// ==UserScript==
// @name 空洞骑士BINGO助手3.0
// @namespace https://github.com/magegihk/HKBingoAss.git
// @version 3.1.0
// @icon https://greasyfork.org/system/screenshots/screenshots/000/014/163/thumb/images.png
// @description 2020-09-13 一键翻译脚本
// @author MageGi forked from elderFish
// @supportURL https://github.com/magegihk/HKBingoAss/issues
// @match *://www.bingosync.com/room/*
// @match *://bingosync.com/room/*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// ==/UserScript==
var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
$(document).ready(function () {
var targetDom = $('#bingo-chat').closest('.panel').children('.panel-heading');
var trsBtn = '<span id="hkbingoAssBtn" class="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right collapse-button" data-lang="cn">显示中文</span>';
var rollTranslate = {
"Defeat two Dream Bosses":"2梦Boss",
"Defeat Broken Vessel":"表哥",
"Defeat Lost Kin":"梦表哥",
"Defeat Crystal Guardian 1":"椅子哥1",
"Defeat Crystal Guardian 2":"椅子哥2",
"Defeat Collector":"收藏家",
"Defeat Dung Defender":"芬达",
"Defeat White Defender":"白芬达",
"Defeat Failed Champion":"梦大锤",
"Defeat False Knight + Brooding Mawlek":"大锤+电饭煲",
"Defeat Flukemarm":"虫母",
"Defeat Hive Knight":"蜂骑",
"Defeat Hornet 2":"小姐姐2",
"Defeat Mantis Lords":"三螳螂",
"Defeat Nosk":"诺斯克",
"Defeat Pale Lurker":"小忍者",
"Defeat any one Radiant Boss":"辐辉Boss",
"Defeat Soul Master":"大师",
"Defeat Soul Tyrant":"梦大师",
"Defeat Traitor Lord":"叛徒领主",
"Defeat Troupe Master Grimm":"格林",
"Defeat Nightmare King Grimm":"梦格林",
"Defeat Uumuu":"大水母",
"Defeat Watcher Knights":"滚滚",
"Defeat Vengefly King + Massive Moss Charger":"大蚊子+大草团",
"Defeat two dream warriors":"2梦战士",
"Defeat Galien":"加利安",
"Defeat Gorb":"戈布",
"Defeat Elder Hu":"胡长老",
"Defeat Marmu":"马尔穆",
"Defeat Markoth":"马科斯",
"Defeat No Eyes":"无眼",
"Defeat Xero":"泽若",
"Kill two Soul Warriors":"2灵魂战士",
"Kill three different Great Husk Sentries":"3泪城卫兵",
"Kill an Aluba":"1蜻蜓",
"Kill two different Alubas":"2蜻蜓",
"Colosseum 1":"竞技场1",
"Defeat Colosseum Zote":"竞技场左特",
"Crystal Crawler Journal Entry":"激光爬虫日志",
"Kill 6 different Stalking Devouts":"6镰刀虫",
"Kill a Durandoo":"杀长脚贝壳",
"Kill a Great Hopper":"1大跳蚤",
"Kill Gorgeous Husk":"金闪闪",
"Kill a Gulka with its own projectile":"弹反击杀篮球怪",
"Kill a Kingsmould":"1白宫守卫",
"Kill a Lightseed":"1光子",
"Kill two different Maggots":"2蛆虫",
"Dream Nail Marissa":"抽歌姬",
"Slash Millibelle in Pleasure House":"打银行家",
"Kill 4 Mimics":"4假虫",
"Kill Myla ":"杀米拉",
"Obtain Herrah":"赫拉",
"Obtain Lurien":"卢瑞恩",
"Obtain Monomon":"莫诺蒙",
"Ride the stag to Distant Village":"坐虫去遥远村庄",
"Ride the stag to Queen's Gardens":"坐虫去王后花园",
"Ride the stag to Hidden Station":"坐虫去隐藏的鹿角站",
"Ride the stag to King's Station":"坐虫去国王驿站",
"Ride the stag to Queen's Station":"坐虫去王后驿站",
"Have 5 or more Charms":"5+护符",
"Equip 5 Charms at the same time":"装备5护符",
"Obtain Carefree Melody":"无忧旋律",
