这些是 Greasy Fork 用户发布的库,您可以在您的脚本中 @require
它们。对于其他可以 @require
的库,请参见 Greasy Fork 对 @require
locals JS (库) - github 本地化
Simple EventEmitter JS (库) - emit and receive events!
toast.js JS (库) - coco-message TheWindRises-2 js toast
multiOpenCloseTabs JS (库) - Multi open tabs by GM_openInTab then close them to do something.
fetchElements JS (库) - Convert fetch body to dom elements.
Library: Additional DOM Window History-Stack Events (pushstate, replacestate) JS (库) - Complementing the DOM Window 'popstate' event, this library adds the 'pushstate' and 'replacestate' events and corresponding event handlers ('onpushstate', 'onreplacestate')
晋江文学城防盗字符解码 JS (库) - 将晋江文学城防盗替换为正常字符
texmath JS (库) - TeXmath support for cc98 markdown posts
hdb_show_discount_color JS (库) - 辅助脚本
get_douban_info JS (库) - 辅助auto-feed脚本获取豆瓣信息
elegant alert()库 JS (库) - Customized alert box at the top right corner, auto close in a few seconds. Click on the alert box will close it immediately and copy the alert message to clipboard.
NGA-Script-Resource JS (库) - 脚本资源引入文件
OnlineligaLineupInfo JS (库) - Zusatzinfos zur Aufstellung bei www.onlineliga.de (OFA)
OnlineligaFriendlyInfo JS (库) - Zusatzinfos für Friendlies für www.onlineliga.de (OFA)
Brazen Subscriptions Loader JS (库) - Helper class for loading account subscriptions
Brazen Paginator JS (库) - Helper for client side customized pagination
TuTuLaiLe Plugins JS (库) - ttll_plugins
Mafia Reloaded Dashboard JS (库) - Dashboard - skill
jquery.filterTable JS (库) - This plugin will add a search filter to tables. When typing in the filter, any rows that do not contain the filter will be hidden.
Camamba Chat Helpers Library JS (库) - decorates "knownUsers" and "rooms" objects with functions useful for console and other scripts
Camamba Hook Into OnMessage JS (库) - allows to add handlers for onMessage requests
Camamba Chat Settings JS (库) - creates a settings - object with getter and setter - property for every in-chat settings and with a save and restore method
msgpack JS (库) - msgpack backup
findAndReplaceDOMText v 0.4.0 JS (库) - Matches the text of a DOM node against a regular expression and replaces each match (or node-separated portions of the match) in the specified element.
smiley JS (库) - Location of the smileys data base for the Innogame forum
CNBS Configurator Library JS (库) - Configurator library
JQuery DOM JS (库) - Optimize JQuery experience of insert DOM.
HN-javaex-formVerify JS (库) - javaex-formVerify
Venge.io HACKS 1.0.68 by me.... JS (库) - Venge.io Hacks | Unlimited Ammo, Infinite Jump, Auto Kill, Teleportation, Aimbot, ESP, and Timescale!
Mee6 Free Premium JS (库) - Free premium on Mee6!
Discord lib JS (库) - LOL
PassWord 56321786342137 JS (库) - try to take over the world!
gmfetch JS (库) - A shim for using GM.xmlHttpRequest with a fetch-like API.
GBK.js JS (库) - 一个小而快的GBK库,支持浏览器
获取 Github 当前仓库唯一标识 JS (库) - 定义函数 getGithubId() 获取当前仓库唯一标识,例如:talelin/lin-ui
上一页 JS (库) - RT
GM_fetch JS (库) - fetch pollyfill using GM_xmlhttpRequest
Easy Cookie Manager JS (库) - A manager that helps you to set cookies instantly!
vanilla-js-wheel-zoom JS (库) - Image resizing using mouse wheel + drag scrollable image (as well as any HTML content)
GM_config_sizzle JS (库) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
定时执行任务 JS (库) - 定时执行任务函数,但是并不是绝对的精准执行
Super_GM_setValue_and_GM_getValue_greasyfork_mirror.js JS (库) - Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type.
