// ==UserScript==
// @name Idle Infinity - Equipment
// @namespace http://dazzyd.org/
// @version 0.5.2
// @description Idle Infinity
// @author Dazzy Ding
// @license MIT
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @match https://www.idleinfinity.cn/Equipment/Query*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=idleinfinity.cn
// ==/UserScript==
function getStore(key, defualt) {
return Object.assign({}, defualt, {
load() {
const saved = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || "{}")
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(saved)) {
this[key] = val
save() {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(this))
const equipStore = getStore(`dd_ui_equip`, { ancient: {} })
const configStore = getStore(`dd_ui_config`, { tips: {} })
const allSkills = ["牺牲", "白热", "复仇", "裁决", "圣光闪现", "圣光道标", "奉献", "忏悔", "祝福之锤", "力量光环", "专注光环", "狂热光环", "反抗光环", "荆棘光环", "审判光环", "祈祷光环", "拯救光环", "冥想光环", "火球", "烈焰风暴", "陨石", "静态力场", "连锁闪电", "雷云风暴", "冰弹", "霜之新星", "冰封球", "暖气", "强化", "支配火焰", "激活", "法力护盾", "支配闪电", "冰封装甲", "时间延缓", "支配冰冷", "顺劈斩", "狂乱", "旋风斩", "猛击", "蓄力攻击", "处决", "战斗怒吼", "浴血", "武器大师", "撕裂", "眩晕攻击", "雷霆一击", "嘲讽", "钢铁之躯", "命令怒吼", "自然抵抗", "重整旗鼓", "生存本能", "震荡射击", "穿刺箭", "箭雨", "毒蛇钉刺", "爆裂箭", "急冻箭", "多重箭", "闪电攻击", "闪电之怒", "内视", "强击光环", "致命攻击", "草本治疗", "诱捕", "刺穿", "专心", "回避", "女武神", "惩击", "神圣之火", "苦修", "恢复", "治疗之环", "救赎光环", "神圣护盾", "驱散", "痛苦压制", "暗影箭", "暗影之触", "暗影尖刺", "暗影魔", "灵魂吸取", "精神灼烧", "虚弱诅咒", "腐蚀光环", "暗影行者", "背刺", "刀扇", "魔影斗篷", "影舞", "出血", "绞杀", "切割", "伺机待发", "武学艺术", "淬毒匕首", "毒牙", "毒雾", "毒伤", "能量消解", "毒素蒸馏", "麻痹网", "闪光粉", "法术反噬", "风歌", "风切", "风怒", "狂野扑击", "风暴打击", "先祖之力", "幽魂步", "噬血", "复生", "灼热图腾", "地震术", "地心守卫", "闪电箭", "怒雷", "元素之怒", "闪电护盾", "治疗链", "大地之力", "牙", "骨矛", "白骨之魂", "生命分流", "衰老", "白骨装甲", "骨牢", "骨刺收割", "死亡主宰", "骷髅复生", "骷髅法师", "粘土石魔", "重生", "致伤诅咒", "支配骷髅", "献祭", "坟墓呼唤", "生生不息", "狼人变化", "狂犬病", "狂怒", "饥饿", "焰爪", "野性狂暴", "熊人变化", "撞槌", "大地震击", "洞察光环", "火山爆发", "自然之力", "小旋风", "狂风鞭笞", "龙卷风", "飓风装甲", "橡木智者", "狼獾之心", "猛虎击", "灵蛇击", "凤凰击", "烈焰拳", "雷电爪", "寒冰刃", "龙爪", "神龙摆尾", "飞龙在天", "惩戒真言", "治愈真言", "定罪真言", "暗言术•痛", "暗言术•破", "暗言术•灭", "真言术•慰", "真言术•障", "真言术•耀", "刃之守卫", "刀刃护盾", "爆炸陷阱", "火焰爆震", "狱火守卫", "稳固陷阱", "电能守卫", "雷电守卫", "亡者守卫", "猎人标记", "瞄准射击", "炮轰", "支配野兽", "灵魂链接", "召唤乌鸦", "狩猎呼唤", "森林狼", "召唤灰熊", "暗影爆发", "剥皮者", "伤害加深", "攻击反噬", "致死", "暴风雪", "降低抵抗", "圣光弹", "死亡射线", "微暗灵视", "法力燃烧", "闪电新星", "剧毒新星", "棱光射线", "残废", "升腾", "空间压缩", "分裂之眼", "灼热射线", "冻结射线", "剧毒射线", "激光射线", "平静", "定罪", "圣光普照", "虚化领域", "黑洞", "剧毒之种", "燃烧之种", "法力真空", "黑暗之种", "禁魔领域", "灵魂印记", "灵魂之刺", "灵魂剥离", "火焰之种", "律令.死亡", "虚化", "天罚", "冰风暴", "火风暴", "晶化之壳", "熔岩爆裂", "瘟疫诅咒", "地狱之牛", "火焰新星", "尸体爆炸", "骷髅射手", "啃咬", "感染", "毒刺", "烈焰长矛", "裂地斩", "致命绞杀", "冰霜之刺", "魔法箭", "多重施法", "狂战士", "庇护光环", "冰冻光环", "圣火光环", "冲击光环", "生命光环", "野性光环", "传送", "神恩", "愤怒光环", "唤醒光环", "恐惧光环", "狂暴之心", "灼烧光环", "束缚光环", "辉煌光环", "消散", "净化光环", "冰冷转换", "火焰转换", "闪电转换", "毒素转换", "魔法转换", "物理转换", "抗火光环"]
