// ==UserScript==
// @name Video Download Button
// @namespace VDBMB
// @author MegaByte
// @description This script adds a download button on many video sites.
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
// @run-at document-idle
// @noframes
// @include http*://*streamcloud.eu/*
// @include http*://*powerwatch.pw/*
// @include http*://*vivo.sx/*
// @include http*://*shared.sx/*
// @include http*://*nowvideo.to/video/*
// @include http*://*nowvideo.sx/video/*
// @include http*://*ecostream.tv/stream/*.html
// @include http*://*auroravid.to/video/*
// @version 2.5.1
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
if(!('includes' in String.prototype)) {
String.prototype.includes = function(str, startIndex) {
return -1 !== String.prototype.indexOf.call(this, str, startIndex);
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
function main() {
var site = window.location.href || document.URL;
if(site.includes("streamcloud.eu")) streamcloud();
else if(site.includes("powerwatch.pw")) powerwatch();
else if(site.includes("vivo.sx")) vivo();
else if(site.includes("shared.sx")) shared();
else if(!!site.match(/nowvideo.((sx)|(to))/)) nowvideo();
else if(site.includes("ecostream.tv")) ecostream();
else if(site.includes("auroravid.to")) auroravid();
function streamcloud() {
if($("#player_code").length === 0) return;
var url = jwplayerSource() || searchInScripts("file:\\s?\"https?:\\/\\/.+?\\.mp4\"", "http", ".mp4");
if(url !== null)
$(".container-fluid ul.nav").prepend("<li>" + button(url) + "</li>");
function powerwatch() {
if($("#vplayer").length === 0) return;
var url = jwplayerSource() || searchInScripts("file:\\s?\"https?:\\/\\/.+?\\.mp4\"", "http", ".mp4");
if(url !== null) {
$("h5.h4-fine").html("<span class='head'>"+$("h5.h4-fine").html()+"</span><span class='down'>" + button(url) + "</span>")
GM_addStyle("h5.h4-fine { display: flex; } h5.h4-fine .head { flex-grow: 1; } h5.h4-fine .down { flex-grow: 0; }");
function vivo() {
getStyleObject: function() {
var dom = this.get(0);
var style;
var returns = {};
if(window.getComputedStyle) {
var camelize = function(a,b){
return b.toUpperCase();
style = window.getComputedStyle(dom, null);
for(var i = 0, l = style.length; i < l; i++) {
var prop = style[i];
var camel = prop.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, camelize);
var val = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
returns[camel] = val;
return returns;
if(style = dom.currentStyle) {
for(var prop in style){
returns[prop] = style[prop];
return returns;
return this.css();
copyCSS: function(source) {
var styles = $(source).getStyleObject();
var e = $(".stream-content");
if(e.length === 0) return;
var url = e.attr("data-url");
if(typeof url === "undefined") return;
var lightBTN = $(".light-switch.btn");
var downBTN = $("<div class='download'>" + button(url) + "</div>");
GM_addStyle(".download { margin-right: 15px !important;} .download:hover { color: #fff !important; background-color: #39b3d7 !important; border-color: #269abc !important; } .download a { text-decoration: none; color: white; }");
function shared() {
var e = $(".stream-content");
if(e.length === 0) return;
var url = e.attr("data-url");
if(typeof url === "undefined") return;
$(".light-switch").parent().prepend("<div class='download'>" + button(url) + "</div>");
GM_addStyle(".addthis_toolbox { width: unset !important; } .download { position: relative; background-color: #FF6550; color: #FFF; float: right; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; margin: 0 0 0 10px; padding: 0 15px; width: auto; cursor: pointer; -webkit-transition: all .35s ease-in; -moz-transition: all .35s ease-in; -o-transition: all .35s ease-in; transition: all .35s ease-in; opacity: 1; z-index: 300; } .download a { text-decoration: none; color: white;}");
function nowvideo() {
if($("#content_player").length === 0) return;
var elem = $("#content_player > a[href*=premium]");
var url = $("video source").attr("src");
var title = $($(".video_details h4").get(1)).html();
Downloader(elem, "click", url, title, true);
function ecostream() {
if($("#video").length === 0) return;
var file = jwplayerSource();
if(file === null) return;
$(".downline").append("<br />" + button(file));
Downloader($("download-link"), "click", file, "video.mp4", true);
GM_addStyle(".download-link { color: #E3E3E3; text-decoration: none; }");
function auroravid() {
if($("#videoPlayer").length === 0) return;
cloudplayerSource(function(url, title) {
title = title.replace("%26asdasdas", "") + ".flv";
var download = [$("#content_block a.btn[href*=premium]"),
$("#videoPlayer param[name=flashvars]")];
Downloader(download[0], "click", url, title, true);
download[1].attr("value", download[1].attr("value").replace(/premiumLink=.*?(&|$)/g, "premiumLink="+url+"&"));
function jwplayerSource() {
var w = gindow();
if(!w.jwplayer || !w.jwplayer().config) return null;
var config = w.jwplayer().config;
var file = [];
for(var s of config.sources)
if(file.length === 0) return null;
if (typeof location.origin === 'undefined')
location.origin = location.protocol + '//' + location.host;
for(var i in file)
file[i] = location.origin + file[i];
return file.length === 1 ? file[0] : file;
function cloudplayerSource(callback) {
var w = gindow();
var args = w.flashvars;
if(typeof args == "undefined" || args === null) {
args = {};
var data = $("#videoPlayer param[name=flashvars]").attr("value").split("&");
for(var d of data) {
var tmp = d.split("=");
args[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
var file = args["file"];
var key = args["filekey"];
var domain = args["domain"];
var data_url = domain + "/api/player.api.php?file=" + file + "&key=" + key;
$.get(data_url, function(data) {
var vars = {};
var attr = data.split("&");
for(var a of attr) {
var tmp = a.split("=");
vars[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
var url = vars["url"];
var title = vars["title"];
callback(url, title);
function Downloader(elem, trigger, url, name, fallbackAttr) {
if(isEmpty(elem) || isEmpty(trigger) || isEmpty(url)) return;
if(isEmpty(name)) name = "video.mp4";
elem.on(trigger, function(e) {
if(typeof GM_download === "undefined") return;
GM_download(url, name);
if(fallbackAttr) {
elem.attr("href", url);
elem.attr("download", name);
function isEmpty(target, val) {
return typeof target == "undefined" || target == null || target === "";
function gindow() {
return (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') ? unsafeWindow : window;
function searchInScripts(patt, start, end) {
var url = null;
$("body script").each(function() {
var regex = new RegExp(patt);
var out = regex.exec($(this).html());
if(typeof out !== "undefined" && out !== "" && out !== null) {
if(typeof out !== "string") out = out[0];
var s = out.indexOf(start);
var e = out.lastIndexOf(end);
if( s!==-1 && e!==-1 ) url = out.substring(s, e);
return false;
return url;
function button(url) {
return "<a href='" + url + "' download class='download-link' target='_blank'>Download</a>";