// ==UserScript==
// @name Advanced Sploop.io script v2.1
// @version 2.1
// @description -
// @namespace Auto-push auto place
// @author renato and i COPYED the whole script LMAO
// @match https://sploop.io/
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=sploop.io
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
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${HTML.menuname("RXT ", " version 1")} ${HTML.newline(1)}
<div class="option-text"><li><a id="#tab1">Combat</a></li></div>
<div class="option-text"><li><a id="#tab2">Misc</a></li></div>
<div class="option-text"><li><a id="#tab3">Visual</a></li></div>
<div class="option-text"><li><a id="#tab4">Chats</a></li></div>
<div class="menu-content">
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<div style = "overflow-y: scroll; height: 305px;">
<div class="add-holder">
${HTML.title("Heal", "heal-arrow", "heal-arrow-rotation")}
<div id="heal-content" style="display: none;">
${HTML.checkbox("Auto heal", "autoheal", "checked")}
</div> </div> ${HTML.newline(1)}
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<div id="placing-content" style="display: none;">
${HTML.checkbox("Auto place", "autoplace", "checked")}
${HTML.checkbox("Placing macro", "placingmacro", "checked")}
</div> </div> ${HTML.newline(1)}
<div class="add-holder">
${HTML.title("Movement", "movement-arrow", "movement-arrow-rotation")}
<div id="movement-content" style="display: none;">
${HTML.checkbox("Auto push", "autopush", "")}
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<div id="hats-content" style="display: none;">
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${HTML.checkbox("Auto demolist", "autodemolist", "")}
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${HTML.checkbox("Hats macro", "hatsmacro", "checked")}
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<div class="add-holder">
${HTML.title("Other", "other-arrow", "other-arrow-rotation")}
<div id="other-content" style="display: none;">
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${HTML.checkbox("Auto break trap", "autobreak", "checked")}
</div> </div>
<div id="tab2" class="tab-content">
<div style = "overflow-y: scroll; height: 305px;">
<div class="add-holder">
${HTML.checkbox("Auto pick", "autopick", "")}
</div> ${HTML.newline(1)}
<div class="add-holder">
${HTML.checkbox("Show ping", "showping", "")}
${HTML.checkbox("Show fps", "showfps", "")}
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<div style = "overflow-y: scroll; height: 305px;">
<div class="add-holder">
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${HTML.color("enemy-tracer-color", "Enemies color", "#CC5151", "enemy-tracers", "checked")}
${HTML.checkbox("Use lines", "use-lines", "")}
${HTML.checkbox("Use rainbow", "use-rainbow", "")} ${HTML.newline(1)}
${HTML.color("autopush-tracer-color", "Auto push line", "#6b78c1", "autopushline", "state")}
</div> </div> ${HTML.newline(1)}
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${HTML.title("Markers", "markers-arrow", "markers-arrow-rotation")}
<div id="markers-content" style="display: none;">
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${HTML.color("enemy-marker-color", "Enemies color", "#CC5151", "enemy-markers", "checked")}
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${HTML.text("Auto push chat", "auto-push-chat", "", "autopushchat", "checked")}
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getElem("markers-arrow").onclick = () => toggleContent(4);
getElem("other-arrow").onclick = () => toggleContent(5);
getElem("movement-arrow").onclick = () => toggleContent(6);
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tab.addEventListener('click', () => {
tabContents.forEach((content) => {
setInterval(() => {
defaultToggles.autoBreak = getElem("autobreak").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoHeal = getElem("autoheal").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoPlace = getElem("autoplace").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoPush = getElem("autopush").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoJungle = getElem("autojungle").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoScuba = getElem("autoscuba").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoDemolist = getElem("autodemolist").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoPrevHat = getElem("autoprevhat").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoPick = getElem("autopick").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoInsta = getElem("autoinsta").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.teamTracers = getElem("team-tracers").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.animalTracers = getElem("animal-tracers").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.enemyTracers = getElem("enemy-tracers").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.useRainbow = getElem("use-rainbow").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.useLines = getElem("use-lines").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.killChat = getElem("killchat").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.killChatValue = getValue("kill-chat");
defaultToggles.autoPushChat = getElem("autopushchat").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoPushChatValue = getValue("auto-push-chat");
defaultToggles.autoBreakChat = getElem("autobreakchat").checked ? true : true;
defaultToggles.autoBreakChatValue = getValue("auto-break-chat");
defaultToggles.teamMarkers = getElem("team-markers").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.enemyMarkers = getElem("enemy-markers").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.mineMarkers = getElem("mine-markers").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.autoPushLine = getElem("autopushline").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.placingMacro = getElem("placingmacro").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.hatsMacro = getElem("hatsmacro").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.showPing = getElem("showping").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.showFps = getElem("showfps").checked ? true : false;
