// ==UserScript==
// @name Theresmore Automation Translations 继续解锁脚本汉化
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 4.5.0
// @description Theresmore Automation v4.5.0自动脚本汉化,自动脚本可在GitHub安装并手动添加汉化游戏网址匹配https://theresmoregame.g8hh.com/
// @author Ymmzy
// @match https://theresmoregame.g8hh.com/
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// @icon https://www.theresmoregame.com/play/favicon.ico
// @require https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint-env jquery */
var translations = {
//"": "",
"Achievements": "成就",
"You have to work on it a bit": "您还需多加努力",
"NG+ all caps": "超转生所有上限",
"All resources": "所有资源",
"Ancestor": "祖先",
"Armies": "军队",
"Army": "军队",
"Attack": "攻击力",
"Defense": "防御力",
"You have no soldier to train": "您无法训练士兵",
"Hitpoints": "生命值",
"Ascension": "飞升",
"You have no soldier to send": "没有士兵可供派遣",
"Attack": "攻击",
"Att": "攻",
"Battery life": "节省电源",
"Battery Mode": "电源模式",
"Please note that this is a beta version of Theresmore, things may change drastically during the development and your save could break. Play at your own risk!": "请注意,目前您玩的是本游戏的beta版本,开发中内容随时可能变化,您也可能会丢失存档。游玩风险自负。",
"Beta Version": "Beta版本",
"This research will lead to a confrontation with the boss of this era, are you ready for battle? Do you have enough men in garrison?": "研究后您将跟本时代的首领进行对决,您准备好战斗了吗?驻军(而不是攻击)的士兵足够么?",
"Build": "建造",
"You have nothing to build": "没有建筑可供建造",
"Building": "建筑",
"Master builders, your ancestors erected more than one monolith in honor of the ancient gods": "他们是建筑大师,您的祖先曾为纪念远古神明而竖立起许多巨石",
"Buy": "购买",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Cap": "上限",
"Changelog": "更新日志",
"Colony": "定居点",
"Completed": "已完成",
"Confirm": "确认",
"Support our devs!": "支持游戏开发!",
"Theresmore is completely free! To help our devs make the game even better you can watch an ad and get this random reward:": "本游戏完全免费!您可以通过观看广告支持本游戏开发,并获得以下奖励:",
"Dark mode": "昏暗模式",
"Dark / Light mode": "昏暗/明亮模式",
"You have been defeated!": "您战败了!",
"Defense": "防御",
"Def": "防",
"You have no soldier": "您没有士兵",
"Died": "阵亡",
"Difficulty": "难度",
"Normal": "普通",
"Hard": "困难",
"Impossible": "无望",
"Diplomacy": "外交",
"Dismiss": "遣散",
"Donate": "捐赠",
"Donate all": "全部捐赠",
"Enable notifications": "启用提醒",
"Enemies": "敌人",
"You haven't conquered any enemies yet": "您未征服任何敌人",
"Explore": "探索",
"Farmer bonus": "农民加成",
"Garrison": "驻军",
"Hard reset": "硬重置",
"This operation will delete all game data and they will no longer be recoverable, do you confirm you want to continue?": "该操作将抹除所有游戏数据,无法恢复,您确定要继续吗?",
"All your progress will be lost and you'll have to start the game over from the beginning, are you sure you want to continue?": "您会失去所有游戏进度,需要从初始状态开始,您确定要继续吗?",
"If you confirm, a deletion of all game data will be performed, do you want to continue?": "再次点击确认后将抹除所有游戏数据,您确定要继续吗?",
"Humans": "人类",
"Skilled diplomats and expert merchants, their curiosity drives them where others hesitate to venture": "他们精于外交,长于商贸,充满好奇心,敢于前往其他人逡巡不前的地方进行冒险",
"You killed": "您击杀了",
"Legacy points": "传承点数",
"Light Portal of the Dead": "点亮亡者之门",
"This operation will reset the current game and return you to the ancestor choice after you have made the last prestige. Do you confirm you want to continue?": "该操作将重置目前游戏的进度,使您回到上一次转生之后选择祖先的阶段。您确定要继续吗?",
"All your progress will be lost and you'll have to start the game from your last prestige, are you sure you want to continue?": "您会失去所有游戏进度,需要从上一次转生之后开始,您确定要继续吗?",
"If you confirm, a deletion of this game data will be performed, do you want to continue?": "再次点击确认后将抹除所有游戏数据,您确定要继续吗?",
"Import from clipboard": "从剪贴板导入",
"Import pasted text": "从粘贴文本导入",
"Paste the save in the box below and press the import button": "将文本复制到下面的文本框内,并点击导入按钮",
"Loading": "载入中",
"Magic": "魔法",
"City": "城市",
"To please the gods and be able to meet them, we must offer a consideration of 1,000,000 resources. Each of them has a different value to the gods as can be seen below": "为了取悦和谒拜神明,您需要奉上价值1000000的资源。不同的贡品价值各不相同,可在下方查看",
"Total donations value": "总贡品价值",
"Value": "价值",
"NG+": "超转生",
"New Game Plus Mode": "进行超转生",
"Congratulations! Through the purchase of your 25th Legacy Perk you have unlocked the opportunity to activate NEW GAME PLUS. This mode will reset your game like prestige but you will also lose your Legacy Perks acquired (you will keep your stats and achievements obtained so far). In return you will get a +1% bonus to all caps and +0.1% bonus to all production for each Legacy Perk you have lost. Each time you activate NEW GAME PLUS, you will also halve the time required for all exploration, espionage, and attack missions": "恭喜!您已经购买了第25个传承加成,可以进行超转生了。这将像转生一样重置目前游戏的进度,但不同的是,传承加成也将全部重置(但统计数据和成就将仍然保留)。您在超转生之前每购买1个传承加成,超转生后就可以使所有上限增加1%,所有产量增加0.1%。每次超转生后,还可以使探索、间谍和攻击所需的时间减半",
"This is the NEW GAME PLUS mode. Each time you perform a NG+ you will get a permanent bonus of 1% to all caps and 0.1% to all production for each Legacy Perks you had obtained in this game series. For each NG+ you have halved the time required for exploration, espionage, and attack missions. The NG+ resets all progress made so far (except achievements and stats) and restarts a new game": "该操作将进行超转生。您在超转生之前每购买1个传承加成,超转生后就可以使所有上限增加1%,所有产量增加0.1%。每次超转生后,还可以使探索、间谍和攻击所需的时间减半。超转生将重置目前的所有进度(除了成就和统计数据),并重新开始游戏",
"This will reset all your progress in this game": "您会失去所有游戏进度",
"Do you understand what will happen?": "您确定自己知道了接下来会发生的事吗?",
"NG+ in progress": "超转生中",
"You have no enemy to attack": "没有敌人可供攻击",
"You have no enemy to spy": "没有敌人可供探查",
"No requirements": "无需求",
"Open achievements": "打开成就界面",
"Click here to paste a save": "点击此处以粘贴存档",
"Press Ctrl+V to paste a save": "按Ctrl+V粘贴存档",
"The game has been loaded from the save, please wait...": "存档载入中,请等待……",
"Unable to load game from the save": "无法读取存档",
"Performance": "高性能",
"Population": "人口",
"Your people still don't have jobs": "人们还没有工作",
"Prayers": "祈祷",
"There are no prayers at the moment": "没有什么可供祈祷",
"Prestige": "转生",
"Research": "研究",
"Reward canceled, try again later": "取消了奖励,请之后再次尝试",
"The world of Theresmore awaits": "登攀者世界欢迎您的到来",
"Your ancestors are well known for:": "您的祖先以此闻名:",
"Save to clipboard": "保存至剪贴板",
"The game has been saved to the clipboard": "游戏已保存至剪贴板",
"Save to file": "保存至文件",
"The game has been saved to file": "游戏已保存至文件",
"You have no scout to send": "没有侦察兵可供派遣",
"Select an enemy to attack": "选择要攻击的敌人",
"Select an enemy to spy": "选择要探查的敌人",
"Sell": "出售",
"Send to attack": "进行攻击",
"Send to explore": "进行探索",
"Send to spy": "进行探查",
"Settings": "设置",
"Show buildings at cap": "显示数量达到上限的建筑",
"Soft reset": "软重置",
"This is a form of prestige. Each time you perform a prestige you will get a permanent bonus to any production and gain Legacy points (from your Fame) that you can spend on permanent bonuses. The prestige resets all progress made so far (except achievements, stats and legacy bonuses) and restarts a new game": "这属于转生。每次转生,您都可以获得所有资源的永久加成,并根据声誉数值获得传承点数,用来购买永久加成。转生后,所有游戏进度都将重置(成就,统计和传承加成除外),并开始下周目游戏",
"This will reset all your progress in this game": "您会失去本周目游戏的进度",
"Do you understand what will happen?": "您明白接下来会发生的事了吧?",
"Are you ready to stop the army of the dead? Theresmore and its kingdoms are counting on you for their survival": "您准备好阻止亡者大军了吗?登攀者世界和所有王国的存续寄于您一身了",
"Glorious retirement is Theresmore's first form of prestige. Each time you perform a prestige you will get a permanent bonus to any production and gain Legacy points (from your Fame) that you can spend on the permanent bonuses you see below. The prestige resets all progress made so far (except achievements, stats and legacy bonuses) and restarts a new game": "光荣退休是本游戏第一种转生。每次转生,您都可以获得所有资源的永久加成,并根据声誉数值获得传承点数,用来购买下方的永久加成。转生后,所有游戏进度都将重置(成就,统计和传承加成除外),并开始下周目游戏",
"You have defeated the army of the dead and Theresmore is saved from the undead scourge. Beating them you got 1 RELIC. You can continue playing or choose to prestige thanks to your glorious victory! Each time you perform a prestige you will get a permanent bonus to any production and gain Legacy points that you can spend on the permanent bonuses you see below. The prestige resets all progress made so far (except achievements, stats and legacy bonuses) and restarts a new game": "您击败了亡者大军,登攀者世界从亡灵天灾的魔爪中得救了。击败它们后,您获得了1遗物。由于您的光荣胜利,您可以继续玩下去,也可以选择转生了。每次转生,您都可以获得所有资源的永久加成,并根据声誉数值获得传承点数,用来购买下方的永久加成。转生后,所有游戏进度都将重置(成就,统计和传承加成除外),并开始下周目游戏",
"The army of the dead has emerged from the portal and overwhelmed your defenses and your city. One by one, all the kingdoms of Theresmore have fallen and now the land is prey to the dead. Each time you perform a prestige you will get a permanent bonus to any production and gain Legacy points that you can spend on the permanent bonuses you see below. The prestige resets all progress made so far (except achievements, stats and legacy bonuses) and restarts a new game": "亡者大军从门内涌现出来,摧毁了您的城市。登攀者世界的王国一个接一个地沦陷了,这片大地沦为了亡者的猎场。每次转生,您都可以获得所有资源的永久加成,并根据声誉数值获得传承点数,用来购买下方的永久加成。转生后,所有游戏进度都将重置(成就,统计和传承加成除外),并开始下周目游戏",
"You have economically conquered all of Theresmore and no kingdom will ever escape your manipulation again. Through this prestige in addition to Legacy you will gain 1 COIN. Each time you perform a prestige you will get a permanent bonus to any production and gain Legacy points (from your Fame) that you can spend on the permanent bonuses you see below. The prestige resets all progress made so far (except achievements, stats and legacy bonuses) and restarts a new game": "您控制了整个登攀者世界的经济命脉,没有哪个王国能够逃离您的掌控。转生后,您除了可以获得传承点数以外,还可以获得1代币。每次转生,您都可以获得所有资源的永久加成,并根据声誉数值获得传承点数,用来购买下方的永久加成。转生后,所有游戏进度都将重置(成就,统计和传承加成除外),并开始下周目游戏",
"The gods welcome you into their midst, and the problems of earthly life seem only a vague memory. As for now, you can devote yourself to eternal pleasure, but soon they will need you on Theresmore. Through this prestige in addition to Legacy you will gain 1 TOME OF WISDOM. Each time you perform a prestige you will get a permanent bonus to any production and gain Legacy points that you can spend on the permanent bonuses you see below. The prestige resets all progress made so far (except achievements, stats and legacy bonuses) and restarts a new game": "神明们欢迎了您的进入,尘世生活的种种已经是遥远的模糊记忆。您可以尽情享受永恒的欢愉,但登攀者世界终究会再次需要您。转生后,您除了可以获得传承点数以外,还可以获得1智慧卷轴。每次转生,您都可以获得所有资源的永久加成,并根据声誉数值获得传承点数,用来购买下方的永久加成。转生后,所有游戏进度都将重置(成就,统计和传承加成除外),并开始下周目游戏",
"Suddenly sounds of horns, howls and battle cries shatter the stillness of the night. Soldiers rush to the defenses but goblin wolfriders are already all around them. Arrows as black as night strike the garrison and their poison acts quickly. The goblins swarm into the settlement looting and destroying everything you had so hard built. If only we had had more defenses and a stronger garrison we could have destroyed these damned green-skinned. You were defeated, but that's not the end of Theresmore! Thanks to the fame you have accumulated so far, you can spend legacy point to buy special permanent perks that will help you for all the upcoming games": "号角声,嚎叫声和战吼声突然打破了夜晚的宁静。士兵们冲向防线,但地精狼骑兵已经包围了他们。漆黑如夜的箭矢射向士兵们,上面的毒很快生效了。地精们蜂拥而至,掠夺并摧毁了您辛辛苦苦建造的一切。如果我们加强防御,增派人手,就应该能干掉这群该死的绿皮们……您失败了,但这并不是登攀者世界的末日!由于您积累了声誉数值,您可以使用传承点数来购买永久加成,它们在接下来的游戏中会很有帮助的",
"Once again our valiant soldiers will close ranks, ready to give battle. The red dragon looms over the city and its draconic servants engage in a ruthless battle on the city walls. Your soldiers fight bravely until the dragon decides to end the battle. His fiery breath destroys the ramparts annihilating anyone in his path. Entire districts of the city burn and civilians fight for their very lives. Everything is now screaming, destruction and ashes. The battle is lost. You were defeated, but that's not the end of Theresmore! Thanks to the fame you have accumulated so far, you can spend legacy point to buy special permanent perks that will help you for all the upcoming games": "我们英勇的战士再次紧密团结,准备战斗。红龙浮现于城市之上,龙仆们落于城墙,开始了死战。士兵们勇敢地战斗,但最后红龙决定结束战斗。它炽热的吐息摧毁了城墙,和路上的一切事物。整个城市都在燃烧,平民们被迫为了自己而战。到处都是尖叫,毁灭和灰烬。战斗,失败了……您失败了,但这并不是登攀者世界的末日!由于您积累了声誉数值,您可以使用传承点数来购买永久加成,它们在接下来的游戏中会很有帮助的",
"Soldiers in the city are making light of what happened when screams are heard coming from the city walls. Before long batteries of muskets are firing, and our garrison, taken by surprise, is mowed down by enemy lead. A being in armor with big black wings flies over an army of demons armed with muskets. Before destroying the city he says these words : thank you for trusting me and secretly arming my legion, now I will give you the justice that only a fallen angel possesses! You were defeated, but that's not the end of Theresmore! Thanks to the fame you have accumulated so far, you can spend legacy point to buy special permanent perks that will help you for all the upcoming games": "城墙上传来了尖叫声,城中的士兵们还在试图弄清楚发生了什么。不久之后,敌人的先头部队举着黑洞洞的枪口轰平了我们的驻地。一个有着黑色巨翼,穿着盔甲的家伙飞过了一支拿着火枪的恶魔部队。毁灭城市之前,它留下了这些话:谢谢你的信任,我才能武装起我的军团,现在,是时候让你品尝一下什么叫做堕天使的正义了!您失败了,但这并不是登攀者世界的末日!由于您积累了声誉数值,您可以使用传承点数来购买永久加成,它们在接下来的游戏中会很有帮助的",
"Our city was ready to repel the onslaught but for all the gods those monstrosities were too much for any Theresmore army. First they swarmed toward the city the lesser demons that gasped fire and incinerated our defenses, finally at a command from the Fallen Angel they charged the greater demons. Ten-foot-tall monsters hurled helpless soldiers into the air and others were mauled by those abominations. The Fallen Angel laughed and the laughter of his vengeance could be heard throughout the city. You were defeated, but that's not the end of Theresmore! Thanks to the fame you have accumulated so far, you can spend legacy point to buy special permanent perks that will help you for all the upcoming games": "我们的城市已经严阵以待了,奈何敌人实在是不讲武德。首先涌入的是一群小恶魔,它们喷火焚烧了我们的防御工事,然后在堕天使的命令下,高等恶魔们开始行进。高达十尺的怪物们将无助的士兵们抛向了高空,其他士兵则被那群混账东西肆意蹂躏。堕天使发出了大仇得报的笑声,声音响彻全城……您失败了,但这并不是登攀者世界的末日!由于您积累了声誉数值,您可以使用传承点数来购买永久加成,它们在接下来的游戏中会很有帮助的",
"The once proud fortresses of the Orcish nation lay in ruins, and the horde set out on a final, desperate charge. With fire in their eyes and weapons in their hands, they launched themselves against our walls, seeking to break through. The armies of the free peoples, honed by centuries of battle against the most fearsome foes, stood their ground and battled the orcs for days. The fate of the free and the bloodthirsty hung in the balance, and the outcome was uncertain. But then, a breach was made, and the end seemed near. The humans fought with all their might, knowing that defeat would mean enslavement or worse. The orcish horde stormed forward, a relentless tide of destruction. The last bastion of freedom held fast, but eventually, with a mournful crash, it fell. Theresmore was no more, and the humans were doomed. The only thing that remained was a bitter memory of the battle, a reminder of the sacrifice made by those who fought for freedom and of the hope that had once burned bright, but now lay forever extinguished. You were defeated, but that's not the end of Theresmore! Thanks to the fame you have accumulated so far, you can spend legacy point to buy special permanent perks that will help you for all the upcoming games": "兽人族曾引以为傲的堡垒已经变成了废墟,兽人部落开始了最后的绝望冲锋。他们眼中燃烧着火焰,手持武器,冲向我们的城墙,试图将其突破。数个世纪以来,我们的军队与最可怕的敌人交战过,久经战阵,他们坚守阵地,与兽人们激战了数日。两方的命运看起来悬而未决,但突然,战争的天平发生了倾斜,结局似乎已经近在眼前。人类竭尽全力战斗,他们知道一旦战败,等待他们的只有被奴役,甚至更可怕的事。兽人部落无情的毁灭浪潮继续冲击着城市,城市坚持到了最后,但还是陷落了。登攀者世界完了,人类也完了。留给后世的,只有苦涩的记忆,那些为了人类而战的牺牲,以及曾经闪耀,却永远熄灭的希望。您失败了,但这并不是登攀者世界的末日!由于您积累了声誉数值,您可以使用传承点数来购买永久加成,它们在接下来的游戏中会很有帮助的",
"Prestige in progress": "转生中",
"Spells": "咒语",
"There are no spells at the moment": "没有咒语可供使用",
"Spy": "间谍",
"You have no spy to send": "没有间谍可供派遣",
"Enter": "进入",
"Statistics": "统计",
"Stone": "石头",
"Structures cost": "建筑花费",
"Support": "支持",
"Your researchers have nothing to research": "没有项目可供研究人员研究",
"Theresmore Richest Nation": "登攀者世界富甲天下",
"Unlocked": "解锁于",
"Victory!": "胜利!",
"Warning": "警告",
"Wood": "木材",
"One": "一个",
"A few": "一些",
"Some": "不少",
"A lot of": "很多",
"A plethora of": "大量",
"A legion of": "海量",
"150% more production of food, wood and stone for 5 minutes": "5分钟内食物、木材和石头产量增加150%",
"300% more production of gold for 5 minutes": "5分钟内黄金产量增加300%",
"300% more production of research for 5 minutes": "5分钟内研究点产量增加300%",
"150% more production of copper, iron and tools for 5 minutes": "5分钟内铜、铁和工具产量增加150%",
"150% more production of materials and steel for 5 minutes": "5分钟内原料和钢产量增加150%",
"150% more production of crystal and supplies for 5 minutes": "5分钟内水晶和补给产量增加150%",
"150% more production of saltpetre and natronite for 5 minutes": "5分钟内硝石和钠红石产量增加150%",
"Refill the cap of wood and stone to a maximum of 50k": "将木材和石头储量补充至上限,但最多补充到50000",
"Refill the cap of copper and iron to a maximum of 25k": "将铜和铁储量补充至上限,但最多补充到25000",
"Refill the cap of tools to a maximum of 25k": "将工具储量补充至上限,但最多补充到25000",
"Refill the cap of materials and steel to a maximum of 10k": "将原料和钢储量补充至上限,但最多补充到10000",
"Refill the cap of crystal and supplies to a maximum of 10k": "将水晶和补给储量补充至上限,但最多补充到10000",
"You gain 50 of Fame!": "您获得了50声誉!",
"Refill the cap of research to a maximum of 100k": "将研究点储量补充至上限,但最多补充到100000",
"Refill the cap of gold to a maximum of 100k": "将黄金储量补充至上限,但最多补充到100000",
"Farming": "农业",
"Your ancestors have mastered the best farming techniques and food will never be a problem for your people": "您的祖先掌握最好的农艺,您的子民永远不用担心食物问题",
"Believing": "信奉",
"Your ancestors knew how to speak to the gods, they had many blessings": "您的祖先知晓如何与神明交流,他们受到大量赐福",
"Foraging": "饲育",
"Your ancestors knew how to rule animals and supplies will not be lacking": "您的祖先知晓如何管控动物,几乎不会缺乏补给",
"Gathering": "采集",
"Your ancestors knew the best places to cut good wood and dig the finest stone": "您的祖先知晓伐木和采石的最佳位置",
"Mining": "采矿",
"Your ancestors knew how to refine metals and they used tools of rare workmanship": "您的祖先知晓如何提炼金属,他们使用稀有工艺的工具",
"Researching": "研究",
"Your ancestors were cultured and erudite, Theresmore had few secrets for them": "您的祖先博学多才,教养良好,登攀者世界对他们来说几乎没有秘密",
"Spellcrafting": "施法",
"Your ancestors knew how to manage mana and spells flowed out of their mouths": "您的祖先知晓如何控制法力,随手即可施放咒语",
"Trading": "贸易",
"Your ancestors knew how to make money, their caravans crossed Theresmore": "您的祖先知晓如何赚钱,他们的商队遍布登攀者世界",
"War Skilling": "作战",
"Your ancestors knew how to make war, great leaders of warrior tribes": "您的祖先知晓如何作战,他们是战士部落的伟大领袖",
"Academy of Freethinkers": "自由思想家学院",
"Freethinkers will bring us into the modern age": "自由思想家将带着我们进入现代",
"A. of Freethinkers Part": "自由思想家学院组件",
"A part of the Academy of Freethinkers": "自由思想家学院的一部分",
"Alchemical laboratory": "炼金实验室",
"Produce alchemist for saltpetre": "炼金术士可以提取硝石",
"Alchemist complex": "炼金联合体",
"Will fill the need for saltpetre": "将满足硝石的需求",
"Altar of sacrifices": "献祭圣坛",
"Death will please the gods": "死亡可以取悦神明",
"Artillery firing range": "炮兵靶场",
"A place to do ballistic training": "可以在此训练炮兵",
"Artisan complex": "工匠联合体",
"Raw metal refining center and handicrafts": "精炼金属原料,制造工艺品",
"Artisan Workshop": "工匠作坊",
"The tools these artisans produce will be the manufacturing focus of the settlement": "工匠们在此生产工具,它在生产制造过程中处于中心位置",
"Ancient vault": "远古保险库",
"Where ancient knowledge is stored": "储存远古知识的地方",
"Arch of Triumph": "凯旋门",
"Si vis pacem, para bellum": "好战必亡,忘战必危",
"Arch of Triumph part": "凯旋门组件",
"A part of the Arch of Triumph": "凯旋门的一部分",
"Automated Complex": "自动化联合体",
"A fully automated building. A marvel of human genius": "全自动的建筑。它是人类智慧的结晶",
"Automated Complex p.": "自动化联合体组件",
"A part of the Automated Complex": "自动化联合体的一部分",
"Ballista": "弩炮",
"Ballista will stop even the biggest enemies": "弩炮连最强大的敌人都可以阻挡",
"Barracks": "兵营",
"Citizens will feel protected with a couple of guards around": "有人守卫的市民们会感觉更安全",
"Bank": "银行",
"A money generator for our city": "城市的生钱机器",
"Builder district": "建筑工区域",
"An area where our builders can join together": "让建筑工可以联合起来",
"Builders complex": "建筑工联合体",
"Like a builder district but with much more space": "比建筑工区域的空间大多了",
"Books": "书籍",
"A part of the Library of SouLs": "灵魂图书馆的一部分",
"Canava trading post": "卡纳瓦贸易站",
"From neighboring villages a network of markets to generate profit": "将邻近村庄的市场连结成网以获取利润",
"Carpenter workshop": "木匠工坊",
"With the production of building materials we will be able to construct durable buildings": "生产的建筑原料可供我们建造耐用的建筑",
"Castrum Militia": "城堡民兵",
"Militiamen will defend the settlement": "民兵们将保卫城市",
"Cathedral": "大教堂",
"A great place of worship and magic": "礼拜和魔法的好地方",
"Cathedral part": "大教堂组件",
"A part of the Cathedral": "大教堂的一部分",
"City center": "市中心",
"Anyone who visits our city will be amazed by the splendor of our arts": "来到我们城市的访客都将为我们的辉煌艺术而惊叹",
"City center part": "市中心组件",
"A part of the City center": "市中心的一部分",
"City of Lights": "光之城",
"The city will be filled with lights and everyone can admire our technology": "城市将灯火通明,所有人都将钦佩我们的技术",
"City of Lights part": "光之城组件",
"A part of the City of Lights": "光之城的一部分",
"City Hall": "市政厅",
"The administrative heart of the settlement": "城市的行政中心",
"Colony Hall": "定居点大厅",
"The pulsing heart of the colony": "定居点跳动的心脏",
"Colony recruiting camp": "定居点招募营",
"New world forges new ways of fighting": "新世界造就新的战斗方式",
"Conclave": "秘密会议",
"The order of clerics meets in these conclaves": "圣职者高层们将在此会面",
"Common House": "普通房屋",
"A small place to live": "小小的容身之所",
"Credit union": "信用社",
"Traders can generate gold here": "商人们赚钱的地方",
"Custom house": "海关",
"Where the colony's goods are sold": "定居点出售货物的地方",
"Old Gods Church": "旧神教堂",
"The ancient gods also reign in this world": "远古神明们统治着这个世界",
"Dock": "码头",
"The dock provides a source of food and gold": "提供食物和黄金",
"Elf encampment": "精灵营地",
"Proximity with Elves will make knowledge and magical arts flourish": "亲近精灵,有助于知识和魔法记忆蓬勃发展",
"Elf village": "精灵村庄",
"The home of the last elves of Theresmore": "登攀者世界仅剩的精灵们的家",
"Estates": "庄园",
"Our colony's estates where they cultivate and raise cattle. A rural guard protects them": "定居点的庄园,可以进行耕种和养牛。村里的守卫保护着他们",
"Factory": "工厂",
"The mass construction of everything we need": "大规模制造我们所需的一切东西",
"Farm": "农场",
"The peasants will feed our great nation": "农民们养活了我们伟大的国度",
"Fiefdom": "封地",
"The lord's lands produce food and raise pack animals": "领主的土地产出食物,并可以饲养驮畜",
"Fortune grove": "好运之森",
"Audentes fortuna iuvat": "命运青睐勇者",
"Fountain of Prosperity": "繁荣之泉",
"A real boon for the city": "为城市带来真正的福音",
"Foundry": "铸造厂",
"Copper, iron and tools in large numbers": "铜、铁、工具,大量供应",
"Fortified Citadel": "磐石堡垒",
"A fortress made of cannons, the bastion of humanity!": "用大炮填满堡垒,让它成为人类的捍卫者吧!",
"Fortified Citadel part": "磐石堡垒组件",
"A part of the Fortified Citadel": "磐石堡垒的一部分",
"Gan Eden": "伊甸园",
"A Theresmore paradise where we can cultivate and thrive": "登攀者世界的天堂,可供我们耕耘和生长",
"Granary": "粮仓",
"More grains more food more army": "粮满仓,兵马强",
"Guarded warehouse": "有人值守仓库",
"Our most precious goods are watched by soldiers": "士兵们守卫着我们最值钱的货物",
"Great bombard": "超级大炮",
"A majestic bombard will destroy enemies approaching the city": "雄伟的大炮可以轰碎任何接近城市的敌人",
"Great bombard part": "超级大炮组件",
"A part of the Great bombard": "超级大炮的一部分",
"Great fair": "超大集市",
"From every corner of Theresmore will come to buy and sell goods": "登攀者世界各处都有人在此买卖货物",
"Great fair unit": "超大集市组件",
"A part of the Great fair": "超大集市的一部分",
"Grocery": "食品杂货店",
"Converts food into supplies": "使用食物制造补给",
"Large warehouse": "大型仓库",
"A guarded place in arms to protect the most valuable assets": "配备大量护卫,以保护最有价值的物资",
"Guild of craftsmen": "工匠公会",
"as Pedro would say...SGRAVATO!": "合则两利,斗则两伤",
"Hall of the dead": "亡者大厅",
"Almost free labor force": "几乎免费的劳动力",
"Hall of wisdom": "智慧大厅",
"The knowledge of the gods": "神明的知识",
"Hall of heroic deeds": "英雄事迹大厅",
"A hall to exhibit the legendary monsters": "展示传说怪物的大厅",
"Hall of heroic deeds part": "英雄事迹大厅组件",
"A part of the Hall of heroic deeds": "英雄事迹大厅的一部分",
"Harbor district": "海湾区",
"A large port away from our native settlement": "远离城市的大港口",
"Harbor district part": "海湾区组件",
"A part of the Harbor district": "海湾区的一部分",
"Harvest Shrine": "丰收神殿",
"The shrine dedicated to the Mother Earth will help us feed and grow the settlement": "献给大地母亲的神殿,它将帮助我们供养和发展城市",
"Holy Site": "应许之地",
"The focal point of all the faithful in Theresmore": "登攀者世界所有信仰的汇聚之处",
"Holy Site part": "应许之地组件",
"A part of the Holy Site": "应许之地的一部分",
"House of Workers": "工人之家",
"Living place for workers": "工人们的生活场所",
"Industrial plant": "工业厂房",
"A definite boost to production": "将有效推动生产",
"Island outpost": "岛屿前哨",
"So many wonderful animal species!": "奇妙的动物可真多啊!",
"Large shed": "大型棚屋",
"The fight against caps knows no boundaries": "与上限的斗争永无止境",
"Large storehouse": "大型库房",
"A building to store large quantities of goods": "可以存储大量货物",
"Library of SouLs": "灵魂图书馆",
"By reading library books, the hapless scholars lose a piece of their soul, become partially undead": "阅读图书馆的书籍后,不幸的学者们失去了部分灵魂,变成了部分为亡灵的生物",
"Library of Theresmore": "登攀者世界图书馆",
"The place where ancient knowledge is preserved": "保存着远古的知识",
"Logistic center": "物流中心",
"A logistics hub to handle military goods and supplies": "处理军用物资及补给的物流中心",
"Lumberjack Camp": "伐木工营地",
"Wood is the resource on which we will base our city": "木材是建造城市的基础资源",
"Machines of gods": "诸神的机器",
"Machinery of a forgotten knowledge": "包含被遗忘的知识",
"Mana extractors": "法力提取器",
"From underground we extract mana and other resources": "我们可以从地下提取法力,以及其他资源",
"Mana pit": "法力深井",
"A very deep pit to accumulate all the mana we will need": "可以存储我们所需的所有法力",
"Mana pit part": "法力深井组件",
"A part of the Mana pit": "法力深井的一部分",
