, gold, gruvboxdark, gruvboxlight, laserwave, light, nord, rosebox, tokyoNight, violet
var theme = 'black';
// Remove default feeds: on, off
var remove_default_feeds = 'off';
// Front page: default, popular, all
var front_page = 'default';
// Layout: card, clean, compact
var layout = 'card';
// Wide UI: on, off
var wide = 'off';
// Video quality: best, medium, worst
var video_quality = 'best';
// Default subreddit post sort: hot, new, top, rising, controversial
var post_sort = 'hot';
// Default comment sort: confidence, top, new, controversial, old
var comment_sort = 'confidence';
// Blur spoiler previews: on, off
var blur_spoiler = 'off';
// Show NSFW posts: on, off
var show_nsfw = 'on';
// Blur NSFW previews: on, off
var blur_nsfw = 'off';
// Autoplay videos: on, off
var autoplay_videos = 'off';
// Use HLS for videos: on, off
// Reddit videos require JavaScript (via HLS.js) to be enabled to be played with audio. Therefore, this toggle lets you either use Libreddit JS-free or utilize this feature.
var use_hls = 'on';
// Hide notification about possible HLS usage: on, off
var hide_hls_notification = 'on';
// Hide awards: on, off
var hide_awards = 'on';
// Keep navbar fixed: on, off
var fixed_navbar = 'off';
// Hide the summary and sidebar: on, off
var hide_sidebar_and_summary = 'off';
// Hide score: on, off
var hide_score = 'off';
// Do not confirm before visiting content on Reddit: on, off
var disable_visit_reddit_confirmation = 'on';
// Subscriptions: ?
var subscriptions = '';
// Filters: ?
var filters = '';
// Set the value of custom settings as activated, so that the script works properly
var user_settings = 'activated';
// A Function to Set a Cookie
function setCookie(cName, cValue) {
const domain = "domain=" + window.location.hostname;
document.cookie = cName + "=" + cValue + ";" + domain + ";";
// A Function to Get a Cookie
function getCookie(cName) {
let Name = cName + "=";
let ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
let c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(Name) == 0) {
return c.substring(Name.length, c.length);
return "";
// A Function that Checks if a Cookie is set
function checkCookie() {
let user = getCookie("user_settings");
if (user != "") {
// Remember to open the console (Press F12)
console.error("Сookies with custom user settings are set!");
} else {
// Apply setCookie
setCookie('theme', theme);
setCookie('remove_default_feeds', remove_default_feeds);
setCookie('theme', theme);
setCookie('front_page', front_page);
setCookie('layout', layout);
setCookie('wide', wide);
setCookie('video_quality', video_quality);
setCookie('post_sort', post_sort);
setCookie('comment_sort', comment_sort);
setCookie('blur_spoiler', blur_spoiler);
setCookie('show_nsfw', show_nsfw);
setCookie('blur_nsfw', blur_nsfw);
setCookie('autoplay_videos', autoplay_videos);
setCookie('use_hls', use_hls);
setCookie('hide_hls_notification', hide_hls_notification);
setCookie('hide_awards', hide_awards);
setCookie('fixed_navbar', fixed_navbar);
setCookie('hide_sidebar_and_summary', hide_sidebar_and_summary);
setCookie('hide_score', hide_score);
setCookie('disable_visit_reddit_confirmation', disable_visit_reddit_confirmation);
setCookie('subscriptions', subscriptions);
setCookie('filters', filters);
setCookie('user_settings', user_settings);
// Check if Сookies are set and if not, set a Сookie with custom user settings