// ==UserScript==
// @name BvS_Daily
// @namespace SirDuck36
// @description Assist in daily tasks
// @version 2019.05.25
// @include http*://*animecubedgaming.com/billy/bvs*
// @include http*://*animecubed.com/billy/bvs*
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
// ** NOTE ** - This version uses ES6 features. For the non-ES6 script please visit
// https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/383503-bvs-daily-non-es6
// 4.14.2011 Initial version by SirDuck36
// 4.19.2011 Major overhaul of the API by SirDuck36
// 4.20.2011 Minor updates and bug fixes from North
// 4.20.2011 Updated ChangeSequence to include a task number
// 4.20.2011 Bug fix for GoPage('glowslinging');
// 4.21.2011 Added several new options for gopage function
// 4.23.2011 Added sequences link -- suggested by WolfX
// 4.23.2011 Add hotkeylock to left and right arrow hotkeys -- suggested by Skarn22
// 4.23.2011 Added support for //@SequenceCode before first task -- suggested by North
// 4.23.2011 Fixed editor window hide to remove lingering select box -- SirDuck36
// 4.23.2011 Added functionality to hide daily window on desired pages -- SirDuck36
// 6.12.2011 Bug fix for ChangeSequence function -- Skarn22
// 6.19.2011 Add newline to ShowMsg and add pizzawitch to GoPage function -- SirDuck36
// 9.28.2014 Added grant permissions -- Channel28
// 11.7.2015 Fix a bug with flags when changing sequences. Thanks to Terrec -- Channel28
// 11.8.2015 Small fix. Thanks to Terrec -- Channel28
// 12.30.2015 Small fix regarding which key is to be pressed (Thanks to DTC) -- Channel28
// 5.19.2017 Now https compatible -- Channel28
// 2.04.2018 Now compatible with GreaseMonkey v4 (Thanks to Takumi) -- Channel28
// 5.25.2019 Added GoPage destinations for Breakfast, Marketplace & Tattoo Parlor. Hiding/unhiding
// of the window is remembered globally. This can be turned off by changing the
// OptGlobalHide below. True to show and false to hide (Thanks to Chrobot) -- Channel28
// Options
// GlobalHide: if set, window's hidden/unhidden state is remembered globally
// instead of per page.
const OptGlobalHide = true;
/////////// LIBRARY CODE /////////////////
DOM Storage wrapper class (credits: http://userscripts.org/users/dtkarlsson)
var store = new DOMStorage({"session"|"local"}, [<namespace>]);
Set item:
store.setItem(<key>, <value>);
Get item:
store.getItem(<key>[, <default value>]);
Remove item:
Get all keys in namespace as array:
var array = store.keys();
function DOMStorage(type, namespace) {
var my = this;
if (typeof(type) != "string")
type = "session";
switch (type) {
case "local": my.storage = localStorage; break;
case "session": my.storage = sessionStorage; break;
default: my.storage = sessionStorage;
if (!namespace || typeof(namespace) != "string")
namespace = "Greasemonkey";
my.ns = namespace + ".";
my.setItem = function(key, val) {
try {
my.storage.setItem(escape(my.ns + key), val);
catch (e) {
my.getItem = function(key, def) {
try {
var val = my.storage.getItem(escape(my.ns + key));
if (val)
return val;
return def;
catch (e) {
return def;
// Kludge, avoid Firefox crash
my.removeItem = function(key) {
try {
my.storage.setItem(escape(my.ns + key), null);
catch (e) {
// Return array of all keys in this namespace
my.keys = function() {
var arr = [];
var i = 0;
do {
try {
var key = unescape(my.storage.key(i));
if (key.indexOf(my.ns) == 0 && my.storage.getItem(key))
catch (e) {
} while (true);
return arr;
// End DOM Storage Wrapper class
// UI (credits: http://userscripts.org/users/dtkarlsson)
function Window(id, storage)
var my = this;
my.id = id;
my.offsetX = 0;
my.offsetY = 0;
my.moving = false;
// Window dragging events
my.drag = function(event) {
if (my.moving) {
my.element.style.left = (event.clientX - my.offsetX)+'px';
my.element.style.top = (event.clientY - my.offsetY)+'px';
my.stopDrag = function(event) {
if (my.moving) {
my.moving = false;
var x = parseInt(my.element.style.left);
var y = parseInt(my.element.style.top);
if(x < 0) x = 0;
if(y < 0) y = 0;
storage.setItem(my.id + ".coord.x", x);
storage.setItem(my.id + ".coord.y", y);
my.element.style.opacity = 1;
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', my.stopDrag, true);
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', my.drag, true);
my.startDrag = function(event) {
if (event.button != 0) {
my.moving = false;
my.offsetX = event.clientX - parseInt(my.element.style.left);
my.offsetY = event.clientY - parseInt(my.element.style.top);
if (my.offsetY > 27)
my.moving = true;
my.element.style.opacity = 0.75;
window.addEventListener('mouseup', my.stopDrag, true);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', my.drag, true);
my.show = function()
this.element.style.visibility = 'visible';
my.hide = function()
this.element.style.visibility = 'hidden';
my.reset = function()
storage.setItem(my.id + ".coord.x", 6);
storage.setItem(my.id + ".coord.y", 6);
my.element.style.left = "6px";
my.element.style.top = "6px";
my.element = document.createElement("div");
my.element.id = id;
my.element.addEventListener('mousedown', my.startDrag, true);
if (storage.getItem(my.id + ".coord.x"))
my.element.style.left = storage.getItem(my.id + ".coord.x") + "px";
my.element.style.left = "6px";
if (storage.getItem(my.id + ".coord.y"))
my.element.style.top = storage.getItem(my.id + ".coord.y") + "px";
my.element.style.top = "6px";
// End UI Window implementation
// Make infinite alerts less miserable
var displayAlerts = true;
function alert(msg) {
if (displayAlerts) {
if (!confirm(msg)) {
displayAlerts = false;
/////////// DATA STRUCTURES /////////////////
function dailyData()
// Save the storage object
this.storage = new DOMStorage("local", "BvSDaily");
this.namePlayer = document.evaluate("//input[@name='player' and @type='hidden']", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.value;
