- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022
- // @name:zh-TW 國泰獎勵機票搜尋引擎修復神器 2022
- // @namespace jayliutw
- // @version 2.3.1
- // @description Un-Elevate Your Cathay Award Search 2022
- // @description:zh-TW 國泰航空 2022 里程獎勵機票搜尋引擎「反升級」套件
- // @author jayliutw
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/431490-greasyforkscriptupdate/code/GreasyForkScriptUpdate.js?version=1080054
- // @connect greasyfork.org
- // @match https://*.cathaypacific.com/cx/*/book-a-trip/redeem-flights/redeem-flight-awards.html*
- // @match https://book.cathaypacific.com/*
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @license GPL
- // ==/UserScript==
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- console.log(version)
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- );
- var lang = (navigator.language != "zh-TW") ? {
- "ec" : "HK",
- "el": "en",
- "search" : "Search",
- "coffee" : "Did this tool help you? Buy me a coffee! ",
- "searching" : "<img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.12/common/skin/img/icons/cx/icon-loading.gif'> Searching...",
- "searching_w_cancel" : "<img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.12/common/skin/img/icons/cx/icon-loading.gif'> Searching... (Click to Stop)",
- "next_batch" : "Load More...",
- "search_10" : "Batch Availability for 20 Days",
- "flights" : "Available Flights",
- "first" : "First",
- "business" : "Bus",
- "premium" : "Prem",
- "economy" : "Econ",
- "date" : "Date",
- "no_flights" : "No Flights",
- "expired" : "Search Next 20 (Requires Refresh)",
- "searching_cont" : "<img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.12/common/skin/img/icons/cx/icon-loading.gif'> Please wait... (Page will refresh)",
- "super" : "SuperCharged Award Search",
- "error" : "Unknown Error... Try Again",
- "bulk_batch" : "Batch Search",
- "bulk_flights" : "Flights",
- "new_version" : "有新版本可更新:"
- } : {
- "ec" : "TW",
- "el": "zh",
- "search" : "搜尋",
- "coffee" : "這工具有幫到你嗎?歡迎請我喝杯咖啡呀!",
- "searching" : "<img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.12/common/skin/img/icons/cx/icon-loading.gif'> 請稍後...",
- "searching_w_cancel" : "<img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.12/common/skin/img/icons/cx/icon-loading.gif'> 請稍後... (點我暫停)",
- "next_batch" : "載人更多...",
- "search_10" : "批次搜尋 20 天可兌換航班",
- "flights" : "可兌換航班",
- "first" : "頭等",
- "business" : "商務",
- "premium" : "豪經",
- "economy" : "經濟",
- "date" : "日期",
- "no_flights" : "無航班",
- "expired" : "再搜尋 20 天 (畫面需重整)",
- "searching_cont" : "<img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.12/common/skin/img/icons/cx/icon-loading.gif'> 請稍後... (視窗將會刷新)",
- "super" : "SUPERCharged Award Search",
- "error" : "不明錯誤... 再試一次",
- "bulk_batch" : "批次查詢",
- "bulk_flights" : "航班",
- "new_version" : "New Version Available:"
- };
- var cx_json = {
- "awardType": "Standard",
- "brand": "CX",
- "cabinClass": "Y",
- "entryCountry": lang.ec,
- "entryLanguage": lang.el,
- "entryPoint": "https://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/" + lang.el + "_" + lang.ec + "/book-a-trip/redeem-flights/redeem-flight-awards.html",
- "errorUrl": "https://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/" + lang.el + "_" + lang.ec + "/book-a-trip/redeem-flights/redeem-flight-awards.html?recent_search=ow",
- "isFlexibleDate": false,
- "numAdult": 1,
- "numChild": 0,
- "promotionCode": "",
- "returnUrl": "https://www.cathaypacific.com/cx/" + lang.el + "_" + lang.ec + "/book-a-trip/redeem-flights/redeem-flight-awards.html?recent_search=ow",
- "segments": [
- {
- "departureDate": "20230801",
- "origin": "TPE",
- "destination": "TYO"
- }
- ]
- };
- var bulk_continue = false;
- var limit_reached = false;
- function isValidDate(dateString)
- {
- // First check for the pattern
- if(!/^\d{8}$/.test(dateString)) return false;
- // Parse the date parts to integers
- var day = dateString.substring(6, 8);
- var month = dateString.substring(4, 6);
- var year = dateString.substring(0, 4);
- // Check the ranges of month and year
- if(year < 1000 || year > 3000 || month == 0 || month > 12) return false;
- var monthLength = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
- // Adjust for leap years
- if(year % 400 == 0 || (year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0)) monthLength[1] = 29;
- // Check the range of the day
- return day > 0 && day <= monthLength[month - 1];
- };
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- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
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- var cxhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- cxhttp.onload = function() {
- var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
- cxform(response.parameters);
- }
- function cxsearch(string){
- cxhttp.withCredentials = true;
- cxhttp.open("POST", "https://api.cathaypacific.com/redibe/standardAward/create");
- cxhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
- cxhttp.send(string);
- }
- function cxform(parameters) {
- // Create a form dynamically
- var form = document.createElement("form");
- var action = "https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/dyn/air/booking/availability";
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- form.setAttribute("name", "cxform");
- form.setAttribute("method", "post");
- form.setAttribute("action", action);
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- input.setAttribute("name", item);
- input.setAttribute("value", parameters[item]);
- form.appendChild(input);
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- document.forms.cxform.submit();
- }
- function addtoBulk(html){
- document.querySelector(".bulk_table tbody").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
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- var bulk_url = (typeof formSubmitUrl !== 'undefined') ? formSubmitUrl : "";
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- var bulk_limit = 21;
- bulk_http.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes.
