Adds the artwork by AmandaBear to radical and kanji mnemonics (currently for level 1-7).
这是此脚本的所有版本。 只显示代码更新过的版本
Use newest version of Item Info Injector
use newest version of Item Info Injector
Added support for new lesson/review/extra study pages (Turbo)
Now works with WaniKani's new history.pushState behavior for item pages
use newest version of WK Item Info Injector
update to newest version of Item Info Injector
update to support new radical item pages
now also works on extra study page
Use newest version of WK Item Info Injector
added radical artworks for level 9 and 10
added level 8 radicals
added level 7 kanji artworks
Now using WK Item Info Injector
added level 6 artwork
added level 5 artwork
added level 4;fixed URLs;bugfix: in kanji lessons, the image in the reading tab was not resizable