

// ==UserScript==
// @name 繁體中文化
// @namespace
// @version      0.14
// @description  為Royale.pet提供繁化使用者介面
// @author       zzdev, lzghzr
// @match        *://**
// @icon         
// @require
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

new ReplaceText([
    [' Leaderboards', ' 全球排行'],
    ['Recent lookups', '最近查詢'],
    ['New profiles', '最近加入'],
    ['Tracking', '目前已追蹤'],
    [' profiles.', ' 名玩家戰績'],
    ['FAQ', '常見問題'],
    ['How do I find my profile?', '我要如何找到自己的戰績?'],
    ['Just Sign in Through Steam! Hit the login button above and you\'ll always have quick access to your statistics from any page!',
    ['To find someone elses profile, find their',
    [' Steam Community', ' Steam社群'],
    [' profile and paste the URL into the box above.',
     ' 個人資料連結並把URL貼在網頁上方。'],
    ['Why are some names on the leaderboards greyed out?',
    ['We can\'t reliably get a user\'s Steam profile from the game database. The names we do have are from profiles that have been visited on this website.',
    ['What\'s new?', '更新日誌'],


new ReplaceText([
    ['Statistic Leaderboards', '全球統計排行'],
    ['These leaderboards are collected directly from Super Animal Royale, and will include players we do not have profile information for.',
    ['Solo', '單排'],
    ['Duos', '雙排'],
    ['Squads', '團隊'],
    ['S.A.W. vs. Rebellion', 'S.A.W vs. 反抗軍'],
    ['Combat', '戰鬥統計'],
    ['Kill Statistics', '擊殺統計'],
    ['Miscellaneous', '雜項'],
    ['Event', '活動'],
    ['Unknown', '未知數據'],
    ['Legacy', '不再支援'],
    ['Wins', '勝場'],
    ['Kills', '擊殺數'],
    ['Deaths', '死亡數'],
    ['Top 5', '前五場數'],
    ['Top 3', '前三場數'],
    ['Top 2', '前二場數'],
    ['Games Played', '遊玩場數'],
    ['Most Kills', '最高擊殺'],
    ['Pacifist Victories', '和平勝利'],
    ['No Armor Victories', '無甲勝利'],
    ['Flag Captures', '奪旗次數'],
    ['Damage Dealt', '造成傷害'],
    ['All Banana Slips', '香蕉滑倒數'],
    ['Enemy Banana Slips', '敵人滑倒數'],
    ['Items Destroyed', '物品破壞數'],
    ['Skunk Bomb Damage Dealt', '臭鼬彈造成傷害'],
    ['Enemy Armor Broken', '敵人破甲數'],
    ['Grenade Kills', '手榴彈擊殺'],
    ['Vehicle Kills', '載具擊殺'],
    ['Melee Kills', '近戰擊殺'],
    ['M16 Kills', 'M16擊殺'],
    ['Magnum Kills', '麥格農擊殺'],
    ['Sniper Kills', '狙擊槍擊殺'],
    ['Minigun Kills', '旋轉機關槍擊殺'],
    ['Bow and Sparrow Kills', '弓與箭鴙擊殺'],
    ['Dart Kills', '鏢槍擊殺'],
    ['Crossbow Kills', '十鴙弩擊殺'],
    ['Pistol Kills', '手槍擊殺'],
    ['Silenced Pistol Kills', '消音手槍擊殺'],
    ['AK Kills', 'AK擊殺'],
    ['Shotgun Kills', '散彈槍擊殺'],
    ['SMG Kills', '衝鋒槍擊殺'],
    ['Hunting Rifle Kills', '獵槍擊殺'],
    ['JAG-7 Kills', '豹動式散彈槍擊殺'],
    ['Deagle Kills', '沙鷹擊殺'],
    ['Thomas Gun Kills', 'Thomas 衝鋒槍擊殺'],
    ['Emu Kills', '鴯鶓擊殺'],
    ['Campfires Used', '使用營火'],
    ['Mole Crates Opened', '土撥鼠補給箱開啟'],
    ['Coconuts Ate', '吃椰子'],
    ['Playtime', '遊玩時間'],
    ['Distance Travelled', '行走距離'],
    ['Grass Cut', '割草數'],
    ['Health Juice Drank', '飲用生命果汁'],
    ['Tape Used', '膠帶使用'],
    ['Super Jump Rolls', '超級跳滾'],
    ['Banan Offerings', '蕉神獻祭'],
    ['Account Level', '遊戲等級'],
    ['No Dancing', '禁止跳舞'],
    ['Chicken Wins', '用雞吃雞'],
    ['Rat GG', '我不是老鼠'],
    ['Scarecrows', '稻草人'],
    ['Barn Rebel Door', '農場反抗軍基地'],
    ['Be Gallery Target', '成為鏢靶'],
    ['Storytime Donk', 'DONK的故事時間'],
    ['Gallery Targets Hit', '靶場目標擊中'],
    ['Experience', '經驗值'],
    ['Parachute Splats', '降落失敗'],
    ['Chest Opens', '反抗軍箱子開啟'],
    ['NPC Lab', '秘密實驗室'],
    ['Bow Hits in One Match', '單場弓箭擊中'],
    ['Distance traveled on Ice.', '溜冰距離'],
    ['Eggs Ate', '復活蛋收集'],
    ['Fruit Baskets', '果籃收集'],
    ['Candy Corn', '玉米糖收集'],
    ['Presents', '禮物收集'],
    ['Dancing in the Rain', '雨中舞蹈'],
    ['Current Exp for Level (legacy)', '目前等級經驗(不再支援)'],
    ['Account Level (Legacy)', '遊戲等級(不再支援)'],
    ['Thomas Gun Kills (Legacy)', 'Thomas 衝鋒槍擊殺(不再支援)'],
    [' Leaderboards', ' 排行榜'],
    ['These leaderboards are calculated from profiles that have been loaded through this site. Visit a player\'s profile to make sure their ranking is still up-to-date!',
    ['To eliminate beginner\'s luck oddities, these leaderboards only rank players who have played at least 30 games for that gamemode.',
    ['Kills:Deaths', '撃殺死亡比例'],
    ['Kills per Game', '平均每場擊殺'],
    ['Top 5 %', '前五比率%'],
    ['Top 3 %', '前三比率%'],
    ['Top 2 %', '前二比率%'],
    ['Win %', '膀率%'],

new ReplaceText([
    ['Level', '等級'],
    ['Win%', '勝率%'],
    ['Top%', '名列前茅%'],