defaultToggles.scaffold = getElem("scaffold").checked ? true : false;
}, []);
let frames = 0,
lastUpdate = 0,
frameCount = 0;
window.updateFPSCounter = (currentTime) => {
const elapsedSeconds = (currentTime - (lastTime || (lastTime = currentTime))) / 1000;
// Define colors for the gradient (lightest to darkest purples)
const purpleColors = [
"#d8a9ff", // Lightest purple
"#bb80ff", // Light purple
"#9f55ff", // Medium light purple
"#8a2aff", // Medium purple
"#7c00cc", // Darker purple
"#6200b3", // Dark purple
"#48007a", // Very dark purple
"#2e0044" // Deepest purple
if (elapsedSeconds >= 1) {
if (defaultToggles.showFps) {
// Create the purple gradient string from lightest to darkest
const gradient = `linear-gradient(to right, ${purpleColors.join(', ')})`;
// Apply the gradient to the text
getElem("fpsinner").innerHTML = `Fps: ${Math.round(frameCount / elapsedSeconds)}`;
getElem("fpsinner").style.background = gradient;
getElem("fpsinner").style.webkitBackgroundClip = 'text'; // Required for Webkit browsers
getElem("fpsinner").style.backgroundClip = 'text'; // Required for other browsers
getElem("fpsinner").style.color = 'transparent'; // Make the text color transparent so the gradient shows
// Apply a dark glowing effect to the text
getElem("fpsinner").style.textShadow = "0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), 0 0 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)";
} else {
getElem("fpsinner").innerHTML = '';
frameCount = 0;
lastTime = currentTime;
let alive = {}
const defaultToggles = {
autoBreak: true,
autoHeal: true,
autoPlace: true,
autoPush: true,
autoJungle: true,
autoScuba: true,
autoDemolist: true,
autoPrevHat: false,
autoInsta: false,
autoPick: true,
showPing: true,
showFps: true,
teamTracers: false,
enemyTracers: false,
animalTracers: false,
useRainbow: false,
useLines: false,
killChatValue: "",
killChat: false,
autoBreakChatValue: "",
autoBreakChat: false,
autoPushChatValue: "",
autoPushChat: false,
teamMarkers: false,
enemyMarkers: false,
mineMarkers: false,
autoPushLine: false,
placingMacro: false,
hatsMacro: true,
scaffold: false,
const binds = {
trap: "KeyF",
spike: "KeyV",
wall: "Digit4",
mill: "Digit6",
food: "KeyQ",
platform: "...",
turret: "...",
bushHat: "...",
berserkerHat: "KeyB",
jungleGear: "...",
crystalGear: "KeyY",
spikeGear: "KeyH",
immunityGear: "KeyI",
boostHat: "KeyN",
appleHat: "...",
scubaGear: "...",
hood: "KeyT",
demolist: "KeyC",
let color
, colors = {
stroke: "#303030",
nobody: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
nobodystroke: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
const hats = {
bushHat: 1,
berserkerHat: 2,
jungleGear: 3,
crystalGear: 4,
spikeGear: 5,
immunityGear: 6,
boostHat: 7,
appleHat: 8,
scubaGear: 9,
hood: 10,
demolist: 11
const packets = {
item: 0,
move: 1,
itemByID: 2,
hat: 5,
chat: 7,
place: 8,
joinGame: 11,
angle: 13,
upgrade: 14,
stopMove: 15,
clanAcc: 17,
stopAttack: 18,
hit: 19,
joinClan: 21,
clan: 22,
EAttack: 23,
clanLeave: 24
const serverPackets = {
pingServer: 0,
updateLeaderBoard: 3,
age_barWmats: 8,
chooseItem: 14,
pingUpdate: 15,
updateClan: 16,
clanRequest: 17,
death: 19,
getKill: 22,
createClan: 24,
clanRemove: 27,
killText: 28,
attackAnimation: 29,
updateEntities: 20,
playerSpawn: 32,
getMyID: 33,
spawn: 35,
itemCount: 36,
// Save the original fillRect function
const originalFillRect = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect;
// Define colors for the gradient (lightest to darkest purples)
const purpleColors = [
"#d8a9ff", // Lightest purple
"#bb80ff", // Light purple
"#9f55ff", // Medium light purple
"#8a2aff", // Medium purple
"#7c00cc", // Darker purple
"#6200b3", // Dark purple
"#48007a", // Very dark purple
"#2e0044" // Deepest purple
// Override fillRect
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, width, height) {
// Check if fillStyle is the specific color
if (this.fillStyle === "#a4cc4f") {
// Create a gradient from lightest to darkest purple for the health bar
const gradient = this.createLinearGradient(x, y, x + width, y + height);
// Add each color stop for the purple gradient (starting from lightest to darkest)
gradient.addColorStop(0, purpleColors[0]); // Lightest purple
gradient.addColorStop(0.14, purpleColors[1]); // Lighter purple
gradient.addColorStop(0.28, purpleColors[2]); // Medium light purple
gradient.addColorStop(0.42, purpleColors[3]); // Medium purple
gradient.addColorStop(0.57, purpleColors[4]); // Darker purple
gradient.addColorStop(0.71, purpleColors[5]); // Dark purple
gradient.addColorStop(0.85, purpleColors[6]); // Very dark purple
gradient.addColorStop(1, purpleColors[7]); // Deepest purple
// Set the fillStyle to the gradient for the health bar
this.fillStyle = gradient;
// Call the original fillRect function (to draw the health bar)
originalFillRect.call(this, x, y, width, height);
// Calculate the health percentage
const healthPercentage = Math.floor((myPlayer.health / myPlayer.maxHealth) * 100);
// Apply futuristic, aesthetic styling to the health text
this.font = "18px 'Orbitron', sans-serif"; // Smaller font size for a more subtle effect
this.textAlign = "center"; // Center the text horizontally
this.textBaseline = "middle"; // Center the text vertically
// Create a gradient for the text with the same colors as the health bar
const textGradient = this.createLinearGradient(x, y, x + width, y + height);
textGradient.addColorStop(0, purpleColors[0]); // Lightest purple
textGradient.addColorStop(0.14, purpleColors[1]); // Lighter purple
textGradient.addColorStop(0.28, purpleColors[2]); // Medium light purple
textGradient.addColorStop(0.42, purpleColors[3]); // Medium purple
textGradient.addColorStop(0.57, purpleColors[4]); // Darker purple
textGradient.addColorStop(0.71, purpleColors[5]); // Dark purple
textGradient.addColorStop(0.85, purpleColors[6]); // Very dark purple
textGradient.addColorStop(1, purpleColors[7]); // Deepest purple
// Set the fillStyle to the text gradient
this.fillStyle = textGradient;
// Draw the text "HP: X%" (replace X with the calculated health percentage)