// List of all sequences stored in memory
this.sequenceList = "";
// List of all pages on which the daily window is hidden
this.hidePageList = "";
// Global hide flag
this.globalHide = false;
// Name and task number of current sequence
this.sequenceName = "";
this.taskNum = 0;
// Actual tasklist for this sequence
this.taskList = new Array();
// Array of string flags to save information... a flag is set if contained in the array
// Crude but simple
this.flagStr = "|";
// Helper function to set a flag
this.SetFlag = function(flagtext)
if (!this.TestFlag(flagtext))
this.flagStr += flagtext + "|";
// Helper function to test for a flag
this.TestFlag = function(flagtext)
if (this.flagStr.indexOf("|" + flagtext + "|") > -1)
return true;
return false;
// Check whether a page is in the hidePageList
this.TestHidePage = function(pageName)
if (OptGlobalHide)
return this.globalHide;
for (var i=0; i < this.hidePageList.length; i++)
if (this.hidePageList[i] === pageName)
return true;
return false;
// Add a page to the hidePageList
this.AddHidePage = function(pageName)
if (!this.TestHidePage(pageName))
if (OptGlobalHide)
this.globalHide = true;
// Remove a page from the hidePageList
this.RemoveHidePage = function(pageName)
this.globalHide = false;
for (var i=0; i < this.hidePageList.length; i++)
if (this.hidePageList[i] === pageName)
// Check whether a sequence name is in the sequence list
this.TestSequence = function(sequenceName)
for (var i=0; i < this.sequenceList.length; i++)
if (this.sequenceList[i] === sequenceName)
return true;
return false;
// Remove a sequence
this.RemoveSequence = function(sequenceName)
// Remove sequence from sequence list
for (var i=0; i<this.sequenceList.length; i++)
if (this.sequenceList[i] === sequenceName)
// Remove this element from sequencelist
this.storage.removeItem("Daily_Sequence_" + sequenceName);
// Store a new or modified sequence
this.SaveSequence = function(sequenceName, sequenceCode)
if (!this.TestSequence(sequenceName))
// Add sequenceName to sequenceList and save
// Save the sequence code
this.storage.setItem("Daily_Sequence_" + sequenceName, sequenceCode);
// Update the daily window
// Load and parse a given new sequence name
this.LoadSequence = function(newSequenceName)
// Set the current sequence name and reinitialize taskList
this.flagStr = this.storage.getItem(this.namePlayer + "_Daily_" + newSequenceName + "_Flags", "|");
if (!(this.sequenceName === newSequenceName))
// Only reset the sequencename and tasknum if this is not the current sequence in use
this.sequenceName = newSequenceName;
this.taskNum = 1;
// Initialize empty tasklist
this.taskList = new Array();
// Load newSequenceName from memory and parse into this.taskList
var strSequenceData = this.storage.getItem("Daily_Sequence_" + newSequenceName, "");
if (!strSequenceData)
return; // no sequence data to be loaded
var sequenceData = strSequenceData.split("@NewTask");
// Implementation of sequence code goes into task 0
if (sequenceData[0].indexOf("@SequenceCode") > -1)
this.taskList.push(new Task("SequenceCode", sequenceData[0]));
// Input the various tasks to be performed
for (i=1; i < sequenceData.length; i++)
// Default taskname from a line such as "//@TaskName: Example Task Name"
var taskname;
var res = /@TaskName: (.+)(?=\r|\n)/.exec(sequenceData[i]);
if (res)
taskname = res[1];
taskname = "task " + i; // default taskname
this.taskList.push(new Task(taskname, sequenceData[i]) );
// Add a final ending task which does nothing
this.taskList.push(new Task("Done", "ShowMsg(\"Sequence Complete!\")"));
this.SaveState = function()
// Save the current state of this script (sequence name, task number, flags in use)
this.storage.setItem("Daily_SequenceList", this.sequenceList.join("|") );
this.storage.setItem("Daily_HidePageList", this.hidePageList.join("|") );
this.storage.setItem("Daily_GlobalHide", this.globalHide);
this.storage.setItem(this.namePlayer + "_DailyTaskNum", this.taskNum);
this.storage.setItem(this.namePlayer + "_Daily_" + this.sequenceName + "_Flags", this.flagStr );
this.storage.setItem(this.namePlayer + "_DailySequenceName", this.sequenceName);
this.LoadState = function()
// Load the previous state of this script (sequence name, task number, flags in use)
this.sequenceList = this.storage.getItem("Daily_SequenceList", this.sequenceList ).split("|");
this.hidePageList = this.storage.getItem("Daily_HidePageList", this.hidePageList ).split("|");
this.globalHide = ('true' === this.storage.getItem("Daily_GlobalHide", 'false'));
this.sequenceName = this.storage.getItem(this.namePlayer + "_DailySequenceName", "");
if (this.sequenceName)
this.taskNum = parseInt( this.storage.getItem(this.namePlayer + "_DailyTaskNum", "0") );
this.flagStr = this.storage.getItem(this.namePlayer + "_Daily_" + this.sequenceName + "_Flags", "|" );
// remove leading empty sequence strings
// problem only occurs intially (I think)
if (this.sequenceList[0] === "")
if (this.hidePageList[0] === "")
// Load the current state
// Load the sequence corresponding to the current state
// task object has a description to be shown and a function that gets called
function Task(taskname, taskfun)
this.taskname = taskname;
this.taskfun = taskfun;
function Jutsu(name, code)
this.name = name;
this.code = code;
function Mission(name, jutsu, allyget, type, diff, succ)
this.name = name;
this.jutsu = jutsu;
this.type = type;
this.diff = diff;
this.succ = succ;
this.allyget = allyget;
function Quest(name, code, numsteps, flag)
this.name = name;
this.code = code;
this.numsteps = numsteps;
this.flag = flag;
/////////// FLOATING WINDOWS ///////////////
function FloatingDaily()
this.window = new Window("floatingDaily", data.storage);
// Add css style for report window
this.window.element.style.border = "2px solid #000000";
this.window.element.style.position = "fixed";