Key-Based Config JS (库) - Allows end users to configure scripts (deprecated).
y_method JS (库) - 自分用。dom取得・操作機能追加
Global_ManagedExtensions JS (库) - ユーザーによる動的な設定が必要な複数のユーザースクリプトを管理します。
Splix Library JS (库) - Top secret if you found this...
antimatterx JS (库) - GitHubの方でアップロードしたライブラリです。
MyFreeMP3核心函数encode字段加密函数解密(未完成) JS (库) - 对使用jsjiami.com进行加密的main.js中的encode函数进行解密
touchActionEx JS (库) - 簡単なタッチ操作のイベントを追加します
onElementReady JS (库) - detect when an element is ready
Krunker.io Skin cheat (only visible to u) JS (库) - aimbot with autoheadshot beta, esp, unlock all skin,...
jQueryTouchActionEx JS (库) - 簡単なタッチ操作のイベントを追加します
F-Titans-Toolbar-Library JS (库) - Library meant to be included in my F Titans script
Cursors.io hack ZURS0R working 21/12/2020 JS (库) - hack
Brazen Configuration Manager JS (库) - Configuration management and related UI creation module
libpbr2.1 JS (库) - You don't need this unless you're planning on writing a script that runs alongside Replay Rewrite.
PushBullet JS (库) - PushBullet API
getVaptchaCode JS (库) - vaptcha-iframe 依赖库
manifest.json JS (库) - Record screen activity, camera, mic, tab, speakers in 4K HD video format (using RecordRTC)
Xat Plus Users JS (库) - Hardcoded users modified for Xat Plus
TM_request JS (库) - Tampermonkey http request 库
vim comic viewer JS (库) - Universal comic reader
sendMessage JS (库) - 各チャットサイトでメッセージを送信するライブラリです。
iLog JS (库) - Logger.
checkJQuery JS (库) - Check jQuery.
bliveproxy JS (库) - B站直播websocket hook框架
autoload JS (库) - 看板娘autoload
樱花飘落 JS (库) - 樱花飘落,直接引用即可使用
14-snowy JS (库) - 网页飘雪的具体实现-14
12-snowy JS (库) - 网页飘雪的具体实现-12
WF ToolBox Lib i18n Label JS (库) - When perma is present to offer his version for beta + classic editor and add the profile editor waze and much more
WF ToolBox Lib Beta JS (库) - When prema is present to offer his version for beta + classic editor and add the profile editor waze
WF ToolBox Lib Alpha JS (库) - When perma is present to offer his version for beta + classic editor and add the profile editor waze
ZUA examsafety Question Bank JS (库) - A question bank to zua.cn
idFinder fb JS (库) - id getter
百度翻译api的md5 JS (库) - 百度翻译api的MD5算法
H4KER 777MOO.MOIO PRUEBA_ JS (库) - esto es una prueba esque soy unuevo :v
videodownloadlinks JS (库) - video download links
T REX HACKS JS (库) - try to take over the world!
Observer JS (库) - Advanced DOM mutations observer
zmQuery3.5.1 JS (库) - 此代码为jQuery 3.5.1版本的代码,只是为了解决引入到其他网站时$符的冲突,在此,将内部jQuery命名为zmQuery
jquery库 JS (库) - jQuery JavaScript Library v3.5.1
sis辅助评分illegalUidList v2 JS (库) - 违规用户列表
loadjstest JS (库) - loadjstest test
content01 JS (库) - content01 test
qlist JS (库) - qlist test
WME Utils - HoursParser International JS (库) - Parses a text string into hours, for use in Waze Map Editor scripts
HoulzMP - Library JS (库) - Mope.io Extension!
Skitv0.02.3-β1 JS (库) - 便利機能定期
YouLikeHits Bot JS (库) - Interacts with YLH automatically whereever possible.
GOLD NAME (DON'T CHANGE) JS (库) - try to take over the world!
GM_config_image JS (库) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts. This is an image library from https://openuserjs.org/libs/sizzle/GM_config, because I can't access the JS code of openuserjs here. I want to make a backup. If there is any infringement, please inform me to delete it.
opencc-rust-wasm JS (库) - opencc-rust的wasm生成文件,异步完成翻译
Vanilla JS Toast JS (库) - A toast library for JS
JP2CH JS (库) - 中日物品翻译
WaitUntil JS (库) - 等待满足某种条件后执行,支持嵌套调用
TornTerritoriesSlots JS (库) - Get torn territories slots not from API (Based on data relevant to date 03-Mar-2023)
DateDiff JS (库) - 时间计算,返回刚刚,xxx分钟前,xxx小时前,xxx天前等
RRG JS (库) - Base library for my scripts