this.shadowColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)"; // Light white glow
this.shadowBlur = 10; // Blur the shadow for glow effect
this.shadowOffsetX = 0;
this.shadowOffsetY = 0;
// Draw the health percentage text 20px below the health bar
this.fillText("health: " + myPlayer.health + "%", x + width / 2, y + height + 20);
} else {
// If fillStyle is not the specific color, call the original fillRect function
originalFillRect.call(this, x, y, width, height);
let kh = [1, 12, 9, 19, 20, 15, 8, 17, 16];
let traps = [];
let teammates = [];
let drawpinginner = "game is loading";
let doingInsta = false;
let Entity = new Array();
let drawSyncHit = false;
let genderPing = NaN;
let autoPushing = false;
let myWS,
weaponInHands = 0,
ping = 100,
PI = 3.141592653589793,
PI2 = 6.283185307179586,
inRiver = false,
buyed = false,
myPlayer = { id: null, clown: false, inRiver: false },
hatReloaded = true;
let drawHitSyncCircle = false;
window.getWS = (websocket) => {
myWS = websocket;
websocket.onclose = () => {
myWS = undefined;
buyed = false;
const toRad = (angle) => {
while (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
while (angle >= 360) {
angle -= 360;
return (angle * Math.PI) / 180;
const toDegree = (angle) => {
return ((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const formatAge = age => Math.floor(Math.log(1 + Math.max(0, age)) ** 2.4 / 13);
window.receiveMsg = async ({ data }) => {
const decoded = typeof data === "string" ? JSON.parse(data) : new Uint8Array(data);
switch (decoded[0]) {
case serverPackets.attackAnimation:
for (let i = 1; i < decoded.length; i += 5) {
const type = decoded[i]
, id = decoded[i + 1] | decoded[i + 2] << 8
, weapon = decoded[i + 3];
let isObject = decoded[i + 4];
case serverPackets.playerSpawn:
case serverPackets.chooseItem:
if (defaultToggles.autoPick) kh.forEach(id => sendPacket(packets.upgrade, decoded[1].find(id2 => id === id2)));
case serverPackets.getMyID:
myPlayer.id = decoded[1];
case serverPackets.pingUpdate:
ping = decoded[1];
if (defaultToggles.showPing) {
// Create a gradient from lightest to darkest purple for the "Ping" text
var purpleColors = [
"#d8a9ff", // Lightest purple
"#bb80ff", // Light purple
"#9f55ff", // Medium light purple
"#8a2aff", // Medium purple
"#7c00cc", // Darker purple
"#6200b3", // Dark purple
"#48007a", // Very dark purple
"#2e0044" // Deepest purple
// Join the colors into a CSS gradient string
var gradient = 'linear-gradient(to right, ' + purpleColors.join(', ') + ')';
// Set the inner HTML for the ping value
getElem("pinginner").innerHTML = "Ping: " + ping + "ms";
// Apply the gradient to the background and clip it to text
getElem("pinginner").style.background = gradient;
getElem("pinginner").style.webkitBackgroundClip = 'text'; // For Chrome/Safari
getElem("pinginner").style.backgroundClip = 'text'; // For Firefox/Other browsers
getElem("pinginner").style.color = 'transparent'; // Make the text color transparent
// Apply the dark glowing text effect
getElem("pinginner").style.textShadow = "0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7), 0 0 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)";
} else {
getElem("pinginner").innerHTML = "";
case serverPackets.spawn:
alive = true
if (!buyed) {
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) sendPacket(packets.hat, i);
buyed = true;
case serverPackets.death:
alive = false
case serverPackets.getKill:
if (defaultToggles.killChat) {
let kills = decoded[1][0];
let killChatValue = defaultToggles.killChatValue;
let updatedValue = killChatValue.replace('{kills}', kills);
case serverPackets.updateClan: {
const array_with_ID = [...decoded.slice(2, decoded.length)];
array_with_ID.splice(array_with_ID.indexOf(myPlayer.id), 1);
teammates = array_with_ID;
case serverPackets.createClan: {
const array_with_ID = [...decoded.slice(3, decoded.length)];
array_with_ID.splice(array_with_ID.indexOf(myPlayer.id), 1);
teammates = array_with_ID;
case serverPackets.clanRemove:
teammates = [];
case serverPackets.updateEntities: {
for (let i = 1; i < decoded.length; i += 19) {
const newEnemy = {
type: decoded[i],
id: decoded[i + 1],
hat: decoded[i + 11],
teamID: decoded[i + 12],
x: decoded[i + 4] | decoded[i + 5] << 8,
y: decoded[i + 6] | decoded[i + 7] << 8,
index: decoded[i + 2] | decoded[i + 3] << 8,
health: Math.ceil(decoded[i + 13] / 2.55),
angle: decoded[i + 9] * 0.02454369260617026 - PI,
broken: decoded[i + 8]
newEnemy.id === myPlayer.id && Object.assign(myPlayer, newEnemy);
window.myPlayer = newEnemy;
if (newEnemy.broken & 2) {
if (myPlayer.inTrap && myPlayer.inTrap.index === newEnemy.index) {
myPlayer.inTrap = false;
hatInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (hatReloaded) {
}, 10)
traps = traps.filter(trap => trap.index !== newEnemy.index);
} else {
if (newEnemy.type === 6) {
traps.push(newEnemy); // Add enemy trap to the traps array
} else if (defaultToggles.autoBreak && newEnemy.id === myPlayer.id && newEnemy.broken !== 16) {
// Find a nearby trap to break
const trap = traps.find(trap => Math.hypot(myPlayer.x - trap.x, myPlayer.y - trap.y) <= 70 && trap.id !== myPlayer.id && !teammates.includes(trap.id));
if (trap && myPlayer.inTrap && trap.index !== myPlayer.inTrap.index) {
// If the player is already in a trap but it's not the current trap, update the trap
myPlayer.inTrap = trap;
if (!myPlayer.inTrap && trap) {
// If the player is not in a trap, assign the trap
myPlayer.inTrap = trap;
const angle = Math.atan2(trap.y - myPlayer.y, trap.x - myPlayer.x);
const prevWeapon = window.stats[Sploop.itemsID][weaponInHands];
sendPacket(packets.item, 1);
sendPacket(packets.itemByID, prevWeapon);
// Function to place the traps with a 25ms delay between each
const placeTrapsWithDelay = async (angle) => {
const item = 4;
const item2 = 7;
// Place `7` trap first
singlePlace(item2, toRad(toDegree(angle) - 98));
await sleep(90); // 25ms delay
// Place another `7` trap opposite direction
singlePlace(item2, toRad(toDegree(angle) + 98));
await sleep(90); // 25ms delay
// Place `4` trap after `7`
singlePlace(item, toRad(toDegree(angle) + 180));
// Place traps with delay
if (myPlayer.inTrap && trap) {
const angle = Math.atan2(trap.y - myPlayer.y, trap.x - myPlayer.x);