this.window.element.style.zIndex = "100";
this.window.element.style.color = "#000000";
this.window.element.style.padding = "5";
this.window.element.style.textAlign = "left";
this.window.element.style.overflowX = "auto";
this.window.element.style.overflowY = "auto";
this.window.element.style.width = "200px";
this.window.element.style.height = "500px";
this.window.element.style.background = "none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(216, 216, 216)";
this.Draw = function()
// Test whether the daily window should be drawn on this page
if (data.TestHidePage(location.href))
// Show the window if not already
// Helper array to build the HTML
var arr = new Array();
arr.push('<table width="200"><tr><td align="left">Daily Helper</td>',
'<td align="right"><p style="margin: 0pt; text-align: right;">',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="DailyHidePageButton">',
arr.push("Sequence: <b>" + data.sequenceName + "</b><br><br>");
arr.push('<table width="200"><tr><td align="left">',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="DailyBackTaskButton">',
arr.push('<td align="center"><b>' + data.taskNum + '</b> / ' + (data.taskList.length-1) + '</td>');
arr.push('<td align="right"><a href="javascript:void(0)" id="DailySkipTaskButton">',
if (data.taskNum > 0 && data.taskNum < data.taskList.length)
arr.push('Task: <b>' + data.taskList[data.taskNum].taskname + '</b>');
arr.push('Task: Undefined Task');
arr.push('<br><br><div id="DailyMsgDiv"></div><br><br>');
arr.push('Your sequences:');
// Generate list of sequence options to choose from
for (var i=0; i<data.sequenceList.length; i++)
var sequenceName = data.sequenceList[i];
arr.push('<p style="margin: 0pt; text-align: right;">',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" val="' + sequenceName,
'" id="ChooseSequenceButton_' + sequenceName + '">',
sequenceName + ' ></a></p>');
arr.push('<br><p style="margin: 0pt; text-align: left;">',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="DailySequenceEditorButton">',
'< Open Sequence Editor</a></p>');
arr.push('<br><p style="margin: 0pt; text-align: left;">',
'<a href="https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B10D12_4U2KiNzYxZjY0YTEtYzU1Mi00Y2YzLTg5NGYtYWZlNGQzMDQyNDE0&hl=en" id="MoreSequencesButton" target="_blank">',
'< Get More Sequences</a></p>');
// arr.push("<b>Flags</b>:");
// arr.push(data.flagStr.replace(/\|/g, "<br>"));
// Concatenate everything in the array to form the html
this.window.element.innerHTML = arr.join("");
// Event handlers for sequenceList items
for (var i=0; i<data.sequenceList.length; i++)
var sequenceName = data.sequenceList[i];
var elem = document.getElementById("ChooseSequenceButton_" + sequenceName);
elem.addEventListener("click", function() { data.LoadSequence(this.id.split("_")[1]); data.SaveState(); floatingDaily.Draw(); }, false);
document.getElementById("DailyHidePageButton").addEventListener("click", floatingDaily.HidePage, true);
// document.getElementById("DailyResetDataButton").addEventListener("click", floatingDaily.ResetData, true);
document.getElementById("DailySkipTaskButton").addEventListener("click", floatingDaily.SkipTask, true);
document.getElementById("DailyBackTaskButton").addEventListener("click", floatingDaily.BackTask, true);
document.getElementById("DailySequenceEditorButton").addEventListener("click", floatingDaily.OpenSequenceEditor, true);
// Hide the window (and remove the interior)
this.Hide = function()
this.window.element.innerHTML = "";
this.showErr = function(err)
document.getElementById("DailyMsgDiv").innerHTML += err.message;
this.HidePage = function()
this.ResetData = function()
data.taskNum = 1;
data.flagStr = "|";
this.SkipTask = function()
this.BackTask = function()
// Temporary for debugging
if (data.taskNum > 1)
this.OpenSequenceEditor = function()
// Disable hotkeys
hotkeyLock = true;
// Initialize the Editor window if not already
// Load the current sequence if it exists
if (data.TestSequence(data.sequenceName))
// Show the editor window
function FloatingEditor()
this.window = new Window("floatingEditor", data.storage);
// Add css style for report window
this.window.element.style.border = "2px solid #000000";
this.window.element.style.position = "fixed";
this.window.element.style.zIndex = "100";
this.window.element.style.color = "#000000";
this.window.element.style.padding = "5";
this.window.element.style.textAlign = "left";
this.window.element.style.overflowX = "auto";
this.window.element.style.overflowY = "auto";
this.window.element.style.width = "600px";
this.window.element.style.height = "620px";
this.window.element.style.background = "none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(216, 216, 216)";
this.Draw = function()
// Helper array to build the HTML
var arr = new Array();
arr.push("Sequence Editor<br><br>");
// Drop down box for things in the sequence list
arr.push('Choose an existing sequence to edit: ');
arr.push('<select id="sequenceSelect">');
for (var i=0; i < data.sequenceList.length; i++)
arr.push('<option value="' + data.sequenceList[i] + '">' + data.sequenceList[i] + '</option>');
arr.push('</select>  ');
arr.push('<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="EditorLoadSequenceButton">',
'Load Sequence ></a><br>');
// Textbox for sequence code
arr.push('<textarea id="sequenceCode" rows="30" cols="76"></textarea><br>');
// Remove button
arr.push('<p style="margin: 0pt; text-align: left;">',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="EditorDeleteSequenceButton">',
'< Delete Sequence</a></p>');
// Save button
arr.push('<p style="margin: 0pt; text-align: right;">',
'<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="EditorSaveSequenceButton">',
'Save Sequence ></a></p><br>');
// Concatenate everything in the array to form the html
this.window.element.innerHTML = arr.join("");
