Remova Propagandas E Temporizadores Ao Baixar Filmes

Desativa Temporizadores Decrescentes e Ads em sites brasileiros para baixar filmes em sites de torrent que te redirecionam para outros sites antes de liberar o download.

目前为 2021-04-02 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Remova Propagandas E Temporizadores Ao Baixar Filmes
  3. // @namespace hacker09
  4. // @version
  5. // @description Desativa Temporizadores Decrescentes e Ads em sites brasileiros para baixar filmes em sites de torrent que te redirecionam para outros sites antes de liberar o download.
  6. // @author hacker09
  7. //@noframes
  8. // @include *://*
  9. // @include *://*
  10. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(adrenalinagames|mastercuriosidadesbr|agregadordigital)(\.com)(\/.*)?/
  11. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(ondebaixa|ondebaixo|vmstorrent|clubetorrent|blurayfilmes|baixotorrents|lacraiatorrent|torrentdublado|completotorrent|adorocinematorrent|seriesfilmestorrents|filmebaixar|plustorrents|bravutorrent|pirate-filmes|filmestorrents4k|trixfilmes|aoseugosto|bludvtorrent|acervotorrents|supertorrentfilmes|filmestorrentbr|cinefilmesbrasil|topfilmestorrents)(\.com)(\/.*)?/
  12. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(filmesmega|ondeeubaixo|megatorrentshd|wolverdonfilmes|comandofilmes4k|thepiratesfilmes|thepiratefilmestorrent|lapumia|supertorrent|lapumiatorrent|baixafilme|comandotorrent|baixarfilmetorrent|torrentdosfilmes2|seriesfilmestorrent)(\.net)(\/.*)?/
  13. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(torrentool|torrentoon|hidratorrent|ondeeubaixo|thepirate-day)(\.org)(\/.*)?/
  14. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(thepiratefilmetorrent|thepiratefilmestorrent|comandotorrent)(\.tv)(\/.*)?/
  15. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(bluraytorrent|filmestorrentbrasil)(\.com\.br)(\/.*)?/
  16. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(baixar|comandotorrent)(\.club)(\/.*)?/
  17. // @match *://*
  18. // @match *://*
  19. // @match *://*
  20. // @match *://*
  21. // @match *://*
  22. // @match *://*
  23. // @match *://*
  24. // @match *://*
  25. // @match *://*
  26. // @exclude /^(https:\/\/thepirate-day\.org\/)(novidades-torrent-\d+|atividade|.+-torrent-magnet|livros-pdf-download|top-100-torrent-the-pirate-day|lancamentos-torrent|atores|atrizes|em-breve-para-download|netflix|filmes-vencedores-do-oscar|series-\d+-torrent|filmes-dublados-torrent|series-dublado|estou-com-sorte-the-pirate-day-download-torrent-\d+|filmes-e-series-dublados-dual-audio-legendados-download-torrent|pedidos|avaliacoes|dmca|category|membros|filmes-\d+-torrent-magnet|filmes-torrent-\d+|series-torrent-\d+|filmes-tecnologia-torrent|filmes-.+-torrent-\d+)(\/.*)?/
  28. // Abaixo segue a lista dos piores websites para se baixar e ver filmes, eles serão automaticamente redirecionados para o google. São todos sites cheios de propagandas, e que teoricamente deveriam permitir assistir e/ou baixar filmes, porem não e possível fazer isso nesse sites falsos.
