CH MTurk Page Titles

Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".

目前为 2014-11-19 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

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Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".

When actively working on a HIT, if you have the "mTurk Title Bar Timer" userscript installed, its frequently-reappended timer will override my one-time title appending, and just display for example "Amazon Mechanical Turk - 0:0:14:33" as usual. If it doesn't, ensure the Title Bar Time script comes sooner than this one in your Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey execution order settings.

Example resulting page titles include:

  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Status Detail - HITs You Worked On For June 30, 2014
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - All HITs - 1-10 of 2116 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - All HITs Available to You - 1-10 of 840 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - HITs containing 'test'
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - HITs containing 'test' for which you are qualified - 1-10 of 16 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Your search did not match any HITs. - xyzz
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Your search did not match any HITs. - A2A62I08WOOBFL
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - was Visual Request - Your search did not match any HITs. - A2A62I08WOOBFL
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - HITs Created by 'Turk Experiment' - 1-6 of 6 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - HIT by CrowdSource - Moderate: Images for Violations (US, Adult Content)
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - was CrowdSource - All HITs Available to You - 1-10 of 840 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - HITs Assigned to You - HITs - 1-1 of 1 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - There are no HITs currently assigned to you.
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Qualification Test - Qual by Social Surveys - 18+ American
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Qualifications - 1-10 of 19488 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Qualification Assigned to You - Qualifications - 1-10 of 76 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Pending Qualifications - 8 Results
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Your search did not match any Qualifications. - xyzz
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - Contact Requester "Turk Experiment" (A1VQU6TKNI97S9)
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - HIT Scraper
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk - QualSorter Table

In the v2.0 update, among other things, I added display of prevRequester value for certain types of URLs. The prevRequester value shows up in the URL when redirected to 'all HITs' search results from preview/panda link with no more HITs available after you accepted at least one in that group; if not already included in the URL from having accepted a previous HIT in the group, you can make a note of the requester name (and any other information you want) by adding this value to the URL yourself; use + signs for spaces (e.g. &prevRequester=Turk+Experiment or &prevRequester=Turk+Experiment+Faces+1 ). I also added prevRequester title display support for requester ID results pages with no results found; this value doesn't ever appear in these URLs on its own, but you can make a note of the requester name or anything else by adding this value to the URL yourself; again, use + signs for spaces. This makes it easier to tell which tabs you left open/refreshing for what reason; I added prevRequester values to the URLs for all my requester ID bookmarks and panda bookmarks.
And at the very bottom of the script, there's now a line you can uncomment (remove the // in front of) if you want to make all page titles start with 'AMT' instead of 'Amazon Mechanical Turk'.

This userscript is more helpful if you're also using a browser add-on/extension that allow you to see a list of your open tabs' titles, such as Tab Mix Plus for Firefox (enable its Opened Tabs toolbar button), and Quick Tab or Tabs Outliner for Chrome.

See also: my MTG thread post