// ==UserScript==
// @name bangumi tracking improvement
// @namespace BTI.chaucerling.bangumi
// @version 0.4.2
// @description tracking more than 50 subjects on bangumi index page
// @author chaucerling
// @include http://bangumi.tv/
// @include https://bgm.tv/
// @include http://bgm.tv/
// @include http://chii.in/
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint loopfunc:true */
/* jshint esversion:6 */
// var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; // use to access 'chiiLib.home' and '$.cluetip'
var origin_tv_queue = []; // max size 50
var origin_book_queue = []; // max size 50
var extra_tv_queue = [];
var extra_book_queue = [];
var watching_subjects = {};
var extra_watching_subjects = {};
var animes_size = 0,
reals_size = 0,
books_size = 0;
var auto_refresh = false; // 进入首页自动刷新extra项目进度
var watching_list = [];
var refresh = false;
var progress_changed = false;
var subjects_size = 0;
const LS_SCOPE = 'BTI.extra_subjects';
// const DB_SCOPE = 'BTI';
// const DB_VERSION = '1';
// indexedDB
// In the following line, you should include the prefixes of implementations you want to test.
// window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
// // DON'T use "var indexedDB = ..." if you're not in a function.
// // Moreover, you may need references to some window.IDB* objects:
// window.IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction || {READ_WRITE: "readwrite"}; // This line should only be needed if it is needed to support the object's constants for older browsers
// window.IDBKeyRange = window.IDBKeyRange || window.webkitIDBKeyRange || window.msIDBKeyRange;
// // (Mozilla has never prefixed these objects, so we don't need window.mozIDB*)
// var db;
// var request = window.indexedDB.open(DB_SCOPE, DB_VERSION);
// request.onerror = function(event) {
// console.log("access IndexedDB fail");
// };
// request.onsuccess = function(event) {
// db = event.target.result;
// };
// request.onupgradeneeded = function(event){
// db = event.target.result;
// if(!db.objectStoreNames.contains("subjects")){
// db.createObjectStore("subjects", {keyPath:"subject_id"});
// }
// };
// var transaction = db.transaction("subjects", "readwrite");
function GM_addStyle(style) {
#ti-alert {
font-size: 14px;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px;
background-color: #fcf8e3;
#ti-pages.categoryTab {
padding: 5px;
#ti-pages.categoryTab a.focus {
color: #FFF;
background: #F09199;
#ti-pages.categoryTab a.refresh-btn, #ti-pages.categoryTab a.clear-btn {
color: #FFF;
background: #4EB1D4;
#ti-pages.categoryTab a.refresh-btn.disabled, #ti-pages.categoryTab a.clear-btn.disabled {
cursor: not-allowed;
opacity: 0.6
#ti-pages.categoryTab a {
display: inline-block;
box-sizing: border-box;
min-width: 50px;
padding: 3px 10px;
color: #555;
font-size: 13px;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 15px;
background: #F0F0F0;
.infoWrapper_tv.disabled, .infoWrapper_book.disabled {
opacity: 0.5;
pointer-events: none;
function Subject() {
var info = arguments[0];
this.id = info.id;
this.title = info.title;
this.progress = info.progress;
this.prg_list_html = info.prg_list_html;
this.prg_content_html = info.prg_content_html;
this.thumb = info.thumb;
this.extra = info.extra; //boolean
this.type = info.type; // 1: book, 2: amine, 6: real
function remove_img_src(str) {
return str.replace(/<img src=\S+/ig, "<img src=''");
function get_display_subject_type() {
return $("#prgCatrgoryFilter > li > a.focus").atrr('subject_type');
function change_mode() {
$('#cloumnSubjectInfo .infoWrapper').removeClass('blockMode', 'info_hidden').addClass('tinyMode');
$('#cloumnSubjectInfo').css('width', '100%');
$('#prgManagerMain').css('height', 'auto').removeClass('blockModeWrapper').addClass('tinyModeWrapper');
$.cookie('prg_display_mode', 'tiny', {
expires: 2592000
function recover_mode() {
// $('#prgCatrgoryFilter a').show();
$('.infoWrapper_tv > div').show();
function get_path_and_size_of_all_type() {
animes_size = -1;
reals_size = -1;