"Obtain Wayward Compass or Gathering Swarm":"指南针或蜂群",
"Obtain Dream Wielder or Dreamshield":"舞梦者或梦盾",
"Obtain two Unbreakable charms":"2坚固",
"Obtain Flukenest or Fury of the Fallen":"虫巢或亡怒",
"Obtain Grubsong or Grubberfly's Elegy":"虫歌或挽歌",
"Obtain Glowing Womb or Weaversong":"子宫或编织者",
"Obtain Heavy Blow or Steady Body":"沉重或稳定",
"Obtain Hiveblood or Sharp Shadow":"蜂血或锋利",
"Obtain two Lifeblood charms":"2蓝血护符",
"Obtain Longnail or Mark of Pride":"修长或骄傲",
"Obtain Quick Slash or Nailmaster's Glory":"快劈或荣耀",
"Obtain Quick Focus or Deep Focus":"快聚或深聚",
"Obtain Shaman Stone or Spell Twister":"萨满或扭曲",
"Obtain Sprintmaster or Dashmaster":"飞毛腿或冲刺大师",
"Obtain Soul Eater or Soul Catcher":"噬魂或捕手",
"Obtain Thorns of Agony or Stalwart Shell":"荆棘或坚硬",
"Obtain Shape of Unn or Baldur Shell":"乌恩或巴德尔",
"Obtain the Love Key":"爱之钥",
"Obtain Descending Dark":"黑砸",
"Obtain Dream Nail":"梦钉",
"Obtain Dream Gate":"梦门",
"Obtain 2 Nail Arts":"2剑技",
"Obtain Abyss Shriek":"黑吼",
"Obtain Shade Soul":"黑波",
"Obtain Isma's Tear":"酸泪",
"Obtain Vengeful Spirit":"白波",
"Obtain Howling Wraiths":"白吼",
"Obtain 15 grubs":"15虫",
"Obtain 2 Pale Ore":"2矿石",
"Use 2 Simple Keys":"用2钥匙",
"Have 3 different maps not counting Dirtmouth or Hive":"有3地图",
"Obtain Collector's Map":"收藏家地图",
"Obtain 1 Arcane Egg":"1神秘蛋",
"Obtain Godtuner":"调谐器",
"Obtain 3 King's Idols":"3雕像",
"Obtain 5 Wanderer's Journals":"5日记",
"Obtain Lumafly Lantern":"灯",
"Obtain 1 extra mask":"1血",
"Have 6 Charm Notches total":"6槽",
"Obtain 4 Rancid Eggs":"4臭蛋",
"Obtain 5 Hallownest Seals":"5印章",
"Obtain 1 extra soul vessel":"1魔",
"Obtain Tram Pass":"车票",
"Obtain World Sense":"完成度",
"Interact with 3 Cornifer locations":"3绘图师",
"Check Crystal Heart":"看超冲",
"Open the Crystal Peaks chest":"矿山宝箱",
"Check Deep Focus":"看深聚",
"Get 2 Dreamer's checks (Requires Dream nail)":"得2守梦处东西(要梦钉)",
"Complete the Greenpath Root":"苍绿树",
"Check the Hallownest Crown":"看圣巢冠",
"Buy the Basin fountain check":"买喷泉",
"Bow to the Fungal Core Elder":"巨蘑菇鞠躬",
"Check Glowing Womb":"看子宫",
"Check the Hive Mask Shard":"看蜂巢碎片",
"Check Joni's Blessing":"看乔尼",
"Complete the Kingdom's Edge Root":"边境树",
"Check Love Key":"看爱之钥",
"Check 2 Nailmasters":"看2骨钉大师",
"Get two Pale Ore checks (Grubs / Essence excluded)":"得2矿石东西(虫或精华不算)",
"Check the journal below Stone Sanctuary":"看庇护所下日记",
"Check Sheo":"看席奥",
"Visit all 4 shops (Sly, Iselda, Salubra and Leg Eater)":"去4商店",
"Check three different spell locations":"看3法术",
"Check the Stag Nest vessel fragment":"看鹿角虫巢碎片",
"Check Shade Soul":"看黑波",
"Get the Abyss Shriek check":"得黑吼处东西",
"Check Isma's Tear":"看酸泪",
"Complete 4 full dream trees":"4树",
"Check Shape of Unn":"看乌恩",
"Check the journal above Mantis Village":"看螳螂村日记",
"Check Void Heart":"看虚空之心",
