// ==UserScript==
// @name Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass
// @description Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification :)
// @description:de Schaue YouTube Videos mit Altersbeschränkungen ohne Anmeldung und ohne dein Alter zu bestätigen :)
// @description:fr Regardez des vidéos YouTube avec des restrictions d'âge sans vous inscrire et sans confirmer votre âge :)
// @description:it Guarda i video con restrizioni di età su YouTube senza login e senza verifica dell'età :)
// @version 2.2.1
// @author Zerody (https://github.com/zerodytrash)
// @namespace https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass/
// @supportURL https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass/issues
// @license MIT
// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
// @match https://m.youtube.com/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// @compatible chrome Chrome + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible firefox Firefox + Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible opera Opera + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible edge Edge + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible safari Safari + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// ==/UserScript==
This is a transpiled version to achieve a clean code base and better browser compatibility.
You can find the nicely readable source code at https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass
(function iife(inject) {
// Trick to get around the sandbox restrictions in Greasemonkey (Firefox)
// Inject code into the main window if criteria match
if (typeof GM_info === "object" && GM_info.scriptHandler === "Greasemonkey" && inject) {
window.eval("(" + iife.toString() + ")();");
// Script configuration variables
const PLAYER_RESPONSE_ALIASES = ["ytInitialPlayerResponse", "playerResponse"];
// The following proxies are currently used as fallback if the innertube age-gate bypass doesn't work...
// You can host your own account proxy instance. See https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass/tree/main/account-proxy
const ACCOUNT_PROXY_SERVER_HOST = "https://youtube-proxy.zerody.one";
const VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST = "https://phx.4everproxy.com";
const isDesktop = window.location.host !== "m.youtube.com";
class Deferred {
constructor() {
return Object.assign(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
}), this);
function createElement(tagName, options) {
const node = document.createElement(tagName);
options && Object.assign(node, options);
return node;
function isObject(obj) {
return obj !== null && typeof obj === "object";
function getCookie(name) {
const value = `; ${document.cookie}`;
const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`);
if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift();
// Source: https://coursesweb.net/javascript/sha1-encrypt-data_cs
function generateSha1Hash(msg) {
function rotate_left(n, s) {
var t4 = n << s | n >>> 32 - s;
return t4;
function cvt_hex(val) {
var str = '';
var i;
var v;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
v = val >>> i * 4 & 0x0f;
str += v.toString(16);
return str;
function Utf8Encode(string) {
string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
var utftext = '';
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
} else
if (c > 127 && c < 2048) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128);
} else
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c >> 12 | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 & 63 | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128);
return utftext;
var blockstart;
var i, j;
var W = new Array(80);
var H0 = 0x67452301;
var H1 = 0xEFCDAB89;
var H2 = 0x98BADCFE;
var H3 = 0x10325476;
var H4 = 0xC3D2E1F0;
var A, B, C, D, E;
var temp;
msg = Utf8Encode(msg);
var msg_len = msg.length;
var word_array = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < msg_len - 3; i += 4) {
j = msg.charCodeAt(i) << 24 | msg.charCodeAt(i + 1) << 16 |
msg.charCodeAt(i + 2) << 8 | msg.charCodeAt(i + 3);
switch (msg_len % 4) {
case 0:
i = 0x080000000;
case 1:
i = msg.charCodeAt(msg_len - 1) << 24 | 0x0800000;
case 2:
i = msg.charCodeAt(msg_len - 2) << 24 | msg.charCodeAt(msg_len - 1) << 16 | 0x08000;
case 3:
i = msg.charCodeAt(msg_len - 3) << 24 | msg.charCodeAt(msg_len - 2) << 16 | msg.charCodeAt(msg_len - 1) << 8 | 0x80;
while (word_array.length % 16 != 14) word_array.push(0);
word_array.push(msg_len >>> 29);
word_array.push(msg_len << 3 & 0x0ffffffff);
