// ==UserScript==
// @name Trove(trionworlds)官網中文化
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description 可以讓TROVE官網中文化的代碼!(含trionworlds)
// @author 蕃茄狼,lztxzr
// @match *://*.trionworlds.com/*
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/372862-libreplacetext/code/libReplaceText.js?version=635703
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict'
new ReplaceText([
['Account', '帳號'],
['Support', '支援'],
['English', '英文'],
['Games', '遊戲'],
['Deutsch', '德語'],
['Français', '法語'],
['Game Guide', '遊戲指南'],
['Media', '影音'],
['Community', '社群'],
['Store', '商店'],
['ArcheAge', '上古世紀'],
['Defiance 2050', '反抗軍2050'],
['時空裂痕', '時空裂痕'],
['Sign in', '登入'],
['Register', '註冊'],
['Sign in', '登入'],
['Email address', '電子信箱'],
['Password', '密碼'],
['Forgot password', '忘記密碼'],
['SIGN IN', '登入'],
['New to Glyph? Create a free account!', '是Glyph新會員?建立一個免費帳號吧!'],
['Get access to great games on Glyph.', '在Glyph上遊玩很棒的遊戲'],
['Register for upcoming alphas and betas.', '來註冊即將推出的alpha與beta遊戲'],
['Download and play today!', '今天馬上下載來玩吧!'],
[' to see your details', '來看你的詳細資料'],
['Library', '蒐藏庫'],
['Help', '幫助'],
['Create Your Glyph Account', '建立你的Glyph帳號'],
[' Email Address ', '電子信箱'],
[' Password ', '密碼'],
['Sign In', '登入'],
[' SHOW ', '顯示說明'],
[' HIDE ', '隱藏(腳本的關係無法隱藏回去)'],
['Your new password must:', '你的密碼必須是:'],
['Have at least 1 alphabetic character – A-Z', '必須有一個英文字母 – A-Z'],
['Have at least 1 number (0-9), 1 valid special character (!,@,#,etc.), and not begin or end with a space.', '必須有一個數字 (0-9), 跟一個特殊符號 (!,@,#,etc.), 還有別再開頭跟結尾用空白鍵.'],
['Have between 8 and 512 characters – long strings and sentences are fully supported!', '必須在8至512個字元間 – 支援長密碼!'],
[' Age ', '年齡'],
['Terms of Use Agreement', '使用條款協議'],
['Age', '年齡'],
[' Click this box to receive Glyph announcements and promotional messages.', '打勾能接收Glphy公告與促銷訊息.'],
[" I have read and agree to Trion's ", "我已經閱讀及同意Trion's"],
['Terms of Use', '使用條款'],
[' and ', '和'],
['Privacy Policy', '隱私政策'],
['Create Account', '建立帳號'],
['Email', '信箱'],
['Email address must be written as "[email protected]" and may not contain invalid special characters.', '信箱必須像這樣"[email protected]"並且不能包含無效的特殊符號'],
['\n Thank You! Please check your inbox for an email verification from Trion Worlds.', '感謝你!請檢查你的電子信箱來驗證通過Trion Worlds'],
['Sign Out', '登出'],
['The email address or password supplied is not correct.', '電子信箱或密碼不正確'],
['Authentication Code', '驗證碼'],
[' Authentication Code ', '驗證碼'],
[' Remember my login from this location ', '記住我的登入紀錄'],
['Resend Code', '重新發送驗證碼'],
['We know how much you value your security. To keep your account safe, we require you to enter an authentication code when you log in to Glyph from a new location.', '我們知道你對安全的重視度.為了保護你的帳號,當你從新地區登入時必須輸入驗證碼.'],
['Here’s how it works:', '他是怎麼運作的:'],
['1) Find the Authentication Code in the email sent from Trion Worlds Support.', '1)在電子信箱中找到由Trion Worlds Support發送的驗證碼'],
['2) Type or paste it in the ', '2)在這裡輸入或者貼上'],