"Check/Free all grubs in Ancient Basin (2)":"看或救盆地2虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in City of Tears (5)":"看或救泪城5虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in Crossroads (5) + Fog Canyon (1)":"看或救十字路5虫+雾谷1虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in Deepnest (5)":"看或救深巢5虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in Greenpath (4) and in Fungal (2)":"看或救苍绿4虫+真菌2虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in Crystal Peaks (7)":"看或救矿山7虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in Queen's Gardens (3)":"看或救花园3虫",
"Check/Free all grubs in Waterways (3)":"看或救水道3虫",
"Break 3 floors using Dive":"白砸3地板",
"Break the 420 geo rock in Kingdom's Edge":"边境大钱堆",
"Collect 500 essence":"500精华",
"Spend 3000 geo":"花3000",
"Spend 4000 geo":"花4000",
"Spend 5000 geo":"花5000",
"Have 1500 geo in the bank":"存1500",
"Talk to Bardoon":"巴冬对话",
"Rescue Bretta + Sly":"救布蕾塔+斯莱",
"Get Brumm's flame":"布鲁姆的火",
"Talk to Cloth":"阿布对话",
"Complete either ending of the Cloth questline":"阿布结局",
"Sit on the City of Tears Quirrel bench":"坐泪城奎若边",
"Use City Crest + Ride both CoT large elevators":"用纹章+坐泪城2大电梯",
"Kill 3 Oomas using a minion charm":"跟班杀3水母",
"Rescue Zote in Deepnest":"深巢救左特",
"Read the Dung Defender sign before Isma's Grove":"读芬达牌子",
"Open the Dirtmouth / Crystal Peaks elevator":"开德-山电梯",
"Give Flower to Elderbug":"送花村长",
"Talk to Emilitia (shortcut out of sewers)":"贵妇对话",
"Talk to the Fluke Hermit":"隐士对话",
"Enter Godhome":"进神居",
"Goam and Garpede Journal Entries":"伸缩虫和蜈蚣日志",
"Open Jiji's Hut":"开吉吉小屋",
"Hit the Oro scarecrow up until the hoppers spawn":"稻草人",
"Talk to Lemm in his shop with Defender's Crest equipped":"店里臭古董商",
"Buy out Leg Eater":"买空食腿者",
"10 Lifeblood masks at the same time":"10蓝血",
"Enter the Lifeblood Core room without wearing any Lifeblood charms":"打蓝血进核心",
"Read 3 lore tablets in Teacher's Archives":"读档案馆3碑",
"Read the lore tablet in Ancient Basin":"读盆地碑",
"Read two lore tablets in City of Tears proper (No sub areas)":"读泪城2碑(无子区域)",
"Read the lore tablet in Howling Cliffs":"读呼啸碑",
"Read three lore tablets in Greenpath":"读苍绿3石碑",
"Read the lore tablet in Kingdom's Edge (requires Spore Shroom)":"读边缘碑(要孢子)",
"Read both Pilgrim's Way lore tablets":"读朝圣者2碑(苍绿真菌)",
"Read both lore tablets in Soul Sanctum":"读圣所2碑",
"Read both lore tablets in Mantis Village":"读螳螂村2碑",
"Charged Lumafly Journal Entry":"电萤日志",
"Talk to Mask Maker":"面具师对话",
"Talk to Midwife":"助产士对话",
"Bow to Moss Prophet, dead or alive":"神棍鞠躬",
"Interact with Mr. Mushroom once (Does not require Spore Shroom)":"蘑菇先生(不要孢子)",
"Nail 2":"升2钉",
"Nail 3":"升3钉",
"Use a Nail Art in its vanilla Nailmaster's Hut":"剑技班门弄斧",
"Eternal Ordeal: 20 Zotes":"无尽20左特",
"Talk to Salubra while overcharmed":"过载对话萨鲁巴",
"Complete Path of Pain":"苦痛之路",
"Buy 6 map pins from Iselda (All but two)":"6图钉",
"Buy 8 map pins from Iselda (All)":"8图钉",
"Parry Revek 3 times without dying (Spirit's Glade Guard)":"墓地3拼刀",
"Buy out Salubra":"买空萨鲁巴",
"Slash two Shade Gates":"2黑门",
