Voxiom Sniper Speed JS - Move faster with the heavy sniper
Discovery+ link extractor for Discovery Plus JS - Easily extract all links from Discovery+
No pixlr ads JS - Remove the ad sidebar and image download limit from pixlr.
Voxiom Better text JS - Better text visability
Code Injector - Starblast.io JS - Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
SL+ Addon JS - Add some useful features to SL+
Starblast.io Notification Mod JS - Shows a notification when players join a starblast.io match
Starblast.io Custom Station Modules JS - Use custom station modules client-side
Bonk.io Snow Disabler JS - Disable snow on bonk.io!
Football+ JS - A userscript that changes football physiscs