    ['KillsCustom2', '私人戰局擊殺'],
    ['WinsCustom2', '私人戰局勝場'],
    ['Top2Custom2', '私人戰局前二場數'],
    ['Top3Custom2', '私人戰局前三場數'],
    ['Top5Custom2', '私人戰局前五場數'],
    ['GamesCustom2', '私人戰局遊玩場數'],
    ['DeathsCustom2', '私人戰局死亡數'],
    ['KillsDualPistol', '雙持手槍擊殺'],
    ['MushroomsAte', '吃蘑菇'],
    ['Healing', '回血量'],
    ['MostKillsCustom2', '私人戰局最高擊殺'],
    ['NpcSphynx', 'NPC 斯芬克斯'],
    ['GalleryTargetsHitBow', '靶場目標弓箭擊中'],
    ['TurkeyWins', '火雞勝場'],
    ['MeleeVictoriesSolo', '單排僅用近戰勝場'],

new ReplaceText([
    ['Back to leaderboards list', '回到排行榜列表'],
    ['Names may be missing, as we need to resolve player profiles first. Help us out by finding their profiles!',
    ['Leaderboard: Wins (Solo)', '排行榜: 勝場(單排)'],
    ['Total wins.', '累計勝場'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills (Solo)', '排行榜: 擊殺數(單排)'],
    ['Total cumulative kills.', '累計擊殺數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Deaths (Solo)', '排行榜: 死亡數(單排)'],
    ['Total cumulative deaths.', '累計死亡數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Top 5 (Solo)', '排行榜: 前五名(單排)'],
    ['# of times this player has placed in the top 5.', '玩家進入前五名的次數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Games Played (Solo)', '排行榜: 遊玩場數(單排)'],
    ['Total number of games played.', '累計遊玩場數'],
    ['Total games played.', '累計遊玩場數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Most Kills (Solo)', '排行榜: 最高擊殺(單排)'],
    ['Most kills in a single match.', '單場最高擊殺數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Pacifist Victories (Solo)', '排行榜: 和平勝利(單排)'],
    ['Solo pacifist vistories.', '單排和平勝利'],
    ['Leaderboard: No Armor Victories (Solo)', '排行榜: 無甲勝利單排)'],
    ['Wins where no armor was used.', '沒有使用護甲並取得勝利'],
    ['Leaderboard: Wins (Duos)', '排行榜: 勝場(雙排)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills (Duos)', '排行榜: 擊殺數(雙排)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Deaths (Duos)', '排行榜: 死亡數(雙排)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Top 3 (Duos)', '排行榜: 前三名(雙排)'],
    ['Number of games finished in the top 3.', '玩家進入前三名的次數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Games Played (Duos)', '排行榜: 排行榜: 遊玩場數(雙排)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Most Kills (Duos)', '排行榜: 最高擊殺(雙排)'],
    ['Most kills in a single duos match.', '雙排模式下單場最高擊殺數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Wins (Squads)', '排行榜: 勝場(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills (Squads)', '排行榜: 擊殺數(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Deaths (Squads)', '排行榜: 死亡數(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Top 2 (Squads)', '排行榜: 前二名(團隊)'],
    ['Number of games finished in the top 2.', '玩家進入前二名的次數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Games Played (Squads)', '排行榜: 遊玩場數(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Most Kills (Squads)', '排行榜: 最高擊殺(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Wins (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 勝場(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 擊殺數(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Deaths (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 死亡數(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Games Played (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 遊玩場數(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Most Kills (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 最高擊殺(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Flag Captures (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 奪旗次數(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Flags captured in S.A.W. vs Rebellion.', '在S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍模式中成功佔領旗幟的次數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Damage Dealt (Combat)', '排行榜: 造成傷害(戰鬥)'],
    ['Total cumulative damage dealt.', '累計造成的傷害'],
    ['Leaderboard: All Banana Slips (Combat)', '排行榜: 香蕉滑倒數(戰鬥)'],
    ['Total slip-ups caused by this player, including teammates and themselves.', '所有此玩家造成的香蕉滑倒數,包括隊友以及他自己。'],
    ['Leaderboard: Enemy Banana Slips (Combat)', '排行榜: 敵人滑倒數(戰鬥)'],
    ['Total slip-ups to an enemy caused by this player.', '所有此玩家造成的敵人香蕉滑倒數。'],
    ['Leaderboard: Items Destroyed (Combat)', '排行榜: 物品破壞數(戰鬥)'],
    ['Total destroyed items.', '累計物品破壞數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Skunk Bomb Damage Dealt (Combat)', '排行榜: 臭鼬彈造成傷害(戰鬥)'],