for (blockstart = 0; blockstart < word_array.length; blockstart += 16) {
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) W[i] = word_array[blockstart + i];
for (i = 16; i <= 79; i++) W[i] = rotate_left(W[i - 3] ^ W[i - 8] ^ W[i - 14] ^ W[i - 16], 1);
A = H0;
B = H1;
C = H2;
D = H3;
E = H4;
for (i = 0; i <= 19; i++) {
temp = rotate_left(A, 5) + (B & C | ~B & D) + E + W[i] + 0x5A827999 & 0x0ffffffff;
E = D;
D = C;
C = rotate_left(B, 30);
B = A;
A = temp;
for (i = 20; i <= 39; i++) {
temp = rotate_left(A, 5) + (B ^ C ^ D) + E + W[i] + 0x6ED9EBA1 & 0x0ffffffff;
E = D;
D = C;
C = rotate_left(B, 30);
B = A;
A = temp;
for (i = 40; i <= 59; i++) {
temp = rotate_left(A, 5) + (B & C | B & D | C & D) + E + W[i] + 0x8F1BBCDC & 0x0ffffffff;
E = D;
D = C;
C = rotate_left(B, 30);
B = A;
A = temp;
for (i = 60; i <= 79; i++) {
temp = rotate_left(A, 5) + (B ^ C ^ D) + E + W[i] + 0xCA62C1D6 & 0x0ffffffff;
E = D;
D = C;
C = rotate_left(B, 30);
B = A;
A = temp;
H0 = H0 + A & 0x0ffffffff;
H1 = H1 + B & 0x0ffffffff;
H2 = H2 + C & 0x0ffffffff;
H3 = H3 + D & 0x0ffffffff;
H4 = H4 + E & 0x0ffffffff;
return (cvt_hex(H0) + cvt_hex(H1) + cvt_hex(H2) + cvt_hex(H3) + cvt_hex(H4)).toLowerCase();
const nativeJSONParse = window.JSON.parse;
const nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
// Some extensions like AdBlock override the Object.defineProperty function to prevent a redefinition of the 'ytInitialPlayerResponse' variable by YouTube.
// But we need to define a custom descriptor to that variable to intercept its value. This behavior causes a race condition depending on the execution order with this script :(
// To solve this problem the native defineProperty function will be retrieved from another window (iframe)
const nativeObjectDefineProperty = (() => {
// Check if function is native
if (Object.defineProperty.toString().includes("[native code]")) {
return Object.defineProperty;
// If function is overidden, restore the native function from another window...
const tempFrame = createElement("iframe", { style: `display: none;` });
const native = tempFrame.contentWindow.Object.defineProperty;
return native;
let wrappedPlayerResponse;
let wrappedNextResponse;
function attachInitialDataInterceptor(onInititalDataSet) {
// Just for compatibility: Backup original getter/setter for 'ytInitialPlayerResponse', defined by other extensions like AdBlock
let { get: chainedPlayerGetter, set: chainedPlayerSetter } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "ytInitialPlayerResponse") || {};
// Just for compatibility: Intercept (re-)definitions on YouTube's initial player response property to chain setter/getter from other extensions by hijacking the Object.defineProperty function
Object.defineProperty = (obj, prop, descriptor) => {
if (obj === window && PLAYER_RESPONSE_ALIASES.includes(prop)) {
console.info("Another extension tries to redefine '" + prop + "' (probably an AdBlock extension). Chain it...");
if (descriptor !== null && descriptor !== void 0 && descriptor.set) chainedPlayerSetter = descriptor.set;
if (descriptor !== null && descriptor !== void 0 && descriptor.get) chainedPlayerGetter = descriptor.get;
} else {
nativeObjectDefineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor);
// Redefine 'ytInitialPlayerResponse' to inspect and modify the initial player response as soon as the variable is set on page load
nativeObjectDefineProperty(window, "ytInitialPlayerResponse", {
set: (playerResponse) => {
// prevent recursive setter calls by ignoring unchanged data (this fixes a problem caused by Brave browser shield)
if (playerResponse === wrappedPlayerResponse) return;
wrappedPlayerResponse = isObject(playerResponse) ? onInititalDataSet(playerResponse) : playerResponse;
if (typeof chainedPlayerSetter === "function") chainedPlayerSetter(wrappedPlayerResponse);
get: () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
if (typeof chainedPlayerGetter === "function") try {return chainedPlayerGetter();} catch (err) {}
return wrappedPlayerResponse || {};
configurable: true });
// Also redefine 'ytInitialData' for the initial next/sidebar response
nativeObjectDefineProperty(window, "ytInitialData", {
set: (nextResponse) => {wrappedNextResponse = isObject(nextResponse) ? onInititalDataSet(nextResponse) : nextResponse;},
get: () => wrappedNextResponse,
configurable: true });
// Intercept, inspect and modify JSON-based communication to unlock player responses by hijacking the JSON.parse function
function attachJsonInterceptor(onJsonDataReceived) {
window.JSON.parse = (text, reviver) => {
const data = nativeJSONParse(text, reviver);
return !isObject(data) ? data : onJsonDataReceived(data);