- if(bulk_http.readyState == 4 && bulk_http.status == 200) {
- console.log(bulk_http);
- bulk_date = bulk_date ? bulk_date : document.querySelector("input[name=uef_date]").value;
- var search_year = +bulk_date.substring(0, 4);
- var search_month = +bulk_date.substring(4, 6);
- var search_day = +bulk_date.substring(6, 8);
- var search_date = new Date(search_year, search_month - 1, search_day);
- var responseText = JSON.parse(bulk_http.responseText);
- var response = JSON.parse(responseText.pageBom);
- var flights = response.modelObject?.availabilities?.upsell?.bounds[0].flights || [];
- var flightHTML = "";
- var formatted_date = search_date.getFullYear() +"-"+ (search_date.getMonth() +1).toString().padStart(2, '0') +"-"+ search_date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
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- flightHTML += "<a href='javascript:void();' data-date='" + formatted_date.replaceAll("-","") + "'>" + formatted_date + "</a>";
- flightHTML += "</td><td class='bulk_flights'>";
- var noflights = true;
- flights.forEach((flight) => {
- var available = "";
- var f1 = flight.segments[0].cabins?.F?.status || 0;
- var j1 = flight.segments[0].cabins?.B?.status || 0;
- var p1 = flight.segments[0].cabins?.N?.status || 0;
- var y1 = (+flight.segments[0].cabins?.E?.status || 0) + (+flight.segments[0].cabins?.R?.status || 0);
- if(flight.segments.length == 1) {
- if (f1 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_f'>F <b>" + f1 + "</b></span>";
- if (j1 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_j'>J <b>" + j1 + "</b></span>";
- if (p1 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_p'>PY <b>" + p1 + "</b></span>";
- if (y1 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_y'>Y <b>" + y1 + "</b></span>";
- if (available != "") {
- flightHTML += "<span class='flight_item direct'><img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.15/common/skin/img/airlines/logo-" + flight.segments[0].flightIdentifier.marketingAirline.toLowerCase() + ".png'>" + flight.segments[0].flightIdentifier.marketingAirline + flight.segments[0].flightIdentifier.flightNumber + available + "</span>";
- noflights = false;
- }
- } else {
- var f2 = flight.segments[1].cabins?.F?.status || 0;
- var j2 = flight.segments[1].cabins?.B?.status || 0;
- var p2 = flight.segments[1].cabins?.N?.status || 0;
- var y2 = (+flight.segments[1].cabins?.E?.status || 0) + (+flight.segments[1].cabins?.R?.status || 0);
- if (f1 >= 1 && f2 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_f'>F <b>" + Math.max(f1, f2) + "</b></span>";
- if (j1 >= 1 && j2 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_j'>J <b>" + Math.max(j1, j2) + "</b></span>";
- if (p1 >= 1 && p2 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_p'>PY <b>" + Math.max(p1, p2) + "</b></span>";
- if (y1 >= 1 && y2 >= 1) available = available + " <span class='bulk_y'>Y <b>" + Math.max(y1, y2) + "</b></span>";
- if (available != "") {
- flightHTML += "<span class='flight_item'><img src='https://book.cathaypacific.com/CathayPacificAwardV3/AML_S65.15/common/skin/img/airlines/logo-" + flight.segments[0].flightIdentifier.marketingAirline.toLowerCase() + ".png'>" + flight.segments[0].flightIdentifier.marketingAirline + flight.segments[0].flightIdentifier.flightNumber + "<span class='stopover'>" + /^[A-Z]{3}:([A-Z:]{3,7}):[A-Z]{3}_/g.exec(flight.flightIdString)[1].replace(":"," / ") + "</span>" + flight.segments[1].flightIdentifier.marketingAirline + flight.segments[1].flightIdentifier.flightNumber + available + "</span>";
- noflights = false;
- }
- }
- });
- if (noflights) flightHTML += "<span class='bulk_no_flights'>"+lang.no_flights+"</span>";
- flightHTML += "</td></tr>";
- addtoBulk(flightHTML);
- var next_date = new Date(search_year, search_month - 1, search_day + 1);
- bulk_date = next_date.getFullYear() +""+ (next_date.getMonth() +1).toString().padStart(2, '0') +""+ next_date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
- bulk_search();
- } else if (bulk_http.readyState == 4 && bulk_http.status >= 400) {
- console.log(bulk_http);
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.expired;
- limit_reached = true;
- bulk_limit = 21;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").classList.remove("bulk_searching");
- } else if (bulk_http.readyState == 4 && bulk_http.status >= 300) {
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").classList.remove("bulk_searching");