['Authentication Code', '驗證碼'],
[' field.', ''],
["3) If you're logging in from a trusted location, you can check the ", '3)如果你是在信任的地區登入,你可以勾選'],
['Remember my login from this location', '記住我的登入紀錄'],
[' box. To protect your security, we will periodically ask you to verify your Glyph Tag, password, and authentication code.', '來確保你的帳號安全,我們會定期要求你驗證Glyph Tag,密碼,驗證碼'],
['4) Please note it might take a few minutes for the email to be delivered. If you don’t receive the email, please click on ', '4)請注意驗證碼可能會延遲幾分鐘發送.如果你沒有收到信,請點'],
['5) You can download the free ', '5)你可以下載免費的'],
[' Glyph Authenticator for iOS or Rift Mobile Authenticator for Android to generate authentication codes without needing to receive emails.', 'Glyph驗證器(IOS用) 或者 Rift 手機驗證器(Android用)來取代接收信件'],
['Have any questions? Contact Trion Worlds customer service via our ', '有任何問題嗎?連絡我們的Trion Worlds客戶服務'],
['website', '網頁'],
[' or ', '或是'],
['email', '信箱'],
['My Games', '我的遊戲'],
['View', '查看'],
['Change Password', '修改密碼'],
['Change Email Address', '修改電子信箱'],
['Set Glyph Tag', '設定Glyph Tag'],
['Account Linking', '帳號連動'],
['Apply Code', '輸入序號'],
['Payment Methods', '付款方式'],
['Transaction History', '交易歷程'],
['Security', '安全'],
['Email Preferences', '信箱偏好'],
[' Current Password ', '現在的密碼'],
[' New Password ', '新密碼'],
['Confirm Password', '確認密碼'],
['Passwords must match.', '密碼必須一致.'],
['Current Password', '現在的密碼'],
[' Confirm Password ', '確認密碼'],
['Save', '儲存'],
['CANCEL', '取消'],
['\n Your password has been changed.', '你的密碼已經變更完畢.'],
['Change email address', '修改電子信箱'],
[' New email address ', '新的電子信箱'],
[' Confirm new email address ', '確認電子信箱'],
[' Enter password ', '輸入密碼'],
['Submit', '確認'],
["We're almost done!", '我們就快完成了'],
[' \nPlease check your inbox for an email verification from Trion Worlds. ', '請檢查你的電子信箱來進行驗證.'],
['Continue', '繼續'],
['Success!', '成功!'],
['\nYour email address has been verified. ', '你的電子信箱已經驗證.'],
['Account management', '管理帳號'],
[' Your Glyph Tag is a single identity to share with your friends, forums, and games. Once created, your Glyph Tag cannot be changed, so make it count! ', '你的Glyph Tag是個人的識別碼,來分享給你的好友,論壇,還有遊戲.只能夠修改一次,修改後不能再次修改,所以很重要!'],
['must be between 3-20 characters long', '必須介於3-20字元'],
['can only contain letters A thru Z, a thru z', '只能使用英文字母A~Z,或a~z'],
['is not case sensitive', '沒有區分大小寫'],
['cannot contain spaces or symbols', '不能包含空白或特殊符號'],
['cannot contain accented characters. e.g., é, ñ', '不能使用重音符號例如é, ñ'],
['numbers are allowed, but not as the first character of your Glyph Tag.', '可以使用數字,但無法用在第一個字元在你的Glyph Tag'],
[' That Glyph Tag is not allowed because it contains an invalid character. Please try again.', '不允許使用的Glyph Tag,因為包含特殊符號.請再試一次'],
['\n Your Glyph Tag has been set!', '你的Glyph Tag已經設定完成!'],
['Connect with Twitch', '連動到Twitch'],
['Connect with Microsoft', '連動到Microsoft'],
['Connect with Sony', '連動到Sony'],
['Manage Account Links', '管理帳號連動'],
