Turns the issue color of closed issues from purple back to red - back reddish color icon for closed github issues.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Update CSS based version 9.1.0.
Update to release 9.0.0
Tries to fix button yellow borders on red background
Update to 8.4
update to v8.0.0
Bump to 7.0.0
see https://github.com/KatsuteDev/GitHub-Red-Issues/commits/main/src/style.css
fix regex
archive.today https://archive.ph/2022.09.04-185858/https://github.com/
archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20220904190127/https://github.com/
Fix print colors
js overrides can't work without JS magic https://github.com/Katsute/GitHub-Red-Issues/pull/36/files#diff-bfe9874d239014961b1ae4e89875a6155667db834a410aaaa2ebe3cf89820556 (maybe needed is drop support auto convert CSS to JS or split two new url-s)
test beta PR changes, maybe addon back js solution, then few css may don't match elements
Closed issue in projects beta is wrong color
fix pull time line / import version v3.0
remove legacy :not(.rissue-merge) - pasted by specific old JavaScript
Minify name, copy css from extension v2.1, disable manually added exclusion run few css outside /pulls
Back to code by Katsute and kidonng
Again test with obfuscatedgenerated version due bug in Katsute and kidonng idea
try fix icon for pinned closed issues as long no better way by Katsute or kidonng
update license
github native colors by kidonng
moved one element beetween sections
fixed invalid wrote regex for `user.css`
test with many @-moz-document and regex /^https?:\\/\\/(www\\.)?github.com\\/[^\\/]+\\/[^\\/]+\\/issues.*$/
Repair timeline
Revert last change
Simplify based on obfuscatedgenerated css code
Better fix to glitched icon in closed issue - without break icon on a list of issues
Recover generic `user.js` version
Fixed glitched icon at end of issue - again was purple due remove inline style attr from code
Less cpu/gpu workaround for lack supported tabs.insertCSS() as long page use variable color-done-emphasis
Fixed icon with style="... !important" for Stylus type addons without support tabs.insertCSS()
style="... !important"