// ==UserScript==
// @name Show My Passwords
// @namespace ShowMyPasswords
// @version 1.3
// @description Show/Hide the contents of password fields by clicking on the eye icon or with hotkey
// @author Elwyn ([email protected])
// @license MIT
// @homepage https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/ShowMyPasswords-userscript
// @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/32049-show-my-passwords/feedback
// @iconURL https://github.com/WakeupNeo33/ShowMyPasswords-userscript/raw/main/icon.png
// @name:es Ver Mis Contraseñas
// @description:es Muestra/Ocultar el contenido de los campos de contraseña haciendo clic en el icono o con conbinacion de teclas
// @include http://*
// @include https://*
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-end
// @encoding utf-8
// ==/UserScript==
// Note: We use Pure Javascript to prevent potential conflicts on some websites
// *******************************************************************************
(function() {
'use strict';
// ¿Use HotKeys to Show/Hide passwords on password fields?
var useHotKeys = true;
// HotKey to Show/Hide passwords on password fields
var passwordHotkey = {
useCtrlKey : true,
useAltKey : true,
charKey : 'S',
// HotKey to Show/Hide Eye Icon on passwords fields
var iconHotkey = {
useCtrlKey : true,
useAltKey : true,
charKey : 'P',
// Show Eye Icons on Scirpt Init
var showEyeIcon = true;
showEyeIcon = GM_getValue('showEyeIcon', showEyeIcon);
var isVisible = false;
var passwordKeyCode = (passwordHotkey.charKey.toLowerCase()).charCodeAt(0) - 32;
var iconKeyCode = (iconHotkey.charKey.toLowerCase()).charCodeAt(0) - 32;
// Function Helpers
function getStyle(el, styleProp)
var val;
if (el.currentStyle)
val = el.currentStyle[styleProp];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp);
return val;
var toggleVisibility = function() {
var fields = document.querySelectorAll( 'input[aria-eye="true"]' );
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
if( fields[i].type == 'password' )
fields[i].setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
fields[i].className += ' show-pass-warning';
} else {
fields[i].setAttribute( 'type', 'password' );
fields[i].className = fields[i].className.replace(/\s*show-pass-warning/,'');
isVisible = !isVisible;
var showPassword = function() {
if ( isVisible ) return;
var fields = document.querySelectorAll( 'input[aria-eye="true"]' );
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
fields[i].setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
fields[i].className += ' show-pass-warning';
isVisible = true;
var hidePassword = function() {
if ( !isVisible ) return;
var fields = document.querySelectorAll( 'input[aria-eye="true"]' );
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
fields[i].setAttribute( 'type', 'password' );
fields[i].className = fields[i].className.replace(/\s*show-pass-warning/,'');
isVisible = false;
// Main Function
var addEyeIcon = function(){
var password_fields = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="password"]');
if ( password_fields.length )
for (var i = 0; i < password_fields.length; i++)
var current_field = password_fields[i];
// Check the initialization flag to prevent multiple initializations of the same field
if ( current_field.getAttribute('aria-eye') == 'true' ) continue;
// get the field style properties
var field_height = parseInt( getStyle( current_field, 'height' ) );
if ( field_height < 20 ) { field_height = 20; }
var field_margin_top = parseInt( getStyle( current_field, 'margin-top' ) );
var field_padding_left = parseInt( getStyle( current_field, 'padding-left' ) );
var field_padding_right = parseInt( getStyle( current_field, 'padding-right' ) );
// we use a container for the icon element for right position on the screen
var icon_container = document.createElement( 'div' );
var container_size = parseInt(getStyle( current_field, 'width'));
icon_container.setAttribute('style','position:absolute; width:' + container_size + 'px;');
var icon_button = document.createElement( 'span' );
icon_button.className = 'eye-pass-icon';
icon_button.setAttribute('style','height:' + field_height + 'px!important; margin-top:' + field_margin_top + 'px !important; margin-right:' + ( field_padding_right ) + 'px !important;');
icon_button.setAttribute('title','( ' + (iconHotkey.useCtrlKey ? 'Ctrl + ': '') + (iconHotkey.useCtrlKey ? 'Alt + ': '') + (iconHotkey.charKey.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + ' ) Show/Hide Eye Icon');
if ( showEyeIcon === false )
icon_button.setAttribute( 'aria-eye', 'false' );
icon_button.className += ' hide-eye-icon';
// add a click event in every eye icon and YES, we show and hide the fields with any icon