document.getElementById("EditorSaveSequenceButton").addEventListener("click", floatingEditor.SaveSequence, true);
document.getElementById("EditorDeleteSequenceButton").addEventListener("click", floatingEditor.DeleteSequence, true);
document.getElementById("EditorLoadSequenceButton").addEventListener("click", floatingEditor.LoadSelectedSequence, true);
// Load the textarea with a sample sequence
var sequenceStr =
"//@SequenceName: Default\n\n\n" +
"//------------------------------------------\n" +
"//@NewTask\n" +
"//@TaskName: Example Task 1\n\n" +
"ShowMsg(\"Example task 1 only shows this message\");\n\n\n" +
"//------------------------------------------\n" +
"//@NewTask\n" +
"//@TaskName: Example Task 2\n\n" +
"ShowMsg(\"Example task 2 is almost the same\");";
document.getElementById("sequenceCode").value = sequenceStr;
// Hide the window (and remove the interior)
this.Hide = function()
this.window.element.innerHTML = "";
this.SaveSequence = function()
// Extract the sequence string
var sequenceCode = document.getElementById("sequenceCode").value;
var sequenceName;
// Get the sequence name and verify correct input formatting
sequenceName = /@SequenceName: (.+)(?=\r|\n)/.exec(sequenceCode)[1];
alert("Please enter a sequence name on the first line with format:\n" +
"//@SequenceName: Example Sequence Name");
// Clean the string for only alphanumeric characters and spaces
if ( !(sequenceName === sequenceName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g,'')) )
alert("Alphanumeric characters and spaces only in sequence names");
data.SaveSequence(sequenceName, sequenceCode);
// floatingEditor.Draw();
// document.getElementById("sequenceCode").value = sequenceCode;
this.LoadSelectedSequence = function()
var elem = document.getElementById("sequenceSelect");
var sequenceName = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value;
this.DeleteSequence = function()
// Extract the sequence string
var sequenceCode = document.getElementById("sequenceCode").value;
var sequenceName;
// Get the sequence name and verify correct input formatting
sequenceName = /@SequenceName: (.+)(?=\r|\n)/.exec(sequenceCode)[1];
alert("Please enter a sequence name on the first line with format:\n" +
"//@SequenceName: Example Sequence Name");
// Clean the string for only alphanumeric characters and spaces
if ( !(sequenceName === sequenceName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g,'')) )
alert("Alphanumeric characters and spaces only in sequence names");
// Make sure the user really wants to do this
if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the sequence: \'" + sequenceName + "\'?"))
// Remove the sequence and reload the editor
this.LoadSequence = function(sequenceName)
// If sequenceName is null do nothing
if (!sequenceName)
// sequenceName is assumed to exist... error if not
var sequenceStr = data.storage.getItem("Daily_Sequence_" + sequenceName, "");
if (!sequenceStr)
alert("Sequence " + sequenceName + " does not exist\nThis is an error that should be reported.");
// Otherwise, load up the sequence text
document.getElementById("sequenceCode").value = sequenceStr;
// Also load up this sequence in browser cache
// hide the window by default
/////////// USER API FUNCTIONS ///////////////
//////////////// API Functions which halt task execution //////////////////
// Put up a message in the floating daily window
// This function halts script execution
function ShowMsg(strMsg)
if (!strMsg)
strMsg = "";
strMsg += '<br>';
throw new Error(strMsg);
// Submit a form with name strName and display message strMsg on success
// This function always halts task execution
function FormSubmit(strName, strMsg)
if (!strMsg)
strMsg = 'Submitting Form: ' + strName;
if (FormTest(strName))
// Success, submit the form and display the desired message
// Display error message for user to see
ShowMsg('Form ' + strName + ' does not exist');
// Move to the next task if possible
// This function always halts task execution
function IncrementTask(strMsg)
if (data.taskNum < data.taskList.length-1)
// Move to the next task if possible
// This function does NOT halt task execution
function IncrementTaskNonBlock()
if (data.taskNum < data.taskList.length-1)
// Move to next task if condition is true
// This function halts task execution if condition is true
function IncrementTaskIf(cond, strMsg)
if (cond)
// Change to new sequence (useful for chaining together separate sequences)
function ChangeSequence(strSequenceName, newTaskName)
// Search for strSequenceName in sequence list
for (var i=0; i < data.sequenceList.length; i++)
if (data.sequenceList[i] === strSequenceName)
// Load the sequence and set the task number if desired
if (newTaskName)
for (var j=1; j < data.taskList.length; j++)
if (data.taskList[j].taskname === newTaskName)
data.taskNum = j;
// Save state
// Redraw the window
// Done
ShowMsg('Loaded Sequence: ' + strSequenceName);
// If code reaches this point, sequence does not exist
ShowMsg('Sequence ' + strSequenceName + ' does not exist');
//////////////// API Functions which test the page for information //////////////////
// Test the document body HTML for the given text
function DocTest(strText)
return (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf(strText) > -1);
// Test the href location for the given text
function LocationTest(strText)
return (location.href.indexOf(strText) > -1);
// Test for the existence of a form with name = strName
function FormTest(strName)
return (document.forms.namedItem(strName) ? true : false);
// Test whether a form input is already checked
function FormCheckTest(strFormName, strInputName, strInputValue)
var strXPath = "";
// Form name is optional, include it if necessary
if (strFormName)
strXPath += '//form[@name=\'' + strFormName + '\']';
// Input name is mandatory (else we cannot find the input box...)
