// ==UserScript==
// @name HWHExtension
// @name:en HWHExtension
// @name:ru HWHExtension
// @namespace HWHExtension
// @version 1.0
// @description Extension for HeroWarsHelper script
// @description:en Extension for HeroWarsHelper script
// @description:ru Расширение для скрипта HeroWarsHelper
// @author ZingerY
// @license Copyright ZingerY
// @homepage https://zingery.ru/scripts/HWHExtension.user.js
// @icon https://zingery.ru/scripts/VaultBoyIco16.ico
// @icon64 https://zingery.ru/scripts/VaultBoyIco64.png
// @match https://www.hero-wars.com/*
// @match https://apps-1701433570146040.apps.fbsbx.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
if (!this.HWHClasses) {
console.log('%cObject for extension not found', 'color: red');
console.log('%cStart Extension ' + GM_info.script.name + ', v' + GM_info.script.version + ' by ' + GM_info.script.author, 'color: red');
const { addExtentionName } = HWHFuncs;
addExtentionName(GM_info.script.name, GM_info.script.version, GM_info.script.author);
const {
} = HWHFuncs;
function executeDungeon(resolve, reject) {
let countPredictionCard = 0;
let dungeonActivity = 0;
let startDungeonActivity = 0;
let maxDungeonActivity = 150;
let limitDungeonActivity = 30180;
let countShowStats = 1;
//let fastMode = isChecked('fastMode');
let end = false;
let countTeam = [];
let timeDungeon = {
all: new Date().getTime(),
findAttack: 0,
attackNeutral: 0,
attackEarthOrFire: 0,
let titansStates = {};
let bestBattle = {};
let teams = {
neutral: [],
water: [],
earth: [],
fire: [],
hero: [],
let talentMsg = '';
let talentMsgReward = '';
let callsExecuteDungeon = {
calls: [
name: 'dungeonGetInfo',
args: {},
ident: 'dungeonGetInfo',
name: 'teamGetAll',
args: {},
ident: 'teamGetAll',
name: 'teamGetFavor',
args: {},
ident: 'teamGetFavor',
name: 'clanGetInfo',
args: {},
ident: 'clanGetInfo',
name: 'inventoryGet',
args: {},
ident: 'inventoryGet',
this.start = async function (titanit) {
//maxDungeonActivity = titanit > limitDungeonActivity ? limitDungeonActivity : titanit;
maxDungeonActivity = titanit || getInput('countTitanit');
send(JSON.stringify(callsExecuteDungeon), startDungeon);
/** Получаем данные по подземелью */
function startDungeon(e) {
stopDung = false; // стоп подземка
let res = e.results;
let dungeonGetInfo = res[0].result.response;
if (!dungeonGetInfo) {
endDungeon('noDungeon', res);
console.log('Начинаем копать на фулл: ', new Date());
let teamGetAll = res[1].result.response;
let teamGetFavor = res[2].result.response;
dungeonActivity = res[3].result.response.stat.todayDungeonActivity;
startDungeonActivity = res[3].result.response.stat.todayDungeonActivity;
countPredictionCard = res[4].result.response.consumable[81];
titansStates = dungeonGetInfo.states.titans;
teams.hero = {
favor: teamGetFavor.dungeon_hero,
heroes: teamGetAll.dungeon_hero.filter((id) => id < 6000),
teamNum: 0,
let heroPet = teamGetAll.dungeon_hero.filter((id) => id >= 6000).pop();
if (heroPet) {
teams.hero.pet = heroPet;
teams.neutral = getTitanTeam('neutral');
teams.water = {
favor: {},
heroes: getTitanTeam('water'),
teamNum: 0,
teams.earth = {
favor: {},
heroes: getTitanTeam('earth'),
teamNum: 0,
teams.fire = {
favor: {},
heroes: getTitanTeam('fire'),
teamNum: 0,
function getTitanTeam(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'neutral':
return [4023, 4022, 4012, 4021, 4011, 4010, 4020];
case 'water':
return [4000, 4001, 4002, 4003].filter((e) => !titansStates[e]?.isDead);
case 'earth':
return [4020, 4022, 4021, 4023].filter((e) => !titansStates[e]?.isDead);
case 'fire':
return [4010, 4011, 4012, 4013].filter((e) => !titansStates[e]?.isDead);
/** Создать копию объекта */
function clone(a) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));