function attachXhrOpenInterceptor(onXhrOpenCalled) {
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function (method, url) {
if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof url === "string" && url.indexOf("https://") === 0) {
const modifiedUrl = onXhrOpenCalled(this, method, new URL(url));
if (typeof modifiedUrl === "string") {
url = modifiedUrl;
nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen.apply(this, arguments);
function isPlayerObject(parsedData) {
return (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedData.videoDetails) && (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedData.playabilityStatus);
function isEmbeddedPlayerObject(parsedData) {
return typeof (parsedData === null || parsedData === void 0 ? void 0 : parsedData.previewPlayabilityStatus) === "object";
function isAgeRestricted(playabilityStatus) {
if (!(playabilityStatus !== null && playabilityStatus !== void 0 && playabilityStatus.status)) return false;
return !!playabilityStatus.desktopLegacyAgeGateReason || UNLOCKABLE_PLAYER_STATES.includes(playabilityStatus.status);
function isWatchNextObject(parsedData) {var _parsedData$currentVi, _parsedData$currentVi2;
if (!(parsedData !== null && parsedData !== void 0 && parsedData.contents) || !(parsedData !== null && parsedData !== void 0 && (_parsedData$currentVi = parsedData.currentVideoEndpoint) !== null && _parsedData$currentVi !== void 0 && (_parsedData$currentVi2 = _parsedData$currentVi.watchEndpoint) !== null && _parsedData$currentVi2 !== void 0 && _parsedData$currentVi2.videoId)) return false;
return !!parsedData.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults || !!parsedData.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults;
function isUnplayable(playabilityStatus) {
return (playabilityStatus === null || playabilityStatus === void 0 ? void 0 : playabilityStatus.status) === "UNPLAYABLE";
function isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(parsedData) {var _parsedData$contents2, _parsedData$contents3, _parsedData$contents4, _parsedData$contents5, _content$find;
if (isDesktop) {var _parsedData$contents, _parsedData$contents$, _parsedData$contents$2, _parsedData$contents$3;
// WEB response layout
const result = (_parsedData$contents = parsedData.contents) === null || _parsedData$contents === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedData$contents$ = _parsedData$contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults) === null || _parsedData$contents$ === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedData$contents$2 = _parsedData$contents$.secondaryResults) === null || _parsedData$contents$2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedData$contents$3 = _parsedData$contents$2.secondaryResults) === null || _parsedData$contents$3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$contents$3.results;
return !result;
// MWEB response layout
const content = (_parsedData$contents2 = parsedData.contents) === null || _parsedData$contents2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedData$contents3 = _parsedData$contents2.singleColumnWatchNextResults) === null || _parsedData$contents3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedData$contents4 = _parsedData$contents3.results) === null || _parsedData$contents4 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedData$contents5 = _parsedData$contents4.results) === null || _parsedData$contents5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedData$contents5.contents;
const result = content === null || content === void 0 ? void 0 : (_content$find = content.find((e) => {var _e$itemSectionRendere;return ((_e$itemSectionRendere = e.itemSectionRenderer) === null || _e$itemSectionRendere === void 0 ? void 0 : _e$itemSectionRendere.targetId) === "watch-next-feed";})) === null || _content$find === void 0 ? void 0 : _content$find.itemSectionRenderer;
return typeof result !== "object";
function isGoogleVideo(method, url) {
return method === "GET" && url.host.includes(".googlevideo.com");
function isGoogleVideoUnlockRequired(googleVideoUrl, lastProxiedGoogleVideoId) {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(googleVideoUrl.search);
const hasGcrFlag = urlParams.get("gcr");
const wasUnlockedByAccountProxy = urlParams.get("id") === lastProxiedGoogleVideoId;
return hasGcrFlag && wasUnlockedByAccountProxy;
function getYtcfgValue(value) {var _window$ytcfg;
return (_window$ytcfg = window.ytcfg) === null || _window$ytcfg === void 0 ? void 0 : _window$ytcfg.get(value);
function isUserLoggedIn() {
// Session Cookie exists?