"Take a bath in 4 different Hot Springs":"4温泉",
"Splash the NPC in the Colosseum's hot spring":"竞技场温泉NPC溅水",
"Visit Shrine of Believers":"信仰者神龛",
"Look through Lurien's telescope":"用望远镜",
"Void Tendrils Journal Entry":"黑须日志",
"Swat Tiso's shield away from his corpse":"打飞提索盾",
"Slash the Beast's Den Trilobite":"打野兽巢穴吊灯",
"Talk to Tuk":"臭蛋商对话",
"Visit Distant Village or Hive":"远村或蜂巢",
"Visit Lake of Unn or Blue Lake":"乌恩湖或蓝湖",
"Visit Overgrown Mound or Crystalised Mound (Crystalised requires dive)":"植物山丘或结晶山丘",
"Visit Queen's Gardens or Cast Off Shell":"拜访花园或遗弃外壳",
"Visit Soul Sanctum or Royal Waterways":"圣所或水道",
"Visit Tower of Love (Love Key not required)":"爱之塔(不需要爱之匙)",
"Swim in a Void Pool":"虚空游泳",
"Dream Nail White Lady":"梦钉抽白夫人",
"Dream Nail Willoh's meal":"梦钉抽长颈鹿食物",
"Sit down in Hidden Station":"隐藏鹿角站坐下"
var rollTips = {
"Defeat two Dream Bosses":"Defeat two Dream Bosses",
"Defeat Broken Vessel":"Defeat Broken Vessel",
"Defeat Lost Kin":"Defeat Lost Kin",
"Defeat Crystal Guardian 1":"Defeat Crystal Guardian 1",
"Defeat Crystal Guardian 2":"Defeat Crystal Guardian 2",
"Defeat Collector":"Defeat Collector",
"Defeat Dung Defender":"Defeat Dung Defender",
"Defeat White Defender":"Defeat White Defender",
"Defeat Failed Champion":"Defeat Failed Champion",
"Defeat False Knight + Brooding Mawlek":"Defeat False Knight + Brooding Mawlek",
"Defeat Flukemarm":"Defeat Flukemarm",
"Defeat Hive Knight":"Defeat Hive Knight",
"Defeat Hornet 2":"Defeat Hornet 2",
"Defeat Mantis Lords":"Defeat Mantis Lords",
"Defeat Nosk":"Defeat Nosk",
"Defeat Pale Lurker":"Defeat Pale Lurker",
"Defeat any one Radiant Boss":"Defeat any one Radiant Boss",
"Defeat Soul Master":"Defeat Soul Master",
"Defeat Soul Tyrant":"Defeat Soul Tyrant",
"Defeat Traitor Lord":"Defeat Traitor Lord",
"Defeat Troupe Master Grimm":"Defeat Troupe Master Grimm",
"Defeat Nightmare King Grimm":"Defeat Nightmare King Grimm",
"Defeat Uumuu":"Defeat Uumuu",
"Defeat Watcher Knights":"Defeat Watcher Knights",
"Defeat Vengefly King + Massive Moss Charger":"Defeat Vengefly King + Massive Moss Charger",
"Defeat two dream warriors":"Defeat two dream warriors",
"Defeat Galien":"Defeat Galien",
"Defeat Gorb":"Defeat Gorb",
"Defeat Elder Hu":"Defeat Elder Hu",
"Defeat Marmu":"Defeat Marmu",
"Defeat Markoth":"Defeat Markoth",
"Defeat No Eyes":"Defeat No Eyes",
"Defeat Xero":"Defeat Xero",
"Kill two Soul Warriors":"Kill two Soul Warriors",
"Kill three different Great Husk Sentries":"Kill three different Great Husk Sentries",
"Kill an Aluba":"Kill an Aluba",
"Kill two different Alubas":"Kill two different Alubas",
"Colosseum 1":"Colosseum 1",
"Defeat Colosseum Zote":"Defeat Colosseum Zote",
"Crystal Crawler Journal Entry":"Crystal Crawler Journal Entry",
"Kill 6 different Stalking Devouts":"Kill 6 different Stalking Devouts",
"Kill a Durandoo":"Kill a Durandoo",
"Kill a Great Hopper":"Kill a Great Hopper",