['Link your Twitch and Trion Glyph accounts to receive promotional or purchased items from Twitch. If you play on PlayStation®4 or Xbox One, you will also need to link your console and Trion Glyph accounts.', '連動你的 Twitch Glyph 帳號來接收促銷或從 Twitch 購買道具.如果你在 PlayStation®4 或 Xbox One 上面遊玩,你也會需要進行連動 Trion Glyph 帳號'],
['Link your Xbox One console and Trion Glyph accounts to receive promotional items using your Microsoft Live login credentials.', '連動你的 Xbox One 和 Trion Glyph 來接收促銷道具並使用 Microsoft Live 進行登入'],
['Link your PlayStation®4 console and Trion Glyph accounts to receive promotional items using your PSN login credentials.', '連動你的PlayStation®4來接收促銷道具並使用 PSN 進行登入'],
['Add New Payment Method', '新增付款方式'],
['Get Special Offers and News for Your Favorite Games', '從你喜歡的遊戲中,取得特別的優惠及消息'],
['Want to be the first to know about upcoming betas, new content, sales, and more? Select the games and services you would like to receive messages and special offers for below.', '想知道第一手即將到來的Beta遊戲,新內容,特賣,或者更多?選擇你想收到訊息&優惠的遊戲和服務'],
['You can update these preferences at any time.', '你可以隨時更改這些喜好'],
['SAVE CHANGES', '儲存變更'],
['Learn more', '更多'],
['Add mobile authenticator', '新增手機驗證器'],
['Refer-A-Friend', '邀請朋友'],
['LEARN MORE', '更多'],
['BECOME A PATRON', '成為贊助者'],
['Patron Subscription Information', '贊助者訂閱資訊'],
['CREDITS', '彩虹幣'],
['Buy credits ', '購買彩虹幣'],
['BUY NOW!', '現在購買!'],
['\n Fill your pockets with Credits to redeem for special loot and Classes at the in-game store.\n ', '用彩虹幣來填滿你的口袋吧!它可以在遊戲商店中兌換特別戰利品與職業.'],
['Patron Perks will help you fulfill your destiny of being best on the block!', '贊助者福利將幫助你在方塊上填滿你的命運,並成為最棒的!'],
['Select Your Credit Pack', '選擇你的彩虹幣組合包'],
['\n Fill your pockets with Credits to redeem for special loot and Classes at the in-game store.\n ', '用彩虹幣來填滿你的口袋吧!它可以在遊戲商店中兌換特別戰利品與職業.'],
['Select credit pack\n ', '選擇彩虹幣組合包'],
['Credits', '彩虹幣'],
['Bonus', '獎勵'],
['Buy credits', '購買彩虹幣'],
['BETTER VALUE!', '更好的!'],
['BEST VALUE!', '最棒的!'],
[' Other ', '其他'],
['Select Payment Method', '選擇付款方式'],
['Current Plan', '目前方案'],
['Patron Subscription History', '贊助者訂閱歷程'],
['Payment method:', '付款方式:'],
['Patron Subscription Plan:', '贊助者訂閱方案:'],
['Status:', '狀態:'],
[' Active', '啟動'],
['Active Time Remaining:', '起動剩餘天數:'],
['Renewal Date:', '續訂日期:'],
['Renewal Amount:', '續訂價格:'],
['Change plan', '變更方案'],
['Date', '日期'],
['Plan', '方案'],
['Amount', '價格'],
['Purchase', '已付款'],
['Jump Starter Pack', '跳躍入門組合包'],
['Everything you need for a strong start!', '強大的開始,裡面有你需要的一切!'],
['System Requirements', '系統要求'],
['TROV-3 Rocket Mount', 'TROV-3 火箭坐騎'],
['4 Rows of Inventory Slots', '4格背包格子'],
['10 Chaos Chests', '10個渾沌箱子'],
['10 Greater Dragon Caches', '10 個更好的龍箱子'],
['$4.99 Total', '總共 $4.99'],
['$19.99 Total', '總共 $19.99'],
['$29.99 Total', '總共 $29.99'],
['$49.99 Total', '總共 $49.99'],
['$99.99 Total', '總共 $99.99'],
[' Apply New Code ', '輸入新的序號'],
[' Type or paste your code here. Hyphens will be inserted automatically. ', '在這輸入或貼上你的序號.將會自動插入連接符號,如果你沒有邀請碼可以輸入67LDT6FCJQ3XRTE33TCX來領取2個職業幣'],
