现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Survev-KrityHack JS - Aimbot, xray, tracer, better zoom, smoke/obstacle opacity, autoloot, player names...
Diamond Hacker JS - Join our Discord — dsc.gg/moo-moo
123网盘无广告下载增强 JS - 123网盘去广告,并伪装客户端下载
ProcessOn-Vip-SVG-水印-PDF JS - ProcessOn文件导出支持,支持全部Vip功能,包括自定义水印,高清PDF等,有查看权限即可导出,在文件查看页面点击导出,列表页中导出暂不完全支持
【VIP视频免费观看-VIP视频解析】 JS - 【VIP视频免费观看-VIP视频解析】腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、乐视、土豆、B站等网站VIP视频解析
Blooket Cheats Plus JS - Blooket Cheats Plus made by DannyDan0167 and Shared by Jacksonthegoat13
猫国建设者挂机插件 JS - 游戏《猫国建设者/喵国建设者/Kittens Game》网页自动化插件(就是外挂),可以在页面->选项->MoeScript中开启/关闭自动化功能
[网课助手]|后台自动挂机|视频文档|章节测验|专业课满分|超高倍速|防清进度 JS - 支持【超星学习通】【智慧树】【职教云系列】【雨课堂】【考试星】【168网校】【u校园】【大学MOOC】【云班课】【优慕课】【继续教育类】【绎通云课堂】【九江系列】【柠檬文才】【亿学宝云】【优课学堂】【小鹅通】【安徽继续教育】【上海开放大学】【华侨大学自考网络助学平台】【良师在线】【和学在线】【人卫慕课】【国家开放大学】【山财培训网】【浙江省高等学校在线开放课程共享平台】【国地质大学远程与继续教育学院】【重庆大学网络教育学院】【浙江省高等教育自学考试网络助学平台】【湖南高等学历继续教育】【优学院】【学起系列】【青书学堂】【学堂在线】【英华学堂】【广开网络教学平台】等,内置题库功能。如您遇到问题,请联系QQ群:565124317 邀请码为6666 系统兼容多种学习平台,支持一键搜题,提升学习效率。新增AI搜题、(如ChatGPT)技术,打破不可复制文本限制。,脚本不收集任何个人信息,确保用户隐私安全。无论是学习、复习备考,还是在线课程,本系统都能提供有效支持,使学习高效轻松。使用本系统,您将能够获取所需学习资源,提升学习效率,取得更好成绩。感谢您对本系统的信任与支持
含羞草(完全免费) JS - 🔥免费不限次看站内所有付费视频。下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
csdn2md - 批量下载CSDN文章为Markdown JS - 下载CSDN文章为Markdown格式,支持专栏批量下载。CSDN排版经过精心调教,最大程度支持CSDN的全部Markdown语法:KaTeX内联公式、KaTeX公式块、图片、内联代码、代码块、Bilibili视频控件、有序/无序/任务/自定义列表、目录、注脚、加粗斜体删除线下滑线高亮、内容居左/中/右、引用块、链接、快捷键(kbd)、表格、上下标、甘特图、UML图、FlowChart流程图
HWHExtension JS - Extension for HeroWarsHelper script
Pixiv小说下载王 JS - 您最好的pixiv小说下载助手,支持下载单页、系列、作者、标签、收藏夹的小说
破解拦截100 JS - 破解拦截100,显示“视频嗅探”功能的下载按钮
super mod v5 JS - Press ` if u need smooth, also im coming out im super gay, slight edit from hax this is wats mod not mine, that him not me
Frozen Bot V1 JS - Frozen bot script for gartic
linuxdo保活 JS - linuxdo自动浏览帖子,自动点赞
文档复制助手Plus复制后有标题时间(支持生财有术、小报童、飞书文档) JS - 让飞书文档更好用:添加标题和时间、解除复制限制、支持右键菜单
Tela Cheia JS - Deixa o navegador em tela cheia
Bloxd.io Dev Special Tools Private but Got Public for Banning Random People JS - Adds custom features like ESP, Anti-Ban, and Warning
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
Ans YouTube GUI (Adblocker, Vol Boost, Age Bypass, 30+ Mods) JS - Tools for youtube, these tools let you modify the likes, video title, subscribers and views of the vid, dm me on dc if you want me to add ur idea
Bloxd Auto Typer JS - يكتب تلقائيًا عبارة ⚡_Super_⚡ عند الضغط على Enter في مواقع Bloxd.io
🌟适合【2025寒假研修】【山东中小学人工智能研修(考试)、河北、湖南、四川、吉林继教、重庆赤峰宁夏包头梅河口等专技、双融双创、超星等,更多请查阅文档 JS - 适用2025国家智慧教育平台、河北继续教育等.📢【河北继续教育(师学通、奥鹏、电视台、高教社等)】【吉林继教(中盛佳源|)】【中小学D校】【国家开发大学】【四川继教、四川创联】【重庆、内蒙古、赤峰、宁夏、包头、梅河口、桦甸教育、中山专技(chinahrt、chinamde)】【广东双融双创、继续教育】【人教社义教】【云继教】【沃希学苑(山东中小学人工智能研修包含考试)】【名师学堂】【中山教师研修】等自动化挂机/刷课 注意:禁止二次发布!加QQ群获取更新
Sparx Maths Auto Solver JS - Solves Sparx Maths homework questions using WolframAlpha
Meneame JS - Quita el adblocker popup y otra mierda
[VIP影视解析工具]红狐弹幕播放器 JS - 红狐弹幕解析和自动播放整合版
Telegram图片视频下载器 (Improved) JS - 从禁止下载的Telegram频道中下载图片、视频及语音消息
全年暑假/寒假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|国家中小学智慧教育平台|自动刷视频,可秒刷视频!适合中小学(基础教育) | 职业教育 详情咨询客服微信:wkds857 JS - 适用2025国家智慧教育平台寒假研修.中小学课程,可快速通过视频学习。即秒刷!| 职业教育/高等教育 可自动挂机。自动刷视频!!