"Kill Gorgeous Husk":"Kill Gorgeous Husk",
"Kill a Gulka with its own projectile":"Kill a Gulka with its own projectile",
"Kill a Kingsmould":"Kill a Kingsmould",
"Kill a Lightseed":"Kill a Lightseed",
"Kill two different Maggots":"Kill two different Maggots",
"Dream Nail Marissa":"Dream Nail Marissa",
"Slash Millibelle in Pleasure House":"Slash Millibelle in Pleasure House",
"Kill 4 Mimics":"Kill 4 Mimics",
"Kill Myla ":"Kill Myla ",
"Obtain Herrah":"Obtain Herrah",
"Obtain Lurien":"Obtain Lurien",
"Obtain Monomon":"Obtain Monomon",
"Ride the stag to Distant Village":"Ride the stag to Distant Village",
"Ride the stag to Queen's Gardens":"Ride the stag to Queen's Gardens",
"Ride the stag to Hidden Station":"Ride the stag to Hidden Station",
"Ride the stag to King's Station":"Ride the stag to King's Station",
"Ride the stag to Queen's Station":"Ride the stag to Queen's Station",
"Have 5 or more Charms":"Have 5 or more Charms",
"Equip 5 Charms at the same time":"Equip 5 Charms at the same time",
"Obtain Carefree Melody":"Obtain Carefree Melody",
"Obtain Wayward Compass or Gathering Swarm":"Obtain Wayward Compass or Gathering Swarm",
"Obtain Dream Wielder or Dreamshield":"Obtain Dream Wielder or Dreamshield",
"Obtain two Unbreakable charms":"Obtain two Unbreakable charms",
"Obtain Flukenest or Fury of the Fallen":"Obtain Flukenest or Fury of the Fallen",
"Obtain Grubsong or Grubberfly's Elegy":"Obtain Grubsong or Grubberfly's Elegy",
"Obtain Glowing Womb or Weaversong":"Obtain Glowing Womb or Weaversong",
"Obtain Heavy Blow or Steady Body":"Obtain Heavy Blow or Steady Body",
"Obtain Hiveblood or Sharp Shadow":"Obtain Hiveblood or Sharp Shadow",
"Obtain two Lifeblood charms":"Obtain two Lifeblood charms",
"Obtain Longnail or Mark of Pride":"Obtain Longnail or Mark of Pride",
"Obtain Quick Slash or Nailmaster's Glory":"Obtain Quick Slash or Nailmaster's Glory",
"Obtain Quick Focus or Deep Focus":"Obtain Quick Focus or Deep Focus",
"Obtain Shaman Stone or Spell Twister":"Obtain Shaman Stone or Spell Twister",
"Obtain Sprintmaster or Dashmaster":"Obtain Sprintmaster or Dashmaster",
"Obtain Soul Eater or Soul Catcher":"Obtain Soul Eater or Soul Catcher",
"Obtain Thorns of Agony or Stalwart Shell":"Obtain Thorns of Agony or Stalwart Shell",
"Obtain Shape of Unn or Baldur Shell":"Obtain Shape of Unn or Baldur Shell",
"Obtain the Love Key":"Obtain the Love Key",
"Obtain Descending Dark":"Obtain Descending Dark",
"Obtain Dream Nail":"Obtain Dream Nail",
"Obtain Dream Gate":"Obtain Dream Gate",
"Obtain 2 Nail Arts":"Obtain 2 Nail Arts",
"Obtain Abyss Shriek":"Obtain Abyss Shriek",
"Obtain Shade Soul":"Obtain Shade Soul",
"Obtain Isma's Tear":"Obtain Isma's Tear",
"Obtain Vengeful Spirit":"Obtain Vengeful Spirit",
"Obtain Howling Wraiths":"Obtain Howling Wraiths",
"Obtain 15 grubs":"Obtain 15 grubs",