  29. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(boutv|yts-yts|yikiking|gumroad|bulktorrent|laostelephone|filmesdetv|dubladotorrent)(\.com)(\/.*)?/
  30. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(yify-yify|todosfilmeshd|baixartorrent)(\.net)(\/.*)?/
  31. // @include /^(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?(kristi0520|boardiweb|space4vgulia|webtorrentnet|theexconsofymm)(\.blogspot\.com)(\/.*)?/
  32. // @match *://*
  33. // @match *://*
  34. // @match *://*
  35. // @match *://*
  36. // @match *://*
  37. // @match *://*
  38. // @match *://*
  39. // @icon
  40. // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
  41. // @grant GM_setValue
  42. // @grant GM_getValue
  43. // @grant window.close
  44. // @run-at document-idle
  45. // ==/UserScript==
  46. (function() {
  47. 'use strict';
  48. if ('')) /*Make sure to run only on google */ { //Starts the if condition
  49. GM_registerMenuCommand("Desativar/Ativar Marcação", ActivateOnGoogle); // Adds an option to the menu
  50. } // Finishes the if condition
  52. if (GM_getValue("ActivateOnGoogle") !== true && GM_getValue("ActivateOnGoogle") !== false) //If the value doesn't exist define it as true
  53. { //Starts the if condition
  54. GM_setValue("ActivateOnGoogle", true); // Defines the variable as true
  55. } // Finishes the if condition
  57. function ActivateOnGoogle() // Function to activate/deactivate the highlight on google
  58. { //Starts the function ActivateOnGoogle
  59. if (GM_getValue("ActivateOnGoogle") === true) //If the last config was true, define as false
  60. { //Starts the if condition
  61. GM_setValue("ActivateOnGoogle", false); //Defines the variable as false
  62. } // Finishes the if condition
  63. else { // If the last config was false, define as true
  64. GM_setValue("ActivateOnGoogle", true); //Defines the variable as true
  65. location.reload(); //Reloads the page
  66. } // Finishes the else condition
  67. } // Finishes the function ActivateOnGoogle
  69. var BlockedWebsites = new RegExp(/^(www\.)?(||||||||||||||||||||||;
  71. if ('') && GM_getValue("ActivateOnGoogle") === true) /*Make sure to run only on google */ { //Starts the if condition
  72. function HighLight() //Creates a function to HighLight the websites
  73. { //Starts the function HighLight
  74. var PageLinks = document.querySelectorAll("cite"); //Add all page links total number to a variable
  75. for (var i = PageLinks.length; i--;) { //Starts the for condition
  76. if (PageLinks[i].innerHTML.match(/^(www\.)?(||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| !== null) //If the Result contains any of these links
  77. { //Starts the if condition
  78. PageLinks[i].style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)'; //Change the element background to Yellow
  79. } //Finishes the if condition
  80. if (PageLinks[i].innerHTML.match(BlockedWebsites) !== null) //If the Result contains any of the Blocked Websites
  81. { //Starts the else condition
  82. PageLinks[i].style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'; //Change the element background to Red
  83. } //Finishes the else condition
  84. } //Finishes the for condtiion
  85. } //Finishes the function HighLight
  86. HighLight(); //Starts the HighLight Function
  88. new MutationObserver(async function() { //If the results page changes anything (If the user uses anything like the endless google scripts)
  89. HighLight(); //Starts the HighLight Function
  90. }).observe(document.querySelector("#rcnt"), { //Defines the element and characteristics to be observed
  91. attributes: true,
  92. attributeOldValue: true,
  93. characterData: true,
  94. characterDataOldValue: true,
  95. childList: true,
  96. subtree: true
  97. }); //Finishes the definitions that will be observed
  99. } //Finishes the if condition
  101. // The codes below closes the trash websites
  102. if ( !== null ||'') !== null) /*Make sure to run only on the blocked websites*/ { //Starts the if condition
  103.; //Close the actual tab
  104. } // Finishes the if condition
  106. if (!'')) /*Make sure to not run only on google */ { //Starts the if condition
  107. if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) /*If the browser is using the dark theme */ { //Starts the if condition
  108. document.title = '🏳️☠️ ' + document.title; //Add the pirate flag emoji the tab title
  109. } // Finishes the if condition
  110. else //If the browser is using the light theme
  111. { //Starts the else condition
  112. document.title = '🏴‍☠️ ' + document.title; //Add the pirate flag emoji the tab title
  113. } // Finishes the else condition
  114. } // Finishes the if condition
  116. if (!'') &&^(www\.)?(trixfilmes|baixarfilmetorrent|bludvtorrent|filmebaixar|baixar|bluraytorrent|supertorrent|baixafilmes?|aoseugosto|filmestorrent|plustorrents|pirate-filmes|thepiratesfilmes|filmesviatorrents||comandofilmes4k|lapumia|lapumiatorrent|bravutorrent|torrentdosfilmes|bluf|comandotorrent|filmestorrents4k|torrentdosfilmes2|acervotorrents|supertorrentfilmes|filmestorrentbr|filmestorrentbrasil|cinefilmesbrasil|topfilmestorrents|comandotorrent|seriesfilmestorrent))(.*)?/) === null) /*Make sure to not run on google, neither on websites that should only be highlighted on google (The,,,,,,,,,,,, sites shouldn't only be highlighted, but the codes below doesn't work on them) */ { //Starts the if condition
