// ==UserScript==
// @name Bangumi 话题浏览历史记录
// @version 2.5
// @description null
// @author Sedoruee
// @match https://bgm.tv/*
// @match https://bangumi.tv/*
// @match http://bgm.tv/*
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1383632
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
const P=7,D='sedoruee_app_history_dock',M='sedoruee_app_history_dock_menu',W='sedoruee_app_history_main_window',C='sedoruee_app_history_center',T='sedoruee_app_history_tabs',N='sedoruee_app_history_content',A='sedoruee_app_history_tab',S='sedoruee_app_history_tab_selected',B='sedoruee_app_history_dock_menu_tab',L='sedoruee_app_history_list',I='sedoruee_app_history_item',G='sedoruee_app_history_loading',V='sedoruee_app_history_type_select',E='sedoruee_app_history_theme_select';
const K = {
'人民粉': {
name: 'People\'s Pink',
description: '温柔的粉色主题,代表着人民的温暖和幸福。',
bor: '#f09199',
tabBg: '#ffb2c1',
tabS: '#f09199',
hovBg: '#f8d7e1',
load: '#f09199',
bg: ['linear-gradient(45deg, #ffb2c1 0%, #ffffff 70%)', 'linear-gradient(-45deg, #ffe0e6 0%, #ffffff 50%)']
'中华金': {
name: 'China Gold',
description: '辉煌的金色主题,象征着中华民族的繁荣昌盛。',
bor: '#FFD700',
tabBg: '#FFFACD',
tabS: '#FFD700',
hovBg: '#FFF8DC',
load: '#FFD700',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #FFFACD, #fff8dc 50%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #fff8dc , #fffffa 50%)']
'共产红': {
name: 'Communist Red',
description: '鲜艳的红色主题,代表着共产主义的革命精神。',
bor: '#FF0000',
tabBg: '#FF4D4D',
tabS: '#FF0000',
hovBg: '#FF8080',
load: '#FF0000',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom, #FF4D4D 0%, #ffffff 50%)', 'linear-gradient(to top, #FF8080 0%, #fff0f0 60%)']
'神州紫': {
name: 'Divine Purple',
description: '神秘的紫色主题,象征着神州的庄严和神圣。',
bor: '#9400D3',
tabBg: '#BA55D3',
tabS: '#9400D3',
hovBg: '#E6A3ED',
load: '#9400D3',
bg: ['linear-gradient(135deg, #BA55D3 0%, #ffffff 60%)', 'linear-gradient(-135deg, #E6A3ED 0%, #f0f0f8 60%)']
'华夏黄': {
name: 'Huaxia Yellow',
description: '明亮的黄色主题,象征着华夏文明的辉煌和灿烂。',
bor: '#FFFF00',
tabBg: '#FFFACD',
tabS: '#FFFF00',
hovBg: '#FFFFE0',
load: '#FFFF00',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom right, #FFFACD 0%, #FFFFE0 50%, #ffffff 80%)', 'linear-gradient(to top left, #FFFFE0 0%, #fffffa 60%)']
'盛世青': {
name: 'Prosperous Green',
description: '清新的青色主题,象征着盛世的活力和希望。',
bor: '#008080',
tabBg: '#20B2AA',
tabS: '#008080',
hovBg: '#7FFFD4',
load: '#008080',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #20B2AA 0%, #7FFFD4 40%, #ffffff 80%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #7FFFD4 0%, #e0ffff 70%)']
'龙魂墨': {
name: 'Dragon Ink',
description: '沉稳的黑色主题,象征着龙的威严和力量。',
bor: '#000000',
tabBg: '#404040',
tabS: '#000000',
hovBg: '#808080',
load: '#000000',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom, #404040 0%, #808080 40%,#ffffff 80%)', 'linear-gradient(to top, #808080 0%, #f0f0f0 60%)']
'强国碧': {
name: 'Powerful Green',