books_size = -1;
return [{
value: 2,
path: $("#navMenuNeue > li:nth-child(1) > ul > li > a.nav")[5].getAttribute('href'),
size: function() {
return animes_size;
set_size: function(value) {
animes_size = value;
value: 6,
path: $("#navMenuNeue > li:nth-child(5) > ul > li > a.nav")[5].getAttribute('href'),
size: function() {
return reals_size;
set_size: function(value) {
reals_size = value;
value: 1,
path: $("#navMenuNeue > li:nth-child(2) > ul > li > a.nav")[4].getAttribute('href'),
size: function() {
return books_size;
set_size: function(value) {
books_size = value;
function in_origin_queue(subject_id){
return origin_tv_queue.indexOf(subject_id) >= 0 || origin_book_queue.indexOf(subject_id) >= 0;
// 解析在看第一页的数据,获取在看数目和条目html
function get_watching_list() {
watching_list = [];
subjects_size = 0;
watching_subjects = {};
extra_tv_queue = [];
extra_book_queue = [];
console.log('getting first page of all type');
get_path_and_size_of_all_type().forEach(function(type, index, array) {
$.get(type.path + "?page=1", function(data) {
var html = remove_img_src(data);
type.set_size(parseInt($(html).find('.navSubTabs a.focus').text().match(/\d+/) || 0));
console.log(`subjects_list: ${type.value}, size: ${type.size()}`);
var max_page = parseInt(type.size() / 24) + 1;
var _temp_list = $(html).find('#browserItemList > li').attr('item_type', type.value);
watching_list = $.merge(watching_list, _temp_list);
for (var i = 2; i <= max_page; i++) {
parse_watching_page(type.path + "?page=" + i, type.value);
function parse_watching_page(url, type) {
$.get(url, function(data) {
var html = remove_img_src(data);
var _temp_list = $(html).find('#browserItemList > li').attr('item_type', type);
watching_list = $.merge(watching_list, _temp_list);
// 检查解析所有类型的在看条目列表页是否已完成
function check_get_all_pages_finished() {
if (typeof this.counter1 === "undefined") this.counter1 = 0;
if (animes_size === -1 || reals_size === -1 || books_size === -1 ||
this.counter1 < parseInt(animes_size / 24) + parseInt(reals_size / 24) + parseInt(books_size / 24)) {
console.log(`current_processing_watching_list_size: ${watching_list.length}`);
return false;
this.counter1 = 0;
subjects_size = watching_list.length;
console.log('gettting all pages finished');
console.log(`watching_list_size: ${watching_list.length}`);
if (animes_size + reals_size > 50 || books_size > 50) {
$('#ti-alert').text(`Watching ${animes_size} animes, ${reals_size} reals and ${books_size} books, loading extra subjects' progress.(click to close)`);
$.each(watching_list, function(index, element) {
get_subject_progress($(element).attr('id').split("_")[1], parseInt($(element).attr('item_type')));
} else {
$('#ti-alert').text(`Watching ${animes_size} animes, ${reals_size} reals and ${books_size} books.(click to close)`);
function get_subject_progress(subject_id, type) {
// 在50列表里,不用去详情页抓取进度
if (in_origin_queue(subject_id)) {
// 解析首页html
var prg_list_html, prg_content_html;
var html = $(`#subjectPanel_${subject_id}`);
var title = $(html).find('.tinyCover').attr('title');
if (type !== 1) {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prg_list').html();
prg_content_html = null;
} else {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.epGird .prgText').map(function(index, element) {
return element.outerHTML;
prg_content_html = null;
var thumb = ($(html).find('.tinyCover .grid').attr('src') || '');
var subject = new Subject({
id: subject_id,
title: title,
prg_list_html: prg_list_html,
prg_content_html: prg_content_html,
thumb: thumb,
type: type,
extra: false
watching_subjects[subject_id] = subject;
if (type === 1) {
} else {
$.get('/subject/' + subject_id, function(data) {
var prg_list_html, prg_content_html;
var html = remove_img_src(data);
var progress = $(html).find('#watchedeps').text().split("/")[0];
var title = $(html).find('.nameSingle > a').text();
if (type !== 1) {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prg_list').addClass("clearit").html() || '';
prg_content_html = $(html).find('#subject_prg_content').html() || '';
