Flickr Original Link

Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.

目前为 2015-04-05 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Flickr Original Link
// @namespace
// @include     /flickr\.com\/(photos|groups)\//
// @version	4.3.6
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @require
// @description 	Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes. 
// ==/UserScript==
var source = "";
var postfix = "_d.jpg";
var prefix = "DOWNLOAD ";
var isChecked = "";
var key = "flickr_openLink";
var currentSetting = false;

 * support function

function log(s) {
    // console.log(s);

function getSetting() {
    currentSetting = GM_getValue(key, false);
    log("Get setting: " + currentSetting);
    if (currentSetting) {
	postfix = ".";
	isChecked = ' checked="checked" ';
	prefix = "OPEN ";
    else {
	postfix = "_d.";
	isChecked = "";
	prefix = "DOWNLOAD ";

function action_singlephoto(sourceCode) {
    var size = sourceCode.match(/modelExport: {.+?"sizes":{.+?}}/i);
    var mWidth, mHeight, mLink, mSize, length;
    var strCss = ".bigButton {display : inline-block; cursor : pointer; border-style : solid; border-width : 2px; border-radius : 50px; padding : 15px 15px; font-size : 10pt; font-weight : bold;} .smallButton { display: inline-block; padding: 0.6em; margin: 0.4em; background-color: pink; border-radius:1.5em;font-size:10pt}";
    $('head').append('<style>' + strCss + '</style>');
    mSize = size[0].match(/"width":"?\d+"?,"height":"?\d+"?,/ig);
    mLink = size[0].match(/"url":"[^"]+"/ig);
    length = mLink.length;

    for (var k = 0; k < length; k++) {
	mSize[k] = mSize[k].replace(/"width":(\d+),"height":(\d+),/i, "$1 x $2");
	mLink[k] = "http:" + mLink[k].replace(/"url":"([^"]+)"/i, "$1").replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/(_[a-z])\.([a-z]{3,4})/i, '$1' + postfix + '$2');

    var insertLocation = $('.sub-photo-right-row1');
    if (insertLocation.length > 0) {
	insertLocation.append('<a class="bigButton" href="' + mLink[length - 1] + '">DOWNLOAD ' + mSize[length - 1] + ' px</a>');
	for (var k = 0; k < 7; k++) {
	    var m = length - k - 2;
	    if (m > 0) insertLocation.append('<a class="smallButton" href="' + mLink[m] + '">' + mSize[m] + ' px</a>');

function action_singlephoto_observer(oldURL) {
    var target = $('html')[0];
    var config = {
	childList : true,
	subtree : true,
    var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
	if (document.URL == oldURL) return;
	oldURL = document.URL;
	$('<div>').load(oldURL, function() {
    observer.observe(target, config);

function action_photostream() {
    source = document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(/"file":"[^}]+}}/g);
    if (source == null) {
	log('err: no source');
	return false;
    var t1 = $('a[data-track="prev"]').attr('href');
    if (t1 != null) {
	var t2 = $('span.this-page').text();
	t1 = t1.replace(/\/page\d+\//i, "/page" + t2 + "/");
	var $div = $('<div>');
	$div.load(t1, function() {
	    source = source.concat($(this).text().match(/"file":"[^}]+}}/g));
    var target = $('body')[0];
    var config = {
	childList : true,
	subtree : true,
    var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
	if ($('.myFuckingLink').filter(':first').length > 0) return;
	var photoDisplayItem = $('.photo-display-item');
	console.time('Insert links');
	console.timeEnd('Insert links');
    observer.observe(target, config);

function pageType() {
    var title = $('head title').text();
    var url = document.URL;
    var type = "none";
    if (title.match(/flickr.+photostream/i) != null) type = 'photostream';
    else if (title.match(/an album on flickr/i) != null) type = 'photostream';
    else if (title.match(/flickr - photo sharing/i) != null) type = 'singlephoto';
    else if (title.match(/favorite photos and videos/i) != null) type = 'favorite';
    else if (title.match(/from the people you follow/i) != null) type = 'favorite';
    log("Page type: " + type);
    return type;

function showLink(index, elem) {
    var $e = $(elem);
    var photoId = $e.attr('data-photo-id');
    for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
	if (source[i].indexOf(photoId) == 8) {
	    var link = source[i].match(/https?[^"]+/)[0].replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/(_[a-z])\.([a-z]{3,4})/i, '$1' + postfix + '$2').replace(/https/, "http");
	    var size = source[i].replace(/.+"width":"?(\d+)"?,"height":"?(\d+)"?.*/, "$1 x $2 px");
	    $e.find('.attribution-block').append('<a class="myFuckingLink" style="display:inline-block;padding:5px 5px 0px 5px;border-radius:3px;" href="' + link + '" target="_tab">' + prefix + size + '</a>');

function flickr_mouseenter() {
    var e = $(this);
    if (e.find('.myFuckingLink').filter(':first').length > 0) {'mouseenter');
	return true;
    var $div = $('<div>');
    if (type == 'favorite') {
	e.find('a.owner').after('<p><a class="myFuckingLink" style="display:inline-block;padding:5px 5px 0px 5px;border-radius:3px;" href="" target="_tab">(Link loading...)</a></p>');
	$div.load(e.find('.rapidnofollow').filter(':first').attr('href'), function() {
	    var photo = $(this).html().match(/modelExport: {.+?"sizes":.+?}}/i)[0].match(/"width":(\d+),"height":(\d+),"url":"([^"]+)"}}/i);
	    var link = "http:" + photo[3].replace(/\\/g, "").replace(/(_[a-z])\.([a-z]{3,4})/i, '$1' + postfix + '$2');
	    e.find('.myFuckingLink').attr('href', link);
	    e.find('.myFuckingLink').html(prefix + photo[1] + " x " + photo[2]);

function action_favorite_observer() {
    var target = $('body')[0];
    var config = {
	childList : true,
	subtree : true,
    var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, ob) {
    observer.observe(target, config);

 * end support
var count = 0;
var type = pageType();
$('#subnav-refresh .subnav-holder ul:first').append(
	'<li><div title="If this option is checked, you will OPEN the image, instead of downloading it. Nếu bạn đánh dấu tùy chọn này, khi nhấn vào link, bạn sẽ MỞ ảnh ra chứ không phải tải tự động về máy." id="optionBoxContainer" style="color:pink"><input id="optionBox" type="checkbox"'
		+ isChecked + 'style="margin:5px"/>Open image link in browser</div></li>');

$('#optionBox').change(function() {
    console.time('Change option');
    GM_setValue(key, $(this).prop('checked'));
    if (type == 'photostream') $('.photo-display-item').each(showLink);
    console.timeEnd('Change option');

if (type == 'photostream') action_photostream();
else if (type == 'singlephoto') action_singlephoto_observer("none");
else if (type == 'favorite') action_favorite_observer();