description: '稳重的绿色主题,象征着强国的崛起和发展。',
bor: '#008000',
tabBg: '#90EE90',
tabS: '#008000',
hovBg: '#C1FFC1',
load: '#008000',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #90EE90 0%, #C1FFC1 50%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #C1FFC1 0%, #f0fff0 50%)']
'复兴紫': {
name: 'Rejuvenation Purple',
description: '高贵的紫色主题,象征着民族复兴的伟大目标。',
bor: '#800080',
tabBg: '#DA70D6',
tabS: '#800080',
hovBg: '#EE82EE',
load: '#800080',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom right, #DA70D6 0%, #EE82EE 50%, #ffffff 70%)', 'linear-gradient(to top left, #EE82EE 0%, #f0f0ff 60%)']
'富强蓝': {
name: 'Prosperity Blue',
description: '深邃的蓝色主题,象征着国家的富强和繁荣。',
bor: '#0000FF',
tabBg: '#87CEFA',
tabS: '#0000FF',
hovBg: '#ADD8E6',
load: '#0000FF',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #87CEFA 0%,#ADD8E6 40%,#ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #ADD8E6 0%,#e0f0ff 70%)']
'核酸白': {
name: 'Nucleic Acid White',
description: '纯洁的白色主题,代表着抗击疫情的决心和力量。',
bor: '#F0F8FF',
tabBg: '#E0F7FF',
tabS: '#F0F8FF',
hovBg: '#F8F8FF',
load: '#F0F8FF',
bg: ['linear-gradient(135deg, #E0F7FF 0%, #ffffff 80%)', 'linear-gradient(-135deg, #F0F8FF 0%, #ffffff 70%)']
'中国航天银': {
name: 'China Aerospace Silver',
description: '科技感十足的银色主题,象征着中国航天事业的辉煌成就。',
bor: '#C0C0C0',
tabBg: '#D3D3D3',
tabS: '#C0C0C0',
hovBg: '#E0E0E0',
load: '#C0C0C0',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom, #D3D3D3 0%,#E0E0E0 50%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to top, #E0E0E0 0%, #f8f8f8 70%)']
'丝绸之路骆驼棕': {
name: 'Silk Road Camel Brown',
description: '古朴的棕色主题,象征着丝绸之路的辉煌历史和文化。',
bor: '#A0522D',
tabBg: '#D2B48C',
tabS: '#A0522D',
hovBg: '#E6D0B4',
load: '#A0522D',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #D2B48C 0%, #E6D0B4 40%,#ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #E6D0B4 0%,#f0e0d0 70%)']
'长城灰': {
name: 'Great Wall Grey',
description: '坚实的灰色主题,象征着万里长城的雄伟和坚韧。',
bor: '#696969',
tabBg: '#A9A9A9',
tabS: '#696969',
hovBg: '#D3D3D3',
load: '#696969',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right bottom, #A9A9A9 0%, #D3D3D3 50%,#ffffff 80%)', 'linear-gradient(to left top, #D3D3D3 0%,#e0e0e0 60%)']
'熊猫黑': {
name: 'Panda Black',
description: '可爱的黑色主题,象征着国宝熊猫的憨态可掬。',
bor: '#000000',
tabBg: '#2F4F4F',
tabS: '#000000',
hovBg: '#696969',
load: '#000000',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom, #2F4F4F 0%, #696969 50%,#ffffff 80%)', 'linear-gradient(to top, #696969 0%, #f0f0f0 60%)']
'青花瓷蓝': {
name: 'Porcelain Blue',
description: '典雅的蓝色主题,象征着青花瓷的古典韵味和文化传承。',
bor: '#1E90FF',
tabBg: '#ADD8E6',
tabS: '#1E90FF',
hovBg: '#B0E0E6',
load: '#1E90FF',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #ADD8E6 0%, #B0E0E6 40%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #B0E0E6 0%, #f0f8ff 70%)']
'中国茉莉白': {
name: 'Jasmine White',
description: '清新的白色主题,象征着茉莉花的纯洁和美好。',
bor: '#F0F8FF',
tabBg: '#FAF0E6',
tabS: '#F0F8FF',