['Apply', '使用'],
['Previous codes applied to this account', '先前在此帳號上使用過的序號'],
['Game', '遊戲'],
['Name', '名稱'],
['Trove Beta Access', 'Trove 測試資格'],
['Trove - Refer-A-Friend', 'Trove - 邀請朋友'],
['Order', '訂單'],
['Transaction Type', '交易類型'],
['Product', '產品'],
['Price', '價格'],
['Search', '搜尋'],
['Digital Purchase', '線上付款'],
[' Filter your transaction history ', '篩選你的交易紀錄'],
['Code Applied', '使用序號'],
['Previous', '前'],
['Next', '後'],
['All', '全部'],
[' Date Range: ', ' 日期範圍: '],
[' Start Date: ', ' 開始日期: '],
[' End Date: ', ' 結束日期: '],
['\nTO: ', '到:'],
['Past day', '昨天'],
['Past 7 days', '7天前'],
['Past month', '1個月前'],
['Past 3 months', '3個月前'],
['Past 6 months', '6個月前'],
['Past Year', '1年前'],
['Credit Balance', '彩虹幣餘額'],
['Status', '狀態'],
['Manage Subscription', '管理訂閱'],
['12 Month', '12個月'],
['6 Month', '6個月'],
['3 Month', '3個月'],
['1 Month', '1個月'],
['Total', '總計'],
['\nMonthly ', '每個月'],
['Select Plan', '選擇方案'],
['Patron Benefits', '贊助者福利'],
['+50% Experience Gain', '經驗值+50%'],
['+2 Max Flask Capacity', '+2藥水瓶上限'],
['Double Daily Bonuses', '2倍每日獎勵'],
['+2x Battle Box Drop Rate', '2倍戰鬥寶箱掉落率'],
['+4 Chaos Factor', '每日 +4個渾沌箱子'],
['Double Gem Box Karma', '2倍寶石箱子好運'],
['Triple Daily Star Bar Cubit Rewards', '額外 3條每日星星條Cubit獎勵'],
['+5 Jump', '額外+5次跳躍'],
['+50 Lasermancy', '+50挖礦速度'],
['+100% Crafting Speed', '2倍製作速度'],
['Earn 33% more Exalted Adventurine for each Adventure.', 'Earn 33% more Exalted Adventurine for each Adventure.'],
['+100% Battle Factor for twice as many weekly battle boxes', '2倍決鬥場箱子掉落率'],
['Double Magic Find & Double Shadow Key Fragment drops', '2倍掉寶稀有度 & 2倍暗影鑰匙碎片掉落'],
['*Non-recurring Patron Passes are available in-game!', '*非連續訂閱的方案現在已經在遊戲內推出!'],
['REFER-A-FRIEND', '邀請朋友'],
['Love Trove? Invite your friends to adventure by your side. You’ll earn fire-breathing rewards when they hit Mastery Rank 20 in-game!', '喜歡 Trove?邀請你的朋友跟你一起冒險.當他們到達專精等級 20,你就會獲得火焰氣息獎勵'],
['Step 1', '第1步'],
['Invite by Email', '使用Email邀請'],
['Share this link to recruit your friends with ease!', '使用這個網址來邀請你的朋友吧!'],
['Your Confirmed Recruits', '你邀請到的新手'],
['Step 2', '第2步'],
['EARN REWARDS!', '取得獎勵!'],
['\n Each time one of your cubic recruits hits Mastery Rank 20, your Companion Level increases by one. Your very first Mastery 20 recruit grants an Elder Dragonling Ally, and the rewards grow in stature from there!\n', '當有1名達到20專精等級時,你的夥伴等級就會+1,然後你就會取得Elling Dragonling Ally,然後邀請越多獎勵越好!'],
['\n Inivite your friends by email to join you in Trove!', '使用Email來邀請你的朋友加入Trove!'],
['When your friends accept your invite, they will be automatically linked with your account. Visit the ', '當你的朋友同意你的邀請後,它們就會自動連動到你的帳號上,請至'],
[' page to see all of your confirmed recruits!\n', '網頁來確認所有邀請到的朋友!'],
[' Email recipient(s): ', 'Email接收者:'],
['Add another email address (up to 5)', '追加其他Email信箱(最多5個)'],
['Your invitation has been sent. Once your friend accepts your invitation, you will see their status on your referral ', '你的邀請已經送出.如果有朋友同意邀請,你將會看到他們的狀態在你的'],
