Youtube - Auto Show Live Chat Replay JS - Youtube Auto Show Live Chat Replay, YT自动展开直播聊天回放
Youtube - Auto Expand Video Description JS - Youtube Auto Expand Video Description! YT自动展开视频描述详细!
Steam Broadcast PopOut Video Auto Close JS - Steam Broadcast[Live] PopOut[PopUp] Video Auto Close (Broadcast On Top Of the Page would be fine, Only PopOut Window Closed). Steam 广播[直播]悬浮窗自动关闭 (页面顶部的直播会继续,只关闭悬浮窗)
Steam Broadcast Video Auto Best Quality JS - Steam Broadcast[Live] Video Auto Best Quality. Steam 广播[直播]自动选择最好画质
Steam Store Auto Read More JS - Steam Store Auto Read More (Expand All Descriptions). Steam 商店页自动展开更多(展开所有描述)
Steam Store Personal Review Move JS - Steam Store Personal Review Move, The Personal Review On Top Of The Game Description Will Move Under The Game Description. Steam商店的个人评论会移动到游戏描述的下方。
X.com (Twitter) - Auto Show More Replies JS - X.com (Twitter) Auto Show More Replies, Included Probable Spam. 推特自动显示所有回复,包括可能的垃圾信息。
Youtube - Video Player Bar Simplified JS - Youtube Video Player Bar Simplified. Removed "Next", "Auto Play", "Mini Player" Buttons. YT播放栏简化,移除了“播放下一个”,“自动播放”,“迷你窗口”按钮。
Google - Images & Videos No Blur JS - Google's Images & Videos Auto Turn Off SafeSearch, No Blurred. 谷歌 (图片和视频) 自动关闭安全搜索,不再模糊化。
Rumble - Auto Best Video Quality JS - Rumble - Auto Best Video Quality.
X.com (Twitter) - Skip Warning For Links JS - X.com (Twitter) - Skip Warning For Links. 推特点击链接时,自动跳过安全警告
Porndig - Auto Show More Content JS - Porndig - Auto Show More Content (Excluded Home Page). Porndig 自动展示更多内容(不包含首页)
Porndig - Auto Open Content In New Tab JS - Porndig - Auto Open Content In New Tab. Porndig 自动打开内容在新的标签页上
Youtube - Theater Mode Windowed Fullscreen JS - Youtube - Theater Mode Windowed Fullscreen. YT 影院模式 窗口化全屏