Another Dark Habitica Style

A low-contrast dark mode user style for Habitica. Goes one step further than many other Habitica dark modes and even goes so far as to dim images as well.

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This style is deliberately low contrast and dims a great many things because it was spurred by seeing people having trouble with white and other bright colors in requests on the old Feature Request Trello board. They may have been talking about the app, but it pushed me to do this and it's finally completed! Version 0.5.0 because I'm always concerned I haven't checked enough places, on a full-recolor style like this, but should be fully usable, from my experience.

If you come across a bright area on the site, it may be for one of the following reasons:

  1. It has to do with real-world money (I didn't want to make things like, say, payment information screens unreadable on accident)
    1. Similarly, a few "dangerous" options on the website may be brighter than you expect them to be so that they aren't overlooked, though I dimmed many of them.
  2. I missed it when going over the website--I don't think there should be many of this example, but please contact me on Habitica if you come across something you think I missed
  3. I deliberately left it unedited for some other reason, or the editing on it is minimal, like dimming that might be less noticeable to some people's eyes
  4. It is hard or impossible to change its color via CSS (unlikely, but I've hit a few places that didn't want to work with me...)

The dust is still settling, so it's entirely possible new eyes will result in something popping up that I might have missed! Let me know, if you discover something you think should be styled that isn't!

License has symbolically changed to a more restrictive one because I no longer give my blessing for forks of this style. Thank you.