Turking Scripts by clickhappier
Semi-automatic collection of userscripts for turkers (MTurk workers). Includes 500+ scripts (not all updated for the 2017+ worker.mturk.com), uploaded by 50+ authors, and some from inactive authors shared by several turking community members. The official Turkopticon script author is 'fiveplusone'. Use the 'Sorting by' links on the right to view this set by script 'Name' A-Z, or by 'Total installs' to see the most popular. Note that the 'Search' box searches all of Greasyfork, not just this set.
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Clear Radio Button JS - When clicking on a selected radio button, this script will clear it
Pause all HTML5 videos on load JS - Pause autoplaying HTML5 videos on load. In Firefox just go into about:config and look for media.autoplay.enabled and set to false.
mmmturkeybacon Unclick Radio Button JS - Allows you to unclick (i.e. clear, deselected, uncheck) a radio button by clicking on the radio button or the radio buttons label. This script is a helpful companion to mmmturkeybacon Embiggen Radio Buttons and Checkboxes.
mmmturkeybacon Embiggen Radio Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Adds a colored label around radio buttons and checkboxes that increases the area that registers a click. If the button/box is clicked the label turns green. This script lets you more effectively click while requiring less precision and makes it easier to see which items are selected. I can't guarantee this script won't foul up a page's layout. If it does disable it. mmmturkeybacon Unclick Radio Button is a helpful companion to this script.
Mturk Hit Not Accepted JS - Unaccepted hits will have a light red background.
[.12 Project Endor (Zoltar)]Website Evaluation JS - Open window, hotkeys
ZSMTurker's Larger Radio Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Makes radio buttons and checkboxes larger. Applies to every webpage
SET Master Keys JS - Adds Hot keys to Set Master Hits
Linkify ting (exclude emails) JS - Turn plain text links into real clikable links. Attempts to catch links like google.com
Custom Google Search for Mturk JS - A new window will open and search the highlighted words and saved words.
ZSMTurker's Linkify JS - Turns text-URLs into working links. This applies to every webpage
imgur to mirror JS - Replaces all imgur links and pictures with mirror links
Mturk Multi Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom, Key E to submit.
MTurk: Google Search Ranking JS - Click on the circle task number indicators on the left to start working
Backspace Means Backspace JS - Prevents Back action on Backspace key
Partial Sergey Instructions Hider JS - for sergey's relevant batch
Lazyload Unveil JS - load images on scroll. Universal img tags. lol@greasyfork for not letting me call to github
Mturk Single Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom.
CH Reload Frame Button JS - Adds a reload button on pages loaded in an iframe/frame. For more convenient access than the right-click menu, or for browser versions which don't have that menu command. Also shows the frame's URL in the button's mouseover text.
Linky JS - Turn selected areas inside a Mturk hit into a google link.
Highlight Word JS - Insructions
mmmturkeybacon Preview Overlay JS - Covers a HIT's workspace with a gray overlay if the HIT has not been accepted. Clicking once on the overlay will remove the gray foreground and allow you to interact with the HIT's contents while still showing a message warning you the hit has not been accepted.
CS User Manuals Yes JS - Fills All Yes mturk
Mturk Group IDs JS - Adds group ID to mturk hit frames
Snagajob Highlighter JS - Mturk Highlights key words and adds hotkey, click ? for key list
CS User Manuals Hot Key JS - Mturk Hit the ? key for key list
mTurk HIT Fullscreen Crosshair CSS (as Userscript) JS - Userscript adapatation (and improvement) of code found at https://codepen.io/michaelsboost/pen/fnizu - applied to mTurk.
Universal Text Highlighting JS - highlights text in an element
turk HPCBeauty JS - Hides the Instructions in the Mturk hit
Collins Non Quals JS - Mturk collins multiple copy/paste
Linkify plain-text GIDs, web+panda:// fallbacks everywhere. JS - Latest update: No more middle-click listeners.
autonomnom - VisionTurk - See the Images and Answer Multiple Choice Questions JS - Select
MTS Sidebar Fix JS - Fixes my bad code while we wait for the webstores to publish the update.
Disable Big Bird Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
Moritz Sudhof JS - Moritz Sudhof categorization script for Mturk
Hide Chris Hart Instructions JS - disable instructions by default
Keybind HIT Return for Turkernator JS - Return any HIT with a press of a key.
Taste of The World Auto-Collapse Instructions /hotel hits JS - collapase instructions on the hotel hits for TOTW
Pop Up Hotkeys JS - relays key presses from pop up to hit