if (!getSidCookie()) return false;
// LOGGED_IN doesn't exist on embedded page, use DELEGATED_SESSION_ID as fallback
if (typeof getYtcfgValue('LOGGED_IN') === "boolean") return getYtcfgValue('LOGGED_IN');
if (typeof getYtcfgValue('DELEGATED_SESSION_ID') === "string") return true;
return false;
function getPlayer$1(videoId, clientConfig, useAuth) {
const payload = getInnertubeEmbedPayload(videoId, clientConfig);
return sendInnertubeRequest('v1/player', payload, useAuth);
function getNext(videoId, clientConfig, playlistId, playlistIndex) {
const payload = getInnertubeEmbedPayload(videoId, clientConfig, playlistId, playlistIndex);
return sendInnertubeRequest('v1/next', payload, false);
function getMainPageClientName() {
// replace embedded client with YouTube's main page client (e.g. WEB_EMBEDDED_PLAYER => WEB)
return getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME').replace('_EMBEDDED_PLAYER', '');
function getSignatureTimestamp() {
return getYtcfgValue('STS') || (() => {var _document$querySelect;
// STS is missing on embedded player. Retrieve from player base script as fallback...
const playerBaseJsPath = (_document$querySelect = document.querySelector('script[src*="/base.js"]')) === null || _document$querySelect === void 0 ? void 0 : _document$querySelect.src;
if (!playerBaseJsPath) return;
const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET", playerBaseJsPath, false);
return parseInt(xmlhttp.responseText.match(/signatureTimestamp:([0-9]*)/)[1]);
function sendInnertubeRequest(endpoint, payload, useAuth) {
const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("POST", `/youtubei/${endpoint}?key=${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_API_KEY')}`, false);
if (useAuth && isUserLoggedIn()) {
xmlhttp.withCredentials = true;
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", generateSidBasedAuth());
return nativeJSONParse(xmlhttp.responseText);
function getInnertubeEmbedPayload(videoId, clientConfig, playlistId, playlistIndex) {
return {
context: {
client: {
...{ clientName: getMainPageClientName() },
...(clientConfig || {}) },
thirdParty: {
embedUrl: "https://www.youtube.com/" } },
playbackContext: {
contentPlaybackContext: {
signatureTimestamp: getSignatureTimestamp() } },
playlistIndex };
function getSidCookie() {
return getCookie('SAPISID') || getCookie('__Secure-3PAPISID');
function generateSidBasedAuth() {
const sid = getSidCookie();
const timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
const input = timestamp + " " + sid + " " + location.origin;
const hash = generateSha1Hash(input);
return `SAPISIDHASH ${timestamp}_${hash}`;
const logPrefix = "Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass:";
const logSuffix = "You can report bugs at: https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass/issues";
function error(err, msg) {
console.error(logPrefix, msg, err, getYtcfgDebugString(), logSuffix);
function info(msg) {
console.info(logPrefix, msg);
function getYtcfgDebugString() {
try {
return `InnertubeConfig: ` +
`innertubeApiKey: ${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_API_KEY')} ` +
`innertubeClientName: ${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME')} ` +
`innertubeClientVersion: ${getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION')} ` +
`loggedIn: ${getYtcfgValue('LOGGED_IN')} `;
} catch (err) {
return `Failed to access config: ${err}`;
function getGoogleVideoUrl(originalUrl, proxyHost) {
return proxyHost + "/direct/" + btoa(originalUrl);
function getPlayer(videoId, reason) {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
clientName: getMainPageClientName(),
clientVersion: getYtcfgValue('INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION'),
signatureTimestamp: getSignatureTimestamp(),
isEmbed: +location.pathname.includes("/embed/") }).