[' page.', '網頁.'],
['Dashboard', '控制板'],
['Companion Level:', '夥伴等級:'],
['\n Grab your friends, hone your blades, and set off for adventure in the ultimate voxel MMO. Whether hunting treasure in far-off lands or building realms of your own, it’s never been this good to be square!\n ', '快把你的朋友抓來玩Trove!(非正式翻譯)'],
['Purchases only valid for PC & Mac. Purchases for ', '網站付款僅支援PC & Mac'],
[' versions must be made on their respective in-game or online stores.', '的版本必須從他們的遊戲內付款或線上商店上購買'],
['30 Experience Potions', '30個經驗藥水'],
['Add Secret Questions and Answers', '新增驗證問答'],
['Select..', '選擇..'],
[' Secret Question #1 ', '問題 #1'],
[' Secret Question #2 ', '問題 #2'],
[' Your answer to Question #1 ', '答案#1'],
[' Your answer to Question #2 ', '答案#2'],
['Save Answers', '儲存'],
['Add the Glyph Mobile Authenticator', '新增Glyph手機驗證器'],
['Secret Questions and Answers must be created before you can add the Glyph Mobile Authenticator.', '你需要建立驗證問答後才能使用驗證器.'],
['Your Email Address has been verified', '你的電子信箱已經驗證.'],
['Clear Trusted Locations', '清除信任區域.'],
['Clear Locations', '清除'],
['Clearing your list of trusted locations will mean that you will be prompted for an authentication code each time you log in to the Glyph website or the Glyph client.', '如果你在公共區域登入並勾選了記住我,或者你覺得登入的位置不安全,可以進行清除信任區域,清除後將會需要重新驗證信任區域.'],
['\n For more information about two-factor authentication and the ', '更多有關於兩步驗證的資料和'],
['Glyph Mobile Authenticator', 'Glyph手機驗證器'],
[', visit ', '請點'],
['this page', '這個網頁'],
['\nYour Secret Questions will help us to identify you if you have lost your account information. ', '你的驗證問答將會在你遺失帳號資訊時方便識別身分.'],
['Trion Worlds places great importance on the security of your account. We ask that you increase the security of your Glyph account by entering the Security Questions.', 'Trion Worlds 非常重視你的帳號安全性.我們會建議你新增驗證問答來加強安全性.'],
['Add', '新增'],
['\nFor certain actions, such as making a purchase or applying a code, we ask that you further secure your account by providing secret questions and answers. Your Secret Questions will help us to identify you if you have lost your account information.', '在某些情況下,付款或輸入序號時,為了保護你的帳號我們會要求你輸入驗證問答,你的驗證問答將幫助我們找回你失去的帳號訊息.'],
['You will be asked to provide the answers to your selected secret questions when attempting to make certain changes to your account, such as changing your password.', '我們也會在你更改密碼時要求通過驗證問答.'],
['You can request to have your account deleted to remove any personal data from Trion’s systems by submitting a customer support ticket ', '你可以通過客服來要求刪除你的任何個人資料,請點'],
['here.', '這裡.'],
['5 Experience Potions', '5個經驗藥水'],
['\n For more information about two-factor authentication and the ', '更多有關於兩步驗證的資料和'],
['\n Your newsletter subscriptions have been updated!', '你的信箱訂閱已經更新!'],
['Level faster with this pack of 30 Double Experience Potions!', '使用30個經驗雙倍藥水來更快升級吧!'],
['Level faster with this pack of 5 Double Experience Potions!', '使用5個經驗雙倍藥水來更快升級吧!'],
