GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
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🏷️ 小鱼标签 (UTags) - 为链接添加用户标签 JS - 这是个超实用的工具,能给用户、帖子、视频等链接添加自定义标签和备注信息。比如,可以给论坛的用户或帖子添加标签,易于识别他们或屏蔽他们的帖子和回复。支持 V2EX, X, Reddit, Greasy Fork, GitHub, B站, 抖音, 小红书, 知乎, 掘金, 豆瓣, 吾爱破解, pixiv, LINUX DO, 小众软件, NGA, BOSS直聘等网站。
GitHub 中文化插件 JS - 中文化 GitHub 界面的部分菜单及内容。原作者为楼教主(。
搜索引擎切换器(改) JS - 🚀 一键切换多个搜索引擎!支持Google、Bing、百度等搜索平台。可拖拽、自动隐藏,提升您的搜索效率。适配暗黑模式,让搜索更智能、更便捷!
GitHub Russian Translation JS - Translates GitHub websites into Russian
Github链接新标签页打开 JS - 强制Github所有链接在新标签页打开
GitHub Gist 代码片段复制与下载器 JS - 向 Gist 文件添加复制按钮,以便轻松复制代码。| 向 Gist 文件添加下载按钮,以便轻松下载代码。
GitHub发布平台筛选器 JS - 筛选GitHub发布资源的平台,优化发布说明显示
Github 增强 - 高速下载 JS - 高速下载 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件 (公益加速)、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)
Github 增强 - 高速下载 JS - 高速下载 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件 (公益加速)、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)
GitHub fix theme JS - Buttons and labels should be colored as "primary", not "success".
GitHub Custom Global Navigation JS - Customize GitHub's new global navigation
Github Find Active Forks JS - Find the most active forks of a GitHub repository.
slash search bar focus JS - Focus search bar on pressing SLASH (/) or BACKSLASH (\) on,,, github, aliexpress, hornbach, readly, greasyfork, ebay, temu
🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
Focus Mode for Social Media JS - block time-wasting social media & other
Lite代理软件指引 JS - 一款专注于简单轻量的代理软件。
GitHub Issue 快速编辑器 JS - 通过点击 GitHub Issue 标题栏快速进入编辑模式
Github Code Font: Victor Mono JS - Makes Github's code font Victor Mono. Targets mobile Chrome-based browsers via Adguard for Android & mobile Iceraven (Firefox) via Violentmonkey.
webAI聊天问题列表导航 JS - 通过点击按钮显示用户问题列表,支持导航到特定问题、分页功能、正序/倒序切换,优化性能并美化UI,适配CSP限制
GitHub 仓库文件按提交时间排序📅(GitHub Commit Sort) JS - GitHub 仓库无法快速查看最新的变更文件?试试这个 GitHub 仓库文件按提交时间排序的用户脚本吧!
Github搜索净化 JS - 净化Github搜索页,屏蔽cirosantilli等400+人的敏感仓库。
Undiscovered Trending JS - Hide starred repos in trending and remove slob
Github Clear Date JS - Add a clear date to the relative time in Github
GitHub Freshness JS - 通过颜色高亮的方式,帮助你快速判断一个 GitHub 仓库是否在更新。
GitZip Lite JS - Download selected files and folders from GitHub repositories.
Del Confirm JS - 删除仓库自动填写库名,支持 github、gitee
GitHub Gist Copier JS - Adds copy button to Gist files for easy code copying.
GitHub Gist Link JS - Adds a Gist link to GitHub profile pages.
GitHub 切换项目与源码 JS - 在 GitHub 文件页面和 raw 页面之间添加按钮实现跳转。用户/项目 <==>用户/项目/ 。GitHub and Raw Page Toggle.
Full Height GitHub PR Status List JS - removes the max height of the merge status list in Github PRs to display all the checks without scrolling.
GitHub链接精简 JS - 删除GitHub链接多余的参数。GitHub Remove /refs/heads from URL.
添加GitHub、huggingface镜像下载链接 JS - 添加GitHub、huggingface镜像下载链接,可直接在Linux服务器粘贴使用
在 GitHub profile 页面以年份展示用户所有的贡献 JS - 在 GitHub profile 页面以年份展示自用户创建以来所有的 contributions
Github commits最后一页 JS - This will help users get a button to click to end of the github commits page.
在Github上打开jsDelivr链接 JS - 打开jsDelivr上的GitHub链接,用于快速下载文件
GitHub Creation Date JS - Displays the creation date of a GitHub repository when clicked.
Multi-site Chat Manager JS - Manage chats across different platforms (GitHub Copilot, Flomo, Doubao)
Find the initial Github commit JS - This will help users get a button to click to end of the github commits page.
PR page improvements JS - many things for github PRs
GitHub to Gitingest 按钮 JS - 在 GitHub 仓库页面添加跳转到 Gitingest 的按钮
Auto-Merge Dependabot PRs JS - Merges Dependabot PRs in any of your repositories - pulls the PRs into a table and lets you select which ones to merge.
Mark All Merged Notifications Done JS - Marks all merged notifications as "done" on GitHub (client-side) and only shows UI when needed. Includes console logging and error handling.
Merge Dependabot PRs Automatically on GitHub with UI and Selection Options JS - Automatically clicks the merge button on Dependabot PRs and "Done" button on the notification bar
快捷搜索-开发者搜索:掘金、react、google API、vscode插件市场、菜鸟搜索、docker、淘宝、华为云镜像官网、npmjs、mdn、antd、bilib、github等开发者常用网址 JS - google translate、、掘金、npmjs、bilibibli、bootstracpCDN、splunk、google API 快捷搜索,更多快捷搜索
Github recommendation blocker JS - Remove github's recommendation/trending cards in the dashboard thread. It's triggered by HTML change, usually takes 5ms in PC Chrome browser.
Github 时间显示24H格式 JS - 将 Github 的时间转换为24H格式
GitHub - Pull Request - Add Atlantis buttons JS - Add Atlantis buttons to the footer of your Pull Request
GitHub Network Shortcut JS - Adds a shortcut to the network graph on the repository's main page
github-search-helper JS - 在新标签页打开github搜索,explore和trending结果