hovBg: '#FFF5EE',
load: '#F0F8FF',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom right, #FAF0E6 0%, #FFF5EE 50%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to top left, #FFF5EE 0%, #f8f0ff 70%)']
'中华希望橙': {
name: 'Hope Orange',
description: '温暖的橙色主题,象征着中华民族的希望和未来。',
bor: '#FFA500',
tabBg: '#FFDAB9',
tabS: '#FFA500',
hovBg: '#FFE4C4',
load: '#FFA500',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #FFDAB9 0%,#FFE4C4 40%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #FFE4C4 0%, #fff0e0 70%)']
'华为MateXT红': {
name: 'Huawei Mate Red',
description: '科技感十足的红色主题,象征着华为 Mate 系列的创新精神。',
bor: '#E53935',
tabBg: '#FFCDD2',
tabS: '#E53935',
hovBg: '#FFEBEE',
load: '#E53935',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom, #FFCDD2 0%, #FFEBEE 50%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to top, #FFEBEE 0%, #fff0f0 70%)']
'华为Pura陶瓷棕': {
name: 'Huawei Pura Brown',
description: '简约的陶瓷棕主题,象征着华为 Pura 系列的精湛工艺。',
bor: '#8D6E63',
tabBg: '#D7CCC8',
tabS: '#8D6E63',
hovBg: '#EFEBE9',
load: '#8D6E63',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #D7CCC8 0%, #EFEBE9 40%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #EFEBE9 0%, #f8f0f0 70%)']
'中国航天蓝': {
name: 'China Aerospace Blue',
description: '深邃的蓝色主题,象征着中国航天事业的广阔和深远。',
bor: '#0D47A1',
tabBg: '#90CAF9',
tabS: '#0D47A1',
hovBg: '#E3F2FD',
load: '#0D47A1',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to bottom, #90CAF9 0%, #E3F2FD 50%,#ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to top, #E3F2FD 0%, #e0f8ff 70%)']
'北斗航天金': {
name: 'Beidou Gold',
description: '璀璨的金色主题,象征着北斗导航系统的精准和卓越。',
bor: '#FFD700',
tabBg: '#FFF8DC',
tabS: '#FFD700',
hovBg: '#FFFACD',
load: '#FFD700',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right, #FFF8DC 0%, #FFFACD 40%,#ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left, #FFFACD 0%,#fffaf0 70%)']
'复兴号蓝': {
name: 'Fuxing Hao Blue',
description: '现代的蓝色主题,象征着复兴号高铁的速度和创新。',
bor: '#0052CC',
tabBg: '#BBDEFB',
tabS: '#0052CC',
hovBg: '#E3F2FD',
load: '#0052CC',
bg: ['linear-gradient(to right bottom, #BBDEFB 0%,#E3F2FD 40%, #ffffff 90%)', 'linear-gradient(to left top, #E3F2FD 0%,#f0f8ff 70%)']
'機巧夢幻': { // 蒸汽朋克风格,齿轮与幻想
name: 'Steampunk Dream', //英文名更简洁
description: '蒸汽朋克风格,以浅灰蓝为主色调,通过渐变背景和机械齿轮元素,营造复古工业氛围。',
bor: '#546E7A', // 深灰蓝
tabBg: '#90A4AE', // 浅灰蓝,主色调
tabS: '#37474F', // 深灰,更沉稳
hovBg: '#B0BEC5', // 悬停背景浅灰
load: '#546E7A', // 加载条深灰蓝
bg: [
'linear-gradient(45deg, #90A4AE 0%, #E0E0E0 70%)', // 浅灰渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(-45deg, #B0BEC5 0%, #F5F5F5 50%)' // 更浅灰渐变
'霊魂廻路': { // 赛博庭院,灵魂与电子回路
name: 'Cyber Soul Circuit', //英文名更贴切
description: '赛博朋克风格,以洋红为主色调,通过霓虹渐变和电子回路图案,展现未来科技感。',
bor: '#4A148C', // 深紫
tabBg: '#9C27B0', // 洋红,主色调
tabS: '#311B92', // 深紫,更沉稳
hovBg: '#BA68C8', // 悬停背景亮紫
load: '#4A148C', // 加载条深紫