// If autoDemolist toggle is enabled, equip the appropriate hat
if (defaultToggles.autoDemolist) {
} else {
// Only equip the hat if crystalGear is not already equipped
if (myPlayer.hat !== hats.crystalGear) {
equipHat(hats.crystalGear); // Equip crystalGear if it's not already equipped
const prevWeapon = window.stats[Sploop.itemsID][weaponInHands];
sendPacket(packets.item, 1);
sendPacket(packets.itemByID, prevWeapon);
const item = 4;
const item2 = 7;
singlePlace(item, toRad(toDegree(angle) - 98));
singlePlace(item, toRad(toDegree(angle) + 98));
singlePlace(item, toRad(toDegree(angle) + 180));
// If the player is in a trap and there are no nearby traps (within 52 distance)
if (myPlayer.inTrap && !traps.find(trap => Math.hypot(myPlayer.x - trap.x, myPlayer.y - trap.y) <= 70)) {
// Place a `7` trap when leaving or destroying a trap
singlePlace(7, newEnemy);
myPlayer.inTrap = false;
clearInterval(hatInterval); // Clear the previous hat interval
// Re-apply the hat logic after the trap is placed
hatInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (hatReloaded) {
if (defaultToggles.autoPrevHat) {
// Only re-equip the crystalGear if it's not currently equipped
if (myPlayer.hat !== hats.crystalGear) {
equipHat(hats.crystalGear); // Re-equip the previous hat if the setting is enabled
}, 10); // Check every 10ms if hat reload is finished
window.inTrap = myPlayer.inTrap;
if (myPlayer.y <= 9000 && myPlayer.y >= 8000) {
if (defaultToggles.scaffold) {
const angle = Math.atan2(myPlayer.y - myPlayer.y2, myPlayer.x - myPlayer.x2);
place(8, angle);
if (defaultToggles.autoScuba) {
if (myPlayer.y <= 9000 && myPlayer.y >= 8000 && !myPlayer.inRiver) {
myPlayer.inRiver = true;
if (hatReloaded) {
} else {
hatInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (hatReloaded) {
}, 10)
if ((myPlayer.y >= 9000 || myPlayer.y <= 8000) && myPlayer.inRiver) {
myPlayer.inRiver = false;
if (hatReloaded) {
} else {
hatInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (hatReloaded) {
}, 10)
} else {
myPlayer.inRiver = false;
if (myPlayer.broken === 128 && !myPlayer.clowned && defaultToggles.autoJungle) {
myPlayer.clowned = true;
setTimeout(() => {
myPlayer.clowned = false;
}, 3000)
let damageCount = 0; // Counter for damage hits between 9 and 14
let healingSlow = false; // Flag to indicate if healing should be slowed down
let slowHealingTimer = 0; // Timer for resetting slow healing after 1000ms
let lastDamage = 0; // Store last damage value
let doubleHealDisabled = false; // Flag to indicate if double heal is disabled
let doubleHealFor35Active = false; // Flag for double heal at 35 HP
let noDelayActive = false; // Flag to track if no-delay healing is active for 62-65 HP range
let noDelayTimer = null; // Timer to manage the no-delay window for healing
// Function to detect damage in the range of 9 to 14
function handleDamage(damage) {
// Check if the damage is between 9 and 14
if (damage >= 10 && damage <= 14) {
// If damageCount exceeds 4, slow down healing
if (damageCount > 4 && !healingSlow) {
healingSlow = true; // Set flag to slow healing
slowHealingTimer = Date.now() + 1000; // Set timer for 1000ms to reset healing
// Special check for 65 exact damage to trigger double heal
if (damage === 65 && !doubleHealDisabled) {
healPlayer(true); // Trigger double heal
doubleHealDisabled = true; // Disable special heal
setTimeout(() => {
doubleHealDisabled = false; // Re-enable special heal after 3000ms
}, 3000);
let specialHealActive = false; // Flag to track if special healing is active
// Function to handle healing logic
function healPlayer(isDoubleHeal = false) {
let delay;
// Check if health is exactly 35 and the special heal is not disabled
if (myPlayer.health === 35 && !doubleHealFor35Active) {
doubleHealFor35Active = true; // Activate double heal for 35 HP
healPlayer(true); // Trigger double heal immediately with no delay
// Disable double heal for 2000ms
setTimeout(() => {
doubleHealFor35Active = false; // Re-enable double heal for 35 HP after 2000ms
}, 2000);
return; // Prevent further healing logic from executing
// Special heal for under 40 health
if (myPlayer.health < 40 && !specialHealActive) {
specialHealActive = true; // Activate special healing
// Initialize the delay counter for each tick
let healTickDelay = 10; // Start with 15ms delay
let healTickCount = 0; // Track the number of healing ticks
// Function to apply the special healing gradually
let healInterval = setInterval(() => {
// Heal with the current delay
placeFood(); // Heal the player
// Increase the delay after each heal
healTickDelay += 5; // Increase by 10ms per heal tick
// If delay exceeds a certain limit (e.g., 100ms), stop the special healing
if (healTickDelay >= 100 || healTickCount > 10) {
clearInterval(healInterval); // Stop healing when the delay gets too high
specialHealActive = false; // Deactivate special healing
}, healTickDelay); // Apply healing at the current delay
return; // Prevent further healing logic from executing
// If we are in the 62-65 range, and no-delay healing is active, check if myPlayer.hat !== 4
if (myPlayer.health >= 62 && myPlayer.health <= 65 && !noDelayActive && myPlayer.hat !== 4) {
noDelayActive = true; // Activate no delay healing
healPlayer(true); // Trigger double heal immediately with no delay
// Set a timer to disable the no-delay healing for 1 second
setTimeout(() => {
noDelayActive = false; // Disable no-delay healing after 1 second
}, 1000);
// Set a timer to re-enable no-delay healing every 2 seconds (changed from 3 seconds to 2 seconds)
setTimeout(() => {
noDelayActive = true; // Re-enable no-delay healing after 2 seconds
}, 1000);
return; // Prevent further healing logic from executing
// If healing should be slowed down due to constant damage
if (healingSlow) {
delay = 250; // Slow healing with 170ms delay
} else {
// Determine the delay based on health ranges
if (myPlayer.health >= 62 && myPlayer.health <= 65 && noDelayActive) {
delay = -1; // Heal immediately with no delay if in the range 62-65 and no-delay active
} else if (myPlayer.health >= 22 && myPlayer.health <= 34) {
delay = 40; // Heal with 40ms delay