const proxyUrl = ACCOUNT_PROXY_SERVER_HOST + '/getPlayer?' + queryParams;
const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open('GET', proxyUrl, false);
const playerResponse = nativeJSONParse(xmlhttp.responseText);
// mark request as 'proxied'
playerResponse.proxied = true;
return playerResponse;
var tDesktop = "<tp-yt-paper-toast></tp-yt-paper-toast>\r\n";
var tMobile = "<c3-toast>\r\n <ytm-notification-action-renderer>\r\n <div class=\"notification-action-response-text\"></div>\r\n </ytm-notification-action-renderer>\r\n</c3-toast>\r\n";
const pageLoad = new Deferred();
const pageLoadEventName = isDesktop ? 'yt-navigate-finish' : 'state-navigateend';
const template = isDesktop ? tDesktop : tMobile;
const nNotificationWrapper = createElement('div', { id: 'notification-wrapper', innerHTML: template });
const nNotification = nNotificationWrapper.querySelector(':scope > *');
const nMobileText = !isDesktop && nNotification.querySelector('.notification-action-response-text');
window.addEventListener(pageLoadEventName, init, { once: true });
function init() {
function show(message, duration = 5) {
function _show() {
const _duration = duration * 1000;
if (isDesktop) {
nNotification.duration = _duration;
} else {
nMobileText.innerText = message;
nNotification.setAttribute('dir', 'in');
setTimeout(() => {
nNotification.setAttribute('dir', 'out');
}, _duration + 225);
var Notification = { show };
const messagesMap = {
success: "Age-restricted video successfully unlocked!",
fail: "Unable to unlock this video 🙁 - More information in the developer console" };
const unlockStrategies = [
// Strategy 1: Retrieve the video info by using a age-gate bypass for the innertube API
// Source: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/574#issuecomment-887171136
name: 'Innertube Embed',
requireAuth: false,
fn: (videoId) => getPlayer$1(videoId, { clientScreen: 'EMBED' }, false) },
// Strategy 2: Retrieve the video info by using the WEB_CREATOR client in combination with user authentication
// See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/pull/600
name: 'Innertube Creator + Auth',
requireAuth: true,
fn: (videoId) => getPlayer$1(videoId, { clientName: 'WEB_CREATOR', clientVersion: '1.20210909.07.00' }, true) },
// Strategy 3: Retrieve the video info from an account proxy server.
// See https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass/tree/main/account-proxy
name: 'Account Proxy',
requireAuth: false,
fn: (videoId, reason) => getPlayer(videoId, reason) }];
let lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams;
let responseCache = {};
function getLastProxiedGoogleVideoId() {var _lastProxiedGoogleVid;
return (_lastProxiedGoogleVid = lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams) === null || _lastProxiedGoogleVid === void 0 ? void 0 : _lastProxiedGoogleVid.get("id");
function unlockPlayerResponse(playerResponse) {var _playerResponse$video, _playerResponse$playa, _playerResponse$previ, _unlockedPlayerRespon, _unlockedPlayerRespon3;
const videoId = ((_playerResponse$video = playerResponse.videoDetails) === null || _playerResponse$video === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$video.videoId) || getYtcfgValue("PLAYER_VARS").video_id;
const reason = ((_playerResponse$playa = playerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _playerResponse$playa === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$playa.status) || ((_playerResponse$previ = playerResponse.previewPlayabilityStatus) === null || _playerResponse$previ === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$previ.status);
const unlockedPlayerResponse = getUnlockedPlayerResponse(videoId, reason);
// account proxy error?