} else {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prgText').map(function(index, element) {
$(element).append('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="input_plus plus">+</a>');
return element.outerHTML;
prg_content_html = null;
var thumb = ($(html).find('a.thickbox.cover').attr('href') || '').replace('/l/', '/g/');
var subject = new Subject({
id: subject_id,
title: title,
progress: progress,
prg_list_html: prg_list_html,
prg_content_html: prg_content_html,
thumb: thumb,
type: type,
extra: true
watching_subjects[subject_id] = subject;
// 检查解析所有类型的额外的在看条目详情页是否已完成
function check_get_all_extra_subjects_finished() {
if (typeof this.counter2 === "undefined") this.counter2 = 0;
if (this.counter2 < subjects_size) {
return false;
this.counter2 = 0;
localStorage[LS_SCOPE] = JSON.stringify({
watching_subjects: watching_subjects,
extra_book_queue: extra_book_queue,
extra_tv_queue: extra_tv_queue,
animes_size: animes_size,
reals_size: reals_size,
books_size: books_size,
auto_refresh: auto_refresh
function add_extra_subjects() {
for (var i = 0; i < extra_book_queue.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < extra_tv_queue.length; j++) {
$('.infoWrapper_tv a.load-epinfo').cluetip({
local: true,
dropShadow: false,
cursor: 'pointer',
sticky: true,
closePosition: 'title',
arrows: true,
closeText: 'X',
mouseOutClose: true,
positionBy: 'fixed',
topOffset: 30,
leftOffset: 0,
cluezIndex: 79
// chiiLib.home.init();
// chiiLib.home.prg();
// chiiLib.home.prgToolTip('#columnHomeA', 25);
tb_init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox');
$('#subject_prg_content a.ep_status').off('click').on('click', function() {
return false;
$('form.prgBatchManagerForm').off('submit').on('submit', function() {
return false;
$('.prgBatchManagerForm a.input_plus').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
var input = $(this).closest('div.prgText').find('input'),
count = parseInt(input.val()),
form = $(this).closest('form.prgBatchManagerForm');
$(input).val(count + 1);
if (localStorage[LS_SCOPE] === undefined) {
$('#ti-alert').text($('#ti-alert').text().replace(/load.+/, "loading finished.(click to close)"));
if (refresh === true) {
$('#ti-pages a.refresh-btn').removeClass('disabled');
$('#ti-pages a.refresh-btn').html('refresh');
refresh = false;
// 构造首页条目格子
function create_subject_cell(subject_id) {
var subject = watching_subjects[subject_id];
if (subject.type !== 1) {
<div id='subjectPanel_${subject.id}' subject_type='${subject.type}' class='clearit infoWrapper tinyMode'>
<a href='/subject/${subject.id}' title='${subject.title}' class='grid tinyCover ll'>
<img src='${subject.thumb}' class='grid'>
<div class='epGird'>
<div class='tinyHeader'>
<a href='/subject/${subject.id}' title='${subject.title}'>${subject.title}</a>
<small class='progress_percent_text'>
<a href='/update/${subject.id}?keepThis=false&TB_iframe=true&height=350&width=500'
title='修改 ${subject.title} ' class='thickbox l' id='sbj_prg_${subject.id}'>edit</a>
<ul class='prg_list clearit'>${subject.prg_list_html}</ul>
} else {
<div id='subjectPanel_${subject.id}' subject_type='${subject.type}' class='clearit infoWrapper tinyMode'>
<a href='/subject/${subject.id}' title='${subject.title}' class='grid tinyCover ll'>
<img src='${subject.thumb}' class='grid'>
<div class='epGird'>
<div class='tinyHeader'>
<a href='/subject/${subject.id}' title='${subject.title}'>${subject.title}</a>
<small class='progress_percent_text'>
<a href='/update/${subject.id}?keepThis=false&TB_iframe=true&height=350&width=500'
title='修改 ${subject.title} ' class='thickbox l' id='sbj_prg_${subject.id}'>edit</a>
<div class="tinyManager">
<form method="post" name="batch" class="prgBatchManagerForm" action="/subject/set/watched/${subject.id}">
<input type="hidden" name="home" value="subject">
<div class="btnSubmit rr"><input class="btn" type="submit" name="submit" value="更新"></div>
<ul class="prg_list clearit"></ul>
function show_subjects(subject_type) {