strXPath += '//input[@name=\'' + strInputName + '\'';
// Input value is also optional
if (strInputValue)
strXPath += ' and @value=\'' + strInputValue + '\'';
strXPath += ']';
var elem = document.evaluate(strXPath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Element does not exist
if (!elem)
return false;
// Otherwise return checked state
return elem.checked;
/////////////// API Functions to manipulate forms on the page //////////////
// Check a checkbox on a form
// Returns false if element does not exist, or is disabled
function FormCheck(strFormName, strInputName, strInputValue)
var strXPath = "";
// Form name is optional, include it if necessary
if (strFormName)
strXPath += '//form[@name=\'' + strFormName + '\']';
// Input name is mandatory (else we cannot find the input box...)
strXPath += '//input[@name=\'' + strInputName + '\'';
// Input value is also optional
if (strInputValue)
strXPath += ' and @value=\'' + strInputValue + '\'';
strXPath += ']';
var elem = document.evaluate(strXPath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Return without action if element does not exist or is disabled
if (!elem || elem.disabled)
return false;
// Otherwise check the box and return true
elem.checked = "checked";
return true;
// Select an option form a drop down box
function FormSelect(strFormName, strSelectName, strOptionValue, strOptionText)
// First get the select object
var strXPath = "";
// Form name is optional, include it if necessary
if (strFormName)
strXPath += '//form[@name=\'' + strFormName + '\']';
// Input name is mandatory (else we cannot find the input box...)
strXPath += '//select[@name=\'' + strSelectName + '\']';
var elem = document.evaluate(strXPath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Element does not exist
if (!elem || elem.disabled)
return false;
// loop through options and select any if found
for (var i=0; i<elem.options.length; i++)
if ( (!strOptionValue || elem.options[i].value == strOptionValue) &&
(!strOptionText || elem.options[i].text == strOptionText) )
elem.selectedIndex = i;
return true;
// If the code reaches this point, we did not find the option to select
return false;
// Set .value field of an Input object
function FormSetValue(strFormName, strInputName, newValue)
var strXPath = "";
// Form name is optional, include it if necessary
if (strFormName)
strXPath += '//form[@name=\'' + strFormName + '\']';
// Input name is mandatory (else we cannot find the input box...)
strXPath += '//input[@name=\'' + strInputName + '\']';
var elem = document.evaluate(strXPath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Return without action if element does not exist or is disabled
if (!elem || elem.disabled)
return false;
// Otherwise check the box and return true
elem.value = newValue;
return true;
// Get .value field of an Input object
function FormGetValue(strFormName, strInputName)
var strXPath = "";
// Form name is optional, include it if necessary
if (strFormName)
strXPath += '//form[@name=\'' + strFormName + '\']';
// Input name is mandatory (else we cannot find the input box...)
strXPath += '//input[@name=\'' + strInputName + '\']';
var elem = document.evaluate(strXPath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Return without action if element does not exist or is disabled
if (!elem)
return false;
// Otherwise check the box and return true
return elem.value;
////////////// API Functions which navigate around the BvS world //////////////
// Helper function to interact with BvS menus
function GoMenuPage(strMenuItem)
var menucell = document.evaluate('//a[text()="' + strMenuItem + '"]', document, null,
XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
FormSubmit(menucell.href.split(":")[1].split(".")[1], 'Moving to page: ' + strMenuItem);
// General function to go to any (or at least most) bvs page
function GoPage(strPageName)
// Class to define how to get to a specific page
// funLoad is a function which loads the desired page (starting on the prereq page)
// strPrereq indicates whether we should start from a simpler page
// funTest is a function which determines whether we are already on the correct page
function objPage(funLoad, strPrereq, funTest)
this.funLoad = funLoad;
this.strPrereq = strPrereq;
this.funTest = funTest;
// Create the list of page objects
var pageList = {
// Main menu items
main: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Main');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/pages/main.html');} ),
village: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Village');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/village.html');} ),
partyhouse: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Party House');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse.html');} ),
shop: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Shop');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/shop.html');} ),
consumables: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Consumables');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/oneuseitems.html');} ),
worldkaiju: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('WorldKaiju');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/worldkaiju.html');} ),
missions: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Missions');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/missionstart.html') || LocationTest('/bvs/missions');} ),
quests: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Quests');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/quests.html') || LocationTest('/bvs/questattempt.html') || LocationTest('/bvs/chuninexam.html');} ),
spar: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Spar');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/spar.html');} ),
arena: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Arena');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/arena.html');} ),
team: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Team');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/team.html');} ),
jutsu: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Jutsu');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/jutsu.html');} ),
summons: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Summons');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/summon.html');} ),