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to bottom, #9C27B0 0%, #E1BEE7 50%)', // 紫红渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to top, #BA68C8 0%, #F3E5F5 60%)' // 浅紫渐变
'幽玄侘寂': { // 日式侘寂风,古朴与宁静之美
name: 'Wabi-Sabi Serenity', //英文名更传神
description: '日式侘寂风格,以棕色为主色调,通过泥土色渐变和粗糙纹理,营造古朴宁静氛围。',
bor: '#4E342E', // 深棕
tabBg: '#8D6E63', // 棕色,主色调
tabS: '#3E2723', // 深棕,更沉稳
hovBg: '#A1887F', // 悬停背景浅棕
load: '#4E342E', // 加载条深棕
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #8D6E63 0%, #BCAAA4 40%, #F5F5F5 80%)', // 棕色渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to left, #A1887F 0%, #F0F0F0 70%)' // 浅棕渐变
'月影流転': { // 水墨风,月影流转,禅意
name: 'Moonlit Ink Flow', //英文名更具诗意
description: '水墨风格,以灰蓝色为主色调,通过水墨晕染和宣纸纹理,展现月影流转的禅意。',
bor: '#263238', // 深灰
tabBg: '#607D8B', // 灰蓝,主色调
tabS: '#1A237E', // 深灰,更沉稳
hovBg: '#90A4AE', // 悬停背景浅灰蓝
load: '#263238', // 加载条深灰
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to bottom, #607D8B 0%, #CFD8DC 50%,#FAFAFA 80%)', // 灰蓝渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to top, #90A4AE 0%, #F5F5F5 60%)' // 浅灰蓝渐变
'桜花飛沫': { // 和风浪漫,樱花飞舞,少女心
name: 'Sakura Blossom Flutter', //英文名更浪漫
description: '和风浪漫风格,以浅粉红为主色调,通过樱花花瓣渐变和柔和的线条,展现唯美柔情。',
bor: '#E91E63', // 粉红
tabBg: '#F8BBD0', // 浅粉红,主色调
tabS: '#C2185B', // 深粉,更沉稳
hovBg: '#FCE4EC',// 悬停背景更浅粉
load: '#E91E63', // 加载条粉红
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #F8BBD0 0%,#FCE4EC 50%,#FFFFFF 90%)', // 粉红渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to left, #FCE4EC 0%,#F5F5F5 70%)' // 浅粉渐变
'星河曼陀羅':{ // 星河,曼陀罗,神秘宇宙
name: 'Cosmic Mandala', //英文名更神秘
description: '宇宙星河风格,以紫色为主色调,通过星空渐变和曼陀罗图案,展现宇宙的神秘力量。',
bor: '#311B92', // 深蓝紫
tabBg: '#673AB7', // 紫色,主色调
tabS: '#1A237E',// 深蓝紫,更沉稳
hovBg: '#9575CD', // 悬停背景浅紫
load: '#311B92', // 加载条深蓝紫
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to bottom, #673AB7 0%, #D1C4E9 50%,#FFFFFF 90%)', // 紫渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to top, #9575CD 0%, #F0F0F8 60%)' // 浅紫渐变
'風鈴残響':{ // 风铃,残响,清凉夏日
name: 'Wind Chime Echo', //英文名更清新
description: '风铃主题,以浅绿为主色调,通过清凉渐变和风铃图案,展现夏日的宁静与美好。',
bor: '#00695C', // 深绿
tabBg: '#4DB6AC', // 浅绿,主色调
tabS: '#004D40', // 深绿,更沉稳
hovBg: '#80CBC4', // 悬停背景浅绿
load: '#00695C', // 加载条深绿
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #4DB6AC 0%, #80CBC4 50%,#FFFFFF 90%)', // 浅绿渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to left, #80CBC4 0%, #E0F7FA 70%)' // 更浅绿渐变
'古刹夕照':{ // 古刹,夕阳,宁静致远
name: 'Temple Twilight', //英文名更禅意
description: '古刹主题,以浅棕色为主色调,通过夕阳渐变和古建筑图案,展现宁静致远的禅意。',
bor: '#A1887F', // 棕色
tabBg: '#BCAAA4', // 浅棕,主色调
tabS: '#795548', // 深棕,更沉稳
hovBg: '#D7CCC8', // 悬停背景浅棕
load: '#A1887F', // 加载条棕色
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to bottom right, #BCAAA4 0%, #D7CCC8 50%,#FFFFFF 80%)', // 浅棕渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to top left, #D7CCC8 0%,#F5F5F5 60%)' // 更浅棕渐变
'竹林清音':{ // 竹林,清音,宁静自然
name: 'Bamboo Grove Serenade', //英文名更清新
description: '竹林主题,以绿色为主色调,通过竹叶渐变和柔和的光影,展现清幽宁静的自然风光。',