/** Находит стихию на этаже */
function findElement(floor, element) {
for (let i in floor) {
if (floor[i].attackerType === element) {
return i;
return undefined;
/** Проверяем этаж */
async function checkFloor(dungeonInfo) {
if (!('floor' in dungeonInfo) || dungeonInfo.floor?.state == 2) {
// console.log(dungeonInfo, dungeonActivity);
maxDungeonActivity = getInput('countTitanit');
setProgress(`${I18N('DUNGEON')}: ${I18N('TITANIT')} ${dungeonActivity}/${maxDungeonActivity} ${talentMsg}`);
//setProgress('Dungeon: Титанит ' + dungeonActivity + '/' + maxDungeonActivity);
if (dungeonActivity >= maxDungeonActivity) {
endDungeon('Стоп подземка,', 'набрано титанита: ' + dungeonActivity + '/' + maxDungeonActivity);
let activity = dungeonActivity - startDungeonActivity;
titansStates = dungeonInfo.states.titans;
if (stopDung) {
endDungeon('Стоп подземка,', 'набрано титанита: ' + dungeonActivity + '/' + maxDungeonActivity);
/*if (activity / 1000 > countShowStats) {
bestBattle = {};
let floorChoices = dungeonInfo.floor.userData;
if (floorChoices.length > 1) {
for (let element in teams) {
let teamNum = findElement(floorChoices, element);
if (!!teamNum) {
if (element == 'earth') {
teamNum = await chooseEarthOrFire(floorChoices);
if (teamNum < 0) {
endDungeon('Невозможно победить без потери Титана!', dungeonInfo);
chooseElement(floorChoices[teamNum].attackerType, teamNum);
} else {
chooseElement(floorChoices[0].attackerType, 0);
//тест черепахи
async function checkTalent(dungeonInfo) {
const talent = dungeonInfo.talent;
if (!talent) {
const dungeonFloor = +dungeonInfo.floorNumber;
const talentFloor = +talent.floorRandValue;
let doorsAmount = 3 - talent.conditions.doorsAmount;
if (dungeonFloor === talentFloor && (!doorsAmount || !talent.conditions?.farmedDoors[dungeonFloor])) {
const reward = await Send({
calls: [
{ name: 'heroTalent_getReward', args: { talentType: 'tmntDungeonTalent', reroll: false }, ident: 'group_0_body' },
{ name: 'heroTalent_farmReward', args: { talentType: 'tmntDungeonTalent' }, ident: 'group_1_body' },
}).then((e) => e.results[0].result.response);
const type = Object.keys(reward).pop();
const itemId = Object.keys(reward[type]).pop();
const count = reward[type][itemId];
const itemName = cheats.translate(`LIB_${type.toUpperCase()}_NAME_${itemId}`);
talentMsgReward += `<br> ${count} ${itemName}`;
talentMsg = `<br>TMNT Talent: ${doorsAmount}/3 ${talentMsgReward}<br>`;
/** Выбираем огнем или землей атаковать */
async function chooseEarthOrFire(floorChoices) {
bestBattle.recovery = -11;
let selectedTeamNum = -1;
for (let attempt = 0; selectedTeamNum < 0 && attempt < 4; attempt++) {
for (let teamNum in floorChoices) {
let attackerType = floorChoices[teamNum].attackerType;
selectedTeamNum = await attemptAttackEarthOrFire(teamNum, attackerType, attempt);
console.log('Выбор команды огня или земли: ', selectedTeamNum < 0 ? 'не сделан' : floorChoices[selectedTeamNum].attackerType);
return selectedTeamNum;
/** Попытка атаки землей и огнем */
async function attemptAttackEarthOrFire(teamNum, attackerType, attempt) {
let start = new Date();
let team = clone(teams[attackerType]);
let startIndex = team.heroes.length + attempt - 4;
if (startIndex >= 0) {
team.heroes = team.heroes.slice(startIndex);
let recovery = await getBestRecovery(teamNum, attackerType, team, 25);
if (recovery > bestBattle.recovery) {
bestBattle.recovery = recovery;
bestBattle.selectedTeamNum = teamNum;
bestBattle.team = team;
let workTime = new Date().getTime() - start.getTime();
timeDungeon.attackEarthOrFire += workTime;
if (bestBattle.recovery < -10) {
return -1;
return bestBattle.selectedTeamNum;
/** Выбираем стихию для атаки */
async function chooseElement(attackerType, teamNum) {
