在辞典网站左侧显示一个快速切换列表,节省「另开辞典页面」和「输入关键词」的动作及时间,提高查询效率。参考了自己撸的另一款:[搜索引擎切换器 / Search Engine Switcher](https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/446492)。
这是此脚本的所有版本。 只显示代码更新过的版本
Fix the name of Dictionary.com
- Add Wiktionary- Fix Lexico to Dictionary.com
- Add Eigochigai (A blog for illustration: difference between two English words.)
- Add Lexico
- Add YouGlish
- Update description
- Update annotation- Update description- Adjust dictionary order
- Rename & Update description
Upload thumbnails
- Adjust the distance between the floating box and the top of the page. - Try to fix the problem that the floating box can't be displayed on Eudic page.
- Adjust styles- Remove less-used dictionaries
Adjust styles
Fix links
Add & fix links
Adjust link order.
Add dictionary links.
Adjust the style of the link hover state.
Remove redundant function from the box title.
Fix error that gets wrong keyword.
Adjust the height of the floating box.
Add the ability to get keywords from the end of the URL.
Try to fix the problem where keyword couldn't be obtained at vocab.com.
fix typo