icon_button.addEventListener( 'click', function(){
}, false);
// We generate a flag in the field to prevent multiple initiations
//We add the icon before the field for a correct positioning in the screen
icon_container.appendChild( icon_button );
current_field.parentNode.insertBefore( icon_container, current_field );
icon_button.setAttribute('title', icon_button.getAttribute('title') + '\n( ' + (passwordHotkey.useCtrlKey ? 'Ctrl + ': '') + (passwordHotkey.useCtrlKey ? 'Alt + ': '') + (passwordHotkey.charKey.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + ' ) Show/Hide Password');
var toggleIcon = function()
var icons = document.querySelectorAll( '.eye-pass-icon' );
for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++)
if( icons[i].getAttribute('aria-eye') == 'true' )
icons[i].setAttribute( 'aria-eye', 'false' );
icons[i].className = 'eye-pass-icon hide-eye-icon';
GM_setValue('showEyeIcon', false);
} else {
icons[i].setAttribute( 'aria-eye', 'true' );
icons[i].className = 'eye-pass-icon';
GM_setValue('showEyeIcon', true);
// CSS Styles
var css = [
'.eye-pass-icon {',
'top: 0;',
'right: 0;',
'margin:0 2px;',
'padding: 1px 2px;',
'width: 24px;',
'height: 20px;',
'line-height: 20px;',
'background-position: center center;',
'background-repeat: no-repeat;',
'background-size: 18px 18px;',
'cursor: pointer;',
'z-index: 100;',
'opacity: 0.7;',
'.eye-pass-icon:hover {',
'background-size: 20px 20px;',
'opacity: 1;',
'.hide-eye-icon {',
'.show-pass-warning {',
'border: 1px solid rgba(236, 81, 81, 0.7) !important;',
'box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(236, 81, 81, 1) !important;',
var style_obj = document.createElement('style');
style_obj.innerText = css.join('');
// First Run
setTimeout(addEyeIcon, 1000);
// insertion-query v1.0.3 (2016-01-20)
// license:MIT
// Zbyszek Tenerowicz <[email protected]> (http://naugtur.pl/)
var insertionQ=function(){"use strict";function a(a,b){var d,e="insQ_"+g++,f=function(a){(a.animationName===e||a[i]===e)&&(c(a.target)||b(a.target))};d=document.createElement("style"),d.innerHTML="@"+j+"keyframes "+e+" { from { outline: 1px solid transparent } to { outline: 0px solid transparent } }\n"+a+" { animation-duration: 0.001s; animation-name: "+e+"; "+j+"animation-duration: 0.001s; "+j+"animation-name: "+e+"; } ",document.head.appendChild(d);var h=setTimeout(function(){document.addEventListener("animationstart",f,!1),document.addEventListener("MSAnimationStart",f,!1),document.addEventListener("webkitAnimationStart",f,!1)},n.timeout);return{destroy:function(){clearTimeout(h),d&&(document.head.removeChild(d),d=null),document.removeEventListener("animationstart",f),document.removeEventListener("MSAnimationStart",f),document.removeEventListener("webkitAnimationStart",f)}}}function b(a){a.QinsQ=!0}function c(a){return n.strictlyNew&&a.QinsQ===!0}function d(a){return c(a.parentNode)?a:d(a.parentNode)}function e(a){for(b(a),a=a.firstChild;a;a=a.nextSibling)void 0!==a&&1===a.nodeType&&e(a)}function f(f,g){var h=[],i=function(){var a;return function(){clearTimeout(a),a=setTimeout(function(){h.forEach(e),g(h),h=[]},10)}}();return a(f,function(a){if(!c(a)){b(a);var e=d(a);h.indexOf(e)<0&&h.push(e),i()}})}var g=100,h=!1,i="animationName",j="",k="Webkit Moz O ms Khtml".split(" "),l="",m=document.createElement("div"),n={strictlyNew:!0,timeout:20};if(m.style.animationName&&(h=!0),h===!1)for(var o=0;o<k.length;o++)if(void 0!==m.style[k[o]+"AnimationName"]){l=k[o],i=l+"AnimationName",j="-"+l.toLowerCase()+"-",h=!0;break}var p=function(b){return h&&b.match(/[^{}]/)?(n.strictlyNew&&e(document.body),{every:function(c){return a(b,c)},summary:function(a){return f(b,a)}}):!1};return p.config=function(a){for(var b in a)a.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(n[b]=a[b])},p}();"undefined"!=typeof module&&"undefined"!=typeof module.exports&&(module.exports=insertionQ);
// Alternative Run to contemplate possible future DOM insertion of password fields through events
// Key Event to Show/Hide Eye Icon and Password
document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(e){
// Ensure event is not null
e = e || window.event;
var key = e.which || e.keyCode || 0;
if ( useHotKeys ) {
if ( e.ctrlKey == passwordHotkey.useCtrlKey && e.altKey == passwordHotkey.useAltKey ) {
if ( key == passwordKeyCode ) {
} else if ( passwordHotkey.charKey == '' && isVisible == false ) {
if ( e.ctrlKey == iconHotkey.useCtrlKey && e.altKey == iconHotkey.useAltKey ) {
if ( key == iconKeyCode ) {
}, false);
document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function(e){
// Ensure event is not null
e = e || window.event;
if ( passwordHotkey.charKey == '' && isVisible == true ) {
}, false);