bucket: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Bucket');}, null, function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/bucket.html');} ),
// Party house menu items
ph_tipline: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Tip Line');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('tipline');} ),
ph_juicebar: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('\'Juice\' Bar');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('br');} ),
ph_firstloser: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('First Loser');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return DocTest('Four times a day a new First Loser contest begins (and the old one finishes).');} ),
ph_wheel: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Wheel');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('raf');} ),
ph_jackpot: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Jackpot');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('ninrou');} ),
ph_lottery: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Lottery');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('el');} ),
ph_tsukiball: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Tsukiball');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('skib');} ),
ph_bigboard: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Big Board');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return DocTest('<b>The Big Board</b>');} ),
ph_scratchies: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Scratchies');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('scratch') || FormTest('mainform2');} ),
ph_darts: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Darts');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('dgame');} ),
ph_partyroom: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Party Room');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('pr');} ),
ph_crane: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Crane');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('cgame');} ),
ph_over11k: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Over 11K');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('over11');} ),
ph_snakeman: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('SNAKEMAN');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return FormTest('newsnake');} ),
ph_roulette: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Roulette');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse-roulette.html');} ),
ph_mahjong: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Mahjong');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse-mahjong.html');} ),
ph_superfail: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('SUPERFAIL');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse-superfail.html');} ),
ph_pigeons: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Pigeons');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse-keno.html');} ),
ph_flowerwars: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Flower Wars');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse-hanafuda.html');} ),
ph_pachinko: new objPage(function(){GoMenuPage('Pachinko');}, 'partyhouse', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/partyhouse-pachinko.html');} ),
// Linked from village
breakfast: new objPage(() => FormSubmit('dobreakfast'), 'main', () => LocationTest('/bvs/breakfast.html')),
marketplace: new objPage(() => FormSubmit('market'), 'village', () => LocationTest('/bvs/villagemarketplace.html')),
tattoo: new objPage(() => FormSubmit('tatstime'), 'village', () => LocationTest('/bvs/villagetattoo.html')),
fields: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('fieldmenu');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/villagefields.html');} ),
phases: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('phases');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/villagephases.html') || LocationTest('/bvs/villager00t.html');} ),
bingo: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('bbook');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/bingo');} ),
jutsuenhance: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('jenhance');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/villagejenhance.html');} ),
billycon: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('concenter');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/billycon-register.html');} ),
robofighto: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('robofighto');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/villagerobofighto.html');} ),
zrewards: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('zrt');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/zombjarewards.html');} ),
kaiju: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('kat');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/villagemonsterfight');} ),
pizzawitch: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('pizzamenu');}, 'village', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/pizzawitch.html') || LocationTest('/bvs/pizzawitchgarage.html');} ),
// Linked from billycon
glowslinging: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('glowsling');}, 'billycon', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/billycon-glowslinging.html') || LocationTest('/billycon-glowslingfight.html');} ),
// Linked from main page
themes: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('theme');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/themesdifficulty.html');} ),
tinybeevault: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('tinybee');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/tinybees.html');} ),
sponsoritem: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('sponsor');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/sponsoritems.html');} ),
favors: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('sandstorm');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/sandstorm.html');} ),
reaperblood: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('reaper');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/reaper.html');} ),
driftstyle: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('drifter');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/drifter.html');} ),
avatar: new objPage(function(){FormSubmit('avatar');}, 'main', function(){return LocationTest('/bvs/avatar.html');} ),