['Potions last 1 hour of in-game time. If you exit the game, the effects will resume upon login!\n ', '藥水持續1小時的遊戲時間,如果你退出遊戲將會在你再次登入時繼續啟用!'],
['Digital Downloads Terms and Conditions', '數位下載條款與條件'],
['Windows® Minimum', 'Windows® 最低需求'],
['\nOS: Windows Vista® 32-bit Service Pack 2', '系統版本: Windows Vista® 32-bit Service Pack 2'],
['\nProcessor: Intel® Core™ i5-2XXX @ 2.0GHz / AMD Phenom™ II X4 @ 2.6GHz', '處理器: Intel® Core™ i5-2XXX @ 2.0GHz / AMD Phenom™ II X4 @ 2.6GHz'],
['\nMemory: 1 GB RAM', '記憶體: 1 GB RAM'],
['\nGraphics: Intel® HD Graphics 3000 or better', '顯示卡: Intel® HD Graphics 3000 或更高'],
['\nNetwork: Broadband Internet connection', '網路: 寬頻網路連線'],
['\nHard Drive: 1 GB available space', '硬碟: 1 GB 可用空間'],
['\nAdditional Notes: Graphics driver: OpenGL® 3.2 or DirectX® 10.0, Glyph® Client, and registered Trion Worlds® account ', '補充說明: 顯示卡驅動: OpenGL® 3.2 或 DirectX® 10.0, Glyph® Client, 還有必須註冊 Trion Worlds® 帳號 '],
['Mac OS X® Minimum', 'Mac OS X® 最低需求'],
['\nOS: 10.7.5 or later ', '系統版本: 10.7.5 或 更高 '],
['\nProcessor: Intel® Core™ i5 ', '處理器: Intel® Core™ i5 '],
['\nNetwork: Broadband Internet connection ', '網路: 寬頻網路連線'],
['\nHard Drive: 1 GB available space ', '硬碟: 1 GB 可用空間'],
['\nGraphics: Intel® HD 4000 ', '顯示卡: Intel® HD 4000 '],
['\nAdditional Notes: Two button mouse, Glyph® Client, and registered Trion Worlds® account', '顯示卡驅動: 兩個按鍵的滑鼠, Glyph® Client, 還有必須註冊 Trion Worlds® 帳號'],
['All Games', '所有遊戲'],
['Corporate', '企業'],
['Careers', '招募'],
['Legal Notices', '法律聲明'],
['Americas', '美洲'],
['Europe', '歐洲'],
['Oceania', '大洋洲'],
['English (EU)', '英文(EU)'],
['English (UK)', '英文(UK)'],
['LATEST NEWS & UPDATES', '近期新聞 & 更新'],
['New Jump Starter Pack', '新跳躍入門組合包'],
[' Store', '商店'],
['Which store would you like to visit?', '你要進入哪一種商店?'],
['Select', '選擇'],
['Trove Bundles', 'Trove 組合包'],
['Become a Patron', '成為贊助者'],
['Learn More', '看更多'],
['Buy Now', '購買'],
['The MMO, Cubed.', '是MMO,也是方塊.'],
['What is Trove?', '什麼是Trove?'],
['Classes', '職業'],
['Dungeons & Lairs', '龍 & 巢穴'],
['Realms', '連接的世界'],
['Getting Around', '移動方式'],
['Player Creations', '玩家創作'],
['Cornerstones', '個人小屋'],
['& Club Worlds', '& 方塊世界'],
['Overview', '一覽'],
['Adventure', '冒險'],
['Explore', '探索'],
['Create', '創建'],
[' Game Guide', '遊戲指南'],
['Geode Story Trailer', 'Geode故事預告'],
['Videos', '影片'],
['Trailers', '預告'],
['Screenshots', '截圖'],
['More Screenshots ', '更多截圖'],
[' Community', '社群'],
['Read More', '繼續閱讀'],
['Forums', '論壇'],
['Watch the video', '觀賞影片'],
[' Previous', '往前'],
[' Code Redemption', '序號兌換'],
['Welcome to Trove Code Redemption', '歡迎來到Trove序號兌換'],
['Follow these steps to redeem a special promo code:', '跟隨下列步驟來兌換特別的促銷序號:'],
['Enter your code in the box below.', '輸入你的序號在格子中,如果你沒有邀請碼可以輸入67LDT6FCJQ3XRTE33TCX來領取2個職業幣'],
['Follow the prompt to log in to your Trion Worlds account (or create a new account if you do not already have one) to finalize redemption!', '跟隨步驟登入你的Trion Worlds帳號(或 創立一個新的帳號,如果你沒有的話)來完成兌換!'],
