现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Fanfiction.net - Customize Default Result Filter JS - Override Fanfiction.net's default choices for result filters
NoYandexAds+Numeration JS - Удаление рекламы в поиске yandexa + Нумерация
ZenzaWatch JS - ニコニコ動画の速くて軽い動画プレイヤー
Xenforo invisitext JS - Make some invisible text a little more visible
MyDoubanMovieHelper|豆瓣电影C+|豆瓣|豆瓣电影|movie.douban.com JS - 网页信息增强,并入IMDB评分系统, 提供在线观看便捷链接,提供资源提供站点哦便捷链接。美化界面。
Scribd Print and Download JS - Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)
百度网盘分享(版本2) JS - 百度网盘批量分享, 每个勾勾都生成一个分享链接, 可以自定义访问密码, 百度网盘Vip请使用该版
羅輯思維錄音檔下載連結 JS - 產生錄音檔直接下載連結
微博按时间排序 JS - 微博个人主页显示全部微博
Pixlr Editor Remove Sidebar JS - Your Adblocker remove ads, This user script inject css to remove the blank sidebar.
Macro for Agarios JS - Agario mods
WME KeepMyLayers JS - Resets WME layers to the way you want them, plus other fancy stuff (and bonus features for Beta WME testers).
Easy-to-save pixiv novel JS - Adds button that convert a pixiv novel to an easy-to-save format.
AC-百度去广告 JS - 去掉百度的推广链接
新标签页打开谷歌学术搜索结果链接 JS - 目前谷歌学术在当前页面打开链接,这个脚本的作用是:在新标签页打开谷歌学术搜索结果的链接!
ao3 menu items JS - add more options to dropdown
Ads DOM Remover JS - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
SLITio by szymy JS - slither.io MOD
起点自动领经验 JS - 自动领取起点经验,过0点自动刷新。
MooMoo right click auto feed JS - Uses food when right clicked
Translator for Whatsapp JS - Translator for Whatsapp web
Monkey Dating JS - This greasy script analyzes the interests of any person's dating profile and the current time and automatically generates a message based on them. The message doesn't look computer-generated. It's better than sending a copy-and-paste message to users, as they'll be suspicious if there's nothing in the message pertaining to them personally. I've gotten many dates and two girlfriends using this sneaky script. You get the option to edit and decide whether you want to send the message.
Adblock JS - adblock alis.io
WME Place Harmonizer JS - Harmonizes, formats, and locks a selected place
Agar.io Custom Skins | By KapClanYT JS - Paste a direct imigur link below your name to use a custom skin
高亮关键词 JS - 高亮特定网页中感兴趣的关键词
Atlassian JIRA - Auto-expand older comments JS - Automatically expands the older comments accordion in JIRA so you see all comments by default. Workaround to jira.comment.collapsing.minimum.hidden. Aids in searching page.
Roblox Dominus Spoof buyer JS - trick someone into thinking you bought a dominus
Google DWIMages JS - Direct links to images and pages on Google Images
MicroScatter Cheater Script JS - Press C on micromatch to win
豆瓣读书揭示北大馆藏+荐购/CALIS 高校馆际互借 JS - 为豆瓣读书增加北京大学图书馆相关图标和资源链接,以及 CALIS(中国高等教育文献保障系统)联合目录查询与馆际互借入口。1)图书页面——“在哪儿借这本书” 2)批量查馆藏——在图书搜索结果、丛书、豆列、作者作品、作品版本、标签浏览乃至广播页面显示每一本书的北大馆藏情况(该功能受限较多,不稳定,默认不开启,需先勾选页面顶部选项才开启)。如果该书有 ISBN(国际标准书号)但查无此书,或没有 ISBN,则改为提供一个按书名检索的链接。荐购功能:在图书页面点击查馆藏链接后,原图书页面还将显示推荐购买界面,如果能确认该书尚不为北大图书馆所收藏,可由此快捷荐购。
Add routine to transfer list JS - Add routine to transfer list - TM
Enhanced Google Bar JS - Google Bar Returns
百度云解析 blog.tsyinpin.com 优化版 JS - 百度云盘解析 blog.tsyinpin.com 优化版
Hide Ad Panel in Outlook.com JS - Hides the right sidebar with ads and stretches the e-mail body to take its place. Enable the beta version of Outlook!