"Mana reactor": "法力反应堆",
"Like a nuclear reactor but without waste": "很像核反应堆,区别是完全不产生废料",
"Mansion": "宅邸",
"A home for the middle class": "中产阶级的家",
"Magical tower": "魔法塔",
"Tower defense are my favorite games": "我最喜欢塔防游戏了",
"Magic Circle": "魔法环",
"Listen to the whisper of Theresmore": "聆听登攀者世界的私语",
"Marketplace": "市场",
"From a small provincial market to the monopoly of entire nations": "从小市场到全国垄断",
"Mausoleum of gods": "众神之陵",
"To meet the gods we will have to make offerings": "我们需要进行供奉才能见到神明",
"Matter transmuter": "物质转化器",
"With mana and saltpetre we will have everything": "有了法力和硝石,我们就拥有了一切",
"Mercenary Outpost": "佣兵前哨",
"With the help of the Captain we will train these mercenaries": "有了团长的帮忙,我们就可以训练这些佣兵了",
"Military academy": "军事学院",
"Military academy will train a professional army": "可以培养专业军队",
"Military camp": "军营",
"The military encampments of the new world": "新世界的军营",
"Mind Shrine": "心灵神殿",
"The sanctuary dedicated to Wisdom will help us discover the secrets of Theresmore": "献给智慧之神的神殿,它将帮助我们揭示登攀者世界的秘密",
"Ministry of Development": "发展部",
"Our society is complex, we need ministries": "社会越来越复杂,需要专门的部门了",
"Ministry of Interior": "内政部",
"For the internal management of our society": "管理社会的内部事务",
"Ministry of War": "战争部",
"The management of the war": "管理战争",
"Ministry of Worship": "宗教部",
"The place where worship becomes an institution": "使宗教变成制度",
"Mine": "矿井",
"Do you know what they have awakened in the darkness of Khazzard-drum? Shadow and flames": "你知道他们在卡扎督姆的黑暗中唤醒了什么吗?邪恶的炎魔",
"Minefield": "雷区",
"We mine the fields around the city": "我们在城市周边布置了雷区",
"Monastery": "修道院",
"Ora et labora": "祈祷工作两不误",
"Monument": "纪念碑",
"Leftover wonder from an ancient ancestor, contains various heirlooms from the past": "远古先祖传下的奇观,有着各种来自过去的传家宝",
"Natronite balloon": "钠红石气球",
"From above we will be able to comfortably spot enemies": "在天上我们可以轻松地发现敌人",
"Natronite depot": "钠红石仓库",
"A warehouse to contain the dangerous natronite": "专门用来存储危险的钠红石",
"Natronite refinery": "钠红石精炼厂",
"The refinery of the precious natronite": "用于精炼珍贵的钠红石",
"Natronite shield": "钠红石护盾",
"A natronite boost to our defense": "可以强化我们的防御能力",
"Observatory": "天文台",
"A place to observe the stars and predict events": "观测星星,做出预言",
"Officer training ground": "军官训练场",
"The officers of our army will get out of here": "走出这里的都是军官们",
"Palisade": "栅栏",
"Let's make sure that we turn our settlement into an Oppidum": "让我们把城市打造成堡垒吧",
"Palisade part": "栅栏组件",
"A part of the Palisade": "栅栏的一部分",
"Pillars of mana": "法力之柱",
"A large column that recalls the mana of all Theresmore. It has a very expensive constant maintenance": "巨大的柱子,会让人想起登攀者世界的法力。维护费用相当高昂",
"Pilgrim camp": "朝觐者营地",
"The faithful who come to the new world seek a new home": "来到新世界的朝觐者需要一个新家",
"Quarry": "采石场",
"The quarry will supply the city with stone": "为城市提供石头",
"Railway station": "火车站",
"It will bring gold and immigration": "可以带来黄金和移民",
"Rampart": "壁垒",
"The rampart will protect the settlement from any incursion": "壁垒可以保护城市免受入侵",
"Rampart part": "壁垒组件",
"A part of the Rampart": "壁垒的一部分",
"Portal of the dead": "亡者之门",
"The portal of the dead must be reactivated in order to use it": "想要利用亡者之门,就必须重新将它激活",
"Decryption of the portal": "门之解密",
"Symbols on portals require careful study to decipher": "门上的符号需要仔细研究后方可破译",
"Recruit training center": "新兵训练中心",
"Where recruits become soldiers": "将新兵训练成为真正的士兵",
"Refinery": "精炼厂",
"A refinery for natronite and other materials": "可用于精炼钠红石和其他材料",
"Refugees district": "难民区",
"A district that will become a part of the city": "它将成为城市的一部分",
"Refugees district part": "难民区组件",
"A part of the Refugees district": "难民区的一部分",
"Research plant": "研究工厂",
"From here, researchers will discover Theresmore": "研究员们将对登攀者世界进行探究",
"Residential block": "住宅区",
"A block of apartments to accommodate as many people as possible": "公寓区域,可以尽可能多地容纳住户",
"Sawmill": "锯木厂",
"More wood, more buildings, more production": "木头多,建筑多,产量多",
"School": "学校",
"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza": "人不应当像走兽一般地活着,应当追求知识和美德",
"Shed": "棚屋",
"There is plenty of space in the colony to store goods": "定居点有充足的空间存储货物",
"Siege workshop": "攻城机器厂",
"Better siege weapons for the army": "可以为军队提供更好的攻城机器",
"Souls": "灵魂",
"The souls of scholars are absorbed by the Library of SouLs": "学者们的灵魂被灵魂图书馆吸收了",
"Soulstealer Citadel": "窃魂者堡垒",
"Infuse dark power to our army, with a great sacrifice": "献上大量祭品,为我们的军队注入黑暗力量",
"Spiritual garden": "精神花园",
"A place of peace in contact with nature": "与大自然接触的宁静之地",
"Stable": "马厩",
"In the stables you work hard and get up at dawn without ever complaining": "马厩里你起早贪黑,从不抱怨",
"Statue of Atamar": "阿塔玛雕像",
"Atamar, the most famous strategist of the past": "阿塔玛是过去最有名的战略家",
"Statue of Firio": "菲里奥雕像",
"Firio, one of the greatest priests of the past": "菲里奥是过去最伟大的牧师之一",
"Statue of Lurezia": "卢雷齐亚雕像",
"Lurezia, one of the greatest sorceresses of the past": "卢雷齐亚是过去最伟大的女巫之一",
"Statue of Virtues": "美德雕像",
"A huge statue to celebrate the humans of Theresmore": "为了庆祝登攀者世界的人类而建造的巨大雕像",
"Statue of Virtues part": "美德雕像组件",
"A part of the Statue of Virtues": "美德雕像的一部分",
"Steelworks": "钢铁厂",
"The steelworks will produce steel from other metals": "钢铁厂可以利用其他金属生产钢",
"Stock exchange": "证券交易所",
"Where we control the goods of Theresmore": "我们在此控制登攀者世界的商品",
"Stock exchange part": "证券交易所组件",
"A part of the Stock Exchange": "证券交易所的一部分",
"Storage facility": "存储设施",
"A facility to store our productions": "存储产品的设施",
"Store": "储物间",
"A resourceful warehouse": "可以存储多余的资源",
"Stonemason": "石匠坊",
"A stone artist": "石雕艺术家",
"Stronghold": "据点",
"The colony defense and supplies are all here": "用于定居点的防御和补给",
"Tax revenue checkpoints": "税收检查站",
"A legal and systematic taxation of goods in circulation": "对流通的货物进行合法而系统的征税",
"Temple": "寺庙",
"The ancient gods will show us the way": "远古神明们会为我们指引道路",
"University": "大学",
"Home of the most eccentric scholars": "古怪学者们的家",
"Valley of plenty": "丰饶之谷",
"Toss a coin to your player Oh, Valley of Plenty!": "扔个硬币给玩家吧,哦,丰饶之谷!",
"Wall": "城墙",
"Why stop at a simple palisade?": "为什么要止于简单的栅栏呢?",
"Wall part": "城墙组件",
"A part of the Wall": "城墙的一部分",
"War Shrine": "战争神殿",
"The shrine dedicated to the God of War will help us crush our enemies": "献给战神的神殿,它将帮助我们碾碎敌人",
"Warehouse": "仓库",
"Watchman Outpost": "守望者前哨",
"Always on the alert to spot the enemy. Placed at key points will allow you to see incoming attacks": "时刻保持警惕,以发现敌人。放置在关键位置就可以让您看到敌人来袭的信息",
"The Vaults": "金库",
"A vault of stone and steel to store our gold": "由石头和钢制造的金库,用于存放黄金",
"Titanic Walls": "磐石巨墙",
"So large that they also house laboratories within them": "大到可以在里面设立实验室",
"Titanic Walls part": "磐石巨墙组件",
"A part of the Titanic Walls": "磐石巨墙的一部分",
"Titan Work Area": "巨型工作区",
"A titanic workplace!": "巨大的工作场所!",
"Tower of mana": "法力之塔",
"A tower to channel the power of sacred places": "引导圣殿力量的塔",
"Tower of mana part": "法力之塔组件",
"A part of the Tower": "法力之塔的一部分",
"Trench": "战壕",
"Barbed wire and a lot of mud": "铁丝网,还有很多泥",
"Undead Herds": "亡者兽群",
"Breeding of nearly living animals": "饲养近乎活物的动物",
"Commercial Area": "商业区域",
"Army and Defense": "军事与防御",
"Faith and Magic": "信念与魔法",
"Living Quarters": "生活区域",
"Producing and Crafting": "生产与制造",
"Knowledge Area": "知识区域",
"Storage": "存储",
"Wonders": "奇观",
"The Red Dragon assault": "红龙来袭",
"The Goblin assault": "地精来袭",
"Army of the dead": "亡者大军",
"The army of the dead is upon us, we must repel it and save Theresmore": "亡灵大军向我们袭来,我们必须击退它,拯救登攀者世界",
"Barbarian Horde": "野蛮人部族",
"We subdued the barbarians and brought them civilization": "让我们征服这些野蛮人,并为他们带来文明",
"Send a delegation": "派出代表团",
"Relationships": "关系",
"Your current relationships with this faction": "您与该派系当前的关系",
"We send a delegation to this people to start diplomatic relations": "派出代表团以后我们才能跟他们开始外交关系",
"The Fallen Angel musket army": "堕天使的火枪大军",
"The Fallen Angel demons army": "堕天使的恶魔大军",
"Improve relationships": "改善关系",
"Improve": "改善",
"We will do our best to improve relations with the target nation. The more resources you spend on improving relations the more the benefits will be": "我们将尽我们所能与目标国家改善关系。改善关系花费的资源越多,效果越好",
"Insult": "侮辱",
"Son of a Theresmorian goat, your smell precedes you! This should make our relationships worse": "你这只登攀者世界的山羊,你的气味比你人出现的都早!这么说完我们的关系应该会恶化",
"Alliance": "联盟",
"Our great nations will stand the test of time. We will now provide each other military and resource aid": "我们伟大的国度经受住了时间的考验。我们将向彼此提供军事和资源协助",
"Conquered": "已征服",
"We have conquered this faction and now all its riches are ours": "我们征服了该派系,所有的财富都归我们了",
"Accept trade agreement": "接受贸易协定",
"Accept": "接受",
"Accept this trade agreement": "接受这份贸易协定",
"Cancel trade agreement": "取消贸易协定",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Cancel this trade agreement": "取消这份贸易协定",
"Trade agreements": "贸易协定",
"Possible trade pacts with this faction": "与该派系交易的内容",
"War": "宣战",
"War confirm": "宣战确认",
"Are you sure you want to go to war with this faction? It will be a ruthless conflict and you will face armies with hundreds of units. You will not be able to make peace with them again. Proceed only if you have a very good army to be able to defend and attack": "您确定要对该派系宣战吗?这将是一场无情的战争,您将面对拥有数以百计士兵的敌人。您无法再跟他们和解。请只在拥有一支非常强大的军队时才这么做",
"Let's total war begins": "全面战争开始",
"You are now at war with this faction, may the gods of Theresmore help us in battle to exterminate our enemies. Beware that the enemy army has been spotted near the border, they may launch an attack at any moment. Let's use our soldiers as a garrison or let's launch a terrible attack that will totally annihilate these filthy piles of dung": "您对该派系宣战了,愿战神庇佑我们,消灭我们的敌人。请注意,我们在边境发现了敌人出没,他们随时可能发动袭击。让我们分配士兵驻军,或者是对他们发动一次猛烈的攻击,将这些肮脏的蛆虫们彻底歼灭",
"Relationships unknown": "未知关系",
"We have not yet met this faction": "我们还未与该派系会面",
"Relationships negative": "负面关系",
"We are on bad terms with this faction": "我们与该派系的关系很糟糕",
"Relationships positive": "正面关系",
"We are on good terms with this faction": "我们与该派系的关系很好",
"Relationships neutral": "中立关系",
"This faction does not love or hate us": "该派系对我们的看法中立",
"Enso Multitude": "恩索诸众",
"In the Far East there is a civilization that can rival us for primacy on Theresmore. They call themselves Enso, the enlightened ones, the very force of the universe. Their symbol is a circle, they have almond-shaped eyes and their complexion is yellowish. They invented gunpowder and their warriors are fierce in battle and swarm like a multitude over the unfortunate enemy armies. They keep vast stores of Natronite of which they are very jealous; maybe it would be better to make friends with them.": "在遥远的东方,有一个文明可与我们并称登攀者世界双雄。他们自称恩索,开悟者,宇宙之力。他们的徽记是一个圆环,他们有着杏仁般的眼睛和黄色的皮肤。他们已经发明了火药,他们的士兵在战斗中非常凶猛,一群人会一起冲向不幸的敌军。他们保存着大量钠红石,并对此非常珍视,恐怕还是考虑跟他们交朋友的好。",
"Nightdale Protectorate": "夜谷保护国",
"The northern tribes are united under the protectorate of Nightdale, proud warriors, they show no fear against their enemies.": "北方部落团结起来形成了夜谷保护国,他们是相当骄傲的战士,无惧于敌人。",
"Orc horde assault": "兽人部落来袭",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Orc war party": "兽人作战队",
"Scalerock Tribes": "鳞岩部落",
"In the high peaks of the Scalerock Mountains, there are tribes of draconians. They live in caves carved into the rock and fly over the high peaks to swoop down on their unsuspecting enemies. Descendants of dragons have retained their intelligence and craftsmanship in creating objects. They know natronite, perhaps from an ancestral legacy, and are greedy for it beyond measure.": "在鳞岩山之巅,生活着龙人的部落。他们住在岩石上的洞穴里,会飞跃山顶,向毫无防备的敌人猛扑下去。作为龙裔,他们在制造物品方面保持了龙的智慧和工艺。他们或许是祖先的传承,知道钠红石的存在,并极其想要弄到它们。",
"Sssarkat Empire": "撒尔喀特帝国",
"In the warm waters beyond the realm of Zultan are salamander-like creatures that live mostly underwater. They are repositories of a vanished ancient civilization and populate its ruins by making use of remaining technology. They often visit the mainland and some of their villages can be found on the sunny shores.": "在祖尔坦之外的温暖水域中,生活着类似蝾螈的生物,他们主要在水下活动。他们来自一个已经消失的远古文明,会使用余留的科技来填补废墟。他们经常会来到陆上,在阳光明媚的海岸上可以发现他们的一些村庄。",
"Theresmore Wanders": "登攀游荡者",
"In the boundless plains to the east there are nomadic tribes called the wanders, we don't know how many they are and what their real strength is. The territories to the east are mostly unknown.": "在东部一望无际的平原上,生存着一个游牧部落,他们自称游荡者,我们并不知道他们有多少人,有多么强大。东部的领土大部分是不为人所知的。",
"Western Kingdom": "西部王国",
"The kingdom of the west is a feudal monarchy, protected by its large castles and it\u2019s formidable on the battlefield thanks to its cavalry.": "西部王国是封建君主国家,由其大城堡所保护,它在战场上无往不利,因为它拥有强大的骑兵。",
"Zultan Emirate": "祖尔坦酋长国",
"Along the deserts of the south flourishing commercial cities have sprung up, the largest of these being Zultan whose oligarchy controls a vast area.": "沿着南部的沙漠,繁荣的商业城市犹如雨后春笋般涌现,其中最大的是祖尔坦,它的寡头统治着大片区域。",
"King Kobold Nation": "狗头人王国",
"These little bipedal lizards have never been at our level. We chased them back to the dust from whence they came.": "这些小双足蜥蜴永远不配和我们相提并论。让我们把它们赶回老家去。",
"Nikharul Soulstealer fortress": "尼哈鲁尔窃魂者堡垒",
"Nikharul undead army is a danger to all of Theresmore": "尼哈鲁尔的亡灵军队对整个登攀者世界都是一种威胁",
"Ancient burial place": "远古墓地",
"A place long forgotten, few undeads roaming around. A few dozen of soldiers will exterminate them": "一个早已被遗忘的地方,几乎没有亡者游荡。几十个士兵就可以将它们消灭",
"Ancient Giant": "远古巨人",
"A huge cave where an ancient giant resides with his progeny": "一个巨大的洞穴,远古巨人和它的后代居住在这里",
"Ancient hideout": "远古藏身处",
"Bandits have occupied this old hideout, a few dozen of soldiers should eliminate them": "强盗占领了这个藏身处,几十个士兵就可以将他们消灭",
"Harpy Nest": "鹰身女妖巢穴",
"The harpies' nest from where they attract unsuspecting travelers": "鹰身女妖的巢穴会吸引毫无戒心的旅行者",
"Ball lightning field": "球形闪电场",
"A group of globular lightning bolts took over a field not far from the colony": "一群球形闪电占领了定居点附近的一片土地",
"Bandit Camp": "强盗营地",
"Along the road and in the woods to cut up merchants and passersby, a few dozen of soldiers will take care of them": "他们沿路和森林攻击商人和路人,几十个士兵就可以料理他们了",
"Barbarian camp": "野蛮人营地",
"A peaceful tribe of barbarian. Beware: don't poke the bear": "和平的野蛮人部落。注意:不要手贱",
"Barbarian Village": "野蛮人村庄",
"A large barbarian village where multiple tribes joined together to prosper": "一个野蛮人的大村庄,多个部落联合起来共同繁荣发展。再次提醒:不要手贱",
"Barren Hills": "荒山",
"The barren hills are an inhospitable place inhabited by giants and kobolds": "荒山相当荒凉,巨人和狗头人居住在这里",
"Basilisk Cave": "蛇怪洞穴",
"The cave where basilisks roam around, they are very dangerous": "蛇怪出没的洞穴,它们非常危险",
"Black Mage Tower": "黑魔法塔",
"The tower of a dark wizard. With his goblins he is planning evil plans against Theresmore": "一名黑暗巫师的塔楼。他正与地精们一起谋划着针对登攀者世界的邪恶计划",
"Bugbear tribe": "熊地精部落",
"A tribe of bugbears raiding the region from their small camp in search of loot": "熊地精从它们的小营地袭击这个地区,劫掠战利品",
"Bugbear war party": "熊地精作战队",
"When a chieftain goes to war his bugbear warriors become a fearsome force to be reckoned with": "酋长出征时,他手下的熊地精们就变成了令人畏惧的存在",
"Burning Pit": "燃烧深坑",
"The subsoil of Theresmore is infested with demons, fortunately these are small in size": "登攀者世界的底土充满了恶魔,还好它们数量不多",
"Cave of bats": "蝙蝠洞穴",
"A cave infested with vampire bats, some spearmen will eliminate them": "充满吸血蝙蝠的洞穴,一些长矛兵就可以消灭它们",
"Citadel of the dead": "亡者要塞",
"An abandoned citadel haunted by the dead (and wyverns)": "一座被遗弃的要塞,有亡者(和双足飞龙)出没",
"Construction site": "建筑工地",
"Mercenaries have taken up residence in this vast space. Let's drive them out": "佣兵们在这片广阔的空间里定居,让我们把他们赶出去",
"Deserter Den": "逃兵巢穴",
"The den of deserters, they respect only the god of money by now": "逃兵的巢穴,他们现在只尊重财神了",
"Demoness castle": "女恶魔城堡",
"A gloomy castle from which comes a strong demonic aura, there must be many demons within it": "一座阴森的城堡,散发浓郁的恶魔气息,里面一定有很多恶魔",
"Demonic portal": "恶魔传送门",
"Near this portal there are several greater and lesser demons while in the sky flutter dozens of imp": "传送门附近有一些大小恶魔,天空中还飞舞着几十只小鬼",
"Desecrated Temple": "亵渎神庙",
"The Luna Temple has been converted into a pile of putrescence, many greenskinned humanoids are at work at this site": "月神的神庙已经变成了一堆腐臭的废渣,许多绿皮人形生物在此工作",
"Djinn Palace": "灯神宫殿",
"The abode of a Djinn, several nagas guard the entrance. It will be a tough battle": "灯神的居所,几个娜迦守卫着入口。战斗将十分艰辛",
"East sacred place": "东部圣地",
"There is a place in the east where the power of Theresmore is alive in the air, elementals guard it": "东部有一个地方,登攀者世界的力量在空气中活跃着,有元素守护着它",
"Earth elemental circle": "地之元素环",
"They look like the sacred places of the old continent but are much stronger": "它们看起来像是旧大陆的圣地,但强化了很多",
"Eternal Halls": "永恒大殿",
"The Eternal Halls are a holy place for the people of the Western Kingdom. They are protected by stone guardians": "永恒大殿是西部王国人民的圣地,它被石头守卫保护着",
"Ettin camp": "双头巨人营地",
"Ettins are giant two-headed creatures. In their camp some natives are kept in cages": "营地中有几个当地人被关在了笼子里",
"Ettin enslavers": "双头巨人奴隶主",
"A ettin tribe whose main role is to trade slaves": "主要从事奴隶交易的双头巨人部落",
"Far west island": "远西岛",
"A small island a few days' sail to the west": "需要向西航行数日才能到达的小岛",
"Fire elemental circle": "火之元素环",
"They look like the sacred places of the old continent but are much stronger": "它们看起来像是旧大陆的圣地,但强化了很多",
"Frost elemental circle": "冰之元素环",
"They look like the sacred places of the old continent but are much stronger": "它们看起来像是旧大陆的圣地,但强化了很多",
"Fire salamander nest": "火蜥蜴巢穴",
"A nest of fire salamanders, these reptiles are very dangerous when confronted near their burrows": "火蜥蜴的巢穴,太靠近它们的洞穴会很危险",
"Galliard Forgotten Shelter": "加里亚德的遗忘避难所",
"A forgotten and sealed refuge where dark ghosts of memory lodge": "一个被遗忘和封闭的避难所,记忆中的黑暗幽灵藏身于此",
"Galliard mercenary camp": "加里亚德佣兵营地",
"Captain Galliard and his company of mercenaries are stationed at this camp.": "营地里驻扎着加里亚德团长和他的佣兵团",
"Giant temple": "巨型寺庙",
"An ancient temple hidden in the intricate forest": "隐藏在复杂森林之中的古代寺庙",
"Gloomy werewolf forest": "阴暗狼人之森",
"The forest of the werewolf is so full of obstacles that even the best equipped of armies would have difficulty": "狼人的森林里布满障碍,即使是装备最好的部队也没法轻易胜利",
"Goblin lair": "地精巢穴",
"Goblins are dodgy creatures, they have little weaponry but poison the tips of their arrows. A few dozen of soldiers will be safe enough": "地精是相当狡猾的生物,它们几乎没有武器,但会在箭头下毒。几十个士兵就够安全了",
"Golem cave": "魔像洞穴",
"A cave full of statues. Beware they may come alive to defend it": "充满魔像的洞穴。小心了,它们可能会活动起来,守卫洞穴",
"Gold Mine": "金矿",
"A large gold mine but is inhabited by trolls. A SEA of trolls. Warning!": "一个大型金矿,被巨魔占据。注意,巨魔数量极多!",
"Gorgon cave": "蛇发女妖巢穴",
"The gorgon petrifies with its gaze and lurks in an intricate cave system fraught with danger": "蛇发女妖的凝视会让人石化,它潜伏在一个充满危险的洞穴里,里面地形错综复杂",
"Gnoll camp": "豺狼人营地",
"The camp reeks of carrion from several miles away. Watch out for the leader of the Gnolls": "数码之外的营地散发着腐肉的气息。小心豺狼人的首领",
"Gnoll Raiding Party": "豺狼人突袭队",
"These human-hyena hybrids take the worst from both species": "这些人与鬣狗的杂交种从两边继承的都是坏基因",
"Gulud Ugdun castle": "古鲁德·乌格顿城堡",
"The castle where children are held captive. We have to kill Gulud": "被掳走的孩子被囚禁于此。古鲁德必须死",
"Haunted library": "闹鬼图书馆",
"An old library, now ghosts guard it. A few dozen of soldiers will haunt them down": "一座古老的图书馆,现在由鬼魂来守卫了。几十名士兵就可以击退它们",
"Hell Hole": "地狱之洞",
"A hole in the ground that leads to a large cave. The entrance to hell": "位于地面的一个洞,通往一个大洞穴。它是地狱的入口",
"Hobgoblin chieftain": "淘气鬼酋长",
"A small army of Hobgoblins led by their chieftain": "一小队淘气鬼,由它们的酋长带领",
"Hobgoblin encampment": "淘气鬼营地",
"A camp full of hobgoblin grunts, their resources could come in handy": "满是淘气鬼士兵的营地,它们的资源会很有用",
"Huge Cavern": "巨大洞穴",
"Beneath the crypts of the Library is an immense cavern filled with skeletons": "灵魂图书馆的下面有一个巨大的洞穴,里面满是骷髅",
"Hydra pit": "多头蛇之坑",
"The pit of a hydra: it fights like a legion thanks to its five heads": "多头蛇之坑,它的五个头像军团一样战斗",
"Lead golem mine": "铅魔像矿井",
"In an old mine we discovered golems of a strange, very hard substance": "在一个旧矿井中我们发现了一种魔像,它的外表坚硬到奇怪",
"Lich temple": "巫妖寺庙",
"The Lich is a source of dark power and commands dozens of undead": "巫妖是黑暗力量的源泉,指挥着几十个亡者",
"The King of Reptiles": "爬行动物之王",
"In a valley forgotten by time there are animals never seen before. Giant reptiles from the distant past": "在一个被时间遗忘的山谷中,有着前所未有的动物。它们是来自遥远过去的巨型爬行动物",
"Kobold City": "狗头人之城",
"A kobold city right under our feet, who knew?": "我们脚底下就有一座狗头人的城市,这谁想得到?",
"Kobold looters": "狗头人掠夺者",
"From their small encampment they raid the nearby countryside, let's drive them off with a few soldiers": "它们从小营地袭击附近的村庄,让我们用几个士兵将它们赶走",
"Kobold tunnels": "狗头人隧道",
"Kobolds dig their burrows deep, they are weak but very numerous": "狗头人深挖它们的地洞,它们很弱小,但数量众多",
"Korrigan dolmen": "科里根矮妖石屋",
"These despicable little creatures like to prey on wayfarers near their dolmens": "这些卑鄙的小动物喜欢在石屋附近捕食路人",
"Forest of Markanat": "玛卡纳特森林",
"Markanat's flooded forest, a giant spider that does not allow anyone to approach": "玛卡纳特的水淹丛林,它是一只不允许任何人接近的巨型蜘蛛",
"Mercenary Camp": "佣兵营地",
"Mercenaries without a patron, they are dedicated to looting and very dangerous": "没有人赞助的佣兵,他们致力于打劫,非常危险",
"Minotaur maze": "牛头怪迷宫",
"The minotaur's labyrinth. A formidable challenge for anyone": "牛头怪的迷宫。对任何人来说都是艰巨的挑战",
"Myconid Cavern": "蕈人洞穴",
"A tribe of myconids took this cave of strong magical impulse as a home": "一个蕈人部落在这个有着强大魔法脉动的洞穴安家了",
"Mountain Cave": "山岭洞穴",
"A huge cave from which a giant controls the mountain along with his goblin minions": "一个巨大的洞穴,由一个巨人以及他的地精爪牙们控制",
"Mountain Valley": "山中之谷",
"A large valley in the middle of the mountains. It is inhabited by giants but if we can drive them out there will be plenty of food and wood": "群山中央的大山谷。巨人居住在这里,如果能赶走它们,我们就可以获得山谷中大量的食物和木头了",
"Naga Nest": "娜迦老巢",
"They won't let us take their precious food sources without bloodshed": "看来不流血,是没法从他们手上夺走他们的食物来源了",
"Nasty pillagers": "肮脏的掠夺者",
"These dirty raiders had set aside some small wealth, let's send a few soldiers to dispatch them": "这些肮脏的掠夺者留了一些小财,我们派几个士兵去打散他们吧",
"Necromancer Crypt": "死灵法师地穴",
"The dreary home of a mad necromancer. Beware of the undead!": "一个沉闷的家,为一名疯狂的死灵法师所有。小心亡者们!",
"North sacred place": "北部圣地",
"There is a place in the north where the power of Theresmore is alive in the air, elementals guard it": "北部有一个地方,登攀者世界的力量在空气中活跃着,有元素守护着它",
"Old herd": "老草场",
"An old rat-infested pasture, a dozen soldiers should be enough": "一片老草场,有老鼠出没,十几名士兵应该就足够清理了",
"Old outpost": "旧前哨",
"An old abandoned outpost now the refuge of deserters, bandits and mercenaries": "一个被废弃的前哨,变成了逃兵,强盗和佣兵的避难所",
"Old storage room": "旧贮藏室",
"An old storage room in which spiders have nested, a dozen of spearmen will conquer this place": "旧贮藏室里有蜘蛛筑了巢,十几个长矛兵就足够征服这里了",
"Orc Gormiak Citadel": "兽人戈米亚克堡垒",
"An Orcish fortified citadel. The stench of this putrid settlement fouls the air": "驻扎着兽人。它的腐臭污染着空气",
"Orc Horith Citadel": "兽人霍里斯堡垒",
"The city that protects the territory of Horith, famous for the fire caster clan": "它保护着霍里斯领地,那里以火法师氏族而闻名",
"Orc Ogsog Citadel": "兽人奥索格堡垒",
"The fortified citadel of Ogsog from where the Orcish champions arrive": "兽人精英来自于此",
"Orc Turgon Citadel": "兽人图尔冈堡垒",
"The citadel of Turgon where the clan of Orcish shamans originates from": "兽人萨满氏族的起源地",
"Orc raiding party": "兽人突袭队",
"An Orcish army that is putting the colony's surroundings to the sword": "这只突袭队将定居点置于了他们刀锋之下",
"Orcish prison camp": "兽人集中营",
"A camp where orcs are holding prisoners from their raids": "兽人在此关押劫掠而来的俘虏",
"Prisoner wagon": "囚车",
"A wagon in which bandits trapped civilians, a few spearman with archers will eliminate them": "强盗们抓捕平民的马车,几个长矛兵带着弓箭手就可以消灭他们了",
"Rat cellar": "老鼠地窖",
"A cellar infested with ravenous rats, let's bring some spearmen": "贪婪的老鼠在地窖里出没,让我们带一些长矛兵来吧",
"Rusted warehouse": "生锈仓库",
"An abandoned farmhouse that will become a good warehouse": "废弃的农舍,拿来当仓库应该不错",
"A sleeping Titan": "沉眠的泰坦",
"It seems that those who can awaken the titan will have immense gifts": "唤醒泰坦的人将获得丰厚的奖励",
"Skullface encampment": "骷髅脸营地",
"The skullface camp is defended by several bandits; it will not be easy to eliminate him": "骷髅脸营地由一些强盗守卫,消灭他会费点劲",
"Snakes nest": "蛇穴",
"Into which many unsuspecting victims have fallen": "许多毫无戒心的受害者落入其中",
"Spider forest": "蜘蛛森林",
"A dense forest full of giant spider webs": "茂密的森林里遍布巨大的蜘蛛网",
"Son of Atamar": "阿塔玛之子",
"Atamar cult comes from the southern deserts, its believers are excellent swordsmen": "来自南部沙漠的阿塔玛邪教,其信徒是优秀的剑客",
"South sacred place": "南部圣地",
"There is a place in the south where the power of Theresmore is alive in the air, elementals guard it": "南部有一个地方,登攀者世界的力量在空气中活跃着,有元素守护着它",
"A strange village": "奇怪的村庄",
"A village where the inhabitants have a blank stare and are very aggressive": "一个居民目光呆滞的村庄,他们攻击性很强",
"Succubus Dark Library": "魅魔黑暗图书馆",
"These demonesses have taken as their abode an obscure library. Beware of approaching": "这群魅魔把一个不起眼的图书馆当成了住所。接近时要小心",
"Giant Wasp swarm": "巨黄蜂群落",
"An immense swarm of giant wasps roams the land": "一大群巨黄蜂在土地上游荡",
"Temple of gargoyles": "石像鬼寺庙",
"This ancient temple in the forest is guarded by several gargoyles": "丛林中的远古寺庙被一些石像鬼守卫着",
"Troll Cave": "巨魔洞穴",
"A smelly cave that trolls call home, driving out the occupants will be a serious problem": "一个被巨魔称作家的恶臭洞穴,要将它赶走恐怕是个比较大的问题",
"Vampire crypt": "吸血鬼地穴",
"A crypt forgotten by time, apparently now home to vampires or servants of them": "被时间遗忘的一个地穴,现在是吸血鬼,或是它们下仆的家了",
"Vampire lair": "吸血鬼老巢",
"The home of a vampire, a terrible enemy capable of instilling fear in even the most valiant soldiers": "吸血鬼的家,她是非常可怕的敌人,即使最英勇的士兵也会感到恐惧",
"Wind elemental circle": "风之元素环",
"They look like the sacred places of the old continent but are much stronger": "它们看起来像是旧大陆的圣地,但强化了很多",
"West sacred place": "西部圣地",