    ['Total damage dealt with the Skunk Bomb.', '由臭鼬彈造成的累計傷害'],
    ['Leaderboard: Enemy Armor Broken (Combat)', '排行榜: 敵人破甲數(戰鬥)'],
    ['Enemy armor points broken.', '累計破掉的敵人護甲點數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Grenade Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 手榴彈擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Total cumulative grenade kills.', '累計使用手榴彈擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Vehicle Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 載具擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Total cumulative vehicle kills.', '累計使用載具擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Melee Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 近戰擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Total cumulative melee kills.', '累計使用近戰擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: M16 Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: M16擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the M16.', '累計使用M16擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Magnum Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 麥格農擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Magnum.', '累計使用麥格農擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Sniper Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 狙擊槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Sniper.', '累計使用狙擊槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Minigun Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 旋轉機關槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Minigun.', '累計使用機關槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Bow and Sparrow Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 弓與箭鴙擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Bow and Sparrow.', '累計使用弓與箭鴙擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Dart Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 鏢槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Dart.', '累計使用鏢槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Crossbow Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 十鴙弩擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Crossbow.', '累計使用十鴙弩擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Pistol Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 手槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Pistol.', '累計使用手槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Silenced Pistol Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 消音手槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Silenced Pistol.', '累計使用消音手槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: AK Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: AK擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the AK.', '累計使用AK擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Shotgun Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 散彈槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Shotgun.', '累計使用散彈槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: SMG Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 衝鋒槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the SMG.', '累計使用衝鋒槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Hunting Rifle Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 獵槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Hunting Rifle.', '累計使用獵槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: JAG-7 Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 豹動式散彈槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the JAG-7.', '累計使用豹動式散彈槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Deagle Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 沙鷹擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Deagle.', '累計使用沙鷹擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Thomas Gun Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: Thomas衝鋒槍擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills with the Thomas Gun.', '累計使用Thomas衝鋒槍擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Emu Kills (Kill Statistics)', '排行榜: 鴯鶓擊殺(擊殺統計)'],
    ['Kills by Emu.', '累計使用鴯鶓擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Campfires Used (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 使用營火(雜項)'],
    ['Number of campfires used.', '營火使用次數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Mole Crates Opened (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 土撥鼠補給箱開啟(雜項)'],