"Obtain 2 Pale Ore":"Obtain 2 Pale Ore",
"Use 2 Simple Keys":"Use 2 Simple Keys",
"Have 3 different maps not counting Dirtmouth or Hive":"Have 3 different maps not counting Dirtmouth or Hive",
"Obtain Collector's Map":"Obtain Collector's Map",
"Obtain 1 Arcane Egg":"Obtain 1 Arcane Egg",
"Obtain Godtuner":"Obtain Godtuner",
"Obtain 3 King's Idols":"Obtain 3 King's Idols",
"Obtain 5 Wanderer's Journals":"Obtain 5 Wanderer's Journals",
"Obtain Lumafly Lantern":"Obtain Lumafly Lantern",
"Obtain 1 extra mask":"Obtain 1 extra mask",
"Have 6 Charm Notches total":"Have 6 Charm Notches total",
"Obtain 4 Rancid Eggs":"Obtain 4 Rancid Eggs",
"Obtain 5 Hallownest Seals":"Obtain 5 Hallownest Seals",
"Obtain 1 extra soul vessel":"Obtain 1 extra soul vessel",
"Obtain Tram Pass":"Obtain Tram Pass",
"Obtain World Sense":"Obtain World Sense",
"Interact with 3 Cornifer locations":"Interact with 3 Cornifer locations",
"Check Crystal Heart":"Check Crystal Heart",
"Open the Crystal Peaks chest":"Open the Crystal Peaks chest",
"Check Deep Focus":"Check Deep Focus",
"Get 2 Dreamer's checks (Requires Dream nail)":"Get 2 Dreamer's checks (Requires Dream nail)",
"Complete the Greenpath Root":"Complete the Greenpath Root",
"Check the Hallownest Crown":"Check the Hallownest Crown",
"Buy the Basin fountain check":"Buy the Basin fountain check",
"Bow to the Fungal Core Elder":"Bow to the Fungal Core Elder",
"Check Glowing Womb":"Check Glowing Womb",
"Check the Hive Mask Shard":"Check the Hive Mask Shard",
"Check Joni's Blessing":"Check Joni's Blessing",
"Complete the Kingdom's Edge Root":"Complete the Kingdom's Edge Root",
"Check Love Key":"Check Love Key",
"Check 2 Nailmasters":"Check 2 Nailmasters",
"Get two Pale Ore checks (Grubs / Essence excluded)":"Get two Pale Ore checks (Grubs / Essence excluded)",
"Check the journal below Stone Sanctuary":"Check the journal below Stone Sanctuary",
"Check Sheo":"Check Sheo",
"Visit all 4 shops (Sly, Iselda, Salubra and Leg Eater)":"Visit all 4 shops (Sly, Iselda, Salubra and Leg Eater)",
"Check three different spell locations":"Check three different spell locations",
"Check the Stag Nest vessel fragment":"Check the Stag Nest vessel fragment",
"Check Shade Soul":"Check Shade Soul",
"Get the Abyss Shriek check":"Get the Abyss Shriek check",
"Check Isma's Tear":"Check Isma's Tear",
"Complete 4 full dream trees":"Complete 4 full dream trees",
"Check Shape of Unn":"Check Shape of Unn",
"Check the journal above Mantis Village":"Check the journal above Mantis Village",
"Check Void Heart":"Check Void Heart",
"Check/Free all grubs in Ancient Basin (2)":"Check/Free all grubs in Ancient Basin (2)",
"Check/Free all grubs in City of Tears (5)":"Check/Free all grubs in City of Tears (5)",
"Check/Free all grubs in Crossroads (5) + Fog Canyon (1)":"Check/Free all grubs in Crossroads (5) + Fog Canyon (1)",