熊猫TV不用登录就可以一直看超清啦 H5播放器 JS - 不用登录就可以一直看超清啦;启用了H5播放器,妈妈再也不用担flash问题啦;屏蔽了右侧弹幕,不喜欢弹幕的同学再也不用屏蔽啦;直播间列表点击后在新的页面打开直播间
WeTransfer JS - Fixes the annoyances of every day use of WeTransfer
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
Letterboxd Search Bars JS - Adds a search bar to torrent- and other websites on Letterboxd
YouTube MP3 Download | Converto.io | Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera... JS - Fügt einen MP3 Download-Button zur Videoseite hinzu, um das Video über Converto.io zu MP3 umzuwandeln.
黄冈网校Vip JS - 黄冈网校视频免登陆免费看
获取哔哩哔哩视频和直播间的封面图片 get bilibili cover image JS - 在视频列表上以及视频播放页面,按 ctrl+鼠标右键 ,就会在新窗口打开这个视频的封面图
统计YouTube播放列表的时长 JS - 统计YouTube播放列表的时长包括总时长,最长,最短,平均
Tumblr Image URL Redirect JS - Redirects Tumblr Image URLs to the raw version
迅雷地址转真实地址 JS - 把迅雷专用链接,旋风专用链接,快车专用链接转为原始链接
KissAnime Auto Captcha V3.2 JS - Auto complete KissAnime Captcha
WaniKani Pitch Info JS - Displays pitch accent diagrams on WaniKani vocab and session pages.
KissAnime Downloader JS - This is a userscript that will download multi episodes form KissAnime.
RomeoEnhancer JS - Ergänzungen für die Romeo-Website
酷绘-VIP会员视频免费看 JS - 各大视频网站VIP会员视频免费看,支持各大视频网站,操作更加便捷
YouTube Debug Button Enabler JS - Enables the hidden DEBUG button on YouTube.
Image download helper JS - add keyboard shortcuts to open and download image files quicker
Next page script JS - Automatically loads next page once you reach bottom of the page
Picture Downloader|Image Downloader|图片下载器 JS - 在页面右下角插入图片域名筛选框和下载按钮,根据关键词匹配图片URL并批量下载。默认针对所有站点开启,所以建议不需要时先禁用脚本,需要时再开启。
Youtube Downloader By Jeffery JS - Download every YouTube video you want and you can download them as Full-HD MP4, FLV, 3GP, MP3 128kbps and 192kbps, M4A and AAC formats.
Youtube comments remover and description expander JS - Removes comments section from Youtube video pages and auto expand description section
daum漫画图片下载 JS - 一键下载Daum的整话漫画
cnBeta视频地址 JS - 显示cnBeta中的视频源地址,特别适合未安装Flash的Safari用户。配合html5视频播放插件,在视频的源地址观看cnBeta上的视频。
Auto-Answer Script JS - try to take over the world!
Direct download from Google Play JS - Adds APK-DL, APKPure, APKCombo, APKPremier, APKMirror and Evozi download buttons to Google Play Store when browsing apps.
Mimic - Youtube MP3 Downloader JS - Allows you to download MP3 at 320 kbps from a YouTube video.
jump2Wikiwand JS - 重定向 Wikipedia 页面到 Wikiwand 以获得现代的浏览体验
Amazon short URL JS - Replace article URL with short Amazon permalink
动车组交路查询 JS - 在 12306 订票页面上显示动车组型号与交路
Skip Bit Heroes Ads JS - Allows to skip ads on Bit Heroes, but keep get the rewards
百度网盘直接下载助手 生成链接到 Aria2 WebUI, 包含--out filename JS - try to take over the world!