YouTube 新标签页打开 JS - 功能:1.新标签页打开视频 2.屏蔽首页Shorts 3.屏蔽首页精选 4.主页内容刷新 5.非主页自动关闭 (所有功能可在右下角设置)
YouTube去广告 JS - 脚本用于移除YouTube广告,包括静态广告和视频广告。不会干扰网络,安全。
Remove LootLink/Dest Anti-Adblocker Screen JS - Removes anti-adblocker overlays on Lootlabs.com and Lootdest.com
Fck 知识星球 JS - 知识星球去水印、可复制
Pixeldrain show video even without logged JS - Show video even without logged in pixeldrain
Advanced Sploop.io script v2.1 JS - -
Vape V4 JS - A browser script made to give enhancements on Miniblox
Blooket Gui JS - The Best Cheats!
Civitai Prompt Autocomplete & Tag Wiki JS - Adds tag autocomplete and wiki lookup features
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design (Fix) + Other Improvements. JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
B站番剧真实评分 大数据量修复 JS - BiliBili 番剧真实评分
网页中网址高亮显示并跳转 JS - 在网页上选中网址时自动高亮显示,并点击跳转
爱给网音频助手 JS - 获取爱给网音频直链并下载,需先播放音频!!
TikTok No Login Anti-Captcha v3 JS - CAPTCHA bypass + Device Fingerprint spoofing
Unlimited ChatGPT Interactions JS - Allows unlimited chats and image uploads with ChatGPT
百度网盘不限速解析-速链解析站 JS - 复活?可用?不限制?不限速? 一款百度网盘不限速解析脚本,支持Motrix、idm、Aria下载器下载,速度快就完事啦!
ATM client v2.7.1 JS - Private mod
Discord Fake Message Editor JS - Change the appearance of a Discord message locally with clickable links, styled pings, and images below text
YouTube Advanced Downloader JS - Advanced YouTube video downloader with quality selection and progress tracking
YouTube Direct Downloader (Cobalt) JS - Bypass the download button and provide options to download the video, video dubs, or audio directly from the YouTube page.
Better DGG Kick Embed JS - MIGHT NOT WORK WITH TAMPERMONKEY. VIOLENTMONKEY SHOULD WORK. Hacky solution to embed full kick site instead of the embed. I can't promise it will continue to work indefinitely. If it bugs out when resizing the window, try refreshing the page.
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
Adblock 反广告检测 bypass JS - 结合通用广告检测绕过和针对性检测绕过,提供增强的绕过。
1Kahoot Custom Mods - ViolentMonkey Compatible Ultra super JS - Auto answer doesn't really answer the questions it highlights the answer green and sometimes this only works in classic mode,also only bot flooder and Auto answer work currently more coming soon!
奇讯影视解析 (2025最新优化版) - 悬浮面板 - 多源同时解析 JS - 优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站等视频网站VIP视频解析,悬浮面板,多源解析(可选6/4/1个源),单源放大并替换
移除SpankBang年龄验证(Remove SpankBang Age Verification Modal Instantly) JS - Instantly removes the age verification modal on SpankBang.com with no flash
Kour KP Script JS - Unlimited 1500 KP Daily Rewards
GitHub镜像加速 JS - 将页面中显示的和链接中的github.con替换为你的镜像github域名
Legacy >>>> New JS - Enter old cai even if it was "closed" "Zedd - Find you"
evoworld.io cheat menu JS - press w for activate multi-zoom, new evoworls.io multi-hack. A lot of features.