} else {
delay = window.pingTime > 100 ? 55 : 80; // Default healing delay based on pingTime
// If it's been more than 1000ms since we started slow healing, reset the healing speed
if (healingSlow && Date.now() > slowHealingTimer) {
healingSlow = false; // Reset the slow healing flag
damageCount = 0; // Reset the damage counter
// If this is a double heal, trigger twice with no delay
if (isDoubleHeal) {
// Heal the player twice with no delay
setTimeout(() => {
placeFood(); // Heal the player
}, 0); // Heal immediately
setTimeout(() => {
placeFood(); // Heal again
}, 0); // Heal immediately again
} else {
// Heal the player with normal delay
setTimeout(() => {
placeFood(); // Heal the player
}, delay);
// Logic to trigger the healing process and track damage (this would be triggered where damage is detected in your game loop)
if (myPlayer.health < 100 && defaultToggles.autoHeal) {
let delay;
// Determine the delay based on health ranges
if (myPlayer.health < 40 && !specialHealActive) {
delay = 15; // Start the special heal with 15ms delay when health is below 40
} else if (myPlayer.health >= 62 && myPlayer.health <= 65 && !noDelayActive && myPlayer.hat === 4) {
delay = 25; // Heal with 35ms delay when no-delay is off and hat is 4
} else if (myPlayer.health >= 62 && myPlayer.health <= 65 && noDelayActive) {
delay = -1; // Heal immediately with no delay when in the range 62-65 and no-delay is active
} else if (myPlayer.health >= 22 && myPlayer.health <= 34) {
delay = 25; // Heal with 40ms delay
} else {
delay = window.pingTime > 100 ? 55 : 80; // Default healing delay based on pingTime
setTimeout(() => {
healPlayer(); // Trigger the healing function
}, delay);
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const sendMsg = (text) => {
return sendPacket(packets.chat, ...encoder.encode(text));
const hit = (angle) => {
const transformedAngle = 65535 * (angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI);
sendPacket(packets.hit, 255 & transformedAngle, transformedAngle >> 8 & 255);
let placingObject = 0;
let pushingCounts = 0;
let pushingChatCount = 0;
window.getEntityData = (entity, ctx, isTeammate) => {
const isMe = entity[Sploop.id] === myPlayer.id;
const entityX = entity[Sploop.x], entityY = entity[Sploop.y], entityAngle = entity[Sploop.angle];
if (isMe) myPlayer.currentItem = window.weapons[entity[Sploop.currentWeapon]];
const tracerAngle = (Math.atan2(myPlayer.y2 - entity[Sploop.y], myPlayer.x2 - entity[Sploop.x]) + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI);
const tracerDistance = Math.max(Math.hypot(entity[Sploop.y] - myPlayer.y2, entity[Sploop.x] - myPlayer.x2) / 2, 30);
const tracerx = myPlayer.x2 + tracerDistance * Math.cos(tracerAngle);
const tracery = myPlayer.y2 + tracerDistance * Math.sin(tracerAngle);
let tracerColor;
if (myPlayer.id != entity[Sploop.id]) {
if (defaultToggles.useRainbow) {
if (defaultToggles.teamTracers || defaultToggles.enemyTracers || defaultToggles.animalTracers) {
tracerColor = `hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`;
} else {
if (entity.type != 0) {
(defaultToggles.animalTracers) ? tracerColor = getValue("animal-tracer-color") : tracerColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
} else if (entity.type == 0 && !teammates.includes(entity[Sploop.id])) {
(defaultToggles.enemyTracers) ? tracerColor = getValue("enemy-tracer-color") : tracerColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
} else {
(defaultToggles.teamTracers) ? tracerColor = getValue("team-tracer-color") : tracerColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
} else {
tracerColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)";
if (defaultToggles.useLines) {
canvas.local.globalAlpha = 1;
canvas.local.lineCap = "round"
canvas.local.strokeStyle = tracerColor;
canvas.local.lineWidth = 5;
canvas.local.moveTo(myPlayer.x2, myPlayer.y2);
canvas.local.lineTo(entity[Sploop.x], entity[Sploop.y])
} else {
canvas.local.translate(tracerx, tracery);
canvas.local.rotate(Math.PI / 4);
canvas.local.globalAlpha = 1;
canvas.local.fillStyle = tracerColor;
canvas.local.moveTo(-12, -12);
canvas.local.lineTo(12, 12);
canvas.local.lineTo(25, -25);
if (isMe) {
myPlayer.x2 = entityX;
myPlayer.y2 = entityY;
myPlayer.angle2 = entityAngle;
myPlayer.currentWeapon = entity[Sploop.currentWeapon];
} else if (!isMe && entity.type === 0 && !teammates.includes(entity[Sploop.id])) {
const distance = Math.hypot(entityX - myPlayer.x2, entityY - myPlayer.y2);
const angle = Math.atan2(entityY - myPlayer.y2, entityX - myPlayer.x2); // Angle to enemy (not used for placement)
let lastPlacedObject = -1; // Track the last object placed to prevent repeated packets
if (alive) {
if (distance <= 130) {
const enemyTrapped = myTraps.find(c => Math.hypot(c[Sploop.y] - entity[Sploop.y], c[Sploop.x] - entity[Sploop.x]) <= 70);
if (enemyTrapped) {
const x = enemyTrapped[Sploop.x] - myPlayer.x;
const y = enemyTrapped[Sploop.y] - myPlayer.y;
if (placingObject == 15) {
// Place traps around the enemy when trapped
singlePlace(4, Math.atan2(y, x) + 1.3);
singlePlace(4, Math.atan2(y, x) - 1.3);
placingObject = 0;
} else if (placingObject == 7.5) {
singlePlace(4, Math.atan2(y, x) + 2.6);
singlePlace(4, Math.atan2(y, x) - 2.6);
placingObject = 0;
} else {
placingObject = 0; // Reset placingObject when no traps are found
// Calculate the angle in the enemy's direction
const enemyAngle = Math.atan2(entity[Sploop.y] - myPlayer.y, entity[Sploop.x] - myPlayer.x);
// Calculate the 50° angle in radians
const angle50 = 50 * Math.PI / 180;
// Place the main traps
singlePlace(7, enemyAngle);
setTimeout(() => {
singlePlace(7, enemyAngle + angle50); // Place one to the right (+50°)
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
singlePlace(7, enemyAngle - angle50); // Place one to the left (-50°)
}, 50);
const angleBehind = Math.PI; // 180° to reverse direction
const dsd = myTraps.find(c => myPlayer.id == c[Sploop.id] && Math.hypot(c[Sploop.y] - entity[Sploop.y], c[Sploop.x] - entity[Sploop.x]) <= 70);
// Ensure lastEquippedHat is defined and stored correctly
if (typeof lastEquippedHat === "undefined") {
var lastEquippedHat = myPlayer.hat;