const tipRules = [
{ name: "几率施放", regexp: /^(.).+时有(\d+)%几率施放Lv(\d+)(.+)/, format: (a, b, c, d) => `${a}${b}%${d}${c}`, style: "skill", default: false },
{ name: "职业技能", regexp: /^\+(\d+) .{0,2}(.{2})技能/, format: (a, b) => `${a}${b}`, style: "skill", default: true },
{ name: "获得技能", regexp: new RegExp(`^\\+(\\d+) (${allSkills.join('|')})$`), format: (a, b) => `${a}${b}`, style: "skill", default: true },
{ name: "赋予技能", regexp: /^赋予Lv(\d+)(.+)/, format: (a, b) => `${a}${b}`, style: "magic", default: true },
{ name: "召唤数量", regexp: /^\+(\d+) (.{1,6})最大召唤数量/, format: (a, b) => `${a}${b}`, style: "magic", default: true },
{ name: "增强伤害", regexp: /^\+(\d+)\% 增强伤害$/, format: a => `${a}ed`, style: "physical", default: true },
{ name: "攻击速度", regexp: /^攻击速度提升 (\d+)\%/, format: a => `${a}ias`, style: "physical", default: true },
{ name: "施法速度", regexp: /^施法速度提升 (\d+)\%/, format: a => `${a}fcr`, style: "magic", default: true },
{ name: "魔法装备", regexp: /^\+(\d+)\% 更佳的机会取得魔法装备/, format: a => `${a}mf`, style: "state", default: true },
{ name: "额外金币", regexp: /^\+(\d+)\% 额外金币从怪物身上取得/, format: a => `${a}gf`, style: "lightning", default: true },
{ name: "元素抗性", regexp: /^元素抗性 \+(\d+)\%/, format: a => `${a}res`, style: "skill", default: true },
{ name: "抗火", regexp: /^抗火 \+(\d+)/, format: a => `${a}f`, style: "fire", default: true },
{ name: "抗寒", regexp: /^抗寒 \+(\d+)/, format: a => `${a}c`, style: "cold", default: true },
{ name: "抗闪电", regexp: /^抗闪电 \+(\d+)/, format: a => `${a}l`, style: "lightning", default: true },
{ name: "抗毒", regexp: /^抗毒 \+(\d+)/, format: a => `${a}p`, style: "poison", default: true },
{ name: "凹槽", regexp: /^凹槽(\(0\/\d+\))/, format: a => `${a}`, style: "", default: true },
{ name: "无法装备", regexp: /(无法装备)$/, format: () => `❌`, style: "", default: false },
{ name: "双手武器", regexp: /^双手伤害:/, format: () => `2H`, style: "", default: false },
{ name: "掉落等级", regexp: /^掉落等级:(\d+)/, format: a => `dlv${a}`, style: "", default: false },
{ name: "需要等级", regexp: /^需要等级:(\d+)/, format: a => `rlv${a}`, style: "", default: false },
{ name: "已有太古", regexp: /^(无形)?(.+?)\(\d+\)$/, format: ancient, style: "", default: false, first: true },
function ancient(_, name) {
if (equipStore.ancient[name]) {
return `⭕️`
if (name.endsWith("★")) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1)
if (equipStore.ancient[name] !== 1) {
equipStore.ancient[name] = 1
function createElementByHTML(html) {
const template = document.createElement('template')
template.innerHTML = html.trim()
return template.content.firstChild
function parseContent(id, node) {
if (node == null) {
// 判断content是否有内容
const lines = node.querySelectorAll('p')
if (lines.length === 0) {
// 提取content内容,拼接成一个字符串