"There is a place in the west where the power of Theresmore is alive in the air, elementals guard it": "西部有一个地方,登攀者世界的力量在空气中活跃着,有元素守护着它",
"Wolf pack": "狼群",
"A pack of vicious wolves attack passing flocks, a few dozen of soldiers should contain the pack": "一群凶恶的狼,会攻击过路的羊群,几十名士兵应该可以把它们包圆了",
"Worn down crypt": "破旧的地穴",
"In a remote, secluded section of a spooky forest, there are a force of skeletal knights guarding the entrance to a worn down crypt": "在一片阴森森林的一个偏僻的犄角旮旯,有个通往一个破旧地穴的入口,但被一群骷髅骑士守卫着",
"Wyvern Nest": "双足飞龙巢穴",
"These terrible creatures resemble dragons and are often mistaken for them": "这些可怕的生物很像龙,也经常被误认为是龙",
"Accept the Druid": "接受德鲁伊",
"Accepting the druid and his beliefs as an integral part of our society, he will become high priest": "接受德鲁伊,让他的信仰成为我们社会不可分割的一部分,他将成为主教",
"Acolyte hymn": "侍祭赞美诗",
"The chant of the devout rises to the gods": "虔诚的圣歌升向众神",
"Army blessing": "军队祝福",
"Army of faith": "信仰之军",
"Armies of faith will burn our enemies": "信仰之军将使我们的敌人燃烧",
"Banish the Druid": "放逐德鲁伊",
"Banish the Druid from the city, we don't need gurus": "放逐德鲁伊,让他离开城市,我们不需要导师",
"City great blessing": "城市大祝福",
"Church Blessing": "教堂祝福",
"A new ritual can be cast on the Church": "可以施加于教堂的新仪式",
"Blessing of the prelate": "教长的祝福",
"A blessing for the entire army": "对整支军队进行祝福",
"The Children Hope": "孩子们的希望",
"City blessing": "城市祝福",
"We must gather the city's wise men and create a protection spell": "我们必须召集城市的智者们,创造出保护咒语",
"Rebuild the Fortress": "重建堡垒",
"Use the power of the Dark Crystal to rebuild the Soulstealer Citadel": "利用黑暗水晶的力量重建窃魂者堡垒",
"Create a sacred golem": "制造神圣魔像",
"We will be able to create a blessed mana powered golem": "我们可以制造受祝福的魔像了,它由法力驱动",
"Church ritual": "教堂仪式",
"Dark ritual": "黑暗仪式",
"The demonic power infused in our sacred warriors could lead to consequences": "在神圣战士身上注入恶魔力量会导致什么后果……",
"Demonology": "恶魔学",
"We have defeated enough demons to study their characteristics": "我们击败了足够多的恶魔,可以研究它们的特征了",
"Demoniac tome": "恶魔卷轴",
"We have to translate the tome to find out its origin": "我们需要对卷轴进行翻译才能找到它的出处",
"Desire for Abundance": "渴望丰饶",
"Desire for abundance. Only one desire can be expressed. Choose wisely": "渴望丰饶。只能有一种渴望。请明智选择",
"Desire for Magic": "渴望魔法",
"Desire for magic. Only one desire can be expressed. Choose wisely": "渴望魔法。只能有一种渴望。请明智选择",
"Desire for War": "渴望战斗",
"Subdue the Djinn so he can fight for us. Only one desire can be expressed. Choose wisely": "收服灯神,让它为我们而战。只能有一种渴望。请明智选择",
"Dragon armor": "龙之护甲",
"Dragon Skull": "龙之骨",
"The ancient artifact is a skull of a dragon! We can use its powers and create new equipment by copying its hardness": "古物是巨龙的头骨!我们可以复制它的硬度来运用它的力量,并制造出新装备",
"Dragon weapon": "龙之武器",
"Druid blessing": "德鲁伊的祝福",
"Praise gods": "赞美神明",
"We must please the gods so they will listen to us": "我们必须取悦神明,这样祂们才会听到我们的声音",
"Blessing": "祝福",
"The first form of power of the gods in Theresmore: blessings": "登攀者世界诸神之力的首要形式:祝福",
"Holy light": "圣光",
"Now we can bless our warriors with light": "我们可以使用圣光祝福战士们了",
"The children hope": "孩子们的希望",
"We rescued the children from Gulud, they have magical abilities outside the norm": "我们从古鲁德手中救下了孩子们,他们有着超乎常人的神奇能力",
"Pilgrim chant": "朝觐者的圣歌",
"The faithful's song of faith creates abundance in the new world": "信徒们的信仰之歌在新世界产生了丰富的资源",
"The Great Seeker": "大探求者",
"A prayer for the Great Seeker, that our hunters never lose the trail": "向大探求者祈祷,愿我们的猎人永不迷路",
"Great Seeker eyesight": "大探求者的视线",
"We pray the Great Seeker to grant us his keen sight": "我们祈祷大探求者赐予我们祂敏锐的视力",
"Mother Earth": "大地母亲",
"A prayer for our Mother Earth, that its fruits descend on us": "向大地母亲祈祷,愿祂的果实落于我们身上",
"Mother Earth grace": "大地母亲的恩典",
"We pray to Mother Earth that she will grant us abundance": "我们祈祷大地母亲赐予我们丰饶",
"The Old Small One": "老小者",
"A prayer for the Old Small One, that the dwarf of antiquity gives us abundance": "向老小者祈祷,愿古代侏儒给予我们丰产",
"Old Small One grace": "老小者的恩典",
"We pray to the Dwarf that he will give us his grace": "我们祈祷那位矮人之神赐予我们祂的恩典",
"Ancient Monk": "远古之僧",
"A prayer for the Ancient Monk, that his disciples may return to battle with us": "向远古之僧祈祷,愿祂的弟子能回来与我们并肩作战",
"Goddess of Luck": "幸运女神",
"A prayer for the Goddess of Luck, to inspire the fate!": "向幸运女神祈祷,以激发命运!",
"Great Warrior": "伟大战士",
"A prayer for the Great Warrior, that his fury guides our soldiers": "向伟大战士祈祷,愿祂的愤怒能指引我们的士兵",
"Lonely Druid": "孤独的德鲁伊",
"A prayer for the Lonely Druid, that gives us his blessing": "向孤独的德鲁伊祈祷,愿他给我们祝福",
"Great Warrior fury": "伟大战士之怒",
"We pray to the Great Warrior to give us fury on the battlefields": "我们祈祷伟大战士赐予我们战场上的愤怒",
"Great Builder": "大建筑师",
"A prayer for the Great Builder, to guide our masons": "向大建筑师祈祷,愿祂指引我们的石匠",
"Mysterious Arcane": "奥术之谜",
"A prayer for the Mysterious Arcane, to guide our wise men": "向奥术之谜祈祷,愿祂指引我们的智者",
"Wild Man": "野性之人",
"A prayer for the Wild Man, to breed our tamed beasts": "向野性之人祈祷,愿祂饲育我们驯养的动物",
"Wild Man dexterity": "野性之人的灵巧",
"We praise the Wild Man to obtain his agility": "我们赞美野性之人,以获得祂的敏捷",
"Unveil Theresmore": "登攀者世界揭秘",
"We peer into the mysteries of Theresmore": "窥探登攀者世界的奥秘",
"Sacred Place": "圣地",
"There are places in Theresmore where the energies of the planet converge": "登攀者世界中,有一些地方是地脉能量汇聚的",
"A Strange Lamp": "奇怪的灯",
"In the naga's nest we found a strange lamp like those used in southern Theresmore": "在娜迦的老巢中,我们发现了一盏奇怪的灯,跟那些在世界南部用过的一样",
"Acolyte circle": "侍祭之环",
"The prayers of these devotees will help us": "这些奉献者的祈祷会帮助我们",
"Goddess Luck blessing": "幸运女神的祝福",
"Consecration of Gold": "奉献黄金",
"All our faith must be directed in our project of economic domination": "我们所有的信念都必须指向我们的经济统治计划",
"Great Builder blessing": "大建筑师的祝福",
"Great Seeker blessing": "大探求者的祝福",
"Guide our arrows to the target": "将我们的弓箭导向目标",
"Great Seeker eyesight": "大探求者的视线",
"Great Warrior blessing": "伟大战士的祝福",
"Lead our brave men into battle": "引导我们的勇士进入战斗",
"Great Warrior fury": "伟大战士之怒",
"Growth of Nature": "自然生长",
"We will be able to create a spell to thicken our forests": "我们可以创造一个咒语,使我们的森林变得更浓密",
"Growth of Nature": "自然生长",
"Incremental power": "增量之力",
"We will use the power of the Northern Star to increase our production": "我们将利用北极星的力量来增加产量",
"Lighten of rocks": "岩轻术",
"In the quarries we will be able to use our mana to lift the heavier stones": "我们可以在采石场中使用这种咒语,消耗法力举起更重的石头",
"Lighten of rocks": "岩轻术",
"Magic lights": "魔法灯",
"In our mines we will be able to create artificial mana lights to help our miners": "我们可以在矿井中人工制造魔法灯,帮助矿工们工作",
"Magic lights": "魔法灯",
"Magic tools": "魔法工具",
"Who wouldn't want magic tools to increase production?": "谁不想试试用魔法工具增加产量呢?",
"Magic tools": "魔法工具",
"Mana armor": "魔法护甲",
"Mana defense": "法力防御",
"We can use mana to defend our settlement": "我们可以使用法力来保卫城市",
"Mana defense II": "法力防御 II",
"We can use even more mana to defend our settlement": "我们可以使用更多法力来保卫城市",
"Mana dome": "法力穹顶",
"A dome of mana protecting our city": "保护城市的法力穹顶",
"Mana energy shield": "法力能量盾",
"Strengthen our walls with a mana shield": "使用法力盾强化城墙",
"Minor blessing": "小祝福",
"The gods grant us some minor blessings": "神明赐予我们一些小祝福",
"Mirune blessing": "米露涅的祝福",
"Mother Earth blessing": "大地母亲的祝福",
"Fill us with your abundant gifts": "用丰收的礼物填满我们吧",
"Mother Earth grace": "大地母亲的恩典",
"Mysterious Arcane blessing": "奥术之谜的祝福",
"New World Chant": "新世界的圣歌",
"Northern Star incremental": "北极星增量",
"Northern Star power": "北极星之力",
"Now that the Northern Star is in our possession we have to figure out how to channel its power": "北极星已经落入我们手中了,那就必须弄清如何引导它的力量",
"Northern Star protection": "北极星的保护",
"Old Small One blessing": "老小者的祝福",
"Guide the hand of our craftsmen": "引导我们工匠的手",
"Old Small One grace": "老小者的恩典",
"East Power Spell": "东部力量咒语",
"The East Power Spell, the primacy of Horses": "东部力量咒语,马儿至上",
"North Power Spell": "北部力量咒语",
"The North Power Spell, the sacrifice of Iron": "北部力量咒语,铁之献祭",
"South Power Spell": "南部力量咒语",
"The South Power Spell, the fusion of Gold": "南部力量咒语,金之融合",
"West Power Spell": "西部力量咒语",
"The West Power Spell, the mighty Steel": "西部力量咒语,强大如钢",
"Protection power": "保护之力",
"We will use the power of the Northern Star to protect our city": "我们将利用北极星的力量保护城市",
"Sacred armor": "神圣护甲",
"A magic armor for our commander": "为指挥官配备的魔法护甲",
"Sacred equipments": "神圣装备",
"We can use mana to create magical equipment": "我们可以利用法力制造魔法装备",
"Sacred equipments II": "神圣装备 II",
"We can use mana to create better magical equipment": "我们可以利用法力制造更好的魔法装备了",
"Sacred weapon": "神圣武器",
"We give our warriors consecrated weapons": "让我们给战士们配备神圣的武器",
"Sacrifices for the gods": "神明的祭品",
"We will immolate animals to please the gods": "我们将祭祀动物取悦神明",
"Shape mana": "塑形法力",
"We can shape mana to make armor out of it": "我们可以塑形法力,以此制造护甲",
"Spear of the Wild": "狂野之矛",
"The wild man was a great horseman": "野性之人是个非常强的骑手",
"Cast this spell": "施放咒语",
"Cancel this spell": "取消咒语",
"Study of undead creatures": "研究亡者生物",
"Now that we have defeated those undead we must study their characteristics": "我们击败了足够多的亡灵,可以研究它们的特征了",
"Summon Nikharul": "召唤尼哈鲁尔",
"Use the power of the Dark Crystal to harness Nikharul to our will forever": "利用黑暗水晶的力量控制尼哈鲁尔,让他为我们而战",
"Temple of Mirune": "米露涅的寺庙",
"The temple in the forest is dedicated to Mirune the woods goddess. Let's clean it up and pay homage to her": "森林里的寺庙是献给森林女神米露涅的。让我们清扫这里,向她致敬",
"Temple ritual": "寺庙仪式",
"A simple ritual at the temple": "寺庙的简单仪式",
"Solve the crisis": "解决危机",
"More and more refugees are asking to enter the city, now it has become a big crowd": "越来越多的难民要求进城,已经有一大群人了",
"Theresmore revealed": "登攀者世界揭秘",
"The veil begins to lift": "开始揭开面纱",
"Warriors of the Gods": "圣斗士",
"Paladins chosen by the Gods join us": "神明的战士加入了我们的行伍",
"Wild Man blessing": "野性之人的祝福",
"Wild Man spear": "野性之人的长矛",
"Wild Man dexterity": "野性之人的灵巧",
"Realmwalker Zenix": "境域行者泽尼克斯",
"Zenix in return for our hospitality could teach his arts to our young strategists making some a formidable aid in battle": "泽尼克斯为了回报我们的热情款待,愿意对年轻的战略家们倾囊相授",
"The Army": "军队",
"Theresmore is full of dangers, and as we leave our valley we will discover that we are not alone. Enemies of all kinds are lurking and that is why we must arm ourselves and be ready to face them. In addition we can now create our own scouts who will explore Theresmore looking for anything we can exploit or conquer": "登攀者世界充满了危险,离开山谷后,我们发现我们并不是这个世界唯一的存在。世界上潜伏着各种敌人,我们必须武装自己,准备好面对它们。另外,我们现在可以制造侦察兵了,他们将探索这个世界,寻找我们可以开发或征服的东西",
"The Dragon assault": "巨龙来袭",
"Our valiant soldiers tightened their ranks once again to give battle. The old man's prophecy was correct, the Dragon was here to claim his artifact. His draconic servants hurled themselves on the walls with impetuousness but our defenses withstood the impact and gave battle without quarter. The Dragon, annoyed by these insolent humans who had the audacity to stand up to his army, pounced on the walls, mowing down and incinerating anyone who came within range. This was a grave mistake, because so close he was prey to the counterattack of our soldiers who managed to wound him and pierce the delicate membranes of his wings. Seeing himself hunted he took a leap and flew away before it was too late. His army was defeated and the city was saved. For now": "我们英勇的士兵们再次收紧了队伍,准备迎战。老者的预言是真的,巨龙来取回它的古物了。它的龙仆急躁地扑到城墙上,但我们的防御经受住了冲击,士兵们毫不留情地开始了战斗。巨龙感到很恼火,这些胆大妄为的人类竟敢对抗它的军队,它猛扑到墙上,准备撕碎和燃烧任何敢接近的人。但它犯了严重的错误,它过于接近我们的士兵,受到了反击,士兵们击伤了巨龙,并刺穿了它翅膀的脆弱薄膜。巨龙发现自己成了猎物,它趁着还来得及,纵身一跃,飞走了。它的军队被打败了,城市安全了。至少目前如此",
"The Goblin army": "地精大军",
"Your soldiers knew that what had destroyed the village of Canava was waiting to spring at our throats, and that night they were not taken by surprise. From their defensive positions they lured the goblin wolfriders into an ambush quickly decimating them, the green skins hesitant from the loss of their cavalry abandoned their hiding places and were easy prey for our valiant soldiers. The goblin overlord leading the raid was pierced by a spear and now his head parades as a gruesome trophy through the streets of our settlement. We have won and our civilization is safe for now": "士兵们很清楚,摧毁卡纳瓦村的东西迟早会对我们下手的,因此那个夜晚他们并没有太惊慌。他们在防线上引诱地精狼骑兵来伏击,并迅速地消灭了它们,绿皮们失去了骑兵,开始犹豫不决,最后它们放弃了藏身之处,轻易成为了我们英勇士兵的猎物。领导突袭的地精大王被长矛刺穿了,现在它的头颅成为了可怕的战利品,供整个城市观瞻。我们胜利了,我们的文明暂时安全了",
"Ascension": "飞升",
"As a mortal you transcend your flesh and a stream of knowledge invades you. The gods are ready to speak to you and you can live among them. They will send angels to Theresmore to help your people and the new leaders who will come to rule": "您超越了肉体凡胎,一股知识流进入了您的意识。神明们准备好与您交谈,您可以与他们共同生活了。他们将派遣天使前往登攀者世界来帮助您的人民和即将继位的新首领",
"The birth of the third era": "第三纪元的诞生",
"We leave the feudal age and our gaze shifts to the firmament. It is the abode of the gods, and studying its movements will make us develop the scientific process. Theresmore still has much to offer, and this age will bring new machines and new ways to give battle. In addition, the progress of faith will know its highest points": "我们离开了封建时代,目光转向了苍穹之上。它是众神的居所,我们可以通过研究它的运动来加快科学发展。登攀者世界还有很多东西等着我们,这个时代将有新的机器和新的战斗方式。另外,信念的进步会达到新的最高点",
"Barbarian horde": "野蛮人部族",
"\"You have enslaved my people who by right should live free, you have shed the blood of my brothers and now I will shed yours. Prepare yourselves for war!\"": "“你奴役了我的人民,他们本该自由地生活,你让我的兄弟流了血,现在我要让你出出血。准备战争吧!”",
"Citadel of the dead": "亡者要塞",
"Our scouts entered a mountain gorge and came across an old citadel. As far as the eye could see, its inhabitants haunted the area transformed into zombies and ghouls. In the area, wyverns have nested, which feeding on the unfortunates have created a thriving colony. In the heart of the citadel, familiar wrens have been glimpsed, it looks like Natronite, we must investigate!": "我们的侦察兵进入一个峡谷,发现了一座古老的城堡。他们看到,这个区域里的居民都变成了僵尸和食尸鬼。另外,这个区域还有双足飞龙筑了巢,以不幸的人为食,最后竟创造了一个繁荣的殖民地。在城堡的中心,出现了一些熟悉的鹪鹩,看起来像是钠红石,我们必须进行调查!",
"The birth of a colony": "定居点诞生",
"Brave settlers, embark on a journey to uncharted lands beyond the horizon. A new frontier awaits, a place of untold mysteries and untold riches, where the gods themselves will test your mettle. Stand tall and face whatever challenges may come, for this is a journey unlike any other. A tale of daring and bravery, a saga that will be told for generations to come. So gather your strength, sharpen your swords, and set sail into the unknown. The future of your civilization rests upon your shoulders, and with the grace of the gods, you shall conquer and thrive in this new world!": "勇敢的定居者们,踏上旅途,前往地平线之外的未知土地吧。那个充满未知奥秘和无尽财富的地方在等待着你们,众神将考验您的勇气。这将是一场独一无二,直面挑战的旅程。这个故事充满了冒险,勇气,也终将成为被后世传诵的传说。让我们积聚力量,磨砺宝剑,是时候驶向未知了。您的肩上承担着的是一个文明的重量,感谢神明的恩典,让我们征服这个新世界,并在此发展壮大!",
"The depths of Theresmore": "登攀者世界的深处",
"Our miners are digging in the depths of Theresmore, and the deeper we descend, the more eerie noises can be heard coming from the abyss. Continuing to dig could be very dangerous": "矿工们在登攀者世界的深处挖掘,随着我们的深入,从深处传来的怪异噪音越来越多。继续挖掘可能会非常危险",
"The dark horned demoness": "黑角女恶魔",
"\"How dare you have defiled my village and freed my slaves from their eternal pleasure? And now you approach my castle! Don\'t you dare take another step or you will become my docile puppet\"": "“你怎么敢玷污我的村庄,让我的奴隶们摆脱了永恒的欢愉?现在你竟还敢靠近我的城堡!再靠近一步,我就把你变成新的温顺傀儡”",
"Enso Multitude": "恩索诸众",
"In the Far East there is a civilization that can rival us for primacy on Theresmore. They call themselves Enso, the enlightened ones, the very force of the universe. Their symbol is a circle, they have almond-shaped eyes and their complexion is yellowish. They invented gunpowder and their warriors are fierce in battle and swarm like a multitude over the unfortunate enemy armies. They keep vast stores of Natronite of which they are very jealous; perhaps it would be better to make friends with them": "在遥远的东方,有一个文明可与我们并称登攀者世界双雄。他们自称恩索,开悟者,宇宙之力。他们的徽记是一个圆环,他们有着杏仁般的眼睛和黄色的皮肤。他们已经发明了火药,他们的士兵在战斗中非常凶猛,一群人会一起冲向不幸的敌军。他们保存着大量钠红石,并对此非常珍视,恐怕还是考虑跟他们交朋友的好",
"Fallen Angel musket demon army": "堕天使的火枪恶魔大军",
"Past eras have taught us how to be cautious. The Druid was a Fallen Angel eager to take possession of natronite and the new weapons it brings. He set up an army of demons to whom he entrusted state-of-the-art weapons. The assault against the city was lightning fast but, by all the gods, our soldiers know how to deal with these abominations and their feathered leader. The walls of our city are unbreakable and now the creepy, once holy demon lies torn apart on the battlefield": "过去的时代教会我们如何更加谨慎。那位德鲁伊其实是个堕天使,渴望染指钠红石及其带来的新武器。他组建了一支恶魔军队,给他们最先进的武器。他们对这座城市的攻击不可不谓神速,但幸亏诸神庇佑,我们的士兵知道如何对付这些混账东西,和他们的羽毛首领。我们城市的城墙是牢不可破的,那个曾经看起来神圣的恶魔,现在躺在战场之中,四分五裂,只能用令人不适来描述了",
"Fallen Angel demon army": "堕天使的恶魔大军",
"The garrison of our city awaited the onslaught of demons. Infernal monsters crashed on our walls in wave after wave and were repulsed. The Fallen Angel ordered a final assault with his entire rear guard: demons of all sorts breathed fire and tried to tear apart helpless soldiers and civilians. Our ranks, however, did not yield to evil; with the same light that had unmasked the impostor Druid they reacted to the gloomy assault by driving the abominations of the underworld back into the mud. The Fallen Angel deprived of his wings lay dead on the battlefield. Theresmore WON!": "我们城市的驻军等待着恶魔的袭击。地狱怪物一波又一波地冲击着城墙,但都被击退了。最后,堕天使带着所有后卫亲自进行了最后一波袭击。各种恶魔吐出了火焰,想要撕碎无助的士兵和平民。然而我们的队伍并没有屈服于邪恶,他们跟揭穿冒牌德鲁伊真面具那时一样,闪耀着光芒,对抗着黑暗的侵袭,最后将那群混账东西赶回了土里。堕天使失去了双翼,倒在战场上,一动不动了。登攀者世界,赢了!",
"The birth of the second era": "第二纪元的诞生",
"From the ancient era we are ready to build tall spires and turn our village into a small town. Feudalism knocks at our doors with its knights in heavy armor. Let the second era of men begin": "从远古时代起,我们就准备好建造高耸的尖塔,把我们的村庄变为小镇了。封建时代带着重甲骑士叩响了我们的门。让纯爷们的第二个时代开始吧",
"Glorious retirement": "光荣退休",
"You have done so much for this kingdom and for your people, maybe it's time to retire to private life and let someone else begin the adventure again to do even more! THERESMORE!": "您已经为王国和人民做得够多了,是时候退休,享受个人生活了。接下来的旅程,就交给其他人来完成吧!",
"The battle Angel": "战斗天使",
"The gods have given us battle angels, as beautiful to see as they are terrible on the battlefield. With them we will dominate Theresmore": "神明们赐予了我们战斗天使,他们虽然非常美丽,但在战场上却相当可怕。有了他们,我们就能统治整个登攀者世界了",
"The King of Kobold declares war!": "狗头人之王宣战!",
"Who would have imagined that these little beings could be so socially evolved? All the Kobolds of Theresmore united under their king are coming out from underground to attack us!": "谁能想到,这些小东西的社会能够进化到这个地步?登攀者世界所有狗头人都在它们国王手下联合了起来,从地下对我们发动了进攻!",
"The Fortress of Nikharul, the Soul Stealer": "尼哈鲁尔窃魂者堡垒",
"As the scout venture deeper into the underground, he is suddenly confronted by an awe-inspiring sight. Before him stands a colossal fortress, its walls towering high into the air, gleaming ominously in the darkness. The massive structure seems to have been carved out of the very bedrock itself, with a sinister energy pulsing from every stone. As he approach the fortress, the scout can see that the battlements are manned by an army of the undead, numbering in the thousands. The creatures are led by Nikharul, the soul stealer, a powerful lich with a burning hatred for the living. His eyes blaze with an otherworldly light, and the air around him crackles with dark energy. Nikharul stands at the forefront of the fortress, his skeletal hands clasped together as he gazes out over the battlefield. His face is twisted with a cruel smile, and his eyes gleam with a malevolent joy. He is eager to unleash his army upon the world, to spread chaos and death to all those who stand in his way": "侦察兵深入地下时,看到了一副令人畏惧的景象。他的身前矗立着一座巨大的堡垒,它的城墙高耸入云宵,在黑暗中散发出不祥的光芒。它似乎是直接从基岩上雕刻出来的,每块石头上都流淌着邪恶的能量。当侦察兵靠近堡垒时,他发现城垛上有一支数以千计的亡灵军队。这支军队的领袖是窃魂者尼哈鲁尔,他是一名强大的巫妖,对生者怀着强烈的仇恨。他的眼睛闪耀着另一个世界的光芒,周围的空气中弥漫着黑暗的能量。尼哈鲁尔站在堡垒的前方,凝视着战场,骨手紧握在一起。他的脸上露着残酷的笑容,眼睛里闪烁着恶毒的喜悦。他渴望向我们的世界进军,传播混乱和死亡",
"Faith and Magic": "信念与魔法",
"Since ancient times, our predecessors have relied on the gods for grace and help. Their prayers generated the faith so pleasing to the higher beings who command us. They released the Mana on Theresmore so that every person could feel it and honor it. Magic is an essential part of our nation, and mastering it will enable us to gain immense benefits": "自古以来,我们的先辈们就依靠神明们的恩典和帮助。他们的祈祷产生了信念,这让命令我们的神明们非常愉悦。他们在登攀者世界上放出了法力,让每个人都能感受它,并以它为荣。魔法是我们国家的重要组成部分,掌握它以后我们将获得巨大的利益",
"Markanat's forest": "玛卡纳特森林",
"The abode of Markanat, a mighty and enormous spider who guards his flooded forest. Its strength is immense, capable of crushing scores of men. Fame and glory await us if we can defeat him": "玛卡纳特的居所,它是一只强大而巨大的蜘蛛,守卫着它的水淹丛林。它的巨力可以粉碎数十人。如果我们能打败它,就能收获声誉和荣耀",
"The Marketplace": "市场",
"The market is the beating heart of our village. From now on merchants from all over Theresmore will be able to sell and buy livestock and goods of all kinds, as we continue to develop this area we will be able to turn it into a fair and thus be able to let this continent know the value of our goods": "市场是村庄跳动的心脏。从现在起,来自世界各地的商人们将可以买卖牲畜和各种商品,随着我们继续开发这个地区,我们还可以把它变成一个集市,让这片大陆都知道我们商品的价值",
"Mana engine": "法力引擎",
"Our savants have discovered how to create machines that run on mana. It combines with saltpetre and creates an unstable resource: natronite. With it our civilization enters a new era of mechanics and prodigies, will we manage not to turn Theresmore into a huge cauldron of production? Will we maintain our attachment to the earth and Mother Nature? Welcome to the Fourth Age!": "我们的专家发现了一种依靠法力运行的机器。它可以与硝石结合,生成一种不稳定的资源:钠红石。有了它,我们的文明将进入机械和天才的新时代。我们能够忍住,不把登攀者世界变成巨大的生产机器吗?我们还能保持对大地和自然的依恋吗?欢迎来到第四纪元!",
"Nightdale Protectorate": "夜谷保护国",
"In the far, cold north a group of barbarian tribes have banded together to become a kingdom that endures the inhospitable climate. They are famous and valiant warriors and excel in iron forging. In perpetual struggle with the barbarians of the barren lands they protect the Northern Star, a powerful artifact located in the perennial ice": "在遥远、寒冷的北方,一群野蛮人部落联合了起来,最后成为一个可以忍受恶劣气候的国家。他们以英勇善战而闻名,也很擅长锻铁。他们与贫瘠土地上的野蛮人进行着永无休止的斗争,只是为了保护北极星,那个位于常年冰层里的强大古物",
"Orc horde assault": "兽人部落来袭",
"As the final assault of the orc horde approached, the humans braced themselves for the imminent battle. Their fortified walls rose tall and proud, a symbol of the strength and determination of their people. But the orcs, fueled by their barbaric rage, were relentless. They stormed the ramparts, their howls of fury echoing across the battlefield. The humans fought with all their might, wielding the power of their technology to crush the orcish invaders. The clash of steel against steel and the roar of magic filled the air as the two armies clashed in a struggle for survival. But in the end, the humans emerged victorious, their bravery and cunning proving to be the decisive factor. The last remnants of the orcish warriors were scattered and Theresmore was safe once again, its people rejoicing in the triumph of their heroes. The winds of victory carried their cheers to the skies, a testament to the unbreakable spirit of humanity": "临近兽人部落最后一次进攻,人类为之后的战斗做好了准备。城池固若金汤,彰显出人民的力量和决心。兽人们在野蛮的狂怒驱使下,也毫不留情地冲了过来。兽人们疯狂地冲击城墙,愤怒的战吼响彻战场。人类使出了浑身解数,利用科技的力量粉碎着兽人入侵者。钢铁与钢铁的冲击声,还有魔法的轰鸣声在整片天空下回响,两边都为了生存而奋战着。最后,人类的勇猛和计策决定了战斗的结果,人类,胜利了。扫清兽人战士的残余以后,登攀者世界再度安全了。人民为了英雄的胜利而欢欣鼓舞,有风吹过,载着他们的欢呼声冲向九天之上。勇敢的人类绝不会被这样的试炼打倒!",
"Army of the dead": "亡者大军",
"By reactivating the portal you have created a conduit to the realm of the dead, the skeleton king's unstoppable army is waiting to devastate Theresmore, it must be stopped before it is too late": "重新激活传送门以后,您建立了一条通往亡者领域的通道,骷髅王的大军势不可挡,正准备摧毁登攀者世界,必须抓紧时间,趁还来得及,尽快阻止它们",
"Sssarkat Empire": "撒尔喀特帝国",
"In the warm waters beyond the realm of Zultan are salamander-like creatures that live mostly underwater. They are repositories of a vanished ancient civilization and populate its ruins by making use of remaining technology. They often visit the mainland and some of their villages can be found on the sunny shores": "在祖尔坦王国之外的温暖水域中,生活着类似蝾螈的生物,他们主要在水下活动。他们来自一个已经消失的远古文明,会使用余留的科技来填补废墟。他们经常会来到陆上,在阳光明媚的海岸上可以发现他们的一些村庄",
"Scalerock Tribes": "鳞岩部落",
"In the high peaks of the Scalerock Mountains, there are tribes of draconians. They live in caves carved into the rock and fly over the high peaks to swoop down on their unsuspecting enemies. Descendants of dragons have retained their intelligence and craftsmanship in creating objects. They know natronite, perhaps from an ancestral legacy, and are greedy for it beyond measure": "在鳞岩山之巅,生活着龙人的部落。他们住在岩石上的洞穴里,会飞跃山顶,向毫无防备的敌人猛扑下去。作为龙裔,他们在制造物品方面保持了龙的智慧和工艺。他们或许是祖先的传承,知道钠红石的存在,并极其想要弄到它们",
"Skullface the Bandit Leader": "强盗首领骷髅脸",
"Skullface is the leader of the bandits in the region. Despite being a danger to the economic stability of our settlement he is a charismatic and cunning leader": "骷髅脸是这个地区强盗的首领。尽管他对我们城市的经济稳定产生了威胁,但他其实是一位魅力十足且十分狡猾的领袖",
"The beginning of human era": "人类纪元开启",
"From nomadic hunters and gatherers, our people have grown up and are ready to settle in a fertile valley. From here will arise, perhaps, the greatest nation Theresmore has known. The age of man has just begun": "从游牧的猎人和采集者起,我们的人民发展壮大,并准备在肥沃的山谷中定居下来。或许在此将崛起登攀者世界最伟大的国家。人类的时代才刚刚开始",
"A strange encounter": "奇怪的邂逅",
"But with caution we must proceed, for these woodland beings are a mystery, shrouded in whispers and tales passed down through generations. Their fleet-footed grace and deadly accuracy with the bow are but a mere glimpse of their mastery over the forests. The settlers' encounter is a historic moment, a chance for our civilization to reach out and make contact with a new race. So, let us approach with respect, openness, and diplomacy. For who knows what gifts of knowledge, resources, and friendship these elusive creatures may bring to our growing colony": "我们必须谨慎行事,这些森林中的生灵完全是迷一样的存在,只有在世代相传的低语和故事中能隐约看到他们。他们步伐敏捷,百发百中,森林是他们的主场。与他们的偶遇值得大书特书,我们的文明获得了一个接触新种族的机会。让我们以尊重,开放的态度,并以正确的技巧来接洽他们吧。谁也难以说清,这些难以捉摸的生灵会给我们持续增长的定居点带来什么样的知识,资源和友谊",