let result;
switch (attackerType) {
case 'hero':
case 'water':
result = await startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, teams[attackerType]);
case 'earth':
case 'fire':
result = await attackEarthOrFire(teamNum, attackerType);
case 'neutral':
result = await attackNeutral(teamNum, attackerType);
if (!!result && attackerType != 'hero') {
let recovery = (!!!bestBattle.recovery ? 10 * getRecovery(result) : bestBattle.recovery) * 100;
let titans = result.progress[0].attackers.heroes;
console.log('Проведен бой: ' + attackerType + ', recovery = ' + (recovery > 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.round(recovery) + '% \r\n', titans);
/** Атакуем Землей или Огнем */
async function attackEarthOrFire(teamNum, attackerType) {
if (!!!bestBattle.recovery) {
bestBattle.recovery = -11;
let selectedTeamNum = -1;
for (let attempt = 0; selectedTeamNum < 0 && attempt < 4; attempt++) {
selectedTeamNum = await attemptAttackEarthOrFire(teamNum, attackerType, attempt);
if (selectedTeamNum < 0) {
endDungeon('Невозможно победить без потери Титана!', attackerType);
return findAttack(teamNum, attackerType, bestBattle.team);
/** Находим подходящий результат для атаки */
async function findAttack(teamNum, attackerType, team) {
let start = new Date();
let recovery = -1000;
let iterations = 0;
let result;
let correction = 0.01;
for (let needRecovery = bestBattle.recovery; recovery < needRecovery; needRecovery -= correction, iterations++) {
result = await startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, team);
recovery = getRecovery(result);
bestBattle.recovery = recovery;
let workTime = new Date().getTime() - start.getTime();
timeDungeon.findAttack += workTime;
return result;
/** Атакуем Нейтральной командой */
async function attackNeutral(teamNum, attackerType) {
let start = new Date();
let factors = calcFactor();
bestBattle.recovery = -0.2;
await findBestBattleNeutral(teamNum, attackerType, factors, true);
if (bestBattle.recovery < 0 || (bestBattle.recovery < 0.2 && factors[0].value < 0.5)) {
let recovery = 100 * bestBattle.recovery;
'Не удалось найти удачный бой в быстром режиме: ' +
attackerType +
', recovery = ' +
(recovery > 0 ? '+' : '') +
Math.round(recovery) +
'% \r\n',
await findBestBattleNeutral(teamNum, attackerType, factors, false);
let workTime = new Date().getTime() - start.getTime();
timeDungeon.attackNeutral += workTime;
if (!!bestBattle.attackers) {
let team = getTeam(bestBattle.attackers);
return findAttack(teamNum, attackerType, team);
endDungeon('Не удалось найти удачный бой!', attackerType);
return undefined;
/** Находит лучшую нейтральную команду */
async function findBestBattleNeutral(teamNum, attackerType, factors, mode) {
let countFactors = factors.length < 4 ? factors.length : 4;
let aradgi = !titansStates['4013']?.isDead;
let edem = !titansStates['4023']?.isDead;
let dark = [4032, 4033].filter((e) => !titansStates[e]?.isDead);
let light = [4042].filter((e) => !titansStates[e]?.isDead);
let actions = [];
if (mode) {
for (let i = 0; i < countFactors; i++) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(factors[i].id)));
if (countFactors > 1) {
let firstId = factors[0].id;
let secondId = factors[1].id;
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4001, secondId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4002, secondId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4003, secondId)));
if (aradgi) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(4013)));
if (countFactors > 0) {
let firstId = factors[0].id;
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4000, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4001, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4002, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4003, 4013)));
if (edem) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(4023, 4000, 4013)));
} else {
if (mode) {
for (let i = 0; i < factors.length; i++) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(factors[i].id)));
} else {
countFactors = factors.length < 2 ? factors.length : 2;
for (let i = 0; i < countFactors; i++) {
let mainId = factors[i].id;
if (aradgi && (mode || i > 0)) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4000, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4001, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4002, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4003, 4013)));
for (let i = 0; i < dark.length; i++) {
let darkId = dark[i];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4001, darkId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4002, darkId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4003, darkId)));
for (let i = 0; i < light.length; i++) {
let lightId = light[i];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4001, lightId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4002, lightId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4003, lightId)));
let isFull = mode || i > 0;
for (let j = isFull ? i + 1 : 2; j < factors.length; j++) {
let extraId = factors[j].id;
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4000, extraId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4001, extraId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(mainId, 4002, extraId)));
if (aradgi) {
if (mode) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(4013)));
for (let i = 0; i < dark.length; i++) {
let darkId = dark[i];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(darkId, 4001, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(darkId, 4002, 4013)));
for (let i = 0; i < light.length; i++) {
let lightId = light[i];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(lightId, 4001, 4013)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(lightId, 4002, 4013)));
for (let i = 0; i < dark.length; i++) {
let firstId = dark[i];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId)));
for (let j = i + 1; j < dark.length; j++) {
let secondId = dark[j];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4001, secondId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4002, secondId)));
for (let i = 0; i < light.length; i++) {
let firstId = light[i];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId)));
for (let j = i + 1; j < light.length; j++) {
let secondId = light[j];
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4001, secondId)));
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, getNeutralTeam(firstId, 4002, secondId)));
for (let result of await Promise.all(actions)) {
let recovery = getRecovery(result);
if (recovery > bestBattle.recovery) {
bestBattle.recovery = recovery;
bestBattle.attackers = result.progress[0].attackers.heroes;
/** Получаем нейтральную команду */
function getNeutralTeam(id, swapId, addId) {
let neutralTeam = clone(teams.water);
let neutral = neutralTeam.heroes;
if (neutral.length == 4) {
if (!!swapId) {
for (let i in neutral) {
if (neutral[i] == swapId) {
neutral[i] = addId;
} else if (!!addId) {
return neutralTeam;
/** Получить команду титанов */
function getTeam(titans) {
return {
favor: {},
heroes: Object.keys(titans).map((id) => parseInt(id)),
teamNum: 0,
/** Вычисляем фактор боеготовности титанов */
function calcFactor() {
let neutral = teams.neutral;
let factors = [];
for (let i in neutral) {
let titanId = neutral[i];
let titan = titansStates[titanId];
let factor = !!titan ? titan.hp / titan.maxHp + titan.energy / 10000.0 : 1;
if (factor > 0) {
factors.push({ id: titanId, value: factor });
factors.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.value - b.value;
return factors;
/** Возвращает наилучший результат из нескольких боев */
async function getBestRecovery(teamNum, attackerType, team, countBattle) {
let bestRecovery = -1000;
let actions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < countBattle; i++) {
actions.push(startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, team));
for (let result of await Promise.all(actions)) {
let recovery = getRecovery(result);
if (recovery > bestRecovery) {
bestRecovery = recovery;
return bestRecovery;
/** Возвращает разницу в здоровье атакующей команды после и до битвы и проверяет здоровье титанов на необходимый минимум*/
function getRecovery(result) {
if (result.result.stars < 3) {
return -100;
let beforeSumFactor = 0;
let afterSumFactor = 0;
let beforeTitans = result.battleData.attackers;
let afterTitans = result.progress[0].attackers.heroes;
for (let i in afterTitans) {
let titan = afterTitans[i];
let percentHP = titan.hp / beforeTitans[i].hp;
let energy = titan.energy;
let factor = checkTitan(i, energy, percentHP) ? getFactor(i, energy, percentHP) : -100;
afterSumFactor += factor;
for (let i in beforeTitans) {
let titan = beforeTitans[i];
let state = titan.state;
beforeSumFactor += !!state ? getFactor(i, state.energy, state.hp / titan.hp) : 1;
return afterSumFactor - beforeSumFactor;
/** Возвращает состояние титана*/
function getFactor(id, energy, percentHP) {
let elemantId = id.slice(2, 3);
let isEarthOrFire = elemantId == '1' || elemantId == '2';
let energyBonus = id == '4020' && energy == 1000 ? 0.1 : energy / 20000.0;
let factor = percentHP + energyBonus;
return isEarthOrFire ? factor : factor / 10;
/** Проверяет состояние титана*/
function checkTitan(id, energy, percentHP) {
switch (id) {
case '4020':
return percentHP > 0.25 || (energy == 1000 && percentHP > 0.05);
case '4010':
return percentHP + energy / 2000.0 > 0.63;
case '4000':
return percentHP > 0.62 || (energy < 1000 && ((percentHP > 0.45 && energy >= 400) || (percentHP > 0.3 && energy >= 670)));
return true;
/** Начинаем бой */
function startBattle(teamNum, attackerType, args) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
args.teamNum = teamNum;
let startBattleCall = {
calls: [
name: 'dungeonStartBattle',
ident: 'body',
send(JSON.stringify(startBattleCall), resultBattle, {
/** Возращает результат боя в промис */
/*function resultBattle(resultBattles, args) {
if (!!resultBattles && !!resultBattles.results) {
let battleData = resultBattles.results[0].result.response;
let battleType = "get_tower";
if (battleData.type == "dungeon_titan") {
battleType = "get_titan";
battleData.progress = [{ attackers: { input: ["auto", 0, 0, "auto", 0, 0] } }];//тест подземка правки
BattleCalc(battleData, battleType, function (result) {
result.teamNum = args.teamNum;
result.attackerType = args.attackerType;
} else {
endDungeon('Потеряна связь с сервером игры!', 'break');
function resultBattle(resultBattles, args) {
battleData = resultBattles.results[0].result.response;
battleType = 'get_tower';
if (battleData.type == 'dungeon_titan') {
battleType = 'get_titan';
battleData.progress = [{ attackers: { input: ['auto', 0, 0, 'auto', 0, 0] } }];
BattleCalc(battleData, battleType, function (result) {
result.teamNum = args.teamNum;
result.attackerType = args.attackerType;
/** Заканчиваем бой */
async function endBattle(battleInfo) {
if (!!battleInfo) {
const args = {
result: battleInfo.result,
progress: battleInfo.progress,
if (battleInfo.result.stars < 3) {
endDungeon('Герой или Титан мог погибнуть в бою!', battleInfo);
if (countPredictionCard > 0) {
args.isRaid = true;
} else {
const timer = getTimer(battleInfo.battleTime);
await countdownTimer(timer, `${I18N('DUNGEON')}: ${I18N('TITANIT')} ${dungeonActivity}/${maxDungeonActivity} ${talentMsg}`);
const calls = [
name: 'dungeonEndBattle',
ident: 'body',
lastDungeonBattleData = null;
send(JSON.stringify({ calls }), resultEndBattle);
} else {
endDungeon('dungeonEndBattle win: false\n', battleInfo);
/** Получаем и обрабатываем результаты боя */
function resultEndBattle(e) {
if (!!e && !!e.results) {
let battleResult = e.results[0].result.response;
if ('error' in battleResult) {
endDungeon('errorBattleResult', battleResult);
let dungeonGetInfo = battleResult.dungeon ?? battleResult;
dungeonActivity += battleResult.reward.dungeonActivity ?? 0;
} else {
endDungeon('Потеряна связь с сервером игры!', 'break');
/** Добавить команду титанов в общий список команд */
function addTeam(team) {
for (let i in countTeam) {
if (equalsTeam(countTeam[i].team, team)) {
countTeam.push({ team: team, count: 1 });
/** Сравнить команды на равенство */
function equalsTeam(team1, team2) {
if (team1.length == team2.length) {
for (let i in team1) {
if (team1[i] != team2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
function saveProgress() {
let saveProgressCall = {
calls: [
name: 'dungeonSaveProgress',
args: {},
ident: 'body',
send(JSON.stringify(saveProgressCall), resultEndBattle);
/** Выводит статистику прохождения подземелья */
function showStats() {
let activity = dungeonActivity - startDungeonActivity;
let workTime = clone(timeDungeon);
workTime.all = new Date().getTime() - workTime.all;
for (let i in workTime) {
workTime[i] = Math.round(workTime[i] / 1000);
countTeam.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.count - a.count;
console.log('Собрано титанита: ', activity);
console.log('Скорость сбора: ' + Math.round((3600 * activity) / workTime.all) + ' титанита/час');
console.log('Время раскопок: ');
for (let i in workTime) {
let timeNow = workTime[i];
i + ': ',
Math.round(timeNow / 3600) + ' ч. ' + Math.round((timeNow % 3600) / 60) + ' мин. ' + (timeNow % 60) + ' сек.'
console.log('Частота использования команд: ');
for (let i in countTeam) {
let teams = countTeam[i];
console.log(teams.team + ': ', teams.count);
/** Заканчиваем копать подземелье */
function endDungeon(reason, info) {
if (!end) {
end = true;
console.log(reason, info);
if (info == 'break') {
'Dungeon stoped: Титанит ' + dungeonActivity + '/' + maxDungeonActivity + '\r\nПотеряна связь с сервером игры!',
} else {
setProgress('Dungeon completed: Титанит ' + dungeonActivity + '/' + maxDungeonActivity, false, hideProgress);
setTimeout(cheats.refreshGame, 1000);
this.HWHClasses.executeDungeon = executeDungeon;
class executeAdventure {
type = 'default';
actions = {
default: {
getInfo: 'adventure_getInfo',
startBattle: 'adventure_turnStartBattle',
endBattle: 'adventure_endBattle',
collectBuff: 'adventure_turnCollectBuff',
solo: {
getInfo: 'adventureSolo_getInfo',
startBattle: 'adventureSolo_turnStartBattle',
endBattle: 'adventureSolo_endBattle',
collectBuff: 'adventureSolo_turnCollectBuff',
terminatеReason = I18N('UNKNOWN');
callAdventureInfo = {
name: 'adventure_getInfo',
args: {},
ident: 'adventure_getInfo',
callTeamGetAll = {
name: 'teamGetAll',
args: {},
ident: 'teamGetAll',
callTeamGetFavor = {
name: 'teamGetFavor',
args: {},
ident: 'teamGetFavor',
callStartBattle = {
name: 'adventure_turnStartBattle',
args: {},
ident: 'body',
callEndBattle = {
name: 'adventure_endBattle',
args: {
result: {},
progress: {},
ident: 'body',
callCollectBuff = {
name: 'adventure_turnCollectBuff',
args: {},
ident: 'body',
constructor(resolve, reject) {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
async start(type) {
this.type = type || this.type;
