// ==UserScript==
// @name Flickr Original Link
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1190-flickr-original-link
// @include /flickr\.com/
// @version 5.0.2
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js
// @description Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.
// ==/UserScript==
var postfix = "_d.jpg";
var prefix = "DOWNLOAD ";
var isChecked_openLink = "";
var isChecked_alwaysShow = "";
var key_openLink = "flickr_openLink";
var key_alwaysShow = "flickr_alwaysShow";
var value_openLink = false;
var value_alwaysShow = false;
var imageSizeOrder = [ "o", "k", "h", "l", "c", "z" ];
var globalObserver = null;
function log(s) {
function getSetting() {
value_openLink = GM_getValue(key_openLink, false);
value_alwaysShow = GM_getValue(key_alwaysShow, false);
if (value_openLink) {
postfix = ".";
isChecked_openLink = ' checked="checked" ';
prefix = "OPEN ";
else {
postfix = "_d.";
isChecked_openLink = "";
prefix = "DOWNLOAD ";
if (value_alwaysShow) {
isChecked_alwaysShow = ' checked="checked" ';
else {
isChecked_alwaysShow = "";
function checkAlwaysShow() {
if (value_alwaysShow) {
$('div.interaction-view').css('opacity', '1');
$('div.interaction-bar').css('bottom', '1.1em');
function action_single_page() {
var strCss = ".commonButton{display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;border-radius:1.5em;margin:0.3em;font-size:90%} .bigButton{border-width:2px;padding:1em;font-weight:bold;border-style:solid} .smallButton{padding:0.5em;background-color:pink}";
$('head').append('<style>' + strCss + '</style>');
var target = $('#content')[0];
var config = {
childList : true,
subtree : true,
var action = function(sourceCode) {
var size = sourceCode.match(/modelExport: {.+?"sizes":{.+?}}/i);
var mSize = size[0].match(/"width":"?\d+"?,"height":"?\d+"?,/ig);
var mLink = size[0].match(/"displayUrl":"[^"]+"/ig);
var length = mLink.length;
for (var k = 0; k < length; k++) {
mSize[k] = mSize[k].replace(/"width":(\d+),"height":(\d+),/i, "$1 x $2");
mLink[k] = "http:" + mLink[k].replace(/"displayUrl":"([^"]+)"/i, "$1").replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/(_[a-z])\.([a-z]{3,4})/i, '$1' + postfix + '$2');
var insertLocation = $('.sub-photo-right-row1').filter(':first');
var str = '<a class="commonButton bigButton" href="' + mLink[length - 1] + '">' + prefix + mSize[length - 1] + ' px</a>';
for (var k = length - 2; k > 0; --k) {
str += '<a class="commonButton smallButton" href="' + mLink[k] + '">' + mSize[k] + ' px</a>';
insertLocation.html(insertLocation.html() + str);
var oldUrl = document.URL;
$.get(oldUrl, action);
globalObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
if (document.URL == oldUrl) return false; // page is not changed
oldUrl = document.URL;
$.get(oldUrl, action);
globalObserver.observe(target, config);
function getLinkFromSource(data) {
if (data === null) return;// source code is not loaded, or empty, or has nothing good
var sizes = data.match(/"sizes":.+?}}/ig);
if (sizes === null) return false; // source code is not loaded, or empty, or has nothing good
var e2 = $('div.photo-list-photo-view').get();
for (var index = 0; index < e2.length; index++) {
var e = $(e2[index]);
if (e.find('.myFuckingLink').filter(':first').length > 0) continue;
e.html(e.html() + '<a class="myFuckingLink"></a>');
for (var i = 0; i < imageSizeOrder.length; ++i) {
var photo = sizes[index].match(new RegExp('"' + imageSizeOrder[i] + '":{"displayUrl":"([^"]+)","width":(\\d+),"height":(\\d+)', "i"));
if (photo === null) continue;
var b = e.find('.myFuckingLink');
b.attr('href', "http:" + photo[1].replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/(_[a-z])\.([a-z]{3,4})/i, '$1' + postfix + '$2'));
b.attr('title', prefix + photo[2] + " x " + photo[3]);
b.html(prefix + photo[2] + " x " + photo[3]);
function load_links(sourceCode) {
// empty
function action_normal_page() {
var target = $('#content')[0];
var config = {
childList : true,
subtree : true,
var strCss = ".myFuckingLink{position:absolute;left:3px;bottom:0px;z-index:999;display:inline-block;color:white!important;}";
$('head').append('<style>' + strCss + '</style>');
