Streaming - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen v.57

for TOBLEK-like variants sites (many!): Use all the windows size for less scrolling

目前为 2023-07-09 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

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63.0 KB

Same Userstyles version on Userstyles World (a NEW site to share our Userstyles):
- Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen [USw]
- Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen []

For Large screen:
Use all the windows size for less scrolling....
Now with a Dark flavour ...

It's for TOBLEK-like variants sites (many!):
Good movies selection and quality

The userstyle name came from the first site of this great "family" i saw:
Tolbek (CLOSED 06.2020)

To find other TOBLEK variants, you can use my:
Stream - DuckDuckGo - Streaming Helper []
Stream - DuckDuckGo - Streaming Helper [greasyfork]
This userstyle signal all false streaming sites and others bad things around them.
Don't lost your time with them....

NEW 2023.04:
You can test too:
Stream - Tolbek + Clones Widescreen + TMDB

This is an userstyle companion (you need install with this one...) for the userscript:
Remplacer div par card et ajouter posters sur les site de streaming [Userscript Greasyfork]
This userscript add the info and the movie poster for the movie from the API The Movie Database [aka TMBD].

Note: Here, i show the screenshot is with it enable...

v.55: Correction for TomaCloud pages
v.52: Small changes for Player page, etc...
v.51: Icon 🚧 for "Site Devient....Chercher dans Blog ...". Hover to see the message...
v.50: Wide Player
v.42: small correction for only one video not displaying
v.37: Adaption for site design changes.
v.35: hide the Popup for Problems or Make a Donation:
You can hover its top icon, 🚧, to read it and maybe make a donation!
v.30: Correction for the TomaCloud player in Normal / Full Screen

Interesting way to view its video on your TV:
the "screen mirroring " or "Smart view " of your Android engine:
Comment utiliser la fonction screen mirroring du Chromecast

[RE Enable 01.11.2022] - info for download its videos (HDLS/ m3u8) :

Now, they change the way to serve their movies:
- they use HDLS / m3u8, which can't be downloaded with "FlashGot" or "Easy Video Downloader" as before

So to download a movie here, you need now:

The Stream Detector, by rowrawer:
Click its icon to open its menu which present video link found.
Copy the real link of the video.

And in Youtube-dlG - Fork of youtube-dl, with infterface GUI [Korben Blog in french]

Here the direct link to the app:
youtube-dl-gui [a GitHub Project]

Other alternative(I test / use it):
Tartube - The Easy Way To Watch And Download Videos: YouTube, BitChute, and hundreds of other websites

It's in it you paste this URL of the video to download it....
Example of these link (.m3u8):

I think it is possible too to rename the movie title before start downloading - not tested no...
And download!

But Now the convert is not need (stay here just for info):
Another Problem:
The downloaded movie, as far i have the only good method, can't be play in VLC (but work in the Media Player of Windows...).
So, hmmmf, we need to convert them, with a tool like:
Any Video Converter Freeware
and convert it to another format.

Yet, i use to convert a Custom Format i created.

Customized MP4 Movie (*.mp4):

Codec Video: X264
Debit Video: 1024
Taux Frame: 25
Aspect Video: Auto
Encode Pass: 1

Codec Audio: aac
Bitrate audio: 128
Taux Echantillonnage: 44100
Canal audio: 2

It work well:
After conversion , i can play the movie in VLC.

NEW 01.11.2022 - Not possible now (Stay here just for info):
"old" way to serve their movies:
Now it's more simple to download them.
Just use an addon like:
- FlashGot (i use it with Waterfox by example)
Or (not used by me):
- Easy Video Downloader (Flash and Video)
Some Bad reviews
- Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express (Some Bad reviews, Pay Wall, etc... not tested)

More infos :
- youtube-dl: Get the videos you want to keep [Reddit]
- Comment utiliser et maitriser Youtube-dl pour télécharger des vidéos comme un champion ?
- youtube-dl - README [GitHub]
- youtube-dl-gui [GitHub]
- The Stream Detector [Firefox addon]