    ['Number of mole crates opened.', '土撥鼠補給箱開啟次數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Coconuts Ate (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 吃椰子(雜項)'],
    ['Total cumulative coconut consumptions.', '累計吃掉的椰子數目'],
    ['Leaderboard: Playtime (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 遊玩時間(雜項)'],
    ['Total time running the game, in seconds.', '累計遊戲運行時間的秒數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Distance Travelled (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 行走距離(雜項)'],
    ['Total cumulative distance travelled, in game units.', '遊戲中總共行走過的SAU單位'],
    ['Leaderboard: Grass Cut (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 割草數(雜項)'],
    ['Total cumulative grass cuts.', '累計割草的根數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Health Juice Drank (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 飲用生命果汁(雜項)'],
    ['Total health juice drank.', '累計喝過的生命果汁'],
    ['Leaderboard: Tape Used (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 膠帶使用(雜項)'],
    ['Tape used.', '使用過的膠帶'],
    ['Leaderboard: Super Jump Rolls (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 超級跳滾(雜項)'],
    ['Super jump rolls.', '超級跳滾數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Banan Offerings (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 蕉神獻祭(雜項)'],
    ['Banan offerings.', '蕉神獻祭數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Account Level (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 遊戲等級(雜項)'],
    ['Account level.', '遊戲等級'],
    ['Leaderboard: No Dancing (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 禁止跳舞(雜項)'],
    ['No dancing!', '不許跳舞!'],
    ['Leaderboard: Chicken Wins (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 用雞吃雞(雜項)'],
    ['(?)', '(?)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Rat GG (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 我不是老鼠(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Scarecrows (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 稻草人(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Barn Rebel Door (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 農場反抗軍基地(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Be Gallery Target (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 成為鏢靶(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Storytime Donk (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: DONK的故事時間(雜項)'],
    ['Story time!', '故事時間!'],
    ['Leaderboard: Gallery Targets Hit (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 靶場目標擊中(雜項)'],
    ['Gallery targets hit.', '靶場目標擊中數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Experience (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 經驗值(雜項)'],
    ['Experience progress made so far for this level.', '目前等級的經驗值進度'],
    ['Leaderboard: Parachute Splats (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 降落失敗(雜項)'],
    ['Parachute Splats.', '降落失敗數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Chest Opens (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 反抗軍箱子開啟(雜項)'],
    ['Chests opened.', '打開過的箱子'],
    ['Leaderboard: NPC Lab (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 秘密實驗室(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Bow Hits in One Match (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 單場弓箭擊中(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Distance traveled on Ice. (Miscellaneous)', '排行榜: 溜冰距離(雜項)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Eggs Ate (Event)', '排行榜: 復活蛋(活動)'],
    ['Total eggs ate.', '累計吃掉的復活蛋數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Fruit Baskets (Event)', '排行榜: 水果籃(活動)'],
    ['Collected fruit baskets.', '收集到的水果籃'],
    ['Leaderboard: Candy Corn (Event)', '排行榜: 玉米糖(活動)'],
    ['Candy corn collected.', '收集到的玉米糖'],
    ['Leaderboard: Presents (Event)', '排行榜: 聖誕禮物(活動)'],
    ['Presents.', '禮物'],
    ['Leaderboard: Current Exp for Level (legacy) (Legacy)', '排行榜: 目前等級經驗(不再支援)'],
    ['Progress experience, used prior to the level system change.', '等級經驗進度,於等級系統更新前曾經使用'],
    ['Leaderboard: Account Level (Legacy) (Legacy)', '排行榜: 遊戲等級(不再支援)'],
    ['Account level, used prior to the level system change.', '等級,於等級系統更新前曾經使用'],
    ['Leaderboard: Thomas Gun Kills (Legacy) (Legacy)', '排行榜: Thomas 衝鋒槍擊殺(不再支援)'],