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.error;
- }
- console.log(bulk_http);
- }
- function single_date(date){
- document.querySelector("#uef_date").value = date;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.searching_w_cancel;
- document.querySelector(".uef_search").click();
- }
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- if(limit_reached || route_changed) {
- bulk_continue = true;
- document.querySelector("#uef_date").value = bulk_date;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.searching_w_cancel;
- document.querySelector(".uef_search").click();
- return;
- } else if (--bulk_limit <= 0) {
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerText = lang.next_batch;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").classList.remove("bulk_searching");
- return;
- }
- bulk_date = bulk_date ? bulk_date : document.querySelector("input[name=uef_date]").value;
- var search_year = +bulk_date.substring(0, 4);
- var search_month = +bulk_date.substring(4, 6);
- var search_day = +bulk_date.substring(6, 8);
- var search_date = new Date(search_year, search_month - 1, search_day);
- var new_date = search_date.getFullYear() +""+ (search_date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') +""+ search_date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0') + "0000";
- var params = document.querySelector("form[name=MNMB_FACADE_FORM] input[name=ENTRY_REQUEST]").value;
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- "</div>" +
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- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerText = lang.next_batch;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").classList.remove("bulk_searching");
- } else {
- bulk_limit = 21;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.searching_w_cancel;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").classList.add("bulk_searching");
- bulk_search();
- }
- }
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- if(e.target.dataset.date) {
- bulk_limit = 0;
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- document.querySelector(".unelevated_title").innerText = lang.super;
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- }
- */
- const queryString = window.location.search;
- const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
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- });
- }
- }
- function insertForm(elm){
- elm.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div class='unelevated_form'>" +
- "<div class='unelevated_title'>Unelevated Award Search</div>" +
- "<label><span>From</span><input type='text' onClick='this.select();' id='uef_from' name='uef_from' placeholder='TPE' value='" + uef_from + "'></label>" +
- "<label><span>To</span><input type='text' onClick='this.select();' id='uef_to' name='uef_to' placeholder='TYO' value='" + uef_to + "'></label>" +
- "<label><span>Adults</span><input type='number' inputmode='decimal' onClick='this.select();' id='uef_adult' name='uef_adult' placeholder='Adults' value='" + uef_adult + "'></label>" +
- "<label><span>Children</span><input type='number' inputmode='decimal' onClick='this.select();' id='uef_child' name='uef_child' placeholder='Children' value='" + uef_child + "'></label>" +
- "<label><span>Date</span><input class='uef_date' onClick='this.setSelectionRange(6, 8);' id='uef_date' type='number' inputmode='decimal' name='uef_date' placeholder='20221001' value='" + uef_date + "'></label>" +
- "<button class='uef_search'>" + lang.search + "</button>" +
- "<div class='unelevated_sub'><a href='https://jayliu.net/buymeacoffee' target='_blank'>" + lang.coffee + "</a><span class='coffee_emoji'>☕</span></div>" +
- "<div class='unelevated_update'><a href='https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/449998-cathay-award-search-fixer-2022' target='_blank'>"+ lang.new_version +" <span id='upd_version'>2.1.3</span> »</a></div>" +
- //"<a href='javascript:void();' class='uef_toggle'></a>" +
- "</div>");
- /*document.querySelector(".uef_toggle").addEventListener("click",function(e){
- document.querySelector(".unelevated_form").classList.toggle("uef_collapsed")
- });*/
- document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_from]").addEventListener("change",function(e){
- this.value = this.value.toUpperCase().split(' ').join('').substring(0, 3);
- route_changed = true;
- if(document.querySelector(".bulk_submit")) {