"The richest nation in Theresmore!": "登攀者世界富甲天下!",
"Our merchants range in every corner of Theresmore, our warehouses are dripping with gold, and there is no one who cannot be bought or subjugated by our economy": "我们的商人遍布登攀者世界每个角落,我们的仓库里装满了黄金,没有人能不被我们的经济收买和征服",
"Theresmore Wanders": "登攀游荡者",
"In the steppes of the east, the inhabitants continue to be nomads. Their camps stretch for miles, they exploit the region's resources and then move on, looking for a new place to settle. Formidable on horseback they use their mobility to carry out raids on neighboring kingdoms. Often unreliable, they rule the largest pastures all over Theresmore": "东部草原上的居民仍然是游牧民族。他们的营地绵延数码,他们会开发区域的资源,然后继续前进,寻找新的地点定居。马背上的他们可谓无往不利,会利用机动性突袭邻近的王国。他们控制着登攀者世界最大的牧场,但通常并不可靠",
"The Vampire": "吸血鬼",
"Sitting on a pile of bones in her hiding place here is the vampire appearing. Eyes red as fire, raven wings pitch black. She would be a beautiful woman if only her power were not used to feed on humans. The General assures that we can defeat her but at what cost?": "吸血鬼坐在一堆白骨之上,从她的藏身之处出现了。她有着火红的眼睛,漆黑的鸦翅。抛开她会利用自己的力量来吃人不谈,她长得还是非常好看的。将军向我们保证可以击败她,但,代价是什么?",
"Western Kingdom": "西部王国",
"The glory of the west, Theresmore's most advanced kingdom. Its castles can be seen from miles away and their cities are rich and bustling. On the battlefield they use their heavy cavalry that shakes the earth and makes enemies tremble. They possess the accesses to the western sea, the only true maritime outlet for all who inhabit this continent": "西部王国是西部的荣耀,登攀者世界最先进的王国。它的城堡从数码外都能看到,他们的城市富丽堂皇。他们在战场上使用的是可以震撼大地的重骑兵,敌人们将在他们的铁蹄前颤抖。他们掌握了通往西海的通道,这是这片大陆所有居民唯一真正的海上出口",
"Zultan Emirate": "祖尔坦酋长国",
"Several autonomous city-states flourish in the sunny sands of the south. They answer to the great Emir of Zultan, the most powerful of these metropolises. A people developed in the most inhospitable lands of Theresmore and flourished through trade reaching every part of the continent. They protect the flame of Atamar who is said to have founded the city of Zultan": "几个自治城邦在南部阳光明媚的沙滩上蓬勃发展。这些大都市中最强大的就是祖尔坦,它们都听命于祖尔坦大酋长。他们从登攀者世界最荒凉的土地开始发展,并通过与大陆各处的贸易而繁荣起来。他们保护着阿塔玛的火焰,据说就是它建立了祖尔坦之城",
"Ancient Balor": "远古炎魔",
"Summon the ancient demon": "召唤远古恶魔",
"Ancient Vault": "远古保险库",
"Unlock the Ancient Vault": "解锁远古保险库",
"Ancient Treasury": "远古宝库",
"An aid to minds and pockets": "对思想和腰包都有帮助",
"Ancient Treasury II": "远古宝库 II",
"Revealing and buying Theresmore": "揭示和购买登攀者世界",
"Ancient Treasury III": "远古宝库 III",
"Bye bye caps": "别了,上限",
"Ancient Treasury IV": "远古宝库 IV",
"Solving research problems": "研究的问题迎刃而解",
"Battle Angel": "战斗天使",
"A holy warrior who fights for men": "为人类而战的圣战士",
"Architecture of the Titans": "泰坦的建筑",
"Unlock the Titan Work Area": "解锁巨型工作区",
"Army of Men": "匹夫有责",
"Let's enlarge our army": "让我们扩大军队的规模",
"Army of Men II": "匹夫有责 II",
"The west will not fall": "万里长城永不倒",
"Army of Men III": "匹夫有责 III",
"We are legion!": "携手并进",
"Army of Men IV": "匹夫有责 IV",
"We are swarm!": "众志成城",
"Army of Men V": "匹夫有责 V",
"We are multitude!": "人民战争的汪洋大海",
"Captain Galliard Story": "加里亚德团长的故事",
"Unlock the Story of Captain Galliard": "解锁团长的故事",
"Charism": "魅力",
"Your name will be spoken more often": "您的名字会被更多地提及",
"Charism II": "魅力 II",
"One man shall reign": "他应该为王",
"Clever Villagers": "聪明的村民",
"Our population is getting smarter": "人民更加聪明了",
"Clever Villagers II": "聪明的村民 II",
"Less research problems": "研究问题更少了",
"Clever Villagers III": "聪明的村民 III",
"Research innovation": "研究创新",
"Coin Mercenary": "代币佣兵",
"Unlock the Canava Guard mercenary unit": "解锁卡纳瓦护卫佣兵",
"Cpt Galliard": "加里亚德团长",
"Hire the Captain Galliard": "雇佣加里亚德团长",
"Craftsmen": "工匠",
"Producing researched materials": "可以生产研究材料",
"Craftsmen II": "工匠 II",
"Are you having trouble with supplies?": "您的补给方面碰到什么麻烦了吗?",
"Craftsmen III": "工匠 III",
"No more trouble with supplies": "补给方面不会再有什么问题了",
"Craftsmen IV": "工匠 IV",
"Problem with Natronite?": "钠红石方面碰到什么麻烦了吗?",
"Craftsmen V": "工匠 V",
"No more trouble with Natronite": "钠红石方面不会再有什么问题了",
"Deep Pockets": "聚宝盆",
"Pockets to store a lot of gold": "可以存放大量黄金",
"Deep Pockets II": "聚宝盆 II",
"More gold, more stuffs": "黄金总是多多益善",
"Deep Pockets III": "聚宝盆 III",
"Swimming in gold": "遨游金海",
"Rampart": "壁垒",
"Unlock the Rampart": "解锁壁垒",
"Elysian Field": "乐土",
"The gods give us a Theresmore paradise": "神赐的乐土",
"Elysian Field II": "乐土 II",
"Let's enlarge and guard the paradise": "让我们扩展乐土并保卫它",
"Elysian Field III": "乐土 III",
"Nectar of the gods": "神明的琼浆玉液",
"Enhanced Axes": "强化斧头",
"Improved axes for our lumberjacks": "为伐木工改善斧头",
"Enhanced Axes II": "强化斧头 II",
"Even better axes for our lumberjacks": "为伐木工提供更好的斧头",
"Enhanced Axes III": "强化斧头 III",
"Titanium axes for our lumberjacks": "为伐木工提供钛斧",
"Enhanced Axes IV": "强化斧头 IV",
"Epic axes for our lumberjacks": "为伐木工提供史诗级的斧头",
"Enhanced Pickaxes": "强化镐子",
"Improved pickaxes for our miners": "为矿工改善镐子",
"Enhanced Pickaxes II": "强化镐子 II",
"Even better pickaxes for our miners": "为矿工提供更好的镐子",
"Enhanced Pickaxes III": "强化镐子 III",
"Titanium pickaxes for our miners": "为矿工提供钛镐",
"Enhanced Pickaxes IV": "强化镐子 IV",
"Epic pickaxes for our miners": "为矿工提供史诗级的镐子",
"Free Hands": "增员",
"We need more population!": "我们需要更多的人口!",
"Free Hands II": "增员 II",
"Even more population! This is the way!": "还要更多的人口!就是这样!",
"Free Hands III": "增员 III",
"Population? POPULATION!": "人口?人口!!!",
"Free Hands IV": "增员 IV",
"Baby BOOM!": "婴儿潮来了!",
"Grain storage": "粮食储存",
"Unlock the Granary": "解锁粮仓",
"Gift from the Creators": "造物主的赠礼",
"Creators help us build": "造物主帮助我们进行建造",
"Gift of Nature": "自然的赠礼",
"Nature provides us with abundant resources": "自然为我们提供丰富的资源",
"Guild of craftsmen": "工匠公会",
"Unlock the Guild of craftsmen": "解锁工匠公会",
"Juggernaut": "主宰",
"An undead giant tank": "大型亡者肉盾",
"Hall of the Dead": "亡者大厅",
"Hall where the dead work": "亡者工作的大厅",
"Hall of Wisdom": "智慧大厅",
"Hall of research from the past": "过去的研究大厅",
"Heirloom of the Contract": "契约传家宝",
"Hidden in the Monument enhances its strength": "隐于纪念碑之中,强化它的效果",
"Heirloom of the Death": "死亡传家宝",
"Hidden in the Monument enhances its strength": "隐于纪念碑之中,强化它的效果",
"Heirloom of the Horseshoes": "马蹄铁传家宝",
"Hidden in the Monument enhances its strength": "隐于纪念碑之中,强化它的效果",
"Heirloom of the Momento": "纪念品传家宝",
"Hidden in the Monument enhances its strength": "隐于纪念碑之中,强化它的效果",
"Heirloom of the Wealth": "财富传家宝",
"Hidden in the Monument enhances its strength": "隐于纪念碑之中,强化它的效果",
"Heirloom of the Wisdom": "智慧传家宝",
"Hidden in the Monument enhances its strength": "隐于纪念碑之中,强化它的效果",
"Irrigation Techniques": "灌溉技术",
"Better technique for more food": "改善技术可以生产更多食物",
"Irrigation Techniques II": "灌溉技术 II",
"Even better technique for more food": "再度改善技术还可以生产更多食物",
"Irrigation Techniques III": "灌溉技术 III",
"Like a Venice of canals": "如同威尼斯一般的运河",
"Irrigation Techniques IV": "灌溉技术 IV",
"Agriculture with no secrets": "农业技术在我们面前不再有任何秘密",
"Library of Theresmore": "登攀者世界图书馆",
"Unlock the Library of Theresmore": "解锁登攀者世界图书馆",
"Militia recruitment": "招募民兵",
"Unlock the Castrum Militia": "解锁城堡民兵",
"Ministry of Interior": "内政部",
"Unlock the Ministry, for research and logistic": "负责研究和物流",
"Ministry of War": "战争部",
"Unlock the Ministry, for army and power": "负责军队和实力",
"Ministry of Worship": "宗教部",
"Unlock the Ministry, for magic and faith": "负责魔法和信仰",
"Machines of the Gods": "诸神的机器",
"The production machines of the gods": "诸神的生产机器",
"Mercenary agreements": "佣兵合约",
"The power of coins to create a lethal mercenary army": "金钱的力量带来了强大的佣兵",
"Mercenary agreements II": "佣兵合约 II",
"Pecunia non olet": "金钱不问出处",
"Mercenary agreements III": "佣兵合约 III",
"The end justifies the means": "只要目的正当,可以不择手段",
"Monastic orders": "修道会",
"Unlock the Monastery": "解锁修道院",
"Monument": "纪念碑",
"Unlock the Monument": "解锁纪念碑",
"Powered Weapons": "武器强化",
"New weapons for the army": "为军队提供新式武器",
"Powered Weapons II": "武器强化 II",
"More deadly weapons": "更加致命的武器",
"Powered Weapons III": "武器强化 III",
"Even better deadly weapons": "更强更致命的武器",
"Powered Weapons IV": "武器强化 IV",
"A very deadly army": "非常致命的军队",
"Powered Weapons V": "武器强化 V",
"Late era buffs": "强化后期",
"Powered Weapons VI": "武器强化 VI",
"Immortal army": "不朽的军队",
"Powered Weapons VII": "武器强化 VII",
"Invincible army": "战无不胜的军队",
"Priest": "牧师",
"Unlock the Priest unit": "解锁牧师",
"Regional Markets": "区域市场",
"Unlock the Regional Markets": "解锁区域市场",
"Renowned Stonemasons": "著名石匠",
"Skilled workers for the quarry": "采石场的工人变得更有经验",
"Renowned Stonemasons II": "著名石匠 II",
"More skilled workers for the quarry": "采石场的工人再次变得更有经验",
"Renowned Stonemasons III": "著名石匠 III",
"Veterans of quarry!": "非常老练的采石场工人!",
"Renowned Stonemasons IV": "著名石匠 IV",
"Masters of quarry!": "采石场的大师!",
"Resource Cap": "资源上限",
"A help to our warehouses": "可以为仓库提供帮助",
"Resource Cap II": "资源上限 II",
"More space to our warehouses": "可以为仓库提供更多空间",
"Resource Cap III": "资源上限 III",
"More space for our valuables": "可以为贵重物资提供更多空间",
"Resource Cap IV": "资源上限 IV",
"Even more space for our valuables": "再次可以为贵重物资提供更多空间",
"Resource Cap V": "资源上限 V",
"A LOT of space for our valuables": "为贵重物资提供大量空间",
"Resource Cap VI": "资源上限 VI",
"Great space for our valuables": "为贵重物资提供更大量的空间",
"Resource Cap VII": "资源上限 VII",
"Huge space for our valuables": "为贵重物资提供超大量的空间",
"Resource Cap VIII": "资源上限 VIII",
"Gargantuan space for our valuables": "为贵重物资提供极大量的空间",
"Seraphim": "炽天使",
"The highest in rank in the angelic tiers": "天使中最高阶的存在",
"Shieldbearer": "持盾卫士",
"Unlock the Shieldbearer unit": "解锁持盾卫士",
"Shopkeepers and Breeders": "店主和饲育员",
"A bonus to our artisans and breeders": "使工匠和饲育员获得加成",
"Shopkeepers and Breeders II": "店主和饲育员 II",
"We can attend some horse fairs": "我们可以参加一些马展",
"Shopkeepers and Breeders III": "店主和饲育员 III",
"Master of tools and horses": "工具及马之大师",
"Spikes and Pits": "尖刺与陷坑",
"Traps around the settlement": "在城市周围布置陷阱",
"Spikes and Pits II": "尖刺与陷坑 II",
"More traps around the settlement": "在城市周围布置更多陷阱",
"Spikes and Pits III": "尖刺与陷坑 III",
"Relic power to boost defense": "利用遗物的力量强化防御",
"Spikes and Pits IV": "尖刺与陷坑 IV",
"More Relic power!": "更多遗物的力量!",
"Spikes and Pits V": "尖刺与陷坑 V",
"This Juggernaut is a beast!": "主宰也太狂野了!",
"Stock Resources": "库存资源",
"A bunch of resource for an easy start": "初始拥有更多资源",
"Stock Resources II": "库存资源 II",
"A lot of resource for an easy start": "初始拥有大量资源",
"Stonemason": "石匠坊",
"Unlock the Stonemason": "解锁石匠坊",
"Strengthening Faith": "强化信念",
"More convinced prayers": "更加坚定的祈祷",
"Strengthening Faith II": "强化信念 II",
"Mana and faith for everyone": "人人都应该拥有法力和信念",
"Strong Workers": "强壮的工人",
"Your citizens will collect more resources manually": "可以手动采集更多资源",
"Strong Workers II": "强壮的工人 II",
"Your citizens will collect even more resources manually": "可以手动采集还要更多的资源",
"Train Colonial Army": "训练定居点的军队",
"We create a more effective colonial force": "创造更有效的定居点武装力量",
"Train Colonial Army II": "训练定居点的军队 II",
"Better equipment for colonial army": "为定居点军队提供更好的装备",
"Undead Herds": "亡者兽群",
"Learn how to breed undead herds": "学习如何饲育亡者兽群",
"Titanic Walls": "泰坦之墙",
"Unlock the Titanic Walls": "解锁磐石巨墙",
"Weapons of the Titan": "泰坦的武器",
"The Titan gives us his weapons": "泰坦给了我们他的武器",
"White Company": "白色连队",
"Unlock the White Company mercenary unit": "解锁白色连队佣兵",
"Woodworking": "木工",
"Unlock the Sawmill": "解锁锯木厂",
"Zenix Familiar": "泽尼克斯的使魔",
"Unlock the Zenix Familiar scout unit": "解锁泽尼克斯的使魔",
"Alchemists will produce saltpetre for the production of arquebuses and bombards": "炼金术士生产硝石,可用于制造火绳枪和炮弹",
"With the artisan's workshops we will be able to build all the tools that will help in other jobs": "我们可以通过工匠作坊,制造其他工作所需的工具",
"Your settlement is known for its local products": "我们的城市以其土特产而闻名",
"Our artisan learn how to create better equipments for our army": "工匠们学会了如何为军队制造更好的装备",
"We can create much better equipments now": "我们可以制造还要更好的装备了",
"Along with grocery and carpentry workshops, this district is the productive heart of the city": "这个区域还有着食品杂货店和木匠工坊,它是城市的生产中心",
"With the first barracks comes our mighty army": "随着第一个兵营的诞生,我们的强军之路开始了",
"Now that we have enough banks we can create a vault to store our gold": "我们有足够多的银行了,我们可以建造一个金库来存储黄金",
"With wood, stone and tools we can now create building materials": "用木材、石头和工具就可以制造出建筑原料了",
"Human settlements need centers where they can exercise justice and power": "城市需要能够行使正义和权力的中心",
"The feudal era has begun": "封建时代开始了",
"Now we can choose the specialization of our colony. In the research tab there are 3 possibilities: military, productive or faith. Choose carefully, only one specialization is possible": "我们可以选择定居点的特化方向了。在研究面板下可以从三个选项中选择一个:军事,生产和信仰。请谨慎选择,您只能选择其一",
"The development of the colony has created a fervent desire for new technology at home": "在定居点的发展下,本土产生了对新技术的渴望",
"We need to start exploiting the nature surrounding the colony": "我们需要开始开发定居点周边了",
"Some mysterious figures are spying on our colony from the surrounding woods": "一些神秘人物在周围的树林里监视着定居点",
"Our colony is growing, we can seek new specializations": "定居点还在发展,我们可以寻求新的特化了",
"It is time for our scouts to start exploring the new world": "是时候让侦察兵探索新世界了",
"The Elves require our presence, it looks like we will get to know the QualarRoktam and it will not be friendly at all": "精灵需要我们,我们得跟夸拉尔罗克坦交流一下了,不过他们可不太友好",
"Our colony is now a little city, we can seek new specializations": "定居点已经变为小城了,我们可以寻求新的特化了",
"Some isolated farms in the colony have been looted and burned. The slain settlers had horrendous wounds inflicted with great force; no children were found": "定居点中一些孤立的农场遭到劫掠,并被焚毁了。受害者的伤口极其可怕,似乎是某种巨力所为。现场没有发现任何孩子",
"Our colony is the pride of all Theresmore. Let's build a wonder to celebrate it!": "定居点已经是整个登攀者世界的骄傲了。我们建造个奇观来庆祝吧!",
"Your settlement is starting to grow": "您的城市开始成长了",
"The memory of the past times is alive and is handed down from father to son, we can now research the mythology": "过去时代的记忆父子相传,仍然鲜活,我们可以研究神话学了",
"Congratulations, your little settlement is now a village!": "恭喜,您的小城已经初具规模了!",
"We can now assume traders in the population tab": "我们可以在人口面板下分配交易人工作了",
"Our farmers are learning to farm better and better": "农民们的技艺越来越精湛了",
"The development of agriculture is creating new landowners": "农业的发展产生了新的地主",
"With food and livestock we can now create supplies": "用食物和牲畜就可以制造出补给品了",
"Thanks to this outpost we will now be able to explore the vast ocean": "我们借助前哨的力量,可以开始探索浩瀚无边的海洋了",
"In the industrial plant, our artisans turn into workers": "在工业厂房中,工匠会变为工人",
"Scholars are partially transformed into the undead, which explains the resulting abundance of food. They no longer have to feed themselves and can work without the need for sleep": "学者们变成了部分为亡灵的生物,所以会有大量食物产生。他们不再需要吃饭,也不再需要睡觉了",
"A community of woodcarvers is emerging": "一个木雕师社区正在兴起",
"Our woodworking is reaching a quality envied by many other kingdoms": "我们的木制品质量极高,让其他很多王国都眼红",
"To conclude the feudal era we will have to create more universities, grocery, steelworks, carpentry workshop and mansion. This will make our village a city!": "要结束封建时代,我们必须建造更多的大学、食品杂货店、钢铁厂、木匠工坊和宅邸。这样才是真正的城市!",
"Finally the market! Now we can buy and sell goods": "终于有市场了!我们可以买卖商品了",
"The market is getting bigger, we will be able to organize fairs": "市场规模日益扩张,我们可以组织集市了",
"How many amazing things we can do with mana. But beware of its dark side": "我们可以用法力做到多少惊人的事啊。但小心,光与影是永远并存的",
"Some plans to make a defensive super weapon were presented at the military academy": "军事学院中有人提出了制造防御性超级武器的计划",
"The Quartermaster will help us with food supply for the army": "军需官将帮助我们管理军队的食物补给",
"As we continue to build more ministries we will have access to new technologies": "继续拓展部委数量,我们可以获得新技术",
"Your miners descend into the depths": "矿工们正在深入地下",
"The depths of Theresmore are places to stay away from, continuing to dig could be very dangerous": "登攀者世界的地底并不安全,继续挖掘可能会非常危险",
"In the mines we found a strange portal full of ancient symbols that resonate with mana. We have to build the pillars of mana to proceed": "我们在矿井里发现了一个奇怪的传送门,上面满是与法力共鸣的古代符号。我们需要建造法力之柱才能继续",
"The Monument is the legacy of past lives. Enclosed within it are heirlooms that, when acquired and researched, will greatly aid our settlement": "纪念碑是来自过去的遗物。里面装有传家宝,研究后对我们的城市将有很大帮助",
"Now we can recruit the General": "我们可以招募将军了",
"As we continue digging in the quarry we may find more minerals": "继续建造采石场可能会让我们发现更多矿物",
"Quarrymen have found metal deposits": "石工发现了金属矿床",
"New tools increase stone quarrying": "新工具增加了采石效率",
"An industry is flourishing on the rocks we process, production increases further": "石头加工业正在蓬勃发展,产量进一步增加了",
"A scruffy old man comes forward among the refugees; he is convinced that the skull kept in one of the burned villages was the reason the beast attacked. The ancient artifact has been preserved by the old man and he now hands it to you": "一位衣衫褴褛的老者站在难民中间,他很肯定,野兽发动攻击的原因,是其中一个村庄里保存的头骨。这件古物被老者保存了下来,他现在把它交给了您",
"As soon as we activated our first pillar of mana a big tremor was heard in the depths of the mines": "激活第一根法力之柱时,矿井深处传来了一阵巨大的震动",
"We can now hire researchers": "我们可以招募研究员了",
"Now that we have finished the walls we can enrich our defenses with magical defense systems, siege machines and a perimeter of sentinels": "我们完成了城墙的建造,我们还可以利用魔法防御系统、攻城机器和哨兵来充实防御",
"With at least four outposts we will be able to tell if any enemy armies are approaching the settlement": "建造至少四个前哨后,我们就可以判断是否有敌人正在接近定居点了",
"Horses for the army and cows for the market. The village is thriving": "马供军队,牛供市场。真是繁荣啊",
"Now we can produce steel for our army": "我们可以为军队生产钢了",
"Through our faith the ancient gods will hear us": "通过信念,远古神明们将会听到我们的声音",
"With all these temples we can ask for a blessing for our warriors": "有了这么多寺庙后,我们可以为战士祝福了",
"An army of faith is ready to take action": "信仰之军整装待发",
"Now with the four Power Spell we can build the Mausoleum and offer to the gods what they will ask for in sacrifice. This will lead us to Ascension": "我们集齐了四条力量咒语,现在可以建造众神之陵,并向神明献上贡品了。它将引导我们走向飞升的道路",
"Our professors through magical elements can now synthesize crystals": "教授可以通过魔法元素合成水晶",
"A mage from lands afar introduces himself as Zenix. Intrigued by your settlement's history and magical studies, he wishes to learn from your greatest professors": "一位来自远方的法师自称泽尼克斯,他对城市的历史和魔法研究很感兴趣,希望向最博学的教授学习",
"We must exploit the abundance of our lands": "我们必须开发这片丰饶的土地",
"Our watchmen have discovered an impending attack! TO THE WALLS!": "守望者们发现敌袭!快到城墙上去!!!",
"Our scouts headed far east and discover a civilized nation called the Enso Multitude": "侦察兵远赴东部,发现了一个文明国度,他们自称恩索诸众",
"Our scouts headed north discovering a nation formed by many warrior tribes, the Protectorate of Nightdale": "侦察兵前往北部,发现了一个由众多战士部落组成的国家,名为夜谷保护国",
"Our scouts venture in the Scalerock mountains and discover the draconic people of the Scalerock Tribes": "侦察兵进入了鳞岩山,发现了由龙人组成的鳞岩部落",
"Our scouts following the legends of a fabulous lost civilization came to the presence of the Sssarkat Empire": "侦察兵跟着一条神话中失落文明的传说来到了撒尔喀特帝国",
"Our scouts went west where they found a technologically advanced kingdom. Great castles and gleaming armors are their pride and joy": "侦察兵前往西部,发现了一个技术很先进的王国。大城堡和闪闪发亮的盔甲是他们的骄傲和快乐源泉",
"Our scouts ventured into the wild east, returned with strange tales of nomadic tribes roaming the boundless plains": "侦察兵进入了荒芜的东部,回来时带来了奇怪的故事,据说有游牧部落在无边无际的平原上漫游",
"Our scouts went into the deserts of the south discovering a rich kingdom whose flourishing trade crosses all Theresmore": "侦察兵深入南部沙漠,发现了一个富饶的王国,其繁荣的贸易遍布整个登攀者世界",
"After conquering the underground Kobolds a message came to you: I MAUGRITH KING OF THE KOBOLD WILL DESTROY YOUR CITY": "征服了地下的狗头人以后,您收到一条消息:我是马格里斯,狗头人之王,我们将夷平你的城市",
"Our scouts have discovered that a horde of barbarians is approaching our valley. Their king claims the blood of his people that we have spilled. WE ARE AT WAR": "侦察兵发现一个野蛮人部族正在接近山谷。他们的国王声称我们让他的人民流了血。我们被迫开战了!!!",
"Our relationships are now neutral with this faction. If we improve relations we can ally, if we worsen them we can declare war": "我们目前与这个派系的关系为中立。改善关系后我们可以互相联盟,恶化关系后我们可以宣战",
"Our relationships are now positive with this faction": "我们目前与这个派系的关系为正面",
"Our relationships are now negative with this faction": "我们目前与这个派系的关系为负面",
"Our scout found a haunted burial site, where did I put my sacred symbol?": "侦察兵发现了一个闹鬼的墓地,我把圣符放哪去了?",
"Our scout discovered the cave of the Ancient Giant!": "侦察兵发现了远古巨人的洞穴!",
"Our scout found an ancient hideout, will there still be loot left?": "侦察兵发现了一个远古藏身处。里面还有战利品吗?",
"Our scout found a field full of Ball lightning, beware of electric shock": "侦察兵发现了一片充满球形闪电的土地,小心电击",
"Our scout discovered the camp of a famous mercenary captain!": "侦察兵发现了一位著名佣兵团团长的营地!",
"Our scout found an old mine inhabited by lead golems": "侦察兵发现了一个铅魔像盘踞的旧矿井",
"Our scout discovered an forgotten valley full of giant reptiles": "侦察兵发现了一个被遗忘的山谷,里面充满了巨型爬行动物",
"Our scout found a harpy nest! He was almost charmed by the songs": "侦察兵发现了一个鹰身女妖巢穴!他差点被歌声魅惑了",
"Our scout return to the village pale and agitated, his source of fear is one: barbarians!": "侦察兵回来时脸色苍白,情绪激动,他恐惧的源头,来自于野蛮人",
"Our scout found a barbarian village; who knows if we can export our civilization to them as well?": "侦察兵发现了野蛮人的村庄,或许我们可以向他们输出我们的文明?",
"Our scout explored a barren region filled with kobolds and giants": "侦察兵发现一座荒山,上面满是狗头人和巨人",
"Our scout found a bugbear tribe, these large goblin-like humanoids raid the region": "侦察兵发现了熊地精部落,这些人型的大地精会掠夺这片区域",
"Our scout found a war party of bugbears! They are looting led by their chieftain": "侦察兵发现了熊地精的作战队!它们在酋长的带领下沿途抢劫",
"Our scout discovered a place from where demons emerge to haunt Theresmore": "侦察兵发现了一个地方,恶魔从中出现,威胁着这个世界",
"Our scout discovered a haunted citadel. Watch out for zombies and wyverns (and a few many ghouls)": "侦察兵发现了一座闹鬼的要塞。小心里面的僵尸和双足飞龙(还有一些食尸鬼)",
"Our scout discovered a large building space, let's conquer it": "侦察兵发现了一处巨大的建筑空地。让我们征服它吧",
"Your scout found nothing and vanished out of shame rather than return": "侦察兵一无所获,羞愧难当,不敢返回,选择了人间蒸发",
"Your scout has been captured and now adorns a tree": "侦察兵被俘虏了,成了树的装饰品",
"Your scout met a demoness and gave up his freedom": "侦察兵遇到了一只女恶魔,然后放弃了自由",
"Your scout went through a portal and hasn't been seen since": "侦察兵穿过了传送门,再也没有人见过他",
"Your scout was killed while running away from a hen": "侦察兵遭到母鸡追逐,不幸阵亡了",
"Your scout was killed by a 6-eyed horror": "侦察兵被一只六眼飞鱼杀死了",
"Your scout has fallen into an abyss": "侦察兵落入了深渊之中",
"Your scout died from drinking too much schnapps": "侦察兵饮用了过多杜松子酒,挂了",
"Your scout was impaled by a fence": "侦察兵被栅栏刺穿了",
"Your scout was beheaded by an angry farmer": "侦察兵被一位愤怒的农夫枭首了",
"Your scout bled to death after a confrontation with a goblin": "侦察兵遭遇一只地精,一番对峙后流血致死",
"Your scout died poisoned by a goblin arrow": "侦察兵中了地精一箭,死于中毒",
"Your scout was devoured by a greater demon": "侦察兵被一个高等恶魔吞噬了",
"Your scout was killed while spying on a bandit encampment": "侦察兵在探查强盗营地时被杀害了",
"Your scout died crushed under the weight of the loot": "侦察兵因战利品过重,被压死了",
"Your scout died falling out of a tree": "侦察兵掉下了树,摔死了",
"Your scout died petrified by a basilisk": "侦察兵被一只蛇怪石化了",
"Your scout died fighting a three-headed ostrich": "侦察兵与一只三头鸵鸟进行了搏斗,不幸遇难",
"Your scout was killed by an assassin": "侦察兵被一名刺客暗杀了",
"Your scout died while eating gnoll meat": "侦察兵误食侏儒肉,不幸身亡",
"Your scout has been turned into a zombie by a necromancer": "侦察兵被一位死灵法师变成了僵尸",
"Your scout was beaten to death by deserters": "侦察兵被逃兵活活打死了",
"Your scout died crashed by a troll": "侦察兵被一只巨魔碾死了",
"Your scout has deserted": "侦察兵当了逃兵",
"Your scout died of dysentery": "侦察兵死于痢疾",
"Your scout died when he was hit by a horse": "侦察兵被一匹马撞死了",
"Your scout died bitten by a poisonous snake": "侦察兵被一只毒蛇咬了一口,再也没能起来",
"Your scout died of septicemia": "侦察兵因败血症而离世",
"Your scout died fighting a poor seagull": "侦察兵与一只可怜的海鸥展开了殊死搏斗,最后不幸阵亡了",
"Your scout died fighting an undead dragon": "侦察兵与一条亡灵巨龙进行战斗,毫无疑问地被杀死了",
"Your scout met a dark fate and did not return": "侦察兵遭遇了黑暗命运,再也没有回来",
"Your scout die swarmed by 595 skeletons": "侦察兵被595个骷髅包围了,未能突围",
"Your scout died of a heart attack caused by a sudden laughter outburst while facing a comedic situation": "侦察兵碰到了极其好笑的东西,狂笑不止,突发心脏病,没了",
"Your scout died falling off a cliff while trying to take a selfie with a breathtaking view": "侦察兵在尝试一个惊险角度的自拍时不幸坠崖",
"Your scout was swallowed whole by a giant toad while investigating strange croaking noises": "侦察兵在调查奇怪的呱呱声时被一只大蛤蟆生吞了",
"Your scout was eaten by a dragon while trying to steal a shiny object from its hoard": "侦察兵在试图顺走巨龙财宝时被发现了,未能逃脱",
"Your scout died of hypothermia after taking a wrong turn in a blizzard and getting lost": "侦察兵突遇暴风雪,拐错弯迷路了,最后死于失温",
"Your scout was devoured by a pack of wild boars while searching for truffles": "侦察兵在寻找松露时被一群野猪吃掉了",
"Your scout was killed by friendly fire from his own companions while trying to ward off an attack from a herd of stampeding elephants": "侦察兵在试图躲避一群受惊的大象时被友军误伤,不幸罹难",
"Your scout died drowning in a river after tripping on a rock and losing balance while crossing": "侦察兵在过河时被石头绊倒跌进河里,溺水身亡",
"Your scout was stung to death by a swarm of killer bees while investigating a strange humming noise": "侦察兵在调查奇怪的嗡嗡声时被一群杀人蜂蜇死了",
"Your scout was trapped in quicksand while trying to find a shortcut": "侦察兵在寻找近路时陷入了流沙中",
"Your scout was killed by a rogue cheese wheel rolling down a hill while investigating strange noises in a nearby dairy farm": "侦察兵在调查附近奶牛场的奇怪噪音时,被一个失控从山上滚下的奶酪轮碾压致死",
