现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
ASF STM JS - ASF bot list trade matcher
nofollow JS - seo相关的插件,替换单独的“nofollow”插件 并 支持检测 rel='noopener noreferrer'
哔哩哔哩bilibili默认宽屏 JS - Bilibili默认宽屏/全屏(自动点击按钮)
BOSS直聘过滤脚本 JS - BOSS直聘过滤已谈过的boss
Ready for Take off JS - Make foreign stock available on travel page
github release 加速下载 JS - github release speedup downloader 给release添加 一个按钮 使用cf代理加速下载
Robux Prank JS - [UPDATE] 300k+ ROBUX appears on your screen as your total when logged into roblox.com/home
CSDN免登录 JS - CSDN免登录复制、自动展开、页面清洗、去除搜索词、移动端反APP、可选暗黑主题
Auto ad skipper JS - Automatically skip ad on screen
Youtube polymer engine fixes JS - Some fixes for Youtube polymer engine
GeoGuessr Ultimate Script JS - GeoGuessr Ultimate Script - One Script to rule them all - Work In Progress - Adding features over time - Removes Bottom, Right and Top Bar (Options) - Pimps Data - Makes for a cleaner experience - Removes Author (Optional - For an extra challenge) - Changes flags with numbered flags - Adjust GeoGuessr Logo position - Adjusts Data position
The Gaming Guru Community Script JS - A Community Script for Krunker
DelugeRPG PokeFinder JS - Tools
屏蔽知乎营销号 JS - 功能介绍:屏蔽知乎营销号
WaniKani Item Inspector JS - Inspect Items in Tabular Format
YouTube Click To Play JS - 它禁用自动播放,并启用点击播放。
显示当前网站所有可用的油猴脚本【没有bug,不更新】 JS - Show all Tampermonkey scripts for the current site.
Anti-Autoplay on Twitch JS - Disable Autoplay on Twitch's Homepage
Youtube Music Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics/songtexts from genius.com on Youtube music next to music videos
JackboxDrawer JS - Allows custom brush sizes, colors, and even importing images into Jackbox's drawing games!
5ch image thumbnails&gallery JS - facilitate image browsing in 5ch threads
Go Sci-hub Back JS - 从scihub打开的文献页面返回原页面
护眼模式 JS - 护眼模式,兼容所有网站,自动开启护眼模式,支持自定义颜色
Eruda Loader JS - Load and setup Eruda with DOM plugin
轻小说文库下载 JS - 生成分卷和全本ePub文档、ePub文档插图拖放、部分小说的在线阅读
Pithy JD | 简洁 京东 JS - 首页仅保留导航栏、logo、搜索框。商品详情页信息居中,商品大图去水印,隐藏二维码,隐藏相关商品推荐,删除按钮边框虚线,隐藏搜索框推荐词
Skribbl Assistant JS - Fetches the Skribbl.io wordlist and displays clickable hints based on the current word's pattern.
YouTube Auto Dark Mode JS - Automatically toggle built-in dark mode on youtube.com
YouTube - Disable Fullscreen Scroll JS - Disable scroll for details feature and remove the label from the bottom in fullscreen
Telegram Page Prevent URL Scheme First Call JS - Prevent URL Scheme from being called when opening Telegram Page
Amazon.com Item Not FBA JS - Know when viewing non-FBA item pages
MMOLODA オートページ JS - 自動で次のページの内容を表示
Image Preview JS - preview any image
Reddit Up/Down Votes JS - Displays the number of up/down votes on Reddit
Spawn TrChO JS - KOC All In One Throne Room & Champion Hall
雀魂Mod_Plus JS - 雀魂解锁全角色、皮肤、装扮等,支持全部服务器。
Stake.com Vault Script JS - Sends a percentage of your profits to the vault
Reddit Auto Dark Mode JS - Automatically toggle built-in dark mode on reddit.com
kissanime.nz ad hider JS - Use Adguard adblock, along with adguard's popup blocker, with this script to remove 99% of the ads on kissanime.nz(as far as I know anyways)
虎牙Lite 直播网页精简版 Huya Lite JS - 去除广告,主播动态等无关元素,仅保留直播
Reddit Video Downloader JS - Adds button to direct link or download the stupidly hard to save or share directly reddit videos. Designed to work on new Reddit only. Buttons appear when viewing the specific post -- does not work on preview/expand on post listing pages.
