// ==UserScript==
// @name hipda-德高望重
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2.2
// @description 过滤小号以及低分用户
// @author 屋大维
// @license MIT
// @match https://www.hi-pda.com/forum/*
// @match https://www.4d4y.com/forum/*
// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js
// @icon https://www.iconninja.com/files/976/19/674/mature-avatar-man-grandfather-male-person-old-icon.png
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const BLOCK = false; // 淘宝小号用户/低分用户无论如何都会高亮,设置为true之后会屏蔽,按alt+P重新显示
const TOGGLE_KEY = 'alt+P';
// Your code here...
// helpers
function isTBUser(user) {
// 账号注册于2003年,发帖量低于500 或者 在线时长低于200小时
return user.registerDate > new Date("2003-01-01") &&
user.registerDate < new Date("2004-01-01") &&
(user.postNumber < 500 || user.onlineHours < 200);
function isLowCredit(user) {
// 默认-8,即不过滤
return user.credit < -8;
function badGuyClassifier(user) {
// 符合两个条件之一就是坏人
return isTBUser(user) || isLowCredit(user);
function getKeys(e) { // keycode 转换
var codetable = {
'96': 'Numpad 0',
'97': 'Numpad 1',
'98': 'Numpad 2',
'99': 'Numpad 3',
'100': 'Numpad 4',
'101': 'Numpad 5',
'102': 'Numpad 6',
'103': 'Numpad 7',
'104': 'Numpad 8',
'105': 'Numpad 9',
'106': 'Numpad *',
'107': 'Numpad +',
'108': 'Numpad Enter',
'109': 'Numpad -',
'110': 'Numpad .',
'111': 'Numpad /',
'112': 'F1',
'113': 'F2',
'114': 'F3',
'115': 'F4',
'116': 'F5',
'117': 'F6',
'118': 'F7',
'119': 'F8',
'120': 'F9',
'121': 'F10',
'122': 'F11',
'123': 'F12',
'8': 'BackSpace',
'9': 'Tab',
'12': 'Clear',
'13': 'Enter',
'16': 'Shift',
'17': 'Ctrl',
'18': 'Alt',
'20': 'Cape Lock',
'27': 'Esc',
'32': 'Spacebar',
'33': 'Page Up',
'34': 'Page Down',
'35': 'End',
'36': 'Home',
'37': '←',
'38': '↑',
'39': '→',
'40': '↓',
'45': 'Insert',
'46': 'Delete',
'144': 'Num Lock',
'186': ';:',
'187': '=+',
'188': ',<',
'189': '-_',
'190': '.>',
'191': '/?',
'192': '`~',
'219': '[{',
'220': '\|',
'221': ']}',
'222': '"'
var Keys = '';
e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode != 16) && (Keys += 'shift+');
e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode != 17) && (Keys += 'ctrl+');
e.altKey && (e.keyCode != 18) && (Keys += 'alt+');
return Keys + (codetable[e.keyCode] || String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) || '');
function addHotKey(codes, func) { // 监视并执行快捷键对应的函数
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
if ((e.target.tagName != 'INPUT') && (e.target.tagName != 'TEXTAREA') && getKeys(e) == codes) {
}, false);
// classes
class User {
constructor(td) {
// <td class="postauthor" rowspan="2">
this.td = td;
get uid() {
// integer
return parseInt(this.td.find("div.postinfo > a").first().attr("href").split("uid=")[1]);
get userName() {
// string
return this.td.find("div.postinfo > a").first().text();
get postNumber() {
// integer
return parseInt($(this.td).find("dl.profile > dd:nth-child(4)").text());
get credit() {
// integer
return parseInt($(this.td).find("dl.profile > dd:nth-child(6)").text());
get registerDate() {
// Date
return new Date($(this.td).find("dl.profile > dd:nth-child(8)").text().trim());
get onlineHours() {
// integer
// not sure why I cannot get data out directly.. use regex to extract it out
let text = $(this.td).find("div.popuserinfo > dl.s_clear").text();
return parseInt(text.match(/在线时间(.*) 小时/)[1]);
to_json() {
return {
uid: this.uid,
userName: this.userName,
postNumber: this.postNumber,
credit: this.credit,
registerDate: this.registerDate,
onlineHours: this.onlineHours
class HpThread {
constructor() {}
getThreadTid() {
return location.href.match(/tid=(\d+)/) ? parseInt(location.href.match(/tid=(\d+)/)[1]) : -999;
getUserUid() {
return parseInt($("cite > a").attr("href").split("uid=")[1]);
getThreadTitle() {
let l = $('#nav').text().split(" » ");
return l[l.length - 1];
getHpPosts() {
let threadTid = this.getThreadTid();
let threadTitle = this.getThreadTitle();
let divs = $('#postlist > div').get();
return divs.map(d => new HpPost(threadTid, threadTitle, d));
class HpPost {
constructor(threadTid, threadTitle, postDiv) {
this.threadTid = threadTid;
this.threadTitle = threadTitle;
this._post_div = postDiv;
this.hidden = false;
getUser() {
return new User($(this._post_div).find("td.postauthor"));
isBadGuy() {
return badGuyClassifier(this.getUser());
isMainPost() {
return this.getPostPid() === new HpPost(this.threadTid, this.threadTitle, $('#postlist > div').first().get()).getPostPid();
hidePost() {
this.hidden = true;
showPost() {
this.hidden = false;
highlightPost() {
$(this._post_div).css("background-color", "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.1)");
getPostPid() {
return parseInt($(this._post_div).attr("id").split("_")[1]);
toggleDisplay() {
if (this.hidden) {
if (this.isBadGuy() && !this.isMainPost()) {
register() {
addHotKey(TOGGLE_KEY, this.toggleDisplay.bind(this));
if (this.isBadGuy()) {
if (BLOCK) {
function main() {
// get a thread object
var THIS_THREAD = new HpThread();
var hp_posts = THIS_THREAD.getHpPosts();
for (let i = 0; i < hp_posts.length; i++) {
let hp_post = hp_posts[i];
try {
} catch (e) {
// deleted post, simply pass it
console.log("unable to parse the post, pass");