
把動漫花園的廣告阻擋,並減少不必要的內容,簡化界面。block ad from DMHY and modify User infterface delete unnecessary content.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         動漫花園流氓廣告阻擋
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.0
// @description  把動漫花園的廣告阻擋,並減少不必要的內容,簡化界面。block ad from DMHY and modify User infterface delete unnecessary content.
// @author       Royal
// @match        https://share.dmhy.org/*
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

     //如果你想把普通廣告打開請改為true, if you wish to enable the normal AD plaease change it to true
    var normal_ad=false;
    //如果你想把logo打開請改為true,if you wish to enable the Logo plaease change it to true
    var logo=false;
    //如果你想把資源詳細資料打開請改為true,if you wish to enable the info tab plaease change it to true
    var info_tab=false;

$(document).ready(function() {
    // the kiwi ad by yahoo is so sketchy so I block it completely
    // 雅虎的kiwi廣告經常跳到下載鍵那邊,所以我決定把他除掉
    // the normal is minimize under the background, hope it don't affact the ad revenue
    // 普通廣告縮小隱藏於背景,減少對網站廣告收入的影響
    if (normal_ad == false){
    $("#1280_ad").find("img").attr({width:"1", height:"1"});
    $("#msdl_ad").find("img").attr({width:"1", height:"1"});
    if (logo == false){
    if (info_tab == false){