if (defaultToggles.autoPush && distance <= 170) {
const enemyTrapped = myTraps.find(c => myPlayer.id == c[Sploop.id] && Math.hypot(c[Sploop.y] - entity[Sploop.y], c[Sploop.x] - entity[Sploop.x]) <= 75);
if (enemyTrapped && Math.hypot(enemyTrapped[Sploop.y] - myPlayer.y, enemyTrapped[Sploop.x] - myPlayer.x) <= 250) {
// Ensure the spike belongs to your player
const nearestSpike = mySpikes.find(c => c[Sploop.id] == myPlayer.id && Math.hypot(c[Sploop.y] - enemyTrapped[Sploop.y], c[Sploop.x] - enemyTrapped[Sploop.x]) <= 140);
const angle = Math.atan2(entityY - myPlayer.y2, entityX - myPlayer.x2); // Angle to enemy (not used for placement)
if (nearestSpike) {
autoPushing = true;
nearestSpike.x = nearestSpike[Sploop.x];
nearestSpike.y = nearestSpike[Sploop.y];
const angleToEnemy = Math.atan2(entity[Sploop.y] - nearestSpike.y, entity[Sploop.x] - nearestSpike.x)
let distance = Math.hypot(nearestSpike.x - entity[Sploop.x], nearestSpike.y - entity[Sploop.y]) + 45;
const pushPos = {
x: nearestSpike.x + (distance * Math.cos(angleToEnemy)),
y: nearestSpike.y + (distance * Math.sin(angleToEnemy))
const pushingCount = Math.hypot(myPlayer.x - pushPos.x, myPlayer.y - pushPos.y);
let pushingAngle;
if (pushingCount > 15) {
pushingAngle = Math.atan2(pushPos.y - myPlayer.y, pushPos.x - myPlayer.x);
} else {
pushingAngle = Math.atan2(entity[Sploop.y] - myPlayer.y, entity[Sploop.x] - myPlayer.x);
const pushAngle = 65535 * (pushingAngle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI);
if (entity[Sploop.health] < 95 && distance <= 155) {//nu merge
const instaKillAngle = Math.atan2(entity[Sploop.y] - myPlayer.y2, entity[Sploop.x] - myPlayer.x2);
const hitAngle = 65535 * (instaKillAngle + PI) / PI2;
sendPacket(packets.item, 0);
// Adjust the delay based on ping
let delayTime = 25;
if (ping > 100) {
delayTime = 25; // Halve the delay if ping is over 100
setTimeout(() => {
sendPacket(packets.hit, 255 & hitAngle, hitAngle >> 8 & 255);
}, delayTime);
setTimeout(() => {
}, delayTime);
setTimeout(() => {
if (myPlayer.hat !== 4) {
}, 1600);
// Draw purple stroke and fill
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#800080"; // Purple stroke color
ctx.fillStyle = "#800080"; // Purple fill color
ctx.moveTo(myPlayer.x, myPlayer.y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(entity[Sploop.x], entity[Sploop.y], pushPos.x, pushPos.y, nearestSpike.x, nearestSpike.y);
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.arc(nearestSpike.x, nearestSpike.y, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fill(); // Fill the circle
ctx.stroke(); // Stroke the path
if (distance < 41) {
} else {
if (pushingCounts > 6) {
sendPacket(packets.move, 255 & pushAngle, pushAngle >> 8 & 255);
pushingCounts = 0;
} else {
// No nearby spike found, stop pushing
autoPushing = false;
pushingCounts = 0; // Reset pushing count
} else {
// No enemy trapped or distance too far, stop pushing
autoPushing = false;
pushingCounts = 0; // Reset pushing count
window.render = (ctx, shit) => {
let mySpikes = [];
let myTraps = [];
let myScaffs = [];
window.drawMarkers = (target, id, ctx, step) => {
const objectID = target[Sploop.id]
const isSpike = [2, 7, 17].includes(target.type);
if (isSpike) {
let isMySpike = myPlayer.id == objectID;
if (isMySpike && !mySpikes.find(c => c[Sploop.id2] == target[Sploop.id2])) {
if (myTraps && target.type == 6) {
let isMyTrap = myPlayer.id == objectID;
if (isMyTrap && !myTraps.find(c => c[Sploop.id2] == target[Sploop.id2])) {
if (myScaffs && target.type == 9) {
let isMyScaff = myPlayer.id == objectID;
if (isMyScaff && !myScaffs.find(c => c[Sploop.id2] == target[Sploop.id2])) {
let color, strokeColor;
if (teammates.includes(target[Sploop.id])) {
if (defaultToggles.teamMarkers) {
color = getValue("team-marker-color");
strokeColor = colors.stroke;
} else {
color = colors.nobody;
strokeColor = colors.nobodystroke;
} else if (objectID === myPlayer.id) {
if (defaultToggles.mineMarkers) {
color = getValue("mine-marker-color");
strokeColor = colors.stroke;
} else {
color = colors.nobody;
strokeColor = colors.nobodystroke;
} else {
if (defaultToggles.enemyMarkers) {
color = getValue("enemy-marker-color");
strokeColor = colors.stroke;
} else {
color = colors.nobody;
strokeColor = colors.nobodystroke;
if (![21, 30, 40, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9].includes(target.type)) {
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor;
ctx.lineWidth = 10;
ctx.arc(0, 0, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.arc(0, 0, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
let weaponReloading = false;
window.attackAnimation = (type, id, weapon, isObject, entity) => {
try {
const entityID = entity[Sploop.id];
entityID == myPlayer.id && (weaponReloading = true);
setTimeout(function () {
entityID == myPlayer.id && (weaponReloading = false);
}, window.weapons[window.stats[Sploop.itemsID][weaponInHands]].reload)
} catch (err) { }
const checkChanges = (obj1, obj2) => {
const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
return keys2.some(key => !keys1.includes(key)) || keys1.some(key => !keys2.includes(key));
const changeSettings = (key, value) => {
let newSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.settings);
newSettings[key] = value;
localStorage.setItem("settings", JSON.stringify(newSettings));
const sendPacket = (packetID, ...values) => {
return myWS.send(new Uint8Array([packetID, ...values]));
let mouseAngle2;
window.addEventListener("mousemove", ({ pageX, pageY }) => {
mouseX = pageX;
mouseY = pageY;
mouseAngle = 65535 * (Math.atan2(mouseY - innerHeight / 2, mouseX - innerWidth / 2) + PI) / PI2;
mouseAngle2 = Math.atan2(mouseY - innerHeight / 2, mouseX - innerWidth / 2);
let hatInterval;
const equipHat = (id) => {
if (hatReloaded) {
hatReloaded = false;
setTimeout(() => {
hatReloaded = true;
}, 1300);
if (myPlayer.hat !== id) {
myPlayer.prevHat = myPlayer.inRiver && myPlayer.hat === hats.scubaGear ? id : myPlayer.hat;
sendPacket(packets.hat, id);
let _isKeyDown = false, _intervalId;
const checkChat = () => !getElem("chat-wrapper").style.display || getElem("chat-wrapper").style.display === "none";