if (unlockedPlayerResponse.errorMessage) {
Notification.show(`${messagesMap.fail} (ProxyError)`, 10);
throw new Error(`Player Unlock Failed, Proxy Error Message: ${unlockedPlayerResponse.errorMessage}`);
// check if the unlocked response isn't playable
if (((_unlockedPlayerRespon = unlockedPlayerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon.status) !== "OK") {var _unlockedPlayerRespon2;
Notification.show(`${messagesMap.fail} (PlayabilityError)`, 10);
throw new Error(`Player Unlock Failed, playabilityStatus: ${(_unlockedPlayerRespon2 = unlockedPlayerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon2.status}`);
// if the video info was retrieved via proxy, store the URL params from the url-attribute to detect later if the requested video file (googlevideo.com) need a proxy.
if (unlockedPlayerResponse.proxied && (_unlockedPlayerRespon3 = unlockedPlayerResponse.streamingData) !== null && _unlockedPlayerRespon3 !== void 0 && _unlockedPlayerRespon3.adaptiveFormats) {var _unlockedPlayerRespon4, _unlockedPlayerRespon5;
const cipherText = (_unlockedPlayerRespon4 = unlockedPlayerResponse.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.find((x) => x.signatureCipher)) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon4.signatureCipher;
const videoUrl = cipherText ? new URLSearchParams(cipherText).get("url") : (_unlockedPlayerRespon5 = unlockedPlayerResponse.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.find((x) => x.url)) === null || _unlockedPlayerRespon5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedPlayerRespon5.url;
lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams = videoUrl ? new URLSearchParams(new URL(videoUrl).search) : null;
// Overwrite the embedded (preview) playabilityStatus with the unlocked one
if (playerResponse.previewPlayabilityStatus) {
playerResponse.previewPlayabilityStatus = unlockedPlayerResponse.playabilityStatus;
// Transfer all unlocked properties to the original player response
Object.assign(playerResponse, unlockedPlayerResponse);
function getUnlockedPlayerResponse(videoId, reason) {
// Check if response is cached
if (responseCache.videoId === videoId) return responseCache.playerResponse;
let playerResponse;
unlockStrategies.every((strategy, index) => {var _playerResponse, _playerResponse$playa2;
if (strategy.requireAuth && !isUserLoggedIn()) return true;
info(`Trying Unlock Method #${index + 1} (${strategy.name})`);
playerResponse = strategy.fn(videoId, reason);
return ((_playerResponse = playerResponse) === null || _playerResponse === void 0 ? void 0 : (_playerResponse$playa2 = _playerResponse.playabilityStatus) === null || _playerResponse$playa2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _playerResponse$playa2.status) !== "OK";
// Cache response
responseCache = { videoId, playerResponse };
return playerResponse;
function unlockNextResponse(originalNextResponse) {
info("Trying Sidebar Unlock Method (Innertube Embed)");
const { videoId, playlistId, index: playlistIndex } = originalNextResponse.currentVideoEndpoint.watchEndpoint;
const unlockedNextResponse = getNext(videoId, { clientScreen: 'EMBED' }, playlistId, playlistIndex);
// check if the sidebar of the unlocked response is still empty
if (isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(unlockedNextResponse)) {
throw new Error(`Sidebar Unlock Failed`);
// Transfer some parts of the unlocked response to the original response
mergeNextResponse(originalNextResponse, unlockedNextResponse);
function mergeNextResponse(originalNextResponse, unlockedNextResponse) {var _unlockedNextResponse, _unlockedNextResponse2, _unlockedNextResponse3, _unlockedNextResponse4, _unlockedNextResponse5;
if (isDesktop) {
// Transfer WatchNextResults to original response
originalNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.secondaryResults = unlockedNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.secondaryResults;
// Transfer video description to original response
const originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer = originalNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.results.results.contents.
