// ==UserScript==
// @name 贴吧显示真实ID
// @version 0.18
// @namespace https://github.com/8qwe24657913
// @description 贴吧昵称掩盖了真实ID,认不出人了?这个脚本适合你
// @author 8qwe24657913
// @match http://tieba.baidu.com/*
// @match https://tieba.baidu.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals GM_getValue GM_setValue GM_registerMenuCommand unsafeWindow */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-semi
;(function() {
'use strict'
// add css
const css = `
@keyframes showUserName {
from {
clip: rect(1px, auto, auto, auto);
to {
clip: rect(0px, auto, auto, auto);
.frs-author-name:not(.shownUN), .p_author_name:not(.shownUN), .userinfo_username:not(.shownUN), .lzl_cnt > .at:not(.shownUN), .lzl_content_main > .at:not(.shownUN), #j_u_username .u_ddl_con_top > ul:not(.shownUN) {
animation-duration: 0.001s;
animation-name: showUserName;
.card_userinfo_title .userinfo_username, .card_userinfo_title .userinfo_username:hover {
max-width: 100%!important;
.userinfo_username + div[style]:not([class]):not([id]), img[src="//tb1.bdstatic.com/tb/cms/nickemoji/nickname_sign.png"], .card_userinfo_tbvip {
display: none!important;
.frs-author-name > div[style*="color"], .userinfo_username > div[style*="color"] {
color: inherit!important;
const style = document.createElement('style')
// add setting
// eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
const setting = GM_getValue('showUNSetting', localStorage.showUNSetting || '${un} (${nickname})')
function changeSetting() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
const newSetting = prompt('${un}表示真实ID,${nickname}表示昵称,可使用html标签', setting)
if (newSetting && newSetting !== setting) {
GM_setValue('showUNSetting', newSetting)
GM_registerMenuCommand('设置贴吧显示真实ID格式', changeSetting)
function closestAttr(elem, attr) {
while (elem && !elem.hasAttribute(attr)) elem = elem.parentElement
return elem ? elem.getAttribute(attr) : false
function decodeURL(str) {
try {
// decode utf-8
return decodeURIComponent(str)
} catch (e) {
// decode gbk
const decoder = new TextDecoder('gbk')
return str.replace(/(?:%[A-Z0-9]{2})+/gi, s =>
new Uint8Array(
.map(c => parseInt(c, 16)),
// main
event => {
// shouldn't use jQuery
if (event.animationName !== 'showUserName') return
const target = event.target
if (target.nodeName === 'UL') {
// 设置按钮
target.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<li class="u_showUN"><a href="javascript:">显ID设置</a></li>')
target.getElementsByClassName('u_showUN')[0].addEventListener('click', changeSetting, false)
let un
let nickname
let data
let hack = false
let isAt = false
// 获取 un
if (target.hasAttribute('username') && target.getAttribute('onmouseover') === 'showattip(this)') {
// 贴吧最近又在乱改,一会回复显示id,一会回复显示昵称,一会id不编码,一会id utf-8编码,一会id gbk编码……
hack = true
un = target.getAttribute('username')
if (/%[A-Z0-9]{2}/i.test(un)) {
// url encoded
try {
un = decodeURL(un)
} catch (e) {
// do nothing
} else if ((data = closestAttr(target, 'data-field'))) {
// frs & pb & card
un = JSON.parse(data.replace(/'/g, '"')).un // 贴吧的畸形JSON用的是单引号,姑且先用replace凑合
} else if (location.pathname.startsWith('/home/')) {
// ihome 百度取消了真实用户名显示
if (!un) {
try {
un = unsafeWindow.PageData.current_page_uname
throw new Error("can't get un from PageData")
} catch (e) {
un = new URLSearchParams(location.search).get('un')
} else if (target.href) {
// unknown, trying to parse href
console.warn('贴吧显示真实ID: 尝试解析未知元素', target)
un = new URLSearchParams(target.href.split('?')[1]).get('un')
} else {
// can't find un
return console.error('贴吧显示真实ID: 找不到真实ID', target)
// 获取 nickname
if (target.classList.contains('frs-author-name')) {
// frs 用户名可能被切掉,统一不用图片,保证格式美观
nickname = closestAttr(target.parentElement, 'title').split(' ')[1]
if (nickname === un) target.textContent = nickname // 用户名尽量显示完整,不用图片
} else {
// pb & card & ihome
nickname = target.innerHTML
.replace(/^<div[^>]*>(.*)<\/div>$/, '$1')
.replace(/<img src="\/\/tb1\.bdstatic\.com\/tb\/cms\/nickemoji\/nickname_sign\.png"[^>]*>/, '')
nickname = nickname.trim()
if (nickname.startsWith('@')) {
isAt = true
nickname = nickname.slice(1)
// 修改显示内容
if (hack) {
// showattip 函数写的过于制杖,不开这脚本都显示不出来……似乎还和帖子有关,测试贴 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/6051286922 感谢 @谷歌大法好 的反馈
Object.defineProperty(target, 'textContent', {
get() {
return un
if (!nickname) {
target.textContent = un
} else if (un && un !== 'null' && nickname !== un && nickname !== '@' + un) {
let html = setting.replace(/\${un}/g, un).replace(/\${nickname}/g, nickname)
if (
target.classList.contains('p_author_name') ||
(data && target.classList.contains('userinfo_username'))
) {
html = html.replace(/<br[^>]*>/g, ' ')
} // 仅 pb & card 适合换行,不适合的地方replace成空格
target.innerHTML = (isAt ? '@' : '') + html