Google Weblight

Adds a button at the top right corner to view the web pages in Google Weblight (For Faster Loading of Webpages)..

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Google Weblight
// @namespace   Google Weblight
// @description Adds a button at the top right corner to view the web pages in Google Weblight (For Faster Loading of Webpages)..
// @include     *
// @exclude*
// @version     1.1
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

var FNode       = document.createElement ('div');
FNode.innerHTML = '<button id="myButton" type="button">'+ 'Google <br/> Weblight</button>';
FNode.setAttribute ('id', 'myContainer'); = "top:0;right:0;position:fixed;";

document.body.appendChild (FNode);
document.getElementById ("myButton").addEventListener (
    "click", ButtonClickAction, false

function ButtonClickAction (zEvent) {
    window.location = "" + 