find((x) => x.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer).videoSecondaryInfoRenderer;
const unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer = unlockedNextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.results.results.contents.
find((x) => x.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer).videoSecondaryInfoRenderer;
if (unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description)
originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description = unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description;
// Transfer WatchNextResults to original response
const unlockedWatchNextFeed = (_unlockedNextResponse = unlockedNextResponse.contents) === null || _unlockedNextResponse === void 0 ? void 0 : (_unlockedNextResponse2 = _unlockedNextResponse.singleColumnWatchNextResults) === null || _unlockedNextResponse2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_unlockedNextResponse3 = _unlockedNextResponse2.results) === null || _unlockedNextResponse3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_unlockedNextResponse4 = _unlockedNextResponse3.results) === null || _unlockedNextResponse4 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_unlockedNextResponse5 = _unlockedNextResponse4.contents) === null || _unlockedNextResponse5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _unlockedNextResponse5.
find((x) => {var _x$itemSectionRendere;return ((_x$itemSectionRendere = x.itemSectionRenderer) === null || _x$itemSectionRendere === void 0 ? void 0 : _x$itemSectionRendere.targetId) === "watch-next-feed";});
if (unlockedWatchNextFeed)
// Transfer video description to original response
const originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer = originalNextResponse.engagementPanels.
find((x) => x.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer).engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer.items.
find((x) => x.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer);
const unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer = unlockedNextResponse.engagementPanels.
find((x) => x.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer).engagementPanelSectionListRenderer.content.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer.items.
find((x) => x.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer);
if (unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer)
originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer = unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer;
// This is just a state variable to handle age-restrictions in YouTube's embedded player.
let isAgeRestrictedEmbeddedPlayer = false;
try {
} catch (err) {
error(err, "Error while attaching data interceptors");
function checkAndUnlock(ytData) {
try {
// Unlock #1: Initial page data structure and response from the '/youtubei/v1/player' endpoint
if (isPlayerObject(ytData) && isAgeRestricted(ytData.playabilityStatus)) {
// Unlock #2: Legacy response data structure (only used by m.youtube.com with &pbj=1)
else if (isPlayerObject(ytData.playerResponse) && isAgeRestricted(ytData.playerResponse.playabilityStatus)) {
// Unlock #3: Embedded Player inital data structure
else if (isEmbeddedPlayerObject(ytData) && isAgeRestricted(ytData.previewPlayabilityStatus)) {
isAgeRestrictedEmbeddedPlayer = true;
// Unlock #4: Embedded Player response data structure (has no age-restriction indicator, therefore we use a state variable)
else if (isPlayerObject(ytData) && isUnplayable(ytData.playabilityStatus) && isAgeRestrictedEmbeddedPlayer) {
isAgeRestrictedEmbeddedPlayer = false;
// Equivelant of unlock #1 for sidebar/next response
else if (isWatchNextObject(ytData) && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(ytData)) {
// Equivelant of unlock #2 for sidebar/next response
else if (isWatchNextObject(ytData.response) && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(ytData.response)) {
} catch (err) {
error(err, "Video or sidebar unlock failed");
return ytData;
function onXhrOpenCalled(xhr, method, url) {
if (!isGoogleVideo(method, url)) return;
if (isGoogleVideoUnlockRequired(url, getLastProxiedGoogleVideoId())) {
// If the account proxy was used to retrieve the video info, the following applies:
// some video files (mostly music videos) can only be accessed from IPs in the same country as the innertube api request (/youtubei/v1/player) was made.
// to get around this, the googlevideo URL will be replaced with a web-proxy URL in the same country (US).
// this is only required if the "gcr=[countrycode]" flag is set in the googlevideo-url...
// solve CORS errors by preventing YouTube from enabling the "withCredentials" option (required for the proxy)
Object.defineProperty(xhr, "withCredentials", {
set: () => {},
get: () => false });
return getGoogleVideoUrl(url.toString(), VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST);