// ==UserScript==
// @name [AO3] Kat's Tweaks: Read Time & Word Count
// @author Katstrel
// @description Adds chapter word count, chapter read time, and work read time to stats in the blurb.
// @version 1.1.1
// @history 1.1.1 - added fourth default level and fixed error with deleted bookmark blurbs
// @history 1.1 - added dynamic customization options
// @history 1.0.1 - fixed userscript header
// @namespace https://github.com/Katstrel/Kats-Tweaks-and-Skins
// @include https://archiveofourown.org/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=archiveofourown.org
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
"use strict";
let DEBUG = false;
// তততততততত SETTINGS তততততততত //
let SETTINGS = {
readTime: {
enabled: true,
wordsPerMinute: 200,
levels: [
id: "Level_0",
name: "Level_0",
mins: 0,
color: '#80ff8080',
id: "Level_1",
name: "Level_1",
mins: 60,
color: '#ffff8080',
id: "Level_2",
name: "Level_2",
mins: 180,
color: '#ff808080',
id: "Level_3",
name: "24 Hours",
mins: 1440,
color: '#ff80ff80',
// তততততত STOP SETTINGS তততততত //
/* Parts of code used or based on:
AO3 Bookmarking Records by Bairdel
AO3: Estimated Reading Time v2 by lomky
AO3: Get Current Chapter Word Count by w4tchdoge
class ReadTime {
constructor(settings) {
this.settings = settings.readTime;
console.info(`[Kat's Tweaks] Read Time & Word Count | Initialized with:`, this.settings);
// Performs the Read Time on all blurbs
document.querySelectorAll('li.work.blurb, li.bookmark.blurb, dl.work.meta, dl.series.meta, li.series.blurb').forEach(blurb=> {
if (blurb.querySelector('p.message')) {
let wordCount = this.getWordCount(blurb);
this.calculateTime(blurb.querySelector('dd.words'), wordCount);
// Chapter Word Count and Read Time if more than one chapter exists
if (document.querySelector(`dl.work.meta dl.stats dd.chapters`)) {
let chapCount = parseInt(document.querySelector(`dd.stats dd.chapters`).textContent.split(`/`).at(0));
if (window.location.pathname.toLowerCase().includes(`chapters`) && chapCount > 1) {
const chapWord = this.chapWordCount();
const formatCount = new Intl.NumberFormat({ style: `decimal` }).format(chapWord);
this.addBlurbStat(document.querySelector('dl.stats dd.chapters'), 'Words in Chapter:', formatCount, 'chapterWords');
this.calculateTime(document.querySelector('dd#katstweaks.chapterWords'), chapWord, 'Chapter');
getWordCount(blurb) {
let words = blurb.querySelector('dd.words').innerText;
if (words.includes(",")) {
words = words.replaceAll(",", "");
if (words.includes(" ")) {
words = words.replaceAll(" ", "");
if (words.includes(" ")) {
words = words.replaceAll(/\s/g, "");
let wordsINT = parseInt(words);
DEBUG && console.log(`[Kat's Tweaks] Work Word Count: ${wordsINT}`);
return wordsINT;
calculateTime(querySelect, wordCount, type = '') {
let minutes = wordCount/(this.settings.wordsPerMinute);
let hrs = Math.floor(minutes/60);
let mins = (minutes%60).toFixed(0);
// Get minutes with zero decimal points
let timePrint = hrs > 0 ? hrs + "h" + mins + "m" : mins + "m";
console.info(`[Kat's Tweaks] Time calculated for ${wordCount} words: ${timePrint}`);
// Add readtime stats
let dlItem = this.addBlurbStat(querySelect, `${type} Readtime:`, timePrint, `${type}readtime`);
// Finds the closest smaller value for read time
let filteredLevels = this.settings.levels.filter((level) => {
return level.mins <= minutes;
let sorted = filteredLevels.sort(function(a, b){return a.mins - b.mins});
DEBUG && console.log(`[Kat's Tweaks] Sorted list`, sorted);
dlItem[1].style.backgroundColor = sorted[sorted.length-1].color;
// Credit: w4tchdoge's AO3: Get Current Chapter Word Count
chapWordCount() {
// Get the Chapter Text
const chapter_text = (function () {
let elm_parent = document.querySelector(`[role="article"]:has(> #work)`).cloneNode(true);
return elm_parent.textContent.trim();
const script_list = [`Arabic`, `Armenian`, `Balinese`, `Bengali`, `Bopomofo`, `Braille`, `Buginese`, `Buhid`, `Canadian_Aboriginal`, `Carian`, `Cham`, `Cherokee`, `Common`, `Coptic`, `Cuneiform`, `Cypriot`, `Cyrillic`, `Deseret`, `Devanagari`, `Ethiopic`, `Georgian`, `Glagolitic`, `Gothic`, `Greek`, `Gujarati`, `Gurmukhi`, `Han`, `Hangul`, `Hanunoo`, `Hebrew`, `Hiragana`, `Inherited`, `Kannada`, `Katakana`, `Kayah_Li`, `Kharoshthi`, `Khmer`, `Lao`, `Latin`, `Lepcha`, `Limbu`, `Linear_B`, `Lycian`, `Lydian`, `Malayalam`, `Mongolian`, `Myanmar`, `New_Tai_Lue`, `Nko`, `Ogham`, `Ol_Chiki`, `Old_Italic`, `Old_Persian`, `Oriya`, `Osmanya`, `Phags_Pa`, `Phoenician`, `Rejang`, `Runic`, `Saurashtra`, `Shavian`, `Sinhala`, `Sundanese`, `Syloti_Nagri`, `Syriac`, `Tagalog`, `Tagbanwa`, `Tai_Le`, `Tamil`, `Telugu`, `Thaana`, `Thai`, `Tibetan`, `Tifinagh`, `Ugaritic`, `Vai`, `Yi`];
const script_exclude_list = [`Common`, `Latin`, `Inherited`];
// Counting the number of words
const word_count_regex = new RegExp((function () {
const regex_scripts = script_list.filter((elm) => !script_exclude_list.includes(elm)).map((elm) => `\\p{Script=${elm}}`).join(``);
const full_regex_str = `[${regex_scripts}]|((?![${regex_scripts}])[\\p{Letter}\\p{Mark}\\p{Number}\\p{Connector_Punctuation}])+`;
return full_regex_str;
})(), `gv`);
const word_count_arr = Array.from(chapter_text.replaceAll(/--/g, `—`).replaceAll(/['’‘-]/g, ``).matchAll(word_count_regex), (m) => m[0]);
const word_count_int = word_count_arr.length;
DEBUG && console.log(`[Kat's Tweaks] Chapter Word Count: ${word_count_int}`);
return word_count_int;
addBlurbStat(querySelectDL, term, definiton, styleClass) {
const descListTerm = Object.assign(document.createElement(`dt`), {
id: `katstweaks`,
className: styleClass || "",
textContent: term || "",
const descListDefine = Object.assign(document.createElement(`dd`), {
id: `katstweaks`,
className: styleClass || "",
textContent: definiton || ""
querySelectDL.after(descListTerm, descListDefine);
DEBUG && console.info(`[Kat's Tweaks] Custom DLItem '${term}' added successfully`);
return [descListTerm, descListDefine];
class Main {
constructor() {
this.settings = this.loadSettings();
if (this.settings.readTime.enabled) {
new ReadTime(this.settings);
// Load settings from the storage or fallback to default ones
loadSettings() {
const startTime = performance.now();
let savedSettings = localStorage.getItem('KT-SavedSettings');
let settings = SETTINGS;
if (savedSettings) {
try {
let parse = JSON.parse(savedSettings);
DEBUG && console.log(`[Kat's Tweaks] Settings loaded successfully:`, savedSettings);
settings = parse;
} catch (error) {
DEBUG && console.error(`[Kat's Tweaks] Error parsing settings: ${error}`);
} else {
DEBUG && console.warn(`[Kat's Tweaks] No saved settings found for Read Time & Word Count, using default settings.`);
const endTime = performance.now();
DEBUG && console.log(`[Kat's Tweaks] Settings loaded in ${endTime - startTime} ms`);
return settings;
new Main();