bor: '#2E7D32', // 深绿
tabBg: '#66BB6A', // 绿色,主色调
tabS: '#1B5E20', // 深绿,更沉稳
hovBg: '#A5D6A7', // 悬停背景浅绿
load: '#2E7D32', // 加载条深绿
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #66BB6A 0%, #A5D6A7 40%,#FFFFFF 90%)', // 绿渐变,主色调
'linear-gradient(to left, #A5D6A7 0%,#E8F5E9 70%)' // 浅绿渐变
'星条旗帜': {
name: 'Stars and Stripes',
description: '美国国旗主题,以浅蓝色和红色为主色调,通过红白蓝渐变和星条旗元素,展现自由精神。',
bor: '#B22234',
tabBg: '#000080',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F8FF',
load: '#B22234',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #B22234 55%, #FFFFFF 95%,#000080 35%), linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(230, 230, 250, 0.2) 0%, rgba(240, 248, 255, 0.2) 50%)'
'枫叶之舞': {
name: 'Maple Leaf Dance',
description: '加拿大国旗主题,以白色和红色为主色调,通过红白渐变和枫叶图案,展现热情活力。',
bor: '#FF0000',
tabBg: '#FF0000',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#FF0000',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #FF0000 15%, #FFFFFF 55%, #FF0000 85%), linear-gradient(to top, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
'日出之樱': {
name: 'Rising Sun Sakura',
description: '日本国旗主题,以白色和红色为主色调,通过红白渐变和日出图案,展现希望和美好。',
bor: '#BC002D',
tabBg: '#BC002D',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#BC002D',
bg: [
'radial-gradient(circle at center, #BC002D 30%, #FFFFFF 30%), linear-gradient(to left, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 70%)'
'三色鸢尾': {
name: 'Tricolor Iris',
description: '法国国旗主题,以白色、蓝色和红色为主色调,通过蓝白红渐变和鸢尾花图案,展现浪漫和优雅。',
bor: '#00008B',
tabBg: '#00008B',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#00008B',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #00008B 15%, #FFFFFF 40%, #FF4500 70%,#FFFFFF 95%), linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
'狮心金盾': {
name: 'Lionheart Shield',
description: '英国国旗主题,以白色、蓝色和红色为主色调,通过蓝白红渐变和狮子盾牌图案,展现权威和力量。',
bor: '#000080',
tabBg: '#000080',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#000080',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #000080 15%, #FFFFFF 40%, #C00000 70%,#FFFFFF 95%), linear-gradient(to top, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
'热情桑巴': {
name: 'Samba Fever',
description: '巴西国旗主题,以绿色、黄色和蓝色为主色调,通过鲜艳渐变和桑巴元素,展现热情和活力。',
bor: '#008000',
tabBg: '#008000',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#008000',
bg: [
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'猎豹之跃': {
name: 'Leopard Leap',
description: '南非国旗主题,以黑色、黄色和蓝色为主色调,通过大胆渐变和猎豹元素,展现野性和力量。',
bor: '#000000',
tabBg: '#000000',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#000000',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to bottom right, #000000 15%, #FFFF00 35%,#0000FF 65% ,#FFFFFF 95%), linear-gradient(to top right, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
'北欧极光': {
name: 'Nordic Aurora',
description: '北欧国旗主题,以白色、蓝色和红色为主色调,通过冷色渐变和极光图案,展现神秘和迷幻。',
bor: '#00008B',