    ['Kills with the Thomas Gun. A legacy statistic for the Christmas 2019 event.', 'Thomas衝鋒槍擊殺數,這項統計曾用於2019聖誕活動'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills:Deaths (Solo)', '排行榜: 擊殺死亡比例(單排)'],
    ['Kills to Deaths ratio.', '擊殺死亡比例'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills per Game (Solo)', '排行榜: 平均每場擊殺(單排)'],
    ['Kills per game.', '單場擊殺數'],
    ['Leaderboard: Top 5 % (Solo)', '排行榜: 前五比率%(單排)'],
    ['% of solo games where the player ended in the top 5.', '玩家單排進入前五的比率%'],
    ['Leaderboard: Win % (Solo)', '排行榜: 勝率%(單排)'],
    ['% of solo games won.', '單排遊戲勝率'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills:Deaths (Duos)', '排行榜: 擊殺死亡比例(雙排)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills per Game (Duos)', '排行榜: 平均每場擊殺(雙排)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Top 3 % (Duos)', '排行榜: 前三比率%(雙排)'],
    ['% of duos games where the player ended in the top 3.', '玩家雙排進入前三的比率%'],
    ['Leaderboard: Win % (Duos)', '排行榜: 勝率%(雙排)'],
    ['% of duos games won.', '雙排遊戲勝率'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills:Deaths (Squads)', '排行榜: 擊殺死亡比例(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills per Game (Squads)', '排行榜: 擊殺死亡比例(團隊)'],
    ['Leaderboard: Top 2 % (Squads)', '排行榜: 前二比率%(團隊)'],
    ['% of squads games where the player ended in the top 2.', '玩家團隊進入前二的比率%'],
    ['Leaderboard: Win % (Squads)', '排行榜: 勝率%(團隊)'],
    ['% of squads games won.', '團隊遊戲勝率'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills:Deaths (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 擊殺死亡比例(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Kills to Deaths ratio.', '擊殺死亡比例'],
    ['Leaderboard: Kills per Game (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 平均每場擊殺(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['Kills per game.', '平均每場擊殺'],
    ['Leaderboard: Win % (S.A.W. vs. Rebellion)', '排行榜: 勝率%(S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍)'],
    ['% of S.A.W. vs. Rebellion games won.', 'S.A.W. vs. 反抗軍模式下玩家團隊的勝率%'],
    [' Support on Ko-fi!', '到 Ko-fi上支持一下!'],
    [' Super Animal Royale', '超級動物大逃殺'],
    [' is a trademark owned by Pixile •', ' 的商標歸 Pixile 所有 •'],
    [' Powered by Steam', ' 由 Steam 提供'],
    ['Stats', ' 最後更新於']

var progress_info = document.getElementsByClassName("progress-info");
var player_since = document.getElementsByClassName("player-since");
    progress_info[0].innerText = progress_info[0].innerText.replace("xp to next level", "經驗值 到達下一等級")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("Player since", "於")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("January", "1 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("February", "2 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("March", "3 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("April", "4 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("May", "5 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("June", "6 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("July", "7 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("August", "8 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("September", "9 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("October", "10 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("November", "11 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace("December", "12 /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText.replace(",", " /")
    player_since[0].innerText = player_since[0].innerText + " 加入"

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    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace("as of", "")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" ago", "前")
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    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace("seconds", "秒")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace("a minute", "1分鐘")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" minutes", "分鐘")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" hours", "小時")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" day", "日")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" days", "日")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" months", "個月")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" year", "年")
    update_time.innerText = update_time.innerText.replace(" years", "年")