现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
Download Youtube videos and subtitles JS - 获取youtube视频和字幕的下载链接
Bypass YouTube age verification JS - Bypass YouTube age verification without logging in.
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
YouTube Links JS - Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Fastest Youtube Downloader! (Video or MP3) JS - The fastest and best quality video and music (mp3) YouTube download plug-in from Onur YASAR!
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Youtube MP3 Download Button JS - Adds a MP3 Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to youtubeinmp3 for their simple download service (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Based off magnus's youtube2mp3 code. Just used something different as it wont open another tab.
Block Youtube Users JS - Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments
YouTube MP3 Download | Converto.io | Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera... JS - Fügt einen MP3 Download-Button zur Videoseite hinzu, um das Video über Converto.io zu MP3 umzuwandeln.
Yays! (Yet Another Youtube Script) JS - A lightweight and non-intrusive userscript that control video playback and set the preferred player size and playback quality on YouTube.
View YouTube tags JS - View tags on YouTube description pages.
Youtube auto Proxfree JS - this script automatically redirects youtube to a proxy.
YouTube Animated Thumbnails & Preview Videos JS - On hover, each thumbnail cycles though its 3 thumbnails. Additional feature to view those 3 thumbnails all at once (non-animated)
Custom YouTube Video Tools JS - Adds buttons to YouTube videos to allow custom seeking. It also adds a handy stop start button for stopping to video quickly.
YouTube Hide "Recommended for you" from related videos JS - Hides videos marked as "Recommended for you" from the related videos on YouTube video pages.
Clean Loopy For Youtube JS - Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
remove youtube autoplay JS - Remove autoplay from video suggestions on youtube
Youtube Unblocker JS - Automatically forwards country-blocked YouTube videos to clipzag.com and unblocks the video.
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
YouTube Thumbnails - Full Video Thumbnails for YouTube JS - Shows complete video thumbnails for YouTube videos. You can click a thumbnail image to jump to that point in the video.
Youtube: Show related videos if missing JS - On pages of age-restricted videos, related videos are missing. This script re-adds the related videos.
Old YouTube Rating Colours JS - Makes the rating bar and thumbs have the original red & green look.
Youtube: Hide Recommended Videos JS - Hide the recommended videos section
SearchOnSoundCloud für YouTube (DE) JS - Dieses Skript fügt eine Schaltfläche unter YouTube-Videos hinzu, um nach dem Videotitel auf SoundCloud zu suchen.
YouTube Classic for 2018 (Polymer Disable) JS - Redirect YouTube pages to the classic design