Disable Ads And CountDowns On Brazilian Websites To Download Torrent Movies

Desativa contadores JS e propagandas em sites brasileiros para baixar filmes em sites de torrent que te redirecionam para o site mastercuriosidadesbr.com ou para outros sites

目前为 2020-08-08 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Disable Ads And CountDowns On Brazilian Websites To Download Torrent Movies
  3. // @namespace hacker09
  4. // @version 0.7
  5. // @description Desativa contadores JS e propagandas em sites brasileiros para baixar filmes em sites de torrent que te redirecionam para o site mastercuriosidadesbr.com ou para outros sites
  6. // @author hacker09
  7. // @match https://filmesx.biz/*
  8. // @match https://ondebaixo.com/*
  9. // @match https://ondebaixa.com/*
  10. // @match https://ondeeubaixo.org/*
  11. // @match https://www.adrenalinagames.com/*
  12. // @match https://www.mastercuriosidadesbr.com/*
  13. // @match https://www.thepiratefilmestorrent.tv/*
  14. // Abaixo segue a lista dos piores websites para se baixar e ver filmes,eles serão automaticamente redirecionados para o google. São todos sites cheios de propagandas, e que teoricamente deveriam permitir assistir e/ou baixar filmes, porem não e possível fazer isso nesse sites falsos.
  15. // @match https://topflix.vip/*
  16. // @match https://todosfilmeshd.net/*
  17. // @match http://aquitemfilmes.info/*
  18. // @match https://www.filmesdetv.com/*
  19. // @match https://filmestvdublado.home.blog/*
  20. // @grant none
  21. // @run-at document-idle
  22. // ==/UserScript==
  24. (function() {
  25. 'use strict';
  26. var $ = window.jQuery; //Defines That The Symbol $ Is A jQuery
  28. // The codes below redirects trash websites to google
  29. if ((top.location.host === 'todosfilmeshd.net') || (top.location.host === 'filmestvdublado.home.blog') || (top.location.host === 'topflix.vip') || (top.location.host === 'aquitemfilmes.info') || (top.location.host === 'www.filmesdetv.com')) //Make sure to run on the correct websites only
  30. {
  31. window.location.assign("https://google.com");
  32. } // Finishes the if condition
  34. if (top.location.host === 'filmesx.biz') //Make sure to run on the correct website only
  35. {document.querySelector("#content > div.Main.Container > div > main > center:nth-child(4) > a > img").remove();} //Removes the fake download button
  37. if (top.location.host === 'www.mastercuriosidadesbr.com') //Make sure to run on the correct website only
  38. {
  39. document.querySelector("#aviso").style.display = "none"; //Disable Counter Text
  40. document.querySelector("#loko").style.display = "none"; //Disable Fake Download Button
  41. document.querySelector("#baixar").style.display = ""; //Enable Real Download Button
  42. document.oncontextmenu = function() {}; //Enables Right Mouse Click
  43. } // Finishes the if condition
  45. if (top.location.host === 'www.adrenalinagames.com') //Make sure to run on the correct website only
  46. {
  47. document.getElementById('link0').style.display="none"; //Hides the fake download button
  48. document.getElementById('link').style.display="block"; //Show the real download button
  49. document.getElementById('msg').style.display="none"; //Disable the message "Clique uma vez em um dos anuncios,aguarde 20 segundos na pagina que ira abrir, apos isso o seu download sera liberado"
  50. } // Finishes the if condition
  53. if ((top.location.host === 'ondebaixa.com') || (top.location.host === 'ondeeubaixo.org') || (top.location.host === 'ondebaixo.com')) //Make sure to run on the correct website only
  54. {
  55. // Todos os codigos abaixo extraem o conteudo html de todos os botoes e depois os injetam novamente nos botoes, isso e um hack que burla o sistema do site de redirecionar os usuarios a sites com propagandas e temporadizadores JS
  57. if (document.querySelector('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-success') !== null) //Make sure to run only if the button exits
  58. {
  59. var all = $('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-success'); //Select and store the total buttons number
  60. for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++) //For every single button Do...
  61. {
  62. var VERSÃODUALÁUDIObtnouterHTML = all[i].outerHTML; //Create a variable to store the html of the button
  63. all[i].outerHTML = VERSÃODUALÁUDIObtnouterHTML; //Re-Inject the html of the button in the button again
  64. } // Finishes the for condition
  65. } // Finishes the if condition to check if the button exists or not
  67. if (document.querySelector('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-danger') !== null) //Make sure to run only if the button exits
  68. {
  69. var allbtndanger = $('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-danger'); //Select and store the total buttons number
  70. for (var i=0, max=allbtndanger.length; i < max; i++) //For every single button Do...
  71. {
  72. var VERSÃOLEGENDADAredbtnouterHTML = allbtndanger[i].outerHTML; //Create a variable to store the html of the button
  73. allbtndanger[i].outerHTML = VERSÃOLEGENDADAredbtnouterHTML; //Re-Inject the html of the button in the button again
  74. } // Finishes the for condition
  75. } // Finishes the if condition to check if the button exists or not
  77. if (document.querySelector('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-info') !== null) //Make sure to run only if the button exits
  78. {
  79. var allbtninfo = $('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-info'); //Select and store the total buttons number
  80. for (var i=0, max=allbtninfo.length; i < max; i++) //For every single button Do...
  81. {
  82. var VERSÃOLEGENDADAbtnouterHTML = allbtninfo[i].outerHTML; //Create a variable to store the html of the button
  83. allbtninfo[i].outerHTML = VERSÃOLEGENDADAbtnouterHTML; //Re-Inject the html of the button in the button again
  84. } // Finishes the for condition
  85. } // Finishes the if condition to check if the button exists or not
  87. if (document.querySelector('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-primary') !== null) //Make sure to run only if the button exits
  88. {
  89. var LEGENDASprimarybtnouterHTML = document.querySelector('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-primary').outerHTML;
  90. document.querySelector('a.text-center.newdawn.btn.btn-primary').outerHTML = LEGENDASprimarybtnouterHTML;
  91. } // Finishes the if condition to check if the button exists or not
  92. } // Finishes the if condition for the website ondebaixa.com
  94. if (top.location.host === 'www.thepiratefilmestorrent.tv') //Make sure to run on the correct website only
  95. {
  96. //Function.prototype.call = function(){}; //Disable JS on the website
  97. Function.prototype.apply = function(){}; //Disable JS on the website so that the download buttons will load faster and without ads
  98. //Function.prototype.bind = function(){}; //Disable JS on the website
  99. var allthepiratefilmestorrentdownloadbtns = document.querySelectorAll('img.alignnone.wp-image-7.size-medium'); //Select and store the total buttons number
  100. for (var i=0, max=allthepiratefilmestorrentdownloadbtns.length; i < max; i++) //For every single button Do...
  101. {
  102. allthepiratefilmestorrentdownloadbtns[i].src = 'https://www.thepiratefilmestorrent.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MAGNET-LINK.fw_-300x77.png';
  103. } //Finishes the for condition
  104. } //Finishes the if condition
  105. })();