blank: new objPage(null,null,null)
// Extract the page from the pageList object
var page = pageList[strPageName];
if (!page)
throw new Error('Page list object: ' + strPageName + ' does not exist');
// Test whether we are already on the correct page
if (page.funTest())
return; // Early return, on a good page
// If a prerequisite page is listed, go to it first
if (page.strPrereq)
// Finally, move to the desired page
ShowMsg('Moving to page: ' + strPageName);
// Get a mission of a given rank
function GetMission(rank)
if ( !LocationTest("/bvs/missionstart.html") )
objMissionLookup = {
D: "d",
genD: "gd",
ninD: "nd",
taiD: "td",
C: "c",
genC: "gc",
ninC: "nc",
taiC: "tc",
B: "b",
genB: "gb",
ninB: "nb",
taiB: "tb",
A: "a",
genA: "ga",
ninA: "na",
taiA: "ta",
AA: "aa",
genAA: "gaa",
ninAA: "naa",
taiAA: "taa",
Reaper: "reaper",
genReaper: "greaper",
ninReaper: "nreaper",
taiReaper: "treaper",
Monochrome: "monochrome",
genMonochrome: "gmonochrome",
ninMonochrome: "nmonochrome",
taiMonochrome: "tmonochrome",
Outskirts: "outskirts",
Wasteland: "wasteland",
Burgerninja: "burger",
Pizzawitch: "pizza",
Witchinghour: "witch",
S: "s",
Blank: ""
FormSubmit("misform" + objMissionLookup[rank], 'Getting ' + rank + ' rank mission');
// Set the r00t field keys
function SetField(key1, key2, key3)
// See whether we are on the right field
if ( key1 && key2 && key3 &&
(!DocTest("<b>"+key1+"</b></td>") ||
!DocTest("<b>"+key2+"</b></td>") ||
!DocTest("<b>"+key3+"</b></td>")) )
// Go to the right field if possible
if ( FormSelect(null, 'key_1', null, key1) &&
FormSelect(null, 'key_2', null, key2) &&
FormSelect(null, 'key_3', null, key3) )
FormSubmit('field', 'Changing to: ' + key1 + ' ' + key2 + ' ' + key3);
//////////////// API Functions for running missions //////////////////
// Enable megamissions -- this function might go away
function EnableMegamissions()
IncrementTaskIf(DocTest("<i>MegaMissions Active!</i>"));
FormSubmit('megamis', 'Enabling megamissions');
// Simple attempt for current mission with given jutsu... does not return, always throws exception
function MissionAttempt(jutsu)
if (!jutsu)
jutsu = { code: -1, name: '' };
// Blindly attempt the mission using the given jutsu
if (FormTest('domission'))
if (FormTest('attempt'))
if (jutsu.code > -1)
FormCheck(null, 'usejutsu', "" + jutsu.code);
FormSubmit('attempt', 'Attempting mission with jutsu: ' + jutsu.name);
// Show message
ShowMsg("Attempting mission with jutsu: " + jutsu.name);
// Complex attempt for current mission stack
// Script defaults to given jutsu if not found in the stack
function MissionStackAttempt(stack, defaultjutsu)
// Get the mission name cell
var missioncell = document.evaluate('//div[@class="miscontainer"]/div/div/div/center/font/b', document, null,
XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
var strMissionName = missioncell.innerHTML;
// stack is an array of Mission objects
for (var i in stack)
if (stack[i].name == strMissionName)
if (stack[i].allyget)
// This point is not reached unless mission is not in the stack
// Default jutsu
// Function to attempt a mission based on difficulty and success (before crank) in addition to name and mission type
function MissionDetailedStackAttempt(stack, defaultjutsu)
<div class="miscontainer"><div class="misshadow"><div class="miscontent_g"><div class="miscontent2" align="left">
<div class="misstat_g">Genjutsu</div><center>
<font style="font-size: 18px;"><b>Wander the Sands</b></font><br>The Wasteland is endless..<br><b><i><font style="font-size: 16px;">Crank Level: 27</font></i></b>
<i><font style="font-size: 12px;"><br>(+27 Diff, +27 Succ, +135% Ryo)</font></i><font style="font-size: 12px;"></font><br><br>
<div class="misonestat_g"><table class="misonetable"><tbody><tr><td align="right">Difficulty 40 Successes 36 </td></tr></tbody></table></div>
// Get the mission name
var missioncell = document.evaluate('//div[@class="miscontainer"]/div/div/div/center/font/b', document, null,
XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
var strMissionName = missioncell.innerHTML;
// Get mission type
missioncell = document.evaluate('//div[@class="miscontainer"]/div/div/div/div', document, null,
XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
var strMissionType = missioncell.innerHTML;
// Get crank
var numMissionCrank;
if (DocTest('Crank Level'))
missioncell = document.evaluate('//div[@class="miscontainer"]/div/div/div/center', document, null,
XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
numMissionCrank = parseInt(/Crank Level: (\d+)</.exec(missioncell.innerHTML)[1], 10);
numMissionCrank = 0;
// Get difficulty and successes
missioncell = document.evaluate('//div[@class="miscontainer"]/div/div/div/center/div/table/tbody/tr/td', document, null,
XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Difficulty 40 Successes 36
var numMissionDiff = parseInt(/Difficulty (\d+)&/.exec(missioncell.innerHTML)[1], 10) - numMissionCrank;
var numMissionSucc = parseInt(/Successes (\d+)&/.exec(missioncell.innerHTML)[1], 10) - numMissionCrank;
// stack is an array of Mission objects
for (var i in stack)
if (stack[i].name == strMissionName &&
stack[i].type == strMissionType &&
stack[i].diff == numMissionDiff &&
stack[i].succ == numMissionSucc)
if (stack[i].allyget)
// This point is not reached unless mission is not in the stack
// Default jutsu
///////////// API Functions for doing quests ///////////////////
// Generic function to perform quest steps -- jutsu selection is currently broken
function DoGenericQuest(quest, endstep, jutsu)
// Ensure that we are on the quest page or go there
// This function also continues a quest in progress
if (FormTest('questcontinue'))
// safeguard against bad code for eval statement
if (typeof(quest.code) != "number")
ShowMsg("quest.code must be a number");
// Sanity check to make sure that we are on the correct page
if (!DocTest(quest.name))
ShowMsg("We are on the wrong quest?!?");
// Select the desired quest to start
if (FormTest('quest' + quest.code))
FormSubmit("quest" + quest.code);
// Check termination conditions
if ( (endstep == -1 && DocTest("--Epilogue--")) ||
DocTest("--Part " + endstep + " of " + quest.numsteps + "--") )
if (quest.flag)
// Manually increment the task without halting execution
if (data.taskNum < data.taskList.length-1)