let repeater = (key, action) => ({
start(keycode) {
if (keycode === key && !_isKeyDown) {
_isKeyDown = true;
placingItem = true;
_intervalId = setInterval(() => {
!_isKeyDown && (clearInterval(_intervalId), _intervalId = undefined);
}, 25);
stop(keycode) {
if (keycode === key) {
_isKeyDown = false;
placingItem = false;
const changeAngle = (angle, isTransformed = false) => {
if (isTransformed) {
sendPacket(packets.angle, 255 & angle, angle >> 8 & 255);
} else {
const angle2 = 65535 * (angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI);
sendPacket(packets.angle, 255 & angle2, angle2 >> 8 & 255);
let placingItem = false;
const canvas = {
local: undefined,
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", event => {
canvas.local = getElem("game-canvas").getContext("2d");
const prevRect = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function (x, y, width, height) {
if (this.canvas.id === "game-canvas") {
canvas.local = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
return prevRect.apply(this, arguments);
const { fillRect } = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, width, height) {
if (placingItem && this.fillStyle === "#a4cc4f") {
return fillRect.apply(this, arguments);
const place = (itemID) => {
sendPacket(packets.item, weaponInHands);
sendPacket(packets.item, itemID);
sendPacket(packets.hit, 255 & mouseAngle, mouseAngle >> 8 & 255);
sendPacket(packets.item, weaponInHands);
const singlePlace = (itemID, preAngle) => {
const back = mouseAngle;
const angle = 65535 * (preAngle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI);
sendPacket(packets.item, weaponInHands);
sendPacket(packets.item, itemID);
sendPacket(packets.hit, 255 & angle, angle >> 8 & 255);
changeAngle(back, true);
sendPacket(packets.item, weaponInHands);
const placeFood = () => {
sendPacket(packets.item, weaponInHands);
sendPacket(packets.item, 2);
const healAngle = 65535 * (myPlayer.angle + PI) / PI2;
sendPacket(packets.hit, 255 & healAngle, healAngle >> 8 & 255);
sendPacket(packets.item, weaponInHands);
const placeByKey = (key, itemID) => repeater(binds[key], () => place(itemID), itemID);
const placement = {
trap: placeByKey("trap", 7),
spike: placeByKey("spike", 4),
wall: placeByKey("wall", 3),
mill: placeByKey("mill", 5),
QHold: placeByKey("QHeal", 2),
platform: placeByKey("platform", 8),
turret: placeByKey("turret", 10)
let copyMove = 0;
document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {
if (event.repeat || !checkChat()) return;
const pressedKey = event.code;
if (defaultToggles.placingMacro) {
if (Object.values(binds).includes(pressedKey)) Object.values(placement).forEach(action => action.start(pressedKey));
if (["KeyW", "KeyA", "KeyS", "KeyD"].includes(pressedKey)) {
if (pressedKey === "KeyW") copyMove |= 1;
if (pressedKey === "KeyA") copyMove |= 4;
if (pressedKey === "KeyS") copyMove |= 2;
if (pressedKey === "KeyD") copyMove |= 8;
switch (pressedKey) {
case "Digit1": weaponInHands = 0; break;
case "Digit2": weaponInHands = 1; break;
case binds.bushHat: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.bushHat); break;
case binds.berserkerHat: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.berserkerHat); break;
case binds.jungleGear: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.jungleGear); break;
case binds.crystalGear: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.crystalGear); break;
case binds.spikeGear: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.spikeGear); break;
case binds.immunityGear: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.immunityGear); break;
case binds.boostHat: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.boostHat); break;
case binds.appleHat: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.appleHat); break;
case binds.scubaGear: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.scubaGear); break;
case binds.hood: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.hood); break;
case binds.demolist: if (defaultToggles.hatsMacro) equipHat(hats.demolist); break;
document.addEventListener("keyup", event => {
if (!checkChat()) return;
const pressedKey = event.code;
if (["KeyW", "KeyA", "KeyS", "KeyD"].includes(pressedKey)) {
if (pressedKey === "KeyW") copyMove &= -2;
if (pressedKey === "KeyA") copyMove &= -5;
if (pressedKey === "KeyS") copyMove &= -3;
if (pressedKey === "KeyD") copyMove &= -9;
if (Object.values(binds).includes(pressedKey)) Object.values(placement).forEach(action => action.stop(pressedKey));
let objectsCounts = {
limit: 0,
count: 0,
const hasCount = (type) => {
return objectsCounts.count < objectsCounts.limit;
const maxObjCount = [0, 0, 0, 100, 30, 8, 2, 12, 32, 1, 2];
window.drawItemBar = (ctx, imageData, index) => {
const limit = maxObjCount[window.weapons[window.stats[Sploop.itemsID][index]][Sploop.weaponID2]];
const crntCount = window.stats[Sploop.objCount][window.weapons[window.stats[Sploop.itemsID][index]][Sploop.weaponID2]];
objectsCounts.limit = limit;
objectsCounts.count = crntCount;
if (limit == 0) return;
const text = `${crntCount}/${limit}`;
ctx.font = "900 20px Montserrat";
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
ctx.fillText(text, imageData[Sploop.x] + imageData.width - ctx.measureText(text).width - 10, imageData[Sploop.y] + 25);
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
ctx.strokeText(text, imageData[Sploop.x] + imageData.width - ctx.measureText(text).width - 10, imageData[Sploop.y] + 25);
const TYPEOF = value => Object.prototype.toString.call(value).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase();
const NumberSystem = [
{ radix: 2, prefix: "0b0*" },
{ radix: 8, prefix: "0+" },
{ radix: 10, prefix: "" },
{ radix: 16, prefix: "0x0*" }
class Regex {
constructor(code, unicode) {
this.code = this.COPY_CODE = code;
this.unicode = unicode || false;
this.hooks = {};
static parseValue = value => {
try { return Function(`return (${value})`)(); }
catch (err) { return null; }
isRegexp = value => TYPEOF(value) === "regexp";
generateNumberSystem = int => `(?:${NumberSystem.map(({ prefix, radix }) => prefix + int.toString(radix)).join("|")})`;
parseVariables = regex => regex.replace(/\{VAR\}/g, "(?:let|var|const)")
