// ==UserScript==
// @name 巴哈動漫電玩通題庫與解答系統
// @namespace https://home.gamer.com.tw/moontai0724
// @version 5.1.0
// @description 巴哈動漫電玩通題庫與解答系統,蒐集題庫中~
// @author moontai0724
// @match https://forum.gamer.com.tw/B.php*
// @supportURL https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=3924920
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @connect script.google.com
// @connect script.googleusercontent.com
// @resource quizrp https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moontai0724/bahamut-quiz-script/master/right-box.html
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/** @class */
class Database {
/** @type {String} */
static URL = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxYKwsjq6jB2Oo0xwz4bmkd3-5hdguopA6VJ5KD/exec";
constructor() {
throw new Error("New a Database instance is not needed.");
* Check is quiz exists in database
* @param {Quiz} quiz
* @returns {Boolean}
static async exists(quiz) {
let exists = await this.fetch("checkExisting", quiz.sn).catch(() => false);
return exists ? true : false;
* Find answer of quiz in database
* @param {Quiz} quiz
static async answerOf(quiz) {
let data = await this.fetch("answer", quiz.sn);
return Promise.resolve(data);
* Find hint of quiz in database
* @param {Quiz} quiz
static async hintOf(quiz) {
let data = await this.fetch("hint", quiz.sn);
return Promise.resolve(data);
* Fetch (get) data from database
* @param {String} type type of action
* @param {Number} sn serial number of quiz
static async fetch(type, sn) {
const data = new URLSearchParams({ type: type, sn: sn });
const response = await fetch(`${Database.URL}?${data.toString()}`)
.then(response => response.json());
if (response.success)
return Promise.resolve(response.data);
return Promise.reject(response);
* Submit (post) data to database
* @param {Quiz} quiz quiz infos
* @param {Number} answer answer of quiz
* @param {Boolean} correctness correctness of answer
static async submit(quiz, answer, correctness) {
const data = {
"version": GM_info.script.version,
"sn": quiz.sn,
"question": quiz.question,
"options": quiz.options,
"bsn": quiz.bsn,
"author": quiz.author,
"this_answered": answer,
"correctness": correctness,
const response = await fetch(Database.URL, {
method: "POST",
cache: "no-cache",
headers: {
"content-type": "text/plain;charset=utf-8",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
return await response.json();
/** @class */
class Quiz {
/** @type {Number} */
/** @type {String} */
/** @type {Array<String>} */
/** @type {String} */
/** @type {Number} */
/** @type {Number} */
/** @type {Boolean} */
answered = false;
constructor() {
let qabox = document.querySelector(".BH-qabox1");
this.sn = qabox.getAttribute("data-quiz-sn");
this.question = encodeURIComponent(qabox.innerText.split("\n").shift());
this.options = Array.from(qabox.querySelectorAll("li a")).map(element => encodeURIComponent(element.innerText));
this.author = new URL("https://" + qabox.querySelector("span>a").getAttribute("href")).pathname.split("/").pop();
this.bsn = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("bsn");
* try and submit answer to database
* @param {User} user user to get CSRFToken
* @param {View} view
* @param {Number|null} answer if provided, will test answer correctness
async submitAnswer(user, view, answer = undefined) {
let token = await user.getCSRFToken();
if (!answer || !(await this.attemptAnswer(answer, token, view)))
answer = await this.getAnswer(token);
let response = await Database.submit(this, answer, true);
* Try answer correctness and return correct answer
* @param {String} token CSRFToken
* @param {Number} tryAnswer answer index to try submit
async getAnswer(token, tryAnswer = 1) {
if (tryAnswer > 4) return Promise.reject();
const correctness = await this.attemptAnswer(tryAnswer, token);
if (correctness) {
this.answer = tryAnswer;
return tryAnswer;
return await this.getAnswer(token, ++tryAnswer);
* Submit quiz answer to Bahamut
* @param {Number} answer answer number, valid from 1 to 4
* @param {String} token CSRFToken