this.callAdventureInfo.name = this.actions[this.type].getInfo;
const data = await Send(
calls: [this.callAdventureInfo, this.callTeamGetAll, this.callTeamGetFavor],
return this.checkAdventureInfo(data.results);
async getPath() {
const oldVal = getSaveVal('adventurePath', '');
const keyPath = `adventurePath:${this.mapIdent}`;
const answer = await popup.confirm(I18N('ENTER_THE_PATH'), [
placeholder: '1,2,3,4,5,6',
isInput: true,
default: getSaveVal(keyPath, oldVal),
msg: I18N('BTN_CANCEL'),
result: false,
isCancel: true,
if (!answer) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('BTN_CANCELED');
return false;
let path = answer.split(',');
if (path.length < 2) {
path = answer.split('-');
if (path.length < 2) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('MUST_TWO_POINTS');
return false;
for (let p in path) {
path[p] = +path[p].trim();
if (Number.isNaN(path[p])) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('MUST_ONLY_NUMBERS');
return false;
if (!this.checkPath(path)) {
return false;
setSaveVal(keyPath, answer);
return path;
checkPath(path) {
for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
const currentPoint = path[i];
const nextPoint = path[i + 1];
const isValidPath = this.paths.some(
(p) => (p.from_id === currentPoint && p.to_id === nextPoint) || (p.from_id === nextPoint && p.to_id === currentPoint)
if (!isValidPath) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('INCORRECT_WAY', {
from: currentPoint,
to: nextPoint,
return false;
return true;
async checkAdventureInfo(data) {
this.advInfo = data[0].result.response;
if (!this.advInfo) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('NOT_ON_AN_ADVENTURE');
return this.end();
const heroesTeam = data[1].result.response.adventure_hero;
const favor = data[2]?.result.response.adventure_hero;
const heroes = heroesTeam.slice(0, 5);
const pet = heroesTeam[5];
this.args = {
path: [],
broadcast: false,
const userInfo = getUserInfo();
const advUserInfo = this.advInfo.users[userInfo.id];
this.turnsLeft = advUserInfo.turnsLeft;
this.currentNode = advUserInfo.currentNode;
this.nodes = this.advInfo.nodes;
this.paths = this.advInfo.paths;
this.mapIdent = this.advInfo.mapIdent;
this.path = await this.getPath();
if (!this.path) {
return this.end();
if (this.currentNode == 1 && this.path[0] != 1) {
return this.loop();
async loop() {
const position = this.path.indexOf(+this.currentNode);
if (!~position) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('YOU_IN_NOT_ON_THE_WAY');
return this.end();
this.path = this.path.slice(position);
if (
this.path.length - 1 > this.turnsLeft &&
(await popup.confirm(I18N('ATTEMPTS_NOT_ENOUGH'), [
{ msg: I18N('YES_CONTINUE'), result: false },
{ msg: I18N('BTN_NO'), result: true },
) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('NOT_ENOUGH_AP');
return this.end();
const toPath = [];
for (const nodeId of this.path) {
if (!this.turnsLeft) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('ATTEMPTS_ARE_OVER');
return this.end();
if (toPath.length > 1) {
setProgress(toPath.join(' > ') + ` ${I18N('MOVES')}: ` + this.turnsLeft);
if (nodeId == this.currentNode) {
const nodeInfo = this.getNodeInfo(nodeId);
if (nodeInfo.type == 'TYPE_COMBAT') {
if (nodeInfo.state == 'empty') {
* Disable regular battle cancellation
* Отключаем штатную отменую боя
if (await this.battle(toPath)) {
toPath.splice(0, toPath.indexOf(nodeId));
nodeInfo.state = 'empty';
return this.end();
if (nodeInfo.type == 'TYPE_PLAYERBUFF') {
const buff = this.checkBuff(nodeInfo);
if (buff == null) {
if (await this.collectBuff(buff, toPath)) {
toPath.splice(0, toPath.indexOf(nodeId));
this.terminatеReason = I18N('BUFF_GET_ERROR');
return this.end();