"Your scout was trampled by a herd of unicorns while trying to capture one for a rare glimpse": "侦察兵试图捕捉独角兽,被一群独角兽践踏而死",
"Your scout died of exhaustion after a never-ending game of hide and seek with a mischievous fairy": "侦察兵在与一个淘气的仙女没完没了地玩捉迷藏之后筋疲力尽,倒下了",
"Your scout was incinerated by a dragon's fiery breath while trying to retrieve a lost arrow": "侦察兵尝试拿回一支丢失的箭,被一条巨龙盯上,活活烧死",
"Your scout was swallowed by a giant snake while searching for exotic herbs in a dense jungle": "侦察兵在茂密的丛林里寻找奇异药草时遭到巨蛇吞噬",
"Your scout died from falling coconuts while investigating strange noises in a palm tree forest": "侦察兵在调查棕榈树林中的奇怪噪音时被椰子砸死了",
"Your scout was killed by a friendly giant who mistook him for a pesky insect while napping": "侦察兵在打盹时被一个友善的巨人误认为是讨厌的虫子,遭到误杀",
"Your scout was swallowed by a giant fish while trying to catch a glimpse of the legendary 'big one'": "侦察兵想要目击传说中的“大家伙”,却不幸葬身鱼腹",
"Your scout was hit by a meteorite while stargazing on a clear night": "侦察兵在晴朗的夜晚观星时被陨石砸中了",
"Your scout was killed by a mischievous demon while playing a game of cat and mouse in the underworld": "侦察兵在地底玩猫捉老鼠时被一个心怀恶意的恶魔杀死了",
"Your scout died of a snake bite while trying to capture a rare species for research": "侦察兵发现了一种罕见的蛇,在试图进行研究时不幸被咬,未能幸免",
"Your scout was killed by a wild turkey while investigating strange gobbling noises in the forest": "侦察兵在调查森林中奇怪的吞咽声时被一只野生火鸡啄死了",
"Your scout died of a heart attack caused by a terrifying ghost while investigating strange noises in an abandoned mansion": "侦察兵在一座废弃的豪宅中调查奇怪的噪音时,遭遇了可怕的鬼魂,因突发心脏病而死亡",
"Your scout was killed by a tornado while trying to capture a snapshot of the natural wonder": "侦察兵遇到了一场龙卷风,在尝试抓拍时被卷入,再也没有出现",
"Your scout was crushed by a giant tree that fell during a storm while taking shelter under it": "侦察兵在树下躲避风暴时,树突然被压垮了",
"Our scout discovered a portal surrounded by demons": "侦察兵发现了一个被恶魔围绕的传送门",
"Our scout discovered the castle of the demoness": "侦察兵发现了女恶魔的城堡",
"Our scout discovered what remains of the Luna Temple, the stench of decomposition reaches hundreds of meters": "侦察兵发现了月神的神庙遗址,它的腐臭味从数百米以外都能闻到",
"Our scout discovered a cove of deserter and bandits": "侦察兵发现了逃兵和强盗的巢穴",
"Our scout discovered where the Djinn had gone, created a magnificent glass palace and guarded it with several naga": "侦察兵发现了灯神的踪迹,它建造了一座宏伟的玻璃宫殿,并有几个娜迦在守卫着",
"Our scout discovered the east sacred place!": "侦察兵发现了东部圣地!",
"Our scout discovered the Earth elemental circle!": "侦察兵发现了地之元素环!",
"Our scout discovered the Eternal Halls, we must conquer them to prove our worth to the people of the west": "侦察兵发现了永恒大殿,征服它,向西部王国的人民证明我们的价值",
"Our scout discovered an Ettin Camp, natives are locked up in cages perhaps as a bargaining chip": "侦察兵发现了双头巨人的营地,几个当地人被关在了笼子里,或许是交易筹码吧",
"Our scout discovered an Ettin tribe trading in slaves": "侦察兵发现了贩卖奴隶的双头巨人部落",
"Our scout discovered an entrance to the underworld, demons patrol the cave and the horrors we will find there will be unimaginable. Warning!": "侦察兵发现了前往地底的入口,恶魔在洞穴中游荡,我们可能无法想象会碰到什么样的怪物。要小心!",
"Your scout returned to the settlement and brought back everything he could find": "侦察兵带回了他能找到的一切东西",
"Your scouts returned to the settlement and brought back everything they could find": "侦察兵们带回了他们能找到的一切东西",
"Your scout explored the territories for days but came back empty handed": "侦察兵探索了许久,空手而归",
"Your scouts explored the territories for days but came back empty handed": "侦察兵们探索了许久,空手而归",
"Our scout discovered an encampment of bandits. By knocking it out we can eliminate the threat to our farmers and merchants": "侦察兵发现了一个强盗营地。消灭掉他们,我们就能使农民和商人们免受威胁了",
"Our scout discovered a cave of basilisks, beware of their petrifying gaze": "侦察兵发现了一个蛇怪洞穴,小心它们的石化目光",
"Our scout discovered a black tower inhabited by a large group of goblins together with their master": "侦察兵发现了一座黑塔,里面住着一大群地精,以及它们的主人",
"Our scout discovered a cave full of vampire bats": "侦察兵发现了一个满是吸血蝙蝠的洞穴",
"Our scout discovered a tiny island a few days' sail to the west": "侦察兵发现了一个需要向西航行数日才能到达的小岛",
"Our scout discovered the Fire elemental circle!": "侦察兵发现了火之元素环!",
"Our scout discovered the Forgotten Shelter of Captain Galliard!": "侦察兵发现了加里亚德团长的遗忘避难所!",
"Our scout discovered the Frost elemental circle!": "侦察兵发现了冰之元素环!",
"Our scout discovered a nest full of fire salamander, beware the flames!": "侦察兵发现了一个满是火蜥蜴的巢穴,小心火焰!",
"Our scout discovered the forest of the legendary monster Werewolf": "侦察兵发现了传说怪物狼人藏身的森林",
"Our scout discovered a giant temple in the forest": "侦察兵在丛林中发现了一个巨型寺庙",
"Our scout discovered a lair of goblins, we will have to chase away these fetid creatures and occupy their territories": "侦察兵发现了地精的巢穴,我们得赶走这些恶臭的家伙们,占领它们的领地",
"Our scout discovered a cave full of statues, it is unhealthy to approach": "侦察兵发现了充满魔像的洞穴,贸然靠近可能危及生命",
"Our scout discovered a huge gold mine, too bad it is being used by a swarm of trolls": "侦察兵发现了一个大型金矿,可惜里面有大量巨魔",
"Our scout discovered the cave of the legendary monsters the Gorgon": "侦察兵发现了传说怪物蛇发女妖藏身的巢穴",
"Our scout discovered a large camp of gnoll commanded by a leader": "侦察兵发现了豺狼人的大营地,它们由一位首领统领",
"Our scout discovered a party full of Gnoll raider roaming the lands": "侦察兵发现了豺狼人的一支突袭队正在漫无目的地游荡",
"Our scout discovered where orcs keep children in captivity! Ugdun's castle must fall!": "侦察兵发现了兽人们囚禁孩子们的地方!乌格顿的城堡我拆定了,众神也救不了,我说的",
"Our scout discovered an haunted library, will we be able to get knowledge from it?": "侦察兵发现了一个闹鬼的图书馆,我们能获得其中的知识吗?",
"Our scout discovered an Hobgoblin chieftain together with his small army": "侦察兵发现了一名淘气鬼酋长,它带领着一队部下",
"Our scout discovered an encampment full of Hobgoblin grunts": "侦察兵发现了一个满是淘气鬼士兵的营地",
"Our scout discovered the grave of one of the legendary monsters the five-headed Hydra": "侦察兵发现了传说怪物五个头的多头蛇藏身的坑",
"Our scout discovered what lies under the Library of SouLs: a huge cavern filled with undead!": "侦察兵发现了灵魂图书馆下面的东西:一个巨大的洞穴,充满了亡者生物!",
"Our scout found where the necromancer came from, the temple of a Lich": "侦察兵发现了死灵法师来自哪里,那是一名巫妖的寺庙",
"Our scout discovered a city full of Kobolds. Will it be part of a larger nation?": "侦察兵发现了一座满是狗头人的城市。它会不会是某个更大国家的一部分?",
"Our scout discovered a small band of Kobold looters": "侦察兵发现了一小群狗头人掠夺者",
"Our scout discovered an underground tunnel maze full of Kobolds, let's try to drive them off": "侦察兵发现了一个充斥着狗头人的地下隧道,让我们把它们赶走吧",
"Our scout discovered a circle of dolmen, the korrigans guard it": "侦察兵发现了一圈石屋,科里根矮妖们守卫着那里",
"Our scout discovered a naga nest. In the distance you can hear the cries of animals that are kept as a food supply": "侦察兵发现了娜迦老巢。在远处您就能听到被当成食物来源的动物叫声",
"Our scout discover a small group of pillagers around our village, let's drive them off": "侦察兵发现周围有一小群掠夺者,让我们把他们赶走把",
"Our scout discovered the house of a Necromancer, the place is haunted by ghouls and ghasts": "侦察兵发现了一位死灵法师的家,里面到出都是食尸鬼和恶魂",
"Our scout discovered the north sacred place!": "侦察兵发现了北部圣地!",
"Our scout follows the myth of Markanat and discovers his forest. Beware the huge spider!": "侦察兵跟随着玛卡纳特的故事,终于发现了它栖息的丛林。小心那只巨蜘蛛!",
"Our scout discovered a mercenary encampment, from a distance you can see that they do not fly the flag of some kingdom and probably are dedicated to looting": "侦察兵发现了一个佣兵营地",
"Our scout discovered the maze of the legendary monsters the Minotaur": "侦察兵发现了传说怪物牛头怪藏身的迷宫",
"Our scout discovered a huge cave in a mountain, maybe it's the lair of a giant": "侦察兵发现了山上的一个巨大洞穴,或许这是巨人的洞穴",
"Our scout discovered a beautiful valley in the middle of the mountains. The giants have made it their home": "侦察兵发现了群山中央一个美丽的大山谷。巨人在这里安家",
"Our scout discovered a cavern filled up with a tribe of myconids": "侦察兵发现了蕈人部落栖身的洞穴",
"Our scout discovered an old herd": "侦察兵发现了一片老草场",
"Our scout discovered the outpost Galliard talk about. Let's free it!": "侦察兵发现了加里亚德提过的旧前哨。让我们肃清那里吧!",
"Our scout discovered an old storage room with a nest of spiders": "侦察兵发现了一个旧贮藏室,有蜘蛛在里面筑了巢",
"Our scout discovered the orcish citadel, now they will know human vengeance": "侦察兵发现了兽人的堡垒,尝尝人类的复仇怒火吧",
"Our scout discovered the orcish citadel of Horith": "侦察兵发现了兽人的霍里斯堡垒",
"Our scout discovered the orcish citadel of Ogsog": "侦察兵发现了兽人的奥索格堡垒",
"Our scout discovered the orcish citadel of Turgon": "侦察兵发现了兽人的图尔冈堡垒",
"Our scout discovered an orcish army that is plundering our lands!": "侦察兵发现了一支兽人军队,他们正在这片土地上胡作非为",
"Our scout discovered a camp where orcs hold humans captive": "侦察兵发现了兽人的集中营,里面关押着劫掠而来的俘虏",
"Our scout discovered a wagon full of prisoners. Some bandits guard it": "侦察兵发现了一架满是囚犯的马车。有一些强盗在守卫着它",
"Our scout discovered a cellar infested by ravenous rats": "侦察兵发现了一个充满贪婪老鼠的地窖",
"Our scout discovered an isolated and rusted warehouse": "侦察兵发现了一个偏远生锈的仓库",
"Our scout discovered where Skullface is hiding, we just have to eliminate him": "侦察兵发现了骷髅脸的藏身之地,我们现在只需要干掉他了",
"Our scout discovered the legendary sleeping Titan!": "侦察兵发现了传说中沉睡的泰坦!",
"Our scout discovered a nest full of snakes": "侦察兵发现了一个满是蛇的巢穴",
"Our scout discovered a dense forest full of giant cobwebs": "侦察兵发现了一个遍布蜘蛛网的茂密森林",
"Our scout found, in an old destroyed farm, where the son of Atamar gather": "侦察兵在一个被摧毁的旧农场中发现了阿塔玛之子的聚集地",
"Our scout discovered the south sacred place!": "侦察兵发现了南部圣地!",
"Our scout discovered a strange village, he was attacked by the inhabitants who showed a strange aggressiveness, they seemed bewitched": "侦察兵发现了一个奇怪的村庄,他遭到了居民的袭击,那些居民的攻击性看起来很奇怪,就像是着魔了一样",
"Our scout discovered a dark library inhabited by succubus": "侦察兵发现了一个黑暗图书馆,里面住着魅魔",
"Our scout discovered a huge swarm of giant wasp roaming the land!": "侦察兵发现一大群巨黄蜂在这片土地上游荡",
"Our scout discovered a temple in a very dense forest, it is guarded by gargoyles": "侦察兵在一片茂密的森林中发现了一座寺庙,石像鬼们在看守着它",
"Our scout discovered a cave of trolls, better to stay away until our army is powerful enough": "侦察兵发现了一个巨魔洞穴,最好等到我们足够强大以后再来考虑",
"Our scout discovered a crypt of vampire, we must investigate": "侦察兵发现了一个吸血鬼地穴,我们需要进行调查",
"Our scout find the vampire, her power is a threat to any free citizen of Theresmore": "侦察兵发现了吸血鬼,她的能力对登攀者世界的每位自由公民都是一种威胁",
"Our scout discovered the west sacred place!": "侦察兵发现了西部圣地!",
"Our scout discovered the Wind elemental circle!": "侦察兵发现了风之元素环!",
"Our scout discovered a large pack of wolves": "侦察兵发现了一大群狼",
"Our scout discovered a worn down crypt in a secluded section of a spooky forest. Skeletal knights guard it": "侦察兵在一片阴森森林的一个偏僻的犄角旮旯,发现了一个通往破旧地穴的入口。一些骷髅骑士守卫着它。",
"Our scout discovered the nest of some wyverns. These dragon-like animals are very strong and territorial": "侦察兵发现了双足飞龙的巢穴。这些长得像龙的生物很强大,领地意识很强",
"Your leadership is recognized within our small settlement": "您的领导力受到全城的认可",
"Our village is expanding and beginning to be a point of reference for the nearby valleys": "我们的城市正在扩张,逐渐成为了附近山谷的参照物",
"Our village and your exploits begin to be appreciated regionally": "我们的城市和功绩开始受到整个地区的赞颂",
"Thanks to technological innovation and newly built infrastructures, our village is now known within tens of miles": "得益于技术创新和新建的基础设施,我们的城市开始在数十里内都为人所知了",
"The way you guided a small village to greatness granted you a place in the annals of Theresmore": "您带领城市走向伟大的方式已经足够使您在史书上留下浓墨重彩的一笔了",
"We can begin to speak of a human nation with our great city at its center": "我们的城市已经成为一个伟大国家的中心了",
"Your settlement is starving, produce food!": "城市陷入了饥荒,快生产食物!",
"Your village is empty, look for some new technology": "您的村庄十分空旷,研究一些新技术吧",
"The Druid and his beliefs are increasing day by day, we have made him high priest and now he will grant us his blessing": "德鲁伊和他的信仰与日俱增,我们已经任命他为主教,他将为我们祝福",
"The city's guards enter the spiritual gardens where the Druid was circling more and more people, without a chance to retaliate, the druid is kicked out of the city with a ban on entering it again. The plants in the garden seemed to wither away at the time when the druid was seized with rage and more than one witness swears that he saw a fire coming from his eyes": "城市的守卫进入了精神花园,德鲁伊在里面被越来越多人围绕着。德鲁伊被赶出了城市,并被禁止再次进入。德鲁伊被抓住时,似乎十分愤怒,花园里的植物都枯萎了,并且有不止一名目击者发誓他看到火焰从德鲁伊的眼睛里冒出来",
"We need to increase the production of modern weapons and create extra defenses. This spell will help us": "我们需要增加现代武器的产量并建立额外的防御力量。这个咒语会帮助我们",
"Now we can build the Soulstealer Citadel": "我们可以建造窃魂者堡垒了",
"By studying the newly defeated demons we figured out how to harness their power and how to find the place they come from. We have to send our scouts to reconnoiter": "研究新击败的恶魔以后,我们找到了利用它力量的方法,以及如何发现它的来源的方法。我们需要派遣侦察兵去确认",
"Tome contains many dark spells and a pact between a mistress and her servants. Perhaps the people in the village were the servants of some higher demon. There are clues in the tome to look for this entity. Let's send our scouts out to explore!": "卷轴包含了许多黑暗咒语以及一位女主人和她的下仆签订的契约。也许村里的人是某种高等恶魔的仆人。卷轴里有寻找它的线索。让我们派侦察兵去探索吧!",
"With that skull we have the ability to arm our soldiers with weapons and armor of the highest level. Let us hope that the old man's words did not match the truth": "有了这个头骨,我们就可以为士兵配备最高级的武器和护甲了。但愿老者的话语不是事实",
"Now that divine power is also with us we must increase our gold reserves even more": "神力站在了我们这一边,我们必须继续增加黄金的储量",
"The children subjected to Gulud's magic are overloaded with magical power; their singing and hope will guide humanity! Now we can cast The Children Hope spell": "受到古鲁德魔法影响的孩子们充满了魔法能量,他们的歌声和希望可以引导人类!我们可以施放“孩子们的希望”咒语了",
"We can use the power of the Northern Star in two ways: to protect our city or channel its energy to produce more. Only one of the two powers is obtainable; choose carefully": "我们可以通过两种不同的方式利用北极星的力量:保护城市,或者是引导它的能量增加产量。二者只能选择其一,请明智选择",
"We can now train warrior monks": "我们可以训练武僧了",
"Luck is an asset that everyone should keep in mind on Theresmore, the more luck, the better": "幸运是登攀者世界每个人都应牢记的财富,越幸运越好",
"The request for a blessing to the Druid has been granted, and a powerful spell can now be cast. The Druid's creed banishes natronite and despises vile money, why is it granted in his blessing instead?": "德鲁伊同意给我们祝福了,现在可以施放一个强大的咒语。德鲁伊的信条是摒弃钠红石,蔑视卑鄙的金钱,为什么他会在祝福里面给我们这些呢?",
"We can now send our scouts to discover the sacred places around Theresmore. Conquering them, we can channel all the mana into a Tower and cast the 4 Spells of Power. This will be our goal for the prestige of Ascension": "我们可以派侦察兵去探究登攀者世界上的圣地了。征服它们,将所有的法力导入一座塔内,并施放四条力量咒语,这就是我们通往飞升转生的目标",
"Handling the lamp, it activated and a Djinn came out, thanking us for freeing him: he flew away with a loud laugh. We should send our scouts to look for his home": "拿起灯以后,它启动了,灯神出现了,它感谢了我们还给它自由,然后就大笑着飞走了。我们应该派侦察兵去寻找它的家",
"Now we can summon Nikharul the Soulstealer in the army!": "我们可以训练窃魂者尼哈鲁尔了!",
"To solve the refugees problem we will have to create a new district, it will cost us a lot in terms of resources, but we can then make something out of the work of all these people": "为了解决难民的问题,我们必须建立新的区域,这会花费大量资源,但我们会从这些人的工作中有所收获",
"Mirune the woods goddess has granted us a powerful spell. Now we can cast it": "森林女神米露涅赐予我们一条强大的咒语。我们可以施放它了",
"We can now train Paladin": "我们可以训练圣斗士了",
"Following the way of Atamar and with the teachings of Zenix we will now be able to train the Strategist. The archmage returns to his lands promising help when times become darker": "遵循阿塔玛之道,在泽尼克斯的教导下,我们可以训练战略家了。大法师回家了,他承诺如果我们需要,他还会回来的",
"The spy mission has succeeded, the enemy has:": "间谍的任务成功了,敌人为:",
"The spy mission was a partial success, here is what was discovered about the enemy:": "间谍的任务成功了一半,敌人的信息为:",
"The spy mission was a failure, no information was recovered. You must send more spies for higher probability of success": "间谍的任务失败了,未发现任何信息。我们需要派遣更多间谍以提高成功率",
"Spies killed in action:": "行动中阵亡的间谍数量:",
"Being able to feed the population has always been the biggest problem for early human settlements. We can now build Farm": "养活人民是早期城市面临的最大问题。我们可以建造农场了",
"It seems that the natives have been attacked by giant two-headed creatures and some of them are prisoners. They require a helping hand to free their comrades. We send our scouts to see what this is all about": "当地人似乎遭到巨型双头生物的袭击,其中一些还被囚禁了。他们需要我们的帮助才能解救同伴。我们该派侦察兵去看看了",
"With saltpetre and mana, we can transmute matter and increase our productions": "利用硝石和法力,我们可以转化物质,增加产量",
"Now we can build Alchemist complex": "我们可以建造炼金联合体了",
"Now we can summon the Ancient Balor": "我们可以训练远古炎魔了",
"Now we can build the Factory": "我们可以建造工厂了",
"By building observatories we will be able to train Skymancers": "建造天文台后我们就可以招募星学家了",
"We can start train archers and scouts, it will consume food but will provide us with protection and we can send scouts to understand Theresmore and its mysteries. The army is divided into categories, each of which has advantages against another. Tank is strong against Cavalry, Cavalry is strong against Ranged, Ranged is strong against Shock, Shock is strong against Tank": "我们可以训练弓箭手和侦察兵了,他们会消耗食物,但会为我们提供保护,我们可以派遣侦察兵了解登攀者世界及其奥秘。军队有几种类别,每一种都对另外一种有着优势。肉盾善于对付骑兵,骑兵善于对付射手,射手善于对付冲击,冲击善于对付肉盾",
"We can explore the ancient vault and guard its secrets": "我们可以探索远古保险库,并守卫它的秘密",
"We can now build the Carpenter workshop and the Mansion": "我们可以建造木匠工坊和宅邸了",
"We can now build the Artisan Complex": "我们可以建造工匠联合体了",
"Skullface is somewhere in the neighboring provinces, we have to send our scouts and find him": "骷髅脸在邻近省份的某处,我们必须派遣侦察兵找到他",
"Now we can build the Bank": "我们可以建造银行了",
"Our scouts can now push further into the wastelands in search of even larger barbarian villages": "侦察兵可以深入荒地,寻找更大的野蛮人村庄了",
"Now we can build the Siege Workshop": "我们可以建造攻城机器厂了",
"Better than servitude?": "比奴役更好吗?",
"We can now train light cavalry, a good and fast assault unit. Now we can build Stable": "我们可以训练轻骑兵了,它是一种优秀而快速的突击部队。我们可以建造马厩了",
"We can train spearmen and warriors, our army can both defend and attack effectively. Units enter battle in a set order , in front will be the tanks and general melee units to absorb the blows while the firing units will be behind the lines and the last to die. Now we can build Barracks": "我们可以训练长矛兵和战士了,我们的军队可以有效地进行防御和攻击。军队将以既定顺序排列,最前面的是肉盾和近战部队,远程单位将在后方发动攻击,最后才阵亡。我们可以建造兵营了",
"Farms were burned and all around the fields horribly mangled bodies were scattered. From the tracks it looks like the work of humanoid beings of great size. We must send our scouts": "农场被焚毁,田地附近到处都是不成人样的尸体。从种种迹象来看,这是一些巨型人形生物干的。我们必须派出侦察兵",
"Now we can recruit the Canava Guard, an elite mercenary troop from the nearby village": "我们可以招募卡纳瓦护卫了,这是一支来自附近村庄的精锐佣兵部队",
"Now we can build the Ministry of Development": "我们可以建造发展部了",
"Chemistry in Theresmore is more a matter for alchemists. Now we can build Alchemical laboratory": "登攀者世界的化学对炼金术士来说更重要。我们可以建造炼金实验室了",
"We can now build the Monastery": "我们可以建造修道院了",
"We can now build the Military Camp": "我们可以建造军营了",
"We can now build the Holy Site": "我们可以建造应许之地了",
"We can now build the Dock": "我们可以建造码头了",
"We can build the Builders Complex": "我们可以建造建筑工联合体了",
"We can now build the Colony Recruiting Camp": "我们可以建造定居点招募营了",
"We can now build the Stronghold": "我们可以建造据点了",
"We can now build the Custom House": "我们可以建造海关了",
"Now we can train the Captain Galliard": "我们可以训练加里亚德团长了",
"We can now build the Guild of Craftsmen": "我们可以建造工匠公会了",
"FAME is a resource you get from the great works or great deeds you will do in Theresmore. At prestige time it will be used to calculate your LEGACY points that will allow you to get permanent bonuses in each of your game runs!": "声誉是一种特殊资源,您可以通过伟大作品或伟大事迹获得它。转生时它将用于计算传承点数,您可以用传承点数购买永久的加成!!",
"We can train crossbowmen, a very effective unit at medium distance": "我们可以训练弩手了,它是一种在中距离十分强大的部队",
"Now we can build the spiritual garden, a source of mana and hope": "我们可以建造精神花园了,它是法力和希望的源泉",
"We can train cuirassier": "我们可以训练重骑兵了",
"Now we can build the Marketplace": "我们可以建造市场了",
"Now we can create real eden gardens and preserve Theresmore": "我们可以建造真正的伊甸园并保护登攀者世界了",
"Now we can build Residential block": "我们可以建造住宅区了",
"In the courtyard of our university we can dedicate a statue to a great person from the past. Only a statue can be built": "我们可以在大学的庭院里立起一座雕像,献给一位过去的伟人。您只能建造一座雕像",
"Let's finish the ancient era by building the City Center so we can advance": "建造市中心以后,我们就可以继续前进,结束远古时代了",
"Let's finish the feudal era by building the Academy of Freethinkers so we can advance": "建造自由思想家学院以后,我们就可以继续前进,结束封建时代了",
"Thanks to the QualarNuud, the Elves may still have hope in Theresmore. Their species is on the brink of extinction, but proudly they will resist their fate. Now we can build Elf Village": "由于夸拉尔努德的努力,精灵们保留了繁衍生存下去的希望。虽然濒临灭绝,但他们仍会骄傲地会反抗命运。您可以建造精灵村庄了",
"The elven race is native to the continent where we have established our colony. They have been at war since ancestral times with the QualarRoktam which means those who carry weapons. They are reduced to a few thousand individuals and are close to extinction. Now we can build the Elf encampment near our colony so we can house them and better understand their traditions": "精灵们是定居点这片大陆的原住民。他们从上古时代就一直与夸拉尔罗克坦作战了,这个词的意思是那些携带武器的家伙。精灵们数量仅剩数千,濒临灭绝。我们可以在定居点附近建造精灵营地,这样,我们就可以安置他们,并更好地了解他们的传统了",
"Now we can train the Elf warrior": "我们可以训练精灵战士了",
"Now we can train spies, to get intel about our enemies": "我们可以训练间谍了,他们会为我们提供敌人的情报",
"As our city has expanded, we have realized that our borders are far from secure. Rumors of an approaching danger to the east are swirling among our scouts. We must be very careful": "随着城市的扩张,我们意识到我们的边界并不安全。侦察兵中不断有东部危险逼近的传言,我们必须非常小心",
"Behold the ominous dark crystal, pulsating with an aura of malevolence and wickedness. It is said to possess a power so corrupt and unholy that it can fuel the very heart of darkness itself. A tool of unspeakable evil, it can be wielded as a catalyst to summon forth the abominable Nikharul or as a source of inexhaustible energy to power the fortress and all its accursed devices": "看,这就是不祥的黑暗水晶,散发出了恶毒和邪恶的气场。据说它的力量腐化邪恶到可以为黑暗本身供能。它是无法形容的邪恶工具,可以用于召唤尼哈鲁尔,或者是为堡垒提供无穷无尽的能量",
"You enter the square and are celebrated as a hero by all the residents, you have saved the settlement from certain death, and everyone will be eternally grateful. Your fame has increased, soon even the most distant peoples will know our deeds!": "您进入了广场,所有居民都把您当成了英雄,您拯救了这个城市于危难之间,每个人都将永远为此感激。您的名声越来越大,很快,即使是最遥远的民族也会知道我们的行为了!",
"These deserters called themselves Sons of Atamar, we need to find out more with our scouts": "这些逃兵自称阿塔玛之子,我们需要通过侦察兵继续了解",
"Now we can train Jager. Shinzou wo sasageyo!": "我们可以训练调查兵团士兵了。献出心脏!",
"We are one step away from being the richest ever, let's raise our treasure again and no one will be able to hinder us anymore": "我们离富甲天下只有一步之遥了,让我们继续增加财富,这样就没有任何人能阻止我们了",
"Now we can build a Great Fair": "我们可以建造超大集市了",
"Now we can build the Pilgrim Camp": "我们可以建造朝觐者营地了",
"Feudalism opened the door to a new concept of society, where the estates and fiefdoms of small and large lords prospered undisturbed. Now we can build the Fiefdom": "封建时代为新的社会观念打开了大门,大小领主的庄园和封地开始不受干扰地繁荣起来,我们可以建造封地了",
"Now we can build the credit union and accumulate even more gold": "我们可以建造信用社,积累更多黄金了",
"Now we can train cannons, who knows if they can shoot down giants as well?": "我们可以制造大炮了,不知道它们能不能击落巨人",
"Now we can choose what to do with the Flame: ATTENTION one choice will exclude the other!": "我们可以选择如何处理火焰了,注意您只能选择其中之一!",
"Natronite-fueled hot air balloons will serve as lookouts": "以钠红石驱动的热气球可以很好地作为瞭望台使用",
"We can now train line infantry": "我们可以训练线列步兵了",
"We can now build the Grocery": "我们可以建造食品杂货店了",
"Now we can build Palisade and Wall": "我们可以建造栅栏和城墙了",
"Now we can build the Fortified Citadel": "我们可以建造磐石堡垒了",
"Galliard taught our scouts how to find an old outpost still held by mercenaries. Let's send out our scouts!": "加里亚德教我们的侦察兵如何找到仍被佣兵占据的旧前哨。让侦察兵出发吧",
"Now we can build Estates": "我们可以建造庄园了",
"Now we can build the Large Storehouse": "我们可以建造大型库房了",
"Now we can build the Great Bombard": "我们可以建造超级大炮了",
"Now we can build Large shed": "我们可以建造大型棚屋了",
"The library has many missing but after some time of study it is easy to deduce that is a collection of unholy magic practices, those who learn such knowledge can offer up pieces of their soul to the well in exchange for freedom from their mortal shackles": "图书馆的缺失很严重,但在一定时间的研究后,很容易推断出它是邪恶魔法的成果。学习这些知识的人可以将部分灵魂献给水井,以此摆脱肉体凡胎的束缚",
"This druid appeared out of nowhere in the city and professes harmony and love for the communion of humans with Theresmore. He is averse to modernity and indiscriminate exploitation of resources. His beliefs are rapidly proselytizing, and more and more people in town are going to listen to his words": "城市里出现了一个不知哪里来的德鲁伊,声称要与登攀者世界的人类充满和谐和爱地交流。他反对现代化和随意开采资源。他的信仰很有吸引力,越来越多的人开始听他的话",
"Now finally scouts will have new ways to die, what will they discover?": "侦察兵又有了新死法,他们会发现什么?",
"The captain possesses a valuable trinket that holds a special significance to him. He recalls an ancient hiding spot from his childhood, a place where he would seek refuge from the world. We need to find the shelter, send our scouts!": "团长拥有一件贵重饰品,那对他来说有着特殊意义。他回忆起童年时一个古老的避难所,他曾在那里寻求世界的庇护。我们该找到它,让侦察兵出发吧",
"Galliard's power is one of unparalleled might, a gift that sets him apart as a champion of humanity. With a single transformation, he becomes a towering behemoth. In his giant form, he is a relentless warrior, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and inspiring hope in those he protects": "加里亚德的力量无与伦比,他的天赋让他成为了人类的精英。他可以通过变身,变为一个巨人。巨人形态下,他是一名无情的战士,让敌人的内心充满恐惧,鼓舞那些他保护的人,激发他们心中的希望",
"You are carried in triumph along the streets of the city in a great celebration that not even late at night intends to die down. From every corner of the neighboring provinces flock to the city to see the dragon exterminator! (Even if he was only put to flight at the moment)": "在这场盛大的庆祝活动中,您耀武扬威地走在街上,虽然入夜已深,但庆祝活动似乎根本还不想结束。邻近省份的每个角落都有人涌向这座城市,只是为了看一眼屠龙勇士!(尽管它当时其实是逃跑了)",