var prevLink = "none";
var prevUrl = "none";
var prevThumbLength = 0;
var sourceCode = null;
var action = function() {
var e3 = $('div.photo-list-photo-view');
if (document.URL == prevUrl) {
if (e3.length == prevThumbLength) return false; // number of thumbnail is not change, no need to process further
prevThumbLength = e3.length;
log("Number of thumb: " + prevThumbLength);
// source code is get, use it now
else {
var e1 = e3.find('a').filter(':first');
if (e1.length < 1) return false; // not found any link to valid single image page
// show image information for newly added nodes
// get full source code for this page
sourceCode = null;
prevUrl = document.URL;
var link1 = e1.attr('href');
$('#content').append('<div id="loadingIndicator" style="position:fixed;left:5px;bottom:2em;display:block;background-color:pink;border:solid;padding:3px">Getting original link<br>Please wait...</div>');
log("Begin find source code, start with: " + link1);
$.get(link1, function(data) {// process single image page source to get entry-type link
var link2 = data.match(/<a\s+class='entry-type'\s+href='([^']+)/i)[1];
$.get(link2, function(data) {// process page source to get image links
log("Got page source: " + link2);
sourceCode = data;
globalObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
globalObserver.observe(target, config);
function flickr_mouseenter() {
var e = $(this);
if (e.find('.myFuckingLink').filter(':first').length > 0) {
return false;
var url = e.find('a').filter(':first').attr('href');
if (typeof url == "undefined" || url === null) return false;
e.append('<a class="myFuckingLink">(Link loading...)</a>');
if (type == 'normal') {
e.find('div.interaction-bar').css('bottom', '1em');
$.get(url, function(data) {
var photo = data.match(/"displayUrl":"([^"]+)","width":(\d+),"height":(\d+)[^}]+}}/i);
var link = "http:" + photo[1].replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/(_[a-z])\.([a-z]{3,4})/i, '$1' + postfix + '$2');
var text = prefix + photo[2] + " x " + photo[3];
var b = e.find('.myFuckingLink');
b.attr('href', link);
b.attr('title', text);
function action_hover_page() {
var target = $('body')[0];
var config = {
childList : true,
subtree : true,
var prevLength = 0;
var strCss = ".myFuckingLink{position:absolute;left:3px;bottom:0px;z-index:999;display:inline-block;color:white!important;}";
$('head').append('<style>' + strCss + '</style>');
globalObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
var e = $('div.photo-list-photo-view');
if (e.length == prevLength) return false; // no new thumbnail, don't do anything
log("Number of thumb: " + e.length);
prevLength = e.length;
globalObserver.observe(target, config);
function pageType() {
var t = "none";
var htmlClass = $('html').attr('class');
console.log("HTML class: " + htmlClass);
if (htmlClass.match(/html-photo-page.+scrappy-view/i) !== null) t = 'single';
else if (htmlClass.match(/html-search-photos-unified-page-view/i) !== null) t = 'hover';
else if ($('div.photo-list-photo-view').filter(':first').length > 0) t = 'normal';
console.log("Page type: " + t);
return t;
var target = $('html')[0];
var config = {
childList : false,
attributes : true,
var prevType = "none";
var type = "none";
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
type = pageType();
$('ul.nav-menu:first').append('<li><div style="color:pink;padding:1px"><input id="optionbox_openLink" type="checkbox"' + isChecked_openLink + 'style="margin:2px"/>Open image link in browser<br><input id="optionbox_alwaysShow" type="checkbox"' + isChecked_alwaysShow + 'style="margin:2px"/>Always show image information in Photostream</div></li>');
$('#optionbox_openLink').change(function() {
GM_setValue(key_openLink, $(this).prop('checked'));
$('#optionbox_alwaysShow').change(function() {
GM_setValue(key_alwaysShow, $(this).prop('checked'));
if (type != prevType) {
if (globalObserver != null) globalObserver.disconnect();
prevType = type;
if (type == 'single') action_single_page();
else if (type == 'normal') action_normal_page();
else if (type == 'hover') action_hover_page();
observer.observe(target, config);