Kahbonk JS - Kahoot mod menu, free code is 1978
Fandom Bloat Remover JS - Removes bloat elements from Fandom wikis.
Torn Race Config GUI JS - GUI to configure Torn racing parameters and create races with presets and quick launch buttons
YouTube 双语字幕下载 / YouTube Biligual Subtitles Downloader JS - 在 YouTube 页面添加双语字幕,支持双语字幕下载
Torn War Stuff Enhanced JS - Show travel status and hospital time and sort by hospital time on war page. Fork of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/448681-torn-war-stuff
LinkSwift00 JS - 一个基于 JavaScript 的网盘文件下载地址获取工具,支持 百度网盘/阿里云盘/天翼云盘/迅雷云盘/夸克网盘/移动网盘 六大网盘 | 基于【网盘直链下载助手】修改自6.2.7版本 | 开源 - 自用 - 去广 | 改界面 - 添功能 - 修Bug | 不仅能够精简网盘界面 还支持修改网盘界面主题颜色!
Webp图片加载优化 JS - Optimize image loading by adding lazy loading, WebP support, and concurrent requests.
Mediaplay缓存优化 JS - Optimize media playback by caching video segments to minimize user waiting time and maximize cache efficiency.
SimplicityBlock JS - The lightest, most unobtrusive and safest ad blocker that blocks almost all ads.
Auto Left and Join with kick (beta version) JS - Auto Left and Join with kick (Anti Kick)
知乎优化 JS - Sets custom widths and hides specified elements on Zhihu
YouTube More Videos on Homepage JS - This script allows you to increase the number of videos displayed in a single row on the YouTube homepage.
YouTube Volume Mouse Controller - With Alt Key JS - Modifies YouTube Volume Mouse Controller to only work with Alt + Mousewheel
KoGaMa cheat JS - kogama console
2025 Machine JS - Tags
Torn Set Calculator JS - Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
Steam Community - All Workshop Items Subscriber JS - Subscribes or unsubscribes to all workshop items from a particular AppID
Pinterest - Remove Picked For You and Sponsored Pins JS - Remove "Picked For You" and "Sponsored" advertisement pins on Pinterest
Fuck Chaoxing JS - 解除超星自动暂停播放的限制并添加自动播放下一集的功能
Macro Feed JS - Press F for feeding
Os Piratas JS - drive dos piratas
TSDM打工 JS - 天使动漫自动打工
Price Variation JS - Embeds CamelCamelCamel price chart in Amazon
去除360极速扩展中心限制 JS - 让其他基于chromium的浏览器可以直接从360极速扩展中心下载扩展
Video Download Button JS - This script adds a download button on many video sites.
CleanDeviantart JS - clean invisible publicity and anti-adblock on deviantart
Slither.io auto respawn (evergreen) JS - Auto Respawn + Server Selector + Skin Rotator + Unlimited Zoom + No Skin + No BG + Reduce Lag + More!
Fuck百度云 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
Ne0 Auto Port JS - Ne0's Auto Port for those who need to get out of a tight jam!
老司机自动开车神器 JS - 老司机自动开车神器, 自动抓取识别磁链特征码,支持下载到115网盘
Hide Fake Torrents on The Pirate Bay JS - Hide Fake Torrents on The Pirate Bay with Conditional Logic
Bangumi 标签批量管理 JS - Bangumi 标签批量管理和修改自己可见
JWPlayer Force HTML5 JS - Makes JWPlayer think that you don't have the Flash plugin, thus forcing HTML5 mode
Grepolis Attack - Sound Alarm JS - Make some noise if ya get attacked. With integrated toggle-button to mute/unmute alarm sound.
WME Validator JS - This script validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and solutions
UROverview Plus (URO+) JS - Adds a whole bunch of features to WME, which someday I may get around to documenting properly...
Video.mediaset.it native video player and direct links JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on Mediaset Play.
Netflix Ratings JS - View various website ratings while in netflix
右键在新标签中打开图片时显示最优化图像质量 JS - 支持:谷歌(blogspot YouTube)、Tumblr、推特、Steam、新浪微博、知乎、豆瓣、百度贴吧、淘宝(天猫)、ArtStation、Pinimg、Reddit 等
mb. AUTO-FOCUS + KEYBOARD-SELECT JS - musicbrainz.org: MOUSE-LESS EDITING! Cleverly focus and refocus fields in various MusicBrainz edit pages and tracklist Up Down key navigation
TradingView JS - Maximizes tradingview charts.