"AH, a glorious retirement! the first prestige in Theresmore! Prestige is a key mechanic in Theresmore; it gives you bonuses that you could never get in other ways. It's always worth it": "啊,光荣退休!登攀者世界的第一种转生!转生是登攀者世界的核心机制,它可以使您获得独特的加成。总是值得进行转生",
"We can now build the Granary": "我们可以建造粮仓了",
"A guild of explorers is now ready to lend its services": "探险家协会准备好提供服务了",
"We can train arquebusiers, together with our shock troops will dominate the battlefields": "我们可以训练火绳枪兵了,配合冲击部队他们将主宰战场",
"We can train Ranger": "我们可以训练游击兵了",
"Each battle makes the triumph greater. Let us look to the sky and be aware that whatever difficulties Theresmore still has in store for us we can face and master them!": "每次战斗都会放大胜利。让我们仰望天空,认识到无论这个世界还有什么困难,我们都将直面它并克服它!",
"Each battle makes the triumph greater. Let us look to the sky and be aware that whatever difficulties Theresmore still has in store for us we can face and master them!": "每次战斗都会放大胜利。让我们仰望天空,认识到无论这个世界还有什么困难,我们都将直面它并克服它!",
"Now we can build the Harbor district": "我们可以建造海湾区了",
"A laborer from the small border village, Canava, managed to get to the city. He brings with him alarming news of a goblin invasion from the east, the village of Canava has been destroyed. We must build some watchman outpost to survey the surroundings of the settlement": "一名来自边境小村庄,卡纳瓦的工人设法赶到了我们的城市。他带来了一个惊人的消息,东部的地精即将发动入侵,卡纳瓦村已经被摧毁了。我们必须建造守望者前哨,对城市的周围进行调查",
"After the battle for Ogsog our infantry knows that orcs are a colossal enemy but they can never stop us! For victory!": "奥索格之战后,我们明白兽人的势力十分庞大,但他们吓不倒我们。狭路相逢勇者胜!",
"We can now train Battle Angels, to release the holy fury on the battlefield": "我们可以训练战斗天使了,他们将在战场上释放神圣之怒",
"Now we can build the House of Workers": "我们可以建造工人之家了",
"We can now build Common house": "我们可以建造普通房屋了",
"The cavern branches off into a maze of tunnels , we must send our explorers!": "洞穴分出了迷宫般的隧道,我们必须派出探险家!",
"Knightly orders are the core of human nobility of Theresmore": "骑士团是登攀者世界人类高贵的核心",
"Now we have to send our scouts to find the nation of Kobolds, but beware: I do not think they will be very friendly": "我们需要派出侦察兵寻找狗头人的国家,但要小心,我不认为它们会很友好",
"We can now train heavy warriors": "我们可以训练重装战士了",
"Let's undermine the territories around the city, let those damn goblins come back, pieces of wolfrider will fly everywhere": "让我们在城市周围埋下地雷,那些该死的地精如果还敢回来,就让它们的碎片漫天飞舞",
"With the construction of a few conclaves we will have access to higher spells": "通过建造一些秘密会议,我们可以获得更高阶的咒语",
"Our most valiant generals will study a battle plan, our scouts will have to find out more about Orcish territory. Expect increasingly powerful attacks; we are up against a formidable enemy": "我们最勇猛的将军将制定作战计划,侦察兵需要了解更多有关兽人领地的信息。我们估计受到的攻击会越来越猛烈,我们面对的敌人十分强大",
"We send our scouts to find out where this fortified citadel is located. We must bring war to their lands, and perhaps we will have a way of frightening them": "让我们派遣侦察兵去寻找这座坚固堡垒的位置吧。我们需要让他们的本土也受到战争威胁,或许这样会让他们害怕",
"The tome is written in a demonic language and the pentagram on the ground was used to subdue all those people in the village. We need to translate the tome; let's have our clergymen study it": "这张卷轴以恶魔语写就,地上的五芒星是用来控制村子里的所有人。我们需要翻译它,让神职人员们来吧",
"In the citadel we found maps of an operation about to be unleashed. Thousands of orcs are preparing to invade our lands, and 3 more orcish fortified bastions stand against us. Beasts thirsty for human blood are being spewed out of these strongholds all the time. Humanity's fate is being fulfilled, we must resist at all costs!": "在堡垒中,我们发现了一张地图,内容是关于他们即将展开的行动。成千上万的兽人正准备入侵我们的土地,坚固的堡垒还有三座。这些嗜血的野兽将一直从堡垒中喷涌而出。人类不能在这里停下,我们必须不惜一切代价与他们战斗到底!",
"Now we can build Logistic Center": "我们可以建造物流中心了",
"The necromancer had drawn his power from some dark force, we must follow its trail with the scouts": "死灵法师从某种黑暗力量那里汲取能量,我们必须让侦察兵追寻它的踪迹",
"The Northern Star is imprisoned among the eternal ice. A monolith as black as night capable of radiating immense power. Our scholars must understand its workings, and soon we will be able to harness its power": "北极星被禁锢在常年冰层中。它是一块漆黑如夜的巨石,能够散发出巨大的能量。我们的学者必须了解它的运行原理,很快我们就能利用它的能量了",
"Now we can build the Old Gods Church": "我们可以建造旧神教堂了",
"Now we can send our scout to explore new places": "我们可以派遣侦察兵探索新区域了",
"Now we can recruit the Colonial Militia": "我们可以训练定居点民兵了",
"Now we can build the Magic circle": "我们可以建造魔法环了",
"Now we can build the Magical tower": "我们可以建造魔法塔了",
"By creating some pillars of mana we will be able to channel the energy of Theresmore and use it for both scientific and religious purposes": "通过制造一些法力之柱,我们将可以引导登攀者世界的能量,并将其用于科研和宗教",
"By combining saltpetre with mana our scholars can create natronite, it will have unexpected uses": "将硝石与法力结合后,我们的学者制造出了钠红石,它的用途不可估量",
"Now we can build the Mana Extractors": "我们可以建造法力提取器了",
"Now we can build the Mana Reactor": "我们可以建造法力反应堆了",
"We finish the third era by building a pit that can hold all the mana our sapients will need to discover fantastic new inventions": "要结束第三纪元,我们需要建造一个深井,它可以存储我们的智者发现奇妙新发明所需的所有法力",
"We can now create the builders' district to increase our wood and stone production": "我们可以建造建筑工区域来增加木材和石头的产量了",
"With the discovery of mathematics we begin to get serious about productions": "发明数学以后,我们开始认真对待生产了",
"With mechanization we can speed up all areas of our production. Now we can build the Industrial plant": "有了机械化,我们就可以加快各领域的生产了。我们可以建造工业厂房了",
"We can now recruit mercenary veterans": "我们可以招募老练的佣兵了",
"Now we can build the Mercenary Outpost": "我们可以建造佣兵前哨了",
"We can now train the Artillery": "我们可以制造重炮了",
"Now we can build the Foundry": "我们可以建造铸造厂了",
"We can now train bombard to dominate the battlefield. We can now build the Military academy": "我们可以制造大炮主宰战场了。我们可以建造军事学院了",
"Now we can build the Officers training ground and enlist the General": "我们可以建造军官训练场并征召将军了",
"Now we can build the Mine": "我们可以建造矿井了",
"Now we can build the Ministry of Interior": "我们可以建造内政部了",
"Now we can build Ministry of War": "我们可以建造战争部了",
"Now we can build the Ministry of Worship": "我们可以建造宗教部了",
"Now we can build the Fountain of Prosperity, the druid has been miraculous for our city": "我们可以建造繁荣之泉了,德鲁伊为我们的城市创造了奇迹",
"Now we can build the Hall of heroic deeds!": "我们可以建造英雄事迹大厅了!",
"There seem to be four legendary beasts: a gorgon, a five-headed hydra, a werewolf and a minotaur. By tracking them down and defeating them we can have fame and glory in abundance! Let our scouts set out on a quest!": "似乎有四种传说怪物:一只蛇发女妖,一只五个头的多头怪,一只狼人和一只牛头怪。追踪并击败它们后,我们将可以获得大量的声誉和荣耀!让我们的侦察兵开始探索吧!",
"Now we can build the Monument": "我们可以建造纪念碑了",
"Now we can dedicate a shrine to our beliefs. Attention: only one shrine can be built": "我们可以为神明献上一座神殿了。注意:只能建造一座神殿",
"Now we can build the City Hall": "我们可以建造市政厅了",
"Now we can build the City of Lights": "我们可以建造光之城了",
"Handle natronite with care. Now we can build Natronite depot": "要小心处理钠红石。我们可以建造钠红石仓库了",
"Now we can build the Refinery": "我们可以建造精炼厂了",
"Now we can build the Island Outpost": "我们可以建造岛屿前哨了",
"It seems that orcs kidnap children to turn them into their flame casters as adults. We must find Gulud Castle and put an end to this abomination": "似乎兽人们绑架孩子是为了把他们转化为火法师。我们必须找到古鲁德的城堡,结束这可怕的一切",
"We can now train cataphract": "我们可以招募甲胄骑兵了",
"We must find the Eternal Halls and defeat their guardians. Let us unleash our explorers.": "我们必须找到永恒大殿,并击败守卫。派出探险家吧",
"We can now recruit man at arms": "我们可以招募超重装战士了",
"Now we can build the Valley of plenty": "我们可以建造丰饶之谷了",
"By working on the first pieces of craftsmanship, we can create tools. We can build the Artisan workshop": "通过研究第一批工艺,我们可以制造工具了。我们可以建造工匠作坊了",
"Now we can build the Statue of Virtues": "我们可以建造美德雕像了",
"Now we will be able to create natronite shields capable of strengthening our defenses": "我们需要利用钠红石护盾来强化防御能力",
"In some newly printed newspapers there is a discussion about some legendary beasts that would inhabit Theresmore. We need to look into this topic further": "在新印的报纸上,有一些关于登攀者世界传说怪物的讨论。我们需要对此进行更深入的研究",
"Now we can build the Recruit training center": "我们可以建造新兵训练中心了",
"The Druid has cast off his mask of gentle holy man, his voice is somber and his eyes are as red as fire. He threatens the city and its citizens, speaks of an immense power that will soon come upon us and devour us. We must prepare for the worst": "德鲁伊撕下了他温和神圣的面具,他的声音阴沉,眼睛红得像火一样。他说将有一股巨大的力量降临吞噬我们,威胁着这座城市和平民。我们必须做好最坏的打算",
"Now we can build Railway Station": "我们可以建造火车站了",
"From Canava and other nearby villages we can make several profits": "我们可以从卡纳瓦及其他周边村庄赚取一些利润",
"By building a temple we will have access to prayers and spells": "建造寺庙后我们将可以进行祈祷和使用咒语",
"Now we can build a Cathedral": "我们可以建造大教堂了",
"Now we can build the Research plant": "我们可以建造研究工厂了",
"Now we can build the Automated Complex": "我们可以建造自动化联合体了",
"We can now build a Library to hold the knowledge of past generations": "我们可以建造一座图书馆了,里面保存着过去几代人的知识",
"We can now build the tax revenue checkpoints": "我们可以建造税收检查站了",
"A few days' sail to the west is a small island; we will have to conquer it so we can use it as an advanced supply base for our explorations. Let's send our scouts to visit it": "向西航行数日可以到达一个小岛。我们需要征服它,把它变成我们的高级补给基地。让我们派遣侦察兵去看看吧",
"Now we can train the Seraphim": "我们可以训练炽天使了",
"We have identified a place far from the borders of other kingdoms where we can build a harbor, now we can research the Harbor Project": "我们确定在一个远离其他王国边界的地方可以建造港口,我们可以研究港口计划了",
"We can now train trebuchet": "我们可以制造投石机了",
"We can now train the Behemoth": "我们可以训练巨兽了",
"A new resource made of other metals can now be produced and we can build the Steelworks": "我们可以生产一种由其他金属制成的新资源了。我们可以建造钢铁厂了",
"Now we can build the Store": "我们可以建造储物间了",
"Enough of these caps! Now we can build the Storage facility and the Large warehouse": "您受够那些上限了!我们可以建造存储设施和大型仓库了",
"We can now build the Guarded warehouse": "我们可以建造有人值守仓库了",
"We can now build the Quarry": "我们可以建造采石场了",
"We can now build the Stonemason": "我们可以建造石匠坊了",
"After the battle for Turgon, humanity vowed never to surrender": "图尔冈之战之后,人类发誓决不投降",
"We must find out with our scouts more about these barbarians so that we can export our civilization to them!": "我们必须利用侦察兵了解更多关于这些野蛮人的信息,这样才能把我们的文明输出给他们!",
"The Elves ask us for help in returning to them the Luna Temple long under the hands of the QualarRoktam. Let us send our scouts!": "精灵们向我们寻求帮助,他们想夺回被夸拉尔罗克坦占据很久的月神神庙。让我们派出侦察兵吧",
"Refugees tell of entire villages burned by a flying monster, and all along the western border a mass of displaced people are coming toward the city": "难民们讲述了整个村庄被一只飞行怪物烧毁的故事,大批无家可归的人正沿着西部边境,向着城市涌来",
"Theresmore is safe, the continents are saved from the Orcish horde. You are the hero of two worlds! Now we can build the Arch of Triumph!": "登攀者世界安全了,这片大陆从兽人部落的铁蹄下解放了。您是两个世界的英雄,我们可以建造凯旋门了!",
"A Native legend tells of this mosaic. Somewhere on the continent there is a sleeping titan , whoever can wake him up will get his blessing. We must find him and wake him up!": "当地的一项传说提到了这幅镶嵌画。在大陆的某处,有一个沉睡的泰坦,谁能唤醒他,谁就能获得他的祝福。我们必须找到他,唤醒他!",
"The tome chronicles the cyclical history of humanity. Through its pages, we uncovered new techniques for production, research, and other untold secrets. The ancient text held within it a wealth of knowledge, illuminating paths forward and unlocking mysteries of the past": "这本大书中记录了人类的历史轮回。我们在其中发现了许多新技术,是有关生产,研究,以及其他许多不为人知的秘密。古老的文字里蕴含着丰富的知识,它照亮了前进的道路,解开了过去的谜团",
"We have a trail of blood. We still have to send our scouts to find the vampire": "我们发现了血迹。我们还得派侦察兵去寻找吸血鬼",
"We have to win the approval of the kingdom, we can either persuade the nobility or win the hearts of the people. We choose carefully because one option EXCLUDES the other": "我们赢得了王国的认可。我们可以考虑说服贵族,或者是赢得民心。请谨慎选择,您只能选择其一",
"We can now build the Castrum Militia": "我们可以招募城堡民兵了",
"Now we can build Trench and train Marksman": "我们可以建造战壕,训练神射手了",
"We can now build the Artillery Firing Range": "我们可以建造炮兵靶场了",
"The art of war will give rise to a great commander in our nation": "熟悉兵法韬略后,我们的国度将出现伟大的统帅",
"We can now train the White Company": "我们可以训练白色连队了",
"We must free Galliard from his obsession. We must find the ancient giant! Let's send the Scout Regiment on a mission!": "我们需要让加里亚德摆脱他的困扰。所以,我们必须找到那个远古巨人!让侦察兵开始行动吧!",
"We can now build Lumberjack camp": "我们可以建造伐木工营地了",
"We can now build the Sawmill": "我们可以建造锯木厂了",
"We can now build the School": "我们可以建造学校了",
"Descending into the depths of the library, one encounters countless undead creatures lurking in the shadows. They seem bored but their gaze never leaves the intruder. As we proceed, the creatures become more numerous and aggressive. The air is thick with decay and we hear skittering sounds in the darkness. It's clear that the library was just the beginning of the challenges that lie ahead. Let's send our scout to explore": "在灵魂图书馆之下,无数亡者生物潜伏在黑暗之中。它们看起来很无聊,但目光从未离开过闯入者。随着我们的前进,这些生物变得越来越多,越来越有攻击性。空气中弥漫着腐朽的气息,黑暗中传来迅捷动作的声音。很显然,图书馆只是之后挑战的开胃菜。让我们派侦察兵去看看吧",
"Now our scouts can find out what lies behind the kobold tunnels": "侦察兵可以发现狗头人隧道后面藏着什么了",
"We can now train Zenix Familiar": "我们可以训练泽尼克斯的使魔了",
"Freethinkers united": "自由思想家学院已组合",
"Academy of Freethinkers": "自由思想家学院",
"Per omnia asperrima": "筚路蓝缕",
"Arch of Triumph": "凯旋门",
"Crushing goblins": "粉碎地精",
"Survive the moonlight night": "从月明之夜中生还",
"Crushing goblins on Hard!": "在困难难度下粉碎地精!",
"Survive the hard moonlight night": "从困难难度的月明之夜中生还",
"Crushing goblins on Impossible!": "在无望难度下粉碎地精!",
"Survive the impossible moonlight night": "从无望难度的月明之夜中生还",
"Chasing away the dragon": "击退巨龙",
"Survive the dragon assault": "从巨龙袭击中生还",
"Chasing away the dragon on Hard!": "在困难难度下击退巨龙!",
"Survive the hard dragon assault": "从困难难度的巨龙袭击中生还",
"Chasing away the dragon on Impossible!": "在无望难度下击退巨龙!",
"Survive the impossible dragon assault": "从无望难度的巨龙袭击中生还",
"Bip Bip Bip": "哔哔哔",
"Automated Complex": "自动化联合体",
"A City of Lights": "光之城",
"City of Lights": "光之城",
"Trusting the Druid": "信任德鲁伊",
"Survive the Druid's betrayal": "从德鲁伊的背叛中生还",
"Trusting the Druid on Hard!": "在困难难度下信任德鲁伊!",
"Survive the hard Druid's betrayal": "从困难难度德鲁伊的背叛中生还",
"Trusting the Druid on Impossible!": "在无望难度下信任德鲁伊!",
"Survive the impossible Druid's betrayal": "从无望难度德鲁伊的背叛中生还",
"Friend of no one": "遗世独立",
"Survive the Fallen Angel attack": "从堕天使的攻击下生还",
"Friend of no one on Hard!": "在困难难度下遗世独立!",
"Survive the hard Fallen Angel attack": "从困难难度堕天使的攻击下生还",
"Friend of no one on Impossible!": "在无望难度下遗世独立!",
"Survive the impossible Fallen Angel attack": "从无望难度堕天使的攻击下生还",
"Human Last Stand": "成为人类最后的防线",
"Survive the Orc Horde": "从兽人部落的攻击下生还",
"Human Last Stand on Hard!": "在困难难度下成为人类最后的防线!",
"Survive the hard Orc Horde": "从困难难度兽人部落的攻击下生还",
"Human Last Stand on Impossible!": "在无望难度下成为人类最后的防线!",
"Survive the impossible Orc Horde": "从无望难度兽人部落的攻击下生还",
"Seafaring": "航海",
"Harbor District": "海湾区",
"Bastion of Faith!": "信仰的堡垒!",
"Holy Site": "应许之地",
"Paying bribes": "政治献金",
"Persuade the Nobility": "说服贵族",
"Invincible Fortress": "永不陷落",
"Fortified Citadel": "磐石堡垒",
"Forbidden knowledge": "禁忌知识",
"Library of SouLs": "灵魂图书馆",
"Acclaimed by the people": "人民的拥戴",
"Persuade the people": "赢得民心",
"The Virtues of Humanity": "人类的美德",
"Statue of Virtues": "美德雕像",
"Mad scientists": "疯狂科学家",
"5 Alchemic Laboratory": "5个炼金实验室",
"Midas Hand": "点金之手",
"15 Alchemic Laboratory": "15个炼金实验室",
"Alchemy of the new world": "新世界的炼金术",
"5 Alchemist Complex": "5个炼金联合体",
"Producing Saltpetre": "产生硝石",
"15 Alchemist Complex": "15个炼金联合体",
"Powderpuff": "金玉其外",
"25 Alchemist Complex": "25个炼金联合体",
"Holy slaughter": "神圣屠杀",
"5 Altar of Sacrifices": "5个献祭圣坛",
"Aztec purification": "阿兹特克净化",
"15 Altar of Sacrifices": "15个献祭圣坛",
"We can start train archers and scouts": "我们可以开始训练弓箭手和侦察兵了",
"Army": "军队",
"Ready? Fire!": "准备,开火!",
"10 Artillery Firing Range": "10个炮兵靶场",
"Shaping the pot": "给锅塑形",
"5 Artisan Workshop": "5个工匠作坊",
"Handicraft area": "手工业区",
"15 Artisan Workshop": "15个工匠作坊",
"Handicraft city": "手工业城",
"30 Artisan Workshop": "30个工匠作坊",
"Exploiting the colony": "开发定居点",
"5 Artisan Complex": "5个工匠联合体",
"Exploiting the new world": "开发新世界",
"15 Artisan Complex": "15个工匠联合体",
"A lot of raw materials": "大量原材料",
"25 Artisan Complex": "25个工匠联合体",
"Our watchmen have discovered an impending attack! TO THE WALLS!": "守望者们发现敌袭!快到城墙上去!!!",
"An attack is coming": "敌袭",
"Great crossbows": "大弩",
"4 Ballista": "4个弩炮",
"Towards economic prestige": "向着经济上的转生",
"5 Bank": "5个银行",
"Monopoly": "垄断",
"15 Bank": "15个银行",
"Marching chant echoing": "歌声嘹亮",
"5 Barracks": "5个兵营",
"Echoing drills": "歌声四起",
"15 Barracks": "15个兵营",
"Military city": "军事之城",
"30 Barracks": "30个兵营",
"Colony builders": "定居点之建筑工",
"5 Builder Complex": "5个建筑工联合体",
"Colony hard builders": "定居点之辛勤建筑工",
"15 Builder Complex": "15个建筑工联合体",
"Colony epic builders": "定居点之史诗建筑工",
"25 Builder Complex": "25个建筑工联合体",
"Building material": "建筑原料",
"5 Carpenter Workshop": "5个木匠工坊",
"Building a city": "建造城市",
"15 Carpenter Workshop": "15个木匠工坊",
"A sacred place": "圣地",
"Build the Cathedral": "建造大教堂",
"We build better cities": "城市更好了",
"Build the City Center": "建造市中心",
"Building a colony": "建造定居点",
"5 Colony Hall": "5个定居点大厅",
"Evolving a colony": "发展定居点",
"10 Colony Hall": "10个定居点大厅",
"Mastering a colony": "掌控定居点",
"15 Colony Hall": "15个定居点大厅",
"A small Village": "小村落",
"5 Common House": "5个普通房屋",
"A growing Village": "村庄扩张",
"15 Common House": "15个普通房屋",
"More than a Village": "不只是村庄了",
"30 Common House": "30个普通房屋",
"Administrative center": "行政中心",
"5 City Hall": "5个市政厅",
"Bureaucratic center": "官僚中心",
"15 City Hall": "15个市政厅",
"A well-administered City": "管理妥善的城市",
"25 City Hall": "25个市政厅",
"Elf friend": "精灵之友",
"5 Elf Encampment": "5个精灵营地",
"Elf connoisseur": "精灵行家",
"10 Elf Encampment": "10个精灵营地",
"Pointed ears": "尖尖的耳朵",
"5 Elf Village": "5个精灵村庄",
"Natives of Theresmore": "登攀者世界原住民",
"10 Elf Village": "10个精灵村庄",
"A feudal tradition": "封建传统",
"5 Mansion": "5个宅邸",
"A suburb in the city": "城市的郊区",
"15 Mansion": "15个宅邸",
"Historical center": "历史中心",
"25 Mansion": "25个宅邸",
"City under construction": "在建城市",
"5 Residential Block": "5个住宅区",
"A great City": "伟大城市",
"15 Residential Block": "15个住宅区",
"Metropolis": "大都市",
"25 Residential Block": "25个住宅区",
"The garden of eden": " 伊甸乐园",
"5 Gan Eden": "5个伊甸园",
"The garden of the gods": "众神花园",
"15 Gan Eden": "15个伊甸园",
"Heaven on Theresmore": "登攀者世界的天堂",
"25 Gan Eden": "25个伊甸园",
"Industrial hub": "工业枢纽",
"5 Industrial Plant": "5个工业厂房",
"Industrial zone": "工业区",
"15 Industrial Plant": "15个工业厂房",
"Industrial city": "工业之城",
"25 Industrial Plant": "25个工业厂房",
"Natronite production": "钠红石生产",
"5 Natronite Refinery": "5个钠红石精炼厂",
"Natronite city": "钠红石之城",
"15 Natronite Refinery": "15个钠红石精炼厂",
"Impossible level of Natronite": "无望级钠红石",
"25 Natronite Refinery": "25个钠红石精炼厂",
"An aid to builders": "建筑工的援助",
"5 Builder District": "5个建筑工区域",
"Builders of cities": "建筑工之城",
"15 Builder District": "15个建筑工区域",
"Builders of Theresmore": "登攀者世界的建筑工",
"25 Builder District": "25个建筑工区域",
"Researching Theresmore": "研究登攀者世界",
"5 Research Plant": "5个研究工厂",
"No more secrets": "没有更多秘密了",
"15 Research Plant": "15个研究工厂",
"Theresmore REVEALED": "登攀者世界了然于心",
"25 Research Plant": "25个研究工厂",
"Assembly line": "装配线",
"5 Factory": "5个工厂",
"Blue collar": "蓝领工人",
"15 Factory": "15个工厂",
"The pleasure of growing grass": "种草的乐趣",
"5 Farm": "5个农场",
"Farming center": "农业中心",
"15 Farm": "15个农场",
"Farming city": "农业之城",
"30 Farm": "30个农场",
"Hunting for mice": "猎杀老鼠",
"5 Granary": "5个粮仓",
"Great Silos": "大粮仓",
"15 Granary": "15个粮仓",
"Huge Silos": "巨粮仓",
"25 Granary": "25个粮仓",
"Feudalism": "封建主义",
"5 Fiefdom": "5个封地",
"Feudalism and Liberty": "封建与自由",
"15 Fiefdom": "15个封地",
"Hot forging": "热锻造",
"5 Foundry": "5个铸造厂",
"Melting city": "融化之城",
"15 Foundry": "15个铸造厂",
"A bit of luck": "一点运气",
"5 Fortune Grove": "5个好运之森",
"A lot of luck": "很多运气",
"15 Fortune Grove": "15个好运之森",
"Great Bombard": "超级大炮",
"Build the Great Bombard": "建造超级大炮",
"Come on gentlemen": "来吧先生们",
"Build the Great Fair": "建造超大集市",
"A local mall": "当地购物中心",
"5 Grocery": "5个食品杂货店",
"A regional mall": "区域购物中心",
"15 Grocery": "15个食品杂货店",
"A guarded place": "有人值守",
"5 Guarded Storehouse": "5个有人值守仓库",
"More guarded places": "更多人值守",
"15 Guarded Storehouse": "15个有人值守仓库",
"To add this app to the home screen tap the share icon and then Add to Home Screen": "想要在主屏幕上安装应用的话,只需点击分享按钮,然后点击添加到主屏幕",
"Add to Home Screen": "添加到主屏幕",
"You've discovered a new kingdom": "您发现了新的王国",
"New kingdom": "新的王国",
"The battle for Caps": "上限之战",
"5 Large Shed": "5个大型棚屋",
"Battle raging on": "战斗白热化",
"15 Large Shed": "15个大型棚屋",
"Did we win?": "我们赢了吗?",
"25 Large Shed": "25个大型棚屋",
"Finally a little more space": "终于多了一点空间",
"5 Large Storehouse": "5个大型库房",
"Finally a lot more space": "终于多了不少空间",
"15 Large Storehouse": "15个大型库房",
"Peddling goods": "兜售货物",
"5 Logistic Center": "5个物流中心",
"Logistical center": "物流配送中心",
"15 Logistic Center": "15个物流中心",
"Tree after tree": "一棵又一棵",
"5 Lumberjack Camp": "5个伐木工营地",
"Lumber Passion": "伐木热情",
"15 Lumberjack Camp": "15个伐木工营地",
"Lumber dedication": "伐木奉献",
"30 Lumberjack Camp": "30个伐木工营地",
"Unstable reactor": "不稳定的反应堆",
"5 Mana Reactor": "5个法力反应堆",
"Mana Energy!": "法力能量!",
"10 Mana Reactor": "10个法力反应堆",
"Tower Defense": "塔防",
"8 Magical Tower": "8个魔法塔",
"A safe city": "安全的城市",
"8 Minefield": "8个雷区",
"Airborne lookout": "空中瞭望台",
"4 Natronite Baloon": "4个钠红石气球",
"Instructing army officers": "指导军官",
"5 Officer Training Ground": "5个军官训练场",
"A flow of mana": "法力流",
"5 Magic Circle": "5个魔法环",
"A river of mana": "法力河",
"15 Magic Circle": "15个魔法环",
"A hole full of mana": "充满法力的深洞",
"Mana Pit": "法力深井",
"We have access to prayers and spells": "我们可以使用祈祷和咒语了",
"Magic": "魔法",
"Finally the market! Now we can buy and sell goods": "终于有市场了!我们可以买卖商品了",
"Marketplace": "市场",
"For a few coins": "为了一些钱币",
"5 Marketplace": "5个市场",
"For a bag of gold": "为了一袋黄金",
"15 Marketplace": "15个市场",
"For 30 bags of gold": "为了三十袋黄金",
"30 Marketplace": "30个市场",
"Playing with matter": "玩弄物质",
"5 Matter Transmuter": "5个物质转化器",
"Master of matter": "物质之主",
"15 Matter Transmuter": "15个物质转化器",
"Max cap reached": "数量已达上限",
"Max cap": "数量上限",
"Military officers": "军官",
"5 Military Academy": "5个军事学院",
"Senior officers": "高级军官",
"15 Military Academy": "15个军事学院",
"Digging down": "往下挖掘",
"5 Mine": "5个矿井",
"Keep attention": "保持专注",
"15 Mine": "15个矿井",
"Mining city": "采矿之城",
"30 Mine": "30个矿井",
"The first ministry": "首个部委",
"5 Ministry of Development": "5个发展部",
"Development of the nation": "国家的发展",
"15 Ministry of Development": "15个发展部",
"A new version of Theresmore is available, close the notification to apply the update": "本游戏更新啦,快通知阳光锅巴更新游戏吧,关闭通知即可更新",
"New version": "新版本",
"Reaching a milestone+": "到达1次超里程碑",
"1 NG+": "1次超转生",
"Reaching 5 milestones+": "到达5次超里程碑",
"5 NG+": "5次超转生",
"Reaching 10 milestones+": "到达10次超里程碑",
"10 NG+": "10次超转生",
"Reaching 20 milestones+": "到达20次超里程碑",
"20 NG+": "20次超转生",
"Reaching 40 milestones+": "到达40次超里程碑",
"40 NG+": "40次超转生",
"Reaching 80 milestones+": "到达80次超里程碑",
"80 NG+": "80次超转生",
"Skymancering": "星游记",
"5 Observatory": "5个天文台",
"New high of research": "研究的新高度",
"15 Observatory": "15个天文台",
"A good defense": "良好的防御工事",
"Build the Palisade": "建造栅栏",
"Reaching a milestone": "到达1次里程碑",
"1 Prestige": "1次转生",
"Reaching 5 milestones": "到达5次里程碑",
"5 Prestige": "5次转生",
"Reaching 15 milestones": "到达15次里程碑",
"15 Prestige": "15次转生",
"Reaching 30 milestones": "到达30次里程碑",
"30 Prestige": "30次转生",
"Reaching 60 milestones": "到达60次里程碑",
"60 Prestige": "60次转生",
"Reaching 120 milestones": "到达120次里程碑",
"120 Prestige": "120次转生",
"Increasing back pain": "背痛增加",
"5 Quarry": "5个采石场",
"Stone Squad": "石头分队",
"15 Quarry": "15个采石场",
"Stone army": "石头之军",
"30 Quarry": "30个采石场",
"Railroads": "铁路",
"5 Railway Station": "5个火车站",
"Steam engine": "蒸汽引擎",
"15 Railway Station": "15个火车站",
"Train recruits": "训练新兵",
"5 Recruit Training Center": "5个新兵训练中心",
"Help for refugees": "帮助难民",
"Refugee District": "难民区",
"Just a reminder that you may want to backup your save every once in a while, just in case": "存档不规范,玩家两行泪,特此提醒您,注意保管存档,以防万一",
"Backup your save": "备份存档",
"Backup your save : Just a reminder that you may want to backup your save every once in a while, just in case": "备份存档:存档不规范,玩家两行泪,特此提醒您,注意保管存档,以防万一",
"The beginning of scientific thought": "科学思想的开端",
"5 School": "5个学校",
"Learning Theresmore": "学习登攀者世界",
"15 School": "15个学校",
"Mastering Theresmore": "掌握登攀者世界",
"30 School": "30个学校",
"A shed that works": "能正常运转的棚屋",
"5 Shed": "5个棚屋",
"A lot of space in the colony": "定居点中拥有大量空间",
"15 Shed": "15个棚屋",
"A colony of space": "整个定居点的空间",
"30 Shed": "30个棚屋",
"Building Siege Machine": "建造攻城机器",
"10 Siege Workshop": "10个攻城机器厂",
"Trot horse": "小马",
"5 Stable": "5个马厩",
"More horses": "更多马",
"15 Stable": "15个马厩",
"A great horse race": "大赛马",
"30 Stable": "30个马厩",
"Steel Working": "加工钢铁",
"5 Steelworks": "5个钢铁厂",
"Steel Working Hard": "努力加工钢铁",
"15 Steelworks": "15个钢铁厂",
"Buy high sell low": "高买低卖",
"Stock Exchange": "证券交易所",
"A store that works": "有效的储物间",
"5 Store": "5个储物间",
"A lot of space": "许多空间",
"15 Store": "15个储物间",
"A city of space": "一城的空间",
"30 Store": "30个储物间",
"Prayers heard": "听到了祈祷",
"5 Temple": "5个寺庙",
"Pleasing the Gods": "取悦神明",
"15 Temple": "15个寺庙",
"Where clerics gather": "圣职者聚集的地方",
"5 Conclave": "5个秘密会议",
"Religious city": "宗教之城",
"15 Conclave": "15个秘密会议",
"A quiet place": "静谧之地",
"5 Spiritual Garden": "5个精神花园",
"Meditation": "冥想",
"15 Spiritual Garden": "15个精神花园",
"A new way of making gold": "赚钱的新方法",
"5 Credit Union": "5个信用社",
"Making A LOT of money": "赚大钱",
"15 Credit Union": "15个信用社",
"Natronite stuff": "钠红石材料",
"5 Natronite Depot": "5个钠红石仓库",
"Storing a lot of Natronite": "大量存储钠红石",
"15 Natronite Depot": "15个钠红石仓库",