const content_lines = []
for (const line of lines) {
if (line.classList.contains('divider')) {
content_lines.push(line.innerText.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ''))
const content = content_lines.join('|')
equipStore[id] = content
function addTips(id, equipNode) {
if (equipStore[id] == null) {
if (equipNode == null) {
equipNode = document.querySelector(`.equip-name[data-id="${id}"]`)
if (equipNode.parentNode.querySelector(".tips") != null) {
const container = document.createElement('span')
function addChild(text, className) {
const span = document.createElement('span')
span.innerText = text
if (className != null && className != "") {
// 通过regexp提取信息
const contents = equipStore[id].split('|')
.map(content => content.replace(/(\d+-\d+)/g, ''))
for (const rule of tipRules) {
const enabled = configStore.tips[rule.name] != null ? configStore.tips[rule.name] : rule.default
if (!enabled) continue
for (const content of contents) {
const match = content.match(rule.regexp)
if (match == null) continue
const tip = rule.format(...match.slice(1))
if (tip != null) {
addChild(' ' + tip, rule.style)
if (rule.first) {
if (container.childElementCount === 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
// 先从缓存中渲染
for (const node of document.querySelectorAll(".equip-name[data-id]")) {
const id = node.attributes['data-id'].value
addTips(id, node)
// 解析已装备
for (const contentNode of document.querySelectorAll(".panel .equip-content")) {
if (contentNode.childElementCount === 0) {
const equipNode = contentNode.previousElementSibling.getElementsByClassName('equip-name')[0]
const id = equipNode.attributes['data-id'].value
parseContent(id, contentNode)
addTips(id, equipNode)
// 解析背包中
const equipObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList, _) => {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
const node = mutation.target
const id = node.attributes['data-id'].value
parseContent(id, node)
for (const node of document.querySelectorAll(".equip-content-container .equip-content")) {
equipObserver.observe(node, { childList: true })
// 增加CSS,鼠标移上去隐藏标记,避免内容过长换行
GM_addStyle(`.equip-container > p:hover > .tips { display: none; }`)
// 网页上增加配置标记的功能
const configNode = createElementByHTML(`
<div class="btn-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
${tipRules.map(rule => `<li><a class="base">
<input type="checkbox" name="${rule.name}" ${(configStore.tips[rule.name] != null ? configStore.tips[rule.name] : rule.default) ? "checked" : ""}>
document.querySelector(".panel-heading > .pull-right").prepend(configNode)
for (const node of configNode.querySelectorAll("input")) {
node.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
const node = event.target
console.log(`on change ${node.name}`)
configStore.tips[node.name] = node.checked
}, 0)