this.terminatеReason = I18N('SUCCESS');
return this.end();
* Carrying out a fight
* Проведение боя
async battle(path, preCalc = true) {
const data = await this.startBattle(path);
try {
const battle = data.results[0].result.response.battle;
let result = await Calc(battle);
if (!result.result.win) {
const { WinFixBattle } = HWHClasses;
const cloneBattle = structuredClone(battle);
const bFix = new WinFixBattle(cloneBattle);
const endTime = Date.now() + 1e4; // 10 sec
const fixResult = await bFix.start(endTime, Infinity);
if (fixResult.value) {
result = fixResult;
if (result.result.win) {
const info = await this.endBattle(result);
if (info.results[0].result.response?.error) {
this.terminatеReason = I18N('BATTLE_END_ERROR');
return false;
} else {
await this.cancelBattle(result);
if (preCalc && (await this.preCalcBattle(battle))) {
path = path.slice(-2);
for (let i = 1; i <= getInput('countAutoBattle'); i++) {
setProgress(`${I18N('AUTOBOT')}: ${i}/${getInput('countAutoBattle')}`);
const result = await this.battle(path, false);
if (result) {
return true;
this.terminatеReason = I18N('FAILED_TO_WIN_AUTO');
return false;
return false;
} catch (error) {
if (
await popup.confirm(I18N('ERROR_OF_THE_BATTLE_COPY'), [
{ msg: I18N('BTN_NO'), result: false },
{ msg: I18N('BTN_YES'), result: true },
) {
this.errorHandling(error, data);
this.terminatеReason = I18N('ERROR_DURING_THE_BATTLE');
return false;
return true;
* Recalculate battles
* Прерасчтет битвы
async preCalcBattle(battle) {
const countTestBattle = getInput('countTestBattle');
for (let i = 0; i < countTestBattle; i++) {
battle.seed = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + random(0, 1e3);
const result = await Calc(battle);
if (result.result.win) {
console.log(i, countTestBattle);
return true;
this.terminatеReason = I18N('NO_CHANCE_WIN') + countTestBattle;
return false;
* Starts a fight
* Начинает бой
startBattle(path) {
this.args.path = path;
this.callStartBattle.name = this.actions[this.type].startBattle;
this.callStartBattle.args = this.args;
const calls = [this.callStartBattle];
return Send(JSON.stringify({ calls }));
cancelBattle(battle) {
const fixBattle = function (heroes) {
for (const ids in heroes) {
const hero = heroes[ids];
hero.energy = random(1, 999);
if (hero.hp > 0) {
hero.hp = random(1, hero.hp);
return this.endBattle(battle);
* Ends the fight
* Заканчивает бой
endBattle(battle) {
this.callEndBattle.name = this.actions[this.type].endBattle;
this.callEndBattle.args.result = battle.result;
this.callEndBattle.args.progress = battle.progress;
const calls = [this.callEndBattle];
return Send(JSON.stringify({ calls }));
* Checks if you can get a buff
* Проверяет можно ли получить баф
checkBuff(nodeInfo) {
let id = null;
let value = 0;
for (const buffId in nodeInfo.buffs) {
const buff = nodeInfo.buffs[buffId];
if (buff.owner == null && buff.value > value) {
id = buffId;
value = buff.value;
nodeInfo.buffs[id].owner = 'Я';
return id;
* Collects a buff
* Собирает баф
async collectBuff(buff, path) {
this.callCollectBuff.name = this.actions[this.type].collectBuff;
this.callCollectBuff.args = { buff, path };
const calls = [this.callCollectBuff];
return Send(JSON.stringify({ calls }));
getNodeInfo(nodeId) {
return this.nodes.find((node) => node.id == nodeId);
errorHandling(error, data) {
let errorInfo = error.toString() + '\n';
try {
const errorStack = error.stack.split('\n');
const endStack = errorStack.map((e) => e.split('@')[0]).indexOf('testAdventure');
errorInfo += errorStack.slice(0, endStack).join('\n');
} catch (e) {
errorInfo += error.stack;
if (data) {
errorInfo += '\nData: ' + JSON.stringify(data);
end() {
setProgress(this.terminatеReason, true);
this.HWHClasses.executeAdventure = executeAdventure;