Quickly know if you have ever received Private Messages or profile comments from specific users by opening the user's profile page or by hovering over the user image/name on any page on MAL.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Minor improvements.
Minor code changes and improvements.
Updated to use the latest Jikan API version.
Version number updated
Fixed script icon.
Fixed bug that was making the script require the profile page to be reloaded after following step 3.
Improved message that will be shown when the element is hovered again too fast.
Now even if the same element if hovered very fast the script won't make a new network request.
Now the script will only make a single network request even when the same element is hovered multiple times.
Fixed bug that was making the script not work if the script "Opera Browser Rocker+Mouse Gestures + Search HighLight" was also being executed.
Now you just need to be logged in on the first time you use this script.