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.bulk_batch + " " + document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_from]").value + " - " + document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_to]").value + " " + lang.bulk_flights;
- }
- });
- document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_to]").addEventListener("change",function(e){
- this.value = this.value.toUpperCase().split(' ').join('').substring(0, 3);
- route_changed = true;
- if(document.querySelector(".bulk_submit")) {
- document.querySelector(".bulk_submit").innerHTML = lang.bulk_batch + " " + document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_from]").value + " - " + document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_to]").value + " " + lang.bulk_flights;
- }
- });
- document.querySelector(".unelevated_form input[name=uef_date]").addEventListener("change",function(e){
- if (!isValidDate(this.value)) {
- var default_date = new Date(new Date().getTime()+(5*24*60*60*1000));
- alert("Invalid Date");
- this.value = default_date.getFullYear() + (default_date.getMonth() +1).toString().padStart(2, '0') + default_date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
- }
- });
- /*
- var secret_mode = 0;
- document.querySelector(".unelevated_title").addEventListener("click",function(e){
- if(++secret_mode == 9) {
- document.querySelector(".unelevated_title").innerText = lang.super;
- document.querySelector(".bulk_box").classList.remove("bulk_box_hidden");
- localStorage.setItem("bulk_show",true);
- GM_setValue("bulk_show",true);
- }
- });*/
- /*
- var last_update = new Date(GM_getValue("last_update")) || false;
- var current_update = new Date();
- current_update = new Date(current_update.getFullYear(),current_update.getMonth() +1,current_update.getDate() );
- if (!last_update || current_update.getTime() - last_update.getTime() >= 86400000) {
- var GFU = new GreasyForkUpdater();
- GFU.checkUpdate(449998, GM_info.script.version, function(update, updateurl, metaData) {
- if (update != false) {
- show_update(metaData.version);
- console.log(updateurl);
- console.log(metaData.version);
- //https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/449998-cathay-award-search-fixer-2022
- GM_setValue("latest_version",metaData.version);
- } else {
- GM_setValue("latest_version",GM_info.script.version);
- }
- GM_setValue("last_update", current_update.getFullYear() +"/"+ (current_update.getMonth() +1).toString().padStart(2, '0') +"/"+ current_update.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'));
- });
- } else if (GM_getValue("latest_version") != GM_info.script.version) {
- show_update(GM_getValue("latest_version"));
- }
- */
- document.querySelector(".uef_search").addEventListener("click",function(e){
- uef_from = document.querySelector("#uef_from").value;
- uef_to = document.querySelector("#uef_to").value;
- uef_date = document.querySelector("#uef_date").value;
- uef_adult = document.querySelector("#uef_adult").value;
- uef_child = document.querySelector("#uef_child").value;
- localStorage.setItem("uef_from",uef_from);
- localStorage.setItem("uef_to",uef_to);
- localStorage.setItem("uef_date",uef_date);
- localStorage.setItem("uef_adult",uef_adult);
- localStorage.setItem("uef_child",uef_child);
- GM_setValue("uef_from",uef_from);
- GM_setValue("uef_to",uef_to);
- GM_setValue("uef_date",uef_date);
- GM_setValue("uef_adult",uef_adult);
- GM_setValue("uef_child",uef_child);
- cx_json.numAdult = uef_adult;
- cx_json.numChild = uef_child;
- cx_json.segments[0].departureDate = uef_date;
- cx_json.segments[0].origin = uef_from.toUpperCase();
- cx_json.segments[0].destination = uef_to.toUpperCase();
- var cx_string = JSON.stringify(cx_json);
- document.querySelector(".uef_search").innerHTML = lang.searching;
- document.querySelector(".uef_search").classList.add("searching");
- cxsearch(cx_string);
- });
- }
- window.addEventListener('load', function() {
- if(document.querySelector('.redibe-v3-flightsearch-description')) {
- insertForm(document.querySelector('.redibe-v3-flightsearch-description'));
- } else {
- waitForElm('.redibe-v3-flightsearch-description').then((elm) => {
- insertForm(elm);
- });
- }
- if(document.querySelector('.bound-route')) {
- insertForm(document.querySelector('.bound-route'));
- insertBulk(document.querySelector('.bound-route'));
- } else {
- waitForElm('.bound-route').then((elm) => {
- insertForm(elm);
- insertBulk(elm);
- });
- }
- });
- })();