googleform JS - 2020/8/20 下午2:06:11
Anarchy Haxball Userscript v0.5 JS - Makes haxball fancier :)
美剧天堂 - 一键复制 JS - 在美剧天堂下载Tab中添加"复制全部下载地址"的按钮及其功能
カラーパレット拡張(ピクトセンス) JS - chromiumベースパレット拡張(https://pictsense.xxxxxxxx.jp)のtampermonkey版だよ これならfirefoxとかedgeでも使えるね!!
知网批量下载PDF+丨CNKI Multi PDF Download JS - 用于知网批量下载PDF,保存下载信息到txt
Youtube WideScreen (New Design Polymer) [USw] v.57 CSS - For a Wide Screen and the YouTube New Design
AO3 Blocker JS - Fork of ao3 savior; blocks works based on certain conditions
Simple Krunker ESP JS - ESP in 8 lines of code
[000] 15 Page Multi Faucet Roller (GRAB FREE MONEY EVER HOURE) JS - Redeem free money every houre with script, follow the links to get BTC ETH XRP USDT USDC BNB XEM STEAM ADA TRX
AppleMusicToSpotify JS - append link to Spotify search at Apple Music
RemoveAds(移除DuckDuckGo宣传广告) JS - Remove banner on the main page
软件下载站页面净化 JS - 清理某些下载站的广告和烦人的推荐,以及恶心人的高速捆绑下载按钮,目前支持:绿色先锋,西西,华军,下载吧,太平洋下载站,东坡下载,多特,pc6
HTML5 video settings JS - Change on load default HTML5 video behavior
2048快速下种子 JS - 2048 4096 打开帖子 自动复制标题 直接下载种子链接 过滤某些贴主 左右键翻页 上键 点击下载链接
Pobieracz YT 1.0 - Pobieracz.net (MP3, FHD, MP4, HD, SD, M4A, AAC, MKV, F4V, 3GP) JS - Pobieranie muzyki i filmów z YouTube //// Darmowe pobieranie: MP3, MP4 //// Pobieranie premium: MP3, FHD, MP4, HD, SD, M4A, AAC, MKV, F4V, 3GP ////
Torn: War Machine Helper JS - Show finishing hits on items page
MooMoo.io - Hat Shop Opacity And Bow Insta Help JS - p
Seedr Copy Links. JS - Copy direct Links inside a Folder.
淘口令解析 JS - 将淘宝生成的淘口令转换为链接
Tetris (N3TWORK) Theme JS - Tetris (N3TWORK) Theme for Jstris
Peaks Increment Calculator V2.1 For R5 Season 64 JS - This Tool Calculate peaks Increment in each peak
Starve.io JS - Starve.io Auto Atack Aimbot Auto Crafting extended UI
canvas_checkboxes JS - Add checkboxes to some items in canvas to keep track of what you have read/completed.
Chain called hit alert JS - Helps you from unknownly claiming a faction hit
屏蔽DogeDoge、Baidu、Bing、Google包含Csdn的搜索结果 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube - dismiss sign-in JS - Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.
Github项目批量删除 JS - Github项目批量删除,fork的项目太多了,注意:需要先申请操作token,申请地址https://github.com/settings/tokens,请至少选择Delete Repos,如果频繁出现删除失败,请重新生成token(github有限制)
Блокировщик рекламы на Яндекс Почта CSS - Блокирует рекламу на Яндекс.Почта
网易云音乐歌曲下载 JS - 网易云音乐歌曲下载!