"Check/Free all grubs in Deepnest (5)":"Check/Free all grubs in Deepnest (5)",
"Check/Free all grubs in Greenpath (4) and in Fungal (2)":"Check/Free all grubs in Greenpath (4) and in Fungal (2)",
"Check/Free all grubs in Crystal Peaks (7)":"Check/Free all grubs in Crystal Peaks (7)",
"Check/Free all grubs in Queen's Gardens (3)":"Check/Free all grubs in Queen's Gardens (3)",
"Check/Free all grubs in Waterways (3)":"Check/Free all grubs in Waterways (3)",
"Break 3 floors using Dive":"Break 3 floors using Dive",
"Break the 420 geo rock in Kingdom's Edge":"Break the 420 geo rock in Kingdom's Edge",
"Collect 500 essence":"Collect 500 essence",
"Spend 3000 geo":"Spend 3000 geo",
"Spend 4000 geo":"Spend 4000 geo",
"Spend 5000 geo":"Spend 5000 geo",
"Have 1500 geo in the bank":"Have 1500 geo in the bank",
"Talk to Bardoon":"Talk to Bardoon",
"Rescue Bretta + Sly":"Rescue Bretta + Sly",
"Get Brumm's flame":"Get Brumm's flame",
"Talk to Cloth":"Talk to Cloth",
"Complete either ending of the Cloth questline":"Complete either ending of the Cloth questline",
"Sit on the City of Tears Quirrel bench":"Sit on the City of Tears Quirrel bench",
"Use City Crest + Ride both CoT large elevators":"Use City Crest + Ride both CoT large elevators",
"Kill 3 Oomas using a minion charm":"Kill 3 Oomas using a minion charm",
"Rescue Zote in Deepnest":"Rescue Zote in Deepnest",
"Read the Dung Defender sign before Isma's Grove":"Read the Dung Defender sign before Isma's Grove",
"Open the Dirtmouth / Crystal Peaks elevator":"Open the Dirtmouth / Crystal Peaks elevator",
"Give Flower to Elderbug":"Give Flower to Elderbug",
"Talk to Emilitia (shortcut out of sewers)":"Talk to Emilitia (shortcut out of sewers)",
"Talk to the Fluke Hermit":"Talk to the Fluke Hermit",
"Enter Godhome":"Enter Godhome",
"Goam and Garpede Journal Entries":"Goam and Garpede Journal Entries",
"Open Jiji's Hut":"Open Jiji's Hut",
"Hit the Oro scarecrow up until the hoppers spawn":"Hit the Oro scarecrow up until the hoppers spawn",
"Talk to Lemm in his shop with Defender's Crest equipped":"Talk to Lemm in his shop with Defender's Crest equipped",
"Buy out Leg Eater":"Buy out Leg Eater",
"10 Lifeblood masks at the same time":"10 Lifeblood masks at the same time",
"Enter the Lifeblood Core room without wearing any Lifeblood charms":"Enter the Lifeblood Core room without wearing any Lifeblood charms",
"Read 3 lore tablets in Teacher's Archives":"Read 3 lore tablets in Teacher's Archives",
"Read the lore tablet in Ancient Basin":"Read the lore tablet in Ancient Basin",
"Read two lore tablets in City of Tears proper (No sub areas)":"Read two lore tablets in City of Tears proper (No sub areas)",
"Read the lore tablet in Howling Cliffs":"Read the lore tablet in Howling Cliffs",
"Read three lore tablets in Greenpath":"Read three lore tablets in Greenpath",
