Hide RYM Ratings If Unrated

Hides RYM ratings if you haven't rated them - unless you click a button.

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v0.4.1 2024-08-17

    Fix font color difference on night theme for bolded discography entries

  • v0.4 2024-08-13

    Update for new RYM UI update. Fixes hiding track ratings; also hides track ratings on the "top songs" part of artist profiles, and un-bolds tracks + releases as well.

  • v0.3.3 2021-03-23

    Fixing alignment issue on artist pages after new RYM update.

  • v0.3.2 2020-12-11 Show rating on master release if you've rated a sub-issue
  • v0.3.1 2020-10-15 Making it show ratings if rated on release pages (oops)
  • v0.3 2020-10-15 Simplifying logic / styles, hiding more elements on release page, and showing hidden elements on mouse hold
  • v0.2.2 2020-10-14 Fix not working if opened in new tab
  • v0.2.1 2020-10-14
  • v0.2 2020-10-11 Refactored, made it work when expanding discogaphy sections, and made it work on film pages.
  • v0.1.2 2020-10-10 Hides rating on profile pages if cataloged but not rated - before, it only hid if neither cataloged nor rated
  • v0.1.1 2020-10-10 Only match release pages and artist pages
  • v0.1 2020-10-10