[" We're sorry, but the voucher is either expired or has already been used.", '對不起,這個序號過期或是已經使用過了.'],
[' Secret answers cannot be the same.', '答案無法相同'],
['\n For more information about two-factor authentication and the ', '更多有關於兩步驗證的資料和'],
['Secret Questions and Answers have been added', '驗證問答已經設置完畢.'],
['\nSecret Questions and Answers cannot be edited. ', '驗證問答無法進行修改. '],
['\nSecret Questions and Answers cannot be edited. ', '驗證問答無法進行修改. '],
['. If you have not already done so, please visit the following links to download the Authenticator. ', '. 如果你還沒下載,請點這裡來下載驗證器. '],
[', or for ', '或者'],
[' Authenticator Serial Key ', '驗證金鑰'],
['Please enter the Serial Key generated by the Authenticator in the field below. You will also need to answer the Secret Questions associated with this account and fill in the CAPTCHA field.', '翻譯'],
[' \nIncrease the security of your Glyph account using the ', '\n為了增加你的帳號安全請使用'],
['Apply Serial Key', '確認金鑰'],
['Glyph Mobile Authenticator has been added', 'Glyph手機驗證器已經綁定.'],
['\nClick to remove your Glyph Mobile Authenticator. ', '點擊解除來手機驗證器. '],
['Remove', '解除'],
['\nIn order to remove the authenticator from this account, you will need to enter a valid authentication security code. ', '要解除驗證器請輸入手機上的安全碼. '],
['Next Step', '下一步'],
[' Authenticator Security Code ', '驗證器安全碼'],
['Remove Authenticator', '解除驗證器'],
['Account Linking Successful', '帳號連動成功'],
['Already have Glyph?', '已經有 Glyph?'],
['Launch Glyph and log in to download and/or access your games.', '執行Glphy並登入下載你的遊戲.'],
['Don’t have Glyph?', '還沒有 Glphy?'],
['Download it by clicking below:', '點下方下載:'],
['Once you have downloaded and installed Glyph, launch it and log in to download and/or access your games.', '選擇一種方法下載安裝Glphy後登入來下載遊戲'],
['Unlink Account', '解除連動'],
['You have already linked your accounts. If you wish to unlink your accounts, please click the "Unlink Account" button.', '你已經連動帳號了.如果你想解除連動,請點解除連動按鈕.'],
['Authorize', '授權'],
['This voucher will permanently link you as a friend to another Trove player.', '使用這組序號將會將你連動到其他玩家的朋友中.'],
['Confirm', '確認'],
['\n Unable to complete your purchase!', '無法完成購買!'],
['Prepare for adventure and unlock new Classes with a variety of Trove packs.', '為了準備冒險 及 解鎖新職業用的Trove組合包'],
['Fill your pockets with Credits to redeem for special loot and Classes at the in-game store.', '用彩虹幣來填滿你的口袋吧!它可以在遊戲商店中兌換特別戰利品與職業.'],
['12 Months', '12個月'],
[' Total Price', '總價值'],
['6 Months', '6個月'],
['3 Months', '3個月'],
['Monthly', '每個月'],
['* Non-recurring 15-Day and 30-Day Patron Passes are available in-game!', '*非連續訂閱的 15日 和 30日 贊助方案現在已經在遊戲內推出!'],
['0 Bonus', '0 獎勵'],
['+250 Bonus', '+250 獎勵'],
['+500 Bonus', '+500 獎勵'],
['+1,000 Bonus', '+1,000 獎勵'],
['+3,500 Bonus', '+3,500 獎勵'],
['750 Credits', '750 彩虹幣'],
['3,250 Credits', '3,250 彩虹幣'],
['5,000 Credits', '5,000 彩虹幣'],
['8,500 Credits', '8,500 彩虹幣'],
['18,500 Credits', '18,500 彩虹幣'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],
['英文', '翻譯'],