  117. /* = function(){};*/
  118. Function.prototype.apply = function() {}; //Disable JS on the website so that the download buttons will load without ads
  119. /*Function.prototype.bind = function(){};*/
  120. } // Finishes the if condition
  122. if ( === '' || === '') /*Make sure to run only on and on */ { //Starts the if condition
  123. document.querySelector("#colunas").remove(); //Remove the page ads
  124. document.querySelector("#colunas").remove(); //Remove the page ads
  125.'a[href*="magnet"]').href, "_self"); //Open the unprotected link
  126. document.querySelector("#aviso").style.display = "none"; //Disable Counter Text
  127. document.querySelector("#loko").style.display = "none"; //Disable Fake Download Button
  128. document.querySelector("#baixar").style.display = ""; //Enable the Real Download Button
  129. document.oncontextmenu = function() {}; /*Enables the Right Click */
  130. } // Finishes the if condition
  132. if ( === '') /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  133. document.getElementById('link0').style.display = "none"; //Hides the fake download button
  134. document.getElementById('link').style.display = "block"; //Shows the real download button
  135. document.getElementById('msg').style.display = "none"; /*Disable the message "Clique uma vez em um dos anuncios,aguarde 20 segundos na pagina que ira abrir, apos isso o seu download sera liberado" */
  136. } // Finishes the if condition
  138. if (^(www\.)?(megatorrents|megatorrentshd|thepiratefilmestorrent|filmestorrent|filmesviatorrents|lapumia|baixarfilmes|filmestorrents4k|comandofilmes4k|thepiratesfilmes|wolverdonfilmes|bluf|plustorrents|pirate-filmes|baixafilme|bludvtorrent|baixarfilmetorrent))(.*)?/) !== null) /*Make sure to run on the correct websites only */ { //Starts the if condition
  139. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a[target="_blank"]')).forEach(link => link.removeAttribute('target')); //Disable target = "_blank" on the website
  140. } //Finishes the if condition
  142. if ( === '') /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  143. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='']")).forEach(Element => Element.onclick = async function() { //To all "fake" link elements and add an advent listener to the fake link elements
  144. setTimeout(function() {
  145."#down").value, "_self");
  146. }, 0); //Get and open the real unprotected magnet link
  147. }); //Finishes the forEach condition
  148. } // Finishes the if condition
  150. if ( === '') /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  151. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='?code=']")).forEach(function(element, index) { //To all encoded link elements
  152. element.addEventListener("click", function(e) { //Add an advent listener to the encoded link elements
  153. if (index === 0 && index.length > 1) { //If it's the first element
  154. var RemoveStrings = reverseString(btoa("@X" + document.title.replace('🏳️☠️ ', '').replace('🏴‍☠️ ', ''))); //Remove these strings
  155. var Base64String = reverseString(this.href.split(RemoveStrings)[1]); //Get the reverse Base64String code
  156. } //Finishes the if condition
  157. else { //Starts the else condition if it's NOT the first element
  158. Base64String = reverseString(this.href.split('?code=')[1]); //Get the reverse Base64String code
  159. } //Finishes the else condition
  161. var DecodedLink = decodeURIComponent(atob(Base64String)); //Decode the Base64 Encoded link
  162., "_self"); //Open the decoded download link
  163. e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default encoded link from being opened
  164. }); //Finishes the onclick event listener
  166. }); //Finishes the forEach condition
  167. } //Finishes the if condition
  169. if ( === '' || === '') /*Make sure to run only on or on */ { //Starts the if condition
  170. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='?id=']")).forEach(Element => Element.onclick = async function(e) { //To all encoded link elements and add an advent listener to the encoded link elements
  171.'?id=')[1]), "_self"); //Decode and open the real unprotected download link
  172. e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default encoded link from being opened
  173. }); //Finishes the forEach condition
  174. } // Finishes the if condition
  176. if ( === '' || === '') /*Make sure to run only on or on */ { //Starts the if condition
  177. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='?token=']")).forEach(Element => Element.onclick = async function(e) { //To all encoded link elements and add an advent listener to the encoded link elements
  178.'?token=')[1]), '391si8WU89ghkDB5').toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8), "_self"); //Decode,do the reverse cryptographic AES process and finally open the real unprotected download link
  179. e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default encoded link from being opened
  180. }); //Finishes the forEach condition
  181. } // Finishes the if condition
