Linguist Expand

Expands Github's Linguist language list on repositories to show every language instead of hiding the small percentage under "Other"

// ==UserScript==
// @name Linguist Expand
// @namespace
// @author Davoleo
// @homepage
// @description Expands Github's Linguist language list on repositories to show every language instead of hiding the small percentage under "Other"
// @contributionURL
// @match*
// @require[email protected]/dist/js-yaml.min.js
// @resource languageColors
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// @run-at document-idle
// @version 1.0.2
// @license MIT
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

//Loads languages.yml (from Github's linguist repo) the most updated, official and complete collection of github languages and their colors
//loaded into a JS object via jsyaml (a library to parse yaml inside of javascript)
const languages = jsyaml.load(GM_getResourceText('languageColors'));

//Contains information about languages and their percentages in the repository
let langPercentagesMap = {}
//Contains information about languages and their colors
let langColorsMap = {}

 * Function to standardize and modernize GM_xmlhttpRequest to work with promises
 * @param {String} url of the endpoint
 * @param {Object} options Contains extra information about the request
 * @returns a promise with the requested content
function request(url, options={}) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      method: options.method || "GET",
      headers: options.headers || {Accept: "application/json",
                                   "Content-Type": "application/json"},
      responseType: options.responseType || "json",
      data: options.body ||,
      onload: res => resolve(res.response),
      onerror: reject

 * Retrieve information about the languages of a repository via the Github API
 * @param {String} user owner of the repository
 * @param {String} repo name
 * @returns the languages of the repository as a JS Object | null if the promise is rejected for any reason.
async function retrieveLanguages(user, repo) {
    try {
        return await request(`${user}/${repo}/languages`, {
            headers: {
                Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
    catch(e) {
        return null;

 * Builds language bar segments assigning the correct colors and width depending on the language and it's frequency in the repository
 * @param {string} name of the language
 * @param {string} color of the language
 * @param {number} percentage of the language in the repository code
 * @returns a segment span of the language bar with the correct width and color
function buildBarSegmentSpan(name, color, percentage) {
    const segment = document.createElement('span');'background-color', color, 'important'); = percentage + '%';
    //Removes any margin which would make the language bar otherwise inaccurate'margin', '0', 'important');
    //Make sure there's at least 1px of width in the bar segment (fixes width of 0.0% segments)
    //TODO: investigate a better way to do this = '1px';
    segment.setAttribute("itemprop", "keywords");
    segment.setAttribute("aria-label", name + ' ' + percentage);
    segment.setAttribute("data-view-component", "true");
    segment.setAttribute("class", "Progress-item color-bg-success-inverse lingustexpand");
    return segment;

 * Builds a chip for each language containing
 * - The Color of the language in the bar
 * - The Name of the language
 * - The Percentage of the language in repository files
 * @param {String} owner of the repository
 * @param {String} repo name
 * @param {String} name of the language
 * @param {String} color of the language
 * @param {number} percentage percentage of the language in the repository code
 * @returns A chip components featured as legend for the language bar
function buildLanguageChip(owner, repo, name, color, percentage) {
    const chip = document.createElement('li');

    const chipLink = document.createElement('a');
    chipLink.classList.add('d-inline-flex', 'flex-items-center', 'flex-nowrap', 'Link--secondary', 'no-underline', 'text-small', 'mr-3');
    chipLink.href = `/${owner}/${repo}/search?l=${name}` //Chip link should bring you to the search query with the correct language in place

    //Parse SVG BALL directly injecting the correct color as in-line style
    const svgText = `
    <svg style="color:${color};" aria-hidden="true" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" 
            width="16" data-view-component="true" class="octicon octicon-dot-fill mr-2">
        <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8 4a4 4 0 100 8 4 4 0 000-8z"></path>
    const svgTMP = document.createElement('template');
    svgTMP.innerHTML = svgText;
    //^ uses a template HTMLElement to parse HTML into its respective DOM elements

    //Adds language name to the chip
    const chipName = document.createElement('span');
    chipName.classList.add('color-fg-default', 'text-bold', 'mr-1');
    chipName.textContent = name;

    //Adds Language percentage to the chip
    const chipValue = document.createElement('span');
    chipValue.textContent = percentage + '%';

    return chip;

 * Builds the custom language stats section and returns it
 * @returns The full section with complete repository language stats
function buildLanguagesSection(owner, repo) {

    const languageSection = document.createElement("div");
    languageSection.classList.add("mb-3", "mt-1");

    const bar = document.createElement('span');
    bar.classList.add("Progress", 'mb-2');
    bar.setAttribute("data-view-component", "true");
    Object.keys(langColorsMap).forEach((lang, i) => {
        const segment = buildBarSegmentSpan(lang, langColorsMap[lang], langPercentagesMap[lang]);
        //if (i !== 0) {
        //'margin-left', '1px');

    const languageUL = document.createElement('ul');
    Object.keys(langColorsMap).forEach((lang) => {
        const languageChip = buildLanguageChip(owner, repo, lang, langColorsMap[lang], langPercentagesMap[lang]);

    return languageSection;

(() => {
    'use strict';

    //Selects the box element that contains files and folders on the repo page
    const mainContent = document.querySelector(".Box-sc-g0xbh4-0.yfPnm");
    if (!mainContent)
        throw Error("mainContent Hook Selector is dead!")

    //The original language bar in the sidebar
    const originalLangBar = document.querySelector("div.Layout-sidebar span.Progress");

    //array that is generated from the tab URL, it's structured this way: ["", "<repo_owner>", "<repo_name>"]
    const ownerRepo = window.location.pathname.split('/');

    //only works against links
    if (ownerRepo.length === 3) {
        //retrieves necessary information about the repository's languages
        retrieveLanguages(ownerRepo[1], ownerRepo[2]).then((lang_vals) => {
            //assume request is successful if object is not null and it doesn't contain 'message' in its keys
            if (lang_vals !== null && !lang_vals.message) {
                //Sum of all language values
                const total = Object.values(lang_vals).reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr);
                //for each language in the object
                Object.keys(lang_vals).forEach((lang) => {
                    langColorsMap[lang] = languages[lang].color;
                    langPercentagesMap[lang] = ((lang_vals[lang] / total) * 100).toFixed(1);
            else return; //Short Circuit

            //Build the new custom lang stats
            const languageSection = buildLanguagesSection(ownerRepo[1], ownerRepo[2]);
            mainContent.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', languageSection);
            //^ inserts our custom language stats before the box containing directories and files


            //Remove original Language Section (sidebar)