console.log(`change_tab, subject_type: ${subject_type}`);
switch (subject_type) {
case "0": //all
$('.infoWrapper_tv > div').show();
case "1": //book
$('.infoWrapper_book > div').hide();
$('.infoWrapper_book > div[subject_type="1"]').show();
case "2": //anime
$('.infoWrapper_tv > div').hide();
$('.infoWrapper_tv > div[subject_type="2"]').show();
case "6": //real
$('.infoWrapper_tv > div').hide();
$('.infoWrapper_tv > div[subject_type="6"]').show();
function reset_odd_even() {
$.each($('.infoWrapper_tv > div:visible, .infoWrapper_book > div:visible'), function(index, item) {
$(item).removeClass("even odd");
$(item).addClass((index % 2) ? "even" : "odd");
// 上限50是动画和三次元加起来的,这里返回的会包含三次元的条目
function all_ids_on_index(html) {
return $(html).find('.infoWrapper_tv > div, .infoWrapper_book > div').map(function(index, element) {
return $(element).attr('id').split("_")[1];
function tv_subject_ids_on_index(html) {
return $(html).find('.infoWrapper_tv > div').map(function(index, element) {
return $(element).attr('id').split("_")[1];
function book_subject_ids_on_index(html) {
return $(html).find('.infoWrapper_book > div').map(function(index, element) {
return $(element).attr('id').split("_")[1];
function tv_subjects_size_on_index() {
return $('.infoWrapper_tv > div').length;
function anime_subjects_size_on_index() {
return $('.infoWrapper_tv > div[subject_type="2"]').length;
function real_subjects_size_on_index() {
return $('.infoWrapper_tv > div[subject_type="6"]').length;
function book_subjects_size_on_index() {
return $('.infoWrapper_book > div').length;
// init
$(document).ready(function() {
if (location.pathname !== "/") return;
$("#cloumnSubjectInfo").prepend("<div id='ti-alert'/>");
$('#cloumnSubjectInfo').prepend(`<div id='ti-pages' class='categoryTab' style='display:none;'>
<a type='button' data-page='refresh' class='refresh-btn' href='javascript:void(0);'><span>refresh</span></a>
<label>进入首页自动刷新extra项目进度 <input class="auto-refresh-input" name="auto_refresh" type="checkbox"/></label>
var size1 = anime_subjects_size_on_index();
var size2 = real_subjects_size_on_index();
var size3 = book_subjects_size_on_index();
if (size1 + size2 <= 49 && size3 <= 49) {
$('#ti-alert').text(`Watching ${size1} animes, ${size2} reals, ${size3} books.(click to close)`);
// 处理localStorage版本结构不匹配的问题
if (localStorage[LS_SCOPE] !== undefined) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage[LS_SCOPE]).watching_subjects === undefined) {
if (auto_refresh == false && localStorage[LS_SCOPE] !== undefined) {
var cache = JSON.parse(localStorage[LS_SCOPE]);
watching_subjects = cache.watching_subjects;
extra_book_queue = cache.extra_book_queue;
extra_tv_queue = cache.extra_tv_queue;
animes_size = cache.animes_size;
reals_size = cache.reals_size;
books_size = cache.books_size;
auto_refresh = cache.auto_refresh || false;
$(`.auto-refresh-input`).prop('checked', auto_refresh);
origin_tv_queue = tv_subject_ids_on_index(document);
origin_book_queue = book_subject_ids_on_index(document);
$('#ti-alert').text(`Maybe watching ${animes_size} animes, ${reals_size} reals, ${books_size} books, load form localStorage.(click to close)`);
} else {
$('#ti-alert').text(`Maybe watching more than 50 animes and reals, ${size3} books, loading to comfirm.(click to close)`);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
} else {
$('#ti-alert').text(`Maybe watching more than 50 animes and reals, ${size3} books, loading to comfirm.(click to close)`);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
$('#prgManagerMain').on('click', '#ti-alert', function(e) {
$('#prgManagerMain').on('click', 'a.disabled', function(e) {
$('#prgManagerMain').on('click', '#ti-pages a.refresh-btn', function(e) {
// $('#subject_prg_content').html('');
refresh = true;
$.get('/', function(data) {
var html = data;
origin_tv_queue = tv_subject_ids_on_index(html);
origin_book_queue = book_subject_ids_on_index(html);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