// Set the requested jutsu
if (jutsu && FormTest('attack'))
FormCheck(null, 'usejutsu', '' + jutsu.code);
// document.getElementById(jutsu.code).checked = "checked";
// Blindly attempt the quest if we get this far
if (FormTest('attack'))
if (FormTest('goquest'))
////////////// API Functions primarily for convenience / miscellaneous /////////////
// Generic function to set flags based on an ally we might get on this page
// ally is an object of type Ally
function CheckAllyGet(strAllyName)
// Somewhat better version of CheckStuffGet()
if (DocTest("You got an Ally!<br><b>" + strAllyName + "!</b>") ||
DocTest("<b>" + strAllyName + " joins you!</b>") ||
DocTest("<b>" + strAllyName + " joins your party!</b>") ||
DocTest("<b>" + strAllyName + " joined your party!</b>") ||
DocTest("You got <b>" + strAllyName + "!</b>") )
ShowMsg("Got ally:" + strAllyName);
// Ally Level 2
if (DocTest("Level Up!<br><b>" + strAllyName + "</b> is now <b>" + strAllyName + " Lvl. 2!</b>"))
data.SetFlag(strAllyName + " Lvl. 2");
ShowMsg("Got " + strAllyName + " Lvl. 2");
// Ally Level 3
if (DocTest("<b>" + strAllyName + " is now Lvl. 3!</b>")) // specific to stalker3 for now
data.SetFlag(strAllyName + " Lvl. 3");
ShowMsg("Got " + strAllyName + " Lvl. 3");
// Set themes
function SetThemes(theme1, theme2, theme3, theme4)
if (theme1 && !FormCheckTest('themes1', 'theme_entry_1', theme1))
FormCheck('themes1', 'theme_entry_1', theme1);
ShowMsg("Setting Opening Theme");
if (theme2 && !FormCheckTest('themes2', 'theme_entry_2', theme2))
FormCheck('themes2', 'theme_entry_2', theme2);
ShowMsg("Setting Battle Theme");
if (theme3 && !FormCheckTest('themes3', 'theme_entry_3', theme3))
FormCheck('themes3', 'theme_entry_3', theme3);
ShowMsg("Setting Ending Theme");
if (theme4 && !FormCheckTest('themes4', 'theme_entry_4', theme4))
FormCheck('themes4', 'theme_entry_4', theme4);
ShowMsg("Setting Overworld Theme");
// Change teams -- exact text strings for ally names required
function TeamChange(strAllyName1, strAllyName2, strAllyName3)
// Confirm teams without thinking
if (FormTest('conteam'))
// Check whether the task is already complete
var indstart = document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("<b>-Current Team-</b>");
var ind1 = document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("<b>" + strAllyName1, indstart);
var ind2 = document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("<b>" + strAllyName2, indstart);
var ind3 = document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("<b>" + strAllyName3, indstart);
var indend = document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("Save current team as Quickteam:");
IncrementTaskIf(ind1 < indend && ind2 < indend && ind3 < indend);
// Helper function to test each element against the ally name
function AllyTest(strFor, strText)
return (strFor.indexOf('id_') > -1 &&
( strText.indexOf('<b>' + strAllyName1) > -1 ||
strText.indexOf('<b>' + strAllyName2) > -1 ||
strText.indexOf('<b>' + strAllyName3) > -1 ) );
// Get a snapshot for each message in the village chat
var snapMessageList = document.evaluate("//label", document, null,
// Examine each snapshot
for (var i=0; i<snapMessageList.snapshotLength; i++)
var snap = snapMessageList.snapshotItem(i);
if (AllyTest(snap.htmlFor, snap.innerHTML))
document.getElementById(snap.htmlFor).checked = "checked";
// Submit the form
/////////// DAILY CODE /////////////
function DailyStep()
// Perform a single step of daily
// Execute SequenceCode if it exists, stored in task 0
if (data.taskList[0])
// Call the next function in the tasklist
// Report the error or message on the floating window
/////////// HOTKEY CODE /////////////
var hotkeyLock = false;
var keyDailyCheckRecentEscape = false;
function KeyCheck(event)
var KeyID = event.keyCode;
// Lock hotkeys if daily window is hidden
if (data.TestHidePage(location.href))
hotkeyLock = true;
if ( (KeyID == 192 || KeyID == 61 || KeyID == 187) && !hotkeyLock) // backquote key (` - code 192) or equals (= - code 61 in FireFox & code 187 in Chrome, etc)
// Lock hotkey usage to protect from button spamming
hotkeyLock = true;
// Perform one daily step
// Unlock hotkey usage
hotkeyLock = false;
if (KeyID == 27) // escape key
// Close editor window if not already and unlock hotkeys
hotkeyLock = false;
// Unhide daily window if hidden
if (data.TestHidePage(location.href))
// If escape is pressed twice in succession, reset the window positions
if (keyDailyCheckRecentEscape)
keyDailyCheckRecentEscape = true;
setTimeout(function(){keyDailyCheckRecentEscape = false;}, 1000);
if (KeyID == 37 && !hotkeyLock) // left arrow
if (KeyID == 39 && !hotkeyLock) // right arrow
document.documentElement.addEventListener("keyup", KeyCheck, true);
/////////// PAGE LOAD RUNTIME ///////////////
// Initialize the jutsus object
var jutsus = {
// Jutsu(name, code)
SRS: new Jutsu("Soul Reaper Style: Lunch, SandySword!", 499),
MBST: new Jutsu("Mind Body Switch Technique", 393),
PWK: new Jutsu("Projectile Weapons: Kunai", 373),
Redeye: new Jutsu("RedEye", 500),
Clone: new Jutsu("Clone Jutsu", 368),
Disguise: new Jutsu("Disguise Jutsu", 370),
ETA: new Jutsu("Exploding Tags: Activate", 371),
PWS: new Jutsu("Projectile Weapons: Shuriken", 372),
Escape: new Jutsu("Escape Jutsu", 374),
FSFJ: new Jutsu("Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu", 376),
OI: new Jutsu("Obsessive Insight", 466),
PSPDP: new Jutsu("Pinky Style: Pervert-Destroying Punch", 416),
AOTNS: new Jutsu("Attack on the Nervous System", 429),
FOS: new Jutsu("Flock of Seagulls", 419),
EDUT: new Jutsu("Epic Dog Urination Technique", 421),
KICHC: new Jutsu("Kido: I can has cheeseburger", 484),
INT: new Jutsu("I Need This", 497),
FGTT: new Jutsu("Flying Thunder God Technique", 448),
BSTIS: new Jutsu("Billy Style: This is Sparta", 444),
SSFLB: new Jutsu("Stalker Style: Freaking Laser Beams", 418),
SRSIN: new Jutsu("Soul Reaper Style: Imperishable Night", 480),
Diagnosis: new Jutsu("Diagnosis", 485),
Blank: new Jutsu("", -1)
// Initialize the quests object
var quests = {
// Quest(name, code, numsteps, flag)
ShowWatchin: new Quest("Watchin' Your Shows", 8, 1),
Blank: new Quest("", -1, -1, "")
// Create global instance of daily data object
var data = new dailyData();
// Create the floating window objects
var floatingDaily = new FloatingDaily();
var floatingEditor = new FloatingEditor();