DiepShadow JS - Press CTRL + I to activate. Create cool glow or 3D effects using this tool.
Powerline.io mod menu JS - Press the mod menu button, then once you exit the menu press ctrl/control to use the
Open the F**king URL Right Now JS - 自动跳转某些网站不希望用户直达的外链
Pixiv Previewer JS - preview image in pixiv.
Haxball Avatar Change JS - Sexy script for haxball
Demon Spawn 2.0 JS - Demon Spawn (For You All)
Github 加速与增强 - 高速下载 JS - 为 Github 的 Clone、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 添加高速下载和镜像站跳转,实现各种加速
3DM论坛增强 JS - 自动回复、自动无缝翻页、清理置顶帖子、自动滚动至隐藏内容
Yandex to DuckDuckGo JS - Places a button to search with DuckDuckGo on Yandex search page
UOOC assistant JS - 【使用前先看介绍/有问题可反馈】UOOC 优课联盟助手 (UOOC assistant):可选是否倍速 (若取消勾选则一倍速播放),可选是否静音 (若取消勾选则恢复原音量),可选是否播放 (若取消勾选则暂停播放),可选是否连播 (若取消勾选则循环播放),离开页面保持视频状态,自动回答视频中途弹出问题,可复制已提交测验题目及答案,键盘左右方向键可以控制视频快进/快退,上下方向键可以控制音量增大/减小,空格键可以控制播放/暂停,停止连播支持提醒,如果视频标题下面出现 `倍速/静音/播放/连播` 选项说明脚本正常启动运行。
3DM论坛美化 JS - 精简多余内容、样式优化
ニコニコ静画、簡単NGスクリプト JS - 申し訳ないが見たくないイラストはNG
AutoScroll by CyRuler JS - B = Shop / T = Tank Gear / C = Bull Helmet / V = Turret Gear / Z = Flipper Hat / F = Solider / G = Samurai / H = Booster
wgs to gcj for google maps js sdk on teslafi JS - wgs to gcj transformation of coordinates
Auto-Fill-Verification-Code-Box-of-ZJU JS - 自动填写浙大图书馆预约系统验证码
淘宝买家订单导出 JS - 基于Greasy Fork上的一个订单管理脚本,修复了bug使得对于淘宝订单的导出功能重新可用。使用方法为到淘宝网页版,已买到的宝贝页面会增加两个按。点击添加本页订单即可将订单添加到带保存的订单列表中,点击导出即可导出CSV文件。
问卷星解除禁止选中文本复制 JS - 无
YoutubeEpisodeEnable JS - Отображает список эпизодов справа от видео
Scrapy Spider for Instagram JS - Scrapy spider for scraping Instagram
Cookie Clicker cheat : Free cookies and sugar lumps. JS - How Many stuff You Want LOL
Bypass FileCrypt JS - Bypass FileCrypt and get the original link! Original script by StephenP
网易 buff 增强脚本 JS - 比例计算 成交量显示 销售价显示
华医网自动播放与答题 JS - 打开视频播放页面后即可自动完成所有课程
Steam创意工坊饥荒mod下载工具 JS - 在创意工坊中注入一个MOD下载按钮,用于下载MOD
Twitch - Refresh on Advert JS - Detects placeholder ads and refreshes the page, or for FFZ users, resets the player.
视频增强 JS - 视频增强,原作者: Nihility
腾讯视频 爱奇艺 免费vip 无广告播放 JS - 安装后进入播放页面 【右边会有绿色电视按钮】么么哒 无广告、免登录 解析VIP视频. 超高清播放. 【爱奇艺、优酷、乐视、腾讯视频、土豆、芒果TV、搜狐视频】 等主流网
磁力链文本变链接 JS - 点击magnet协议文本变为超链接
Reddit spoiler blur remover JS - Remove all blur on spoiler images while keeping the NSFW setting. Supports external images too.