"Read the lore tablet in Kingdom's Edge (requires Spore Shroom)":"Read the lore tablet in Kingdom's Edge (requires Spore Shroom)",
"Read both Pilgrim's Way lore tablets":"Read both Pilgrim's Way lore tablets",
"Read both lore tablets in Soul Sanctum":"Read both lore tablets in Soul Sanctum",
"Read both lore tablets in Mantis Village":"Read both lore tablets in Mantis Village",
"Charged Lumafly Journal Entry":"Charged Lumafly Journal Entry",
"Talk to Mask Maker":"Talk to Mask Maker",
"Talk to Midwife":"Talk to Midwife",
"Bow to Moss Prophet, dead or alive":"Bow to Moss Prophet, dead or alive",
"Interact with Mr. Mushroom once (Does not require Spore Shroom)":"Interact with Mr. Mushroom once (Does not require Spore Shroom)",
"Nail 2":"Nail 2",
"Nail 3":"Nail 3",
"Use a Nail Art in its vanilla Nailmaster's Hut":"Use a Nail Art in its vanilla Nailmaster's Hut",
"Eternal Ordeal: 20 Zotes":"Eternal Ordeal: 20 Zotes",
"Talk to Salubra while overcharmed":"Talk to Salubra while overcharmed",
"Complete Path of Pain":"Complete Path of Pain",
"Buy 6 map pins from Iselda (All but two)":"Buy 6 map pins from Iselda (All but two)",
"Buy 8 map pins from Iselda (All)":"Buy 8 map pins from Iselda (All)",
"Parry Revek 3 times without dying (Spirit's Glade Guard)":"Parry Revek 3 times without dying (Spirit's Glade Guard)",
"Buy out Salubra":"Buy out Salubra",
"Slash two Shade Gates":"Slash two Shade Gates",
"Take a bath in 4 different Hot Springs":"Take a bath in 4 different Hot Springs",
"Splash the NPC in the Colosseum's hot spring":"Splash the NPC in the Colosseum's hot spring",
"Visit Shrine of Believers":"Visit Shrine of Believers",
"Look through Lurien's telescope":"Look through Lurien's telescope",
"Void Tendrils Journal Entry":"Void Tendrils Journal Entry",
"Swat Tiso's shield away from his corpse":"Swat Tiso's shield away from his corpse",
"Slash the Beast's Den Trilobite":"Slash the Beast's Den Trilobite",
"Talk to Tuk":"Talk to Tuk",
"Visit Distant Village or Hive":"Visit Distant Village or Hive",
"Visit Lake of Unn or Blue Lake":"Visit Lake of Unn or Blue Lake",
"Visit Overgrown Mound or Crystalised Mound (Crystalised requires dive)":"Visit Overgrown Mound or Crystalised Mound (Crystalised requires dive)",
"Visit Queen's Gardens or Cast Off Shell":"Visit Queen's Gardens or Cast Off Shell",
"Visit Soul Sanctum or Royal Waterways":"Visit Soul Sanctum or Royal Waterways",
"Visit Tower of Love (Love Key not required)":"Visit Tower of Love (Love Key not required)",
"Swim in a Void Pool":"Swim in a Void Pool",
"Dream Nail White Lady":"Dream Nail White Lady",
"Dream Nail Willoh's meal":"Dream Nail Willoh's meal",
"Sit down in Hidden Station":"Sit down in Hidden Station"
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$(document).ajaxComplete(function (event, xhr, settings) {
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console.log('card rebuild!')