// $(document).on('click', '#ti-pages a.clear-btn', function(e) {
// $(this).addClass('disabled');
// $(this).html('clearing');
// localStorage.removeItem(LS_SCOPE);
// $(this).removeClass('disabled');
// $(this).html('clear');
// });
$('#prgManagerMain').on('change', '.auto-refresh-input', function(e) {
auto_refresh = e.target.checked;
progress_changed = true;
$('#prgCatrgoryFilter a').off('click').on('click', function(e) {
$('#prgCatrgoryFilter a').removeClass('focus');
//restore extra subjects' progress
$(window).on('pagehide', function(e) {
if (localStorage[LS_SCOPE] === undefined || progress_changed === false) return;
localStorage[LS_SCOPE] = JSON.stringify({
watching_subjects: watching_subjects,
extra_book_queue: extra_book_queue,
extra_tv_queue: extra_tv_queue,
animes_size: animes_size,
reals_size: reals_size,
books_size: books_size,
auto_refresh: auto_refresh
console.log('restore localStorage');
// 通过ajax请求事件,检查条目进度是否有变更
$(document).on('ajaxSuccess', function(event, xhr, options) {
if (localStorage[LS_SCOPE] === undefined) return;
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = options.url;
var tv_match = link.pathname.match(/^\/subject\/ep\/(\d+)\/status/);
var book_match = link.pathname.match(/^\/subject\/set\/watched\/\d+/);
if (tv_match !== null || book_match !== null) {
var ep_id = (tv_match || [])[1] || (book_match || [])[1];
var html = $(`#prg_${ep_id}`).parents('.infoWrapper');
var subject_id = $(html).attr('id').split("_")[1];
var type = parseInt($(html).attr('subject_type'));
var subject = watching_subjects[subject_id];
var index;
// extra条目进度变更,需要处理队列
if (!in_origin_queue(subject_id)) {
console.log(`extra subject ${subject_id} progress change`);
subject.extra = false;
subject.prg_content_html = null;
if (type === 1) {
index = extra_book_queue.indexOf(subject_id);
extra_book_queue.splice(index, 1);
var origin_book_queue_last_subject_id = origin_book_queue.pop();
// 请求详情页,更新进度信息
$.get('/subject/' + subject_id, function(data) {
var prg_list_html, prg_content_html;
var html = remove_img_src(data);
var progress = $(html).find('#watchedeps').text().split("/")[0];
var title = $(html).find('.nameSingle > a').text();
if (type !== 1) {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prg_list').addClass("clearit").html() || '';
prg_content_html = $(html).find('#subject_prg_content').html() || '';
} else {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prgText').map(function(index, element) {
$(element).append('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="input_plus plus">+</a>');
return element.outerHTML;
prg_content_html = null;
var thumb = ($(html).find('a.thickbox.cover').attr('href') || '').replace('/l/', '/g/');
watching_subjects[subject_id] = new Subject({
id: subject_id,
title: title,
progress: progress,
prg_list_html: prg_list_html,
prg_content_html: prg_content_html,
thumb: thumb,
type: type,
extra: true
} else {
index = extra_tv_queue.indexOf(subject_id);
extra_tv_queue.splice(index, 1);
var origin_tv_queue_last_subject_id = origin_tv_queue.pop();
// 请求详情页,更新进度信息
$.get('/subject/' + subject_id, function(data) {
var prg_list_html, prg_content_html;
var html = remove_img_src(data);
var progress = $(html).find('#watchedeps').text().split("/")[0];
var title = $(html).find('.nameSingle > a').text();
if (type !== 1) {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prg_list').addClass("clearit").html() || '';
prg_content_html = $(html).find('#subject_prg_content').html() || '';
} else {
prg_list_html = $(html).find('.prgText').map(function(index, element) {
$(element).append('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="input_plus plus">+</a>');
return element.outerHTML;
prg_content_html = null;
var thumb = ($(html).find('a.thickbox.cover').attr('href') || '').replace('/l/', '/g/');
watching_subjects[subject_id] = new Subject({
id: subject_id,
title: title,
progress: progress,
prg_list_html: prg_list_html,
prg_content_html: prg_content_html,
thumb: thumb,
type: type,
extra: true
progress_changed = true;