tabBg: '#00008B',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#00008B',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to bottom, #00008B 15%,#FFFFFF 40%,#C00000 70%, #FFFFFF 95%), linear-gradient(to left, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
'赤道烈阳': {
name: 'Equatorial Sun',
description: '赤道国家国旗主题,以黄色、红色和黑色为主色调,通过暖色渐变和太阳图案,展现热情和活力。',
bor: '#FFFF00',
tabBg: '#FF0000',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#FFFF00',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #FFFF00 15%,#FF0000 55%,#000000 95%), linear-gradient(to top, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
'神圣新月': {
name: 'Sacred Crescent',
description: '伊斯兰国家国旗主题,以绿色和白色为主色调,通过绿白渐变和新月图案,展现虔诚和信仰。',
bor: '#008000',
tabBg: '#008000',
tabS: '#808080',
hovBg: '#F0F0F0',
load: '#008000',
bg: [
'linear-gradient(to right, #008000 15%, #FFFFFF 85%), linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.2) 0%, rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.2) 50%)'
const F=d=>{const y=d.getFullYear(),m=(d.getMonth()+1).toString().padStart(2,'0'),dd=d.getDate().toString().padStart(2,'0');return `${y}-${m}-${dd}`};
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const Cs=()=>{const {t}=Gt();return `<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">显示类型:<select id="${V}"><option value="all" ${t==='all'?'selected':''}>全部</option><option value="topic" ${t==='topic'?'selected':''}>帖子</option><option value="subject" ${t==='subject'?'selected':''}>条目</option></select></div>`};
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const Cm=()=>{
return`<div style="margin-top: 10px;">去重模式:<select id="deduplicationModeSelect"><option value="notDeduplicate" ${m==='notDeduplicate'?'selected':''}>不去重</option><option value="deduplicate" ${m==='deduplicate'?'selected':''}>去重</option><option value="deduplicateToday" ${m==='deduplicateToday'?'selected':''}>去重(仅当天)</option></select>区分楼层:<select id="distinguishFloorModeSelect"><option value="notDistinguish" ${f==='notDistinguish'?'selected':''}>不区分</option><option value="distinguish" ${f==='distinguish'?'selected':''}>区分</option></select></div>`
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const Ct=()=>{
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for(const n in K){o+=`<option value="${n}" ${e===n?'selected':''}>${n}</option>`}
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if(t==='subject')return h.filter(i=> /subject\/\d+$/.test(i.url));
return h
const Fs=(h,m,f)=>{
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let r=[],d=F(new Date);
const u=i.url,tp=i.type==='topic';
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const id=F(new Date(i.lastVisited));
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isd=r.some(fi=>{let fti;
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isd=r.some(fi=>{let fti;
const fid=F(new Date(fi.lastVisited));
return r;
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