* @param {View} view if provided, will update response into view
async attemptAnswer(answer, token, view = undefined) {
const data = new URLSearchParams({ sn: this.sn, o: answer, token: token });
const response = await fetch(`/ajax/quiz_answer.php?${data.toString()}`).then(response => response.text());
if (view)
return response.includes("答對");
toString() {
let data = { sn: this.sn, question: this.question, options: this.options, author: this.author, answer: this.answer, bsn: this.bsn };
return JSON.stringify(data);
/** @class */
class User {
/** @type {String|undefined} */
constructor() {
initializeId() {
try {
this.id = BAHAID;
} catch (error) {
let cookie = document.cookie.split("; ").filter(cookie => cookie.startsWith("BAHAID")).shift();
this.id = cookie ? cookie.split("=").pop() : undefined;
async getCSRFToken() {
const response = await fetch("/ajax/getCSRFToken.php");
return await response.text();
/** @class */
class View {
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
/** @type {HTMLElement} */
* @param {User} user
* @param {Quiz} quiz
constructor(user, quiz) {
this.window = document.querySelector("#quizrp");
this.qabox = document.querySelector(".BH-qabox1");
this.window.querySelector(".version span").innerHTML = GM_info.script.version;
this.initOptions(user, quiz);
this.initAutoAnswer(user, quiz);
this.window.querySelector(".hint button").addEventListener("click", event => this.showHint(quiz));
this.window.querySelector(".original button").addEventListener("click", event => this.showQuiz(quiz));
* @param {User} user
* @param {Quiz} quiz
initAutoAnswer(user, quiz) {
if (GM_getValue("auto-answer", false)) {
this.window.querySelector(".auto span").classList.add("enable");
setTimeout(() => quiz.submitAnswer(user, this), 2000);
this.window.querySelector(".auto button").addEventListener("click", event => this.toggleAutoAnswer(user, quiz))
* @param {User} user
* @param {Quiz} quiz
initOptions(user, quiz) {
this.qabox.querySelectorAll("li a").forEach(async (element, index, array) => {
element.addEventListener("click", async event => quiz.submitAnswer(user, this, index + 1, true));
* Toggle and trigger auto answer
* @param {User} user
* @param {Quiz} quiz
toggleAutoAnswer(user, quiz) {
let autoAnswerStatus = this.window.querySelector(".auto span");
if (!autoAnswerStatus.classList.contains("enable")) {
GM_setValue("auto-answer", true);
quiz.submitAnswer(user, this);
* Show quiz
* @param {Quiz} quiz
async showQuiz(quiz) {
let original = this.window.querySelector(".original div");
original.innerHTML = `題目編號:${quiz.sn}<br>原題目:${decodeURIComponent(quiz.question)}<ol><li>${quiz.options.map(decodeURIComponent).join("</li><li>")}</li></ol>`;
this.window.querySelector(".original button").classList.add("hide");
let answer = await Database.answerOf(quiz).catch(err => null);
let options = Array.from(this.window.querySelectorAll(".original li"));
if (answer)
options.forEach((element, index) => element.classList.add(index + 1 == answer ? "correct" : "wrong"));
* Show hint
* @param {Quiz} quiz
async showHint(quiz) {
let view = this.window.querySelector(".hint span");
let hint = await Database.hintOf(quiz).catch(err => null);
this.window.querySelector(".hint button").classList.add("hide");
if (!hint) {
view.innerHTML = "題庫中無資料。";
view.innerHTML = "提示已獲取!";
this.qabox.querySelector(`li:nth-child(${hint}) a`).classList.add("wrong");
* Set response of database to view
* @param {JSON} response
setSubmitResult(response) {
let messages = {
"DATA_INVALID": "無法送出答案,請檢查是否有更新,或通知作者。",
"DATA_APPENDED": "資料新增了!感謝提供~",
"DATA_UPDATED": "資料更新了!感謝提供~",
"IGNORED": "題庫中已經有資料啦~",
const statusDisplay = this.window.querySelector(".report span");
statusDisplay.innerHTML = messages[response.message];
if (response.success)
* Set native baha response of quiz into view
* @param {String} html
setResponse(html) {
this.qabox.style["text-align"] = "center";
this.qabox.innerHTML = html;
(function () {
'use strict';
document.querySelector(".BH-qabox1").outerHTML += GM_getResourceText("quizrp");
let user = new User();
let quiz = new Quiz();
let view = new View(user, quiz);