.replace(/\{QUOTE\}/g, "['\"`]")
.replace(/ARGS\{(\d+)\}/g, (_, count) => (Array(Number(count)).fill("\\w+")).join("\\s*,\\s*"))
.replace(/NUMBER\{(\d+)\}/g, (_, int) => this.generateNumberSystem(Number(int)));
format = (name, inputRegex, flags) => {
const regex = Array.isArray(inputRegex) ? inputRegex.map(exp => this.isRegexp(exp) ? exp.source : exp).join("\\s*") : this.isRegexp(inputRegex) ? inputRegex.source : "";
let parsedRegex = this.parseVariables(regex);
if (this.unicode) {
parsedRegex = parsedRegex.replace(/\\w/g, "(?:[^\\x00-\\x7F-]|\\$|\\w)");
const expression = new RegExp(parsedRegex.replace(/\{INSERT\}/, ""), flags);
return parsedRegex.includes("{INSERT}") ? new RegExp(parsedRegex, flags) : expression;
template = (type, name, regex, substr) => {
const expression = new RegExp(`(${this.format(name, regex).source})`);
const match = this.code.match(expression) || [];
this.code = this.code.replace(expression, type === 0 ? "$1" + substr : substr + "$1");
return match;
match = (name, regex, flags, debug = false) => {
const expression = this.format(name, regex, flags);
const match = this.code.match(expression) || [];
this.hooks[name] = { expression, match };
return match;
matchAll = (name, regex, debug = false) => {
const expression = this.format(name, regex, "g");
const matches = [...this.code.matchAll(expression)];
this.hooks[name] = { expression, match: matches };
return matches;
replace = (name, regex, substr, flags) => {
const expression = this.format(name, regex, flags);
this.code = this.code.replace(expression, substr);
return this.code.match(expression) || [];
replaceAll = (name, regex, substr, flags) => {
const expression = this.format(name, regex, "g");
this.code = this.code.replaceAll(expression, substr);
return this.code.match(expression) || [];
append = (name, regex, substr) => this.template(0, name, regex, substr);
prepend = (name, regex, substr) => this.template(1, name, regex, substr);
insert = (name, regex, substr) => {
const { source } = this.format(name, regex);
if (!source.includes("{INSERT}")) throw new Error("Your regexp must contain {INSERT} keyword");
const findExpression = new RegExp(source.replace(/^(.*)\{INSERT\}(.*)$/, "($1)($2)"));
this.code = this.code.replace(findExpression, `$1${substr}$2`);
return this.code.match(findExpression);
let Sploop;
const applyHooks = code => {
const Hook = new Regex(code, true);
window.COPY_CODE = (Hook.COPY_CODE.match(/^(\(function \w+\(\w+\)\{.+)\(.+?\);$/) || [])[1];
Hook.append("EXTERNAL fix", /\(function (\w+)\(\w+\)\{/, "let $2 = eval(`(() => ${COPY_CODE})()`);delete window.COPY_CODE;console.log(1);");
const myData = Hook.match('myPlayer', /=(\w.get\(\w{2}\));\w&&\w\(\)/)[1];
const X = Hook.match('playerX', /\{this\.(\w{2})=\w\|\|0/)[1];
const Y = Hook.match('playerY', /,this\.(\w{2})=\w\|\|0\}/)[1];
const ID = Hook.match('ID', /&&\w{2}===\w\.(\w{2})\){/)[1];
const ID2 = Hook.match('ID2', /-1!==\w+\.(\w+)&&/)[1];
const currentWeapon = Hook.match("crntWeapon", /,\w.(\w{2})===/)[1];
const angle = Hook.match("angle", /;\w.(\w{2})=\w\(\)/)[1];
const weaponName = Hook.match("wpnName", /(\w{2}):"XX/)[1];
const health = Hook.match("health", /(\w{2})<<8;/)[1];
const weaponDamage = Hook.match("wpnDamage", /(\w{2}):32,reload:300/)[1];
const teamID = Hook.match('test', /,\w=\w.(\w{2})\|.+?\<\<8/)[1];
const radius = Hook.match("radius", /(\w{2}):220/)[1];
const [, currentItem, hat] = Hook.match("hat", /\(\w+\.(\w+)\|\w+\.(\w+)<<NUMBER{8}\)/);
const inWhichObject = Hook.match("iwo", /110\).+?,1===\w.(\w{2})&&!\w{2}/)[1];
const weaponID = Hook.match('el', /(\w{2}):0,\w{2}:22,reload:150/)[1];
const itemsID = Hook.match("IDs", />1\){.{3}(\w{2})/)[1];
const weaponID2 = Hook.matchAll('el', /,(\w+):9,\w+:2/)[1][1];
const objCount = Hook.match("objCount", /\),this.(\w{2})=\w\):/)[1];
const size = Hook.match("size", /\.(\w{2})\+50/)[1];
const objQuantity = Hook.match("Quantity", /\),this.(\w{2})=\w\):/)[1];
const itemBar = Hook.match("defaultData", /(\W\w+>NUMBER{1}\W.+?(\w+)\.(\w+).+?)function/)[3];
Sploop = {
myPlayer: {
myData: myData,
x: `${myData}.${X}`,
y: `${myData}.${Y}`,
id: `${myData}.${ID}`,
teamID: `${myData}.${teamID}`,
angle: `${myData}.${angle}`
x: X,
y: Y,
id: ID,
id2: ID2,
hat: hat,
type: 'type',
angle: angle,
health: health,
radius: radius,
teamID: teamID,
itemsID: itemsID,
temBar: itemBar,
objCount: objCount,
weaponID: weaponID,
weaponID2: weaponID2,
weaponName: weaponName,
objQuantity: objQuantity,
weaponDamage: weaponDamage,
currentWeapon: currentWeapon,
inWhichObject: inWhichObject
Hook.append("itemCounter", /AGE 0.+?\[(\w+)\][,;](\w+)\.\w+\((\w+)\)([,;])/, `window.drawItemBar($4,$3,$2)$5`);
Hook.replace("blockMouse", /\|\|(\w+\(\w+\(\)\)\))/, `||!window.inTrap && $1;`);
Hook.append("renderer", /1}function \w+\((\w),(\w)\){/, `window.render($2, $3);`);
Hook.replace("grid", /1,(\w{2})=!0/, `1, $1=window.grid`);
Hook.replace("grid", /,\w{2}(&&\w+\(\w,)/, `,window.grid$1`);
Hook.append("updateFPS", /const (\w)=\+new Date,.+?3;/, `window.updateFPSCounter($2);`);
Hook.replace("renderItems", /(\(\w+\.\w+\+\w+,\w+\.\w+\+\w+\).+?\w+\(\).+?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\)([,;]))/, `$1window.drawMarkers(...arguments)$2`);
const args = Hook.match("drawEntityInfo", /-NUMBER{50},.+?function \w+\((ARGS{3})\)\{/)[1];
Hook.append('drawEntityInfo', /=.5;/, `try {window.getEntityData(${args});} catch(err) {};`)
Hook.append("getMsg", /0;fu.{10}(\w).{2}/, `window.receiveMsg($2);`);
Hook.append("getWS", /(\w{2})=new \w{2}\("".{31}/, `,window.getWS($2)`);
const weaponList = Hook.match("weaponList", /\?Math\.PI\/2.+?(\w\(\))/)[1];
Hook.replace("defaultData", /(\W\w+>NUMBER{1}\W.+?(\w+)\.(\w+).+?)function/, `$1window.stats=$2;window.weapons = ${weaponList};window.sprites = tt();function`);
Hook.append('attackReload', /\+=NUMBER{5}.+?(\w+)=.+?(\w+)=.+?(\w+)=.+?(\w+)=.+?(\w+)=.+?;/, `window.attackAnimation($2, $3, $4, $5, $6);`)
return Hook.code;
window.eval = new Proxy(window.eval, {
apply(target, _this, args) {
const code = args[0];
if (code.length > 100000) {
args[0] = applyHooks(code);
window.eval = target;
return target.apply(_this, args);