"Deleting CAPS": "去除上限",
"5 Storage Facility": "5个存储设施",
"A huge amount of space": "超大的空间",
"15 Storage Facility": "15个存储设施",
"My treasure": "我的宝库",
"5 Large warehouse": "5个大型仓库",
"Surveying the stuff": "调查材料",
"15 Large warehouse": "15个大型仓库",
"Power Spells United": "力量咒语已组合",
"Tower of Mana": "法力之塔",
"The Great War": "世界大战",
"5 Trench": "5个战壕",
"Western Front": "西部战线",
"15 Trench": "15个战壕",
"Battle of the Somme": "索姆河战役",
"25 Trench": "25个战壕",
"The study of Theresmore": "调查登攀者世界",
"5 University": "5个大学",
"Graduate at the university of Theresmore": "登攀者世界大学毕业",
"15 University": "15个大学",
"Toss a Coin": "扔个硬币",
"5 Valley of Plenty": "5个丰饶之谷",
"A better defense": "更好的防御工事",
"Build the Wall": "建造城墙",
"A network of sentinels": "哨兵网络",
"8 Watchman Outpost": "8个守望者前哨",
"Artisan": "工匠",
"Breeder": "饲育员",
"Harvester": "采集者",
"Farmer": "农民",
"Fisher": "渔夫",
"Lumberjack": "伐木工",
"Merchant": "商人",
"Trader": "交易人",
"Miner": "矿工",
"Quarryman": "石工",
"Priest": "牧师",
"Carpenter": "木匠",
"Steelworker": "炼钢工人",
"Professor": "教授",
"Quartermaster": "军需官",
"Skymancer": "星学家",
"Supplier": "供应商",
"Alchemist": "炼金术士",
"Unemployed": "失业",
"Nat-Refiner": "钠红石精炼工",
"Researcher": "研究员",
"Army": "军队",
"Coin": "代币",
"Copper": "铜",
"Cow": "奶牛",
"Crystal": "水晶",
"Faith": "信念",
"Fame": "声誉",
"Food": "食物",
"Gold": "黄金",
"Horse": "马",
"Iron": "铁",
"Legacy": "传承",
"Luck": "运气",
"Mana": "法力",
"Natronite": "钠红石",
"Population": "人口",
"Stone": "石头",
"Relic": "遗物",
//"Research": "研究点",
"Tools": "工具",
"Wood": "木材",
"Materials": "原料",
"Steel": "钢",
"Supplies": "补给",
"Saltpetre": "硝石",
"Tome of Wisdom": "智慧卷轴",
"Gem": "宝石",
"Titan Gift": "泰坦之礼物",
"Cap Gold": "黄金上限",
"Maximum Gold Cap": "最大黄金上限",
"Cap Wood": "木材上限",
"Maximum Wood Cap": "最大木材上限",
"Cap Stone": "石头上限",
"Maximum Stone Cap": "最大石头上限",
"Cap Food": "食物上限",
"Maximum Food Cap": "最大食物上限",
"Fame": "声誉",
"Fame earned": "获取的声誉",
"You have to play more to get statistics": "您需要继续玩下去才能获得统计数据",
//"Research": "研究点",
"Research points spent": "花费的研究点",
"Faith": "信念",
"Faith spent": "花费的信念",
"Mana": "法力",
"Mana earned": "获取的法力",
"Bonus from NG+": "超转生的加成",
"Bonus earned from NG+ resets": "从超转生获得的加成",
"NG+ reset": "超转生",
"Number of NG+ reset": "超转生次数",
"Scout": "侦察兵",
"Scout missions started": "侦察兵进行任务的次数",
"Spy": "间谍",
"Spy missions started": "间谍进行任务的次数",
//"Attack": "攻击次数",
"Attacks launched": "发动攻击的次数",
"Enemies slain": "敌人击杀数",
"Enemies killed": "敌人击杀数",
"Dead soldier": "士兵阵亡数",
"Fallen soldiers": "士兵阵亡数",
"Resets": "转生",
"Resets obtained": "转生次数",
"Agriculture": "农业",
"The hard work of cultivating the land always gives its fruits": "一分耕耘,一分收获",
"Agreement with Wanders": "与游荡者的协定",
"With this agreement we can freely explore the lands of Wanders now that we are allies": "有了这个协定,我们就可以自由探索他们的土地了,毕竟我们是盟友",
"Request for help": "请求帮助",
"The strange creatures were observing our colony in order to open a communication with us. They seem to have some kind of request. Our scholars must also interpret their language with the help of magic": "这些奇怪的生物正在观察我们的定居点,以便与我们进行交流。他们似乎有什么要求,我们的学者需要借助魔法来理解他们的语言",
"Alchemical reactions": "炼金术反应",
"Through alchemy we will be able to further increase our productions": "通过炼金术我们可以进一步提高产量",
"Alchemist complex": "炼金联合体",
"The production of a regular army needs a lot of saltpetre": "常备军需要大量硝石",
"Ancient Balor": "远古炎魔",
"Summon the Ancient Balor demon": "召唤远古炎魔",
"Archery": "箭术",
"The bow will allow us to strike from a safe distance": "利用弓箭,我们可以从安全的距离发动攻击",
"Architecture": "建筑学",
"The Middle Ages gave impulse to our builders to realize great works": "中世纪推动了我们的建筑工实现伟大工程",
"Veteran artillerymen": "老练的炮兵",
"Let's train our sappers in marksmanship": "是时候训练工兵们的枪法了",
"Architecture of the titans": "泰坦的建筑",
"The construction knowledge of the titans": "泰坦的建筑知识",
"Artisan complex": "工匠联合体",
"Let's exploit the colony's mineral resources": "让我们开发定居点的矿产资源吧",
"Assembly line": "装配线",
"Assembly lines will bring us into the industrial age": "装配线将带着我们进入工业时代",
"Astronomy": "天文学",
"We must turn our gaze to the sky if we want to leave behind the feudal era": "如果我们想要结束封建纪元,就必须把目光转向天空",
"Ancient stockpile": "远古库存",
"Past generations have left us ancient warehouses": "过去几代人为我们留下了远古仓库",
"Atomic Theory": "原子理论",
"Elves have a deep knowledge of the stuff that things are made of": "精灵对事物的构成有更深入的了解",
"Bandit chief": "强盗首领",
"One bandit questioned for information told us about a leader calling himself Skullface from whom they all took orders": "一个强盗交代,他们都是从一个名叫骷髅脸的首领那里接受命令的",
"Banking": "银行业",
"What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine": "我的是我的,你的还是我的",
"Barbarian tribes": "野蛮人部落",
"From the torture, err no, investigations carried out in the barbarian village we found out that their nation is divided into tribes": "通过酷刑……呃,不对,对野蛮人村庄的调查后,我们发现他们的国家由部落组成",
"Beacon of Faith": "信仰的灯塔",
"Dedicate the colony to magic and faith. Only ONE specialty can be chosen": "让定居点致力于魔法和信仰。您只能选择其一",
"Besieging engineers": "围城工程师",
"With the advent of siege techniques, we can increase the strength of our artillery": "随着攻城技术的出现,我们可以增加火炮的火力了",
"Biology": "生物学",
"Theresmore's nature study applied to the lives of citizens": "对登攀者世界的自然生态研究可以应用于市民们的生活",
"Breeding": "饲育",
"We will have to breed the best horses in Theresmore": "我们需要培育出登攀者世界最好的马",
"Bronze working": "青铜加工",
"The Bronze Age, one of my favorite eras!": "青铜时代,我最喜欢的时代之一!",
"Burned farms": "被烧毁的农场",
"We need to investigate what happened to the isolated farms, the disappearance of all the children is very disturbing": "我们需要调查那些偏远的农场发生了什么,孩子们的失踪令人感到非常不安",
"Canava Guard": "卡纳瓦护卫",
"Elite mercenary troops on our payroll": "精英佣兵部队,拿我们的钱,为我们办事",
"Centalized power": "中央集权",
"Now more than ever we need to maintain a strong centralized power": "现在比以往任何时候都需要保持强大的中央集权",
"Chemistry": "化学",
"Chemistry is the art of studying Theresmore in its components": "化学是研究登攀者世界物质组成的艺术",
"Cloistered life": "隐居生活",
"The rise of monastic orders": "修道会的兴起",
"Captain Galliard": "加里亚德团长",
"Hire the famous Captain Galliard": "雇佣著名的加里亚德团长",
"Guild of the Craftsmen": "工匠公会",
"With the craftsmen's guild we will be able to increase the production of Tier 2 resources!": "有了工匠公会,我们就可以增加二阶资源的产量了!",
"Crop Rotation": "轮作",
"Crop rotation is a fundamental process for keeping fields productive": "轮作是保持农田肥力的基本过程",
"Crossbow": "弩",
"More powerful than the bow is also much easier to use": "比弓更强大,也更容易使用",
"Colonial camp": "定居点营地",
"We create an outpost in the new world": "我们在新世界建立了前哨",
"Colonial consacration": "定居点祝圣",
"Our colony has grown enough to consecrate it with a holy site": "我们的定居点已经发展到足以作为圣地了",
"Colonial docks": "定居点码头",
"Let's build a dock to exploit maritime resources": "让我们建造码头来开发海洋资源",
"Colonial exploitations": "定居点开发",
"In the new world there are so many basic resources": "新世界的基础资源十分丰富",
"Colonial recruits": "定居点新兵",
"New soldiers from the new world": "新世界的新兵",
"Colonial stronghold": "定居点据点",
"We create a stronghold that enemies are annihilated by it": "让我们建造一个可以消灭敌人的据点",
"Colonial trade": "定居点交易",
"Now that the colony has grown we need to derive revenue from it": "定居点已经足够壮大,我们可以从中获取收入了",
"Construction of automata": "建造构装体",
"We have studied the undead enough to develop our own mana-powered servant": "我们对亡者的研究已经足够了,我们可以开发自己的法力驱动仆从了",
"Commercial monopolies": "商业垄断",
"In order to grow even more economically we must create commercial monopolies and a stock exchange": "为了能在经济上继续增长,我们需要建立商业垄断和证券交易所",
"Communion with nature": "与自然沟通",
"Our beliefs must be reconciled with Mother Nature": "我们的信仰必须与大自然和谐相处",
"Cuirassiers": "重骑兵",
"With firearms we can create very heavy mounted regiments": "装备枪支后,我们可以创造出超重型的骑兵团",
"Currency": "货币",
"Everything has its price": "所有命运馈赠的礼物,都已在暗中标好了价格",
"The Dark Crystal": "黑暗水晶",
"Nikharul source of power lies on the battlefield": "尼哈鲁尔的力量源泉落在了战场之上",
"A daylong celebration": "全日庆祝活动",
"After the victory over the goblins, the people gathered in the square to celebrate": "战胜地精后,人们聚集在广场上庆祝",
"Origin of deserter": "逃兵的起源",
"We need to find out more about where these defectors came from": "我们需要进一步了解这些逃兵的来源",
"Dimensional device": "维度装置",
"A new way of fighting by exploiting natronite to give soldiers three dimensional movement capabilities for short periods": "新型作战方式,利用钠红石为士兵提供短期的任意方向移动能力",
"Dragon assault": "巨龙来袭",
"One late summer afternoon, the sentries on the western walls discerned a dark spot on the horizon. Over the next few hours the spot became a cloud and then a storm that loomed over the city. A tempest as red as fire, the beast of fire was here to claim its artifact": "一个夏末的午后,西墙上的哨兵们在地平线上发现了一个黑点。在接下来的几个小时中,这个地方变成了一片云,然后是风暴,笼罩着整座城市。那是如火焰一般红的暴风雨,巨龙来取它的古物了",
"Drilling operation": "钻井作业",
"The drilling process will help produce more and more metals": "钻井过程有利于生产越来越多的金属",
"Ecology": "生态学",
"Now that our civilization is evolving, we must not forget the natural roots of Theresmore": "虽然我们的文明在进化,我们也不能忘记登攀者世界的自然根源",
"Economics": "经济学",
"With an advanced economy, will increase the general welfare": "随着经济的发展,一般福利也会增加",
"Enclosures": "围场",
"The birth of private property": "私有财产诞生",
"Education": "教育学",
"Theresmore begins to unravel its secrets and we must discover as much as possible": "登攀者世界开始揭示它的秘密,我们必须尽可能地加以发现",
"End Ancient Era": "结束远古时代",
"Our settlement is ready for a leap forward": "城市已经准备好迎接飞跃",
"End Feudal Era": "结束封建时代",
"Welcome the late era": "欢迎来到近代",
"Dreaming big": "远大梦想",
"Now that our city is safe we must build the Harbor District and start a new adventure": "城市安全了,我们需要建造海湾区,开始新旅程了",
"Dreaming big": "远大梦想",
"Now that our city is safe we must build the Harbor District and start a new adventure": "城市安全了,我们需要建造海湾区,开始新旅程了",
"Elf last village": "精灵仅剩的村庄",
"The elves, grateful for returning the precious temple to them, take us to their last village": "精灵很感谢我们帮他们夺回了珍贵的神庙,带领我们去了他们的村庄",
"Elf survivors": "精灵幸存者",
"The natives we rescued call themselves Elves and call us humans by the term QualarNuud, those who came from the vast sea": "我们救出的当地人自称精灵,并称我们为夸拉尔努德,意思是来自浩瀚大海的人",
"Elf Warrior": "精灵战士",
"The Elves trust us enough to grant us some of their warriors in battle": "精灵对我们的信任已经充足到愿意派遣部分战士帮助我们战斗",
"Espionage": "间谍行动",
"Some of our scouts might specialize in the art of espionage": "让一些侦察兵专攻间谍艺术",
"Establish boundaries": "确定边界",
"We need to create defined boundaries for our realm": "我们需要为我们的国家建立明确的边界",
"Exhibit the Flame": "展示火焰",
"We can exhibit the Flame of Atamar in the city center to enrich it enormously": "我们可以在市中心展示阿塔玛的火焰了,这将极大地丰富它的价值",
"Erase competitors": "抹杀竞争对手",
"We will produce so much gold to exterminate the competition": "我们生产的黄金已经多到可以消灭竞争了",
"Fairs and markets": "集市与市场",
"We can organize a big fair": "我们可以组织更大的集市了",
"New world of faith": "新世界的信仰",
"We bring the faith of ancient gods to the new world": "我们把远古神明们的信仰带到了新世界",
"The Fallen Angel reveal": "堕天使出现",
"An army of demons is marching against the city, they are led by a knight with black wings! Let us prepare for battle!": "一支恶魔大军正在往城市冲过来,它们由一个长着黑翼的骑兵率领!准备好了,你要战,我便战!",
"Fertilizer": "肥料",
"New chemical components will increase our food production": "新的化学成分可以增加食物产量",
"Feudalism": "封建时代",
"The birth of a new era: knights and castles and ladies to save": "新纪元诞生:一个骑兵,城堡,和拯救女士的纪元",
"Field artillery": "野战炮",
"The evolution of the bombard are field cannons": "大炮进化后就是野战加农炮了",
"Financial markets": "金融市场",
"New ideas on how to accumulate money": "积累金钱的新想法",
"Fine woods": "上等木材",
"Our carvers are specializing more and more": "木雕师们越来越专业了",
"Fine marbles": "上等大理石",
"The processing of precious marbles is attracting manpower": "珍贵的大理石加工吸引了人力",
"The Flame of Atamar": "阿塔玛的火焰",
"Now that we have conquered Zultan we must study the Flame of Atamar": "我们已经征服了祖尔坦,该研究阿塔玛的火焰了",
"Flight": "飞行",
"The first timid hint of flight": "首个关于飞行的胆小暗示",
"Flintlock musket": "燧发枪",
"The evolution of arquebuses into a much more versatile weapon": "火绳枪进化成了用途更广泛的武器",
"Food conservation": "食物保存",
"With food conservation we will be able to create supplies": "有了食物保存技术,我们就可以制造补给了",
"Forge of equipment": "装备锻造",
"Forge better equipment for the army": "为军队锻造更好的装备",
"Forge of equipment II": "装备锻造 II",
"Forge much better equipment for the army": "为军队锻造还要更好的装备",
"Fortification": "防御工事",
"High walls to defend our settlement": "高墙可以保护我们的城市",
"Fortified colony": "加固定居点",
"We turn the colony into a fortress": "让我们把定居点变成一座堡垒吧",
"Fortune sanctuary": "财富圣地",
"We must build a place where the goddess of luck can infuse her power": "我们必须建造一个可供幸运女神注入力量的地方",
"Free an old outpost": "肃清旧前哨",
"Cpt Galliard knows the location of an old outpost to be cleared": "加里亚德团长知道一个旧前哨的位置,需要肃清那里",
"Captain Galliard services": "加里亚德团长加入",
"Captain Galliard after being defeated offers his services": "被打败后,加里亚德团长愿意加入我们",
"Galliard's secret": "加里亚德的秘密",
"The captain has a murky past about which he can hardly recall any details. We need to thoroughly investigate his background": "团长的过去一片模糊,他记不起任何细节了。我们需要彻底调查他的背景",
"Galliard True Form": "加里亚德的真正形态",
"The encounter with the Ancient Giant awakened a power within Captain Galliard": "遭遇远古巨人后,加里亚德的力量被唤醒了",
"Gold domination project": "黄金支配计划",
"Now that we have the stock exchange we must commit our entire society to the project of global economic domination": "现在我们拥有了证券交易所,就必须让整个社会致力于全球经济支配的计划",
"Glorious parade": "光荣游行",
"The dragon army has been repelled and it is time to celebrate": "巨龙的大军被击退了,是时候庆祝了!",
"Glorious retirement": "光荣退休",
"I've done a lot for Theresmore, it's time to take my leave": "我已经为登攀者世界做得够多了,是时候离开了",
"Grain surplus": "粮食过剩",
"We need to better manage grain production and storage": "我们需要更好地管理粮食生产和存储",
"Great pastures": "巨大牧场",
"Having conquered the vast east we can now exploit its steppes": "征服了广阔的东方以后,我们可以开发草原了",
"Guerrilla warfare": "游击战",
"Wilderness around the colony generates new combat tactics": "定居点周围的荒野催生了新的作战策略",
"Guild": "公会",
"Corporations are born in the city": "城市中诞生了团体",
"Gunpowder": "火药",
"With gunpowder we will have an advantage on the battlefield": "火药将让我们在战场上占据优势",
"Joyful nation": "欢乐的国度",
"We have annihilated the Fallen Angel we must celebrate!": "我们消灭了堕天使,该庆祝了!",
"Joyful nation": "欢乐的国度",
"We have annihilated the Fallen Angel we must celebrate!": "我们消灭了堕天使,该庆祝了!",
"Heirloom of the Contract": "契约传家宝",
"Give us money and soldiers": "给予我们金钱和士兵",
"Heirloom of the Death": "死亡传家宝",
"Sharpen our spears": "磨砺我们的长矛",
"Heirloom of the Horseshoes": "马蹄铁传家宝",
"Give us gold and workers": "给予我们黄金和工人",
"Heirloom of the Housing": "住房传家宝",
"Give us workers for our village": "给予我们工人",
"Heirloom of the Momento": "纪念品传家宝",
"Give us research and mana": "给予我们研究点和法力",
"Heirloom of Wealth": "财富传家宝",
"Give us better swords": "给我们更好的利剑",
"Heirloom of Wisdom": "智慧传家宝",
"Sharpen our arrows": "磨砺我们的箭",
"Canava herald": "卡纳瓦先驱",
"The messenger from the Kingdom of Canava comes galloping into the city. This research will allow us to build watchman outposts, crucial to the advance into the new era": "来自卡纳瓦王国的使者疾驰进城。这项研究将让我们可以建立守望者前哨,对于进入新时代至关重要",
"The honor of Humanity": "人类的荣耀",
"Honor will guide us to victory! For humanity!": "荣耀将指引我们走向胜利!为人类而战!",
"House of Workers": "工人之家",
"A living place for our workers": "工人们的生活场所",
"Housing": "住房",
"It's time to construct some dwellings": "是时候建造一些住所了",
"Huge cavern": "巨大洞穴",
"We have to explore the cavern beneath the Library": "我们需要探索灵魂图书馆下面的洞穴",
"Knighthood": "骑士精神",
"The code of chivalry is the creed of the nobles of Theresmore": "骑士精神是登攀者世界贵族的信条",
"Kobold nation": "狗头人的国家",
"In the city of kobolds we found clues about a real underground megalopolis led by a King": "狗头人之城中,我们发现了一条线索,它们有一位国王领导着真正的地下大都市",
"Harbor project": "海湾计划",
"We prepare a blueprint for a large port to explore and exploit the great sea": "我们为大型港口准备了蓝图,我们将用它来探索和开发大海",
"Holy Fury": "神圣之怒",
"The gods have given us battle angels": "神明们赐予了我们战斗天使",
"Infuse the Flame": "注入火焰",
"Infuse the flame to aid our army": "注入火焰,强化军队",
"Iron working": "铁加工",
"Iron is a much stronger material than bronze, its uses will be multiple": "铁比铜要坚固得多,它的用途多种多样",
"Land mine": "地雷",
"We will be able to use explosives to protect the surroundings of the city": "我们可以使用炸药来保护城市周围",
"Landed estates": "大片庄园",
"Many landowners are moving to the new world": "许多地主也来到了新世界",
"Large defensive project": "大型防御计划",
"At the military academy new projects are created for a super weapon capable of protecting our city": "军事学院中有人提出了制造超级武器保护城市的新计划",
"Large Shed": "大型棚屋",
"In the colony we have abundant space. Let's use it": "定居点的空间十分广阔,我们该利用好它",
"Large storage space": "大存储空间",
"All the space we need": "我们所需的一切空间",
"Large pastures": "大型牧场",
"The agreement with the Wanders allows us to know better their breeding techniques": "与游荡者的协定让我们更好地了解他们的繁育技术",
"Library of SouLs": "灵魂图书馆",
"The crypt turns out to be an ancient library, at its center is a well of ephemeral waters, the ghosts of many faces emanate from its reflection. Only the most resistant mortals dare to challenge the forbidden knowledge of the library": "地穴原来是一座古老的图书馆,它的中央是一口电光石火般的水井。它的倒影中映着许多不同面容的鬼魂。只有最顽强的凡人才敢挑战图书馆的禁忌知识",
"Mana rites": "法力仪式",
"With the establishment of mana rites we will be able to explore new ways for our spells": "随着法力仪式的确立,我们将可以探索新的咒语",
"Local products": "土特产",
"Artisan's workshops are beginning to produce efficiently": "工匠作坊开始高效生产",
"A lonely druid": "孤独的德鲁伊",
"A small crowd is gathering around a lone druid": "人群开始在一个孤独的德鲁伊身边聚集起来",
"Long term expedition": "长途探险",
"With the new machines we can push our explorations much further": "利用新型机械,我们可以探索更远的地方了",
"Loved by the people": "人民的拥戴",
"At last the people of the west consider us their rightful ruler. Let us enjoy our reward": "西部人民们终于认为我们才是合法的统治者。是时候享受奖励了",
"Overseas refinery": "海外精炼厂",
"There is room for productive hubs in the new world": "新世界有着建造生产中心的空间",
"Plate armor": "板甲",
"Full armors burst on the battlefield": "全副武装地出现在战场上",
"Preparation for the war": "准备作战",
"Now that we know that an enemy is marching against us we must prepare defenses!": "礼尚往来,朋友来了有好酒,豺狼来了有猎枪!",
"Printing press": "印刷机",
"Free circulation of ideas": "让思想自由流通吧",
"Professional soldier": "职业军人",
"We must create an army of trained soldiers": "我们必须建立一支训练有素的军队",
"Poisoned arrows": "毒箭",
"Now that we have defeated those goblins we can create arrows with their own type of poison": "击败地精以后,我们可以用它们的毒药制造箭矢了",
"Port statue": "港口雕像",
"The design of a large statue to raise awareness of our nation": "设计一座大型雕像,以提高对我们国家的认识",
"Magic": "魔法",
"The Mana is the essence of Theresmore": "法力是登攀者世界的精华",
"Magic arts teaching": "魔法艺术教学",
"We study the magical arts in depth": "我们深入研究了魔法艺术",
"Mana conveyors": "法力传送带",
"With the right research we should be able to convey a lot of mana": "通过正确的研究,我们可以传送大量法力了",
"Mana engine": "法力引擎",
"Our scholars have in mind how to develop machinery capable of using mana": "我们的学者提出了一种机器的设想,它可以利用法力",
"Mana investigation": "法力调查",
"It seems that in the colony you can extract mana from the ground": "似乎您可以从定居点的地面提取法力",
"Mana reactor": "法力反应堆",
"Thanks to atomic theory we can create reactors that generate mana": "由于了解了原子理论,我们可以建造产生法力的反应堆了",
"Mana utilization": "法力应用",
"Our researchers are discovering that with large amounts of mana we will be able to create new ways to change the lives of our citizens": "研究人员发现,利用大量的法力,我们可以创造新方法来改变市民的生活",
"Mankind darkest hour": "人类的至暗时刻",
"We triumphed over the Orcish citadel, but what was a victory soon turned into a distressing and terrible situation": "我们拿下了兽人的堡垒,但这场胜利很快就变成了痛苦和可怕的情况",
"Manufacture": "生产制造",
"Carvers and stonemasons create corporations in the city": "木雕师和石匠们形成了团体",
"Mass transit": "公共交通",
"We need to develop our transportation system": "我们需要开发自己的交通系统",
"Master craftsmen": "工匠大师",
"True master craftsmen are emerging in the city": "真正的工匠大师正在城市中涌现",
"Mathematics": "数学",
"Two plus two is always four": "二加二总是等于四",
"Mechanization": "机械化",
"We develop our civilization with new machinery": "我们使用新机器发展文明",
"Mercenary Outpost": "佣兵前哨",
"We conquered the outpost, let's make it a mercenary training center": "我们肃清了旧前哨,让我们把它变成佣兵训练中心吧",
"Metal alloys": "金属合金",
"New lighter alloys will have battlefield applications": "新型轻质合金可以应用于战场",
"Metal casting": "金属铸造",
"Metalworking is a fundamental process in developing our civilization": "金属加工是文明发展的基本过程",
"Mercenary bands": "佣兵团",
"A convenient resource for kingdoms that abound in gold": "为盛产黄金的王国提供便利",
"Military Colony": "军事定居点",
"Dedicate the colony to military operations and power. Only ONE specialty can be chosen": "让定居点致力于军事。您只能选择其一",
"Military tactics": "军事战术",
"New weapons appear on the battlefield, and we will use them to pulverize our enemies": "战场上出现了新式武器,我们将使用它粉碎敌人",
"A moonlit night": "月明之夜",
"One night shortly after learning of the destruction of Canava the surroundings of our city became agitated, we may have to reinforce the defenses": "得知卡纳瓦被摧毁不久后的一个晚上,城市的周围在躁动不安,我们恐怕得加强防御了",
"Military science": "军事科学",
"Scientific innovation at the service of the army": "科技创新将为军队服务",
"Mining": "采矿",
"Copper and iron will come in handy": "铜和铁会很有用的",
"Mining efficiency": "采矿效率",
"Drums in the dark depths": "黑暗深处的鼓声",
"Miracle in the city": "城市的奇迹",
"Miraculous wonders are taking place in the city": "城市中发生了奇迹",
"Ministry for the Interior": "内政部",
"Now our city is evolved enough to need a ministry for the interior": "城市已经发展到需要内政部的时候了",
"Ministry of War": "战争部",
"Our civilization needs a ministry of war": "我们的文明需要战争部",
"Ministry of Worship": "宗教部",
"Souls need a shepherd": "让我们指引他们的灵魂",
"Monster epuration": "肃清怪物",
"Now that we have wiped out the monstrosities that threatened Theresmore we need to study how to benefit from them": "我们已经消灭了威胁登攀者世界的怪物,需要研究如何从中获益",
"Monster hunting": "猎杀怪物",
"We need to better investigate the rumors of these mysterious monsters": "我们需要更好地调查这些神秘怪物的传闻",
"Monument": "纪念碑",
"A legacy of the past": "过去的遗物",
"Municipal Administration": "市政管理",
"The village comes to life": "生机勃勃的城市",
"Mysterious robbery": "神秘劫案",
"Large quantities of weapons are gone and also a lot of natronite, the Druid is missing: hopefully nothing has happened to him. We have to raise our guard": "大量的武器和大量的硝石失窃,德鲁伊也消失了,希望他平安无事。我们需要提高警惕了",
"Mythology": "神话学",
"The myths of Theresmore tell of great gods with majestic powers": "登攀者世界的神话讲述了拥有伟大能力的神明们",
"Natrocity": "钠红之城",
"Let's use natronite to light up our city": "让我们使用钠红石点亮城市",
"Natronite storage": "钠红石存储",
"Natronite is as useful as it is dangerous, we need to build appropriate depots": "钠红石非常有用,但也非常危险,我们需要建造合适的仓库",
"Necromancy": "死灵术",
"The necromancer was aware of arcane arts long forgotten": "死灵法师们了解早已遗失在时光长河中的奥术",
"Sentinels on the walls": "哨兵上墙",
"We need sentinels on the walls": "我们需要让哨兵在墙上巡逻",
"New world old gods": "新世界的远古神明",
"We need to erect a church in this untouched land": "我们需要在这片处女地上建造教堂",
"New world exploration": "探索新世界",
"We need to start exploring the new world": "我们需要开始探索新世界",
"New world militia": "新世界民兵",
"We must create a militia capable of defending the colony": "我们需要建立一支民兵来保卫定居点",
"Northern Star": "北极星",
"The Nightdale Protectorate held the Northern Star, a very powerful artifact from the earliest days of Theresmore": "夜谷保护国拥有北极星,那是从登攀者世界早期就存在的强大古物",
"The Orc Horde": "兽人部落",
"Even the last stronghold has fallen, the whole orc nation rushes upon us in a desperate bid for survival": "兽人们最后的据点业已陷落,但兽人们为了生存,还是倾巢出动向我们扑来",
"Orcish citadel": "兽人堡垒",
"Orcish armies come from a fortified citadel, we must besiege it": "兽人的部队来自于一座坚固的堡垒,让我们拿下它",
"Orcish threat": "兽人的威胁",
"The orcs are becoming more dangerous every day, and we cannot allow them to kidnap our people for their vile purposes. Their purpose is to kill and destroy; they will know the value of the humans of Theresmore": "兽人们变得越来越危险了,我们不能允许他们为了一己私利,继续绑架我们的人民了。他们的目标只有杀戮和毁灭,我们会让他们知道登攀者世界人类的厉害",
"Order of clerics": "圣职者军团",
"Half priests and half soldiers, they will serve the human cause in Theresmore": "他们一半是牧师,一半是士兵,将为登攀者世界的人类而战",
"Tiny island outpost": "小岛前哨",
"This small island is a paradise of unknown species. An outpost here could generate a lot of research": "这座小岛是未知物种的天堂。这里的前哨站可以产生大量研究点",
"The Children Path": "孩子们的轨迹",
"In the citadel of Horith we found disturbing evidence": "在霍里斯堡垒中,我们发现了令人不安的证据",
"Demoniac pentagram": "恶魔五芒星",
"In the strange village we found a pentagram and a tome written in an obscure language. We must investigate": "在奇怪的村庄中,我们发现了一个五芒星,和一张用晦涩语言写成的卷轴。我们必须进行调查",
"Portal of the dead": "亡者之门",
"From a place long forgotten and sealed away. Beware the dead guard the passage. Beware": "通往一个早已被遗忘,封印的地方。当心守护通道的亡者。要当心",
"Pottery": "陶器",
"Ceramics will allow us to preserve things and will favor the birth of commerce": "我们可以用陶器保存东西,有利于商业诞生",
"Productive Hub": "生产中心",
"Dedicate the colony to resource production. Only one specialty can be chosen": "让定居点致力于资源生产。您只能选择其一",
"Railroad": "铁路",
"An iron horse? What kind of devilry is this?": "火车头?那是什么妖术?",
"The rage of the Druid": "德鲁伊之怒",
"The following days the Druid showed up at the city gates": "接下来的几天,德鲁伊出现在城门口",
"Regional Markets": "区域市场",
"With ancestral knowledge we can now create district markets at nearby villages": "凭借祖传的知识,我们可以在周边村庄创建区域市场了",
"Religion": "宗教",
"We honor the ancient gods": "我们尊崇远古神明们",
"Religious order": "宗教秩序",
"Religious orders developed the concept of faith": "宗教秩序发展了信念的概念",
"Remember the Ancients": "铭记古人",
"Was there a lost civilization before us?": "在我们之前是否有过失落的文明?",
"Replicable parts": "可复制零件",
"We develop automation through smaller and smaller components": "我们利用越来越小的组件开发自动化",
"Research district": "研究区",
"Unveiling Theresmore is our goal": "我们的目标是揭开登攀者世界的秘密",
"Safe roads": "安全的道路",
"Now that we have secured the roads we can develop a gab system": "道路安全了,我们可以开发税收系统了",