京东自营过滤 JS - 在京东商品列表和搜索结果页面增加【自营】【非自营】以及【满赠】【满减】等超过30个商品过滤选项,为【京东配送】【仅显示有货】以及【排序】选项增加记忆功能。
SetsMaster JS - Наборы армии, навыков и оружия – 3 в 1
930mh自动回顶 JS - 在亲亲漫画翻页浏览时自动返回页首
AC-独家-淘宝天猫优惠券查询领取,大额优惠券,【100元购物神券】,省钱购物,领券购买更优惠,平均优惠20% JS - 独家查询淘宝商品查询是否具有优惠券,各种大额优惠券,【3元|10元|20元|40元】优惠券领取,购物必备,特大优惠
Adfly-skipper JS - Automatically skip ad-fly
OpenSubtitles - direct download links JS - Converts the subtitles download links to direct ones, in order to avoid redirection to download pages that display ads.
WaniKani Lesson Cap JS - Limits the amount of lessons you can do with your current review queue.
CSDN 阅读全文 JS - 显示隐藏内容
必应图片下载按钮 JS - 在必应首页添加一个图片下载按钮。
Google翻译 替换 JS - 对翻译后的字符串进行替换。github:https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey,欢迎star和fork。
hwm_time_restore JS - Таймеры гильдии рабочих, воров, наёмников, рейнджеров, охотников, кузнецов, восстановления здоровья и маны
Quora - Remove SignUp Popup JS - Removes sign-up popup on Quora.
taobao patch JS - 修复淘宝店铺‘所有分类’页面和店内搜索
Freebitcoin Auto Claim JS - Feel free to donate: 1KCwhJWdMcnqNECnKBxhZHb4Eu6RWjgg4U
Agar.io Skin Changer JS - Agario Hack
WebNobel Continuar a Leer JS - Webnovel.com Continua a pagina del Capitulo
The West - Classic Pro JS - Script collection for TW Classic
WME Rapid House Numbers JS - A House Number script with its controls in the House Number mini-editor. It injects the next value in a sequence into each new HN. All house number formats are supported.
Whatsapp Web Privacy Mode JS - Add button and hotkey to hide contact names and avatars on web.whatsapp.com
WhatsApp Web Spammer JS - Spam people with this beautiful WhatsApp Web spammer.
Youtube No-Recommendations JS - Remove Video Recommendations Completely
Links to Next and Previous Posts JS - Add links to next and previous posts to each post
pan.download JS - 百度一键大文件下载,更新于2018.01.26
Spotify Web - 复制歌曲信息 JS - 在上下文菜单中添加一个条目,将选定的歌曲名称和歌手复制到剪贴板
Wanikani DotDotDot Expander JS - Expand Wanikani "..." in English translations
HIT Database Backup JS - Does things...
Ebay Include Shipping JS - Show the true total including shipping on Ebay
Bilibili直播间挂机助手3 JS - B站直播间挂机用: 签到,领瓜子,移动端心跳,瓜子换硬币等
Add Site Search Links To Google Search Result JS - Add a "Site Results" and "Cached Page" links onto each Google search result entries to search from that site. The link will be added either in the search result entry's popup menu, or after the green URL below the entry's title.
! 豆瓣电影 + 百度网盘 |!' IMDB + Magnet |!' 各大视频网站 + JS - 找资源不用打开一堆新标签,有的话会直接播放 |!' Show magnet and pan.baidu.com in movie detail page |!' 当破解VIP会员电视剧失败?没准有网盘和磁力种子在分享呢.兼容黄岩Style.
Vzacz God's Membean Auto-Answer JS - Membean Auto-Answer
Enable Songsterr Premium JS - Enable songsterr premium