  183. if ( === '' || === '' || === '') /*Make sure to run only on, or on */ { //Starts the if condition
  184. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='?token=']")).forEach(Element => Element.onclick = async function(e) { //To all encoded link elements and add an advent listener to the encoded link elements
  185.'?token=')[1]), "_self"); //Decode and open the real unprotected download link
  186. e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default encoded link from being opened
  187. }); //Finishes the forEach condition
  188. } // Finishes the if condition
  190. if ( === '') /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  191. document.querySelector("#myNavbar > ul > li:nth-child(5)").remove(); //Removes the fake "Jogos" download button
  192. } //Finishes the if condition
  194. if ( === '' && document.querySelector("") !== null) /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  195. document.querySelector("").innerHTML = document.querySelector("").innerHTML; //Remove the advent listeners
  196. for (var i = document.querySelectorAll("input[onclick='this.focus();']").length; i--;) { //Starts the for condition
  197. document.querySelectorAll("[href*='javascript:void();']")[i].href = document.querySelectorAll("input[onclick='this.focus();']")[i].value; //Removes the fake link and adds the correct unprotected link for all buttons
  198. } // Finishes the for condition
  199. } // Finishes the if condition
  201. if ('') !== null) /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  202. Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='magnet']")).forEach(Element => Element.onmouseover = async function() { //To all magnet link elements and add an advent listener to the link element
  203. this.href = this.href.match(/(?:(http)?(magnet.*))/); //Erase anything in from of the magnet link and change the element link to have only the correct link
  204. }); //Finishes the forEach condition
  205. } // Finishes the if condition
  207. if (^(www\.)?(|thepiratesfilmes|filmestorrent|filmesviatorrents|comandofilmes4k|wolverdonfilmes))(.*)?/) !== null) /*Make sure to run on the correct websites only */ { //Starts the if condition
  208. var SavedUnprotectedLinks = []; //Creates a new global array
  209. var AllPageLinks = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='magnet:?xt=urn:btih:']"); //Select and store all unprotected magnet links on the page
  210. for (var i = 0, max = AllPageLinks.length; i < max; i++) /*For every single link Do... */ { //Starts the for condition
  211. SavedUnprotectedLinks.push(AllPageLinks[i].href); //Add the unprotected direct magnet link to the array
  212. } //Finishes the for condition
  214. window.onload = function() { //Starts the function when the website finished loading
  215. for (var i = 0, max = AllPageLinks.length; i < max; i++) /*For every single link Do... */ { //Starts the for condition
  216. AllPageLinks[i].href = SavedUnprotectedLinks[i]; //Add the Saved Unprotected Link to AllPageLinks
  217. } //Finishes the for condition
  218. }; //Finishes the onload function
  219. } //Finishes the if condition
  221. if ( !== null) /*Make sure to run only the thepiratefilmestorrent websites and on */ { //Starts the if condition
  222. var DownloadBTNs = document.querySelectorAll('img.alignnone.wp-image-7.size-medium'); //Select and store the total buttons number
  223. for (var i = 0, max = DownloadBTNs.length; i < max; i++) /*For every single button Do... */ {
  224. DownloadBTNs[i].src = 'https://' + + '/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MAGNET-LINK.fw_-300x77.png';
  225. } /*Finishes the for condition */
  226. } //Finishes the if condition
  228. if ( === '') /*Make sure to run only on */ { //Starts the if condition
  229. var SavedProtectedLink = document.querySelector("div.entry-content > a").href; //Create a new variable to save the protected link
  231. window.onload = function() { //Starts the function when the website finished loading
  232. document.querySelector("div.entry-content > a").removeAttribute("onclick"); //Remove the onclick attribute of the element
  233. document.querySelector("div.entry-content > a").href = 'javascript:void(0);' //Remove the link of the element
  234. }; //Finishes the onload function
  236. document.querySelector("div.entry-content > a").addEventListener("click", async function() { //Starts the onclick advent listener function
  237. (async () => { //Creates a function to get the unprotected magnet link and Starts the function
  238. const response = await (await fetch('' + SavedProtectedLink)).text(); //Fetch
  239. const newDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response
  241. if (newDocument.querySelectorAll("img.alignnone").length === 1) //If there's only 1 download button
  242. { //Starts the if condition
  243.['"](magnet.*?)['"]/g)[0].replace(/"/g, ''), "_self"); //Open the unprotected magnet link
  244. } // Finishes the if condition
  245. else //If there's more than 1 download button
  246. { //Starts the else condition
  247., "_blank"); //Open the "protected magnet link"
  248. } // Finishes the else condition
  249. })(); //Finishes the async function
  250. }); //Finishes the onclick advent listener function
  251. } // Finishes the if condition
  253. })();