"Scientific Theory": "科学理论",
"The birth of the scientific method is the key to knowledge": "科学方法的诞生对知识很关键",
"Scout Mission to the East": "东方侦察任务",
"Now that we have subdued the Wanders we can explore their lands freely": "我们已经征服了游荡者,可以自由探索他们的土地了",
"Seafaring": "航海",
"A great nation must rule the oceans, our inventors will succeed in creating natronite engines for our vessels": "伟大的国度必须统治海洋,我们的发明家成功制造了用于船只的钠红石发动机",
"Seraphim": "炽天使",
"With the seraphim at our service, we will no longer have to fear the darkness": "有了他的存在,我们就不需要害怕黑暗了",
"Servitude": "奴役",
"I will serve you my master": "我将为您服务,我的主人",
"Shores of Theresmore": "登攀者世界的海岸",
"Far from our current borders there is access to a great sea, we must explore those places": "远离我们目前的边境之处,有着一片大海,我们必须探索那里",
"Siege defense weapons": "攻城防御武器",
"Arm our walls with ballistae to repel enemy attacks": "在墙上装上弩炮可以击退敌人的攻击",
"Siege techniques": "攻城技术",
"We will be able to create more powerful siege machines than catapults": "我们可以制造比投石机更强大的攻城机器了",
"Steel and flesh": "钢铁之躯",
"A new unit of flesh and steel will destroy our enemies": "拥有钢铁之躯的庞然大物将摧毁敌人",
"Steeling": "锻钢",
"With steel we can raise our military level to new heights": "有了钢以后,我们可以将军事水平提升到新高度了",
"Stone extraction tools": "石头提取工具",
"New stone extraction and processing techniques": "新的石头提取和加工技术",
"Stone masonry": "琢石",
"The quarry is not a place for weak arms": "采石场可没法容得下瘦弱无力的胳膊",
"Stone processing": "石材加工",
"The stonemason will help us with the production of stone": "石匠坊有助于石头生产",
"Storage": "存储",
"We need more and more material!": "我们需要更多,更多的材料!",
"Storage district": "存储区",
"We always need more space": "我们总是需要更多空间",
"Storing valuable materials": "存放贵重材料",
"We need to create a guarded place to store our valuable materials": "我们需要一个有人值守的地方存放贵重材料",
"A strange encounter": "奇怪的遭遇",
"In the woods not far from the colony we make a strange discovery": "在离定居点不远的森林中,我们有一个奇怪的发现",
"Never give up": "永不言弃",
"We swear to never give up!": "这是我们的誓言!",
"Persuade the nobility": "说服贵族",
"Persuading the nobility will require a large amount of gold but will allow us to train the powerful knights of the west": "我们需要大量黄金才能“说服”贵族,但我们可以招募西部的强大骑士了",
"Persuade the people": "赢得民心",
"In order to break through to people's hearts, we must make a heroic gesture. Only by defeating a fearsome enemy will they consider us worthy": "为了赢得人们的拥戴,我们需要做出英雄行为。只有战胜可怕的敌人,才能让他们彻底认同",
"Plenty valley": "丰饶之谷",
"Our lands generate an abundance that should not be wasted": "我们的土地生产极丰富的资源,不应该浪费它",
"Tamed Barbarian": "驯服野蛮人",
"In the barbarian camp we just defeated, we tamed some of them to obey us. We have to find out more about these people": "我们刚刚攻占了野蛮人营地,驯服了其中一些人服从我们。我们必须更多地了解他们",
"Temple of Luna": "月神的神庙",
"The temple of Luna dear to the Elves has been desecrated by some wicked beings": "精灵们珍视的月神神庙被一些邪恶生物亵渎了",
"The journey": "踏上旅途",
"We will go west where no human has gone before": "我们将前往西方,前往无人到过的地方",
"The scourge": "灾难",
"Some groups of refugees are asking to enter the city, something seems to have happened along the western borders": "一些难民团体要求进入城市,西部边境似乎发生了什么",
"The vault": "金库",
"In order to start our world economic domination we need to hoard huge amounts of gold": "为了开始支配世界经济,我们需要囤积大量黄金",
"Richest nation": "富甲天下",
"We finally made it, we are the richest nation in all of Theresmore": "我们成功了,我们已经富甲天下了",
"Titan Gift": "泰坦之礼物",
"We awakened the titan and after rich offerings he will grant us a gift!": "我们唤醒了泰坦,在献上丰厚的贡品之后,他会给我们一份礼物!",
"Titan mosaic": "泰坦的镶嵌画",
"In the temple there is an immense mosaic depicting a sleeping Titan": "神庙中有一幅巨大的镶嵌画,描绘了一个沉睡的泰坦",
"Underground mission": "地下任务",
"The tunnels of the kobolds branch off in several directions, we must explore them": "狗头人的隧道向几个方向伸出分支,我们必须探索它们",
"The Triumph": "凯旋归来",
"We have defeated the orcs and our triumph is total": "我们击败了兽人,彻底胜利了",
"Tome of ancient lore": "古老传说之书",
"In the shelter of Galliard we found an ancient tome. We must study it": "在加里亚德的避难所里,我们发现了一本古老的大书。我们需要对它进行研究",
"Trail of blood": "血迹",
"The vampire crypt contained no coffin, we must look elsewhere": "吸血鬼地穴里并没有棺材,我们必须到别处去寻找",
"Trail of power": "力量之路",
"The Western Kingdom is conquered but its people are hostile to us. We have to come up with something": "我们征服了西部王国,但人民仍然对我们充满敌意。我们得想想办法",
"Training militia": "训练民兵",
"We have seen how ruthless Theresmore can be, we must create a militia force": "我们已经知晓登攀者世界有多么无情了,我们需要建立一支民兵部队",
"Trenches": "战壕",
"Building trenches will not only help us with defense but will allow us to train Marksmen": "建造战壕不仅可以提升防御能力,还可以训练神射手",
"Library secret": "图书馆之谜",
"The crypts under SouLs Library are dark places, we must explore them": "我们对灵魂图书馆的下方仍然一无所知,我们必须对它们进行探索",
"Warfare": "战争",
"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak": "虚则实之,实则虚之",
"White Company": "白色连队",
"The famous White Company is ready to lend its services": "赫赫有名的白色连队准备为您服务",
"Titanic Walls": "泰坦之墙",
"These walls will protect humanity for hundreds of years": "这些巨墙可以保护人类数百年",
"War effort": "战争融资",
"The Orcish crisis is worrying the entire human population, a war effort is needed to deal with these bloodthirsty beasts": "兽人危机让全人类都感到担忧,需要进行战争融资来对付这些嗜血的野兽",
"Wings of Freedom": "自由之翼",
"Entering the shelter triggered a mystical reaction in Galliard. He is absent and pale and keeps repeating about an ancient giant": "进入避难所后,加里亚德有了一些难以解释的反应。他心不在焉,面色苍白,一直重复着一个远古巨人的故事",
"Wood cutting": "砍伐木材",
"Theresmore's lush forests will help our people prosper": "登攀者世界茂密的森林将帮助我们繁荣昌盛",
"Woodcarvers": "木雕师",
"Woodcarvers will produce quality wood": "木雕师可以生产优质木材",
"Wood saw": "木锯",
"The production of wood needs new tools": "木材生产需要新工具",
"Writing": "写作",
"Verba volant scripta manent": "言语易逝,书写永存",
"Zenix Familiar": "泽尼克斯的使魔",
"With a little food we could attract those cute little animals": "只要提供一点食物,就能吸引这些可爱的小动物了",
"Ranged": "射手",
"Shock": "冲击",
"Tank": "肉盾",
"Cavalry": "骑兵",
"Ancient Balor": "远古炎魔",
"An armored demon serving humanity": "身披铠甲的恶魔,听命于人类",
"Ancient balors": "远古炎魔",
"Ancient Giant": "远古巨人",
"Ancient Giants": "远古巨人",
"Aqrabuamelu": "蝎子人",
"Aqrabuamelus": "蝎子人",
"Arquebusier": "火绳枪兵",
"Men armed with arquebuses, provide excellent offensive power": "装备火绳枪的士兵,攻击力出色",
"Arquebusiers": "火绳枪兵",
"Archdemon": "大恶魔",
"Archdemons": "大恶魔",
"Archlich": "大巫妖",
"Archliches": "大巫妖",
"Archer": "弓箭手",
"Archers can strike enemy troops from a safe distance and sap their morale": "弓箭手可以在安全距离内攻击敌军并降低他们的士气",
"Archers": "弓箭手",
"Artillery": "火炮",
"A rain of fire upon our enemies": "让敌人们尝尝炮火雨吧",
"Artilleries": "火炮",
"Balor": "炎魔",
"Balors": "炎魔",
"Battle Angel": "战斗天使",
"A holy fury on the battlefield": "战场的神圣之怒",
"Battle Angels": "战斗天使",
"Black mage": "黑暗巫师",
"Black mages": "黑暗巫师",
"Bombard": "大炮",
"Intense fire from many bombards can decimate enemy troops before the clash": "许多大炮形成的强大火力网可以在接触之前就轰碎敌军",
"Bombards": "大炮",
"Bugbear": "熊地精",
"Bugbears": "熊地精",
"Bugbear Chieftain": "熊地精酋长",
"Bugbear chieftains": "熊地精酋长",
"Bulette": "鲨蜥兽",
"Bulettes": "鲨蜥兽",
"Cannon": "加农炮",
"Field cannons will echo in the ears and nightmares of our enemies": "野战炮的炮火将在敌人的耳朵和噩梦中回响",
"Cannons": "加农炮",
"Cataphract": "甲胄骑兵",
"The nobility of the Western Kingdom are heavily armed knights": "西部王国的贵族们是全副武装的骑士",
"Cataphract": "甲胄骑兵",
"Charmed dweller": "着魔的居民",
"a villager with a blank stare": "一个目光呆滞的村民",
"Charmed dwellers": "着魔的居民",
"Cult Master": "邪教大师",
"Cult Masters": "邪教大师",
"Cyclop": "独眼巨人",
"Cyclops": "独眼巨人",
"Demoness": "女恶魔",
"Lady of black magic, she can bend any man to her will": "使用黑魔法的女士,她可以让任何男人服从她的意志",
"Demonesses": "女恶魔",
"Draconic warrior": "龙人战士",
"Draconic warriors": "龙人战士",
"Draconic diver": "龙人潜袭者",
"Draconic divers": "龙人潜袭者",
"Draconic mage": "龙人巫师",
"Draconic mages": "龙人巫师",
"Draconic leader": "龙人首领",
"Draconic leaders": "龙人首领",
"Elf warrior": "精灵战士",
"The few remaining elves are formidable warriors": "少数剩余的精灵是非常强大的战士",
"Elf warriors": "精灵战士",
"Eternal guardian": "永恒守卫",
"Eternal guardians": "永恒守卫",
"Harpy": "鹰身女妖",
"Harpies bewitch humans with their song and devour wretches who get too close": "鹰身女妖会使用歌声魅惑人类,并吞噬靠太近的可怜虫",
"Harpies": "鹰身女妖",
"Ball lightning": "球形闪电",
"Ball lightnings": "球形闪电",
"Bandit": "强盗",
"Poorly organized outlaws, are not a real danger": "组织不善的不法分子,不算什么真正的威胁",
"Bandits": "强盗",
"Basilisk": "蛇怪",
"Basilisks": "蛇怪",
"Chosen barbarian": "野蛮人天选者",
"Chosen barbarians": "野蛮人天选者",
"Barbarian drummer": "野蛮人鼓手",
"Barbarian drummers": "野蛮人鼓手",
"Barbarian leader": "野蛮人首领",
"Barbarian leaders": "野蛮人首领",
"Barbarian King": "野蛮人之王",
"Barbarian Kings": "野蛮人之王",
"Barbarian warrior": "野蛮人战士",
"Barbarian warriors": "野蛮人战士",
"Catapult": "投石机",
"First form of artillery": "第一种炮兵",
"Catapults": "投石机",
"Behemoth": "巨兽",
"A behemoth of flesh and steel. The best that humans can deploy in the fight against evil": "钢铁之躯的巨兽。与邪恶的斗争中人类能够利用的最强大存在",
"Behemoths": "巨兽",
"Canava guard": "卡纳瓦护卫",
"Heavy armored mercenary troop, his two-handed sword will cause havoc in the enemy ranks": "重甲佣兵团,他们的双手剑可以对敌阵造成严重的破坏",
"Canava guards": "卡纳瓦护卫",
"Catapult": "投石机",
"First form of artillery": "第一种炮兵",
"Catapults": "投石机",
"Cavarly archer": "骑射手",
"Cavarly archers": "骑射手",
"Cleric": "圣职者",
"Theresmore's elite religious troops, their large shields and armor effectively protecting them": "登攀者世界的精锐宗教部队,他们的大盾和护甲可以有效保护他们",
"Clerics": "圣职者",
"Colonial Militia": "定居点民兵",
"New World Militia. Easily enlisted, they do their duty": "新世界民兵。容易招募,尽职尽责",
"Colonial Militias": "定居点民兵",
"Cpt. Galliard": "加里亚德团长",
"A symbol of hope, a beacon of light in a world darkened by evil": "他是希望的象征,邪恶黑暗世界中的灯塔",
"Galliard captains": "加里亚德团长",
"Commander": "指挥官",
"A true leader at the head of the army": "军队真正的领袖",
"Commanders": "指挥官",
"Crossbowman": "弩手",
"An improved version of the archer troops, can strike the enemy with precision and pierce armor": "比弓箭手更强,可以精准射击敌人,并击穿他们的护甲",
"Crossbowmen": "弩手",
"Cuirassier": "重骑兵",
"Armed with heavy armor, sword and gun these powerful cavalry units will dominate the battlefield": "这些强大的骑兵部队身披重甲,装备有利剑和火枪,他们将主宰战场",
"Cuirassiers": "重骑兵",
"Daimyo": "大名",
"Daimyos": "大名",
"Demonic musketeer": "恶魔火枪手",
"Demonic musketeers": "恶魔火枪手",
"Deserter": "逃兵",
"Once soldiers of a kingdom, now live by expediency. They have kept their excellent equipment": "曾经是一个王国的士兵,现在只为自己而活了。他们还保留着精良的装备",
"Deserters": "逃兵",
"Djinn": "灯神",
"Djinns": "灯神",
"Dirty rat": "脏鼠",
"Dirty rats": "脏鼠",
"Earth elemental": "土元素",
"An animated solid rock": "一块会行动的坚固岩石",
"Earth elementals": "土元素",
"Ettin": "双头巨人",
"Ettins": "双头巨人",
"Explorer": "探险家",
"A seasoned scout": "经验丰富的侦察兵",
"Explorers": "探险家",
"Fallen Angel": "堕天使",
"Fallen Angels": "堕天使",
"Familiar": "使魔",
"Zenix Familiar are magical pets, they can scout pretty well": "泽尼克斯的使魔属于魔宠,它们非常善于侦察",
"Familiars": "使魔",
"Fire elemental": "火元素",
"Its breath is fiery and leaves behind lava pools": "它的吐息是炽热的,会留下熔岩池",
"Fire elementals": "火元素",
"Fire salamander": "火蜥蜴",
"Fire salamanders": "火蜥蜴",
"Frost elemental": "冰元素",
"The frost elemental generates an aura of ice around itself": "冰元素会在自身周围产生冰之光环",
"Frost elementals": "冰元素",
"Frost giant": "冰霜巨人",
"Frost giants": "冰霜巨人",
"Galliard": "加里亚德",
"Galliards": "加里亚德",
"Gargoyle": "石像鬼",
"Gargoyles": "石像鬼",
"General": "将军",
"One man army": "光杆司令",
"Generals": "将军",
"Giant snake": "巨蛇",
"With its coils can crush a Theresmonian tricephalic ox": "它的缠绕甚至能够杀死登攀者世界的一只三头牛",
"Giant snakes": "巨蛇",
"Giant spider": "巨蜘蛛",
"With its immense web can capture even a griffon vulture": "它巨大的蛛网甚至可以抓住狮鹫",
"Giant spiders": "巨蜘蛛",
"Giant wasp": "巨黄蜂",
"Giant wasps": "巨黄蜂",
"Goblin Marauder": "地精掠夺者",
"Goblin raiders have low morale and flee easily": "士气低落,容易逃跑",
"Goblin Marauders": "地精掠夺者",
"Goblin Warrior": "地精战士",
"Better armed than the marauders, they guard the goblin camps": "比掠夺者的装备好一些,他们守卫着地精营地",
"Goblin Warriors": "地精战士",
"Goblin Overlord": "地精大王",
"Goblin Overlords": "地精大王",
"Goblin wolfrider": "地精狼骑兵",
"Goblin wolfriders": "地精狼骑兵",
"Golem": "魔像",
"Golems": "魔像",
"Gorgon": "蛇发女妖",
"Gorgons": "蛇发女妖",
"Ghast": "恶魂",
"A smarter version of ghouls": "比食尸鬼聪明一些",
"Ghasts": "恶魂",
"Ghost": "鬼魂",
"A damned spirit condemned to wander for eternity": "被诅咒的灵魂,注定要永远游荡",
"Ghosts": "鬼魂",
"Ghoul": "食尸鬼",
"Always hungry for living flesh": "永远渴望新鲜的血肉",
"Ghouls": "食尸鬼",
"Gnoll leader": "豺狼人首领",
"Gnoll leaders": "豺狼人首领",
"Gnoll raider": "豺狼人掠夺者",
"Gnoll raiders": "豺狼人掠夺者",
"Greater demon": "高等恶魔",
"A big demon spit out of hell": "被地狱吐出来的高等恶魔",
"Greater demons": "高等恶魔",
"Griffin": "狮鹫",
"Griffins": "狮鹫",
"Gulud": "古鲁德",
"Guluds": "古鲁德",
"Korrigan slinger": "科里根矮妖投石者",
"Korrigan slingers": "科里根矮妖投石者",
"Korrigan swindler": "科里根矮妖欺诈者",
"Korrigan swindlers": "科里根矮妖欺诈者",
"Jager": "调查兵团士兵",
"Outside these walls you will be our prey!": "墙外的你们就是我们的猎物!",
"Jagers": "调查兵团士兵",
"Juggernaut": "主宰",
"An undead giant monster": "亡者巨型怪物",
"Juggernauts": "主宰",
"Hill giant": "山巨人",
"Err in the barren hills with big trees as clubs": "错误迈上了荒山,把大树当棍棒用",
"Hill giants": "山巨人",
"Hobgoblin archer": "淘气鬼弓箭手",
"Hobgoblin archers": "淘气鬼弓箭手",
"Hobgoblin chieftain": "淘气鬼酋长",
"Hobgoblin chieftains": "淘气鬼酋长",
"Hobgoblin grunt": "淘气鬼士兵",
"Hobgoblin grunts": "淘气鬼士兵",
"Hydra": "多头蛇",
"Hydras": "多头蛇",
"Lead golem": "铅魔像",
"Lead golems": "铅魔像",
"Lich": "巫妖",
"Liches": "巫妖",
"Line infantry": "线列步兵",
"Infantry armed with musket fighting in line": "装备火枪的步兵排列成一排进行作战",
"Line infantry": "线列步兵",
"Sssarkat archer": "撒尔喀特弓箭手",
"Sssarkat archers": "撒尔喀特",
"Sssarkat commander": "撒尔喀特指挥官",
"Sssarkat commanders": "撒尔喀特指挥官",
"Sssarkat shaman": "撒尔喀特萨满",
"Sssarkat shamans": "撒尔喀特萨满",
"Sssarkat warrior": "撒尔喀特战士",
"Sssarkat warriors": "撒尔喀特战士",
"Knight": "骑士",
"The elite feudal soldiers in Theresmore, strong in both offense and defense": "封建时代的精锐士兵,攻守兼备",
"Knights": "骑士",
"Kobold": "狗头人",
"Kobolds are humanoid reptiles attracted to all that glitters. They often serve evil ancient dragons": "狗头人是人型爬行动物,喜欢亮闪闪的东西。它们经常选择服侍邪恶的远古巨龙",
"Kobolds": "狗头人",
"Kobold Champion": "精英狗头人",
"Kobolds trained to fight for the King": "为国王而战的狗头人,经过了精心训练",
"Kobold Champions": "精英狗头人",
"Kobold King": "狗头人之王",
"Maugrith, the King of Kobold": "狗头人之王,马格里斯",
"Kobold Kings": "狗头人之王",
"Heavy warrior": "重装战士",
"The best unit of the ancient era. Effective in both offense and defense": "远古时代最好的士兵。攻守兼备",
"Heavy warriors": "重装战士",
"Katana samurai": "刀侍武士",
"Katana samurai": "刀侍武士",
"Imp": "小鬼",
"A mischievous and little flying demon capable of launching fireballs": "会发射火球的淘气飞行小恶魔",
"Imps": "小鬼",
"Lesser Demon": "次等恶魔",
"One of the minor demons of the infernal hierarchy": "地狱中较为低等的恶魔",
"Lesser Demons": "次等恶魔",
"Light Cavalry": "轻骑兵",
"Light cavalry, very effective against ranged units": "轻骑兵可以有效对付射手",
"Light Cavalries": "轻骑兵",
"Markanat": "玛卡纳特",
"Markanats": "玛卡纳特",
"Marksman": "神射手",
"Elite ranged troops. Aim small, miss small": "精锐射手。我们都是神枪手,每一颗子弹消灭一个敌人",
"Marksmen": "神射手",
"Man at arms": "超重装战士",
"The direct evolution of heavy warriors but with armor and steel weapons": "重装战士的进化形态,装备有护甲和钢制武器",
"Men at arms": "超重装战士",
"Mercenary": "佣兵",
"Veterans in the pay of the highest bidder": "为出价最高的人服务的老兵",
"Mercenaries": "佣兵",
"Minotaur": "牛头怪",
"Minotaurs": "牛头怪",
"Myconid": "蕈人",
"Myconids": "蕈人",
"Mountain giant": "山岭巨人",
"His home is a large cave and has dozens of goblins who serve as his servants": "它以大山洞为家,有几十只地精仆从",
"Mountain giants": "山岭巨人",
"Ashigaru musket": "铁炮足轻",
"Ashigaru muskets": "铁炮足轻",
"Necromancer": "死灵法师",
"A magician who worships the black arts, the undead are his servants": "崇拜黑魔法的魔法师,亡者是他的仆从",
"Necromancers": "死灵法师",
"Naga": "娜迦",
"Naga snakes evolved with 4 arms, usually use them to wield 4 swords": "娜迦进化出了四条手臂,通常用于挥舞四把剑",
"Nagas": "娜迦",
"Nikharul the Soulstealer": "窃魂者尼哈鲁尔",
"Nikharuls": "尼哈鲁尔",
"Nikharul Soulstealer": "窃魂者尼哈鲁尔",
"The archlich Nikharul serve humanity, for now!": "大巫妖尼哈鲁尔暂时为人类而战!",
"Oni": "鬼",
"Onis": "鬼",
"Orc berserker": "兽人狂战士",
"Orc berserker": "兽人狂战士",
"Orc champion": "精英兽人",
"Orc champions": "精英兽人",
"Orc flame caster": "兽人火法师",
"Orc flame casters": "兽人火法师",
"Orc ironskin": "铁皮兽人",
"Orc ironskins": "铁皮兽人",
"Orc shaman": "兽人萨满",
"Orc shamans": "兽人萨满",
"Orc stone thrower": "兽人投石兵",
"Orc stone throwers": "兽人投石兵",
"Orc warg rider": "兽人座狼骑兵",
"Orc warg riders": "兽人座狼骑兵",
"Orc warlord": "兽人督军",
"Orc warlords": "兽人督军",
"Orc worker": "兽人工人",
"Orc workers": "兽人工人",
"Orc warrior": "兽人战士",
"Orc warriors": "兽人战士",
"Paladin": "圣斗士",
"Evil's nemesis armed with faith": "信仰是他们的武器,他们是邪恶的克星",
"Paladins": "圣斗士",
"Ranger": "游击兵",
"With bow and sword, the forest has everything they need for their survival": "有了弓和剑,他们就能在森林中一直生存下去",
"Rangers": "游击兵",
"Red Dragon": "红龙",
"Red Dragons": "红龙",
"Sacred Golem": "神圣魔像",
"A powerful stone warrior animated with magic": "使用魔法驱动的强大石战士",
"Sacred Golems": "神圣魔像",
"Scout": "侦察兵",
"The Recon Squad is our family": "侦察小队亲如一家",
"Scouts": "侦察兵",
"Seraphim": "炽天使",
"The best of heavenly power": "拥有最强的神力",
"Seraphims": "炽天使",
"Settlement": "城市",
"The defenses of our settlement": "城市的防御",
"Settlements": "城市",
"Shieldbearer": "持盾卫士",
"Great shield, great defense": "大盾牌,大防御",
"Shieldbearers": "持盾卫士",
"Skeletal knight": "骷髅骑士",
"Skeletal knights": "骷髅骑士",
"Skeleton": "骷髅",
"A heap of bones that moves and wields a weapon": "一堆可以移动的骨头,会使用武器",
"Skeletons": "骷髅",
"Skullface": "骷髅脸",
"Skullfaces": "骷髅脸",
"Sluagh": "恶灵妖精",
"Sluaghs": "恶灵妖精",
"Snake": "蛇",
"A poisonous snake": "毒蛇",
"Snakes": "蛇",
"Spearman": "长矛兵",
"The cheap front line of any deployment. It has a good defense": "廉价的前排部队,防御力很不错",
"Spearmen": "长矛兵",
"Specter of memory": "记忆的幽灵",
"Specters of memory": "记忆的幽灵",
"Spider": "蜘蛛",
"A multitude of small poisonous spiders": "许多小毒蜘蛛",
"Spiders": "蜘蛛",
"Spy": "间谍",
"Master of deceit": "欺骗大师",
"Spies": "间谍",
"Son of Atamar": "阿塔玛之子",
"Sons of Atamar": "阿塔玛之子",
"Strategist": "战略家",
"Are a master of both battle tactics and spells from behind lines": "精于战略,也精通在后方施放法术",
"Strategists": "战略家",
"Succubus": "魅魔",
"Succubuses": "魅魔",
"Succubus Queen": "魅魔女王",
"Succubus Queens": "魅魔女王",
"Swamp Horror": "沼泽怪物",
"Swamp Horrors": "沼泽怪物",
"Ravenous crab": "饥饿的螃蟹",
"Ravenous crabs": "饥饿的螃蟹",
"Pillager": "掠夺者",
"Pillagers": "掠夺者",
"Priest": "牧师",
"In the rear to encourage and bless the soldiers": "在后方鼓励和祝福士兵",
"Priests": "牧师",
"Vampire": "吸血鬼",
"Vampires": "吸血鬼",
"Vampire bat": "吸血蝙蝠",
"Vampire bats": "吸血蝙蝠",
"Vampire servant": "吸血鬼下仆",
"Vampire servants": "吸血鬼下仆",
"Velociraptors": "迅猛龙",
"Velociraptorses": "迅猛龙",
"Warrior": "战士",
"Simple unit of the ancient era": "远古时代的步兵",
"Warriors": "战士",
"Monk": "武僧",
"Disciplined and fearsome in battle": "纪律严明,在战斗中令人生畏",
"Monks": "武僧",
"Warg": "座狼",
"Wargs": "座狼",
"Werewolf": "狼人",
"Werewolfs": "狼人",
"Wendigo": "温迪戈",
"Wendigos": "温迪戈",
"White Company": "白色连队",
"Elite mercenary archers armed with longbow": "精锐弓手,装备长弓",
"White Companies": "白色连队",
"Wind Elemental": "风元素",
"A tornado of air with sharp blades": "充满锋利风刃的龙卷风",
"Wind Elementals": "风元素",
"Wolf": "狼",
"Wolves": "狼",
"Wyvern": "双足飞龙",
"Wyverns": "双足飞龙",
"Tamed Djinn": "驯服的灯神",
"The Djinn has been tamed and is ready to fight for us": "灯神已经被驯服,准备与我们并肩作战",
"Tamed Djinns": "驯服的灯神",
"Titan": "泰坦",
"Titans": "泰坦",
"Trebuchet": "巨型投石机",
"With the evolution of ballistics, we can deploy trebuchets. They have a very good offense": "随着弹道学的发展,我们可以部署巨型投石机了。它们的攻击力相当强大",
"Trebuchets": "巨型投石机",
"Battle Troll": "百战巨魔",
"Battle Trolls": "百战巨魔",
"Cave Troll": "洞穴巨魔",
"Big and dumb, live in caves that they occupy as their dens. Their huge clubs can crush a man with a single blow": "身形巨大,但十分蠢笨,住在它们占据的洞穴中,并以此为巢穴。它们巨大的棍棒可以一击粉碎一个人",
"Cave Trolls": "洞穴巨魔",
"Tyrannosaurus": "霸王龙",
"Tyrannosauruses": "霸王龙",
"Zombie": "僵尸",
"Slow and putrefying, can contaminate vast areas with their disease": "缓慢而腐烂,可以用疾病感染大片地区",
"Zombies": "僵尸",
//Theresmore Automation中英对照
"Start": "开始运行",
"Stop": "停止运行",
"Manage Options": "管理配置",
"Save options": "保存配置",
"Export options": "导出配置",
"Import options": "导入配置",
"Theresmore Automation Options:": "Theresmore Automation 配置:",
"Max values: -1 -> build unlimited; 0 -> do not build;": "最大值设为-1时无限建造,设为0时不建造;",
"Enabled:": "启用:",
"Set all to -1/Medium": "全部设为-1/中",
"Set all to 0/Disabled": "全部设为0/无",
"Max:": "最大值:",
"Min:": "最小值:",
"Prio:": "优先级:",
"Disabled": "无",
"Lowest": "1",
"Low": "2",
"Medium Low": "3",
"Medium": "4",
"Medium High": "5",
"High": "6",
"Highest": "7",
"Dangerous fights should require enough army to win before researching:": "只有军队能够胜利时才会进行Boss研究:",
"Set all regular to Medium": "全部设为中",
"Set all regular to Disabled": "全部设为无",
"Regular researches:": "常规研究:",
"Dangerous researches (requiring confirmation):": "Boss研究:",
"Sell Cow": " 出售奶牛",
"Sell Horse": " 出售马",
"Sell Food": " 出售食物",
"Sell Copper": " 出售铜",
"Sell Wood": " 出售木材",
"Sell Stone": " 出售石头",
"Sell Iron": " 出售铁",
"Sell Tools": " 出售工具",
"Don't sell if max gold can be reached in": "黄金能够在x秒内达到上限则不出售:",
"Sell the same resource at most every": "同种资源出售间隔:",
"Sell the resource if it can be refilled in at most": "资源能够在x秒内补充则出售:",
"seconds": " 秒",
"Ratio for unsafe jobs (speed of resource production to usage):": "不安全工作比率(资源生产速度与使用速度之比):",
"Max values: -1 -> hire unlimited; 0 -> do not hire;": "最大值设为-1时无限分配,设为0时不分配;",
"Minimum Food production to aim for:": "最低粮食产量:",
"Hire:": "分配",
"Rebalance population every:": "每经过x分钟重新平衡职业分配:",
"\n minutes (0 to disable)": "分钟(设为0时禁用)",
"minutes (0 to disable)": "分钟(设为0时禁用)",
"Recon": "探索",
"Rider": "骑兵",
"Scouts to send:": "派遣侦察兵数量:",
"Explorers to send:": "派遣探险家数量:",
"Familiars to send:": "派遣使魔数量",
"Check all fights to take": "启用/禁用某一等级全部战斗",
"Toggle all Level 0": "Level 0",
"Toggle all Level 1": "Level 1",
"Toggle all Level 2": "Level 2",
"Toggle all Level 3": "Level 3",
"Toggle all Level 4": "Level 4",
"Toggle all Level 5": "Level 5",
"Toggle all Level 6": "Level 6",
"Toggle all Level 7": "Level 7",
"Toggle all Level 8": "Level 8",
"Set all to Medium": "全部设为中",
"Set all to Disabled": "全部设为无",
"Minimum Mana production to leave:": "最低法力产量:",
"Enable all Resource spells": "启用全部资源咒语",
"Disable all Resource spells": "禁用全部资源咒语",
"Enable all Army spells": "启用全部军队咒语",
"Disable all Army spells": "禁用全部军队咒语",
"Resource spells:": "资源咒语:",
"Army spells:": "军队咒语:",
"Go to war": "宣战",
"Just trade": "贸易",
"Trade, then ally": "贸易&结盟",
"Ally without trading": "不贸易&结盟",
"Automation": "自动选项",
"Auto-ancestor:": "自动选择祖先:",
"Ancestor to pick:": "类型:",
"Auto-NG+:": "自动超转生:",
"Minimum Legacies to NG+:": "触发超转生的最低传承数量:",
"Auto-prestige:": "自动转生:",
"Cosmetics": "外观",
"Hide full-page overlays:": "自动关闭弹出窗口:",
"Hide toasts:": "自动关闭提醒:",
function trans_from_dict(a) {
var b = translations[a];
if (b) return b;
b = translations[a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1)];
if (b) return b;
return a;
function trans_TA(a) {
//Theresmore Automation
if (a == "Starting automation") return "开始运行";
if (a == "Pausing automation") return "停止运行";
if (a.match(/^Building (.+)$/)) return "建造:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Researching prayer (.+)$/)) return "祈祷:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Casting spell (.+)$/)) return "施放咒语:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Cancelling spell (.+)$/)) return "取消咒语:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Researching (.+)$/)) return "研究:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Assigning worker as (.+)$/)) return "分配:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Earned ([\d,.]+) gold on Marketplace(.+)$/)) return "出售资源获得:" + RegExp.$1 + "黄金" + RegExp.$2;
if (a.match(/^Hiring (\d+) (.+)\(s\) (.+)$/)) return "雇佣:" + RegExp.$1 + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$2) + RegExp.$3;
if (a.match(/^Starting exploration: (.+)$/)) return "派遣探索:" + RegExp.$1;
if (a.match(/^Launching attack against (.+)\.$/)) return "派遣进攻:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Sending delegation to (.+)$/)) return "派出代表团:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Starting trading with (.+)$/)) return "接受贸易协定:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Canceling trade with (.+)$/)) return "取消贸易协定:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Improving relationships with (.+)$/)) return "改善关系:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Allying with (.+)$/)) return "结盟:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Insulting (.+)$/)) return "侮辱:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
if (a.match(/^Going to war with (.+)$/)) return "宣战:" + trans_from_dict(RegExp.$1);
return a;
var QQ = $.noConflict();
var regex_TA_chat = new RegExp(/^(\[TA\])(\[\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\] )(.+)/);
var regex_TA_legacy = new RegExp(/^(.+)( \([0-9]{1,2}\))$/);
var t = function (originalStr) {
var tmp = originalStr.trim();
if (translations[tmp]) {
return translations[tmp];
var m = null;
if (m = originalStr.match(regex_TA_chat)) {
return "[自动]" + m[2] + trans_TA(m[3]);
if (m = originalStr.match(regex_TA_legacy)) {
return trans_from_dict(m[1]) + m[2];
return trans_from_dict(originalStr);
function translateElement(element) {
if (element.tagName == 'SCRIPT' || element.tagName == 'STYLE') return;
var elTW = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_Element, null, false);
var node = null;
var translate = t;
while ((node = elTW.nextNode()) != null) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
if (node.tagName == 'SCRIPT') continue;
//if (node.nodeValue.length > 200) continue;
var value = node.nodeValue;
node.nodeValue = translate(value);
(function () {
'use strict';
QQ(document).on('DOMNodeInserted', (e) => {